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Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2008

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Dianna Wright, Tommy Taylor, Kris Meek, Michelle
Brown, Andrew Brown, Bill Schlautman and Rose Klein Neighbors: Tony Stemick and Stacie
Kris Meek made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report
as written. Seconded by Dianna Wright. Approved.
Planning for the upcoming Egg Hunt: Bill Schlautman will get a bull horn from school. Dave
Steiner will bring 10 chalkboard signs to mark areas for the hunt. Mike Crist stored all the
eggs since last year. Tommy Taylor got the eggs from Mike Crist and candy from Wal-Mart
and delivered it to Lancaster Manor several weeks ago so that the residents there could fill
the eggs for us. Tami Soper is getting some candy donated from CVS Drug Store on
Wednesday which is too late for it to be stuffed in plastic eggs, but if we need to we can hand
it out at the Egg Hunt. Rain has been forecast for the day of the Egg Hunt (May 22nd) if we
have to cancel the hunt we will reschedule it for the following Saturday (May 29th).
The age groupings for the hunt are:
1. Toddler to age 3 / North of the shelter
2. Pre-School and Kindergarten / South of the shelter
3. 1st Grade and 2nd Grade / South of the tennis court, west of sidewalk
4. 3rd Grade and 4th Grade / South of the tennis court
5. 5th Grade and 6th Grade / Egg toss on top of the hill after all the egg hunts
Kris Meek attended the last Mayor’s Round Table. She brought newsletters from other
neighborhood associations to share with us. Kris suggested that we could consider changing
the newsletter size in the future. Kris had 1,800 spring newsletters printed out at Quality
Press. They were delivered by the Boy Scouts over the last two weekends. We need to pay
the Boy Scouts a $150 for delivering the newsletter.
Andrew Brown asked the board if they liked the changes he has made to the web site. He is
listing the board members on the contacts page and posts the minutes when he receives
them. He will list Highlands’s resident’s garage sale ads on the web site for the upcoming
garage sales which will be on May 15-17.
City Park Planner Mark Canney couldn’t come to this meeting. He will be at the April meeting
to update us on his plans for West Highland Blvd., the roundabout on NW 13th and other
We discussed what topics would be of interest to the residents of the Highlands so that more
people would come to our meetings. At a previous meeting Fire Chief Niles Ford had offered
the services of the Fire Department to do a CPR class for the neighborhood.
This meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

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