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Ano Letivo 2012/2013 Teste de Ingls: MDULO 5 Teenage World Curso Profissional de Nvel Secundrio 11 ano Nome: ________________________________________

__ N __ Curso: __________________________________ Data: ___/___/___ Classif: ____________________

Jossie is texting on her phone. But shes embarrassed. Why? Because her phone is old and unfashionable and all of her friends have the latest BlackBerrys. The magazine CLUB investigates the power of brands in Britain. Here is their interview to 16 year old, Hannah.

CLUB: Which brands do you and your friends value and why? Hannah: Apple, BlackBerry, Topshop, Pandora and Hollister. These are all the good quality and well-known brands. Apple and BlackBerry smartphones have upto-date technology and are seen as in brands as they are stylish and fashionable. CLUB: What brands would you most like to have but cant afford? Hannah: I would love to be able to afford an Apple MacBook, but they are too expensive. Also, I would love to be able to always buy expensive make-up but instead I only buy one product every so often. CLUB: How do you feel if your friends have a brand but you dont? Hannah: When I was thirteen, my friend got a pair of UGG boots for her birthday. It was only a month before my birthday, so I begged and begged my parents for a pair, but they said they were too expensive. Now that I am older, I can see that they were right. And because everyone has a pair now, they dont seem as special. CLUB: Do you have any experience of brand bullying? Hannah: Yes, sometimes. When I was starting secondary school, a lot of older girls wore very expensive branded labels, and if you didnt wear these brands, then they made fun of you for having non-branded clothes. CLUB: Do you ever pressure your parents to buy you something even there is a cheaper and nice item available? Hannah: Yes, but only rarely. I buy most of my clothes out of my own money that I earn doing part-time jobs. But if Im shopping with my mum, I will beg her to get me one or two items. CLUB: Do you think having branded goods raise your social status? How? Hannah: Unfortunately, I think it does. If you see someone in head-to-toe designer clothes, then you automatically rank them as quite high in social status and quite rich.

Hannah, age 16
(This text was taken from CLUB magazine, March/April 2012, but it was some parts were slightly modified)

Text Comprehension A Read question 1 and 2 and write TRUE or FALSE next to each statement. 1. Hannah and her friends appreciate products from famous companies.. ________

2. Apple and BlackBerry are common phones. ________

3. If you have one of the brands mentioned above, you will look trendy. ________ 4. The reason why she doesnt have an Apple MacBook is due to the price. ________ 5. She buys expensive make-up every so often. ________
B - Read the rest of the questions and answer the following questions as completely as possible. 1. How old was she when her friend got the Ugg boots? _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Did Hannahs parents buy her what she asked for? _______________________________________

3. Does she understand her parents attitude now? ________________________________________ 4. Was she ever a victim of brand bullying? ______________________________________________

5. How did the older girls bully the younger ones? ________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ 6. How often does she pressure her parents to buy her the things she wants? ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

7. Does her mum pay for all her clothes? ________________________________________________ 8. According to Hannah, is there a connection between branded goods and social status?
_____________________________________________________________________________ C Read the first two questions again and find SYNOMYMS for these words. 1. famous

2. advanced 3. to be able to buy 4. costly

D. Read the last 3 questions and find and find ANTONYMS for these words.



2. always 3. low 4. poor

VOCABULARY A. Match the words that you learnt in this module to their Portuguese translation. WRITE THE 1. demanding 2. tease 3. craft your own 4. get on with 5. currently 6. advice 7. peers 8. allowance 9. designer labels 10. freedom a. criar o teu prprio b. atualmente c. conselhos d. pares e. gozar f. semanada/mesada g. roupas de marca h. liberdade i. exigente j. dar-se bem com

B. Fill in the gaps with words from the box. ( Insert the numbers that correspond to the words) 1. slums 2. unknown 3. trainers 4. study 5. afford 6. spend 7. think 8. seek 9. pleasures 10. secret

Could you live without labels?

You might ___ that having the latest gear will make you happy. But a recent ___ has shown that poor children in the ___ of India are happier than Britains teens even though they dont have Hollister hoodies or Adidas ___. Whats the ___ to happiness? Well, children in Delhi say they ___ quality time with their families and enjoy the simple ___ in life. Poormina Khatun works on a landfill in Delhi. Her family cannot ___newspapers or TV, and iPad is an ___ word. Whats that? Poormina asked. I can teach you how to play hide-and-___ if you tell me what an iPad is?

GRAMMAR A. Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun. Omit it (------) whenever possible. 1. The Plastic Monster is a man _______ made a costume out of 500 plastic bags. 2. The man _______ you saw making the fashion statement is Andy Keller.

3. The plastic bags _______ he is wearing draw peoples attention. 4. Keller, _______ bike is quite common, is riding across the U.S to spread the word about plastic bag waste. 5. Keller wears 500 bags, _______ is the number that the average American uses in one year. 6. Humans, _______waste so many plastic bags, create a sort of a bag monster every year.

B. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun. 1. Mary paid for her iPhone ______________________ 2. You all behaved ______________________ at the party. 3. The logo pays ______________________ off every time we buy a branded item. C. Put the sentences in the negative and interrogative form. 1. John used to have an old-fashioned phone. Neg: ___________________________________Interr: ______________________________________ D. Fill in the gaps with WILL or AM/IS/ARE GOING TO. 1. If you want, we __________________________(go) to the shopping center. 2. I have already decided. I __________________________(enter) the latest fashion chatroom. 3. I hope my parents __________________________( buy) me these cool trainers! 4. You spend too much time at the shopping center. You __________________________(become) addicted to shopping. 5. A: Ive lost my mobile phone. B: Dont worry! I __________________________(help) you find it. 4. Little Tom learnt how to use his mothers smartphone by ______________________. 5. We didnt go to the shopping ______________________. centers by

6. Im afraid my parents __________________________(not/be able) to afford the newest LG 3D TV. Writing

What type of teenager are you? Write about you, your interest in branded labels and say if they interfere with your relationship with your peers. (minimum 50 words)

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