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ALMOST THERE The College of Education has gone a long way.

In the course of time, many curriculum were revised, many practices have remained and has been intensified while some have just been introduced to the system as the Center of Excellence who adopts changes for a greater cause---and holding a Pinning and Moving Up Ceremony is one of these. The Pinning and Moving up Ceremony was scheduled on January 11, 2013 at 1 oclock in the afternoon at the MSU-IIT Gymnasium. In this academic year, 2012-2013, a new set of officers governed the Association of Student Teachers headed by Marywinbee M. Visitacion, a BEED English student, planned and worked for this one, remarkable event with the supervision and assistance of this years Practice Teaching Coordinator, Ruben L. Abucayon, Ph.D. An event like this requires thorough planning and is without a doubt strenuous to come up with. Details from souvenir programme, food and beverages, sound and lighting, multi-media presentation, physical arrangement and a whole lot more was taken into account. In spite of that, proper and equal distribution of task did the trick. The honored guest Mrs. Mercidita S. Villamayor who won as one of the top 10 Metrobank Outstanding Teachers in the Country last 2010, the Dean, Professor Esmar N. Sedurifa, the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Edward Ignacio, the representative of the Schools Division Superintendent of Iigan, Mrs. Alicia Anghay, Department Chairpersons, teachers and graced the event with their presence and inspired all the people in attendance with their speeches. The Student-Teachers escorted by their proud parents walked their way to the aisle as the beat of processional march was played. The warmness of the surrounding was overpowered by the outpouring happiness of both parents and student-teachers who have long waited for that moment to come. As the ceremony went on, parents and student-teachers stood on the platform and put the pins on. Two students delivered their words of challenges for the Student-Teachers and was gratefully accepted by the interns followed by the tear-jerking tribute payed to their beloved parents through a song rendered by Sam Bongcac. The interns stood up from where they were seated and went to their parents to offer them flowers, hugs, kisses and personal words of thanks for all that they have done. The presence of the parents was a manifestation that their children are important more that anything else as it was mentioned by Mrs. Vilamayor. Indeed, the parents may have travelled from far paces but it was all worth it because their children is just a step away to their uultimate goal----that is, graduation.

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