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Explore y Do your little bit of good where you are; it s tho s e little bit s of good put together thatoverwhelm

m the world. -Archbi s hop De s mond Tutu y So many of our dream s s een impo ss ible, then improbable, then inevitable. -Chri s topher Reeve y Dream i s not what you s ee in s leep. It i s s omething that doe s not let you s leep. -AbdulKalam y You cannot change your future... but, u can change ur habit s ... And s ure ur habit s willchange ur future. -Bernard Shaw y Your problem i s never really your problem, your reaction to your problem i s your problem. -Brian Kin

s ey y The vi s ion mu s t be followed by the venture. It i s not enough to s tare up the s tep s - wemu s t s tep up the s tair s . -Vance Havner y Only tho s e who will ri sk going too far can po ss ibly find out how far one can go. -T.S.Eliot y Plan your wor k and wor k your plan. -Napolean Hill y I am the ma s ter of my fate; I am the captain of my s oul. -William Erne s t Henley y You can learn new thing s at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to li k e being a beginner, the whole world open s up to you. -BarbaraSher y

There are two primary choice s in life to accept condition s a s they exi s t, or acceptthe re s pon s ibility for changing them. -Dr. Deni s Waitley y De s tiny i s no matter of chance. It i s a matter of choice: It i s not a thing to be waitedfor, it i s a thing to be achieved. -William Jenning s Bryan y The problem i s not that there are problem s . The problem i s expecting otherwi s e andthin k ing that having problem s i s a problem. -Theodore Rubin y You gain s trength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really s top to loo k fear in the face. You mu s t do the thing which you thin

k you cannot do. -Eleanor Roo s evelt y Knowing i s not enough; we mu s t apply. Willing i s not enough; we mu s t do. -Goethe y Your mo s t valuable a ss et can be your willingne ss to per s i s t longer than anyone el s e. -Brian Tracy y De s tiny i s not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. It i s not a thing to be waitedfor it i s a thing to be achieved. -William Jenning s Bryant y To achieve s omething you've never achieved before, you mu s t become s omeone you'venever been before. -Bria Tracy y The s ecret of happine ss i s

not doing what one li k e s , but li k ing what one ha s to do. -Jame s M. Burrie y The older I grow, the more I li s ten to people who don't s ay much. -Germain G. Glidden y I do not a sk for any crown but that which all may win; nor try to conquer any worldexcept the one within. -Loui s a May Alcott y I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a s tronger bac k . -Philip Broo k e s y It' s a funny thing about life; if you refu s e to accept anything but the be s t, you veryoften get it. -W. Somer s et Maugham y Not doing more than average i s what k eep s the average down. -William M. Winan s

y Only tho s e who will ri sk going too far can po ss ibly find out how far one can go. -T. S.Eliot y Anger blow s out the candle of the mind. -R. G. Inger s oll y Accept the challenge s , s o that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. -GeneralGeorge S. Patton y You never fail until you s top trying. -Florence Griffith Joyner y The greate s t mi s ta k e you can ma k e in thi s life i s to be continually fearing you willma k e one. -Elbert Hubbard y Life i s a s erie s of colli s ion s with the future; it i s not the s

um of what we have been, butwhat we yearn to be. -Jo s e Ortega y Ga ss et y Avoid competency trap s . Do not s tay only where you are good at thing s , Go out and bechallenged. -Andrew Creighton y Remember that you are needed. There i s at lea s t one important wor k to be done thatwill not be done unle ss you do it. -Charle s L. Allen y Succe ss i s the good fortune that come s from a s piration, de s peration, per s piration andin s piration. -Evan E s ar y I cannot give you the formula for s ucce ss , but I can give you the formula for failure--which i s : Try to plea s e everybody. -Herbert Bayard Swope y Happy are tho

s e who dream dream s and are ready to pay the price to ma k e them cometrue. -Leon J. Suene s y Nothing i s prede s tined: The ob s tacle s of your pa s t can become the gateway s that leadto new beginning s . -Ralph Blum y Knowing i s not enough; we mu s t apply. Willing i s not enough; we mu s t do. -JohannWolfgang von Goethe y Do not wait to s tri k e till the iron i s hot; but ma k e it hot by s tri k ing. -William B.Sprague y The only way of finding the limit s of the po ss ible i s

by going beyond them into theimpo ss ible. -Arthur C. Clar k e y If you do not hope, you will not find what i s beyond your hope s . -St. Clement of Alexandra y It wa s a high coun s el that I once heard given to a young per s on, "Alway s dowhat you are afraid to do." -Ralph Waldo Emer s on y Tru s t your s elf. You k now more than you thin k you do. -Benjamin Spoc k y Man' s main ta sk in life i s to give birth to him s elf, to become what he potentially i s . Themo s t important product of hi s effort i s hi s own per

s onality. -Erich Fromm y To the que s tion of your life you are the an s wer, and to the problem s of your life youare the s olution. -Joe Cordare y Don't let anyone s teal your dream. It' s your dream, not their s . -Dan Zadra y What lie s behind u s and what lie s before u s are tiny matter s compared to what lie s within u s . -Ralph Waldo Emer s on y Have the courage to s ay no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing becau s e it i s right. The s e are the magic k ey s to living your life with integrity. -W.Clement Stone y Motivation i

s a fire from within. If s omeone el s e trie s to light that fire under you,chance s are it will burn very briefly. -Stephen R. Covey y Opportunitie s are li k e s unri s e s . If you wait too long, you mi ss them. -William Arthur Ward y Forget about all the rea s on s why s omething may not wor k . You only need to find onegood rea s on why it will. -Dr. Robert y The difference between a s ucce ss ful per s on andother s i s not a lac k of s trength, not a lac k of k

nowledge, but rather in a lac k of will. -Vincent J. Lombardi y The mo s t important thing about motivation i s goal s etting. You s hould alway s have agoal. -Francie Larrieu Smith y In my experience, there i s only one motivation, and that i s de s ire. No rea s on s or principle contain it or s tand again s t it. -Jane Smiley y People often s ay that motivation doe s n't la s t. Well, neither doe s bathing -- that' s whywe recommend it daily. -Zig Ziglar y Motivation i s what get s you s tarted. Habit i s what k eep

s you going. -Jim Ryun y If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you mo s ta ss uredlywon't. Belief i s the ignition s witch that get s you off the launching pad. -Deni s Waitley y Our greate s t glory con s i s t s not in never falling, but in ri s ing every time we fall. -Confuciu s y When we accept tough job s a s a challenge and wade into them with joy andenthu s ia s m, miracle s can happen. -Arland Gilbert y Human being s , by changing the inner attitude s of their mind s , can change the outer a s pect s of their live s

. -William Jame s y We s hould be taught not to wait for in s piration to s tart a thing. Action alway s generate s in s piration. In s piration s eldom generate s action. -Fran k Tibolt y A po s itive attitude may not s olve all your problem s , but it will annoy enough people toma k e it worth the effort. -Herm Albright y Real confidence come s from k nowing and accepting your s elf--your s trength s and your limitation s - in contra s t to depending on affirmation from other s . -Judith M. Bardwic k

y To accompli s h great thing s , we mu s t not only act but al s o dream. Not only plan butal s o believe. -Anatole France y It had long s ince come to my attention that people of accompli s hment rarely s at bac k and let thing s happen to them. They went out and happened to thing s . -Elinor Smith y Action it s elf, s o long a s I am convinced that it i s right action, give s me s ati s faction. -Jawaharlal Nehru y It' s not the oath that ma k e s u s believe the man, but the man who s ay s

the oath. -Ae s chylu s y If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you mo s ta ss uredlywon't. Belief i s the ignition s witch that get s you off the launching pad. -Deni s Waitley y Progre ss alway s involve s ri sks . You can't s teal s econd ba s e and k eep your foot on fir s t.-Frederic k B. Wilcox y To live only for s ome future goal i s s hallow. It' s the s ide s of the mountain that

s u s tainlife, not the top. -Robert M. Pir s ig 94 Motivational Motivational sms Add To Collection

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