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Title of Activity: Back 2 Back

Number of Teams & Group Size: Participants to pair up (Groups of 2 or 3 people) with a partner of the same gender Minimum 2 people per group No limit on the amount of teams

Logistics Needed: None

Time Allocated: 15 - 20 minutes

Goal: While sitting back to back, participants must find a way to stand up.

Preparation & Set-Up: None

Directions for Conducting the Activity: 1. Ensure participants find a partner of similar gender, and approximately equal height and body size. If the total number of participants is an odd number, there can be a group of 3 people. 2. Participants are to sit on the ground, with their backs to each other. 3. With their backs to each other, participants must try to stand up. 4. They will eventually discover its easier when they lock their arms at the elbows, but do NOT tell them this outright.

Specific Rules: 1. Participants must find a partner of similar gender. 2. Participants must have their backs to each other at all times.

Variations: 1. Once a group is successful, include 1 more person and try again. Keep adding more people on each successful attempt, until all participants are attempting the activity in 1 big group.

Learning Points: Teamwork Co-operation Co-ordination Perseverance Communication Trust

Facilitator Notes: Stools, chairs, or benches should NOT be used in this activity. Because sitting on the floor is required, facilitator should ensure that participants are physically fit before conducting this activity. Ensure participants are not wearing revealing clothing. Jeans are preferred.

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