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How did the wild boar get horns?

Long time ago, in the snow clad mountain of South Korea, during the winter season, the wind howled. The fog covered the mountain ranges; there was always a nip in the air. Waterfalls roaring, birds chirping, and Korean hares hopping around the hill. The fresh air surrounded the mountains, full of green grand grown up trees. There lived an unsatisfied wild boar, called Dan Goon. Dan Goon was three years old with three finger nails and three taupe feathers on his tails. He always complained about the security of his life because animal hunters always tried to kill the boars. Also, he didnt have any weapons like big claws, sharp teeth, or horns. For this reason, Dan Goon never wanted to be a wild boar and wasn't in high spirits. He always wanted to be a human, so he could live peacefully.

One day, he heard that the king could perform magic. Hoping the king would be able to help him, he immediately went to the palace where Kim Jong Un, the king, lived. Begging with tears in his eyes, Dan Goon beseeched, "Lord Kim Jong Un, I have heard you are an adroit magician like David Copperfield. Can you turn me into a human?" The king replied with a long thinking, "Hmm... It would be tough. However, I can see that you eagerly want to be a human. I will give you 100 garlics and 100 onions. Korean people enjoy eating garlic and onions, so I am giving you these. You should eat them inside the cave for 100 days. Then you will be a human on the 101 day. However, if you are impatient and go out of the den during that time, you will not be a human and the chance will never be given to you again." Dan Goon was overjoyed like a person who had won a lottery and said, "!" (Thanks a lot my Lord!") He dashed to the cave with 100 onions and 100 garlics. He meditated and wished and prayed to spirit of cave. On thirty third day, his body started to change. His horns started to grow. He thought it is a good thing. So he waited and meditated a lot. However, soon he got disappointed. Nothing was changing anymore even though more than 50 days had passed. In desperation and anger, he went outside to meet the king and told him, "My Lord! Nothing has changed except my grown horns! What's wrong with this?"

The king replied with anger like a volcano, "Such a foolish wild boar! You should be patient and wait. Fortunately, a spirit of cave gave you two horns because he knew you are going to fail. You just blew up the great opportunity of being a human. Now get out from here and live with your new two horns." Kim Jong Un's soldiers came to the parlour where Dan Goon and the king were discoursing. They took Dan Goon away and abandoned him at the outside of the palace. In desperation, Dan Goon ambled through the street. Hating and questioning himself, he asked, "Why didn't I wait for three more weeks...?" That thought kept on tormenting him for the rest of his way. Dan Goon hit his body for self-punishment with full of regret like a person who had failed in an exam. As he ambled through the street and realized that he was in the human village, he was very anxious and curious how the humans were living. He anticipated that all the humans were happy, always smiling, and living peacefully with no anxiety of danger unlike him. However, as he saw the village, his anticipation was broken. A war had occurred a few days before the wild boar had visited that village. The corpses were lying down on the streets with the ironic smell of blood, flowing into the wild boar's nose. It tickled his nose and he was about to vomit. The trees were all falling down and appeared to be almost dead. The fire from the war had still not extinguished and the smoke engulfed the whole village that he couldn't even open his eyes. His eyes became big and he couldn't close his mouth with a great astonishment.

Dan Goon doubted his eyes. He instantly ran to another nearby village. The condition over there was also same like the previous village. He saw three types of people. An old man, a sick man, and a corpse. These sights moved his heart and saddened him like Buddha. Lastly, he hastily went to another village. Nobody lived there. He couldn't even find the presences of people. The village was full of dead plants and animals. It was so gruesome, nightmarish, and creepy. Crows were eating dead bodies and were enjoying a party of blood. Instantly, Dan Goon rushed from there. He returned to his den with big doubtful eyes. He finally realized humans cannot defend themselves from nature and other humans. He thought living in boar's life is much better than living in human life. Suddenly, he was satisfied with his life and his current lifestyle. Dan Goon however, gained two horns on his face. Two horns became a weapon for him and it saved him. That scared the animal hunters, and sometimes they felt vulnerable because of Dan Goons fleeting glimpses and two mammoth horns! He was safer than before.

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