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INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cover page Index Introduction Commemoration Omissions Recommendations & Bibliography


The colonial and Afrikaner history are inter-linked; the language Afrikaans, the Afrikaner community and its culture would not exist if the Dutch had not settled in the Cape. On the 6 April 1652, Jan Van Riebeeck and his settlers landed at the Cape. He had received commission from the Dutch East India Trading company (VOC) to establish a refreshment station for passing ship. These refreshments were obtained through trade with the indigenous population- the Khoikhoi. As the port developed, more Dutch settlers arrived; this lead to the colonisation of South Africa by the Dutch. In 1806 when the British seized territory of the Cape Colony the Dutch settlers trekked north, avoiding British rule. The discovery of diamonds and gold intensified the subjugation of the Khoikhoi as well as the conflict between the Dutch and the British.


The Afrikaans history is being commemorated on the, 16th of December, the Day of Reconciliation; previously known as the Day of the Vow. The holiday commemorates the famous Boer war victory over the Zulus. The holiday originates from an annual religious holiday to the Battle of Blood River fought on the 16 December 1838. 464 Voortrekkers and their servants under the command of Andries Pretorius conquered King Dinganes 10 00015 000 soldiers. Only three Boers were lightly wounded while 3 000 Zulus died.

The Voortrekker Monument was introduced in 1888 but building only started in 1937. The monument celebrates the liberation of the Afrikaners from the British colonial government and to commemorate the Great Trek.

KwaZulu-Natal began to shift from loose collection of kingdoms into a centralised, militaristic state. Shaka Zulu was the driving force behind this shift, he set out massive programme of expansion- killing and enslaving those who resisted. People in Shakas path moved out of the way, in turn they became aggressors against their neighbours this wave of displacement spread throughout South Africa. The Voortrekkers found vast land tracts of apparently uninhabited grazing land; they had entered their promise land. They did not know that what they found deserted land and disorganised bands of refugees resulted from Shakas programme of expansion.

Prince Mpande defeated Dingane in the Battle of Maqongqe and was crowned the new King of the Zulus with his alliance partner Andries Pretorius.

Human Rights and respect for dignity should become a central part of the governments activities, while government should lead discussions and debates on redress and equity. Equity polices should be revived to assess their implementation and to refine appropriate implementation. An appeal should be made to redressing the omissions made in the Afrikaner history and correcting them; this appeal must include an understanding that cultural diversity is not to be regarded as a threat but as a reality to be accepted. Reconciliation will be best acknowledged through concrete actions that promote Human Rights, diversity, countering discrimination and prejudice.

The origin of Afrikaner history comes from 1652, when Jan Van Riebeeck landed in the Cape. To being colonized by the Dutch then the British; the Afrikaner community originates from the Dutch. When they trekked to avoid the British they came across great wealth from diamonds and gold. There was not only a war between the Boers and the Zulu but between the two European nations fighting to rule the African land.

Neil Parsons (1993) .A New History of Southern Africa. Macmillan, London nt.php http:/

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