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I Scholtz 22357467 ITRI 614 Assignment Week 1 (5 February)

Assignment 1 a) - Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. A good project manager will also treat his sub ordinates with mutual respect and compassion. A golden rule to apply as a project manager as well as any aspect of life is to always treat others the way you want to be treated. b)

As described by the diagram, the project management framework consists of 9 knowledge areas. 8 knowledge areas (Scope management, Time management, Cost management, Quality management, Human resource management, Communication management, Risk management and Procurement management) together form the last management area which is the Project integration management (as you can see in the diagram). These areas will assist a project manager to complete a project as planned. In order to prevent confusion and disappointment it is very important to have a clear understanding of what the stakeholders needs and expecta6tions are and to clearly identify to them what it is you understand them to accomplish. Assignment 2

There is no relationship between organizational culture and successful project management. I believe this statement to be false, organizational culture plays a big role in project
management. According to Kathy Schwalbe many people believe that the underlying causes of many companies problems are not in the organizational structure or staff, but in the culture. Different departments within the same company have unique cultures that differ from each other.

The project is highly affected by the organizations culture. There are ten characteristics of organizational culture (Member identity, Group emphasis, People focus, Unit integration, Control, Risk Tolerance, Reward criteria, Conflict tolerance, Means-ends orientation and Open-system focus) according to Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy Judge. The success and flow of the project depends a great deal on how a specific organization implements these characteristics within the company, a unique blend of these characteristics make up the organizations culture. Project work function at its maximum potential if the following characteristics are high/strong and the rest are balanced, the strong characteristics are as follows: Member identity, Group emphasis, Unit integration, Risk tolerance, Reward criteria, Conflict tolerance and Open-systems focus. Focusing on these priority characteristics and maintaining a balance between the other characteristics will equip a company to complete its project at full potential. Therefore I believe that organizational culture plays a big part in successful project management.

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