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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cutting Edge
Breath test to predict if youre likely to gain weight
WASHINGTON: The content of your breath may indicate how susceptible you are to weight gain, according to a new study led by an Indianorigin researcher.

In brief

Driving hurdle for girls

Women may be safer behind the wheel but they are poor learners and more likely to fail driving tests than men, reports PTI from London. The study by UKs Driving Standards Agency looked into the reasons why examiners fail learners and found that British women clocked up 857,000 major errors last year while men made 6,46,000. The study showed

People whose breath has high concentrations of both hydrogen and methane gases are more likely to have a higher body mass index and per centage of body fat, according to the study. The combination of the two gases signals the presence of a microorganism that may contribute to obesity. A person exhales larger amounts of hydrogen and methane gases when a microorganism called Methano

brevibacter smithii (M smithii) colonises the digestive tract. Previous research has shown that M smithii is the predominant organism in the human gastrointestinal tract responsible for methane production. Normally, the collection of microorganisms living in the digestive tract is balanced and benefits humans by helping them convert food into energy, said lead author Ruchi Mathur, director of the Outpatient Diabetes Treatment and Education Center in the Division of Endocrinology at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. When M smithii becomes overabundant, however, it may alter the balance in a way that

makes the human host more likely to gain weight and accumulate fat, Mathur said. M smithii scavenges hydrogen from other microorganisms and uses it to produce methane, which is eventually exhaled. Researchers theorise that the interaction helps hydrogenproducing microorganisms extract nutrients from food more efficiently, which encourages weight gain and obesity in the human host. These microorganisms also may play a role in insulin signalling and regulation. This is the first large-scale human study to connect the dots and show an association between gas production and

body weight, Mathur said. The prospective study analysed the breath content of 792 people. Based on the breath tests, four patterns emerged. The subjects either had normal breath content, higher concentrations of methane, higher levels of hydrogen or higher levels of both gases. The people whose breath test contained higher concentrations of both hydrogen and methane tended to have higher body mass indexes and higher percentages of body fat. The study will be published in The Endocrine Societys Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

that women are twice as likely to fail for bad reversing and also make more mistakes with steering and gear changes, the Daily Express reported. Men often fail for going too fast, ignoring lights or missing road signs. The most common reason for failing a driving test for both sexes was not spotting a hazard at a road junction, followed by failing to check mirrors.

Dental hygiene wards off stroke risk

Regular visits to the dentist will not only give you healthy teeth but also cut your risk of stroke, reports PTI from London. Taiwanese researchers found that getting teeth deep cleaned can dramatically reduce the chances of developing atrial fibrillation - an irregular heartbeat - which is one of the major stroke risk factors. Even dental scaling done just once a year seemed to have a powerful protective effect, the Daily Express reported. The team of researchers, from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan, recruited nearly 29,000 volunteers over 60 with no history of heart trouble and questioned them about how often they went to the dentist for

Cicadas wings can kill bacteria

MELBOURNE, PTI: Scientists

Cancer victim gets 3D-printed face in UK

LONDON: In a first-of-its kind procedure in UK, doctors have employed a pioneering threedimensional printing technology to create a prosthetic face for a man who had the entire left side of his face removed after suffering from cancer. Sixty-year-old restaurant manager Eric Moger lost almost the entire left side of his face during an emergency surgery to remove the cancer, including his eye, his cheek bone and most of his jaw, leaving a gaping hole where his features had once been. After creating scans of Mogers left-over skull and using computers to visualise how his face would look like, the doctors were able to use a new type of printer that builds up layer upon layer of nylon plastic to produce the exact components needed in the facelift, The Telegraph reported. The procedure has transformed the father-of-twos life, allowing him to drink his first glass of water and taste food for the first time since he underwent the surgery to remove the tumour. Until now he has had to feed and drink through a tube directly into his stomach, the report said. I was amazed at the way it looks, said Moger, who lives in Essex.

New implant to monitor sugar levels in blood

NEW YORK: Scientists have de-

have discovered that tiny spikes on the wings of the insect cicada shred bacteria to pieces one of the first natural surfaces to do so. The clanger cicada (Psaltoda claripennis) is a locust-like insect whose wings are covered by a vast hexagonal array of nanopillars blunted spikes on a similar size scale to bacteria. When a bacterium settles on the wing surface, its cellular membrane sticks to the surface of the nanopillars and stretches into the crevices between


Scientists hope to mimic the properties of the Clanger cicadas wings in man-made material.

them, where it experiences the most strain. If the membrane is soft enough, it ruptures. Lead study author Elena Ivanova of Australias Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorne, Victoria, said that she was surprised that the bacterial cells are not actually punctured by the nanopillars, journal Nature reported. The rupturing effect is more like the stretching of an elastic sheet of some kind, such as a latex glove. If you take hold of a piece of latex in both hands and slowly stretch it, it will become thinner at the centre, [and] will begin to tear, she explained. To test their model, Ivanova and her team irradiated bacteria with microwaves to generate cells that had different levels of membrane rigidity. Their hypothesis was that the more rigid bacteria would be less likely to rupture between the nanopillars. The results validated the model, but also demonstrated that the cicadas nanopillar defence is limited to bacteria that have sufficiently soft membranes. Further study of the cicadas wing is needed before its physical-defence properties can be mimicked in man-made materials.

When I had it in my hand, it was like looking at myself in my hands. When I first put it up to my face, I couldnt believe how good it looked, Moger said.According to the report, the three dimensional printers were first developed by the manufacturing industry to help rapidly produce prototype components. Andrew Dawood, dental surgeon and implant expert, began using 3D printing a couple of years ago to help produce replicas of his patients jaw bones so he could practice surgical procedures. Moger was referred to him by surgeon Nicholas Kalavresos at University College London Hospital after carrying out the life saving but physically devastating work to remove the tumour. Attempts to use plastic surgery to rebuild Mogers face had failed due to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy he was receiving.

veloped a tiny implant that tracks sugar and enzyme levels in the blood and could make life easier for cancer patients and diabetics. Researchers from various European institutes have developed the new device that goes below the skin and can be placed into a patients chest, where it monitors substance levels in blood in real time. The device is about 14 millimetres long (half an inch) and has five sensors, a transmitter and a power-delivery system. A patient must also wear a small battery, which attaches to a patients skin and powers the device through a wire, TechNewsDaily reported. The implant records substances in a patients blood, including various sugars, enzymes and other organic molecules. Using its transmitter, the device sends data to a patients smartphone via Bluetooth. This data then routes through an app to a doctors computer, allowing the doctor to monitor a patients substance levels almost as soon as the device records them. The implant detects substance levels using a pool of en-

dental scaling, where the build-up of plaque and tartar is removed. They then tracked them for nearly five years to see which ones went on to develop atrial fibrillation. The results showed that patients who saw their dentist for a scale and polish at least once a year were a third less likely to develop an abnormal heartbeat.

Sleep apnea ups behavioural problems

Breathing difficulty during sleep or sleep apnea, can raise risk of behavioural as well as adaptive and learning problems in children, reports PTI fromWashington. US researchers found that obstructive sleep apnea, a common form of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), is associated with increased rates of Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) like behavioural problems in children. This study provides some helpful information for medical professionals consulting with parents about treatment options for children with SDB

zymes, which run dry after about a month and a half. Researchers claim that removing and refilling the device is no more strenuous than the blood tests it replaces. The implant will be most useful to diabetics as checking blood sugar levels will only involve checking a computer screen, researchers said. Giovanni de Micheli, one of the researchers who created the device, explained how the device can be useful to

chemotherapy patients. For example, a patient undergoing chemotherapy may receive an inappropriate dose [of medication] under the usual practice. With this device, the chemo dose is optimised to have the right concentration in the bloodstream, he said. Initial tests of the device have shown promise, and researchers hope to put it on sale within the next four years.

that, although it may remit, there are considerable behavioural risks associated with continued SDB, said Michelle Perfect, the studys lead author from the University of Arizona in Tucson. School personnel should also consider the possibility that SDB contributes to difficulties with hyperactivity, learning and behavioural and emotional dysregulation in the classroom, Perfect said. The five-year study, published in the journal SLEEP, utilised data from a longitudinal cohort, the Tucson Childrens Assessment of Sleep Apnea Study (TuCASA).


See better

Contact lenses to restore near vision

WASHINGTON: Scientists claim to have developed new contact lenses that can restore age-related loss of near vision when worn by the user every night. Most people have age-related declines in near vision (presbyopia) requiring bifocals or reading glasses. The emerging technique called hyperopic orthokeratology (OK) may provide a new alternative for restoring near vision without the need for glasses, according to a study, For middle-aged patients with presbyopia, wearing OK contact lenses overnight can restore up-close vision in one eye, according to the study by

Paul Gifford and Helen A Swarbrick from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. The study included 16 middle-aged patients (43 to 59 years) with age-related loss of near vision, or presbyopia. Orthokeratology is a clinical technique to correct vision using specially designed rigid contact lenses to manipulate the shape of the cornea. Gifford and Swarbick evaluated a monocular technique, with patients wearing a custom-made OK lens in one eye overnight for one week. To preserve normal distance vision, the other eye was left un- lar OK technique was successtreated. ful in restoring near vision in In all patients, the monocu- the treated eye. The improve-

ment was apparent on the first day after overnight OK lens wear, and increased further during the treatment week. Eye examination confirmed that the OK lenses altered the shape of the cornea, as they were designed to do. Vision in the untreated eye was unaffected, and all patients retained normal distance vision with that eye, essentially this gives the patient the dequivalent of monovision that is usually done with contact lenses or surgery. To retain the correction in near vision, patients had to continue wearing their OK lenses every night.

As expected, when patients stopped wearing their OK lens after the treatment week, presbyopia rapidly returned. By about age 45 to 50, most people need bifocals or some other form of vision correction to restore vision for reading and other up-close tasks, according to the study published in the journal Optometry and Vision Science. The new study suggests that overnight OK lenses are a feasible alternative for correction of presbyopia, sufficient to provide functional near vision correction white retaining good distance visual acuity, researchers said.


To solve the puzzle: To solve a su-do-ku puzzle, every digit from 1 to 9 must appear in each of the nine vertical columns, in each of the nine horizontal rows, and in each of the nine boxes.

The markets yesterday

A B B 511.1(489.2)862-484(15) A C C 1160.4(1161.25)1514-1105(19) Abbot 1347.1(1348.6)1807-1306(0) Abg Shipyard 329.4(320.5)415-232(14) Abirlanuv 986.1(978.8)1190-726(23) Acl 175.05(173.45)220-135(135) Adani Enter 206.8(201.95)324-151(195) Akruti City 142.0(140.0)232-132(3) Allahabad Bank 129.65(126.5)195-103(92) Alok Industr 8.96(8.2)21-7(1950) Alstom Proje 330.85(318.25)433-297(5) Andhra Bank 97.4(94.5)130-89(63) Apollo Hosps 831.0(833.6)902-595(5) Apollo Tyres 85.7(83.4)102-73(97) Arvind 79.55(77.4)107-59(103) Asahi Glass 49.0(48.0)74-46(17) Ashok Leyland 22.15(21.95)32-20(192) Asian Paints 4946.7(4914.4)5047-3004(4) Aurobindo Phar 151.75(145.9)204-99(683) Aventis Pharma 2599.0(2581.85)26402002(50) Axis Bank 1314.6(1301.25)1519-922(212) B B A S F India 587.95(578.1)769-491(0) B H E L 181.95(176.95)274-174(571) Bajajhoin 909.0(914.55)1058-730(2) Balaji Tele. 44.8(42.4)63-32(13) Ballarpur Ind 17.75(17.4)26-15(28) Bank Of India 307.9(302.5)392-253(70) Bharat Earth. 153.45(145.75)679-136(92) Bharat Elec 1145.0(1149.15)1583-1107(0) Bharat Forge 203.65(204.8)347-196(24) Bhartiartl 293.4(291.8)370-238(191) Bk Of Baroda 684.65(677.8)899-606(55) Bombay Dye 92.4(87.5)139-78(101) Boschl 8827.1(9054.35)9590-7530(4) Bpcl 374.5(378.15)449-315(30) Brigade Enterprises 62.0(56.9)112-45(19) Britannia Ind 529.2(524.3)599-400(21) C C E S C 273.0(264.8)345-243(7) C M C 1377.0(1341.75)1446-685(1) Cadila Health 738.25(741.35)964-695(2) Cairn India 285.8(272.15)365-267(737) Canara Bank 388.25(384.45)550-306(60) Castrol India 321.95(316.7)338-236(21) Central Bank Of India 69.0(66.9)106-62(50) Century Tex 296.35(287.8)470-253(68) Chambal Fert 51.4(49.95)84-47(114) Cipla 384.3(379.75)435-295(114) Coal India Ltd 305.05(309.15)386-291(114) Colgatepalm. 1278.85(1246.45)15801030(17) Container Corp 1057.55(1030.45)1097830(301) Corp Bank 392.0(384.15)494-362(1) Crompton Gr. 93.85(93.7)148-88(89) Cummins India 502.8(497.1)550-396(6) D,E,F Dabur India 141.65(137.05)142-101(119) Dena Bank 91.85(89.4)128-80(156) Dish Tv India 67.95(67.05)84-53(245) Dlf 253.2(234.65)289-169(1984) Dr Reddy`s Lab 1825.3(1766.3)19681528(20) Dredging Corp 231.2(195.55)292-181(62) E I H 56.35(55.3)94-54(18) Educomp Sol 64.2(62.75)209-61(682) Eng India 153.55(154.55)266-150(41) Escorts 53.0(49.55)84-48(98) Essel Propack 33.55(30.8)46-27(23) Exide Ind 130.05(129.2)166-112(1141) F D C 92.25(92.15)105-75(13) Federal Bank 487.0(480.55)550-335(21) Finolex Cables 50.7(45.5)64-29(112) Finolex Ind 98.15(96.2)102-47(28) G G E Shipping 224.1(229.8)291-222(3) Gail 320.9(319.15)396-300(27) Geometric 103.6(99.9)125-60(50) Gillette Ind 1990.1(2009.55)2624-1951(1) Glaxo Smithk. 2217.0(2189.25)25201916(1) Glaxocon 4233.95(4186.75)4334-2179(0) Global Tele 15.7(14.95)45-14(120) Gmr Infra 22.65(21.55)31-16(1377) Godrej Cp 779.95(779.25)831-465(3) Grasim Ind 2808.4(2811.8)3511-2216(4) Great Offshore 65.85(64.65)124-61(15) Guj. Ind Power 77.95(74.25)78-56(28) Guj. Min Deve 173.0(165.65)221-158(8) Gujarat Gas 243.0(239.75)408-238(4) Gujarat Narmada 77.05(75.15)89-69(28) Gujarat St Petronet 69.3(66.85)84-60(121) H H C L Infosys 38.9(37.55)48-30(109)

(For stocks data on 800 companies log on to

Kotakbank 650.85(651.4)694-511(24) L I C Hsq Fin 226.45(224.95)300-209(202) L&t 1394.7(1364.9)1719-1106(172) Lanco Infratech 10.8(10.39)19-10(1484) Lupin 631.2(629.05)639-507(22) M,N,O M & M 854.35(861.15)974-621(56) M&m 854.35(861.15)974-621(56) Mangalore Ref 50.65(49.6)70-48(42) Maruti 1283.15(1279.7)1637-1052(36) Mastek 121.65(122.45)185-88(3) Maytas Infra 40.5(37.95)75-35(12) Mphasis Bfl 388.9(392.0)423-317(1) Mtnl 19.5(18.4)45-17(600) Mtnl 19.5(18.4)45-17(600) N T P C 143.45(142.0)175-136(158) Nation.ferti 47.25(44.55)96-44(37) National Alum 34.0(33.15)63-32(227) Nestle Ind 4608.0(4589.45)5040-4305(0) Neyveli Lignite 67.5(65.9)92-64(15) Novartis India 587.95(598.8)934-558(146) O N G C 308.2(311.55)354-240(208) Omaxe 150.3(149.05)171-140(70) Oracle Fin 2548.7(2554.45)3414-2360(2) Orchid Chem 65.95(62.85)194-53(266) Oriental Bank 253.7(250.4)367-207(39) P,Q,R Parsvnath Dev 39.4(39.65)62-35(60) Pfizer 1083.6(1060.1)1410-998(1) Pidilite Ind 263.55(263.1)278-154(21) Piramalhe 603.1(610.4)624-395(2) Pnb 725.05(717.5)942-659(47) Polaris Soft 116.0(111.4)171-102(41) Power Fin Corp 183.4(181.5)227-139(92) Power Grid Corp 105.4(105.95)124100(2063) Punj Lloyd 53.3(55.15)64-39(2948) Ramco Systems 113.85(116.35)170-79(6) Ranbaxy Lab 451.55(439.9)578-370(86) Rashtriya Chem 38.45(36.6)66-35(275) Raymond 283.0(284.5)488-259(78) Rcom 57.1(55.2)91-46(2452) Reliance Capital 322.15(312.7)508-282(921) Reliance Ind 778.15(773.7)954-671(270) Reliance Power 63.15(61.55)123-58(1431) Relinfra 338.75(324.65)621-315(811) Rolta India 66.1(65.9)98-58(31) S S A I L 62.7(62.35)101-60(325) Satyam Comp 126.95(128.1)131-66(231) Sbi 2090.6(2072.75)2550-1804(215) Shipping Corp 42.65(40.6)65-39(56) Siemens 530.3(549.05)838-482(49) Skf 548.0(549.95)728-500(1) Sobha Developers 374.0(349.15)472274(13) Sterlite Ind 89.7(93.8)123-88(969) Sterlite Optical 24.8(23.45)41-22(100) Sun Pharma 814.0(818.35)848-554(32) Suntv 389.9(391.5)493-176(76) Suzlon Energy 13.85(13.65)26-13(4756) Syndicate Bnk 113.9(109.95)145-84(70) T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z Tata Chem 325.0(322.4)381-299(7) Tata Elxsi 197.05(191.15)254-182(11) Tata Power 95.8(96.4)113-83(172) Tata Tea 131.6(128.0)181-100(329) Tatacomm 227.35(233.9)266-190(18) Tatamotors 265.5(269.3)337-202(566) Tcs 1554.95(1571.8)1598-1046(109) Tech Mahindra 1061.85(1059.15)1123591(15) Tisco 314.5(312.3)482-300(786) Titan Ind 255.45(256.5)313-203(258) Tn Newsprint 96.5(95.6)121-93(3) Torrent Pharma 683.0(695.25)766-580(198) Torrent Power 141.1(139.75)217-137(44) Tvs Motor 31.85(32.45)50-31(102) Union Bank 219.1(218.05)288-150(135) Unitedphos 119.75(117.2)144-105(160) Vijaya Bank 48.4(46.9)67-45(135) Welspunguj 55.25(50.35)141-43(467) Wipro 431.8(437.15)455-325(1596) Wockhardt 2023.8(2005.8)2166-555(35) Wyeth 864.0(909.15)1044-818(0) Zeeenter 214.75(210.75)247-119(121) OILS Bangalore Groundnut oil (10kg) 825-1,160; Coconut oil (10kg) 1,150-1,360 Gingely oil 750-830; Ghee (5kg) 1,660-2,080 Mumbai Groundnutoil 1,250; Kardi Expeller 1,020 Sesame Expeller N/T; Sunflower Expeller 680 Sun-flower Expeller Refined 765; Cottonseeds Refined 624 Palmolein Refined 507; Soybean Refined 655 Soybean Crude N/T; Rapeseed Refined 700 Rapeseed Expeller 670; Copra White 663 Ricebran 4-7% FFA N/T; Ricebran N/T Linseeds Oil 790; Castoroil Comm 745 FSG 755; Kandla 750 SUGAR Bangalore (per quintal) 3,500-3,760 Mumbai (per quintal) S-30: Mkt closed EGGS Wholesale price N/A; 10 eggs N/A PEPPER Kochi Garbled 36,200; Ungarbled 34,700 Kozhikode Nadan 32,300; Wayanadan 33,800 ARECA (per quintal) Old Supari 14,100/18,900; model 16,800 New Supari 12,000/14,000; model 13,800 Koka 8,000/12,500; model 11,500 KIRANA Rice fine 3,800-4,700; medium 3,600-3,800 Jowar 1,400-2,300; Jaggery cube 2,900-3,500 ball 3,000-3,700; Coriander Seed 5,600-8,200 Chillies fine 6,000-12,950; Potato Big 1,300-1,600 medium 1,200-1,300; Small 1,000-1,200 Onion Big 1,200-1,350; medium 1,000-1,200 small 600-1,000; Tamarind 2,400-8,500 Garlic1,200-3,200; Horsegram 2,800-3,480 Wheat 2,000-2,650; Turmeric 7,200-8,000 Turdhal 5,950-7,200; Greengramdhal 7,100-7,650 Blackgramdhal 5,700-7,250; Bengal Gramdhal 4,850-5,400 Mustard 6,000-6,800; Gingely 7,200-8,950 Groundnut Seed 6,500-8,600; Copra 4,700-5,300

Sensex 18,865

29 Nifty 5704


H C L Tech 790.4(795.95)804-453(20) H D F C Bank 623.9(624.1)705-482(93) H M T 27.75(25.3)50-24(86) Hdfc 823.0(825.75)882-610(82) Hdil 50.0(46.25)123-43(7051) Hero Honda 1535.65(1541.9)22781519(17) Hexaware Tec 87.7(84.9)142-72(156) Hind Petro 283.0(285.1)381-275(52) Hind Zinc 119.8(121.15)146-110(31) Hindalco Ind 91.7(91.5)137-86(818) Hpcl 283.0(285.1)381-275(52) Hsng Dev Infra 50.0(46.25)123-43(7051) Hsq Dev Fin 823.0(825.75)882-610(82) Htmt Global Sol 273.0(275.25)364-218(4) Hul 471.55(466.1)579-398(114) Hul 471.55(466.1)579-398(114) I I C I India 1024.0(1024.65)1051-790(3) I T C 306.3(309.1)310-221(250) Icici Bank 1051.8(1045.35)1231-767(362) Idbi 82.5(80.25)118-78(214) Idea Cellular 114.5(113.2)124-71(113) Idfc 142.4(143.65)185-110(453) India Cements 85.3(83.75)117-70(69) India Infoline 62.1(60.3)93-44(19) Indiabulls Real Est 56.7(54.65)82-41(830) Indian Bank 178.65(173.4)244-152(6) Indian Hotels 55.2(53.5)71-51(153) Indian Ovrsea 67.15(65.2)99-64(61) Indo Rama Sy 16.0(15.9)31-15(45) Indusind Bank 416.0(404.95)448-288(683) Infosys Tech 2943.25(2889.9)30102101(80) Ingersollrand 396.3(389.05)543-383(1) Ingvysya 539.5(557.75)627-310(3) Ioc 280.25(281.45)375-239(28) Ipca Lab 527.5(526.6)566-320(8) Ispat Ind 8.66(8.78)13-7(299) J,K,L J & K Bank 1220.0(1190.85)1473-840(2) J B Chem 75.6(73.55)96-59(13) Jaiprakash Ass 67.95(65.5)106-58(1393) Jaypee Infratech Limited 40.3(39.55)6134(26) Jet Airways 539.2(516.7)688-275(689) Jindal 82.0(82.1)177-78(73) Jindal Stainless 53.45(47.55)88-44(138) Jindal Steel 342.9(348.15)557-321(204) Jsw Steel 662.1(670.7)893-566(210) Kfa 8.37(7.98)21-7(648)

Key Indicators
M arket Watch
Gold (22 carat)
(Blore /Rs/10gm)

BSE Indices Watch

Index Closing Change
Points %

27,880 54,400 54.38 82.32 69.54 N/A 57.76 N/A N/A N/A

(Rs per kg)

US dollar* Pound* Euro* Swiss Franc* Yen* Aus dollar* Sing dollar* HK dollar* *Price at banks sell

Sensex 18,865 29 0.15 Midcap 6,221 79 1.28 Smallcap 5,938 134 2.30 BSE100 5,701 22 0.39 BSE200 2,291 11 0.47 BSE500 7,124 39 0.55 BSEIPO 1,564 28 1.81

NSE Indices Watch

Index NIFTY MIDCAP CNX 100 CNX 500 Closing 5,704 7,487 5,605 4,466 Change
Points %

Advances & Declines

BSE (No. of Stocks)
Advances Declines Unchanged NSE (No. of Stocks) Advances Declines Unchanged 1,874 869 92 1,146 372 42

22 85 26 27

0.38 1.15 0.47 0.61

Table guide
The data with the company name is from Bombay Stock Exchange. Values are: days closing price, previous closing price in brackets, 52-week low and high in bold and volume traded (in 000) in brackets. Data for 200 companies.

BULLION Bangalore Bar Silver wholesale per kg 53,800; Retail 10 gm 540 Local silver wholesale per kg 53,200; Retail 10 gm 534 Standard gold per 10 gm 30,135; Ornament gold per gm 2,788 Chennai (per kg) Bar Silver 52,720; Standard Gold 29,800 Retail Silver 56.40 Ornament gold (per gram) 2,786

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