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Right Brain Inventory

Left Brain Inventory

Visual, focusing on images, Verbal, focusing on words, patterns symbols, numbers Intuitive, led by feelings Analytical, led by logic Process ideas simultaneously Process ideas sequentially, step by step 'Mind photos' used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps you remember Make lateral connections from information Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces Make logical deductions from information

See the whole first, then the Work up to the whole step by details step, focusing on details, information organised Organisation ends to be lacking Free association Highly organised Like making lists and planning

Like to know why you're Likely to follow rules doing something or why rules without questioning them exist (reasons) No sense of time Good at keeping track of time

May have trouble with Spelling and mathematical spelling and finding words to formula easily memorised express yourself Enjoy touching and feeling Enjoy observing actual objects (sensory input) Trouble prioritising, so often Plan ahead late, impulsive Unlikely to read instruction Likely read an instruction manual before trying manual before trying Listen to how something is being said Talk with your hands Listen to what is being said Rarely use gestures when talking

Likely to think you're Likely to believe you're not naturally creative, but need to creative, need to be willing to apply yourself to develop your try and take risks to develop


your potential

While we have a natural tendency towards one way of thinking, the two sides of our brain work together in our everyday lives. The right brain of the brain focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole. he Left Brain The left brain is associated with verbal, logical, and analytical thinking. It excels in naming and categorizing things, symbolic abstraction, speech, reading, writing, arithmetic. The left brain is very linear: it places things in sequential order -- first things first and then second things second, etc. If you reflect back upon our own educational training, we have been traditionally taught to master the 3 R's: reading, writing and arithmetic -- the domain and strength of the left brain. The Right Brain The right brain, on the other hand, functions in a non-verbal manner and excels in visual, spatial, perceptual, and intuitive information. The right brain processes information differently than the left brain. For the right brain, processing happens very quickly and the style of processing is nonlinear and nonsequential. The right brain looks at the whole picture and quickly seeks to determine the spatial relationships of all the parts as they relate to the whole. This component of the brain is not concerned with things falling into patterns because of prescribed rules. On the contrary, the right brain seems to flourish dealing with complexity, ambiguity and paradox. At times, right brain thinking is difficult to put into words because of its complexity, its ability to process information quickly and its non-verbal nature. The right brain has been associated with the realm of creativity.

Left Brain Words (verbal) Logical Black & White Numbers Sequence Analysis Lists Critical Thinking intellect rational analytic analysis parts sequential objective logical convergent abstract directed propositional linear sequential successive reasoning mathematical speaking accuracy digital dominates pattern user right brain Images (non-verbal) Intuitive Color Rhythm Imagination Daydreaming Dimension Creative Thinking intuition intuitive

holistic relational synthesis wholes intuitive subjective random whimsical divergent concrete free imaginative nonlinear multiple simultaneous mystical creative visual-pictorial aesthetics analogic submits pattern seeker

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