You are on page 1of 82



POPuse o??, Railways, 1'71r1~nw,E s i ~ t e ~Pnrhs,
, B(cth8, Hotols, B r ~ z u o r i e s ,
B y e T ~ ~ o F ~Snznll
s, F'czler Vorks, Public Bzcildij<r/s, a f l d Institiciions.

The Pre~lau-Schweidnitzer-FreidburgerRailway Lava t l m n

nt oiglit slationu for sqiplyin:, writor to tlioir Locornolives, ond Rny :-c< W o ii1.a
cntircly satisfied w i t h ~ o i i bngiiios,
r .
aiid profor thoiii to storiiu puml;ing E n g i n o s
they nrc moro coonoinict~1i n consuinptiou of fuul, requiro lesa nttontian, tmd ropnir.q
aro 0n1y trifling."
The Uppar Silesian State Railway havo sovcii siuiilnrly cmployad,
which " v i t h triflirig oxpanno for iopairs h v e provotl in ovaiy roapect sritisíaotory,
OnQ Xnginii boing nt morlr t h ~ wycnrs witlioiit i n t o ~ ~ i i p t i ofor
n rcpniru."
Tho Lower Silesian $tate Bailway ~ t i ythoj. liavo n Two I3.P.
Engino " woiking «conornicnlly with little sttcntion and no ropnir."
Tho Prussian War O&ce hnvo one a t work roplsoiiig a stemn oiigino,
" using vnstly Icss Siiel witli sniall tittontion and powoi. to spuro,"
, FOI-Irrigatiou. and +o drainago of Btono Quarriss snd
IJrna.11 minas idiay aro, oapocinlly wlioro tho mator is hnrd, uni-ivalled. h
(luarry omnor writus to stby :-r, Tho Uot-Air Engiuq~osirinot ono-fiilhin fim1 nnd
magos llicit tlio trtomi ongiiio iL raplnccd uscd to COA
As a .Power Engine for driviiig Tools, Vontilating Fnns, 13riiitiiig
Prousos, RIacliirios, and Apparatiises oi a11 Mnds, for Snit~llIndustriou, Tradoamcii,
l h m o r s . &o., it ia unsurpnssed. It mny bo r n e r i ~ ~ eby
i l nnyonc, requiros naxt h 0
no attoniioii, 1~ o n t stho woilrrooni i n Lho wintcr time, furniahes ths housol~oldwiíJi
hot wntor, ancL

T h s o pricoil'do not incliido 8 t o b IJipcs aud Uriclc~for Blovo, liul u clrnwiiig
wilh climtinaioris of Stovo-wliioh any intolligont Brioktiotlar crtn oroct in rr dny-
ia inoludod froo of chnrgo. .
I f tho Engino ia to worlc rt Pump only, tlio Oovornor eiid Circulntiiig Pump
aro Got yoquirod. Whoro wntor iinilor "pi~ossui.~ is a t liand, tho Cireulating J'urtip
i 0 nol; rc&irod. -- -

Chips, Colre, Spenl Bark, or Refuso F u e l can bo used,

POPPunping, owoo P i r i ~ yop" tuill Kecp if g o h g m1112(r/k1.
For ~ r i c o ?of Lift and Force Purnps, Pipo I , Valvos, Cistorns,
Tanks, Shafting, Straps, &c., plcase apply to
BOLlr: qJAlíUllU :

, H. BAILEY 8r Co,, Albion Works, Salford, Maiichester.

THE SUGAR UANE, J U N E 1, 1880.

Steagi Plough Works, LEEDS, 8i 71, Cornhill, LONDON,E,C.



PublisAed ou l h e lat of oflclb n~outh, nt 42, Gamo?, Stwet, Xonduu.

Invaluable to a11 having busin~ssrelutions with Great Britain, and a
first-class Machinery Indent-Buido for Planters, &c. It contains
monthly (in the form of a Supplement of 32 pagos) a complete prioe
list of English Manufactured Cfooda for circulation exolusively akroad.
~ : P E A~~unr,
S u s s c a r P ~ ~ o10s. ~ p06t ~ T O Oto ull pal'ts of t h e World.
J i w 1, 1450. THE SUGAR I'ANE.
.. - - . -. - - -- ---- --


And ol! High or Lqw,Bpecifio Grnvity, fo?
Manufactured by RICHARD POWELL,
. ---LI_ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _

Siliiation maiild. T h syplicaiit has Ilad iiiniiy years' experi-

crico, bcitli nt IIoiiic niicl in tllc TVest Iiiclies, is a thoroughly. ~~

cornpctent Gliicose Mniiiifacliiirei~,a,ncllias oxcclleilt testírnoiiials.-

Aclclres~, A. E., 24, 1'Iadey Street;, Boar Roricl, London, E.
-- -.--
- -.- -

(Tlio Incliau Ncrcury.)

Newspaper for the Tiade w i t h ~ a s India, t
PtdZisliod sitt~~~ltn~zcoztdy l~ in B ~ I ~ S ~8CLowlon.
o9z tlto 1st of e ~ c wo?2tl~ I'~~L
Tliii; n o w q q c r lnrgcly circiilntcd iu JAVA, SUD~ILTR~~, BOBNEO,
U15T4T3117CS, IlhNBA, SINOlt nncl Lho otlicr islnnrls of tho Intlian
Arcliipcltlgo, Wcst I ~ d i aCliiiin,
, Jnpaii, Clio C?lx 01 CTood Yope, Tr~ilsvaal,
Uyuiijv Vrijata:it,, Nntrtl, utc. ctc., nud :iiuorig thc Esportcrs in Tloiland,
uppaariiry rrto?~thl,y,rcpozts nll nem iiivciitions siid @VCS fu11 particulars
iihoiil ti'iitlc niid iiitliiati'y. It nppciils to ii populntiou of' over 30 iiiillions,
:iiid is r1 tliorough good iiictliii~uSor :idrei.liscrs of rigriciiltural ancl otlier
L4tlvcytisciiicnt~ niny bc iiist.i.toi1 i11Ihtcli or niiy otlior Iniiguages,
li.oii oi' :iny diurgo for trimslntioii,
&hiiÇtictiirors iinrl ot,l~cortiiitcrcdcd aro carncstly i.cqucstod to Becp
11s wcll i~ilor~iictl ol' idl iicw in~ciitioiit;by giviug Pid1 dcscriptions.
h11 c~oiiiiiiiiiiicritioiisto lio nrlclremd p~wpnidto thc Piiblishcr :-


Agonts wantad ia ovory part of the Worlcl.
- 'TRE RUCtAH OANE. .JUNE 1, 1880.
-- ---_--__. v- -~-

Reeprese~zi5zgP l a n t e r s , H e ~ d a n t s ,Relt;ne~s., aad others
i&rested h z the Suga?+Srade.
Pz&hh? 2:n ti$zefo?* colonial maih at Lhe beginwilzg o f each
nzonth. Pyice 1S . , OY 12s.$e? nmz. ia. adva?zce, post free.
[ F O R ~ OF

Herowith i a P. O.' Order for TweZve S~~iIZin,qa, paynhle to B r . W.

Fotyter, at Hesare. & CO.,Pzchlishers, Banohester, in pnynzent of One
Year's Subeor@tion to I' The Sugar Cano." TheJrst nzcmlier to lia. sont i a
that of ............................... 18
Name, ............................................................................................
Ad&oss; ........................................... ..........................................
Date, ..........................................
a d.

ONE PACSE.. ...... 2 a o ONE-EIOHTH PACSE ....
O 8 O
a. 11.

HALF PACIE . . . . ;. .. 1 6 0 ONE-SIXTEENTH PACSE .. O 4 O

WJBRTER PAOE .... 0 16 O , For advertisoments helow this la, por

.. .. . . . . . . 1.5 ,.
DISCOUNT.-FO~3 insertions . . . . . . per cent.
6 $9
.. . . Tho
. . Biignr
. . . Cnnc
. " mny'ho
20 ..
Iind on
Baclr Nurnbors a n d ~ o i i n d~ b h n n c of
applicntion to the EDITOII.


A Wooitly Fronch Joumul, spccially puljlishod lor porsons iosiding abraad
~ h cnnnot
o rocoivo a dnily pnpor. J t is thc oiily Bronch orgnri institiitod on tlio
plnn of tlic English Wcclrly Joiirnnls and Itoviowtr. I1 coirqwirics ~~ixtoon pngcs
cif threo columns encli, in nll forty-oighL coliimrici of text. , At tlio wcl o0 tlio yonr,
tho fifty-tmo nuxnbera forni n handsomo i~ndii~cfiilvolumn. EncJi.nurnlior of tho
de 1' Ewop " contriins n comploto rhinií: oi all tho riows of tho woolc,
r 1 ~ot"uili.r&
origirinl nrticles by mritors of $110 i i r d Idont, a roviow of tiio Il'r~nclicmci ioroign
pross, n T->iiri~ nio'smnger1 with u ropaPt of n11 tho now picco~prodiicwl ut tho
Paripinn tlioutrou, n gnzctto of coinicalities, n iiidicnl biillotin, i~ litornry, criticnl, nnd
.bibliographicnl nrticlc, n flciontific rtrtiole, pa~linmonlnrydebutos, o ~ i c h docunionte,
&c. 11 s l ~ opubliahes romnnccs by tho bost Froncli niitliors.
Price 19s. per annum, for, the. Antilles and Brazil,
Rogdatod for othor countrios accortling to tlio roapoctivo pouttqp tnrifl.
Ogics-42, Tnviatock Street, L'ova?tt BanJBn, London. Pruspcv Douu~t,Editor.
Agmts Wunted in loaalities in which tho Journel is not yat soprosentod,

W.'E. HALSE, F.I.C., F.C.S.,

Analyses a l l descripfions of Sugar, Glucose, Charcoal,
&c,, &c:
Polwriscopes of the b e s t makereis a n d a11 s u p p l e m e n t m y apparatiie procured.

Instrzution given in Sugar dnnlysia.


G - E O R / G - E D A V I E S , C.E-,
(Lato Johii Davira S5 60114)


. ----- -- -
Provisionnl Proleclion of Inventions for six montlis obtained.
Cornplolo P n t o n l ~olilnincd in Groal Britain, the Coloniw, and Foroign Coiintrios.
Provisiounl niid I'innl Kliocifications drawn nnd rovjaod.
Fi!'iriislid Drzwings rnndo froin innchinory oy from ~ k e t ~ l i ~ f l .
Oppositions to P n l o n t ~condiictod or ddenclcd.
Disclnimora nnd Alterntionw o! sliooilicalions proparod nnd Rlccl,
I'rolongnlio~is nnd Oo~ifirrnntiontlo? Pnhonte ~0liCit~d.
Sclirchos m d Ol)inionn ns to novolty of ipvcntioiis.
Q i i c ~ l i o nof~ IiiTringarncnls iiivcsliglod und ndviscd upoii.
Ultsrs for Lho Opinion of Coiincil prol~nrodnnd biihinilhoil.
IJrioliil nnd Ornc~inonlitlDesigns rogislorcd.
q'rr~dohlirrlís prot«çlorl undor Lho " Trado BIili'k~b ~ t1876,'' , nndnll ollior l>iirriness
to Lho pI'O~00~i0il of Invontions or Tksigns tr[~nsricLaclnl inodori~toclinrgoe,
Arbilrstions in Pnlont Cnscs conducled. -
Jrce by 2'0"-Soll-bolp to Pntont Lnw, p i c o (id.
Cloloniitl nua Foroign I'lrtent Lnma, p i c o 1s.
Portable and Fixed Engines, 1 Thrashing Machinery,
New Tradion ' ~ n ~ i n e s . Com Grinding Milh,
Steam Boilers. Pumping Machinery,
Furnaces for Vegetable ]luel. Ploughs of a11 kinds,
Complete Illustrated Catalogues Free on Applioation.


NO. 3, FOR MARCH, 1880.
Monthly: Post Free, 6/-pei. Annum.
CONTBNTE POR MAY.-Dosimetric Medicine in EnglanL-The Cniisesof H u m a n
Longevity (co~~linucd).-Pi?noiIiles of Dosimctric Tliernpeutics (co~~li?itreO.-Jugu-
intidn of (Tyghoid ?).-Choreta.-Iiheuinntic Fovcr.-The Hiutory of Ancttomy.--
S h e Thermometer in Dosimotrio Medicina ( c o i ~ t ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ i ~ .of
- NRecent
o t c s I)i~coveries.
-A History of Uitoteria (co?rtt?t~cciE).-Corrouponí1ence.-Answeru to Corrcspondents.
to bc addressetl lo DT.PDIPSOLV, P P T N B I ; LONBOIY, S. TIT.
A11 comea~r~~iccztiom
--- e-- - --



11, O R I E N T A L P Z A C E ,

Paclcagos, Pnrcols, nnd Snrnplcs shippod r r t tha lowcst possillo rt~tosof Froight,
~ t h o u rospocl
t to anv PARTIOULAU LINU,tinless slieoialig inritructcd 10 t h e ooiitrnry.
Baggago shippod, cloarod, und forwnrded. Lettors nnd Sal6grarnri Por Pnusengors
prornptly dslivered. Pussngoa engnged wid information suppliod as to rates, &c., &c.

Of fhe Easf and Wesf lndies, Maurifius,

Queensland, and the Unífed Sfcrfes.
It is now n quartor of n century since wc the pioiiecrs commenced
tlio Manufncturc of Special Mfinuies for the Sugar Gane cidtivation,
Iiaving thc advnntage of our Piior's personal acquaintanco mith the culture
in the Wcst Innios, Louisiana, &c. A11 tlieso Hanures are proparcd in
ncoordancc witli a$ual r~sultflobtainod on crops m d expcrienco secured
througli tlie continued supply of more thnn 200 estates in Demerara,
throughout tlie British, Spanish and Danish West India Islmcls, ns ~ w l l
as in Maurititis, Java, Spain, &c.
Wo rccoinmend wiQi confidencc as proportionately the Best and

Ammonio Phospho Guano.

Raw Bone S u erphosphate; also
Sulphqte of ~ m r n o n i a(No/,
and f i r o f ~ o mS~lphoc~nnide).
B.0.B. London,Livo~~pool,oi. Clyde. Pricc and ali particulws on application.
Rcpoded Iiighly sdiefiictory aualyscs have been mado by Drs. Voelclcer,
Anderson, Niispratt, Pliipson, nnd ull the othcr eminent Chemists here and
nbroad. AlI pnclragos bear o u registered tracle ma& to prevent fraup.
Tlio nianiifnoturo i8 uiiclor tho direot superintendenoc as hithorto of Mr.
GI.. Washington Ainott, F.G.S., who Lns foi. sevei'al yoars carefully studied
tho rcquireuicnts o£ this culturo ; anL, owing t o lhe ooncentrated state of
oiir Bestilieors tliere is grcat saving in freight and labotir. We also
SPECIAL FERTILIZERS for Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Dotton, Coooa, &c,
Guarantee of A n d y a i s with a11 o u r Manurea.

ERS & CO.,

38a, King William-St., London, & Tower Clhambere, Liverpool,
Alo,n6~*eof tlie Rol/nl Ap$o!Jttwnl h'ociotu o f Englasd, HigAla+id nnd
&oaidty of 8ootlntrd,' Jl;kbrpoaZ Uhemioal a& ff6oZop'cnZ 8ooidtlosi
Tal3 8U&4Jl UANE. Juaz i, 1880.

Posseuses tha following ndvitntages ovcr tlic ordintwy Gar,r,owal- Boilor :-

lst,-Eore spaoe for gstting ùelow the fiuo for oleaniug or rsliairs.
2nd.-Increaseã strengtli of baok flue ùy the tubes being so fixed as to ùo noarer to-
gether at @eir lower thau at tlieir upper onds.
3rd.-l!he wholo of the tuba lieing made to one tenplato aiid INTERCHBNCSEBBLE
the íiangss also being aluars t o oentre line of tube,
The attsntion of Stosm Users is 811eoiailydheoted to the impoi%ent aãvantagas
mentioned abovo.
Por furthw Particiilnr~and Eslimntos, &c., npply to tho I'ntentoes,


Makers of fhe "GALLOWAY" CONE TUBE8,
For inaorting into a11 l~indsof Blued Uoilere.

-- -
-- -
-. - - --I____
--h- --
No. 131. JUNE 1, 1880, VOL.XII.

'L'lie ~Vritors~dononrc rcsponaililc for thcir stntomonts.


Tlie following lottcr lins bem ndílressed to t l ~ eF»i.oigii OEce.

We only print tbat part of tlic iuspirecl articlo whicli rafers to
tlic siigar qmAioii :-
9, Mincing Lnne,
15th May, l8RO.
Tlie Rt. Hon. tlir E . ~ GL R ~ v ~ LR.G., I ~ ~ I&r.,
, kc,
1ry Lorcl,
Ali inipo~t~iiit articlo tippcnrcd in tlic Brcily Nms of tlio 10th
iiisl,., sti~tiiig so tlircctly tlic PrcmAi viow of thc sitiittiou witli
rcgliid to tlie coiniiioruiiil troaty witli Bramo tlint it niny bc
rcg~irdcdas partirdly iiispircd.
It is lionclcd " M. L6011 Say," nncl conlains tlie following
pnfisngo :-
" 8hoiilcl tliis ooncliiaion bc nrrived nt, the clisciission ai11 be

" iinrrowccl to two importluit issiies. 0 i i ilic Fronch ~iclcCOIICOB-

L ' fiioiis mil1 be ~tslrodior in tlie wiiic lut tios, aucl inndo on t h a t
" Rugia quo8tion whicli lias ctiuscd iiuich ngitntiou ancl iiot vory
' I logiciil t d k «n tliio sido oC tlio cliimiiol."
A considcixblo portioii of tlic niticlc i8 tlioroioru ilovotecl to n
~tateinent," iroiii tlie Proncli poiiit of ~ ~ i o w in , " rofcronco to ihis
" siignr qiiostion."

My Coniuiittoc linre tlioiiglit i t thoir cluty to write n reply in

correction of vai,ioiis i~sficstionscoritniiied in tliis stntonicrit, aiicl I
nni nom desirccl to f o r ~ r i ~ ritd to your lordsliip, mith tlic requeet
tlini it mny reccive tbo nttciitiriii of R c r Nnjosty's Uovoiniiieiit.
274 THE ,SUGAR CANE. J u m 1, 1880.
-- .-- -- A --

Under the circumstances me eonsider it inqortant thnt your

lordship tihould be in possession of t h e real facts.
I beg, therefore, respectfiilly to anclose R copy of the nrl.icle nncl
o£ oiu. reply .
I nnl, nijr Lorcl,
Poiir obccficiit scrv:mt,
(Signccl) J m ~ DUKCAK,
Cliairmnn British Siignr licfincrs' Cornniiitcc.
J r s ~1, 1880. THE SUGAR CBNE. 275

diplomntio do~patol~cs, liai~linmentnry

~peeohcs,officialcourts of inquiry, rind
nomspalier rnticluu.
I t I i n ~bccii n r r r y gonornl ciistointo Tho Cnx oii wgnr iii F'nnco pnts tlio
idlow n ~ l i g l i tmnrgjii oii tlio drnw- rofinor iindor no rostrictions nnd in-
bnck ovcr niid nbovo tlio cxnct cqiiiva- volvca liirn i11 no oxponso. On tlio
loiit ol' tiio diity loricd on tiia rnnr, or coiitrniy, tlio ercdit lio rccoiws oii Lho
oxciso iipon tlio iiiiiiii~frictiirodnrticlc, dnty i8 cqiii~nleiitto uq>l)lyingliiin
t l h prndico 1)oiiig dofundcid oii 1110 ~ r i t l ili& \vorkiiig cnpital. Tlioro ia
ground 1111~1, owirig to tlio lovying o£ rio grouncl, tlicroforo, i n this respcet
tlio tiix tlie lioldi1r or iiinniifnctiircr Iins for rrllowirig liirn i\ iiinrgiii Iretween
bceii put to ox~~~iitici niid dnlny, niid in diity nnd drnwhnclc.
iiiaiiy cnst,s coiiipollocl to cnrry oii I&
worlc, riot iii tlii, clicnpcrit anil onsictit
wrty for liiiiiuc~lf,111itiinclur tlio coiidi-
tiniiii of tiiiii* tiiicl plitco iis ~ircscii1)cil
1)). h\\..
I t i:, ndriiillcd mitlioiit tlii: ulightcst J t iluiy bc " declnrocl tlictt tlin Iilroncli
I~oiiiti~tion tliat tlio inargin oii Lho siigni Qovuriiinuut linw not 1110 sliglitost
drnwbticl: i~ lnrge, and nt tlio Hnme wiuli to tas tlio nntioii iri ardor tlint
tirne it i~ dooliirod tlint tlic Ii'rciicli biignr-ro6norti iiii~ginalro fortiinos " ;
Go\r~i~riiiioiit liiih iiot tlic sligtitoet miuli bid thu f u t roiiiniiis tlinl tlioy ovc~docl
to tiis tlio iintioii iii o l ~ l c rtlint hiignr thu omcidiori of Ilio troaty diiiring tha
rofincirn i~iny~ a k forliincm.
e \vliolo tinio ol ila diiwtinn, tlint thcy
~uhticqiiciitly iiindo proinisos whicli
thoy did not iiilfil, nrid tlint tlioy
hnvo rit umYy C O ~ ~ V I ~ O I I Cniid
O, ilininp
tho wliolo (11tlio i~ogo~ir~tioiis o€ tlie
I U Hoiglit
~ y o i ~ ~ contiivod
a, to irito~poso
orory possihlo dolay nnd al~structioii
iii tlic wiiy o£ progrous townrds n
'I'liu diffioiilt~.nppciiru io consiíit iii Tliorii i~ no dinioiilty mhntovor in
gotting nt an nocunito nrljusiiiiont of rrùolidiing tlic oxport boimly. J t lins
du~wbiiclcaud didy, 80 tis to nllow tlio lorig siiiuc bccii ritliiiittod oii nii nidm
n i i ~ i i ~ ~ l i i c t1i1~vcry
~ o r d i g l ~ iriiwgin
t in- tlint niiy " riiljiiotniont of c1rnwvl)nclr
utocid 01 tliu r i ~ t i i d11roGLthnl lio now iiiid diity," w l i i ~ h\voiild procl~idonri
cnjoya. Two incthodti of tnlciiig tho cxliorl I~oiirity ix iiti]~occ~il~lo.Tlio
diity prcsorit tlicmeulvos : 01x0 tlio sno- V!'roiioliGovornincril liriri liotlii urgod,
cliiwoiiicitiic niotliorl, niiiilogoiis t o tho cpito nn utrorigly iii tliuir owii couiitry
~ O C O Y H011~~11oyod nt Soinoruot I-Iouso as iri diploiiintic oorruulioiidunoo nnd
foi* ai4ving til tlio niiioiint of chnw. iiituruutioiinl conforances, to ndopt tlio
276 THE SUGAR GANE. J ~ 1,E 1880.
bnck t o b e aiiomed on beer exported oniy remedy-the abolition of dram-
from tliia country. The lnrgc mar@ back. TIiey hal-e given the strongest
nliowed t o French sugar reihera, of nssurancea that they NU do 80-a law
~vhom,as R mntter of fact, thero arc was adually p:tsscd d t h that object-
very fom, has aiisen in p r t from thc nnd yet things rcmnin as they mero.
renl or supposed uncsi.tninty oP tho L ' Tlie sncchariiilctiic method " mas

sncc~laioinctricsyt3Luu1, and the n:~tuiiil asliaiistivcly cliscussed a t thc Inter-

desiro t o givc tlie reíincr tlic benrfit «i n:itional Confcrcnce Ileld i n Papis in
tlie doiilit. A grent changc, homcí7cr, 1878,and niost complet~lycondcninocl.
hna beon worlrcd in Frnnce diiimg thc
Iast t v o yenrs. Thc conuecplonco of
a n irnportnnt sories of laboratoiy
eqorimeiits lias b e m tlie mnnii-
f:ictiiro of instriiincnts nnd Ilio know-
lctlgc o£ n~ctliods wliicli inny bc
n b ~ o l i i t u rlqwnderl
l~ upon.
Whotlier tlic Frcnch siignr refincrs The aholition of chn.linck, with thc
will prc+for to stnnd b y tho test of cru%- conacqucnt ncccssity for refining in
Eiilly conrlucted oxpoi.inic~itsoi. to ro- hond, as fidly ciebated in Lhe Na-
fino i n bonct r~iiii~ilis to bo sccn. Tliorc tionnl Asaombly i n 1874, and adopted
are objoctions t o r c h i n g i11 bond, ns by IL largo mnjoritp. One fact dono
to iiinny nietliods of Icvyuig cxciec, is hiifficicnt to show tliat tliere is no
tlint it olmns a. loopholo to frniid. Tho dificiilty i n siich a syfitem. Tliero arc
Frcnch siigni. lotinriry imdo in, it lias in Fmnce fivo hundred beehoot siignr
alrenrly boon obsorvrtl, in fonr hnnds. ftictorios, i n which sugar is mnnufac-
1'110 rofinors nrc iiirii oE greal nrealtli tiued in bond; this siigar, if cxpoi~tocl,
nntl iiiíiuonce, u i d it i ~ tlieidori?, , of conrbe receires no d ~ ~ ~ b a cnnd, li,
ni*gncdw i t h ~ioiiionpliciainnrc of renson Iliercfore, no boimty. No clifticidty
t i u ~tlioGovei~imcnt
t r ~ f i ~ i aÍLyp~illkd
ls nrisch in tlio O S C ~ Bsiipor\.ision
~ of tliese
to sulm~visatlio pocoas oP rctiiliug i n f;~ctories,and thc innniifnctiwers liave
lioiicl iriigllt bc 8iil)jectccl to iiiif:ur given evidenco on more thnn one occa-
tomptntion. J t i~ tliifi diificiiltp \diich sion to tlie cnect thnt thc systcni is no
hn8 p i ~ m l ~ ~ aforo d a timo tlia ncticin of hinchnncc, alinoyniice, or expense to
tho Frcnch Oovorrunent ; biit tliorc i3 thein, but nn nctunl bc~iefiL. I t i u only
iio doubL tliid tlie ninttor nt isfme ùo- neccsswy to cdencl tliis ~ y a t o mto tho
tmcon Englnnd nnd Prnnre coiilcl l ~ c rcfincries to securc thc abolition of Ilio
adj~~tod. bomty . This the Fiencli Govmmmont
nom ditiliilctly rofiisc to do til1 export
boiinties aro nbolislied i n Holland,
(;erninny, and Aiistria. France hns
hnd many yoms' expericnce of tho
maiiiifactiwo of Hiignr in boncl, nnd tlie
JUNE 1, 1880. THE BUQbR GANE. 277

facl ia ostablishcd boyond quostiou

tlint not nn ounco of sugar escapes tlie
This, homovor, is iiot thu mliolc of I havo stnled, as biieíiy n6 poesiblo,
tlio sugar question, whioh, accordiiig the rea6ons wliy n d i o r o n t viem musl
t o Fronch opinion, could bo scttlcd bci tnken on corlnin-porhnps on all-
11ost oP i i l i b y mnlring i t a n intornri- thu points toucherl iipon in y o w intor-
t i o n d cpostion to ho tlobntcd i11 a Con- cstirig articlo, and I vontiire to liope
grcss nt which Goimi~mynnd Auatro- that you mill, witli y o i r nccuatomcd
I I i m g i ~ r ycci.ti~inly, and 1110 Uriilcrl faiiness and iiiipai~tiality, g<vo y o w
Stnlcti nlso, if possiblo, iihoidd be rcadcrs botli sidos of the quostion.
rq~rotientod. For tlio proaent, liom- Uonflrrnntion niJ t o detuils wo are fully
cvcr, Engluiid iri rnninly conceined popnrcci nith.
milli lho l h n c l ~boiirity or drnlvbiiclr, I niny add, to tiliom tho renlity of
na Franco i~ v i t h lhe oxtonsiori o! lior our coriq~laint n-t tlio present moinont
mino innrlret. 1Iow lhe nogocinlions :te for J'OWB linst, lho oxtrnordinnry
for tlio roiio\vnl of tlio Trcnty of Corii- ftlct thnt tho Pnris refino's are now
morco aro to lio oponoci mmninu to l)o giving 26s. pur cmt. for cargoes of rnw
soon. WlioLhor lho mattor will he sugar a i ~ i v i n gin lho Cliannel, iind
roiorrod to i~ inixod coimiiission to liu aolliiig tlieir lonf wgnr for prcsont nnd
fiilly dobntod, ia not Irnonm n-t prcscnt. Pormard duliroiy nt 3Gs. gd., froc oii
Nothing, in faal, is coi.taiii, escopt board i n Pnria, for shipmont 10 this
thnt in tho l~roaonttoinpor o£ conirnor- c o ~ r i t ~ y .After diarging froight on
oinl Branco thcro is no clianco of tho the raw sugnr to Pnrie nnd cost 01
Froncli Govoimiant tulring lho inilin- rofiiiing, lhis Icarcs ar1 nplin~wntloss
tivo, altliough tho lvidi 10 niiivo a t t o tho Prericli roiinor of btltwoon 4s.
a linho of riogocintion is di~tinclly nnd 6s. lior cwt.
uffii.iiicr1 by tlic prcuonco o£ 11. L6011 I um, Sir, your oliodioiit sorvnnt,
Sny as A~nbnasndoi' d tlio Com* of G~onom~ I M ~ T I N B A L ~ ,
SL. Junios. Scoroli~1.yBritidi Siignr RoBnora'
22, ACaiioirig J ~ I C iWq/
, 18th.


Tlic clntios oii sugar bect i11Auslxiti, mo chni.gcd upon an asaiimed

poductiori of siigtw from an assumeil qunntity of rools. Tii tlie
cimo o1 fuctorics whoro diffusion vossoh are usoil, aiid r h o s t tlio
278 SBE SUGAR CANG. Juxx I , 1880.
-- -
\Tliolo crop is made iu siicli factorios, tlic 6ovcriiiiiciit nsuiiiuos tlmt
for overy llectolitre of cubic coutcnts, 1,800 kilos. of roots are n.oi.licd
in 24 liours.
&\,ing, ou this iissiiiiiytiou, whicli is oonsidorably iinclcr tho
\\-o& done, iisccrtahed thc wcigld of lToots W O & C ~ , diity is
chai.ged nt thc ratc of 7 fl. 30 kr. por ton of roots.
Tlio drnvbncke nllomcd h tho cxpoi~tntionof siig'ar nro, for
i to 99& polnrixaCion, 9 fl. 10 kr. por kilos. ; for siignrs
r ; i p r s h o ~92
orei. 99iG5polarizntion, 11fl. 18 kr. pcr kilos ; bclom 02 liolitiixntiou
no chambnck is nllomed.
It \Tas fouud, Iromcvcr, tlint iindcr tliis aystciu thc fiiigiw iliitics
j ,Aliistiia,iiistencl of socurhg n YCTCI~IID, coiild uot bo relicil 21p011
not to ciuisc a loss to tlic Glovcrnniont; rml iu Pnct iii tlio yo:ir
1875-6 tlie Govermmt :~ctunllgpaicl n m y iu cli.iirnbuclce mox
tlxtii it rcceived in dutios by 135,536 Li.
9 nem lan. mis lias~cd,tliorcforc, \vlicroby, mliilst tlic tast~tioil
:iud (li.iiwbnclcs rciiiaiiiccl as bcforc, tlio ~ t l - i e w t sworo uic~leto
giinrmtcc to thc Aiibtrii~uGo\-criiiiioiit a iiiiniiuiiiii rcvcniw of
6,000,000 fl. for tlic yoiir 1878-0, rvliicli amoiiiit wns to lio iiicrciiscil
by 500,000 fl. y c d y , uulil 10,000,000 il. WLLSrciiolicd. .
It ia u o proposcd
~ to iiioilify tliir law, anil Llic lr>llo\\,ing
nltcrntious sccm Lilíoly to be ninclc.
Tlio diity to be r:~iscd hoiu 7-30 fl. par lou of roots to 8 Il., iiud
tlic cli.nwLliacks to bo raisod on sugiirs lioltwizbig 92 to 99-,",;, l'roiii
9-10 fl. to 9 4 0 fl. ; oii siigm polariziug ovcr 9F)*", froni 11,18 8.
to 1 1-55A. ; t h s ii~cronsiiigihc duty 1mcl thc cli.n\~biiclcby 3.3
1'cr ccllt.
Tho miuiiiiuiu rccoipts to tlic Trciisiiry to IJC ri~isccl to
10,000,000 fl. for 1880-81, nrid to ho rnisccl Ly 400,000 (1. oncli
uiicccccling p a r , iiiitil 12,800,000 nrc ronc*lied.
Tlic iiioclc of ostimating tlic quaiitity of roots is H O U I ~ W ~ Icoiii-
plicntcd, i t lcrircs open t h door to consiilui.nblc oi.i.or, niiil it
ccrtninly does not soem cnloulntocl to cnt~bletlic Oo~oi~uiilout to
nrri~ent a oor~cctrcsult.
Tlio followiug ctilciil~~tiou is iutorcstiiig., tt~iildio~\vjrvliat riri11 bc
the reanlt of the nem systoni ns ooiiiparecl mitli thc oltl, talriizg tlic
Jcxie 1, 1880. THE SUGAR GANE. 270

figurcs of croli 1878-0 ns n linsis nnd nssuriiing that thc :iniount

of roots cscaping tlie cluty rcniniiis thc samc in botli c n m .
Unrlcr t h c prescnt ~ L L V , 1878-9 :-
30,926,000 qr.ruet.mcrcchargcclcluty, amounting 22,576,190
Lcss dccluction Por stoppagcs, 84 pcr cciit. . 1,926,190

Drnmbacks paid ............ -18,960,723

Amount required to be paid by fabricnnts.. .... -
Result to t h c fabvz'oants :- - -
Amount of duty reccircd from consuniers-
*216,067 tons, a t 1110 fl. por ton .............. 23,767,370
Less anloiut to pay Goiwnuxnt ........ - -

N e t t niilount of bounty recci~edby fahrlcalzts ... - 17,767,370

c q u d to 43 fl. por ton oii ~vliolecrop.

Under proposcd ncw 1nv :-

30,936,000 qr. niet. of roots a t 8 fl. .......... 24,740,800
I)eductiou for stopptigcu, nt 8& per ceiit. .. 2,060,400

Drawbnck in 1878-9. ...18,960,723
nt 3.3 pcr ceiit. , . 632,241
- -
Ainouilt to be paid I>yf(~brioantsto Gtorciiilment. . --

To mnko .................. -
+ Tlio crop in Aust~in-IIuiignryin 1878-9 ~ n anccording
, to IIcn Licht,
406,907 tons. Tlio oxport nniountcd to 189,617 tona, lcn~5ng216,067 for
tlio homo coiia\unption.
280 THE SU@AlI GANE. JUXE1, 1880.

Ilesult to tlie fahcnnls :-

216,067 tons consuiiicd, at 110 fl.. . . . . . . . . . . . 23,767,370
Acld 3.3 per cent. .................... 7 84,311
ainouat to pay Govci.niuent ...... 10,000,000
Not m o n n t of Bounty ............ 14,551,681
equnl to 35 fl. per ton on crop.
78 ,, ,, oxport.
80 tliat, imder thc iiew Iam, tlie fa6u.z'cn)tts mil1 still rcaciw a
uiilisicly of ul~mnrtlsof £1,000,000 por nnniiiu.
?.S.-Sincc tlio abovo wiis mrittcn il; iqliears tlint ~uidortho ncw Itlw, il is
now proposod to d o m a clrawbnclc of 8.40 ii. 11131' 100 Idos of sugam ospoiLcd
politrising inidor 02 por cont. riiid not 108sthnn 88 por cont.


I n tlie hlrirch uii~ibor,of the Sugw Ccme, of the yunr 1875, 1

conti.ibutei1 a pnpor ou tlic Proiliictiou i u i l Cousiiiilptioii o1
of the Worlrl, so f u tis wc Iiarl inforwatio~,for L: pciiod ol ycars
extenilbg hoiu 1853 to 1873.
A paiuphlct which lias rccciitly bem liroiiglit oiit iii I'wis,
by Xons. C. Bivort, gives mo tho ineans of supploiuciitiug tllu
tho investigrttion of tlzo facts coiiuectoil mith tho siipply mil
cousiiwptioil of the worlcl to n rccciit clt~ta,nucl, I tllinlr, it will not
be iinintoresting to yoiir i~cnclcrsto learn souctlliag oi tho siig:~r
history of the ~vorld,c~sthorcin sot forth.
Beginuiug, as iu 1875, witli thc proiliictioii ol! aniic sugar, t~ud
tukiug tho avcnigc crops of thc five yctirs oiitling 1879, wo fiail
ihe follomiiig coiinhios proiliicing ovor 100,000 tons :-
282 SRE SUGAR GANE. JUNB 1, 1880.

froiu wliicli wc inag coiicliidc tlint Porto Rico is decrensing

prochction. Triiiiclnd reiiininii~g stntionary. Britisli Giiiann,
Loiiisiana, and Pcru arc still i n ~ ~ c a s i n g .
Tlie increasc iu LoiUsiirna mas anticipatecl in 1875, nnd is likely
to continuc so long as tlic heavy protection which is amnrcled her
in tlie Uuitccl States lnsts. '

There yeiilain Jnmaica, Btwbaclos, Uartiniqiic, GFiinclnloiipo,

Reuiiion, Egypt, : ~ n dthc lcsser Wcst India Islancls. Their com-
binecl procliictions reinain about *e snmc ELSin tlic pcriocl 1869-73,
Addiiig togcther thc avernge crops o! tlic 10 li~rgestcuiic siignr
exporting ooiintiies, na given :~bovc, mo havo ai1 nvcmge totnl
p~ochctioiifor the years 1875-79 of 1,547,305, ngainst nii avcrage
pi,ocliiction for thc yews 1869-73 of 1,515,512 ; sliowiug thnt tlie
caiic sugar prochction of the worlrl lias rciilaincd stntionary. It
1xrs iu fact bccn stnggering iinrlcr itfi coinpctitioii mitli beot sugnr,
aiclecl as tliat lias beeu by statc mbsidios ancl export boiintios.
Ij~fl. "
Avorngo Crop, Avoi~rgoCrop, Avorngo Crop,
1853-7. 1860-73, 167ú-80.
208,000 tons. .... 083,075 tons. .... 1,361,747 toiis.
Shoning nu incrcasc oE 385,000 tons iu tlic six ycnrs,-~rhicli is
siircly n iuni.lrccl coiitrast to tlic cuiic sugirr pro(liictioils.
She rclalivc positions of thc tmo grcnt siig~wiiiclustrics can oiily
bo asci,ibccl to tlic cffcct of tlic systeiu of cxport bounties, which
lias bccn c:irriccl oii in Eiiropc to 80 lnrgo nn oxtcnt, i11fnct, tlint
somo of t l ~ cboiinty rccciving iurlu~l;l'icis~rppcai'to be 011 lho vciVgc
of succunhing iiiidcr thc coinpctitioii o! tlicir moyo liiglily boiuity-
fcd rivals.
Wc find, for iiislaiico, a iunrkod iliffcrcncc botmccii thc figiircs
of thc Prencli, Diitcli, ~mclBc1gi:lii iidusti~ios,ou thr. onc liniicl, us
coiilparecl witli i h s t i h oii tlie otlicr ; tlic boiiuty iii tlio foriilcr
coiintries bciug lcss tlinu thnt iii Aiistria. Tlie folloming figiircs
shom tlii4 :-
hvon~goUrop, Avovorngo Oisop,
1873-76, 1877-80.
Tons. Tons.
Sliiis s l i o ~ i n gfor tllcsc countrics xii i~ctiinlfalliig off. ilustri~.
oii tlie 0 t h linucl, sllowh : -
A ~ o r a g oCrop, dvomgo Croli,
18i3-ti. 1677-60.
188,175 tons. ........
342,218 toiis.
(Icrmany also sliows a vcry lnrge incrolisc, hcr nvcmgc crops
linving bccn-

Tlic consuinption of Europe nlid Unitecl Stntcs nccoiding to
H c r r Licht lias bcen as followfi :-
Toiiq. Taii*.
1868. . . . . .1,544,000 16'74. . . . . .2,1 G1,539
1869. .... .l,G30,000 18'75. .... .2,24'7,060
1870 . . . . .1,790,000 187G. . . . . .2,222,946
1871. . . . . .1,8'72,000 1817. . . . . .2,18'7,54[i
1872. . . . . .1,850,000 1818.. . . ..2,429,101
1873. .... .2,049,000 7879. . . . . .2,362,301
Iiic~eiisc84,166 tons pcrnunum h r c a s c 50.00U tons lic~:mnnin
It mil1 tlius bc sccn tlint thc lnrgi! iuci~ciiscof! tlie consiiinpticiii
wliidi has tilkcii pl:~ceiii I<:~iropc niid Uiiited Stntcs lins prncticdly
bcen cntircly siipplicd of 11~tcyenrs by I ~ c e tsiigar, :iiid it sccilis
iinpossiblo to doulrit t,lint tliis rupid iiicrcnsc of bcct sugar produc-
tiou, wliilc cano siignr prodiictiun h n ~ ;miiaiucd stiit,ioiiary, is tho
rcsnlt of nild hns bccii cniiscd b y csport bouiitics.
It rcmainu for Xngl:~udto rcstorc frce triido iii sugar, vliicll lias
ao long bccn dcniccl on British markots; niid mc ccmnot bclicw
tlinf; for tlie sake of a tciiiporary artificinl clicnpciiing of oiic
coiiiniodity, shc mil1 ndinit thc iiifriactiori of p'incilh, o11 wliicli
ilepcud fie soouritp uucl vitality of nll 11cr iiidustrics, and tlic
permaneut htercsts of hei, consumcrs.
1, 1880.

Ou Fridi~yorcning, tlic 14th of Xay, au cxtraortliiiary mceting

of rcpreseutati~es of a11 tho br,i.nncliesof labour coiincctcd mith t h ~
houic anil colonial siigu indiistiics was hcld in tlio Excciitivc Com-
rnittec Eooins, Coiuinercial llontl. Thc clinw wt~socciil,iccl by Mr.
J o m ~ ~ s r m r r(ihaitirrnau
r, of tlic Yhilmtluopic Goopers' Associn-
tiou. The Prcsiclent, in opciiiug the pTocccclings,mid that the erisis
witli iypd to thc siigai* boiuity question woiild iiow soon arrire.
Hc me& ~ h c t h c i tliorc . was to bc a. coiuitcrvniling diity levied ou
foroigii boiiuty-focl siigm or not. (Hear.) Xis o m opiuiou was,
jitilgiiig f r o u a11 thc siirrounchg ci~.ciiiilstc~iicosof tlic casc, thnt
l'arliauiciit coiilcl uot : L M ~~roiilduot allow :L grcat nntiounl inclus-
try, siicli ns tlic sugw ti'& v a ~ to , bccome cutirely c x t h c t in this
coautry, 'mil tlint fkom niist:rken iiotioii of the applicntiou of t h e
priuciplcs of frcc trnde, ns mnny of thc meiubcrs of thc prcsent Co-
vel.iirilcnt,nlid P~irliitnicntgcncrnlly, worc in fitvoiir of the objccts thc
mgar openliivcs n-crc Irying to g:~iu. Tlicre werc, horcvev, a IOW
warrow-minclcd obstructives \.li0 lind cxpresscd thciusolrcs against
tlic ticloption of a couteiwiliiig chly ; tliose who wcrc so opposecl
m r c h tlic iuinority, nncl wcrc happily gcttiiig fo~vo' ovcry day.
Loolting thcu itt tlic prcmlt :iqoct of thc casc liow t h c y might,
tliey coiikl uot but fccl liopcful of n spcocly micl sstisl'actory cncling
to tlic ngitatioil. 110then clrem LL iuolnuclioly piotiire of thc con-
clitioil of tlic West Iu(linn sugnr plnutations, omiug to tha falling
off of tlic tiiignr tm1e cnuscd by inroigu boiiutios. Proin D e u c r a m
to Berbicc thc hucl wis iiow ~ ~ ~ c r p o w witli
i i biish whoro only n
fcm poniss ago Iiis~irimts i i g r phntutiuu; floiiridiocl, nud gavo
work to tliousauds of pcoplc.
Nr. ST. L ~ ~ r i iGII,I,XIN
:n nlo~;cdtlic iollomiiig rcsoliition :-
Tlint in t l i u opinioii of thirc niootiiig o! ropro~oiitntivowoi.l;niori, tlm b e ~ t
aiid iiiost hcnity thunks of tliu woi.ltiiig olnssou, uiid ospoci~dlyof thc Dast o£
Lontlon, aro cluo un~ltiro liuioby ruspcollully luiitlurod t o tlio L o d BIayor o£
London foi. thu ltind sympatliy nnd siipport 110 liliti givou l o tlio nntional agi-
JUNB 1, 1880. THE SUGAR GANE. 285
-- --- -- - -- - -

lation for tha nbolition of the forcign mgar bounty ~ystem. Fwther, tliis
incoting thnnlrs him for grnnting tho iisa of the Maneion Hoiioc for a public
mcoting on tlio nll importnnt qucstion of tho hoiintios, ovcr which his
lordsliip Iins ~~ro~niricd
to prcsidc,
It wns t o bc liolictl tlint tlic incctiiig woiild rcsiilt in forwnrdinã
tlie ciliject for wliicli it n-as licld.
N r . llrrrrrs, rcprcsciit:~tirc of t h c morlciiicii of St. C~itlicriiic's
Docks, scooiidcd tlic rcsoliitioii, ~ r l i i c h , linriiig bccn supportcrl
b y h h . B . ~ i i i . u o1
~ ~tlic
, Loiidoii Doclis, w n s cnliicd uiinniuioiisly.
Nr. T. M. RELTY,nssistuil g ~ n c ~ sccrctt~rj- td t o tlic Ntltioiinl
C o m i i t t c c , ~novccitlic folloming i~esoliition:-
Tlint tliis mortirig, con~po,mdof tlio repr~scntntivcsof the nlliod tinnrliea
of In1,oiir deporidont for oiiil~loyiiirnton tlio nxiintem~nco of tlio Iiome niid
colonial siig:~rindiistrios, kyloras thc ocononiic ignornnce diuplnyed 11y siicli
nn orgnn of pulilic opiiiion as t l i ~[ I ' i n r c ~in dcnling witli tlio forcign csport
lioiinty qiicstion, nnil clinlli~gcathnt pnpei3 to p r o v ~tlint n diitp coiiilier-
vdiiig forcign osport bountics ~voiild 1i:tvc any otlior operntion on ninrlat
pricc.~,or nny otlior oflcct oii tlio intorest~of tlio Briti~hoonsiiniors,thnn t h
cosa:~tionof l~~iiiitioa, niid conqcc~iiontrestorntiou of lim trnde vwiild hnao, if
c~floctodby tlio ncgotiidioii~so porsistontly, biit friiiilcssly, prosociited lig
Iintli Liliord iiiitl Con~orvntirohdniiiiistriitions for niany ycnrs p s t .
f I c wirl tlio f i n o s ncwsp:ipcr alqxircntly wislicd to iiiis1e:irl tlic
~ m l ~ l i aiid
r . piit :i wct bl?iilít?t oii tlic e h r t s wliicli tlie workiug
clnsfio~».E thifi lchqyloitl ~ ~ e liow
r c incihing t o obtnin ii. fnir pricc iii
tlicir o w 1 iiicii-lwLs for tlicir lihoiir. Tlie lotdiiig orgnii of liiil~lic
opiiiioii cntlci~rvniiwlt o ii~tilrcoiit t h a t wlint tlic siigw opert~t,ivca
rcr$rcd wns t o piit tlic fiugnr rlucstioii oii n differeiit baais t o
tlicit mliicli it liold nt tlio prcsciit iiioincnt, aiid tliat hy so doiiig
tlic p m ~ i l cof tliis ooiiiitry woiilcl liavr? to pay more for siigni. tlian
tlicy wcro cloirig r~tliroseiii;.
Iii tlio Moncy Aiticlc crf tlio Tintos of 3rc~hieatlny,t b e 12tli, tlie
iollowiiig ctlitorial ~ i o t i c c:uid lctter nppcarod, wliicli lie woiild r e z ~ d
t o tlic iiicotiiig. !i!lie c,ity editor of tlie Times rciunr1c;lio:-
Tho :followiiig lottoi. rcliton~tont l ~ owoll-wnrn :~i'gtiii~cni;~ 1.~ywhioli tlle loxf-
siipi~ri*ollii«i.~ of I l i i ~coiuitry 6oelc to ro-ciablisli proloction in tlicir own
intcrost3, Iiitt ilocil i ~ o cliiitu
t coviir tlio gn-iiuirl iiidicntd by oin qiiery. Wliat
\\.o ~vidiliodto got u,t wiio mliotlicr thio coiiiitry does (ir doou not cnntiniic to do
nri ostciisivt! :~ndprofiti~l~lu siigcw-~ofiiiiiigbiisinoss, in apito of tlitr boiintios
tlint mrly liiiwi MO iiiuch airlid tlia lod-siigni irinlrors o11 tlio continont. Tho
"Nny 11.
I1Sir,-Tow qiicry has bcen un~woredsovcrnl times i n t h a piiblic proas.
Tlic oonsi1ni11tion of moisL or soft reflncd siigui., wliito und yollom, lias
incrcaserl in proliortion wvith tlic 1:trgely incrcnscd cous~uiiptioiio£ siignr in
tLis coimtry. As foreign couiitiios givc &n cxp0i.t buiinty only on or
i ~ w drefined sugar, that iia tho clasu of rofined 8iigW w~l~icli lins bcen rhectly
siipplnnted by foreign boiuity-iod procliicts. Bnt thcmitliors of moist s i i p r s
are nffccted incliroatly by tlio si~loof nny Iciiid of rsíincd sugm bolow cost
pi+e, niid tlicy know not ~vlienthek turu mny conio to ineot n i t h a cliroct
siibsidizccl compatition. IL is sololy owiiig to tho ngitation of the qnestioii
that this has hithorto bccn avoided. Tlie fuct that tlio conclition of t h a
mliole refining tmde liafi bom fluotunting, uncertniii, and unsstisfactoi~yf o r
t ~tho vcry litrgo mcl continiious incimsa i11thc domnncl
,somo reais, in ~ ; l , iof
for rcfuiecl sugar, slioms thnt i t ia not woTking uudci. conclitioritl.
BIorcover, if thorc wcrc iio f o r c i p uxliort bountics, Britisli capital nnd laboar
woulcl not only'tlie mniinfnctuo of lmf sugnr for oiu- lionio consump-
tion, biit moiild obtnin t~ vciy importnnt expoii trndo. Fr'rimce, Hollnnd,
Gcimnusy, and Aunbit~cxport 360,000 tons of lonf sugur pcr nnnuni, vhilo mo
e?;l)oi%nons. The queution ia ainiply wliotlior tlic existonoe of n iiscfid und
logitimnto Biitish industry sliouldbo subject to 1110 cnl~ricoof forcigii Govein-
monto, and mlietlier British producom hnvo no1 irs uiiicli right ns forsign
prodiicers to clnim, ou thc principlos oE o w commoi.cirtl policy, eqiinlity o.C
compotition on Biitidi u n i ~ k c t ~ .
J n m 1, 1880. THE SUGAR CANE. 287

Tho larger quostion of the injury to our natural sowccs of supply for
rnnr s u g ~ansing
, from tlio nom vcry swious esport bountieu on ram bcet-
root bugni*, is ~learlyiillistrntccl bj- yoiii. coi~cspondent'~ letter in thc Times
o£ to-day. The of r:iw yugar liclow cost price inust crontually dcilroy
piocluciion in thc Veht Incüeu aiicl olse\\-hero,nnd lmre uu clapendent on
hoimty-fcd supplioa.
" For theao rcnbonb tlio cii.cul;u.-lcttcifroni mhich yoii gire estmr.t.qto-dny

t sybtain of elípol~boimtieu is ' sul~rerrrirc!of frce trndc!nnd

points out t h ~ til0
oquiinlly capnble of rlostroying nny otlier Britibh intliietiy, mlde threateni~i~
the socwity of nu;' nnd thnt, theicfoie, * aprotcst ngiiinst cxpmt bountiea
inwlres the nasertion of n pririciple of viti11 iniportance to a11 engagcd in oiw
iintionnl produetionu. inclustq-, mrl'-1 ain, &c.,
J ~ x mD r i c a s ,
'. Chniinian British Sugar Befinerh' Comniittce."
Tlic '' Tlii~iiderer,"in its ignornnce, declitrcil tlint tlir aiiti-sugar
boiinty ngitntors rcqiiired psotcctioii for tlieir incli~stry. Tlint
stntenient oii tho pnit of tlie Ti~~riies n-ns cntiruly aiiliout foiini1;ition
iii fnct. (IIear, licnr.) Protectioii was not rcqubed. What mis
~ n n t c r l howevcr,
, wns, thnt thc prjlleiplc of free trnile sl~oiildbe
allomed to reigii siiprcinc on Biitish mni.lcets, anil presei~ntion
seciired horii tlic concoaletl sul)sicliív of forcign statcs. If protrction
or reciprocity werc, in the orclinnrp sense, ninied xt, Iie (thc
spcnker) n ~ i d tliosc who nctccl nith liim voulil reiluire thc
Golwnriieiit to piit n t:uS on sug~irsconiing horn tlie Coiitinent,
eqiinl to tliat ndiich tlie foreigiicrs leviccl qn siuiilu~English goods
of tlic snme clescription when cntcring theh* ports. It v a s
rpiitc elear thnt tlie T h e s 11x1 cncleavoiu.eil to mislcad piiblic
opinion on tlic question, nncl tliiit in the most ílisingeniioiis mamer.
It nlso stntcil t h a t if tlie siigar opci.iitircs of England coiild not com-
@e ~ 6 t h the foreigxers ns sugar refiners, they miist givc up tlieii.
traclc and scck nnotlier, or eniipiite. ( S h n e . ) Siicli ,z siiggcstion
RS tliltt np1~nredr c i y fnh in theoiy, ù u t Iiom mould it act in
, if it v e m carriccl ont to its logical conclusion ? (Henr,
p ~ c t i c c 01%
licnr.) If coiitirientnl Powers ~ w s enllowecl to clestroy whnt Ni..
Glndstone lind triily callcíl a " lnvdul Bi itish indiistry," tlicg-
would iiot rest thcrc. Their n e i t move ~ o u l i lbr to dcstroy o i
p ~ ~ l y tlie z c woollcn iildustly of TorIcs1iii.e m d the cotton iunnu-
ftictiirc of LLincnsl~rc. Sucli, thcn, being the case, theii. ninchi-
288 TBE SUGAR GANE. Jnm 1, 1880.
=ations shoiild be a t once stopped. It would be much ensier to
prereiit tlieir pliiii succcecling i t l i regard to the R ~ ~ indiistry
t h m it vould be vitli the others, nnd t h c sooilcr tlic Bovernnient
I&l hold of tliat fnct tlic bcttcr. (Cliecr~.) If tho iliicstioii were
lcft t,o tlic deci~ionof tlic ~\~orlciiicil of tliis coiintry-.not nloile
siigar operatitires, hit cvcry vodciiig mnii-thorc vould iiot 11e n
liand held 111) ngniilst liiittiilg ou a couiitervililirig diity, or in ftwour
of suoli arguiueuts iiç had bccn piit forwnrd i11 Ilic Thzes. (Henr.)
To sny the least of tlio stntciucnt in tlic F h ~ e s ,to the effcct
that if thc fiiigar-rcfincrs coiild not coiiipctc ngniilst siilisidizctl
siigai~-iuan~~nctiii*crfiabroad, thcy mnst cmigrnte or fiiid soiue othor
eiilploymcut, it mas ci~iclin tlie cxkeme. Thnt m m ns uiiicli ns to
say that Englishmeii nnist rctire froni tlicir omn iiiaikets, lonve
their homes and thcu coiiriliqy,nutl thnt,, not to bcncfit t h e grrat
inass of tlie populntion biit foreigii prodiiccrs. (Crics of '' Shauie,"
mii loiid cheers.)
H c vould jiist xntl nnotliei. lctter fisoiiiMr. Duucun to t,he 27rino8,
mhich hail bccii piiblishcd :-
" n4ny 12.
l1 Sh,-I nni srirc arou mil1 lioriiiit mo to reply to olijoctions of BO sciioiia n
cliunctor ari thouo yoii sdvt~iicot o - h y . Wo nro 8uqlli~edto find tlioni
rcvived nftw llic long diiicii~~ioii of lhiu <~iiostion,diiring mliich wo hnvu
berntold, on d i i t L w u Iiavo ovary rcnsori to boliovo to 110 goocl nuthoritp,
thnt u duty to c o i i n t ~ i r ~ud boiuity is not on1y pcrfccily consirctont with
frco triide, biit lio6ilivcly conccivcd iii tlio intcrost of fico trndo ;'*thnt ii,
'does not involve tiiiy rctiiin to protoction ;'i. tlint 'if t~ foiuign country
clioses to Listwb onc of oiir lioino tmdos by giving n boiinty, wo uic qiiito
nt liberty to rodrosu tho bnlnncu, 80 h r :is wo nrc c o n c ~ ~ n aby d , a coiintor-
vniling duty, in ordcr to 1)rosrrvctlio lmdo ns iiiiicli ILH 1)09~iIilo i n its nat~i~iil
coiirsc.'$ Wc nsk oiily for aqiu~1coiiqiotilion ou oilr onm n~n~lcote for a11 lho
world. Por 18 pcarri, Libcnil nnd C'on~orvalivoGovorninont~iinvo ondcn-
voiwod to onforco this lirinciplc Iiy olitniniiig tho abolitiori oi tho boiinlio~by
trcnty, nhicli woidd lir~vot l ~ ofidlior offocl of pi~~vonting tlio consumorí'rorn
' gaining by thom wlir~tIio cnii.' A coiintwv~iiliiigdnly noiild onforeo Lho
mino priiiciplo, biit woidd HIY:iUo' to this coimtry tlic bonofil of thu bounty UH
ievenue ao long ns it continiicd to bo givoii. I t nrould bc n t u on lioiu~tium,
not on siignr, sinco the pico of sugar moiild bo ndj justod csaclly na il t1ioi.o
\verc no bo~mtytuid no diity. Prnctic:illy tlic Loiu~ly,boing of no fiirllio~
JTJSE1, 1880. THE SUGAR GANE. 29 i

agrecmeilt wns sigilcd by rcpresentntives of the leading Paris

refineries, incliicling thnt of &i..C. Say. Thc time hacl b e m too
sliort for thc rcfiiicrs nt thc ports to bc consiiltecl, biit it is ono
wbich nroiild bc ngrccd to by nll tlic rcfincr6 ir1 Fraiicc. Tlicrc
nrc 34 rcfincrics in Frniico, cigld of tlic lnrgest bcing izi Paris, 11.
Sny's nlonc protliiciiig 80,000 tons :Lp r . 31. Lcoii Sny, csti-
iuntes tlic boiiiily oii tlic csccss yicld ~ i t3,8G1,2% frniics ; biit if
thcrc bc ;iddcrl tlir íiini)uiil obtaiiied 13y iisiiig pourZrcs blnnclt os iiii c1
getiing thc clmmliack iipoii it ris rcfinfd hiigiir, tlic boiiiity is raisrtl
to 6,438,068 fnincs, mel to tliis iiiust bc nddcd the rirlvniitagc
obtaixied throiigli tlic crror iu thc co-cflicicnts, whicli is cstimntccl
nt 2,500,000 frnncs, uinltiiig n tohil boiiiity of nbout 0,000,000
finiics. Tt maq officidly cfitiinntcd iu Frnncc nt 10,000,000 frniics
in 187G. C h e siipnils cauiiot coiiipctc ~ i t l il~opnty-fccl bcct
siignTs, aiid tlic c~snppcaraiiccof cmo siig'ir (iii Prcncli colonics iincl
c l s o ~ h c r c mil1
) daiiingo tlic consiiiucr, bccnusc lie vil1 linve to relg
iipon nn nrtificinlly-fcd iurliistry. Vitiicss corroboratecl prcrious
witnec;~ns to rrfining iii boiid niid n Convcutioii with t i siirtas
clniisc, tlio niuonzit o1 tlic siirtax to bc dccidcd 1)y nn internntional
commission. 8ucli n olt~iiscm~oiild ncvclq Im-c to lic ciSorccd,
bccniisc nll tlic po~vcrswoiilrl couic iiito thc C'oilrontion. If l;licrr
is no Coiivciition it ir^ qiiitc ncccsuiiry thnt tlie P i ~ i i c l iGo~oiuiiicilt
thould gim to tlic Froilch mnmfnctiircrs t-lie r;aiilc boiintics nu
other govcrniuonts give, or it wonltl bc qiiitc iiupossiblc to coiitiniic
t h e innnir€acfurc.
I n apitc of tliat, liomcrer, tlic Tivaes õnys tliat t l ~ r ~are c no
hoiuitics in Pruncc. (Lnugl~tcr.)
It slioiilcl bc clcnrly ~iiiclcrstoodtliat mliat thc r a e siignr iunnii-
Bacturcrs i-cqiiircd iu Prnncc, mns to bc piil; O i i tho flame iootiilg as
tliose of Anstrin-niiiiicly, to Lznrc an oxport bonnty @vcn to t h e n oii
rnm nncl moist siigiw. It toolc tlirec. powids stcrliilg n to11 to destroy
tlic l o d siign? incliisti*y of Britaiii, bnt it woiild onlg talrc, Iic
coidrl :issiu.c tlicm, t c a shilliiigs a toii boimty to niiiiiliilatc that of
t h c moist. (I-Eenr.) As lind bcoii ~tntcd,tlie lioiinty oiijoyccl by
tlle lonf sugar ui~tl~c1,~ in lhnncc n~)ioiiiitcdto ten niillions oi irancs-
n nicc snechnriue pliiia, niirl oiic ndiich iiindc thc moiitli~of ilie rnm
292 THE SUGAR GANE. JWE 1, 1880.

sugar men mater-(laughtcr)-anel that to such an extent that

they intenile(l to agitate their C ~ & S £or bounties until the Tremh
Govement ncceded to their rerlucst. If such mcm the cnsc, wliy
the whole sugar trnilc of GisentBritnin nnd licr colonics voiilil bc
desti.opd. (Henr, honr.) Tmo ycnrs ngo tlic Times hil hnd tlic
cfjrontory ta stntc tlint thc sugar bounty ngitntion was "nu
&&&tio= of the Whitcchapol siignr biilroi's." Thnt statcaicilt
mas, liomevcr, on n par witli all tlic othcrs the sninc jaurnnl Iind
mclc ii110n tlic? qncstioii-siiuply not triic in spirit or lcttor. (Rear,
licai..) Thwc x-crc morc iutcrcstfi coiiceriicil tlim thosc of TVllitr-
chnpcl siignr bnltcrs. I t m s a n n t i o d qucation, nnd as szich
shoiild bc trcntctl in n Inrgc m d iiot in n mi@g ~cpiril. (Ilcnr,
lical-.) If foreign boimtics still contiuiicd to cxist, mithoiit n
couiitcrvniliilg cluty bchg i~loptodby this coilillsy, tlio pcoplc-
tlio consiuucra-nmst bc thc siiffcrors in thc c d , ns thcy woiild
hnvc to pny mncli niorc for thcir ~ugar-niid that foi. two rcnsona-
t h m thcy did nt pretmt. Tlic first rcason mfi,thc forcigncrs
monld have tlic nmrkcts 011 to tlioiiisclvcs anil coiilcl thcn clihrgc
mhnt thcy Iind ri. mim1 to, bcraiisc thcrc nrozilcl Isc no coiiipctitiort ;
nnd thc sccond wns, thnt tlio inilnstiy woiild bc traiisfcrrcd from :L
natural to an artzeid zoiic-n cliango ~vhichmorild rcndor tlic
crop precniioiis, and consocliicntly don~.(Cliccrs.) Siicli, in fnct,
hslppcncd, to n liuitcil oxtent, a diort tiinc siiicc, owiiig to n
pitrtinl fai1iii.c of thc bcot, Tho Britisli workmun nnd prodliccr
vcre e g to couipcte nitli tlio aliolc vorld if plitccd iipoii
cqunl tcin~s,bnt tlicy certninly clicl not gct nnything likc Euh plny
w l m thoy woro 80 h e n d y lmiidicnppod ns tlicy mcrc l ~ yforoign
bountics. (TTcnr, 11cnr.) l t wns e11 vciy wcll to tnlk r~boiitBisitisli
vorkuieii cniigrntb~if thcy coiild not compcto mitli forci~icrs,
biit to Iook at siicli n aiiggcstioii, cvcil vith n coolncss cqiiril Fo thc
spiiit in whioh it mas suggoetcd, ho should lilrc t o hicm wlint
fund or institiition cxistcS to liroriclc for siich n piiil~osc.(Hcnr,
hear.) Tliore mns n ncv scliool compoficd of florlgling politicnl
econouiists ~priugngzip-but it mns to be hopcd tlicy moiilcl iicvcr
get beyortd thc pen-fcntlier st:lgc of bci~ig-vlio rncc :tmny viai
the idca thnt thc bcrit policp to pursiic wns to biiy ovc~ytliingiu
JUNE 1, 1880. THE SUGAR GANE. 293
- - --- - -

tlie cheapest market. C'rcrpe d i m mas thoir maxirn v i t h a. vcn-

geance. They tlioiight o d y o! to-day-tha morrom voiild s u o
t o take cnre o£ itself. (Checrs.) Thcy cnred no more for thc fiiturc
than dicl the gentlcinan mlio snid, wlicn askcíl to do a ccrtain act
which woiilcl bencfit thosc who camc nftcr hini, " Wliy shoiild I ;
what has postcrity clonc for mc? '' (Cliecrs ancl laaglitor.) Hnppily,
howcvcr, those q w 6 a 91aoi le dehge clescription of politico-ccoiioinists
mero scarco, nnd foiucl biit littlc lnvonr ~ 6 t htlie tisue rlisciplos of
Adam Sinith, Ricardo, or J o h Stiiart Mill-(c1icors)-sncl mch
less witli tho grcnt mcl enlighteued masscs who constitiitc thc
strerigtli nnd greatness o£ tliis kingclom.
I n concliision thc spcalcer said thnt if evor ali ngitntion clcscrvccl
succcss it v u s tlint vhich hacl bccn causccl by the siigai. opcrnt ivcs
of Biitnin agninst thc bouiities of foreigu countrios. It hail jiisticc
nnd right on its siclc, nncl beiug bnckcd by l$nglisli pcrscvemncc
ancl inclomitnblc cncrgy miist in the oncl lic crowncd mith tho glory
of h i i ~ m p h . (Loud cheers.)
Tho rcsolutioil mns nbly scconilccl by Nr. R. Strahan, prcsiclcnt
of tlic Hancl in Hund Socicty, nníl supportccl by Ncssrs. Gcorgo
Joncs, W. Jack (dclcgate Eust aiid Wcst 11xlin D o c ~ s )and , othcru,
ancl mas adoptcil ninidat much cntliusiasru. Arrnngomcnt8 liaving
been made to scncl a dcputation hom thc cxecntivc to rtttend tho
National Scottish Coiifcrcnce, to bc hcld m x t montli, on tho
bounty qucstion, thc proceedhgs tcruinatccl.


BY MR. 1'. C A S A ~ J O ~ .
( A Paper road liciforo thc American Chemicul SocioLy, Mnrch 4th, 1880.)

Aboiit n year ngo wc wcrc often cntcrtnincd by the clnily lwcss

mith aecounts o£ the aclulterations prnctiscd liy siigw rofincrs, ancl,
among those níliiltcrutions, the one most gencrnlly uscd, ns w e
wero then told, wns the mixing of refind sugar mith staroh
294' THZ SUGAR GANE, JUNE 1, 1880.
-- -- ---- - -.-

glncose. I iliiist coiifos~tliat I iiovcr belio~ocli n snch u pimcitico ;

foi,, althoiigh I Iuid ti.iotl to prociiro spocimcns of suo11 f i u g w ~ ,I
J T ~ Sqot nble to fiiid iuy, and one 01) t w o spccimens ~ ~ l l u o w l ic r e
g-iTrcnto me, t ~ S I L~ ~ I W f d ~ i l t ~ i ' n ttiil'~1cd
so ~ d ~ OU^ to I)c p11i7c, aB
far as tlic lircsoiicc of sl;:ircli sugar wris coliccrnocl. Tlic iclcn t h d
t h . i l ~81igi~ra
~ ~ \vcre so a d ~ l t ~ i ~ i~t e~ ir [ylilccly oiigi~iiitcd i n t h o
iiulJcrfectioii of tlic p O C 0 8 W S il80d t0 C ~ O ~ tho C C ~11i'CflCliCe 0.1 fltarch
This ~vock,h o ~ ~ c v o 1r , h í - o liud tho good fortuuo to como in
120ssc&n of n snmldo of rofinod siigni8 lnrgoly ndultorntud w i t h, Thifi ~~nruplc v n s sciit to 3lossrs. Ení-onioyar mc2,
Eldei; f ~ o m8t. Loiiifi, riiid a dili of p:ipcr i11 tho box g w c t11o
illfoniitltion tlii~ttlic btirrol froiii whicli tliis sugiir IVRS i;nkcil lvns
iii&ed " l)ondoi:cd Siignr. BTiiii1intf;iiil Biigur Rcfincry, T\Tom
Y0i.k H ; a rcfiiioxy ol! tlio cxistoiioc! of wliicli I Iiwo not beoii nblo
to fiiid tuiy proof.
Tlio iilurcdiility vhich I piwiuiisly imiiituiiid on tlio cxiatoiico
of n(liiltoi.iltioii by sturcli riugtiis nwt; ù i i ~ a doii t11e follo.wiiig c m -
&iiflenicii,-You. i111 pr<rbiJdyl c i i o ~t h t iE you liilvri L: m g t l r
l , ctm only olltiii~lfroin i$ liy tlic ordiiiriry processos 0.1
~ o l u t i ~ ly011
11 rcfiiiory, a rpiilutity of crphIli.zcc1 ~iigtiit,roprosc!utiiigvcrg iio~irly
tlio cliiffcroiioob d ~ v o c ~t il i ~ci~iiotiug~ir prosont ulzd tlic ~cilii1)lo
ii~1iuritios. Ij: yoii h ~ i w ,foi' i1i81;~~iioqIE H U g W ~oliitioil whosu
co-officiciit of piirity i~ !)O piir cc!iit. tlio ~ol.xJ)loiiiipi.i.i:it;ios will
iqcpcseilt 1 0 por coiil;. i> tllo tihil of t.110 ~irh~tniiocm in solutioi-i,
nilcl yon cim obtniii, txl: 1;lic utiiio~t,mil y 00 - 10 = 80 plirts of siignr
r o n i 100 liarts of H I I ~ H ~ L Ic ~~ L~ CH ~B o ~ Y P! ~~. O C C ~HLHV Cbcen
O~ pub-
liehed wlleroby it groatcr yiolil inny bo olitaiiioi'i, b u t siich. proccssus
roqu.ko t 1 ~i1i ~ cof ~ilcoliolor i>f l i q o yutnititicis of d t e of iil:tgiicaia,
iw1 thoy l w o n c w r bom nsod oii imy cxtonilod soulc. A s sttisclz
sugar iu soliitioii doos ilot iiut othorwi~otlicln nsy othor i~ilpui<kyin
soliition, tho uilditioi~ol' it, iii n dissulvod dato, to n ~ u g n solution r
could iiot hnm uiiy oUicir olfoct tliiu t o iliniini~litlic yic1.d cif siigur
nwd iiicrouso tlii~tof inoliisse~,
Tlio o d y m a i m r in whicli bttwoli gliicoso uiiu bo iuixorl w i t l i

r c h r d cnnc sngnr, so as to gire a profit instcncl of a 106s to tlie

person effocting tliis mixtwe, is t o niix tlie t k o snbstmces in a
solid stt~tc. Nom, tlic st:wch sngnr niiist eithcr be iiddcd ín Inrge
qunntitics,-nud tlicn it scemed to iuc tlint it could bc cnsily
detecterl by thc eye or by thc tastc ; or it iunst be addcd iu w r y
smdl qumtitics, and tlien the cl.if€erencebotmccn the pite of sugar
and that o£ stmch gliwose mould uot lcave a profit pr~po~tional to
tlie troiiblc. N y cxpcrience d t h sugu r c h c r s does not lcad me
bclicvo thnt the rcfmcr exists mho would adidtcrate Xs prodncts
by aclding to thoru only oue to tvo pcr ccnt. of starch gl1icose.
Wncli a thing moiild not 1197.
Tlie objcct of this ~0~1tuunicntion is to giro n fcv easy processes
for the dctection of sttlrcli glucosc in coiumorcit~lsiigar.
Uy thc uso of thc opticnl sacchnrometer, the prcscncc of starch
sugm inuy be ensily clctcctcd, when in qunntities ns largo as in thc
t t a q l c i11 questioii. It is n dcxtro-gyrato snbstaiicc, nnd rio othcr
clcxtro-gydc substaiicc coiild be usccl to ncliiltcriitc sngm n ith
cfficicncy in snch lniyy quantitics.
Tho dired, tcst by thc optical saccliaroiucter g i n s 97 por ccnt.
~ l f t c inveraion,
r thc rending of the sncchai.oiuctcr is 9.8 pcr ccnt.
to tho loft nt 21" C. If me ndil tlicsc n~inibers\vc finil, by C l ~ ~ g c t ' ~
hblo, t h t they corrcspoud to 80 licr ccnt. of canc sugar. As thc
sugar is cli'y, Lhe ballrincc, 20 l)cr cont., uenily rcprescnts the
quantity of stnrcli sugnr, ns fiam tlic :ypenrancc of tlie ungiir tliere
must bo very little iilvertcrl siigiir prcscnt.
I iiccd not now considcr tlic siibject of inccr~ionas n mcms of
ascortaining tho nctiinl cpnntity of cnnc mgxr pcsent in ti. saniplc
of commerciid s~igtw, 2s 1 h:we t ~ l r c d yhad occ&oii, iu a papcr
i 0 d bcPoro tlis Socicty at oiir rcguhr mcctiug of Fcli~ii:iryI&

y c ~ ~ to r , cliscuus thiu sihjcct ut grcnt leugtli.* 1mny, liowcvcr,

stty thnt 'if this sugt~rhhad bccn mliat mc cal1 in tlie siignr busincss
n stw+t sugar, 97 pcr cent. of sugar, d t c r iiivci.sion, moiild 1in-r.o
ghcn nt 21" C-32*5", iustcatl of -9.8". 1 call yoiw nttciition to

* Boe Jotwi~al of tAcdrira~.uniaCIie~itienlSol i d y , Tol. i., 11. 28 ; dr;o CIici>ricnl

Arclcs, Vol. sxsis., pp. 212-234; Sugni' Cmc, T o 1 si., 1). 200 ; Xonilcici'
Jiiin, 1879, 11. 0-17; Stnirlii~cr*'~
,Si*i~i~tiJiqita, Zc'citsclri'ift, Jdi, 1879, 13. 083.
296 THE SUGAR GANE. Jmue 1, 1880.

this to show of whnt pi'ecious lielp thc process of Clorgct i 8 iii

casos o£ this ltind. It is n snil truth tlint vcry maiiy pci'so~s,
whose occupation is ilio aiiialysis of S&~S, arc oiihcr cntircly
igiiormt o£ tlic process of Clerget, or do not k n o cnougli~ nboiit it
to use it wlien thcy nccil it.
This sugar, tostccl by tlic nll;iiliuc coppcr fiolutiou, givcs 17 11~1,
ccut. of reiliicing siilistnnccs cnloiilntcd as gliicosc, mhicli sliowfi
thnt thc starch sugar m i ~ e i lmith rofineil sugar contnineil+$ = 85
per ccut. of tlicse rcdiiciug siibstanccs.
The proccss mliicli I Iind tlio lionour of ilcscribiilg boforc iliis
Socicty a t our Jimc mcothg * gives iinsntisiactory iscsiilt~witli
sugar ailultcratcil by fitnrch gliicosc. Tlii~;is iluo to tho iiiiporfcct
solubility of starch gliicosc iu inctliylic nlcoliol. Aftor grincliiig
tho sugnr iiniler csr~minntionmith tlie slnuilnrcl soliiLion Ior tlisoc
Uiinutes, the process gnvc 85 por cciit. o1 puro siigiii-[L ifiscrcpr~icy
f i o u the result ùy thc sacchnroucter (80 por ccnt.) ~vliichucvcr
ttikcs plncc mitli str,iiglit fiiignrs.
Besiilcs tlicso processas, mliich caii oiily bc qqdicil by pcrnons
11~c~iilcil vitli sciontific npplinnccs, tllc prosenco of stt~rcligliicoso,
wlicn iisccl in mcli liirgc clunntities, mtty be renilily ilctcctcd by vcry
sirnple l)i30cosscs,mhicli inny bc npplicil by aiybocly wlio mislioe t o
usc oiich mems as nrc almiys a t Iiuiid.
One pi.ooess for tho ilctoction o€ stmdi gliicoso coiisisls iii nddiug
to tlic siispectcd siigur ooiuemhat lcss tlmn its o v u mciglit oi: colil
~vritcratnd stirriiig for LG fcw secon(1s. If striroli slig:~i~is p i q ~ ~ o n t ,
it mil1 lic sccn floniing i11 tlic soliition tis wliitc specli~, wliicli
r ~ ~ ~ icruslicil
n b l ~~vlict~t.Shis :qq)carnucc ifi rliic to tlic coiqwutivo
iiisolubility of stnrcli gliicose in colil ~vntcr, mliicli alloms it to
rciunin iillcfissolvcil quitc s long liiuc, mil algo to tlie h c t 1;111h ns
thc crtne w g i ~ rprcsout is crystnllinc, t ~ n dits roira~iigil~iliiyiii uot;
very ilifferent fioni tlint oE a siigsi, soliitioii; ilic portioii oE it
mliich rcmniiis iinilissolvcil is not so distinctly sccii ns tlio spcclss
Jm-E 1, 1880. THE SUGAR CmE. 297

of s t m h sugar. Thesc specks nrc bcst ficcn by using n bcnkcr

glilr;~,niid putting only enough sugar and enough m t c r that mc
mxy bc ablc to scc light tlwoiigli tlie flat bottom of thc glass.
J.f a flut-bottoiucrl glnss is not nt Iiaiicl, thc obsci~ntionmny bc
mnclc on a panllc of glass.
This process f o r thc detcction of niixtiues of skrch g111coso mith
cziiic siignr is so simplc ;ind satitdaotoq tliat I might well bo
cxcuacd fiwn giviiig aiiother, but the oiie I am nliout to gim is
riscfnl for the ilctection of othcr forcign substaiiccs iii the pyorlucts
of rekcrics. This process ia bascd oii tliis, tliat thc tiistc of sugar
hus ti. tendciicy to cliill oiir porccptions oP thc tnste oQ other sizb-
staiices miscct with riugiir. So as to nciitralizc this cffcct of sugar,
mc m:~y,licfore tnstiug tt ~usl~ccted ~ i ~ q lpc t, a piiich of pure
bugnr in thc iiioutli. &cy tliis siignr is clissolved, but while me
still perccirc its smcet tastc, T e put ou thc t o n p c a pincli of
sugni. eontainiug stnrcli glilcose, wc ilistiuctly percei~wtlie bitteitsli
tiiste of tlio gliicosc.
This proccss is yeiLyuscful for dctccting 0 t h foreigii
~ ~ nirtttors
licsirlcs starch siigaiyj. Tlic prcscnce of chloride of tin iii molmss
or Fjiigniq cvcn mhcii used i11 rol7 ssmnll quantitics, can bc C R F J ~ ~ ~
cletcctecl bg i t ~1~1cas:iut bittcr tastc 8,lieforc tnsthg tlie
bnspcctcd prodiiets, v c fill the moiith with the 11iu.e swcct tastc of
reiiued canc s ~ z ~ r .
-- -



Bcforc g i h g youi. plaiitcr rcadcr tlic promisccl til) to shom tllcm
liow .to gct iiil of fadty rum, I imst ask yon to rcprodiice an
nrticlo writteii iu thnt wcll luiowil peiioclicd thc Szcp Cnne,
from tlic 1x11 of Lír. John Y. ~ I c L c l l ~ uof~Culloohfmilels
, Clioniicd
\vurlcs, Glnugow, datei1 12th Novcnilicr, 1879, iiiidei. thc title
d Conqlete Clut$cntio?z of Cime Juice.+
- -- -- ---- ---
i Tho l o t t o r horo roforod to ;qipoai.ocl in thc Doco~nbcrn u m b o r of '<Thc
Si~g«rCrcm,'' 1879.
298 THE SUGAR GANE. J u m 1, 1880.

Nom 8ir,1hnrc read n grent dcnl nboiit tlic claiificntion of cnnc

jiiicc, mcl hme stiidicd it is ns n practicnl sugar mnkcr, nnd I cnil
fiufely say, that I Lave ncvcr comc ncross siich sonnd ndvice ns
mhnt is cont~inedin the aboyc slicrt articlc. I had arriyed nt tlio
saiiic conolnsion as BIr. NcLellan scveral ycars age, niid wont 80
fnr as t o covw thc peculiar systom of npplicntion by pntorit so us to
1)rerciit some chnr1:itnn fiam coining rlonn nncl lev$ng Bkck mnz'l
npcn mc, (a fidl description of tho pntcnt appenrerl in the B. Gasotto
n short tnnc ago).
It at oncc be secn thnt by nbnndoniug thc troiiblosoiiio
npplicntion of sulphurous fiinics a t tlic mil1 encl, wo nt oncc g d
uvny fiou1 tlic corrosivo notion of tlic siilpliiiroiis wid, wliicli has
morked siich l i n ~ o cupon our vnlves, valrc boxcs, pump baiwls,
soats, piiuip rorls, anil the driiungc to jiucc lieaters ~vliiclihas bcon
very groat, also siuplifyixg the ~ l o d cof iipplic;ition, mliich, ~ h i l o
thc ausli ciish and othcr impiiritics cauo iii for gnsing; it vnB
difficiilt to Irccp ilie strrtiucrs clcrin, cspeciully ~ v l i c ~tlio
e morc
s i q l o siilpliuroiis box is in operatioli, and not thc chiirn, Ittttor
could mix sny tliiiig, nnd h n thc ~ advniitngo of suving tlio gnlvnni-
scd roof of biiildings from bciiig cntori oiit by tlio siipornbiindaiit
fiiiuos which cscnpc nll over tlic morks.
I t will bc rcadily scon tliat in thus finisliing with citlier bi-
srilp1iai-e of lime oi S U ~ ~ ~ U ~gW3, OU oiitiwly got rid 0.t t1;lio
eza&~ciory of su2pl~itoof limo salt,~,iiotliiiig biit tlio puro ficiiiii iu
sout to thc distillciy, :ind hoilco no bad ingrcrlicvits to !ou1 tlio
s p s t s . Agnifi i t v i l l bo sccii tliat by gcttiilg rir1 of ali~r@ngnll
thc iiuliiuities witli aulplinroii~incid, lesa tlinn lia11 tlio qilriiitiiy
vil1 be retyuhecl ; nnd I h n ~ ovoriEcd thnt pwt o l Mr. NcT,olltill'H
statcmcnt thnt " rLt tliis shgo it will b ~ 011~0rvod
! tlint tlio licluor
on thc mall is dightly nciil to tcst pnpei; but nfi it brgiriN to b»il,
this acid bccoruhs voltitilizcrl, &c." It is no, niid wliilo 1coiucirlo
with Mr. NcLallan in vnlus o! vitihl ~pplicrlin tlio plin boioro
striking oiit, I anil :~s~iirc iuy brotlior pkutcrs, tliat by n d 1 i ~ i . ti o~ ~
i\iG.. XcLollnil's nrlvice, thcy cnn piudiicc lovcly yollow ~iigtu* witli
oue-tcnth the paritity of sirlphirric ilcid now nscil, LUCIt ~ b ~ ll.l]l VO
1, 1880. THE SUGAR CANE. 299

tliey will oncc nucl for crer get rid of that wliich gavc riso to a11
oiir Rum trozc6Zes.
1 h i y vil1 join me i a euprcssing how niuch dl practicnl plnnters
and sugar iiia1~ci.sare indebtcil to >Ir. XcLcllnn for liis soimd
11rnctic:d viows iipon thc use uf lime. C o q a r c thc last claiisc of
Iiis nrticlo mith tho w p i d iionsensc ~ r h i c h\~-ohnvc tliriist d o m our
thronts by nicra visionarics ; therc is an iinmistnlcnble sound ring
alrioiit it vl.llicli chiuies i n mitli oiir cvcq- dny eqoricnccs.
I triist the ucxt timo X r . UcLcllnn pnps n ('visit to ihe ~0l0lliCb"
110 may h d liimself iil this plncc, whew I cnn assiirc him o£ a
Iicarty mclcoilie.
1 havc nom clisl)osorl of SLezonrL's Zcprcy crcn when w:iliiiig
ycllow siigtir, nnd
I re~&l,
Poiir obt. sorvunt,
Lcorroiq 3161 Bf~ir'rh,1880.


Broin tho Aiiisricna GfuZtiz~rttoi'.

Wic fi-ioiids of progrcssiro i i ~ i c i i l t i i iuill

~ ~ lio plcriscd to l s m ~ i
~ t buct-fiugtw iiidiistry iu Ncw Eiigl~~luilrl,
t l i ~ thc tjo rocciitly n mntter
o£ tlicory, proiiouncecl b y some couscn-ntiuc niitlioiitics as ~isioiiary
iiiid inipdiccililc, liiis bccn rcdiiccd to a plain, mattcr-of-fact
buuincsc; oporntion. Sliat siigar Iricots cuii bc siicccssfiilly rniscil in
tliis scctioii, nnd ih&t bcct siignr cim bc profitably ilinnuf~ictured
iu our own inidst, arc no lougcr rui~ttei%of doiibt even i n the &ds
of ilic uost ~ c q ~ t i c ahowovcr
l, s i i ~ ~ p ltlie
c proposition i n ~ ~havc y
;il,pcarfil to tlio fiiciids oil tlic cntcrl)riso. Slic fuct tlint witliin
tho past iiinctg d i p ninc liiindrcd tons of sugar niid iilolnsscu Iimc
Iriecii prorluccd by n nhglc coiiipnny in oiir iicighboiiriug city of
Porlllind, iroin bccis miscd in Ncw Engluiid, is o£ itsolf w o r t b of
luontion, ~ii:rikiug,as it clocs, L110 damn o£ a g m d aiiil rcinmorn-
tiyo i~icliistiqy.
T]lo hpoi.ttmcc of t l i i ~fnct is, homo~or,inclwtscrl whon wc coii-
1, 1880.

sidcr that tlie mholc of this sugar and molasses, which fouiid rcacly
salc in Boston and Ncm York for 110,000 dols., lias bcen l ~ r o c h c ~ d
upon 1100 ncrcs of lanil, or less than two stpiarc milcs of tei~itoiy;
in otlier mords, cach acre of siigar bccts in thc Sti~tcof Mainc lias
proclucocl 1633 poiinds o1 sugar anil iilolasses; or, to bc mcrc
explicit, cach acre has yi)ellod 1200 poiincls of sugar anil 433 pouncls
of molasscs, vhich exceods thc avcrago prodnct pcr acrc isom sugar
cano iu Louisiana.
Shis stateiucnt, though highly eiicoiiraging, fnils to do justice to
the facts, since the avoragc crop of bccts lias fallcn voiy far sliort
of mhat may ancl ouglit to bc rniscd. I t mas, in evciy sonse, t ~ u
ex,-pximental crop. I n nine cases oiit ol tcn tlic fiirmers liad i~cvor
bcfore raiscd sugar bccts, and o1 coiirsc clid not obtah tlio ~ O R I ~ ~ F J
which may be cxpcctecl hercaftcr. TLiis is shown by thc liighcr
avoragc obtainccl h thoso localitics in mhich fasniing lias bccn
brought to greator coiuparative pcricction. Por iiistancc, Lau-
caster, Unss., lias averagcd cightccn tons to thc acrc, and Nowbuiy-
port, mith hcr cxpericnced onion-growers, lias nvcraged twciity-
foar tons to thc acre. Taking thc procluct of tlicso tmo towm as a
stiliidard, wo htwc tmciity tons pcr acre, which mould givc us t n ~ o
tons of sugar anil molasscs actiinlly obtnincd tliio ycar from cuch
acrc pluntcd in thosc two locditios of our own Stnto. It follows
from thcso figurcs, vhich asc not hypothcticd, but actual, tlint i l
Nassachusetts, v i t h nn area of 7800 squaro milcs, slioulcl clcvoto
ono acrc in tmcnty to thc cultivation of tho sugar boot, mith tlic
nvcragc rcsult obtaiiled this ycnr in Lancaster ancl Novbiiiyport,
shc voulil proilnce, on 250,000 ncrcs, at lonst 500,000 tons of
sugar anil molasscs, whicli, at tlio piice roalised tliis your by tho
Naiuc Bcot Sugar Company, mould bc morth 55,000,000 dols,, iincl
w o d l supply mose thnn onc-lialf thc ciitirc sugail consiuiiption oe
thc United 8tatcs.
Therc is, of coursc, a lcss favourddc sido to tlio picturo. Mizny
faiucrs liave not found tl1cis last yoar's crop rcwiuicrnti~c,~ i i ( l
w i l l haydly bc lilsely to rcp~ntthc cxl~criniciltci rnising bcots,
mhilc thc roturns fi70iiisiigni. mil1 not onablo tlic ccinpoiiy to pny
any highcr price for bcotu iicxt ycar. I n oriler to sccuro tlic $000
J L ~ E1, 1880.. THE SUGAR CAXE. 301

tons moi.kocl last senson at Portland, it mns found necessniy to

employ canrnssers in t h c e States to coniznct ~ i t h1700 fnrmerS,
and to rcccive beets at 147 railroncl stntions, as ~ c lasl by T E S Z ~ aDd

mngons. It is still a qucstion whcther o u Nev Englmd f:imcra,

as n clnss, can afford to rnise bects at prices that mil1 j i i s t r thc
ninnufactme of sugar, unlcss theg prociue ntlditionnl stock, mtl
fecd thc refiisc beet piilp upon tlicir fmrns, as is doiie in Eiwopc.
Thosc progressire nnd intelligent fnmcrs, mho are proficient in
theii. cnlling, whosc lnnd is in goocl couclition, :mtl vho are
familiar v i t h the rrquirements of thr beet crop, ~ ~ nrerage
ill most
remuneratire crops. Such fiirnicrs, fully appreciating the rnluc of
t.he prcssed pulp rosiilting f i o u tlie proccss, vil1 not fail to sec1u.c
supply for feecling to their cattle, Iliereby keeping up the
manurial resoiuccs of thc farm.
In this comcction me makc the folloving nbstrncts of facts
tnken fiom circidnr letter reccntly issuecl by the Nuine Beet
Sugar Co. to thc fnrmers of Xriine : '' It is duc to the 1700 fnrmers
mho hare rnised beets for our Compmy thnt thcy shoulrl 1rno-g tlit?
cract results. The nrernge erop of 1879 on 1100 acres hns bem
tcn tons to thc acre. I n somc cases thbQ tons to thc acre hnve
bcen rnised. I n one tona (Rc~vb~u.y~>ost, Mnss.) the nremge crop
mns O T C ~tmcnty-foia tons to the acre. I n otlier cases not enough
hns becn raiscd to pay for the secil and fertilizcrs. aitificinl
mnnurcs, iiscd nlone, hnro not rnised good crops m d e-iidently d
not alonc supply the plncc of bnrn-yard manurc. At ceifain stages
of the crop, and in cei2nin soas, rcliablc commercial fertilizcra
hnve provecl mliiable. Wc hme vorlied 1111 9000 tons of beets,
nnd h7.e mnde 900 tons of sugar nncl iiiolasscs, xhich Te hm-c sold
for 110,000 (101s. T e haw psid f u r n e ~ sfor beets dcli~ercdin
Portland 56,000 dols ; for stoiing and pitting 4,000 (101s. : total,
60,000 dols. We linvc paid foi. fuel, 10,000 (101s ; for lnbour rind
otber maufactirring cxpenses, 37,000 (101s. : total, 47,000 dois.,-
in a11 107,000 dols. %'e h v e cleared 3000 dols., mEch d not
go fnr townrds pnying for oiw machineiy mil fimtures, which hnre
oost ns 60,000 dols. You mil1 see from theso figures thnt mc cnnnot
pap more for beets than last Sem', except for e'dy clekeries, by
rvhicli me hope next ycnr to leesen the cost of stoiing and pitting.
304 THE SUGAIt CANE. JUNE 1, 1880.

t o test the t1xth of Mr. Stemmt's tlieory in regarcl to its valne 8s a

sugw variety. Others mil1 be chnrgccl thc iisiial prices.
E . 3'. N ~ w n x n n M.D.
Shnvpsbicrg, Christiaft Co., IZI., Xarcb $6, 1880.


Tho foUowing lettcr has bcon nclchcssecl to tlic Editor of tlio

Briabam Cou'ourier:-
Si1*,-In going thoiigh tho nincliiiiery linll of tlic Intorilatioml
my ntteiltion mas nrrcstecl by n nent light portnblc trninmny, vhicli
I hnd not seen clcscribeil in a q - portion cf the Qiiecii~liinclPi~css,
biit whicli nppeps to mo to lic dso nclmirnbly nclnptccl to sngnr
plantntions that I woiilcl crnm spaco for briuging it iindor Clic iiotico
of our plnnters. It is the pntcnt of, mel mmnfaotiii.ccl by, tlic
mcll-knom firm of John Fomlcr nnd Co., of Locds. Tlic gnugo is
eitl~er16i.n. or 20iii., nt thc option o! tlic piirchnscr. Tbo rnilfl arc
of steel, nnd fastcned to slcepers 01, tics of coimgntccl stccl nboiit
4ft. npnrt ; it is const1mctet-j in scctions of aboiit 20ft. in lcngth,
~ n c lthese lengtlis nrc so liglit thnt n mnn, by plncing himsclf
bctmcon tlic rails, can cnrry n soctioi~of t h i ~ longtli for nny
distnncc. I cni~ieclono of these lengths ~vitlitlic grcntost o! onse.
Tlie mnnixfnctiu'ers stntc, thnt i.n clenring boct itoot rtnd cniiaficlcls,
four men cnn talco up 400 ynrcls of railmny nild rch~ythciu tliiity
y n d s fiirther on i11 an Iioiw niicl n qiinrter. Tlio ~ociioiis .ire
fnstenecl togethcr a t the cncls by n v c ~ ysiiiqdo ni~r~ngcnioilt,
r e p i r i n g no tools, meroly thc ttu'ning of a scrom mith tlic fingcr
txncl thumb. The cost is, for 101b. stcol rnils, l6i1i. gmigo, 3s. 6rl. ;
nntl 20in. gaugc, 3s. 9cl. por yiircl run. Tlic wnggons cosi; fi*oin633
t o £1 10s. cnch. I liam no Irnomlcdgo of ciigjiiooring iiir~ttora,
b u t I formt~clhcrcmith tlic inniii~ncttirer'silcscriptioli a11d clingrnms,
nncl moulil suggest tlint yoii siilnnii; tlicm for tlio opiiiioii of Mr.
Pottigem, who l i n ~ hacl mucli practicnl oxpcrioiico in sucli
Yours, &c.,
I?. R, ~ORDON.
Sy&rty, Jmmvy 31st, 1880.
JUXE 1, 1880. THE SUGAR CISNE. 305


& ~ Y o I U X LO F rnE Tame$ c o m c r ~ .

T h foll0Ving mnioriid has becii for~ardcdto tlic TrcnsuiT.

At 1)1'cucnt it hns bccn sipctl, Jrc iindcrstantl, by thc rcprcspnki-
t i ~ c sof t h c Sliippiiig Tradcs' Coimcil, and of thc riiitcd
Coinfifi oof Li~crpool,Leerl.;, nnd Eull, by t~cn%-ninorcprc.scnt:i-
tilres t h c vnrioiis tradcs of Bristol, :ind hy thc Prc<irlcntand
Sccrot~ryof thc , U c d Brniichcs of Lnl,oiir, in Lonclon, ~ ~ lhove io
takon iip thc qiicstion.
Mo Iiopo Co bc nblc to gire ncst inonth, a complctc lkt 01 tlicl
~ a r i o i l snssocintions nnd ccntrcs of inhstry Khicli hnyc suhscrihctl
this i m p o ~ t n n documcnt
t :-
r 1
S J[.~JE~TT's
i U c x o n t ~OF
íIiiilibly Shcmcth,
Thi~tyoiw Xcmorialists rclgad tlie foreign c q o r t hounty systeni
ns :i. SPCC*C nttnck by £orcign Stntes iipon thc interests of Briti,A
lnboiir, an(1snbiuit tliat, upou evcrg primiplc o£ jiisticc nncl mind
coiilmcrcinl policy, Hei. Xajesty's Cfoveimcnt shoukl obtnin froni
Parliamcnt legislatire snnction to t a off di foorigii espurt
boiutios as rcrcnuc.
Tliitt your Uemoridkts dcem it thcú. <lu@ to dcel;u~ that
ncqniesconce by Grcltt Bittnin h a honic rilakct compctition of
aubsidisccl l~rocliictslias iiercr beeu, nnd cannot nov lic rcguded
as coiisiutcnt v i t h f x c trnde.
Thnt as tlic alTcrngcrate of nagcs ùcnrs relation to tlzc nrwngc
p h c s o£ t h e products of laboiu., thc fiict tlint forcign csport houn-
ties operate as a constnnt chuient of pricc-dcprcciatim, force3 your
3Icmorinlist.; to considcr mith dccp solicitude this pnrticirlur form
oi foreign protection.
Tllnk afiei. niu& considcration yoiir Xcmorinlists, ùe;iriug in
t-&r act;ion in thc cnsc of thc siibsiclised protliict~of Prison
nild Rc£orniatory hboui., h n ~ c(letcniiincd to perskt in ur,&g IiTon
tho nttcntion of Her JInjesty's Gorernuient thc necessi@ of
PafiiLLmcntaryaction in the caso of t h E~ U ~ Ui n d u s h ~ scchç
, t1y.d
l l r O ~ ~ both C ~ &itish
~ ~ , tind Fowigi, not posscsmd of Stdc
boniltics, com@c on British JI:~&cts nt :L fiwd clis:icl\-mtagc
pl'opOrt;io~teto the fised a(1~nnt:igcenjo~cdb~ furei@ ~ ~ l ~ o r t c ' r ~
in 1-cccipt of n Stntc b o d ; v .
J m n 1, 1880. TBE SUGAR, CBNE. 307


- - -

Unitcd Ktatcs Coiiimissionei~of dgikiiltiwc Lc Diic reccntly

dclivcrccl uii :i(ldrcss to thc fr~rin~rs of Bidtiinorc CoiinQ, òId.,
i ~ p o ntho ~ u b j c c tof tlic cu1timt.ion of sngCi~-lirorhcing plants.
HCliacl bccn inviterl, hc s:~id,to tnllr aboiit thc mrinicfacturc o£
siignr fiam corn-st:~ll~s and sorghnru, tlic importancc of mliich vcly
fem pcoplc u~iilcrstootl. Tlic sum of moncy paid for sugnrs iu this
couritry wns ocliinl to whnt is paid for brcaclatuffs. Ncwlg 311 tlic
luoncy pnicl for it, too, gocs out of thc coimtry. Loiiisiniia 1 s t
yc:ll', pisoclucecl two hiii1~1i-crliilillion poiii~ds, but thcrc ma5 an
iilcrcase irt thc dciiiimd of tlircc inilliom of poiuids. H e Iras in
~ L W O Uof~ thc people of this country, cdcd by tlic Gorcnmienl:,
prcvcnting this great n~uoiintof iiioncy going out of the couiitq.
Thc Dopnrtiuent of dgricldtiwe, i t nrns tnic, sent out a goocl mrny
scc(ls, but i t mas douc generally by iiiemhcrs of Cougess to sccure
tlwir clcctioii. Thcy w c ~ csent -rr-lime thcy ~ o n l ddo the most
politicd good, aud not for tho good of ngiiculkue. Uorc gold hacl
b e m paicl for foreign sugm than hnd bccn clug in Califoinin aucd
Ncvnckt. Thc sugar acedecl for liome consimption cau bc produccd
hcro. D W i q tlic pnst season, fkom Tosns to Koith 3 h e s o t a ,
good incrchmtnblc sugw had becii ilinrle for less than t h c c cmts n
poiucl. You can ~nnlresiigar iu Xmylnntl as certainly as yoii can
~ilnltccoim. Mtcr gathorhg yoiw com SOU can mnke sugar out of
t h c bcst stnlks md dciim tmice as m~ichoiit of it as yoii ilicl oiit of
tho com. Niuo 1iuucli.ctlmil sixty poiuids to thc acro had hcon
made nSter tho oorn wns gathercd. This is nii nstonishing stnto-
iiient, biit it is absolutel~triic. Prom com stalks nnd s o r g h u ,
in firo ycnrs froln nem, cnough sugar can 60 mndc iu this coiintry
for hoinc consumptioa, ancl iu six p r s we c m export S U ~ W
instcad of iiul~ortingit. If wc caiiiiot uakc si1gar of a n f l h g
clse, TO can makc it of bcets, thoiigli, a. Le Duc w ~ e c l ,it mas
not ns profitnble to do it fiam thnt soiwce as fiom tho soiuces hc
hnil l~nuecl. Iii.oraor to makc sugar from com stnlks, thc com
shoi&l bc pulled ns soon aa ripe. FrcsNy mafiiuccl lmd not
pood for rnising. Sorgh~uncan bc rnisecl OII poor lmcl, m d
308 THE SUGAR CANE. J u m 1, 1880.

the paiiil E i . 0 ~sorgh~~mis AS valunblc as O&, for f0Tvl8, CoTvS, nnd

Psobably Eoncliiras sorghiim mas thc bcst for this Stntc nnd tlic
Soiith. It ripons in nboiit ninty-two dnys and prodncos 150 to
400 gall,llons sor&iiin s~1'11pPOY ncrc. corri s t a k , aftor bcing
rim throllgh thc d l , nrc nenrly as iich in dcsh giviilg. pr0l)crtics
as bcfore. I n ordcr t o htrorhco sugar-iunkhg, co-opcrntion wns
mcessni-y on thc pnrt of thc fi~iuiers. If yoii mnnt n ~ n i orf R ~ O G S
yon fiud co-operntion riiuong thc shociuakcrs. Tliere vns nu ordcr
of E g h t s of Phythias. (Loiid laiightcr.) Mr. Lc Diic mns
reminclorl that it Tas Kuights of St. Criq)in nnd 110 ropliod that it
wns s o m sniut niiyhom. (Rcncrvcd lniigIitc1~.) This orgmixntioii
ciSorccc1 co-opcration. Rnilronrls corubincd for miihnl bcnofit, biit
fnimeys hnd not yct lcanicd t o organizo m d co-opcratc 11s thcy
shoiild. Washington adviscd tlint this Bovo~miuentslioiild hnvo n
Del~ni*trucnt for ftirrucrs, biit lnwyci~havc tlic possessioii of tlic
govcrnment and run it. Tlicy liolcl it mil yct thcy nrc i11 n vnst
iiiinority. Por 100 ycrws this Uovwnruciit hns bocn govorncd by
lnwycrs. Thcy carcd more mhcthcr Blaclcstonc snilctionod n projcct
thnn thnt it slioiilcl incrcnsc thc wcalth o! thc hnd. T h c ~ c~vasnn
orgdzntion in tliis coimbry cnllcd tlic Grniigors, niiruberhg
2-10,000, who w r o mnking tlicir iiiniicnco fclt, niid ~vhilc,foriiierly,
scarooly anyonc in Conpcss nrultcd to go oii tlic Couiuiittco oii
dpiciiltiwc, UOW, there aro n g r c ~ dniiiuber. Tlicrc is :i ~vondcrful
cliangc iu thk di~wtion. Lct iis linvc n littlc co-opcrntion. Nr.
Le Diic bclicvcd tca coiild bc ri~iisedin this coiintry, rind lic xrniitcd
the Qorernruciit to g h liiru n Iiiinrli.cc1-ncrc farni in Soiitli Cni*olha
to oxl~erirnontou. Hc nlso mnnted a tlioiisnnd-nci~cfni,ru to ex-
pmirucnt ou-iu rnishg siignr, &c. I£tlic Oovcriiinciil; woiild iunkc
m npprop~intionof $50,000 hc coiild cstahlisli blircc. coiibral point6:
to tiy thc exporimcnt of siigar-rnising. If thc fnmcrs coiild bo
appenled to insteud of Rcprcsciltntivcs in Congrcss hc bclicvcd liis
requost moiild be grnntcd rvitliout nny hcsitiltioii. (Al~~>l~~iiso,)
D ~ r i n ghis ~cmnrksUr. Le DIIC complil~icntoilNr. Tnlbott, of
h l t b m e Coiiilty, for h i ~effoits in Congof;s in bclinlf of thc
Depnrtmont of Ag~iciiltiire.
JUNZ 1, 1880. THE SUGAR CABE. 309



motiou is aiiiioiiilccd by iupllllosopliical iumntors, nud for somo

tiwc thc crcdiiloris h:im bccn escrciscd vith a. iiiotor, h o m n as
tlic " ILccly," that vill clevelopc in :lu i~zmpprccinbletirm tcn
pllons of n mqoric substance h~mvhgcca cldl'c meryy of 10,000 Zbs.
p r sgc~nreinch 7 ~ n in cost of nlmost ?~.othi?zg
From Philuclc1lihi:i coiiics thc n c m of a woudcrf~rlsprhg' IUO~OT,
to w:uiiifaotiirc dtbioh (snys thc Americnn Znchiw'st) x stock
compnuy, with holf n uullion ilollars cnpital, is to bc organiscd iu
that city. Oiily Non. Eiiglnilclcrs -rroiikd Iiwc tllorrpht of n ' I nem
nncl ginnt motor l 1 vorkiug v i t h n mixturc of thc dc-sncLZing
bisiilphiclc of cnrbon nncl pctrolciiui, ~t11icli,l i o ~ o ~ conc
r , is not
s o r q to learn was a fail~ue. Thc aiithoiity respolisible for this
uc~venclcls that " it took f i d y n yenr d t w tlie conceiu put that
motor out of thcir sliops to build stenm engiues, aided by thc iuost
nl>liro~~d sgsteiu of hniigntion, to craclicatc the ' gimt ' oc101u.s
fi-oin thc plocc." Mtlioiigh ssorcrul siibatitiitcs for steaiu pomcr
hayc hccii lroposecl that mcre cbiniciical if iiot altogethcr impossiblc,
thcrc arc otlicrs bnscd on souiid piiiicililes thnt are nom being
aplllicd t o iisefnl purposes. Aiuongst tliese inny be uieufionccl gns
'h thc ri~~n-~ticclinriic,~I Zt 111olri;lilic :lu (~riliria~j- b o r i z « i ~ t ,cilgiiir>
of a illoi't sti.c~lcr,hiit jrith a cylioilcit i>[ r.:itl~t.r iarsciv tli,~ii~otcr.
kt ir;, l ~ i ~ \ w v c m i * , uuginn witlioiil a h i l c r , cind ~ i - i l l > mhtemi1, ~t
f 111: c 3 y h ~ lhi~v-iiigo ~ ~ io pkiy 1 1 p~ ~t ttit, ~ ' O L I I ~ P,I mil ~ I I P ;?ir i11
it L h ~i:irL o! thix ltit tci*. 'IClic: curl OI llir: cyLbr~il(~r i, bliilt irln ilow
( J ~ ~ L ~ J Lh In C ~ ~i w I , d i i i ( h ji b ~ I L ILw~r ~ IL i w n t i m ~ ~ Limiqi~wc-
cltltaldioii oraly t v o or tiircc~linic* a kly. .Ai tlio (flii~dci*bcco1iii.h
h h l - - i 1 fbic~llya t t L ~ i a~ i \(1~~11 i ~ l~e~t-tlli;
d L& i11ii, i ; . ~ ~ ~ í ~ n ~ l ~ ~
illl(1 tlw 11i~~tu11 iq !krct~il o i ~ t Í)I I I ~ I w~otk, t,h c ~ , t i ~ lj~i5t c ~ i11 Lht
riiclriricvsof :LU uir1iu:ii.y stcmi cugiric. TIIV( ~ x l ~ ~ i i: i~r l ~H Oi Wl
i,i>il["iccs l o 11c coolcd. l'iliis ir; :t~(~~~i~lpliafiod bj.. 11 i.rii,~llwp i ~ t o n
(~8~llcilIhc. rlispInccr," mtiii$Li,bviiig fi)~uc*tL
'I i n h tiii riir i / J ~ l i PPjy
Iitcirns i,E t'r:1,11k a ~ l i o x t1rivc.s
~, thc Iiot ~ i i rL i i tliu ercii~tc i d nT tlic
i~~-Iiudw T I, - ~ I CitW i y coi~ltdhy ;L ~ ~ ~ ~ x m n c,ilx(1i1:L i n g i ~ fcold wdoi.
I I I ~ , <:iihiiiiag c~jr~tracliuiilii~uchii:~.;ti p ~ t i a lvamiiirir, w1rCi;li L L ~ s ~ . ;
ir1 heililitiry; Iinclí tlic l i ~ r ~ pibtoii ot to iB irrigiiral podiiin, si^ c111Liir~-
iiig Ilic: rt:tium strolw. Thr* ri11esi~:itr~i:ariti:ictionu íiiul i>xli~iribioiii
lakt: l h c c iii a rnuiA dl»rt(,r time t h i it won~lilhc iinagi~lí~d.
A sriiJl iuodd l h i ~ tcoulrl Ire ci~rricilin thc: li~~rrtl 1i:ir I~eriiuiadè
tli,i I, ~ v i l l\\ror,li at l,irc c ~ t cr a l oni. tit8~1~i:iridrcrc11i~ticii~-iilinutc,
~rrhic:liw,illy nic.,nab tliut thv :ir ~ K L tllc iiylin11i.i oE -iicli r1 l i t t l ~
l'.l~pl,2d,,b,&(i ~ , , ? b t , Y b l h ( h Lho~~m'il!!!/1&33 0 / / b I ' d l & L
lliOI,!>l~ I t \\Tlll~l
bi tlifii.iill, t o ocilivi~ir~ rii:ii~yi l i d L l i i , \nii i i d l g lil~riiiiilrif it h i d
iiol t i w n :~c~.oniplisl~i:d.
1,ilíp tlic \tp:~rn i~r~git~p, t h i ~h ~ t - t i i r112itle
r retpiirc~í~ ~ L I J ~ I J b~ Jd- h
'i- Fig. 4 i l l i c h t ~ ~ ~ t15c ~I si ,c ~ c
thck [,tipor-( iittiilg n i , i c l ~ i r w,iiid ~ 1)i.iiitiii~
p l ( L w t :iI L O i l r i w u LI? iiu w g i ~ i c ,w l ~ i ~i c h~ L I W :I d i ~ ! ~ ;h-\ V ; L I ~ I ~ I L ~ ,
t l i r i miiii, ;iwl a i oi~vcriic~iieic~ t o tlict: pi ctAdiiig C ~ i x t o r ~ i ~ t ~'I'hc~o.
i l l ~ ~ ~ L i ~ , iropificwills
lior~ t l i r i i ~ t r i i u iof rui r i c ~ L L : I I l)riiiLir~gc*xii~ijliil~-
IWLII )LI l:isi~,T V ~ L O T Y{L~ LWIJ11m.c 11o\yci c w g i w ~ L C LIIPPIL ~ t ~ t\v011,

for tlirac yc~lri:iri ii nioit i r ~ t i d ' n r i o i yiii:mricls. V C ~ C L L L ~hlloiil~[ ~LI~IH

1, 1880. THE SUGA3 GANE. 319

T h e spced of the cngiucs can be goreiacd to a most accwatc

pei.formancc. ' This is of s o ~ mimpoi.tmce rrlien thc p o ~ c ris
requhwl for the clectiic light or for nny piuyosc rcquiring grent
unifonnity. Thc orcliuary govcrnoi3 ballõ are used, mliich, acting
upcn a brake, cause fewer revoliitions, nnd tlierefore less coii-
siimption of fucl, ns thc fuel iised, of COIUS~, is in pi~oportion to
tlie number of stxokes performetl by thc ciiginc. It will hare becn
apparcnt to those wlio hare read this deacription thnt tliere is no
exhaiwt " into thc room-tht is to s q , thcre nre no ralrcs, nncl
no bloming into tlic room of pro(1ucts of comliiistion. This is of
gront iniljortancc mherc roonu are ~ o r l miu,
l as &li gaç engines,
for iustmcc, thc Taste prodiicts u e vsrg unhcxlthy. The stow af
tlic ciigne mny bc uço(l for hot-ah, rcntilation, niid for ili-ying,
baking, nnd ccoking.


Bundabcrg piits forth n clnini to bc coiinted i11 witli tlic lifit;of

sugor procliiciiig ilistiicts tlint hnvc d o m wcll cliiriug tlic iii;iiii&ic-
tiwing scnson jiist closcd. Thc oiitljiit Por the scasou, as rccordecl
iu t h c Star, is 286 tons, iiot n 1:irgc qiiiintity ccrtaiiilp, yct onc of
t h e most notablc yiclcls crer securcil iu Lhstralin. Tlic 288 tons
wcrc got hom 86 acrcs of cniic, gromii hy Xil. S. Jolinsoil, of tlic
Vntcrviow pliintation. Tlic canc is relmtcd as Ralnugorc, mil
two ycarii old, niid tho factory in vliich it was criishcd n d muni-
factiircd was at mork for its first sonson. Slic rcsult is highly
croilitnblc, nnd it is cxcu6nble of oiu. coiitcmporary to bdnlgc in n
cronr ovor it. Tlic proccss of unniif:ictiiro ciuploycd w i s iii the
opcn b a t t c i ~ ,tlicn racuiiiii pnu and ccntifiigals ; niid nrc nrc not
fi~u.~jrisedto l c u n that bom canc sttmiliug at no tim nndcr 10"
Gcnnme, tlio first siigar is snonl-whitc mitli h g c g a h . l r c h a ~ c
iiot sccu it, biit wc c q c c t to hcar tlint this goocl rosiilt nalliwed
mill be followed quickly liy n considcrable incrcnsc oP thc siigni.
busiilcss from thc ricli lnnds of Biinrlnbcrg,
1, 1880.


I usticr, in p i i r ni:ip:izint for Nureli, :I lcttcr from Xr. Gil],
ci,iiccrnirig hi- procc.2, ;ind thc tritil ~ ~ ~ ofi dit ciii this coloiir, h
wliith hc ;tctiIac.siiic uf V S ~ ~ C I delinqu~'~i~'ies.
U~ Will SOU be khtl
eiioiigh to w t ri# :r f c x ~of liis st;itc~utnts?
I~t.-Ur. Gill q s : " Bcing : L I ~ L ~ tCh i t Xr. Bellairs is a t least
a i ~ c p t i c:ti to tlic I-:ilw of 111proe(w,
s I siicccedccl in obtaining
tlie 1wwncc of Jb. St~.phcnsi)n,n h o is thc owiicr aiicl manugcr of
t h t ~ s t t n c i v ecsbttc, Gocc1vcr~v:igting; a11d nlso of Xr. Charles
J\ílli:~ms, who is the chcmid on Pbntation Br.1 &r."
Jli. Gil1 ciicl nut :i& &. C'. Jl~illiii~us to be prescnt at t h e trinl
«i his p r o c e í ~ I ~ucccecleclin obtaiining l& prescnce.
liic1.-Jlr. Gill - i q :~ I hn-rc rcason to bclicrc that Mcssrs.
Step1ic.n.m mid TS'ilEtinia, bciug 6iitisficcl ~ 5 t hsiich a resrilt, I&
Xr. Bcll:lirs uncontrolled Eiy their prescncc."
I noticc that Xr. (fill ~ 1 0 not 1 ~ netiidly ti~sc1-ttliat those two
geutlcucn -\rem stitisficd. I do not tliink thcy vcrc. Nr, Willinms
m s lircwiit dwhg t h tliird ilay's tild, but Stcphenson's
bu~incss~voulrlnot a h i t of his rnnking n longcr stay, I h v e not
hcaid, nncl do not c q m t to bciw, that Xr. Stephenson is -\voi.lUng
Xr. Ciill's proccss o11 tliat cstcnsi-rc estnte, Goetlrcrvngting ; nor
h n ~ cI hcjnl that Xr. Gil1 hiis a&cd Xr. Willinms to publish liis
opinion uf thc procesi.
3r(l.-&. Gill nsscrts thxt I constructcd :r report mysclf,
'.~hic11thc othcr t a o gentlcmen rcjcct."
I ncl-cr harc scen thc rcpo1-t rcfci~cdto, :mel do not knov ~ ~ h e r e
it Tas published. I, of coiirae, mrotc n lcttcr to my " gencroiis
J u m 1, 1880. THE SUGAR CANE. 32 1
clqloyerslHnncl they mny h w e seen fit to ckaw up and piiblish a
r e p o ~ fiou
t it ; but the otlier two gentlcmen never rejected it, nnd
I do not siippose thnt they have are? scen it.
4th.-Mr. Gill snps : "Mr. Bcllsirs i i o felt ~ fiee to rcdise his
coniident asficrtion tliat inp process 'is capable of being moclifiecl.
nnd convei2ed iiito a valuilble systern of siignr inaiiiifncti~e~
1)os~cssingns it clocs iuinii~tnlicnblcc.lcmcuts of siiccess.' "
1 nover nsscrtetl an;r-thing of the g n d . Thc nssertion mas inacie
by an nuouymous v-riter o£ nn articlc iii n locd pnper callecl the
" lioynl Gnzettc."
5th.-E. Gill mnkcs me sny thnt " I lirnecl the syrupl copper
~ d laud , in fuct thc juice in nll its stages, nnd hnre made some
siignr hiit it is a n a s t ~ , grei-, fiticl;~iiiess, niost difflcult to
TVInt I \wotc n-as, I' made thc fi~rtheresperil~eutof Gill's
procc~~,"-2.e., to ninlie sugar by Gilllx proccss of o u iisunl qiinlity
by ti.ying thc effect of b l e a c h g the jiiicc by siilphiirous ncicl
fumes aiid by not iisiug sand. " I liiissecl the cano juice throiigli
ihe siilphiir bos and niixcd tlic jiiicc froiu the mcgtiss giiirling
iiiill in the usiinl mqi. I clid not iisc nny sancl iu thc s~parntor
tnul~. I grouiid 30 clnrifiers (22,800 gnllons). The cnne engiiw
gron~clniiicli fastor ou the sccond tiinl than on tlic first.
Thc juicc bclinvcd just ns iii the foriiier eqeiiineilt, biit xrau
of conrw a miich bctter nnd brighter colour. I n(lrlec1 to ench
clarXcr, llthnt is &ter the jiiice hncl lcft Ur. Gillls tnlilrll' thrce
pints of lime (cqual to 12 oz.), I ad(led t h t amoiuit becniiso I
considcretl that jiikc treated ~ d snlphiirotis
h ncicl iakes aboi~t
t h e e piuts more tlian jiiioe r i u clkect into thc clnrifiors. The
juice boiletl wcll in thc coppw ira11 ancl looked clean nnd nice,
i p rnther milky. Whcn tho s p u p rnw tnkcii h t o ihe
tlic s ~ ~ i wns
pau i t boilod inilicr h c n d y , snd nt 9 pm., w h i i grnin shoiild
l i a ~ enppenred, the siignr lincl boilcd donm iuto n tliick \-iscid sling
of 8 goocl light yellow oolour nucl q~iitcelear biit mith no symptoms
of a. cqstnl. Mtcr vniting nuothcr hnlf hoiir in vah, I pilt
iuto tlie linu. nine biickets of strong limo nurl ~ ~ n t tmcl e r obtninecl
1, 1880.
_ _ ._

crpstnls nt once. I than ndded lime right through to copper vnll

nn& s ~ u boxes.p The grindiiig had finished m d therc v a s no
jiiice left in thc c1:liifiers or t n f i . TVc mnde sercn hogsheails
of sug'v (niinibcred 2.8 to Si) nnd took 3259 gdlons pcr hogs1ie:id
:it lcnst. I cannot girr exact pnrticiilnri bccmse I hnd to
strengthcn thc grnin h7 usiiig 800 p:~llons o£ oyriip ninde hy tlir
uszrl proewi. Tliesc 800 g,illoii.: íwrc t:iken iuto the pnn aflcr
311 thc s ~ niatlc ~ h?p (i.illYsprocrss wtts 1)oilctl. T h p c i ~ s t a l isn
the pari, hcfore tlic introtliiction o£ tliese 800 gnllons, Tvere so
,qmnll ns to h a w reiidered the s i i g r ncnrly iuisnleablc. Tlic
sugar weighccl, nctt, 13,196 l h . , or -578 lhs. pcr gnUoii, Tlie canc
juicc polnrizéù nn avrragc o£ 1-32 1h. o£ sugnr per gallon, nnd tlic
glucosc .I55 lbs. pcr gdlon. I do not kuow írlint TVRS tllc C R U S ~O£
tlic f d i m of thc second cqicriment-whcther it wns tlic use of
the sulphnrous rieid gaq or the ubscnL'c o£ sand. &. lirillianis
t h k s thrtt the pnrtid siicccõs of the first c x p e h c n t m s entirely
diio to the f w t tlint, by chwce, the cane juicc trented on that
occnsion w;is singdxrlr purc, and that tlie process sho\rcd itsclf
incapable of defecating cane juicc o£ meragc irnpurit;..
6th.-3h. Gil1 q s thnt it i3 n signifieant fnct thnt no nttempt
x i s nindc to utilisc tlic clrninnge from the centrifiigals. H e implies
that the drniunge is aiiothcr liquor, not rnoliisses, nucl a180 implics
thnt I allom-ed tlie opportiriiity to pass witliont some attciupt to
ilcciilc its ~nliic. It Tvns juilged b ~ iis
- t h e e to bc n more cnicid
t ~ s tto ship tlie piincheoiis containiug t h e drainrtgc to England,
where it could Iw cxnmincd, and thc fatt determinetl ar t o vhcthw
i t bo niolnsses or not. Thc " gcncrou ernployer," o11 its rcceípt,
Ilnd iin opportunity to escreise his own cliscrction as to its raliie.
Thc sniallcst pan nt ZceLmilii~is nn ciglit-ton pnii, aiicl to reboil
tlie drainage o£ l O & hogshcads of sugar iii ~n ciglit-ton pan ~vns.
pmperlr, jiiilged not <'conrrnient."
Nr. Gil1 n ~ m l snuriiei-ited abusc to ineritable failure ; lic clis-
turts atatemcnts, and suplircsses facts. H e s q s thnt TTC made 105
hog~heucisin a i: h l f , lmt neí-e+ mentions thrtt tlie estate
on rrliich hiS proccss ~ u ti-icd s maltes, 1 ) tlie
~ ortlinas process,
bom 80 to 100 liogshcnds ver weck.
JUXE 1, 1880. THE SUGAR GANE. 323

H'e sayfi that by his process we rnade 54 per cent. on the polari-
8Cope reaclings; but he cloes not mention that, in tlie orcZinary
procoss, 60 per cent. is a by no menns extraorcliuruy result. H e
süys t h a t his sugar WRS valucd a t 31s. ; but he suppresscd thc date,
~ n c doos
l not give the quotations of thc sugar ordinarily made b y
the old systern, on tlie same clny. Oiu. usual sugm í a v o r t h a t
l e a s t 2s. 6d. per cmt. more than Xr. Gill's wgnr is morth.
I h w e nom tiiecl bis_ process three serernl times. I do not say
t h a t it contains i ~ u n m i s t & ~ b l elements
e of success," ncithcr do I
s a y that t h e principie of defecation adopted b y a . GilI is "perfectl~
iiseless " ; but I do say that Nr. Gill's appmatus is cnicle, and that
mmyniocWcations are nbsolutely neccssnry bcforc it can be worked
a t a11 in a liractical way. I doubt if his process vill ever gire the
r e h n obtained by '' t h old, morn-out treatment of lime ancl the
sdp1iu1'-bos," m d I am s d o thnt no sugar maker vill again experi-
m c n t -&li thc proccss v-ithoiit ropcnting. Ho TU be burdeneil
with hosts of amateur ilii.ections ; he Kilthen make n fail~u'e,ancl
nillb c subjecterl to vcnomous abuse, ancl mill harc to practice thc
F r e n c h ideal o£ politeness-" R, man who h o m s ali about a subject
listening patiently to anothcr mho knoms nothing ribout it."
Yows ti.ul-f,


Communicated by GEORQE C.E., Patent Agont, 4, St. Ann's
Squarc, Nancheater.

N o ~pylicalionsfor lirttoiits relating to Ihc uianufuctwc of augar this
3681. J A X EIomm, ~ of 21, Gibson Streot, Lcccls, Yofiahiro. It~qwocc-
qileltts in sz.rnv otrltiug uinchi?~cs. Thia machino consiats of a çitand or fra~ne,
with n tray or tublo, on which nro ikcd bcnrings cni~yinga hcad provided
~ t cuttors,
h Thom cutIo~8111'0 raised hom thc Lddc by mcans of A. spiuig,
a l d aro brought domn on IO tlio siigar on Iho tublo by a siutnble levei.,
woi.líed by hand or in any ollior convonioiit mtmncr.
0737. Sel-rrairr, uf Eerlin. d coritiiricoits Jitcr-]mss, ,icitA ctbsolrrtc
9791. 1' . I?s~i~l:, of Osliliiildi, 1Ic:ir Ch'6borfl. ~ilpl~occtiiclrlii& his
ilictfiorl of p i 9 v y h g thc irnstc icrtlcr of sirgtt,. ~ m otfio'
? rcoi91cs.
9861. S. I h t o o ~ o, f EIILUC-on-thc-Snt110. r1 j2tcr.-prcss.
9877 O . N o r i r u r i i w , of Atzciidorf, iiear Fürdsrstndt. -L ~o~r/iy~Jliiig ri1112
mdirciiig c/pprwrrtrrsJiir thc icnstc juicc o j ~irgn~.-zi~ot~ts.
9991. I\I.iitr;r, B n o s r o v ~ i i r ,& S C I I U L Zof , Pragiio. ,.L d{finioti-vessel
foi' sirgnr- 1c.oi.k~.
119. J. ~ V E I ~ EoL f ,Uonov:~. A y p ~ w t ~for ~ s ~~ot~cctr~iwtiiig
~ g r; q
(r~~plicnbir! to nllic,. p i i i , p o , ~ .
157. 1V. E. C L E ~ I C I I O I I0Sf T~, O NJ O ~ H Oa1111 J ' , A. d. C+OUIIEBT, 0 f Now
Yui.l;. L., co~triJiign1ripyr~i~ntrrs for pio'ifyi~rysrigrw.
160. J . TV. D ~ c a s ~ n of o , New Y0i.k. Dqfccati~~g rnrd rejlting sncoA(~ri~rc

197. C+. A. I I . i ~ ~ a r . i s s of
, IIollnnd, Dafccelitry ccwc-jirice.
213. J. F.C!. P a n o u i r n i ~nucl J . B. l l . ~ c i . . i ~ u a s ~of, Long-ncro. &yt-
fm1 1, 1880. THE SlJGdR GANE. 325
-..-- - --
414. A. L A I ~ A Iof ~ ~uontreuii
E, (France.) Jpplyiiry aUalr~rcerrlphites
{[iid biswlphites for dccoloriiy atid defecnfing mgar-juicc, spriry, #e.
417. .'I of Limoget: (Franoe.) ~ n p r w ~ w ~ irc r i #strgrr,,-nrtrP
59. E. LWGBS. A eetitrificgar apparatrcd f ~ r&itty
' 91./<11:

220255, JOHS 13. THOXS,of Raltimore, U~rykmd. Jppinrtiru Jut. pr,,l-
ce~rttuti~ig eeicgur-cnnejnia~. This is a mcthod of hnating the liquor in tht:
vacuum p m . The appurntus consiuts of a singlo f n n ~ w e ,pmvidcd with
valred apeitures to adrnit air into thc comhuution chamher. 'fie only outlct
for the hcat is t h o u g h a pipo (or pipes) communicntin,n with R coil (or coil.)
iii Lhe vnciium pan, snd p n h h g thence to a chimney or exhauht uppin~tm.
The pipcs iwe protectcd npinst tho cnhmuc of asbes, soot, anil tiic líkc. lq-
means of netw0i.l; plnced at the e n d k ~ t i n gwith tho furnac+r.
226871. ~ L O X DH. B L . ~ D E Lof L ,Vineland, Xew Jcrbey, asignor to
Janies 1I. Wells, o£ a m e place. Ckttli*$(gnl mnchiiu. The wreen af this
mnchinc i a formcd of a niunbor of 80l)aixtcringd ,unnped one tihve thc othcr.
with intorwning spaces formed by luga on one sidc of thc machine. The
oiiter edgos of theue rinps Rie prefarably notched or wared to fLiciiitatothu
oscIzpe of the liguid tlwough the outcr pei-fornted ~hcllinto the 6 x 4 tasing.
Tho iings ara qlit nt onc point on thoir circumfc'rmco, so that thcy m q he
csl>andodt o fit tightly ngninst tho perforated sheli.
226300. T~roarhs&srsos, of Jcsoy City, Scm Jerscy. .Ueecltrs of cwliiq
ic0a/cr.foi- ecnp.nting aiid distilliizg nyyn~nliis. I n this mixngcment a. t;inJi
nuP1>licsmatar to the condenser of tho enpomting nppmtus .md to a c d w
bolom the condensor. This cooler consists of a s&cs of hurpcniine passages,
u~nngcdin a baroinctiic column of the condenscr, b r cau~ingthesc pipcs or
~nssages(which are contnined in a cooling vat supplied with mdcr from thc
abore ta.&) to eonnect ~tthok uppor endo nith the lomor cncl o£ thc conden-
, h g chn,mbei., aud at their lomer onds vith a barometiic leg or column
<liP1,kp into n cold m d , ilt a siUtable distance belom thc condmser to m k e
tho bnrometiic column effectivo. Tho nnter ia fcd into Ihe ta& from a ncll,
by nlonns of n pu~np,ruid is continualiy floming i d o tho cooling riit, tho
ovorflompipo froin vhieh vat lwds into n cylinder proriddwith s peifor~ted
1>lilte noar the top, whioh cnuscs the nater to fali in a sp11y in this cylinder,
into -&icli cold nk is forced to c001the spmy, ~ h i c h h thon led into the first
fooding nreU. The overflow f r ~ mthc cold ~ c lintoi which the barometric leg
clipnlo& nlso into tiiie &st fcetling.meli.
228306. ADDISOSL.FOLGER, of Sumner Indiam, and 8. ~ ~ I T FI oI ~ c t ~ a ,
of vashin&on, Iova, Bvayowitor'. This apparatils is constnictedpriiicipaUS
326 THE SUGAR CAITE. JUS$;1, 1880.

anothcr. Thc first is prorided with :idjust:il~lcb ~ i i r i iccillcctors :ind dirccturn,

ishicb conduct thc bcum to a conveniciit pliiec for rc.iiiuni1; :cnd this Iian i.;
p o r i d c d nith an opcning nnd a pipc to l ~ i the
d concentrcitcù juicc into a liot
filtcr bcforo it pases into tlic sccond pnn, wherc it is furthcr concentrntfcd.
In orrlcr to prcvcnt thc h m t froni irnpinging with tuo n i u ~ lforcei nçniiist thi:
puint whcro tlic two p n s meet, n. platc of lincd with somo non-con-
diietor of hent, protectu thc joint. Suitablc &i;irupci'~ arc a i ~ m g e ùto rcP1;itc
thc hcai.
2?6398. CLISTOXF c l i t i ~ n i r ,of Brooklyn, S c v York. P,vcrass oj' i,rn,li!-
fiicturiirg gltteose. T 1 ù ~i u a compoiind procccsa, coniiding Ç d l y of penrlirig
ihc g ~ n i nby a di-y elipping imd crackhg l~rocC!iS,by whieh thc hidis and
hcnrts of tho kcnicls aro scparatcd froni tho hnrd darchy portiona; ~econdly,
tlic reduction of thcsc stairhy portions t o ;L p i p y n m s ; mid, thirdlj-, tho
convcrsion uf thc s t a ~ l i y mattors of this rw.s into glucose ui. swcct liquor.
22ü6.131. JUILY F. W U L F ~of, Chicayo: Illinoib, n v k p o r of une half of his
right to J~icobTV. Xowcr, of smle placc. Pr+ss qf it~n~iujrtciiwe of gli~ost..
T h i ~ínvention consiits i n introci~ic.inginto one or niorc, ur, pefeixbly, a11

prcsent c m most reiidily nnd chc:q)lj- bc donc by forcing cuwcntt. of aii.

tlwough thc mnss iindcr t r c t b c n t .

Patenteos of I n v e n t i o m connected v i t h tho production, manu-

ftictiire, and refining of sugar will find Tlis Sugar Caue t h e best
m e d i u m for tlieir ad~ertisenients.
l'ke Sugar Gane h a s n vido circulntion among plantera in aii sugar
producing countries, as v e l l as m o n g refiners, nierchants, commission
n g e ~ i t s a, n d b r o k e ~ interested
s i n t h e trado at home and ribroad.


T o XAY I ~ T H1880
1880. 1678. 1880. 1879. 1880. 1879.
Londoii . .. . . .
.. ..
80 61 127
119 ......
. .. . . .
Liverpool 52 56
4 G 20 ..
24 19 21
Clyde ......- ..- 53 51
. --
106 , 112 ..
- -

Total.. 189 174 349 378 313 308

- -- -- - -- --
Increnae. . 16 Decrcase. . 29 Increase. . 3
3o.m 1, 1880. TIIE SUGAR CBNE. 327

S ~ o u x sor BUQAR m w m CEUEB MARKEIE~B or TE WOELD ow THE

lB'! A P R ~FOR


IN Eunom FOR T ~ E E


R s r ~ n r A C~LOP ON r m CONT~NENT OT ELIBOP~,
f f i o r n .T,iokt's JLOratIily Cdrculnr.)
1879-80. 1878-79. 1877-78. 1876-77.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Branco,. , , , , ... . . . . .
, 270,000 , -132,636 , 398,132 , 243,295
Ooriiiaiiy (Zollvorcin) 410,000 .. 120,681 ..
383,828 ..
... . ..
A u ~ t ; r o - l - I ~ ~ ~ g n i y386,000 405,907 ..
330,792 ..
. .
Iliissin ancl Polaiid , 226,000 . 215,000 , , 220,000 ..
Bolgíiim , , , . . ... . . .
60,000 , 00,936 .. .
63,076 , 44,467,
328 THE SUGAR CILNE. J u m 1, 1880.


TIlerc has bcen a more sstisfactorg dciililiid for both riiv niitl
rcfillc(l hiigu diiiiiig tlic past 1~011tli.
Hol&rs of iiscfiil refining siignrs hnriiig conficloncc iii tlic iunrlrct
kcpt back çiip1~lics,so tlint vhciicver prcssing ~ w n t s11acl to bc
fillctl 1111 prices rided h i g h .
Grocery aiid lon7 sugnrs linw bccil neglected, lirices in some
cases gi-g wny. The fitoclr of tlic M t c r clcscriptioil is ont of a11
p i ~ o p o ~ $ itoo ~the dcmniid.
Torardu tlie closc Ihc iilnrkct lflls rc1:ipscd into a qiiictcr tonc,
tliough witlioiit cliauge in d i i e s .
The i q o r t s iii 1880 coii~parcd v i t h thoso iii 18'79 sliom n
dccrc:isc of 28,000 tons agninst a ilccrea~cof 1200 tons slionru lart
Thc dclivciics wliicli lnst moiith hho~rcdnii incrcasc of 3'70 tons,
uov escced tliose of last year by 4600 tom.
TIie etocks of sugar on thc 15th Nay wcrc 14,800 toris i11 csccss

of tliosc of tlic s:lme dutc last ycni; aiid 36,900 toiis iiiorc tliaii oii
the 1st January, 1880.
Prescnt yiotntions of tlie standard qualitios aro as iinder :-
Porto-Rico fair to good rcfiniug, 21s. &I., to 22s. Gil, against
"S. Gd. tù 22s.; good to fiuo grocery, 23s. 6d. to 25s. Gd., agniiist
24s. to 2Gs.; BIartiniqiie crystals, 25s. Gd. Co 26s. Gù., agtiinst:
26s. to 27s.; NO. 1 2 Havana, 24s. Gd. to 25s. ngainst 23s. Cid. to
298. ; fuh to good refining Cuba Miiscovados, 23s. to 23s. Gil.,
:igainst 21s. to 21fi. 611.; middling to good brown Rahia, 20s. to 21,s.~
ngninst 19s. to 20s.; good to fine Pcrmmbnco, 21s. to 223., against
20s. to 311. ; Paris lonves, 27s. to 27s, 9d., ngainst 2Gs. Yd. to 27s.
U. Leox SAS IX LOKDOH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
I 1
s f c w i TSHIFF. Ih XR. SEVLLE
Lusnoch- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
OX THE P R O D U .u-n ~ I OC ~~ s ~ r r u ~OF~ r.Trc;a~.
L u u ~ o c ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
SEELOXDON "TIMES " ixn SRE Srr,.lit B ~ F ? ~ TQcrsrros T . . . 281
Oa rnE DETECTIOX OP STAECH S r ~ . i uJlrcn.~.vrca~r~s llrssn n r r n
REPIXEDCINE SUGIB. Bx x~:. P. C . ~ ~ > I U O. I :. . . . 293
COLOXE~ STEWAXT'S . . . . . . . . 297
BEET Sríc~n1s NEWESGUSD. . . . . . . . . . . . '299
Hou- Besr TO SF.CCRF: m e Ews-Ii~prsruc~ OF Cisi.: . . . . . 303
Tuixw.~rspoa Sncan P r , ~ s ~ w r o s l. . . . . . . . . . 304
T m kkoaa B o c s ~ r . . . . a " - . . " . . 305
COI:N-STALKSEGAR. . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
~ L E T ' SH O T - l r nErícrs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
COR~ESPONDEXCE.-GILL'S P ~ O C E.W. . . . . . . . . . 320
P A ~ E ~(Uonthly
TS List) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
SUGARSTITISTICS, 326 ; SIOCI~S . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
STATEa m PEOSPECT~ 06 TUB Soou Y A ~ K E T . . . . . . . 328

Subscriptions to "The Sugar Cane," due in advance on tho 1st of Januarg ,

aiay be remitted to the Editor,
Mr, W. PORSTEE, caie of lessrs. Galt & Co., Pubbhers, Nanchester.

MANLOVE, ALLIOTT & Co., Notiingham, England

And ROUEN, France;
Tas belief appears to be prefnlent thet the Concrctor is o n l ~applicnble
to the mar.ufactiwe of concrete" sugnis. This i s not the c w , as it
dt11 cqud a d ~ m t a p ebe used in conjunc9n with tho centrifugal
rnachine for the production of yellow to fine comter siigni.~,or i n con-
nection with tlie mcuum pan for maliing tlie finest class of vacuum pari
THE SUGAR G A N E J u m 1, 1880.

~ S Ih~non-Use
T of the Concrctor alone to malce concretc " sugar.

Wlien this is the object to bc attaincd, tlie manufactiirer proccecls as

The caue is crushed and the jiiice clarificcl or defecittecl in tlie usuul
may. After the clefccation the juice passes on to the tray " of the(I

Concretor. Here it is conccntratecl up to nbout 30 to 33" Baumé at

mhieh dcnsity it pnsscs into the " rcvolviug cylinder," also forming a
portiou of the npparntus. SIie intcrior of this cylinder is full of spiral
blades. As thc cylindcr rcvolres thesc spiral blades take up the
concentrated juice or syillp, und cxpose a -rcry l u g e siirface of it to thc
action of a cwrent of liot ais :Lrawn tlirougli thc cylinder by a fnn, wliich
forms pmt of the iuachinc. S l x evaporntion in this cylinder is couductccl
entirely by means of hot air, the conscqucncc being that though thc
evaporation proeeeds rapidly, the tempcraturc of the juice or syiiip is kcpt
lom; indeed, on entering the cylindcr @e tciliperaturc of tlie syrup at
once f&s to about thc temporature at which i t moulcl be boilcd in a
vacuuin pm.
In tliis cylinder the syrup is coiicentratcd to such a point that on beiug
clischarged fiam it nnd allowed to cool, it bccomcs quite harcl, ancl is nt
once ready for s d e or shipmeut to any"clistmcc.
I n workhg tlle Concrctor in this maypo ~ ~ ~ ~ Z n swhnte~or
acs is made,
but for evciy gallon of juicc at 1 0 g Bnunié supplicd to thc apparatus,
i t fields tmo pounds of raw sugar (or concrctc,") of a quality wrying
accorcling to the quality of the cme-juice fi70m~vhiclii t mas made.
The advantages of tlGs mcthod of usiug the Concretor, are :-
1.-The snaallness of the outlay requirecl for tho msinifiactiirc of a
g-iven quantity of cane.
2.-Ecozonay 2iz h d o u ~ .
8.-Znlgely incrensed pantity of sugar from a giveri qmaiitity of
4 -~bolition of distillcry, charcoul filters, centrifiigd uiacliiile,
molasses, tmks, &c.
I t s c@advantngc is, that though vcry inucli more sugar is obtainccl by
this prc%essfiom a giren qiiantity of canc jiiicc than by ang othci. systcm of
manufacture mhatcrer, yet this sugar clocs not rcc~liseso high a 1)rice pcr
ton as vacuiim pan sugar.
lt is for tlie planter to decide, mnltiplying thc quantity of sugar pro-
clnccd by t l x pricc hc can obt:iin for it: aiicl taking into accoiint rcduccd
iutcrest on capital, in conscqucncc oP thc compurative clicapncss of ths
machinery needed for making " coticrete " sugur, ancl nlso rccluccd costs
of manufactnre, tlrough economy in l a b o ~ ancl ~ r fucl, wlictlwr i t might
not PUS lha àettcr to make thc largcr qumtity of low priccd siigar,
ratlxr than tlie smallcr quautity of high p~icedsugar.
Tlie inventor nnd the maniifneturcrs of tho Concrctor bclic-rc, that
unless there be a dcmmd for coiuitci' or vacuuin pai1 sugar .for local
eonsum~itionor other cxccptional circumst:mcce, it will pay tho plantcr
bcttm to make the large .quantity OS coiicretc " sugar, iuthei- tlian tlic
amtiller p a n t i t y of higher pricccl sugar.
2 ~ ~ni r r s o ~ . - U s e of the ~oucrctorin coilj~lactioiiwith t h ccutrifiigul
macliinc, to malre wunter sugaro.
Jirss 1, 1880. THE SUGAR OANB.
The process of conccntration is conclucted much in the snme way ns in
No. 1 methocl, exccpt that the syrup as it lcaves the Concrctor traya,"
ought cither t o be Altcrccl tluough bbag filters, or allovcd to subsicle for
24 liours before it passcs to thc cylinrlcr. The object of tliis iiltration is
t o remove any mechauical impurities loft in thc juicc, wliich if not
rcmovecl moulcl be lilrcly to impart an objcctionabie gray tinge to tlie
I n the rcvolviug cylinclcr thc s p u p is not concentrated to quite sa
higli a point as if "concret%" sugar were to be macle. From the cylinder
thc symp is passcd into coolcrs vherc it is dlowcd t o stancl for 24 hours
t o crystalliac ; after this it is chaincd in tlic ccntiifugal machine.
The molilsscs obtainccl from the " first sugar " may bc boiled clown a
scconrl time in the revolviug cylincler to proclucc l i second sugar."
The clisaclvantagcs of tliis system as compared mitli No. 1 method of
worlring, are-
i.-Incrcascrl ontlay for machiuery, sincc centrifiigal machineu, filtcrs
ancl molnsses tanks arc nceded.
2.-Increasecl cost of prod~iction,for as thcre are more processes to be
gono through, so mom laboiw ancl more fuel are required than
wlicre " concrctc " sugar .ls procluced.
3.-Dimínishccl quantity Q sugar obtaiiiccl.
Tbe aclvantugo of tlie prece!!! is that it pmduces a nicc looking sugw,
pui'c, aiicl of good colour, wliicli mill sol1 at -a higher p1-h per to^ thnn
concrctc sugar.
~ R DM~mon.-Use of the Concretor as an a u x i h i y to racuum
W h c the ~ Concrctor is thus employed it occupios thc place uaually
fillecl by the L(tiiIdcoffet" whcrc that systcm is used in concentrating tho
juice for thc vacuum pau. TIie Concretor peifoornis this mork of pre-
paratory concentration for thc rnciium pan moro mpiclly nnd moro
cconornically thaii the triple effet." It nccds no largo boilcrs, nor
costly a 2 anrl watcr pumps to aid i t ; it rcquires no skilled workmon
t o talco cliargc of it ; it does not rcadily get out of orclcr ancl if out of
ordcr is vcry cauily put right agnin. h
Whcn usecl iii connoction mith tlic vacuum pan, tlic juice is only
conccntraterl up to about 16" or 18" BaumB on the '(tinys;" it then
passes t o tlie rcvolving cylincler wlierc its deiisity is rnisecl t o 26" or
28" Raumé. After lcai-ing thc cylinclcr the conccritration of thc syrup is
complctecl by the rncuum pm in the usunl way.
The nclvantagcs anrl disadvautages OSthis mctliorl of workingarc similar
to tliosc oí' No. 2 metliod but more inarl~ccl,sinee No. 3 system ncods still
more niachincry anrl moro labour uncl fucl, thoiigh nt tlic samc time
it yiclds a niorc beuutihl anrl higlior piicccl sugar tlian No. 2 mctliod.
Thc time occupicrl by thc juicc in travcrsing the " trays" is only
about 10 minutes, dniing which time tlic jnice i8 conccntratccl f?om aay
8" up to 26" 01- 28" UaniiiÍ?.
l n tlie revol.ihg cyliudcr it ~emainsfor about 20 minutos, dwing which
time thc evnporation is coiiipletccl. Tlic sugar lcaves tlm cylinclcr in
si~clin ~ t a t cthut as it cools i t bccomcs a ~oliclmatis not liable to rhiG.nago.
Thiis thc juicc is only cxposcd to hcat fov nbollt half an hour. On
thc trays" wlicrc thc juicc is thinncst mrl theimforc best ublo to
- -- -. - - -- -- .- -- -- -- - -- - --.
bem heat mithout injm-y, the temperatwe is about 214" to 216" Pnlit.
A thermomcter plungecl into the jiiicc on the trays ot a y poikt rnrely
or necer rcgisters more, and e w n this temperature lasts for only about
ten minutcs. Whcn thc juice passes &oin the L ' t r a p " into the rcvolving
cylinder its tcmpemture cít 07100 faUs to nboiit 140" OT 160" Faht. The
tempcrature padually rises as the syrup npproaches the outlet iintil
it becomes 190" or 200" Faht. at the point; where thc sugar issues frou
the eylinder.
L e t these temlicratium nnd the lengtli of time diving mhich the juice
s exposed i;o them be compareci witli the temperatiires of tlie triple
effe.t unrl vncuim pcm and tlie leng-th of time during mhicli the juice is
exposerl to then~,and i t mill nt oncc qipcar t l i ~ Zoss
t linrm is clone to the
colour nnd cheniicnl composition of tlie juice b y thc Concrctor than by
thc triplo cffet ancl vacuiini pnn.
I f then the plantei, mish to mnko the clnsses of sugar produced by
eitlier of the first tmo metliods of m o r h g tlie Concretor, lic will asswedly
procluce them fnr more ndrantngcously to himself by using the Concrctor
thnn by employing nny 0 t h iuetliod
~ ~ of inannfacture mhntcrcr.
I f on the other h m d , he cleshe to mula the h e s t vncuiim pnn siignr
i t miil cost less t o innke this with t h e Coiicrctor azid rncuum pnn com-
bined than mith thc tl'iple cil'et nnd vncukhu pan combinecl, mhile tho
sugar tlius obtnincd mill be af Zeast ns good u~ whcrc the triple effet is
employed, i f not h t t e r . '
Of the many Coiicretors -sold, some are baing iisecl i n tlic nianner first
doscribcd, othcrs me being cniploycd in coujunction witli the centrifugul
to produce countcr sugars, nnd others aro being workecl in the third way
montioned ia connection mith the vacuum pan.


3 - A FRYER.
. .



Multi'tubular Boiler.
Multitubular and other Stcnrn
Condençing anil Eigh Prcs~um
Steam Enginris,
Donkey Engincs,
Distillery Eiigines,
Bir Pump Engines for Vacuum
Wrought lron Water VheeLs,
Horizontal md Vertical Sugar
Niils of every description, vith
suitable Geaiing,
Steam Juicc Trnys foi: ditto,
Gnne J iiice Pi~mps,
Tubular Steaw Clarifiers,
Wrought Iron Jdcketted ditto,
Sugar Pnns, Coolers, &c., of c ~ t
iron, arought iron, or coppcr,
John Fletcher's patent R c r o l h g
Granulnting Paus of e v e s dcs.
Open Pans, ~ 4 t hbíultitubulnr
Steam k c s 1
Wetzel Pans,
Cast ancl Vrought Iron Tanks,
Aíao, ull other k i d s of Xuciiinery zcsed i70Sugar ~luntaiio?@
und Epfitwri~~,
swch dp
T h SUGAR CANE. J u a s 1, 1880.




.---- -- ->---,"



The Orjginnl introducers nntl moat extensivo makcrs of



Tha f i s t manufnctiirers of

STEAM ENGINES (condensing and non-condeneing),


Improved W e t z e l & Bour Pans,
And 811 o&cr requisitas for SUGAR PLANTATIONS.


MEDAL- Supplied to the Arctic
Paris Exhibition, 1875, Expedition,
Honorable Mention- Supplied to the Ghannel
London Exhibition, 1862, Squadron,





This F u e l is manufuctured from tlie best descriptions of South V a l e s

steam coal. I t s cubic capa is a&ut 32 feet per ton, as against 42 and
44 for ordinary coal. B manuf&tured by the dry process (peculiar
to, and patented b y this pany, mhereby-. nll moisture i s extracted
hefore being compressed by hylraulio pressiire, ancl a block ohtainad
more solid than the original coal,) deterioratiou is thus reduced
almost to an impossibility, although the fuel may be stored unslieltered
on an opcn wharf. I n the tropics, mhere coal perishes so rnpidly m d
is soon rendered valueless, this fuel has been found particularly usèful
to plauters on the vnrious estates mhere i t has been used, by enabling
them to mix it with the dust and small coal, and tlius t u r n thoso to
a good account.
Agents wanted in the Weat I n d h Islan




THE SUGAR 04KE. ,JUI~E 1, 1880.

Under the Special Patronage of H.R.H. the Prince of Vales.


A a n i c u ~ ~ u n aVIIPAT,


From Dr. VOELCKER, C h e a h t t o Ilic Biiyal A g ~ t c t r l t t t r a lSociety o, Enqlajid:
"1877. It ia n wwdcry weli mndc nrtificinl mnuurc, and, iti my jiidgmciit, nwll udnpted for
thc growtù of tùe Sugnr Cuuc!'
From Dr. PHIPSON,Pmfeaaor of AnaZytical C l i o n i s t q i91 Lodoti :
"1877. It ie the h& aiid clieapest Cunc mui&o hithorto produccd."
From A. J?.BARRON, Qavden Supe~irrte 1 Z o r t i c u l t u r n l Society'o
Qn~dena, CAistuick, Iiea
" I t Le tlie b a t p t c n t iiinnuro we have aver uscd."
N.B.-The UilBAN SUGAR 0 9 % MANURE ~ i8 cnloiilnted t o prouiota the rlpcning or tho
Cano and rlch anccbnriiic juicc, whilst irn~iroviiigt h c aoil for tùo next seimon.



he f n ~ i n d ~
Fiiiá r . T h a fiill puiticulnia o1 nll tlie L i m a of Ocenn Stenmers. a s wcll ns of ilie Seus
Rivera RDCI.L?~P~ i n u form nrinpieil fui. ensy vofercuco uiid conipiioii w i t ~ itùn moat norupu~iiiiR
exnotiiude. i a t e sh pnasnge of ali clnsnes. iimea of iirPisni niid depnituiw, aitli nii Indez of nll
Btuiiona on'tbc iiiuta. iablC8 of dl8tn1i~ti~. mimes or vosseis, witli Lli?ii*toiiiiags aoil ~~~~~~~posei.
nnd tlic rniriulo detnils so necessnrv tri Ilie ira, flller. 80 nirnnysd na (o lm s ~ t i i iit i n ylgrioe.-'
ALCOICD.Tlio nNreoment ofnll Lhe hlnrina Btrivicns of Eiirope nnil tlis Oloho, iinitlng tlie OO~nli
aod ititernol nnviyntioil -THIUU. '1'11s nlliho~fticnlL i ~ nf t Parta snll Plncas 110th liirga and
emull, oi bolli tlieaens und rivars.-lponn~rr. l h a List «f Lhe Sniling nnd ~ t n u d ~ e s s olonrlioa
nt i h e piirioil~nlpo1.18, witli Lhe roles af Irsighl for fluoli dc8tination.-PIFTII. A G~ographic~I
Cùart.abowiiig tlis lrock of diffeient Comporiiea to ull porta ol' Lha Woild.--.Six*i~. Hetea o[
Excliniige holweeii all cr~iiiitiiescom[iuiod wilb Frencli n1onays.-Srvr.~~n. Postal Services
oP Lntteir Circulurs, ond Surnples.
I $ ~ a ~ i o a t e uM8,ritime
r Universel i? Lho~sforot o Nnvipntlon nf I.ho Wovld what Drad.
pliaxv a Ouirle ia tu Lho Rallwnye ol Ctimic H ~ i i i i ivitli ~ ~ . Lho nrlvniitn~eo i iiiiorrnnlinn fniind in rio
,diei, puhliciitioii, niiil Iiaiiig ~~riritniliii I;r~eiich,fhama almas! uniwi~xa2lyspaken la~igirng~, ia 1.0~diIy
uirtie?fitond by ti'eveller8 from o w r y Coiiiilry. To,Advertisers it oVeie tlie iirlvniitngn of nn
iinliiiiitetl cii~c~ilniirni l n e w i y coiiiilrp, und it. ~ l Ilnl reriii ns well Iiy .tlie Mercliiiiii. In tlie
CouiitiugJouae ns tlin l'iiiiilul nt i110 Yen-uirlo. Lha Coloiiint nt t i dlal.nricr, ariil tlie I+,dscngoi. ot
a11 Ilnilwirv Btut.iiiu8. nnd nl CIiiI>Iinu~on.Criffeu ronrns. niirl I-iiitnla rrvavvwlinim

Terms for tbe United Kingdom 26s. per annum or 10d per aopg; for
Advert!sements, 10d.'per line, or b y &rqngement.
The only " SUGAR," piil.dishcc1 i11 t h e Australian
C'olonies, issiied weekly, coiitsiiii~i i i f o ~ u a t i o i iof i n t e ~ e s tt o all
pcrsons connected with tlie Sugrir Industry, riiicl m a y be
ordered of Messrs. GORDONund G»wx, Loildon, Blelbouiine,
und Sydney ; or dircct from t h e Enr.ioii, P o r t & l d i t ~ pQueelis- ,
Subscription-31 per anniim i n cidv~~iice, poatage extrn:
Thc best inedium in tlie Coloriics for Macliiriery 2nd othcr

At the above fist-class Educational Estnblisliliicut, ili nddition to the

nubjects u s u d y tnught at schools, Sciciicc, cspccidly Chcmisti.;)., f o m a
wgiilar pnrt of tlie coursc of instriiction.
Yenrs ago, under its lslc Principal, Nr. Ecluioiidson, Qileçuwood ma8
one of thc few scliools iu which these uliiiys wcrc rccugiiizecl, m d mith
the scicntific teaching of Q~iccnwooclw c ~ c:issociatcd mcn whosc nnmcs
linvc non. a world-wide cclebrity in conncction witli Pliysics nncl Chcniistry.
Now, amid tlie golriug recopition of scientiiiic. claiuis, Queeiimoocl still
uims nt holcling itu onm, md proriiig itself' wortliy of its foimer prestige.
It shoulcl be uiidcrstoocl that i.he scientifia n w k doca not; p . ~ l u c l ea
ùuc ottention to Ihosc clemuntiiry stiiilics t i i d miist tuim d ? b i s i s of
weiy erliication. Wliilc it may ficqiiciltly Iinppi~iithtd ltrds are scnt to
Qucenwoocl t o " fini~li,~' it is ncvcitliclcss higlily :iclrautugcous for n boy
to cnter at un early age, that hhn niny h a w thc ;id~wntirgcof thc regular,
rvell-[~1'~nnged coinse of stiidy that tlie sahool ítfforil~,çoiiiiuonoing in the
lower classes with the simpIost clemcnts of i111 Iihlglisli ~~111cal~ion.
Por prospcctuu ancl fiill particulars, q q d y t u C. W r ~ ~ n o u Priiicipnl



Analyses and Consultations on Soils, Manures, Motsllics
Ores, Wators. &c,. bv Dr. PHIPSON, dailv from 10 to (I.


Do,under Mesms. Qalioway's 1875Patent.
CAITE MILLS, for Cattie, Water, & Steam.
GANE MILLS, Rousselot's Patent,
A.U classes of J&ACHlIERY for S U R U
The essentii featui-Dof the Rousselot system of construction for mhich Letters Paient mere obtained on PRESSES-Hybauiic, Screw, a n i Lever,
the 23rd Narch, 1671, and the 2nd Narch, 1677, is the use of thorough-fare bolts going right through the for Cotton, Jute, Wool, Oil, Wine, &c.
Headstocks. Bp this means ail the tensional strains are taken up by the ~roiight-ironBolts, instead of
bearing on the cast-iron Headstochs,-thus ensurinç HPDRAULIG PRESSES-Watsan's Patent.
I. Entire security against the brealring of the Headstocks. WATSON'S Patent AUTOMATIC CRAKES.
11. Greater facility in erecting and adjustmg the Afill, the arrangement permitting of the easy GORB AIVD RICE IIIILLS.
remova1 laterally of the lower rolls mithout othermise disturbing bhe Mill.
11. Increased quantity of juice expressed from the Cane. the greatly increased strength of the BIill, WATER WORKS, for the supply of Towns,
due to its system of construction, allon-ing harder crushing to be done withoiit Lnger of fractirre. U R I N E EN@INES,
The Rousselot system of Headstocks, mith thorough-farc Eolts, can bc a~ipliedwith p c a t ad\-antai;c to
cxisting 3 m s , iitilising the present rollfi and 3Iill-bottom.


Address: J. C. R. OKES, 39, Queen Yictoi-ia-st., London E.C.



M ake ou f Designs and Speci@afions, s q ~ p kall descrip-

fions of Mcrchinery, Railway Plonf, and Ma/erirrls,
X ~ ~ E \ T1S+ & . u T L & ~iDB

Brotherhood's Patent 3-Cylioder Engines, Pnnps, &g

HandysideJs Iron Roofs, Bridges, Ornamentd kcn Wcrk, &cce.
Lewin's Portable Engines, Thrashing Machmery, &c,
Ur. BESSETI has hnd iLù~utfiw yenrs' pr.i~ticdt x p ricnw an St;+r I'botati r~
in the West Indies, and visíteil extensive Eztati'j in thc-l h t .
-- - -- - - - -- - --
USE O F VAC'LTUbI 13AP\',un Owrier's Preiiiises, iii
London, for iin esperiment iii Eviipvrating SacchrirPnt.
Liquos. iippl;)', with teime, to C.," 50, Hanipton-
road, Forest Gate, Esses.

aohipeyy apd Coppey boyk foy pligay &ates ajd Refijeriej

Sole Nanufactarers of Britten & Barron's Patent Universal
Joint Briving, and Suspended Drum, Bottom Discharging



ContZizuo~~ P2'ilezcu1>aI+z>zs.
Steam Engines Boilers, Sugar Cane Mills, Vacuum Pumps, &c:


Price 1 1 6 per Gallon in Manchester.

111 wbmitting to Notico this Tal'ui~h,me mould resl~ectfiillyeuunierate

tha a c h n t n g c s a i d M A R m D SUPZRIORITY cluimed for it, after 10
yonrs' trinl, over avory P h t hithwto triecl upon Sugar Plnut and Machinery.
I st.-It i8 n Nntiual Piire DistiUed Vaimish.
2iid.-No Loacls, ouidos or Corrosive agent is in it.
i tI- does No'l' TAINT LIQUOn 3N ANY VAY, as it gives off NO
4th.-1s more d~u'ablet h u nny orha1-y paint, resiating the notion of
Acids m d Corrosion.
5th.-1s no moro than oue-half the iri ice
6th.-Rcqiiii.0~ NO MIXINC~ or Preparatio
7th.--May be npplied by nny iuisldled wer. contioed kud
extoiding use by the leachg Sugar Refinor~iin Cireut'nin, 1s a guar-
antoe of its Irieoml~am~lo Adnptnbility nncl Bconorny.
Tho f o f i o ~ v i nhigli-claea
~ Grms ia Ewope, hnve used this Varnish mith marked
auccess for yenra, anù Sugar Mnchinery E n & m s havo bem supplicd with it
for exportation:
W,fiMSTRON@,L e ~ a nSheet, White-
J. BRYANT, Dable Straat, Whiteobapel. 1 ~ ~ f - - l ~ L ~ i & ~ E R O
IAS. DUNCAX, Dbda Warf, ~
J. B. DAKIN, St. Geor~e's,Whitschapol.
i ~ t
o8. r
i ~ SONS,
~ ~

SYDNEYB,BODeE & SON,Fieldg& St. H'

GODBY & BOYD, St. Geoi.g.e's-in-East. GREENOCK.
F. GADESDEN, Leman Streot, 1
D. MARTINEAU Q 801, Ghri~tirn-St, ~i$~\",N,"S~&LE,
J. SCHWARTZ, Palham Street. '

Ghiistian Streat, ROXBüRltH BU&BR REFiNINCf Go,
c , WoLOEMUGE, Domm0rcial Road lED,
PETER KUCK, Dhristian 8ti.eeto NELLL, DEMPSTER & N E ~ .
REDPATH & SON, Nont~eal, Limiterl.
It has a130 bem uaed mith satisfaction u#Sugnr Pnctories and
on Plnntntions i11Bnhia, Hongkoiig, Genoa, Melboiiim, &c.
Manufacfo~y:-&?L T TO WN, MA NCHESTER.
Shortly after tho firut of the sci;ies of patcnls for tlio Concrptor w a ~ grrinte(l, nnd
afttftarthc invention was put into operaticri in' tlie Wcst Indie3,.?t fvaç faund tlint
certain dif£icultics verc prc~ented,of ao serioui L: c h r a c t ~ Lhnt
r th+:súccesu Gf the
Concretor as n practicri inachine depender1 on thesc bcing s~irrnounted.
The unrumittinç attention hostoworl npon tiie Conc~etorsorectcd' iniL ~ o r k e r l
npon the Belvidere group of estates, Anti ua, enabled the invcntor to perfect the
crnde original invantion und t u pmdiice mn
produçt +uni which was more imniformly go
4 oro cnsily manngcd and I11t:
in the oiiginal Concrctor.
i cficcted w a a nIso largely in oxcess o
~ h'\vorl'r the original Concrotor, and
@e amounl of rapnirs iieeded i s rcdiiced to a minirulim. Theac rnrious iniprovo-
dom, bnva a11 been a r u r e d l ~ nseries of 1cMc1-a-ptentoitending froni 1868, rnd,
&tob'sr~. >IAxL~TI~, AI,T,I~TT,$ Co., Fnqli~nd ahd Frnnce, retain tho solo -
iight to rnmufacttirc Concrotora, iinder the aforesaid patcnts, :%naa11 Lho im-
provcrnei~tsapplioalde to caue-juice nro embodicrl- in the ~nacliinussupplied for
concentrnting cane-juicc.
TIic seíwinl pnrts of ail the machines are mnde ncciiratciy to tcmplntes, and kept
in slocli, so thnt not only CRD. apara parts Iie ordcrctl h)- ninil or nire and dvspatchcd
without nu?- delag-, but apare parts siipplied to-any machinc in any colony can bu

' caso of oinorgancy to any otiier machinc.

~h~#!?~1crion~e'whir1i the malcera Ilnve acquircd d-g the pas1 foiirtcen years
' in tlia m&nufilct we of Concrotojs, nnd ths informntion which th'o l$.tontos hns

obtnined on tlie estntes of Fryer's Concrete Co., nu well as the expcri@Ú'acedirectly

ncqiiired froni tlio oyners of tho hundreda oi Uoncrotors in use, havc beon utiiíaed
in t.he prudiiction of a ninchine, which, whilo pre,sarving nll tho bcsl points, m d
the mitirc prineipla, of tlie original Pryer's Concrotor" clifforu by thp adoption of
tlie p~tcntodimpovemcnts in very mnng important parficidni.~
f serios of tlm Ooncretor patents n 4 l sliortly espirc, ~ n *RB by
As til; fir~i,~ i the
tlio iac 01speciul tools tho cojt 9 f maiiufn$ura hau becn reduceù, tlie sola niakers
hnvo irmch p1ensiu.e in n n n p n c h g that u Considerable FLediaction haa falcoh
I plnce in tlio prico of Conbrators, and thnt 8pecid cnre is taken t1x-i- the cinality of
1 matoriuk and woi.lrmnn~hi &a11 bu oarcfitlly maintnined as hoinctoforc.
----- -


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