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Tel: 023 347 0663 / F: 023 342 2766 / Posbus/P.O. Box 193, Worcester, 6849 / Krigestraat 8 Krige Street, Worcester
Nuusbrief/Newsletter 11 van/of 2013 11 April 2013

What happened to our education?

Kemmons Wilson, who founded Holiday Inns in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1952, failed to graduate from high school and was reputed to have said that, because he had such little education, he had to work real hard. Like Wilson, Harry Truman, one of Americas greatest presidents, came from a poor Kansas background and did not attend university. However, he was an omnivorous reader, a commited autodidact and an accomplished classical pianist. He devoured all of Shakespeare, the Bible (twice), all the standard works of ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. On Robben Island, Nelson Mandela also read Shakespeare from a copy of the complete works which was smuggled into the jail. He is, of course, a welleducated attorney whose philosophy is reflected in his favourite Shakespearean quote, the passage in Julius Ceasar beginning: Cowards die many times before their deaths. Mandela has said: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can have to change the world. He is right. It may not be necessary to be welleducated in order to succeed in life but it is beyond argument that society as a whole prospers to the extent that its people are exposed to decent levels of education. Success may be measured in many different ways, not all of them material. But in the 21st century it must surely be clear that to improve living standards, longevity, security, the quality of water and air and the safety of travel it is essential

by Stephen Mulholland
could grow and develop to their full potential. No, they introduced some gobble-de-gook called Outcomes Based Education which had failed everywhere it had been tried and is today a sad memory of children denied proper teaching, from which loss they will suffer all their lives. A generation of experienced and commited white teachers was pensioned off, an irreplaceable loss to public education. Highly effective teacher training colleges were shut down as were nurses training colleges and today we see the results of such mindless inability to keep from the past what was good while ditching the evil. An Economist Intelligence Unit study says that the 10 best countries to be born in today are: Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. It is not a coincidence that they all possess excellent education systems. Our class divides will worsen as, for those who can afford it, there is still excellent education available in SA. For the poor majority, whose children need it most, there is only the broken state model. This is a recipe for disaster.

that populations be well educated. Sound basic education prepares people for useful and productive lives as professionals, tradesmen, salesmen, builders, teachers themselves, homemakers, managers, truck drivers and so on. Education is vital also to the raising of the generations ahead. All studies show that, while there are no guarantees, the offspring of the better educated have far greater prospects of being well-educated, pursuing successful careers and enjoying happy family life. Again, there are never any guarantees, but the odds must always favour the better educated. That is why responsible parents battle and sacrifice to provide their children with the best possible education. It is a justified and frequent accusation that blacks under apartheid were denied access to quality education which put them at a huge disadvantage. Whites were the beneficiaries of a world class educational system which produced Nobel laureates in the sciences and arts, founders of great companies, both local and multinational, lawyers and doctors who achieved eminence around the world and many others distinguished locally and internationally. They were the beneficiaries of the dedication of generations of teachers who schooled them rigorously and caringly and, when necessary, disciplined them strictly. However our government, immediately on gaining power, saw fit not to extend this great teaching tradition, previously reserved for whites, to black kids so they too,

Special points of interest:


Inside this issue:







PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

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Belangrike datums / Important dates
DAY Friday DATE 12/4 ACTIVITY Reports will be handed out Netbalskeidsregterskursus (Afrigters) te Worc.-Oos 15:00 - 17:00 Rugby vs Fish Hoek Primary U/11A+B; U/13A+B at WPS 14:00 Gericke Sports Day Rugby + Netball Hockey Junior Paarl Boys High (away) Hockey Junior Paarl Boys High (home) Worc.-Sone Netbalproewe (O/12A + O/13A) 14:15 te Worc.-Oos HTS Drostdy Opedag 14:00 Oueraand per afspraak / Parent Evening by appointment Mnr. Schoeman (W-Gim) spreek gr.7-ouers toe in saal (18:00) Noord-Boland Netbalproewe 14:15 te Worc.-Oos Vis & Chips Dans 19:00

Saturday Monday Tuesday

13/4 15/4 16/4

Wednesday Thursday Friday

17/4 18/4 19/4

Dear Parents We would like to inform you of the following changes in the school assessments and recording so as to avoid any misconceptions or confusion. The WCED has set up a new system for the recording of assessment marks on standardised recording sheets and schedules. These comply with CAPS assessment protocol and each section of a particular subject is weighted according to CAPS criteria. The learners totals and codes are then automatically processed and inserted on the recording sheet, schedule and report. Please take this into consideration when viewing your childs assessment tasks. The mere totalling of marks will not necessarily enable you to calculate the code which will appear on the report. Geagte Ouers Ons wil u graag verwittig van die veranderinge in die skoolassessering en optekening om te verhoed dat daar verwarring of onsekerheid ontstaan. Die WKOD het n nuwe stelsel ontwikkel vir die optekening van assesseringspunte op gestandaardiseerde optekeningsblaaie en skedules. Hierdie optekeningsblaaie is opgestel volgens KAPV-assesseringsprotokol en elke deel van n spesifieke vak dra n sekere gewig, volgens KAPV-standaarde. Die leerder se totale en kodes is outomaties verwerk en verskyn dan op die optekeningsblaaie, skedule en verslag. Neem die bostaande asseblief in ag wanneer u na u kind se assesseringstake kyk. Deur die punte op te tel, gaan u nie noodwendig by dieselfde kode uitkom wat op u kind se verslag is nie.

Oueraand / Parent Evening: Die oueraand skuif na Woensdag, 17/4/2013. Maak asb. n afspraak met u kind se vak-onderwyser. Afsprake is 10 minute lank, skakel Mev. Woodward om afsprake te maak. Asprake slegs i.v.m. punte. The parent evening will be held on Wednesday,17/4/2013 (only by appointment). Contact Mrs Woodward to make an appointment with your childs subject-teacher. Each appointment will be 10 minutes and may only be to discuss marks.


KWYTSKELDINGS / EXEMPTIONS: Ons is tans besig om die kortings te verwerk. Ons doen n beroep op u om intussen die skoolfonds by te hou. Ten einde ons skool funksioneel te hou en n ho standaard te handhaaf, het ons alle beskikbare fondse nodig. U volle ondersteuning en samewerking sal waardeer word! We are currently processing the exemptions. We urge you to please pay the school fees in the meantime. In order for WPS to maintain our high standard and be functional, we are relying on all available funds. Your support and co-operation will be greatly appreciated!

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Bank details: NEDBANK 147 005; ACC NO: 147 000 3910 (Cheque acc.)

Nuusbrief/Newsletter 11 van/of 2013

Hokkie / Hockey
Congratulations to the following learners who were chosen to represent the Pinotage regional team: Boys: Girls: Bruce-John Joseph Cathy-Ann Hugo Giano Jeftha Esm Pettit Dirk Hofmeyr Helga Visser Gretchen Jeftha We are very proud of you!!

WINTERDRAG / WINTER UNIFORM: Official date for winter uniform: Monday, 29 April 2013. Until such time, your child may wear either the summer or the winter uniform. Learners are not allowed to mix the two uniforms.

Klerebank / Clothing bank

Attention parents: We kindly request that you mark your childs school clothes. The school can not be held responsible when clothes are lost. Clothes that remain in the Lost and found box for more than a week (after announcements), will be sold at the clothing bank. We appreciate your co-operation. Aandag ouers: Ons vra alle ouers om asb. u kinders se skoolklere te merk. Die skool kan nie verantwoordelik gehou word vir klere wat wegraak nie. Klere wat langer as n week nog in die lost and found-boks l (na afkondigings), sal verkoop word in die klerebank. Ons maak staat op u samewerking.

Die klerebank se tye is streng as volg / The clothing bank will be open strictly on: Maandae/Mondays 13:45 14:30 en/and Woensdae/Wednesdays 07:30 08:00. Hou asseblief by bogenoemde tye / Please stick to above-mentioned times.

Parkering / Parking
PARKERING / PARKING: Loflaaities Parkering: Gebruik die inrit by Distilleryweg en ry kloksgewys. Gebruik asb. die gemerkte parkeerarea indien u wil stilhou, u mag nie die vloei van verkeer vertraag deur te stop in die sirkel nie. Loflaaities personeel ry ook kloksgewys, deur watersloot en parkeer onder die bome. Enter at the gate on Distillery Rd and drive clockwise. Please use the allocated parking bays if you need to stop, you may not park in the circle when dropping your child at school. Loflaaties staff also drive clockwise, through the ditch to the parking area under the trees. Parents are kindly requested not to park in the yellow lines at the crossings or in front of the main entrance. This slows down traffic and the safety of your child is at stake. Please refrain from parking in the drop-n-go zone when dropping/fetching your child at school. Please use the allocated parking bays if you need to stop. The area in front of the school is reserved for the school bus. Do not stop there in the afternoons at 14:45.

Graag wil ons ouers versoek om asseblief nie in die geelstrepe by die voetoorgange of binne die skool se hek by die hoofingang stil te hou nie. Die verkeer word belemmer en u kind se veiligheid is op die spel. Moet asseblief nie in die drop-n-go sone parkeer wanneer u kind op/afgelaai word nie. Gebruik asseblief die gemerkte parkeerareas indien u moet stilhou. Die area voor die hoofdeure van die skoolgebou is gereserveer vir die skoolbus. Moet asb. nie hier stil-

Neem asb. kennis dat daar n waterpyp gebars het by die parkeerarea naby die tennisbane. Dit kos ongeveer R10 000 om te vervang. Die Departement van Onderwys moet toestemming verleen voordat reperasies gemaak kan word. Ons sal voortgaan hiermee sodra ons terugvoering van die WKOD gekry het.
PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

Page 3

Skoolfotos / School Photos

Alle fotobestellings moet asb. voor 15 Mei geplaas word. Stuur die voltooide koevert met die korrekte bedrag daarin, na u kind se klasonderwyser. All photo orders must be placed before 15 May 2013. Please send the completed envelope with the correct amount included, to your childs register teacher. WPS ONDERSTEUNERS/WPS SUPPORTERS: WPS spog met splinternuwe en BAIE "COOL" ONDERSTEUNERS/SUPPORTER gholfhempies @ R150 elk, asook renbaadjies (2 soorte). Die verskaffer is All 4 U Creations in Stockenstrmstraat. 023 347 5481. Die kontakpersoon is Christa. Alle bestellings en betalings word by haar gedoen. Die WPS Sonskerms (Sunvisors) vir motor-voorruite is by Ontvangs te koop @ R100 elk. Brerand hoede met WPS Wapen @ R95 is by De Jagers beskikbaar. Kom ondersteun ons pragtige skool! Visit our website for images of our gholf-shirts:


Serpe Beanies Rosette I love WPS wapens R60.00 R50.00 R20.00 R6.00

KLEURBAADJIIES April - Mei 10% afslag op Kleurbaadjies by De Jagers!

Dankie / Thank you

Die gr.R-maatjies wil baie dankie s vir tannie Mia Duvenage en ouma Jo vir ons pragtige rose en plantjies wat hulle gedurende die vakansie voor Juf. Yvonne se klas geplant het. Juf. Yvonne wil baie dankie s vir haar oulike mammas en maatjies wat haar verjaardag so spesiaal gemaak het!

Verjaardae / Birthdays
Baie geluk aan die volgende personeel wat verjaar! 12/4 Mrs Fran van der Merwe (7.4) 18/4 Mej. Marianne Jooste (Bib) Mag dit n gesende nuwe lewensjaar wees!

Atletiek / Athletics
Die ouers van Nathan de Lange en Gabi Bennett wil graag baie dankie s aan diegene wat bydraes gemaak het om ons twee Wes-Kaap atlete aan die Junior SA Atletiekkampioenskappe te Sasolburg te laat deelneem. Dit word opreg waardeer!

Save the date: Gr.R Vis en Chips Dans Vrydag, 19 April 2013. Kaartjies te koop by Juf. Chel-

WPS Jaarboek 2013 Ons skool wil graag 'n jaarboek saamstel wat alles van die skool bevat. Die jaarboek se koste beloop R 150,00 indien ons 500 ouers kan kry wat toegewy sal wees om dit te koop. Indien ons nie 500 ouers kry wat belangstel nie, sal ons nie met die projek kan voortgaan nie. Kan u asseblief per e-pos laat weet of u belangstel. E-pos: WPS Yearbook 2013 Our school is planning to design a Yearbook, comprising everything done at the school during the year. The cost will be R 150,00. We need at least 500 parents to commit to purchasing the book. Please let us know via e-mail if you are interested in and committed to purchasing this book. E-mail:

WPS Greetings

Page 4 PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

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