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Last Name: Finch First Name: Jeremy Atticus


Other Names: Jem

Gender: Age: Occupation: Male 10-13 Student Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major /


1)Jem is the only son of Atticus Finch. 2)He is the older brother of Jean Louise Finch. 3)Jack and Alexandra Finch are his aunt and uncle whom he sees occasionally. 4)Calpurnia is a motherly figure for him, as his mother is deceased, and keeps him in check as he grows older and matures. 5)He meets and gets to know Reverend Sykes, Zeebo, and Lula more when he visits First Purchase Church. 6)He is first scared/curious, then more understanding of his neighbours, Arthur Boo and Nathan Radley who live across the street from him. 7) Jem is best friends with Dill when he visits Maycomb for the summers. 8)Another neighbour of Jem is Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose who lives down the street. He really dislikes her when he would walk by her home when he had to, as she would degrade him and his

family until he had to read to her as punishment for destroying her flowers; he realizes she's a strong, brave woman and he somewhat gets closer to her after her death. 9)He knows Cecil Jacobs, Burris Ewell, Little Chuck Little and Walter Cunningham Jr. as kids who go to his school and are friends with his younger sister. 10)Mrs. Crawford, Miss Maudie Atkinson, and Mrs. Haverford our his fellow neighbours on his street. 11)Dr. Reynolds is Jem's family doctor and has known him since he was a baby. 12)He dislikes Bob Ewell for harassing his father after the trials and gets attacked by him on his way home from Scout's play. He is the reason Jem broke his arm.

JUXTAPOSITION: Jeremy Atticus Finch


Charles Baker Dill Harris

Similarities: 1) They love to play and explore the same things. 2) In the beginning, Jem and Dill were both typical boys who didn't care much about morals or lessons, but rather loved to just be free and do as they please. 3) They both were afraid of the Radley house at first since they heard of the horror stories about Boo Radley and his family.

Differences: 1)Jem matures greatly while Dill matures little by little, still not understanding why certain things are the way they are. 2)Jem is really interested into the trial and what happens, while not really expressing his emotions, while Dill sleeps and gets very emotional and has to leave during one part. 3)Jem hardens with the evil he is exposed to but Dill still gets emotional when he realizes certain things aren't just.

Other Comments:
Dill is similar to Jem's sister, Scout, since he does not quite understand why things happen the way they do and the big world out there, as he is still innocent and needs to mature but also because of the fact he comes from a different town. Scout drastically goes from an innocent boy to a very mature young adult.

Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose: 1) Mrs. Dubose HATES the fact that Jem's father is defending a black man, while he thinks that it is a right thing to do and he is a great man for doing that. 2)Jem accepts the fact the his sister still needs time to mature into a young lady, but Mrs. Dubose wants her to change her tomboy ways instantly, not caring about her gradually maturing. 3)Mrs. Dubose constantly bombards Jem with insults about him and his family but remains calm about it, unlike Mrs. Dubose who keeps going and going at him.

1) Jem really loves football and starts to sit in his room on Sunday's to just read Football magazines 2) Although he suffered a traumatizing break to his arm, he was not too concerned after he found out it would affect him playing football, although he was a tad self-conscious.

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