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Lecture 5
Conditions at a discontinuity Dimensionless parameters

Conservation conditions at an interface

The time rate of a change of a quantity (x, t) over a given volume V, moving with velocity VI is1 d dV = dV + (VI n) dS dt V V t S Applied to mass conservation ( = ) we d dV = dV + (VI n) dS dt V V t S Using the continuity equation


+ v dV = 0 t


d dt

dV + t

(v n) dS = 0

dV =

(v VI ) n dS

This is the multidimensional analogue of Leibnitzs theorem from calculus; it is a kinematic relation, not a law of uid mechanics.

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


When the control volume shrinks to the surface SI d + lim dV = +(v VI ) n+ + (v VI ) n dS V0 dt V SI


no mass accumulation or source/sink of mass at the interface.

v VI

n+ = n

+(v n VI ) (v n VI ) [ ( v n V I ) ] = 0

pillbox control volume

VI is the velocity of the interface (control surface)

[ p n + ( v n V I ) v n ] = 0

VI = V I n

results from the momentum equation,. Similarly we can derive jump relations for energy and species concentrations.
In uid mechanics, discontinuities are allowed within the continuum framework, provided the variables across the surface of discontinuity are such as to satisfy the fundamental conservation laws, or the appropriate jump conditions.

If viscosity is negligible [ ( v n V I ) ] = 0
2 h+ 1 ( v n VI ) + q n = 0 2v
[ Yi ((v + Vi ) n VI ) ] = 0

[ p n + v ( v n V I ) ] = 0

The momentum jump can be decomposed into normal and tangential components, to give [(v n VI )] = 0 [p + (v n VI )(v n)] = 0 [n (v n] = 0 Rankine-Hugoniot relations

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


Non-dimensional Equations
In the following the chemistry will be represented by a global one-step (irreversible) reaction

F Fuel + O Oxidizer Products

describing the combustion of a single fuel. The reaction will be assumed of order nF , nO , with respect to the fuel/oxidizer, and an overall order n = nF + nO . The reaction rate will be assumed to obey an Arrhenius law

with an overall activation energy E and a pre-exponential factor B (treated as constant).


For simplicity, we will treat , , Di constants (although most of the theoretical development could accommodate a temperature-dependent ) so that

+ v = 0 t Dv = p + 2 v + 1 3 ( v ) + g Dt DYi D i 2 Y i = i W i , Dt c p

i = F, O

DT Dp 2 T = + + Q Dt Dt

p = RT /W

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


Characteristic values:
the fresh unburned state p0 , 0 , T0 (satisfying p0 = 0 RT0 /W ) for p, , T . a characteristic speed v0 to be specied the diusion length lD /cp v0 for distances the diusion time lD /v0 for t

This choice is clearly not unique and there may be other length, time, and velocity scales that, for a given problem, could be more relevant.
We will use the same variables for the dimensionless quantities; i.e. after substituting v = v/v0 say, we remove the superscript.

+ v = 0 t

Dv 1 1 = p + Pr 2 v + 1 e g 3 ( v) + Fr Dt M 2
DYF 1 2 Le F YF = Dt DYO 1 2 Le O YO = Dt DT 1 Dp 2 2 T = + P rM + q Dt Dt

p = T
nF nO 0 /T = D n YF YO e

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


Dimensionless Parameters
v0 M= p0 /0
Pr = cp

Mach number Prandtl number

Fr =

2 v0 /lD g

Froude number Lewis number

of species i

Lei =

Note that Pr = 0 v0 lD / = Re where Re is the Reynolds number based on the diusion length. The Reynolds number based on a hydrodynamic length L will be large because typically L lD .

/cp Di

0 = E/RT0

Activation energy
mass weighted stoichiometric coe.


Q/F WF c p T0

heat release


numerator is the heat release per unit mass of fuel


(lD /v0 ) [(0 /WF )nF 1 (0 /WO )nO B ]1

Damk ohler number

= ow time reaction time

Low Mach Number Approximation

The propagation speed of ordinary deagration waves is in the range 1-100 cm/s, namely much smaller than the speed of sound (in air a0 = 34, 000 cm/s).

M 1
momentum equation p = 0
p = P ( t) + M 2 p (x, t) +

+ will all other variables expressed as v + M 2 v

Dv 1 = p + Pr 2 v + 1 e g 3 ( v) + Fr Dt DT 1 dP 2 T = +q Dt dt

T = P (t)
acoustic disturbances travel innitely fast, and are ltered out.

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


Unless P (t) is specied, we are missing an equation, since p has been replaced by two variables P and p . An equation in bounded problems can be obtained as follows:

T 1 dP + v T 2 T = +q t dt + v = 0 /T t

(T ) 1 dP + ( v T ) 2 T = +q t dt
1 dP = (P v T ) + q dt

dP dV = dt

(P v T ) n dS + q


on the surface S, v n = 0 and for adiabatic conditions T / n = 0.

dP q = dt V


The low Mach number equations are (with the hat in p removed), therefore
+ v = 0 t Dv 1 = p + Pr 2 v + 1 e g 3 ( v) + Fr Dt DYF 1 2 Le F YF = Dt DYO 1 2 Le O YO = Dt DT 1 dP 2 T = +q Dt dt

T = 1
and when the underlying pressure does not change in time, P = 1.
Unless otherwise indicated, we will be mostly concerned in the following with this set of equations.

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.


Coupling Functions
DYF 1 2 Le F YF = Dt DYO 1 2 Le O YO = Dt DT 2 T = q Dt
For unity Lewis numbers the operator on the left hand side of these three equations is the same.

The combinations HF = T + qYF and HO = T + q YO / (and hence YF YO / ) satisfy reaction-free equations

DHi 2 Hi = 0 Dt

leaving only one equation with the highly nonlinear reaction rate term. This is a great simplication, but as we shall see, small variations of the Lewis numbers from one produce instabilities and nontrivial consequences.

The constant-density approximation

T = 1

+ v = 0 t v ( + (v )v) = p + Pr 2 v + 1 ( v) + Fr1 eg 3 t solve to determine v YF 1 2 + v YF ) Le F YF = t YO 1 2 ( + v YO ) Le O YO = t T ( + v T ) 2 T = q t (

with the given v solve for T, YF , YO . often referred to as the diusive-thermal model

Copyright 2011 by Moshe Matalon. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without the prior wri@en permission of the owner, M. Matalon.

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