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"To The Filipino Youth" by Dr.

Jose Rizal
(A poem written by Dr. Jose Rizal. Translated from original Spanish by Alfredo S. Veloso)

Raise your unruffled brow On this day, Filipino youth! Resplendent shines Your courage rich, Handsome hope of my motherland! Fly, grand genius And infuse them with noble sentiment That vigorously rushes, More rapid than the wind, Its virgin mind to the glorious goal. Descend to the arena With the pleasant light of arts and sciences, And unbind, Youth, The heavy chain That fetters your poetic genius. See that in the bright zone With pious and learned hand, Offers the son of this native land Resplendent crown. You who ascend On wings of your rich fantasy,

Seeking from Olympus in the clouds Tenderest poetry, Sweeter than nectar and ambrosia; You of the celestial accent, Melodious rival of the nightingale, Who with varied melodies Dissipate the mortals bitter pain In the night serene; You who animate the hand rock With the impulse of your mind, And with prepotent hand makes eternal The pure memory Of the refulgent genius; And you, who with magic brushes Are wont to transfer to simple canvas The varied enchantment of Phoebus, beloved of Apollo divine, And the mantle of nature. Run! For the sacred flame Of the genius awaits to be crowned with laurels, Spreading fame With trumpet proclaiming Oer the wide sphere the mortals name.

Day, oh happy day, Philippines genteel, for your soil! Bless the Almighty, Who with loving desire Sends you fortune and consolation.

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