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Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the atmosphere which acts as a blanket, trapping

heat and warming the planet. The warming of the atmosphere caused by increases in greenhouses gases is melting glaciers and causing ocean water to warm and expand thermally. Both effects increase the volume of the ocean and raising its surface level. The stabilizing global carbon dioxide emission would cut the rise in half and in areas where the land is actually rising, the relative sea level might not rise at all. So to overcome this problem, first we must reduce the fossil fuel use. By burning fossil fuels, it will increase the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There are two ways to reduce fossil fuel use which is use less energy or use alternative energy where it is non-polluting energy sources like solar and wind power. At home, use compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. A use of standard compact fluorescent bulb will save around one third of a tonne greenhouse gas. The second way is plant trees. As we know carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, so by planting the trees and other plants it can slow or stop the global warming. The plants will take in the carbon dioxide and will release the oxygen. The deforestation of rain forest is a large contributor to global warming and CO2 emissions, but by planting the trees even in our own backyard it can help to offset this problem. The third way is reduce the waste. The production of garbage contributes to global warming both directly and indirectly. The decomposing waste in landfills will produce methane and other greenhouse gases. Other than that, the waste also requires energy to manufacture in the first place. Therefore by reducing our consumption patterns and reusing the items whenever possible minimizes our carbon footprint, since fewer new items need to be made. Recycling the metal, plastic, glass and paper will lowers greenhouse gas emission, since recycled items take far less energy to manufacture than items produced from scratch. So, the city administrator should provided the recycling bins to dispose of glass, plastic, paper, cardboard and other recyclable items at the city. Other than that, we also can use the cloth shopping bag instead of getting paper or plastic bag at the grocery store. We also can use the refills instead of buying the new jar or bottles each time. This can reduce our consumption and it was cheaper too. The forth way is conserve water. The cities will consume significant amounts of energy when purifying and disturbing water which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. By saving the water, it will reduce the amount of energy used. At home, turn off the water immediately

whenever we not using it and repair or replace the leaky faucets and toilets. In our yard, when we landscape with plants and grasses, it will requires less water and capture the rainwater in barrels for irrigating. Then, try to use more tap water and less bottled water. By doing this, it will reduce the energy costs of bottling and transporting water. The other ways is use the greener transportation and drive less method like use public transport, ride a bicycle or use the hybrid car. Around 30% of all carbon dioxide emission comes from vehicles that transport us and transport our goods and services. More than 90% of this travel is by car. While fuel efficiency has declined in the past 10 years, gas prices have risen and created a new market for more efficiency cars. Taking the bus, the train or other forms of public transportation lessens the load on the roads and reduces ones individual greenhouse gas emission. Taking the public transport also removes the stress of long road commutes and gives us a great opportunity to read, think and relax. We also can save on parking money and time wasted looking for parking spaces. It also same as taking the bike instead of the car is a very simple solution. Even we may experience such problems as lack of suitable bike path, having a deal with congested traffic or hilly terrain, but these are challenge that we can overcome with a little determination. The local government can make more bike trails in the area and make sure that bicyclist are kept safe from traffic in the same way that pedestrians are afforded this right. The city administrator also can build the sea gates and surge barriers at the sea side to prevent high tides. Any surge barrier would have to be able to open for passing ships, while also doing the least to disturb the natural ecosystem and it could be closed in advance of a storm. While the inner side can become the marine bay which can be improved the tourism of the city. Other than that, the drainage system must cost-effectively manage flooding, control stream-bank erosion and protect water quality. So, the designers must integrate conventional flood control strategies for large, infrequent storms with three basic storm-water quality control strategies for small frequent storms where as infiltrate runoff into the soil, retain runoff for later release and convey runoff slowly through vegetation. As the conclusion, these methods might be costly and take long time but if we planned and participated by all earlier, it is possible and logical solving. To help getting rid of storm-water and sea water from flooding and submerged the city, we must efficiently use them to balance the system.

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