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) Hastshilp Trade Project

Handicrafts have always been an important and integral part of the Indian culture and more so in the state of Chhattisgarh, where the handicrafts are not very different from the culture and tradition of the people. In order to effectively reach out to the markets, automation of buying and selling of products through Internet can be enhanced. Through the automation of such shopping project it provides incredible convenience to the shopkeepers and other persons to get products within fixed time situated in any region of India and correct price by comparing prices from different vendors.

2.) Problem statement :

i) No receipt is provided as an acknowledgement of application submitted for name transfer of house owner or any other application for compliant/ name transfer in district collectorate office. ii) No receipt/acknowledgement of caution money paid as an approval of quotation given by the data entry operators working in jila panchayat under NREGA. Solution : Automation of document processing There should be a provision for issuing receipt/acknowledgement for the submitted/processed/under process application in district office/panchayat under government scheme so that the application can be assured and in future can claim for any pending money/decision if required.

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