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Breathless Pl

Plan for filming day 2

Triple S Production

Pre-Plan for second day of filming: - only kitchen scene In school: 1. Pick up the camera from Adam, call sheet has already been filled in and booked for the 15th October. 2. Before we leave we must make sure that the battery is fully charged 3. We must then make our way down to the location in which we had previously chosen and requested to film in we will get there by foot. 4. This should take us 20 minutes maximum. 5. Once we get to the location, we will set up equipment straight away in order to make use of all our time as we only have a few hours for this first draft. 6. The lead role the character of Zoe is to get changed in to costume as soon as she possibly can. 7. Once she is ready, camera should have been set up using the tripod and then filming will commence. Steps of filming at the location: 1. Shot of the character of Zoe walking to the fridge. Her phone should be in her back pocket and no longer in her hand 2. Next shot should have the camera placed in the fridge and Zoe opens it. 3. She briefly looks around the fridge, takes a carton of juice and shuts the fridge door. 4. Another shot of her feet should be taken as though she is walking towards the cupboard. 5. A shot of the camera above the cupboard, a birds-eye view shot should be taken as she opens the cupboard. 6. After, a close-up shot of the cup should be taken and all focus should be on the cup and the juice fills up the cup. 7. Next, the house phone rings and a close-up of Zoes face should be taken as she is startled by the sudden loud ringing. She walks out of the kitchen to pick up the phone. 8. She picks up and hears breathing down the phone and is somewhat agitated questioning who would be calling at 1:00am. She continues to ask who it is. 9. The person on the other end of the line hangs up. End of filming session 2 After filming: How successful was this? This second session of filming was the least productive yet as we got the least amount of work done, in opposition, the quality of work, in my opinion, was the best we had yet. As a group, although communication skills were lacking and everyone was exhausted, as said before, the filming that had been completed were to a brilliant standard.

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