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Pesach Skit

Act I: The Plague of Frogs

Narrator: 2 1/2 year old Little Pharaohhas just begun potty training and King Pharaoh is not sure what to do, so he calls in his advisors. Pharaoh (to advisors): My son has just begun potty training I am not sure what to do because I never have to go to the bathroom. (Note: As the commentaries explain that Pharaoh would get up early to go to the bathroom by the Nile so no one would know, because he wanted them to think he was a god.) Also, I dont want to have to sit with him in the bathroom, I have better things to do with my time. Advisor: So hire someone to do it for you. Pharaoh: Good idea! Since it was your wonderful idea, you are hired. You can move in and sleep in Little Pharaohs room with him so you are always ready. Narrator: The next day Little Pharaoh decides he wants to sit on the potty. Then all of a sudden he comes running to the advisor. Little Pharaoh: Advisor! I made! I made!! Advisor (goes to see): Ugh! You made all right, but all over the floor! Next time try to get it in the potty. I will be in the other room. (leaves) Little Pharaoh (runs to advisor excited): I made in the potty! I did it! Advisor (comes running and looks in): Good try little boy, but that is a frog! You must have put it in there. (leaves) Little Pharaoh (runs in again): I made! I made! I really did!! Advisor (looks in): You put the frog in again. Next time when you have to go, call me. (Few minutes later) Little Pharaoh: I have to go! Call my father, I want him to see! Pharaoh (comes in):

Hi little boy. Just make this quick. Little Pharaoh (pushing): I am trying! Oh, here it comes! (plop) (Everyone runs to look in the potty) Advisor: A frog again??!! This plague of frogs is unbearable! I have found frogs everywhere in the oven, in the bathtub, in my soup, even my matzah cereal! Everything is frogs!! And now the kid is making frogs!! How could this be? How did the frogs get into his stomach? Maybe he ate one! Pharaoh: Keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesnt eat any frogs. (Next day) Little Pharaoh: I have to go! Advisor: You havent eaten any frogs so this should be the one. (plop) Advisor (looks in): Another frog??!! Impossible! It is not humanly possible for a frog to come out of you if you did not eat it! Moshe Rabbeinu (comes in): I can explain! This plague of frogs is being brought by the Jewish G-d Hashem. He created the world and everything in it and continues to control it. He is the one who brought the frogs and can bring them from anywhere and make them appear anywhere, even in your stomachs!! If you want, I can to Hashem to stop the frogs but first, you will have to LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!

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