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Laura Ramirez Period 6 1st Quarter Benchmark Autobiographical Incident Essay

A Trip Named Disaster In my family, there is a tradition that every year during the late summer or late winter we go on an annual camping trip. Well, this year we picked August. The expectation was especially high this time around. The trip being only one day away also elevated that anticipation. One thing to point out is Fresno is hot. One step outside, and I could find myself on the front dry lawn. I could no longer make out the blacktop from the sweaty children playing hop scotch. Their feet had melted into the concrete. The suns arms had stretched out and streaked my face, leaving a deep crimson blush. With that sensation I was ready to leave the dreadful heat, spiteful pollution and echoing sirens of East Side Fresno; let go of it all and enjoy. While the weather was perfectly hot in Fresno, Sequoia National Park was predicted to be perfect. The plan was to leave late Friday afternoon and arrive home on Sunday. It didnt turn out quite like that. I got home from school and was ready to pack up my things. I was disappointed to see a bunch of lazy pigs slouching down glued to a noisy screen. Had they forgotten the day before how much we longed to get away? I was about to give someone a piece of my mind when my sister Cristina gave the bad news, Ha ha, were not going today she then clarified Jos Luis has to work. He was my sisters boyfriend and unfortunately he was another one of the people who were going. Unfortunately because, from past camping trips, the fewer people attending, the more one can enjoy the crystal clear spiritualizing running spring water, or the endless green crisp needles of the beautiful Sequoia tree. Yet, I wasnt too mad, I thought, Hey, its only one more,

Laura Ramirez Period 6 1st Quarter Benchmark Autobiographical Incident Essay

then, dreading to receive worse news I asked who else was going. After receiving the long list of names of the people who suddenly decided to go, my bubble instantly burst. This was not turning out as I so anticipated. It was now Saturday, 9:30AM. The idle snores filled the house. I then feared that the trip was canceled completely so I began to shake my sound-asleep sister, Veronica. She awoke with a coyote-ugly look on her face and I gradually realized that it was a bad idea to wake her. By the time I had that figured she was yelling and telling me to leave her alone. I stood my ground and told her that it was almost ten and we were still not on our way to the camping site. She exclaimed that she did not care and quickly went back to sleep. I tried someone else. This time it was my mom, luckily she was on foot and awake. I asked, When are we leaving?, She then stated, Cuando todos estn listos. I let out a short cry for this basically meant never with this sluggish crowd of people. It now seemed I was the only one who cared. By 1:40PM they were awake and ready to go I was bummed out and slightly annoyed that it had taken them that long. Everyone else was here soon after we were ready. All the cars were so packed it look like the Mexican flea market. So we were set and ready to go and I was assigned to go with Jos Luis and my sister Viviana. My excitement was back. So now we were on our way about ten minutes in and around the foothills Jos Luiss truck seemed to be crawling on the road one could practically hear the tire scraping against the asphalt. Not being able to control the irritation building up, I yelled at the top of my lungs and

Laura Ramirez Period 6 1st Quarter Benchmark Autobiographical Incident Essay

said, JOSE LUIS, if you dont hurry up Im going to walk to the campsite and get there before you! He laughed and we continued driving until I saw what I had not expected, the smoke coming out of the overheated car. His car was precious to him and so he immediately stopped out to the shoulder and checked what was wrong. He said it just needed to cool of and it would be good to go in 15 minutes. So we waited slouched on the sticky leather seats of his truck. I became frustrated and asked the time and finally it was time to carry on. After about ten minutes on the road the same thing happened, at this point my cup of patience was drying up. Suddenly, it dried completely when it was announced that the truck would not take another step or at least not to our destination. I was stuck in grubby old Fresno. So now my beautiful, crisp campsite would be the sticky, melting concrete of Fresno. The reason why I remember this story so much is because I really anticipated it and felt like I was the one who wanted to go the most. When I ended up not going and being the one left out excluding my sister and her boyfriend since they had each other, I felt devastated and like the world was turned against me. When they came back and spoke out on how much they had enjoyed the trip, I was overwhelmed and was not happy. My mom having consideration made arrangements and we went the following weekend. This time we went with just the family.

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