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The short-term interval training Kroly Papp, 2013.

The method of short-term intervals itself was described for the first time by Apor in 1969. Load: 3-8 seconds of running at maximum intensity, then a really low speed for 15-18 seconds, altering. The length of the practice is 2x4x10-12 minutes at a training. Serial rest: 6-8 minutes. The altering speed models the football game well. The length of the sprint is relatively short and there is an opportunity to balance the applied load during the active rest. Developing this method, such a complex training system was created, which applies the results of the most modern physiological researches in practice. Determining the proportions of load and rest, every skill, necessary to football, can be trained. The short-term interval training is able to model the special exercises characterizing football. The training method and the spine of the exercises are given. The fast and slow exercises are altered, similarly to the game. Every such element of exercises, which characterizes football, can be included. Able to train four skills: 1. Coordination. 2. Power. 3. Speed. 4. Endurance. Both the quality of the performance and the reaction, which is generated by the training, are different in case of every motoric skill for every individual. This is why the training is a personalized, continuously controlled and an organized progress.

Complex training activity. The physical skill developing and technical exercises are related to one another during the training. The players work with either maximum intensity or almost maximum intensity in the loading zone. They perform technical exercises with a ball or they walk or jog in the active resting phase. Since the physical skills developing exercises and the technical elements requiring tasks are within one exercise, therefore the training effect is complex as well. It can be altered significantly and developed continuously. Thus the athlete regularly meets new stimuli. It is important that the athlete shall know the technical exercises, which are applied during the active rest and its performance shall be automated. Thus additional energies are not distracted and the system of the athlete can be reenergized before the load.

The physiological effect of the short-term interval training. The football match consists of short sections. The short sections last 3-8 seconds, the players run 5-40 meters during this period of time. The average of these distances is 8-20 meters in 90 minutes. In the international highest ranking football leagues, 15-30 seconds of low and intermediate intensity exercises are followed by 1-8 seconds of high intensity playing.

If the sprint exercise lasts longer or it is related to other high-intensity exercise, the load on the circulation is high as well. In these cases, the heart rate is close to even 90-98% of the maximum heart rate. In case of a professional player, this load is repeated at every 4-5 minutes during a match.

Energy release. The condition of muscular activity is the continuous supply of the fibre with ATP. We know numerous such biochemical processes, through which ATP is generated. Each metabolic pathway participates in the reproduction of ATPs, depending on length and intensity of the load. Anaerobic alactacid: The energy supply of the muscle is provided by the phosphate system in the first 10 seconds of the muscular activity, which is able to produce a sufficient quantity of ATP without O2 use and accumulation of lactic acid. In the first 2 seconds, the ATP, being present in the muscle, is used and its energy necessity is provided by creatinolphosphate (CP) for further 2-10 seconds. This system provides energy at the beginning of every type of exercise, but it is especially important in such sports, where fast, strong and explosive effort is necessary. Anaerobic lactacid: The anaerobic lactacid process is the fastest one, it is 3.6 mol ATP/minute. But the anaerobic processes can be maintained with a maximal intensity for a short time only. Aerobic: The aerobic process is economical, but slow. 1 mol of ATP is produced in 1 second. From the second-third minute of the load, after respiration and circulation have been adopted to the muscular work, the resynthesis of ATP is possible by burn of fats and carbohydrates in presence of oxygen. The carbohydrates of the system are stored in the muscle and the liver in form of glycogen. The metabolic processes cannot be strictly separated from one another, in the given load section the dominance of either one or the other metabolic pathway can be observed.

Charging of the energy level Anaerobic alactacid: A great advantage of the anaerobic alactacid system beyond the ability to immediate energy service is fast regeneration after the load is over. 30 seconds after the load is over, the creationolphosphate storages are charged by 70% and they will be completely charged 5 minutes later. The system can be trained by short and explosive sprint work. The proportion of the load time/resting time must be determined that the rest time shall be sufficient to the complete resynthesis of the ATP and the creatinphosphate. The short interval training uses this method. The short and highly intensive exercises are followed by active resting sections, thus the player stimulates the most important energy basis in point of view of football. Anaerobic lactacid: In case of interval trainings (40 seconds of work/3 minutes of rest) 24 hours are necessary to the resynthesis of glycogen (40% in 2 hours and 55% in 5 hours). In

case of the same intensity, on the contrary to the aerobic work, the interval work uses less glycogen and thus the resynthesis of glycogen requires a shorter period of time. Aerobic: The carbohydrate storages run out during the 60-90 minutes of submaximal load, at the same time, the fat deposits mean an almost inexhaustible energy source for the system. After continuous activity, the recharging of the glycogen storages requires twice as much time than after the interval training (60% in 10 hours and 100% in 48 hours). The entire charging of glycogen requires a longer period of time, but it depends on type of the training and nutrition as well. ATP+CP Volleyball Basketball Hockey Handball Tennis Football/Soccer Water polo 90 85 80 80 70 60 30 Anaerobic Lactacid 10 15 20 10 20 20 40 Aerobic 10 10 20 30

The intensive training, combined with high values of lactic acid, worsens the concentration mechanisms during the technical training. The value of lactic acid shall not be higher than 8-10 mmol/l, because the training will not be effective. The production of CP is delayed in case of high lactate values, therefore it must be avoided in case of sprint work. The accumulated lactic acid must be eliminated from the blood during the load. This process occurs mostly in the liver. The elimination of 50% of lactic acid requires 25 minutes. The complete lactic acid elimination requires more than an hour, approximately 75 minutes.

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