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Final Draft Name: Carlos Chrrez Course: 6th Quibio Date: October 4th Teacher: Jaime Pizarro

Chromotherap is a !er simple but po"erful treatment# $e ha!e al"a s been accustome% to colors an% color li&hts "ithout ha!in& an i%ea of ho" it is relate% "ith our ener& # ' (no" some people) that feel the nee% to be in contact "ith sun ra s) if it*s a sunn %a the +ust "ant to &o outsi%e for a "hile) some of them %o this "ithout thin(in& "h ) but other people "ho also %o this) sa that it is because the sun is the most important pro!i%er of ener& on earth) the sa that "e nee% the sun to sur!i!e an% to be health "ith our bo% an% min%# What is Chromotherapy? Chromotherap or Photobiolo& is the science that uses the colors to mo%if or to (eep the !ibrations of the bo% in a fre,uenc that results in health an% harmon # -oth humans an% nature nee% the li&ht of the sun to li!e# 'n this process) man an% nature recei!e the solar li&ht "hich is bro(en up into se!en main ra s) an% then %istribute% to our ph sical an% ener&etic bo%ies# 'f there is an in.balance of these colors in our ener&etic fiel%) this reflects on our ph sical bo% as a mental or ph sical illness# The luminous ener& of colors is of the same nature as the electroma&netic ener& of ra%io an% tele!ision "a!es# Just as the transmitters an% receptors of ra%io "a!es) humans are also transmittin& an% recei!in& these ener&ies in the same "a # Therefore) "e can emit the ener& of a certain color b simpl thin(in& about it# /ach color possesses fre,uencies of a specific !ibration) an% each !ibration has characteristics relate% to %ifferent ph sical s mptoms# /ach color relates to one of the 0 main cha(ras# Therefore in Chromotherap ) "e "or( on the cha(ras that %ispla irre&ular !ariation of ener& to re.establish the ener& balance# To accomplish this) "e appl the correspon%in& li&ht to the cha(ra that nee%s to be a%+uste%# This application of li&ht can be ma%e b the use of colore% li&ht bulbs) colore% lenses) cr stals or simpl the min%#

History of Chromotherapy
1!icenna 2345.65708) "ho !ie"e% color to be of !ital importance in %ia&nosis an% treatment) %iscusse% chromotherap in The Canon of Medicine# 9e "rote that :Color is an obser!able s mptom of %isease: an% also %e!elope% a chart that relate% color to the temperature an% .6.

ph sical con%ition of the bo% # 9is !ie" "as that re% mo!e% the bloo%) blue or "hite coole% it) an% ello" re%uce% muscular pain an% inflammation# 9e further %iscusse% the properties of colors for healin& an% "as :the first to establish that the "ron& color su&&este% for therap "oul% elicit no response in specific %iseases#: 1s an e;ample) :he obser!e% that a person "ith a noseblee% shoul% not &aze at thin&s of a brilliant re% color an% shoul% not be e;pose% to re% li&ht because this "oul% stimulate the san&uineous humor) "hereas blue "oul% soothe it an% re%uce bloo% flo"#: 1merican Ci!il $ar <eneral 1u&ustus Pleasonton con%ucte% his o"n e;periments an% publishe% his boo( =The 'nfluence Of The -lue >a Of The ?unli&ht 1n% Of The -lue Color Of The ?( @) publishe% in 6406 about ho" the color blue can impro!e the &ro"th of crops an% li!estoc( an% can help heal %iseases in humans# This le% to the start of mo%ern chromotherap ) influencin& scientist Dr# ?# Pancoast an% /%"in D"i&ht -abbitt to con%uct e;periments an% publish boo(s about chromotherap # 1fter this) throu&hout the 63th centur ) healers claime% colore% &lass filters coul% treat man %iseases inclu%in& constipation an% menin&itis# Photobiolo& ) the term for the contemporar scientific stu% of the effects of li&ht on humans) has replace% the term chromotherap in an effort to separate it from its roots in Aictorian m sticism an% to strip it of its associations "ith s mbolism an% ma&ic# Bi&ht therap is a specific treatment approach usin& hi&h intensit li&ht to treat specific sleep) s(in an% moo% %isor%ers#

Cha(ra is a concept referrin& to " !ortices "hich) accor%in& to tra%itional 'n%ian me%icine) are belie!e% to e;ist in the surface of the etheric %ouble of man# The Cha(ras are sai% to be :force centers: or "horls of ener& permeatin& from a point on the ph sical bo% ) the la ers of the subtle bo%ies in an e!er.increasin& fan.shape% formation 2the fans ma(e the shape of a lo!e heart8# >otatin& !ortices of subtle matter) the are consi%ere% the focal points for the reception an% transmission of ener&ies# ?e!en ma+or cha(ras or ener& centers 2also un%erstoo% as "heels of li&ht8 are &enerall belie!e% to e;ist) locate% "ithin the subtle bo% # 't is t pical for cha(ras to be %epicte% as either flo" or " 'n the former) a specific number of petals are sho"n aroun% the perimeter of a circle# 'n the latter) a certain number of spo(es %i!i%e the circle into se&ments that ma(e the cha(ra resemble a "heel or cha(ra# /ach cha(ra possesses a specific number of se&ments or petals# Te;ts %ocumentin& the cha(ras &o bac( as far as the later Cpanisha%s) for e;ample the Do&a Eun%alini Cpanisha%#

The Ma or and Minor Chakras

There are 0 ma+or Cha(ras) an% F6 minor char(as) but since the chromotherap "o(s on the 0 ma+or ones) '*m not &oin& to e;plain the minor char(as) but '*ll "rite them %o"n also so ou can &oo&le them if ou "ant##


Ma or Chakras!
Mu"adhara! The #ase Chakra
Gula%hara or The >oot Cha(ra is the first cha(ra) it is locate% in the perineum) "ich is bet"een the &enitals an% the anus# ?ince it is the nearest cha(ra to the floor) it controls our stabilit ) it is "here "e &et our footin& an% &i!es us stren&th ?pecifications of the >oot Cha(ra Bocation: Perineum) Cocc ;) Tailbone) -ase of the ?pine Color: >e% ?oun%s: Primal . Drums) repetit!e rh thms) lo" tones Gantra: B1G DantraH? mbol: ?,uare "ith 4 re% petals /lement: /arth <lan%s: 1%renals Geri%ian: Ei%ne ?ense: ?mell 2earth creates smell8 Or&an of 1ction: 1nus Or&an of Eno"le%&e: Nose Aa u: 1pana . ener& of elimination Planet: Gercur

$%adhisthana! The $acra" Chakra

?!a%isthana or a%hishthana is locate% in the sacrum an% is consi%ere% to correspon% to the testes or the o!aries that pro%uce the !arious se; hormones in!ol!e% in the repro%ucti!e c cle# ?!a%isthana is also consi%ere% to be relate% to the &enitourinar s stem an% the a%renals# The ?acral Cha(ra is s mbolize% b a lotus "ith si; petals) an% correspon%s to the colour oran&e# The (e issues in!ol!in& ?!a%isthana are relationships) !iolence) a%%ictions) basic emotional nee%s) an% pleasure# Ph sicall ) ?!a%isthana &o!erns repro%uction) mentall it &o!erns creati!it ) emotionall it &o!erns +o ) an% spirituall it &o!erns enthusiasm ?pecifications of the ?acral Cha(ra Bocation: <enitals Color: Oran&e ?oun%s: Flo" . $ater ) bell .%ance) salsa Gantra: Aam DantraH? mbol: 6 petale% lotus /lement: $ater <lan%s: O!aries) Testicles) Prostate Geri%ian: -la%%er ?ense: Taste 2$ater enables taste8 Or&an of 1ction: <enitals .7.

Or&an of Eno"le%&e: Ton&ue Aa u: A ana . circulation Planet: Aenus

Manipura! The $o"ar P"e&us Chakra

Ganipura or manipura(a is relate% to the metabolic an% %i&esti!e s stems# Ganipura is belie!e% to correspon% to 'slets of Ban&erhans) "hich are &roups of cells in the pancreas) as "ell as the outer a%renal &lan%s an% the a%renal corte;# These pla a !aluable role in %i&estion) the con!ersion of foo% matter into ener& for the bo% # ? mbolise% b a lotus "ith ten petals# The colour that correspon%s to Ganipura is ello"# Ee issues &o!erne% b Ganipura are issues of personal po"er) fear) an;iet ) opinion.formation) intro!ersion) an% transition from simple or base emotions to comple;# Ph sicall ) Ganipura &o!erns %i&estion) mentall it &o!erns personal po"er) emotionall it &o!erns e;pansi!eness) an% spirituall ) all matters of &ro"th# ?pecifications of the ?olar Ple;us Cha(ra Bocation: Na!el) ?olar Ple;us) ?tomach Color: Dello" ?oun%s: ?trin&e% instruments . Orchestral Gantra: >1G DantraH? mbol: 65 petale% lotus /lement: Fire <lan%s: Pancreas Geri%ian: ?tomach) Bi!er) <allbla%%er) Ei%ne ?ense: ?i&ht 2Fire illuminates8 Or&an of 1ction: Feet an% le&s Or&an of Eno"le%&e: / es Aa u: ?amana . 9eat an% metabolism Planet: Gars

Anahata! The Heart Chakra

1nahata) or 1nahata.puri) or pa%ma.sun%ara is relate% to the th mus) locate% in the chest# The th mus is an element of the immune s stem as "ell as bein& part of the en%ocrine s stem# 't is the site of maturation of the T cells responsible for fen%in& off %isease an% ma be a%!ersel affecte% b stress# 1nahata is s mbolise% b a lotus flo"er "ith t"el!e petals# 2?ee also heartmin%8# 1nahata is relate% to the colours &reen or pin(# Ee issues in!ol!in& 1nahata in!ol!e comple; emotions) compassion) ten%erness) uncon%itional lo!e) e,uilibrium) re+ection an% "ell.bein&# Ph sicall 1nahata &o!erns circulation) emotionall it &o!erns uncon%itional lo!e for the self an% others) mentall it &o!erns passion) an% spirituall it &o!erns %e!otion


?pecifications of the 9eart Cha(ra Bocation: 9eart Color: <reen ?oun%s: -o"e% instruments . Orchestra Gantra: D1G DantraH? mbol: 6F petale% lotus /lement: 1ir <lan%s: Th mus Geri%ian: 9eart) Bun& ?ense: Touch 21ir enables touch8 Or&an of 1ction: 9an%s Or&an of Eno"le%&e: ?(in Aa u: Prana . 'nta(e of ener& Planet: Jupiter

'ishuddha! The Throat Chakra

Aishu%%ha 2also Aishu%%hi8 ma be un%erstoo% as relatin& to communication an% &ro"th throu&h e;pression# This cha(ra is parallele% to the th roi%) a &lan% that is also in the throat an% "hich pro%uces th roi% hormone) responsible for &ro"th an% maturation# ? mbolise% b a lotus "ith si;teen petals# Aishu%%a is characterize% b the colour li&ht or pale blue) or tur,uoise# 't &o!erns such issues as self.e;pression an% communication) as %iscusse% abo!e# Ph sicall ) Aishu%%ha &o!erns communication) emotionall it &o!erns in%epen%ence) mentall it &o!erns fluent thou&ht) an% spirituall ) it &o!erns a sense of securit # ?pecifications of the Throat Cha(ra Bocation: Throat Color: -lue ?oun%s: Aocal music Gantra: 91G DantraH? mbol: 66 petale% lotus /lement: ?pace <lan%s: Th roi% Geri%ian: 9eart) Bun& ?ense: ?oun% 2?pace pro!i%es for me%ium of soun%8 Or&an of 1ction: Aocal cor%s Or&an of Eno"le%&e: /ars Aa u: C%ana . Communication Planet: ?aturn


A na! The #ro( or The Third Eye Chakra

1+na is lin(e% to the pineal &lan% "hich ma inform a mo%el of its en!isionin&# The pineal &lan% is a li&ht sensiti!e &lan% that pro%uces the hormone melatonin "hich re&ulates sleep an% "a(in& up# 1+na is s mbolise% b a lotus "ith t"o petals) an% correspon%s to the colors !iolet) in%i&o or %eep blue# 1+naJs (e issues in!ol!e balancin& the hi&her K lo"er sel!es an% trustin& inner &ui%ance# 1+naJs inner aspect relates to the access of intuition# Gentall ) 1+na %eals "ith !isual consciousness# /motionall ) 1+na %eals "ith clarit on an intuiti!e le!el ?pecifications of the Thir% / e or -ro" Cha(ra Bocation: Thir% / e H -ro" Color: Purple ?oun%s: $oo%"in%s Gantra: Ee.sham DantraH? mbol: F petale% lotus /lement: of the elements <lan%s: Pituitar Geri%ian: -la%%er ?ense: /?P 2/;tra.sensor perception8 Planet: Cranus

$ahasrara! The Cro(n Chakra

?ahasrara is &enerall consi%ere% to be the cha(ra of pure consciousness# 'ts role ma be en!isione% some"hat similarl to that of the pituitar &lan%) "hich secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the en%ocrine s stem an% also connects to the central ner!ous s stem !ia the h pothalamus# The thalamus is thou&ht to ha!e a (e role in the ph sical basis of consciousness# ? mbolize% b a lotus "ith one thousan% petals) it is locate% at the cro"n of the hea%# ?ahasrara is represente% b the colour $hite an% it in!ol!es such issues as inner "is%om an% the %eath of the bo% # ?ahasraraJs inner aspect %eals "ith the release of (arma) ph sical action "ith me%itation) mental action "ith uni!ersal consciousness an% unit ) an% emotional action "ith :bein&ness: ?pecifications of the Cro"n Cha(ra Bocation: Cro"n Color: $hite ?oun%s: <on& Gantra: OG DantraH? mbol: 6555 petale% lotus /lement: -e on% the elements <lan%s: Pineal Geri%ian: <all -la%%er Planet: Neptune


Minor Chakras
There are sai% to be F6 minor cha(ras "hich are reflecte% points of the ma+or cha(ras# These F6 are further &roupe% into 65 bilateral minor cha(ras that correspon% to the foot) han%) (nee) elbo") &roin) cla!icular) &roin) na!el) shoul%er an% ear# The spleen ma also be classifie% as a minor cha(ra b some authorities %espite not ha!in& an associate% couple% minor cha(ra#

Meanin) and *se of Co"ors#

9ealin& properties: -rin&s "armth) ener& an% stimulation) therefore &oo% for ener& ) fati&ue) col%s) chill an% passi!e people# >e% ener&izes heart an% bloo% circulation) it buil%s up the bloo% an% hei&htens a lo" bloo% pressure# /ner&izes all or&ans an% the senses hearin&) smell) taste) !ision an% touch# 'ncreases se;ual %esire an% acti!it # ?timulates o!ulation an% menstruation# Ne!er treat cancer "ith re%) because this color "ill stimulate cell &ro"thL >e% lin(s "ith an% stimulates the root cha(ra) at the base of the spine) causin& the a%renal &lan%s to release a%renalin# This results in &reater stren&th# >e% causes hemo&lobin to multipl ) thus increasin& ener& an% raisin& bo% temperature# 't is e;cellent for anemia an% bloo%.relate% con%itions# 't loosens) opens up clo&s) releases stiffness an% constrictions# 't is e;cellent for areas that ha!e become stiffene% or constricte%# /sotericHma&ic(al: Deities of lo!e) passion) se;ualit an% "ar 2to stimulate a health portion of asserti!eness8# <reat ener& ) coura&e) "ill.po"er) %etermination) spee%) asserti!eness) a&&ression) masculinit ) in%epen%ence) ph sical stren&th) sports) competition) conflicts) health) se;ual attraction an% potenc ) lo!e an% passion) fertilit # Preference for re%: >e% is associate% "ith passionate lo!e) se;) &reat ener& ) impulse) action an% stimulation) asserti!eness an% a&&ression) coura&e) stren&th an% po"er) a%!enture) %an&er) "arnin&s) re!olt an% re!olution# Temperamental an% ambitious people "ith a nee% for personal free%om# 1!ersion to re%: 1 person "ho has an a!ersion to re% ma be o!er.acti!e) too impulsi!e) hot. tempere%) a&&ressi!e an% e&ocentric) or ha!e %ifficulties "ith people "ith such characteristics# 't can also s mbolize %eepl hi%%en fears an% re+ection of his o"n asserti!eness#

9ealin& properties: Oran&e is "arm) cheerin&) non.constrictin&# Oran&e has a freein& action upon the bo% an% min%) relie!in& repressions# Oran&e sho"s ne" possibilities an% other options in life# ?timulates creati!e thin(in& an% enthusiasm) an% helps assimilate ne" i%eas#'t is also helpful in %ealin& "ith e;cess se;ual e;pression#


Oran&e stimulates the lun&s) the respiration an% the %i&estion# 'ncreases the acti!it of the th roi%# >eliefs muscle cramps an% spasms# 'ncreases the amount of mother mil(# Finall ) oran&e lin(s !er stron&l "ith the sacral cha(ra# /sotericHma&ic(al: Deities of &oo% luc( an% fortune# 1ttraction) charm) (in%ness) encoura&ement) stimulation) optimism) success) abun%ance) prosperit ) feast an% celebration) ener& ) achie!in& business.&oals) in!estments) success in le&al matters# Preference for oran&e: Oran&e represents the "armth of the fire# 't brin&s e!en more ener& than ello") celebration an% &reat abun%ance) comfort) en+o ment of the senses# $arm) sociable) % namic an% in%epen%ent people "ho %e%icate themsel!es to "hate!er the %o# 1!ersion to oran&e: 1 person "ho has an a!ersion to oran&e ma ha!e suppresse% se;ual feelin&s or other %ifficulties "ith sensual en+o ment of life# The attitu%e can also be o!er. sensual) in%ul&ent) or too materialistic#

9ealin& properties: Dello" helps stren&then the ner!es an% the min%# 't helps a"a(en mental inspiration an% stimulates hi&her mentalit # Thus) it is an e;cellent color for ner!ous or ner!e. relate% con%itions or ailments# 't also ener&izes the muscles# Dar( ello" soothes pains in the ner!es 2shootin& pains8 Dello" can be use% for con%itions of the stomach) li!er) an% intestines# ?pee%s up the %i&estion an% assimilation) an% the stool# 't helps the pores of the s(in an% ai%s scarre% tissue in healin& itself# Dello" lin(s "ith an% stimulates the solar ple;us) or ps chic center# 't can be use% for ps chic burnout or other ps chic.relate% con%itions or ailments# 1cti!ates an% cheers up %epresse% an% melancholic people# <i!es lust for life# /sotericHma&ical: /lemental air# Deities for tra%e) tra!el) (no"le%&e an% ma&ic(# Bife.force) !italit ) chan&e) pro&ress) contact) communication) tra%e) commerce) to persua%e "ith confi%ence) +o ) cheerfulness) learnin&) (no"le%&e) mental clarit ) concentration) memorizin&) tests) spea(in& an% "ritin&) tra!elin&) affirmation) !isualization# Preference for ello": The color of the sun) life.force) !i!i%it ) !italit an% ener& # The color of cheerfulness) curiosit ) alternation) fle;ibilit ) pro&ress) amusement) contact throu&h tra!elin& an% communication) learnin& an% practical (no"le%&e# 1 feelin& for "ritin& an% spea(in&# 1!ersion to ello": 1 person "ho has a!ersion to ello" ma be emotionall %isappointe% an% bitter#Ga ha!e ten%enc to rationalize feelin&s) or to a!oi% the %epth of life b often chan&in& relationships) man superficial relationships an%Hor constant chan&in& acti!ities#


9ealin& properties: <reen is the color of Nature an% the earth# 't is balance an% harmon in essence an% possesses a soothin& influence upon both min% an% bo% # 't is neither rela;in& nor astrin&ent in its impact# <reen can be use% for +ust about an con%ition in nee% of healin&# <reen rin&s ps cholo&ical an% emotional harmon an% balance# <reen lin(s "ith an% stimulates the heart cha(ra#<reen affects bloo% pressure an% all con%itions of the heart# 't has both an ener&izin& effect an% a mo%eratin& or soothin& effect# 't cures hormonal imbalances# ?timulates &ro"th hormone an% re+u!enation# Cleans an% purifies from &erms) bacteria an% rottin& material# 9armonizes the %i&estion) stomach) li!er) &all# 9as a healin& effect on (i%ne s# 'ncreases immunit # -uil%s up muscles) bones an% tissues# ?timulates inner peace# ?tren&thens the ner!ous s stem# /sotericHma&ic(al: /lemental earth 2%ar( &reen8 an% elemental "ater 2blue.&reen8# Nature) fertilit ) &ro"th) re+u!enation) reco!erin&) healin&) har!est an% abun%ance) prosperit ) harmon ) balance) peace) hope) mother earth) home) herbal ma&ic() plants an% animals) counteract &ree% an% +ealous # Preference for &reen: <reen brin&s peace) rest) hope) comfort an% nurturin&) calmness an% harmon # 'nterest in nature) plants) fello"men) chil%ren an% animals) health an% healin&) natural an% plain life# Bon&in& for a safe home an% famil .life# 1 %isli(e of conflicts# 1!ersion to &reen: 1 person "ho has an a!ersion to &reen ma be more intereste% in in%epen%ence an% self.%e!elopment than in a "arm famil .life# Ga prefer to (eep a certain %istance in 2se;ual8 relationships#

9ealin& properties: -lue is coolin&) electric) astrin&ent# Dr# /%"in -abbitt) in his classic) :The Principles of Bi&ht an% Color): states that :The -lue >a is one of the &reatest antiseptics in the "orl%#: Cools %o"n inflammations 2%onJt for&et rheumatic inflammations8) fe!er) hi&h bloo% pressure) stops blee%in&s) reliefs the burstin& hea%aches) calms stron& emotions li(e an&er) a&&ression or h steria# -rin&s tran,uilit # 1nti.itchin&# 1nti.irritation 2for instance re%ness of the s(in8) anti.stress# ?oothes sufferin&# -lue can be use% for an t pe of ailments associate% "ith speech) communication) or the throat# /;cellent forlar n&itis or inflammation of the lar n;# -lue lin(s "ith an% stimulates the throat cha(ra# The throat cha(ra is often reference% as the :po"er center: an% :the &reatest center in the bo% : because it is the primar center of e;pression an% communication) throu&h speech# /sotericHma&ic(al: /lemental "ater an% elemental air# Deities of the sea) truth an% "is%om# Peace an% tran,uilit ) calmness) truth) "is%om) +ustice) counsel) &ui%ance) un%erstan%in&) patience) lo alt an% honor) sincerit ) %e!otion) healin&) femininit ) prophetic %reams) protection %urin& sleep) astral pro+ection# .3.

Preference for blue: Cool an% soothin&) %ream an% ma&ical# Peace an% rest# For people "ho (eep a certain %istance) but &i!e calm an% practical helpM the are faithful an% lo al) ha!e a sense for or%er) lo&ic an% rational thin(in&# Fl in& in %a .%reamin&) i%eals or nostal&ia "hen felt mis.un%erstoo%# Dar( blue is more se!ere an% can be melancholic# -lue is also the color of truth# 1!ersion to blue: 1 person "ho has an a!ersion to blue) ma be !er %iscipline%) stron& career "or(er) "ith an a!ersion of commentar or restriction# 9e ma ha!e charte% out a clear %irection for his life an% "ants to follo" that laceli(e #

9ealin& properties: 'n%i&o is a &reat purifier of the bloo%stream an% also benefits mental problems# 't is a freein& an% purif in& a&ent# 'n%i&o combines the %eep blue of %e!otion "ith a trace of stabilizin& an% ob+ecti!e re%# 'n%i&o is cool) electric) an% astrin&ent# 'n%i&o lin(s "ith an% stimulates the bro" cha(ra 2thir% e e8 an% controls the pineal &lan%# 't &o!erns both ph sical an% spiritual perception# 't can be of &reat assistance in %ealin& "ith ailments of the e es an% ears#

9ealin& properties: These are colors of transformation# The heal melanchol ) h steria) %elusions an% alcohol a%%iction an% brin& spiritual insi&hts an% rene"al# These colors slo" %o"n an o!er.acti!e heartM stimulate the spleen an% the "hite bloo% cells 2immunit 8# -rin& sleep# ?oothe mental an% emotional stress# Decrease se;ual acti!it # Decrease sensiti!it to pain# The help in %eto;ification# Beonar%o %a Ainci proclaime% that ou can increase the po"er of me%itation ten.fol% b me%itatin& un%er the &entle ra s of Aiolet) as foun% in Church "in%o"s# /sotericHma&ic(al: /lemental spirit# Di!ination an% prophec # 1n&els# Ps chic abilities) %i!ination) counter.actin& ne&ati!it Hblac( ma&ic() re!ersin& curses) ps chic healin&) ps chic po"er) inspiration) me%itation) spiritualit ) spiritual po"er) astral pro+ection) thir% e e) compassion) counter.actin& %epression# Preference for !ioletHpurple: Colors for me%itation) contemplation) m sticism) spiritualit an% reli&ion po"er# 1 lon&in& to ascen% an% %issol!e polarities 2purple consists of the acti!e re% an% passi!e blue8) to impro!e the "orl%# >eser!ation) m ster an% %i&nit # ?oft) sensiti!e people "ith often paranormal abilities# 1!ersion to !iolet H purple: 1 person "ho has an a!ersion for !iolet H purple ma ha!e !er serious attitu%e to"ar%s lifeM an% ma fin% it %ifficult to &i!e %reams) fantasies) !a&ue fears or memories a place in it# Ga ha!e ten%enc to re+ection e!er thin& he re&ar%s as unnatural or unrealistic#

Chromotherapy and Pseudoscience

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Chromotherap has been %eeme% pseu%oscience b its critics) "ho state that the falsifiabilit an% !erifiabilit con%itions necessar to %eem an e;periment !ali% are not bein& met) an% therefore that it has not been pro!en that intro%ucin& colors is the (e element in the healin& process "hich is healin& its patients# Chromotherap has also been criticize% for selection bias in statistics of success for the treatment# 't has also been su&&este% that the placebo effect) "ich consist on &i!in& people an (in% of me%icine that "on*t %o an thin& to their illness) but tellin& them it "ill) so that their bo%ies can heal themsel!es b ma(in& the immune s stem to "or( alone) ma be a (e factor in the healin& of some patients) "hich coul% be teste% for b a chromotherap control &roup

' actuall can*t recommen% an bo% to ha!e a chromotherap session) because ' %on*t thin( it reall "or(s# ?ince ' +ust put the topic because ' thou&ht it "oul%n*t be chosen# 'n m opinion Chromotherap is +ust a fa(e to ma(e people belie!e the can cure all their %iseases "ith a li&htbulb) "ich +ust seems stupi% to me# ?o if ou "ant to belie!e in it an% ha!e one or more sessions) it*s up to ou#

Conc"usion #i+"io)raphy
en#"i(ipe%ia#or& last mo%ifie%: Januar FFth F554 last !isite% : June 6Ith F565 """#rei(imassa&e#la last mo%ifie%: No!ember 64th F553 last !isite% : June 6Ith F565 """#s,ui%oo#com last mo%ifie%: October Ith F554 last !isite% : June 66th F565 """#%eeptranceno"#com last mo%ifie%: Januar 75th F565 last !isite% : June F0th F565

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