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8 Bit Institution Written by Kyle Morgan Williams

Scene 1
Fade In: In the outskirts of London, in a psychiatric unit secluded away from society

Dissolve to: Camera fades in to a dark hallway; cuts to another angle and the sound of heels become apparent. Match on action shot on womans boots, overhead shot of female walking down corridor. Approachs room with two guards outside the door
Ms Croft Are my patients inside? Guard 1 Yes Ms. Croft Ms Croft Thank you, Ill be out in a while boys Ms Croft Winks at guard and enters room. She walks in and looks at all of her patients. Camera pans round onto each patient. Mrs Croft Hello gentleman, how is everyone today? Duke Nukem Screams Horny!!!!!!

Everyone laughs
Ms Croft Settle down Mr Nukem i thought we were making progress? Duke Nukem Are you crazy woman? I havent had sex in weeks! How bout you come have some fun and chew some bubblegum baby? Ms Croft Ill pass on that Mr Nukem and i warned you if you keep talking like that well get you back in shock therepy Duke Nukem Goddamn it!!! I cant take it anymore i need a beer and a blonde bimbo right now! Ms Croft Guards!!

Guards rush into room weapons raised

Ms Croft I dont think Mr. Nukem has learnt his lesson from last time take him to shock therapy immediately

Guards escort Duke Nukem to the door, close up of Duke Nukems face
Duke Nukem Fuck this is going to suck

Guards and Duke Nukem leave the room

Scene 2
Mrs Croft Okay whos wants to share?

Awkward silence
Ms Croft Snake! Well start with you. How are you feeling today?

Awkward silence

Everyone laughs Snake looks out of the hole in his cardboard box then his eyes move away
Ms Croft Come on Snake we all know your hiding in there, youve been in there for three months, maybe today you can get out of the box Solid Snake NOOOOOOOO!! Not my box, my box is everything to me

Snake backs off from the group in the box

Ms Croft Surely you cant be that attached to a box Snake its just a box at the end of the day Solid Snake I never feel truly alive unless im in this box

Another awkward silence

Ms Croft errrrm O....kay, errrm Mario what do you have to share? Mario Nothing.... Ms Croft Come on Mario there must be something you want to say Mario Have you even felt-a so low you couldnt get out the bed? So low you didnt want to live anymore?

Mario slowly stands up

Mario I save Princess Peach many a times but everytime i save her that MOTHER FUCKING BOWSER TAKE-A HER FROM ME? WHY DOES HE DO THIS? Ms Croft So this bowser is your enemy? Mario Yes hes my fucking enemy, hes got my Pretty Peach right now in his castle, trapped, alone....

Mario slumps back in his chair


Ryu leaps into the centre of the group

Scene 3
Ms Croft Ryu could you please sit down, ive already told you no fighting in this institution Ryu There is nothing wrong with fighting, when two people clash they connect on a deeper level. You can never truly understand someone till you fight them Sonic HUH GAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!

Everyone laughs
Ryu You think your funny you little blue shit

Walks up to sonic
Ryu Let us see who is more powerful? Sonic if you think your fast enough Ms Croft Ryu I just told.... Ryu Lets fight!!!!!!

Camera pans round 360 degrees showing Sonic and Ryu assuming positions to fight as in a traditional fighting game. The camera stops at a long shot with Ryu and Sonic on either side of the room. Ryu goes to do a hadouken..

Sonic rushes and punches him in the balls

Sonic Got ya bitch!!! Ryu you dishonurable little rat!

Ryu falls over on the floor holding his balls

Sonic I told you id win ya fools gimme my rings!

Sonic goes round and collects rings off all the other paitents
Ms Croft SONIC! What have i told you bout gambling here? Sonic Quit bugging me lady, you know i cant help it hahahaha

Ms Croft stands up and walks over to sonic with a stern and angry look on her face
Ms Croft Keep this up sonic and you will be punished

Sonic smiles to himself

Sonic You cant punish the fastest headgehog in the universe!

Ms Croft goes to kick sonic and he dodges her kick and moves to corner
Sonic Woah! Your fast lady but you aint fast enough Ms Croft Hmmm!

Scene 4 Ms Croft So Zelda we havent heard from you yet

Awkward Silence
Ms Croft Zelda! I am talking to you dont ignore me!

Link gives Ms Croft the dirtiest look and continues to ignore her
Ms Croft Zelda this is your last chance, what do you have to say? Link MY NAME IS LINK FOR FUCKSAKE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS

Ms Croft If you keep getting aggresive like this Zelda i will be forced to restrain you Link IM SICK OF YOU IGNORANT PEOPLE! I AM LINK!!!!!!!

Ms Croft kicks Link to the floor and stands on his chest with a boot on his chest and writes on her clipboard
Ms Croft Schizoprenic episode number 52 we havent made any progress with you have we Zelda? Link ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!

Ms Croft Knocks Link out and gets the guards to drag him out
Ms Croft Im losing hope with some of you guys i swear....okay who do we have left...oh Pokemon Trainer i almost forgot about you. How are you today? Pokemon Trainer GO POKEBALL!!

Pokemon Trainer throws a pokeball at a chair in the room and everyone watchs as the pokeball doesnt do anything
Pokemon Trainer Damn thats a strong pokemon i need to weaken it, Pikachu wreck that bitch!!

Throws another pokeball but nothing happens

Sonic What a shock nothing happened.....

Everyone gives sonic a strange look

Sonic Sorry that was bad even for me hahaha Ms Croft Mr Trainer all of your pokemon were confiscated when you entered this institution and there are no wild pokemon around here Pokemon Trainer So what your saying is there are super rare pokemon around here! I think i see one GO POKEBALL!!!!

Throws pokeball at a shadow, everyone laughs

Ms Croft Im going to lose my sanity if i stay here any longer, okay guys thats our session over same time next week

Scene 5 Ms Croft Guard, open the door please

Ms Croft hears a scuffle outside then the door slowly opens and Duke Nukem appears blocking the door and lights a Cigar
Duke Nukem Hey there sweet cheeks, you thought you could get rid of me that easy

Ms Croft looks to see both guards on the floor unconsious

Duke Nukem Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way baby Ms Croft Haha you imbocile id love to see you try

Duke Nukem approachs Ms Croft who backs up and puts her hands up in an attempt to fight off the advance Duke Nukem

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