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Must 1.

Must do, have to do, and need to do can have the same meaning.

, , , necesidad, obligacin, deber, , , ,

Must He must take his medicine every day. , paales) I must change the baby's diapers. ( Parents must teach their children good manners.

They can all show necessity, obligation, or duty.

Same Meaning He has to/needs to take his medicine every day. I have to/need to change the baby's diapers. Parents have to/need to teach their children good manners.

In everyday spoken English, we use have to and need to more often than must. In written English, we usually use must (not have to or need to) when the instructions are official or from an authority.
official: authority:

, , , oficial, autorizado, , , , autoridad, , ,

All visitors must check in at the front gate. (a sign at the entrance to an army base*) * All passengers must carry a valid pass or transfer at all times. (a sign on a Muni bus)

, ,

When must means have to or need to, the negative is dont have to (not must not!).
Present Affirmative I must go. She must work. Past Affirmative I had to go. She had to work. Same Meaning I have to go. I need to go. She has to work. She needs to work. Same Meaning I needed to go. She needed to work. Present Negative I dont have to go. She doesnt have to work. Past Negative I didnt have to go. She didnt have to work.

Must 2.

Must not is different from dont have to and don't need to!

Must not means that something is *forbidden, prohibited, or a very bad idea. Usually, if you

, , no debe, no se puede, es prohibido, , , .

do it, something bad will happen.

You must not light a match when you are filling up your tank at the gas station. You must not walk on the BART tracks. ( , va, , ) They carry live electricity. You must not let a young child under 4 feet 9 inches tall ride in a car without a child seat. Its against the law.

J5110499Tregobackup Roland Trego 11/04/99 rev. 11/16/2013 5:57 PM

Read each item. Then write dont have to (=same meaning as don't need to) or must not. 1. In the U.S., you ___________ drive on the left side of the road. If you do, you might cause ( , causar/hacer que algo haga algo) a serious accident. 2. You ___________ steal. If you do, they might put you in jail and you might get a criminal record , antecedentes penales, , 3. You ___________ go to the ATM right now. I think we have enough money for the evening. If we dont, we can always come back and get some more. 4. You ___________ ever put your finger in an electrical outlet! If you do, you might get electrocuted! (die from an electrical shock) 5. You ___________ leave poisonous substances ( , sustancias txicas, , )in places where children can reach them. You should always keep them in locked cabinets out of their reach. (=where they cannot reach them) 6. You ___________ come to class, but if you do, you will certainly learn more! 7. You ___________ carry a weapon (for example, a gun or a knife) on a plane. If you do and the agents spot it (see it, notice it) in the X-ray, you will get in serious trouble. 8. You ___________ be considerate ( , atento) of others, but if you are, people will certainly like you more! 9. You ___________ forget to pay the electricity bill. If you do, they will turn off the power. 10. You ___________ get a job, but if you dont, dont expect me to pay your rent! , sacudarir violentamente, ?, ) a baby 11. You ___________ ever shake ( when you are angry. It can cause brain damage. ( , daos de cerebro, , ) 12. You ___________ leave a young child unaccompanied (alone, , solo) in a car. If you do, the police might charge you with child endangerment. ( , puesta en peligro, , ) 13. You ___________ use a car seat if your child is over 4 feet 9 inches tall. 14. You ___________ leave the house. Soldiers are fighting in the street. There is gunfire ( , disparos, , ) , and you could get injured or even killed.


Read each item. Then write dont have to (=same meaning as don't need to) or must not. 1. In the U.S., you ___________ drive on the left side of the road. If you do, you might cause ( , causar/hacer que algo haga algo) a serious accident. 2. You ___________ steal. If you do, they might put you in jail and you might get a criminal record , antecedentes penales, , 3. You ___________ go to the ATM right now. I think we have enough money for the evening. If we dont, we can always come back and get some more. 4. You ___________ ever put your finger in an electrical outlet! If you do, you might get electrocuted! (die from an electrical shock) 5. You ___________ leave poisonous substances ( , sustancias txicas, , )in places where children can reach them. You should always keep them in locked cabinets out of their reach. (=where they cannot reach them) 6. You ___________ come to class, but if you do, you will certainly learn more! 7. You ___________ carry a weapon (for example, a gun or a knife) on a plane. If you do and the agents spot it (see it, notice it) in the X-ray, you will get in serious trouble. , atento) of others, but if you are, people will certainly like you more! 8. You ___________ be considerate ( 9. You ___________ forget to pay the electricity bill. If you do, they will turn off the power. 10. You ___________ get a job, but if you dont, dont expect me to pay your rent! 11. You ___________ ever shake ( , sacudarir violentamente, ?, ) a baby when you are angry. It can cause brain damage. ( , daos de cerebro, , ) 12. You ___________ leave a young child unaccompanied (alone, , solo) in a car. If you do, the police might charge you with child endangerment. ( , puesta en peligro, , ) 13. You ___________ use a car seat if your child is over 4 feet 9 inches tall. 14. You ___________ leave the house. Soldiers are fighting in the street. There is gunfire ( , disparos, , ) , and you could get injured or even killed.


J5110499Tregobackup Roland Trego 11/04/99 rev. 11/16/2013 5:57 PM

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