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9 January, 1991 Dorothy Eunson

Ghana Christian College


Dear Friends in Christ,

Last month was certainly packed with social activities planned to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. There was the college Christmas party that ends the first term, two different gatherings of the International Women's Bible Study, a party for our faculty and staff children given by Barbara Kalb and me, the traditional party hosted by the American Ambassador and his wife, and finally, on Christmas Day, a pleasant dinner and afternoon here in my house with the Kalbs, Brian Jennings, and three Mennonite families.
There was some serious work sandwiched in between: I was forced to work on

library books in order to find things needed for second term and also to keep a students typist busy for one week. We got only about 35 books shelf ready, but a lot of pre-printed cards were ordered that will help us later.
On two weekends, I was chief driver to take Brian Jennings to two different towns for teaching and evangelism. The first weekend he taught a leaders'

Seminar on Restoration History and Principles. I also got to lead that congregation in some new hymns on Sunday morning. The second weekend, we met a team from the aforementioned church at a new town where they had been busy the intervening week in preaching and other groundwork for planting a new congregation. Actually, I took them and their eguipment there the previous
Sunday afternoon after the Seminar. Brian's task was to show the film "Jesus", this time with Twi dialogue. It rained both evenings we were there,

so the projector was set up on the Post Office veranda and the screen was hung up out in the rain. A good number watched the film considering the rain. On the second Monday, we took the team back to their home town and we
continued to Accra.

A recent letter of thanks says that in the new church, twenty adults and over ten children attended worship on New Year's Day, and twelve persons were baptized. They are meeting in a house. It is gratifying to have even a small part in helping.

The regional Christian Church convention was held here at the college the weekend before Christmas. Attendance was disappointing, even from our own congregation. There are jealousies and misunderstandings still cropping up here and there in the brotherhood, so we are a long way from spiritual maturity. But some younger, capable leaders are beginning to shoulder some of the responsibility, and there is hope for the future.
As I have done in previous years, I took a beach vacation with two other single women after Christmas. I am not all that tired since my return, but this is the best time of year to really get away, and the year ahead is going to be very busy. We did a lot of walking, reading, playing in the surf, and

took a canoe ride to a nearby island with two local fishermen paddling the

Now it's back to work in the new term. All except three students are in
classes already.

Thank you for your many Christmas greetings and gifts. My cards will stay up on ray front doors another week because they give me so much pleasure.
Prayer requests: (1) Peace for Togo, our neighbors to the east: they are on

the brink of civil war. (2) Victory for Christian workers striving to bring
an end to the slavery of hundreds of Ewe women in the cruel service of fetish

priests. A leading worker was killed in an accident recently and the priests are gleeful, as they say they have cursed all those working against them. (3) Christian Adjei's (college principal) malaria has gone; his depression remains and he is being treated for a bleeding ulcer. (4) Continued difficult
decisions concerning the future of the work.
Sincerely yours,

Dorothy Eunson Ghana Christian College 2 4 February,1991


Dear Friends in Christ,

This letter is overdue, and yet is going to be short. Because of a severe case of shingles, I have done very little for six weeks.
For four of those weeks, I was in bed or on the couch most of the

time. Last week I went to my classes and other group college functions, but mostly rested in between. This week I expect to pick up speed a little.
The college is proceeding rapidly through second term and helping the students to prepare for this two weeks of practicals at the end
of i t .

Brian Jennings has been conducting a seminar on Restoration History and Principles on Monday mornings. I finally got to go last week. The local church continues to have additions nearly every week. Many of the members visited me frequently and prayed for me during my illness. I will be glad when I'm strong enough to be a visitor instead of being visited.
Usually there is little room to express my appreciation fully for
your support. We all just thank God for you and thank Him for His wonderful care. The dining hall still needs a few finishing

touches but it is a very attractive and airy room, with an interesting little tower room on the second level for visitors and
prayer. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Prayer requests: (1) Thanks for a calmer political situation in Togo, our neighbors to the east. (2) Thanks for my returning health. (3) Thanks for Christian Adjei's gradual improvement; he doesn't have an ulcer after all, but gastritis. (4) Thanks for the

Tim Bright family, who want to come and work with the college from Ohio. Pray for their preparations there and ours here.
Sincerely in Him,

Dorotliy Eunson

Ghana Christian College

March 23, 1991

Dear Friends in Qirist,

Things are nearly back to normal for me physically. I actually feel like working instead of just dragging myself
around. Thank you for your prayers.

Final exams are scheduled for tlie first half of nest week, and then we participate in the Easter church

This month we had a three day Mission Emphasis week at the college. All four speakers were very good, but one had a startling idea. From his own experience he has learned that the northern peoples who live in
southern Ghana as foreigners (up to 2 million) can be reached by starting literacy classes for them and tlien presenting tlie gospd to them. I was amazed to learn that you can teach people to read their own language, even if you do not know the language. He let us know clearly tliat it takes a great deal of commitment and a supportive congregation.

One of our graduates who works for FAME in nortlieastern Ghana shared some of his experiences and told us of his commitment to support himself by fanning who his FAME sponsorship ends next year. He already
has five acres under cultivation toward tliis end.

Last Sunday I went witli two of tlie churdi men to visit tlie village where we help support tlie preacher. A pagan mother brouglit her child to tlie service. The diild had been healed of serious illness after tliree prayerful
visits by tlie Christians. The Fetish (pagan) rites did not help die diild. Tlie motlier allowed tlie preacher to cut off from the cliild five different necklaces and bracelets tliat dedicated him to tlie tliunder god. But out of fear for her very life, slie refused to have her own cut off. Even after much persuasion, she was still too afraid. Fortunately, tliere is a converted priestess of the same tliunder god in tlie congregation. She had not been present that morning, but the church people will see tliat the pagan woman has more visits and more encouragement, especially from the former priestess who has not died at tlie hands of her former god. Tlie fear tliat holds pagans bondage is a very terrible thing.

Abeka Christian Qiurdi had thougli tliat one year of help to this preadier would be enougli but it has been harder for hhn to get a substantial farm going than expected. Both he and the leaders had good attitudes, thou^. The members themselves will help the preacher make a bigger farm for himself in addition to tlie one they already have to earn money for a building.
PRAYER; (1) Thanks for my health (2) Tlianks for the Nsiahs' new baby girl (3)Request that Ghana's inflation will slow down (4) Renewed prayer for Togo where student unrest has resumed (5) Thanks for a loving spirit in the student body. Sincerely in Him,

Our tlianks to you!

Dorothy Eunson Ghana Christian College April 20, 1991

For the Contributors

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Easter Convention was very encouraging. A few churches did not come because of short notice of the location, but 22 churches were represented. Morning classes were held by language groups on the Bible and the importance of studying it and obeying it as a guide for the church. The sermons were excellent, although Enoch Nyador says there is still too much sleeping, especially by the women. Only three churches participated in the youth quiz; most churches have no one to specifically work with and encourage the youth. Abeka youth presented a play Sunday evening and lots of the village people attended in addition to the convention-goers. Five people responded to the invitation at the conclusion of the play.

I drove to the convention on Friday and Sunday, taking Christian Adjei with me. Neither he nor I felt up to the physical strain of staying the entire time. I really enjoyed being with some of the village Christians whom I haven't seen for several years. Accra is about an hour and a half from the convention site.
One church youth had helped me sort S.S. literature for three full days before the convention. We still have a lot left after distributing some at the convention, but at long last it is organized for easy selection when someone needs some. Another project I embarked on was to have a carpenter make 5 wooden communion trays. Just one sold at the convention and another sold here in Accra.
My exam marking and preparation of grades was done by April 6. Just in timeon April 7 I woke up with an inflamed right eye and a rash on my face. A visit to the doctor Monday morning identified Herpes Simplex. She started me immediately on a very strong drug. Tuesday, I was most comfortable with my eye shut, but thereafter there was noticeable improvement each day and by Saturday I could wear my glasses again. My quick recovery was a great relief compared with the Shingles! We conducted early entrance exams this past week and accepted 4 students for September. We hold more exams in August.

At long last I have started writing my lesson outlines for a 2-week course in Christian Education during the August short term course. They were supposed to be done before Easter, but my health didn't permit it.

(1) Christian Adjei's health (he's had Malaria again); also wisdom for him in his writing of
the book for which he's on sabbatical

(2) Prayer for the semi-annual board meeting May 8 (3) Unrest continues in Togo (4) Thanks to God that I feel great!!!!
God bless you, our faithful helpers. Sincerely in Him,

Dorothy Eunson Ghana Christian College 25 May, 1991


Dear Friends in Christ,

Praise God for a busy, productive month! During the first two weekends in May the church spent two evenings conducting outdoor crusades using the "Jesus" film. The first weekend we used the Twi narration and dialogue and the second weekend, in a different location in our neighborhood, we used the Ewe sound track. The first week we baptized thirteen and the second weekend five or six. There are other prospects we are still working with. We had twenty counsellors to talk, teach and pray with those who came forward. It was encouraging

to see that nearly half of those counsellors were over thirty years of age in a culture where age is respected
more than youth.

Now the counsellors are doing followup visits and teaching. We want to reduce our "infant Christian mortality rate." A good number of the new Christians are coming to Bible studies and prayer meeting so far. The semi-annual college board meeting was held on May 8. Much of it was routine, although even routine things seem to take a very long tune here. There was again talk of how to raise funds locally. There has been talk before, but very little concrete results. In light of this, and other observations I've made, I have decided to find a way to put $1,000.00 a month into an endowment fund for the college. If U.S. colleges need endowment funds, how much more a missionary-supported school in a very poor country. About that much has been available from your support to put into special needs for the college, apart from regular operational funds. Now I shall put it instead into an endowment fund for some income for the college when I am no longer here. Perhaps the restrictions on funds for special needs may help motivate local board members into raising more local support. I talked my plan over with the Kalbs and Brian Jennings, and they believe it is
a good one. Any extra funds may also be added if not designated for something else.

Last weekend the Kalbs, Brian Jennings and I drove up to Sunyani, 200 miles away, to spend part of the weekend with Jeff and Sherrie Hostetter. Because of personality differences and differences in philosophy of mission, friction often arises among missionaries, especially if they are not often together. In addition, Hostetters do not have the ease of fellowship with other Americans or Europeans as we do. That is harder on

women than on the men. So we decided to spend some time in Sunyani and have our monthly prayer and
discussion breakfast up there. It was a good weekend. The highlight was a ground-breaking for a new building that will house both the Sunyani Christian church and the daycare center that they sponsor.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (1) Tema Christian Church - a nearby cultic group that smokes marijuana tears up their property markers, uproots plants and flowers, and disrupts services. Please stand strongly in prayer

against such Satanic attacks. (2) Kalb family decisions toward furlough. (3) Thanks for my health and returning joy in my work. (4) Continued political unrest in Toga and safety of Evangelist Kwame Afakule and

Sincerely, /tj


Miss Dorothy Eunson

Box 5722



662 Golf Course Drive

Mrs. Judy Tobin 2565 E. Kaley Avenue

Orlando, FL 32806 June 24, 1991

Accra N, Ghana

Elizabethton, TN 37643

Vol. 6, No. 1

(Received in U.S. 7/20/91)


Why Such a Long Silence?

This is the first newsletter from me since March 1990; so, I wish to give you an explanation. The original plan was to write one as soon as I returned to Ghana at the end of July 1990. When I landed in Accra, I was very happy and felt as if I were back home. Soon, I felt deep disappointment over the lack of carry-through in several areas of the local church from when I had left. The biggesir^hurt wasthe collapse of the Shepherding Program on which some of us had spent many, many hours. There were also changes in relationships and responsibilities in the college and church. This is not to say these things were wrong, but that I had a real struggle adjusting to them. We missionaries have also been re-evaluating the work of the college. This included some criticism which greatly disturbed me.

The overall reaction on my part was a rather severe depression for three months and then a gradual improvement. I taught my one course, worked in the library half-heartedly, and made some interesting church visits, but did a minimum of letter writing. Just when my outlook was brightening, in mid-January I came down with a severe case of shingles that kept me virtually bedfast for a month and then several seeks of gradual recovery followed. After that, tasks that had been neglected during illness had to be added to current responsibilities. Now I feel caught up and this letter is top priority.
My emotional, spiritual, and physical struggles are a mixture of hurt pride, legiti mate disappointment, lack of charity toward others, resistance to change, spiritual attack, personality differences, and sincere evaluation of work and motives. There are still a lot of things to work through, so please continue to pray for me. That is one of my purposes in telling you so much detail. I am functioning very well now, but don't want to overlook any change and growth that is needed in me.
The College


We are enjoying a full complement of teachers this year.

No one's teach

ing load is too heavy.

have three.

The first two terms I had only one course; this term I

The Ghanaian staff gave us a real shock in September when they asked for a very substantial increase in salary. The new budg^was only two months old. We can see that although we pay more than any other Bible college in Ghana, it is still hard for them to meet even the most basic expenses. But their request and discussions revealed that they were questioning our very philosophy of support level. This is a

question that every missionary faces repeatedly. The end result (this time) is that they were given no further increase, but each was given a one-time grant of $1,000;
90% of which was to be used as personal investment funds to increase their income. We pray God will bless their efforts so they can have fewer worries and can enjoy
more of a feeling of independence.

Christian Adjei has been on sabbatical leave this year, although still serving as principal! He has had his own struggles with depression and poor health. Never theless, he is making good progress on the book he is writing.

During second term, Brian Jennings, our co-worker from the British Churches of Christ, led us through a seminar on Mondays on the History and Principles of
Restoration Movement.

Three of the men

attended an academic conference in N'orthern Nigeria early in June.

One of the critical issues in West Africa is the rapid growth of Islam; the men got
much help in that area.

College Students and Activities: Classes have gone very smoothly. Three students have dropped out for various reasons, but the remaining 46 are working hard. For the first time this year we had a special Prayer Week and a Missions Week.

2 -

College Buildings: The new student dining hall and kitchen is a very attractive, airy building that is already doubling as a popular classroom and study hall. There are still some storage lockers to be built in the kitchen. On top of the dining hall is perched an unusual but pretty little room that is to serve as both prayer room and visitors' lounge. It, too, is not quite finished.

A one room addition to the office/library block for library expansion is also com ing along fast. David Kalb delights in attractive touches (I am pure economy), so the new room is faced with fieldstone and touched with wood paneling above the windows. The room should double our book capacity.

College Finances: The struggles of these past months have made me think carefully about the long range implications of so many people on outside support and "what happens when I leave?" Because of limited space I will share only one conclusion at this time: I have decided to put a cap on the amount of direct, regular monthly
support to the college channeled through me by the grace of God. I will take

$1,000 a month of support that I have previously used for special projects and
start to develop an endowment fund for the college. If our colleges in the U. S. need them, how much more a mission college that cannot make regular contact with U. S. churches, and where local churches have something, but very little, to offer. As your giving enables me, even more can be added to the fund, or given for building
or other projects. David Kalb accepts the wisdom of an endowment fund, but the

idea of my capping my regular support causes some misgivings.

Silver Jubilee: The 25th anniversary of the college will be celebrated from July 22 to July 27 of this year. We will have three days of lectures and worship and praise, a fellowship meal and memory time on Friday, and Graduation with Jubilee features on the 27th. Kent and Barbara Taylor, who served here from 1967 to 1976, and Gerald

Gibson, who founded the college in 1966, will be our American visitors and speakers. Local men will also speak. If you get this in time, pray for us during that week. August Short Term Course: This will be my first year of participation in this inten sive course for full-time workers who are part-time preachers. The last two weeks

of^Augu^, I will teach Christian Education four hours a day, five days a week. My
will be duplicated and bound into resource booklets.
Other Matters

There's no room! Next time I'll bring you up to date on the Christian churches in general and Abeka Christian Church in particular.
Prayer Requests

Wisdom and spiritual strength for American missionaries and Ghanaian co-workers; special strength for Kalbs in family and furlough decisions; PRAISE for provisional government registration for the Christian Churches Brotherhood (we don't know why it's provisional); guidance for all missionaries in Ghana in response to harassment by Ghana Revenue Service concerning Income Tax; thanksgiving for growth of Abeka Christian Church; thanks for a "rainy" rainy season.
Much love and appreciation to you.


Orlando, Florida 32806 Vol. 6, No. 1
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15 July, 1991 Ghana Christian College


Dear Friends in Christ,

This letter is late for a very unusual reason: The Tim Bright family arrived in Ghana unannounced on the afternoon of June 26. Since we had repeatedly told them not to come until they had a confirmed immigration space, their arrival was a shock. Now we can only do our best to help them settle in (as much as is possible on a visitors' visa), continue to follow up on the immigration application, and pray
that God will work it out quickly.

Tim and Twyla and their four children stayed with us (some in each house) for two weervs. Now they are in Sunyani with Jeff and Sherrie Hostetter for some language and cultural orientation. They will also help with JefTs youth camp this week. The Brights will come down for our Jubilee week and house sit for some friends nearby, then they may return to Sunyani if their visitors' visa extension is
approved. Twyla has already had a rather severe attack of malaria, but is alright now.

In late May and early June, three of our faculty attended a ten day academic conference in northern

Nigeria. One of their most challenging learning experiences was how to help prepare our students for
the growing threat of Islam in West Africa. The men's travel experiences on Nigerian Airways was
enough to try the patience of Job.

Six of us from Abeka Christian Church visited the baby church in Tema the first Sunday in June to encourage them. We all sat on an open veranda of the preacher's one-room dwelling. Most of their

members are young people, but they have two grown women. We thank God that the troublesome marijuana-smokers have been peacefully removed from their adjacent, unauthorized shack.
The last weekend in June about fifteen people from various places traveled in two vehicles to northeastern Ghana to the Nkwanta area where three FAME evangelists (GCC graduates) are working. We all shared in an all-day Saturday Seminar for the leadership and a joint worship service of the three small churches on Sunday. My contribution was a Christian Education workshop. FAME fed us well. The goat stew was the best I have ever had. My only unpleasant souvenir was a body full of sand fly bites, apparently acquired in the night. They itch like flea bites and are still visible on my skin because I scratched many of them open. With David Kalb and Enoch Nyador driving, it was a six hour trip. If I had been driving it probably have been a seven hour trip!

Our twenty-five year Silver Jubilee is imminent. Kent Taylor (missionary 1967-1976)and Jerry and
Normadene Gibson, founder of Ghana Christian College, will be here, as well as at least 50 graduates.

We will have three days of workshops and worship services, a fellowship dinner and memory time on July 26 and graduation and Jubilee celebration on the 27th. right now we are in final exams week. PRAYER REQUESTS; (1) Approval of a quota space for the Brights (2) Kalbs' family furlough
decisions (3) thanks for my health.

16 August, 1991 Ghana Christian College Dorothy Eunson


Dear Friends in Christ,

Our twenty-fifth anniversary Silver Jubilee celebration was a great success. Over fifty past graduates joined our forty-six present students for a busy, happy week.

Jerry Gibson preached excellent sermons and charmed everyone with his special sparkle. Kent Taylor preached challenging
biographical sermons and delighted with his humor and shared memories. The Jubilee would have been less memorable without our two American visitors. We are so thankful that they came.

I was a bundle of nerves all through the fellowship dinner Friday evening -1 was in charge! Kent said I didn't smile the whole tune. For the program the men showed slides from all through the years. It all went very well.

Saturday was graduation and final celebration. It was a beautiful service. The ten graduates - six degree and four diploma looked resplendent and the chapel was packed. Beautiful NIV study Bibles, engraved, were given to about seven people who had served the college for fifteen years or more. The "old students" presented a gift worth $160.00 to be used as awards for the first year of an annual "Jerry Gibson preaching contest". A very nice surprise.
The Bright family camedown from Sunyani for the Jubileeweek. Jeff Hostetter camedown Friday and Saturday. The Brights were given a sixty day extension on their visitor's visa. Their shipping container is in at the harbor and can be cleared. They have two good possibilities for a house rental beginning in September. The biggest hurdle remaining is a quota space and
residence permit. Only the Lord can work those out.

Although we were all tired after the big week, I started as soon as I could on library work. My library typist had graduated, but I persuaded him to stay a few more days to help. He needed the money, so he stayed for nearly a week.
Last evening I taught the third lesson in Bible Survey for the church group.

I do it about every five years. We have averaged 36 so far, with a lot of new young people included. I will continue through

The short term August course is in full swing. I will be teaching Christian Education the next two weeks.

The Christian Churches in Ghana are now fully and finally registered. Our name appeared in a list in the papers, and we have our certificate. What started out as a big furor has mostly taken on the flavor of a nuisance routine. It is a victory for the
Lord and his people.

PRAYER REQUESTS: (1) Wisdom for Kofi Kalb as he flies home this month to start his senior year in high school in America. (2) Quota space and residence permit for Brights. (3) Thanks for a successful Jubilee. (4) Thanks for the Christian Churches registration. (5) Thanks for faithful supporters like you.

Ghana Christian College

Dorothy Eunson
16September, 1991


Dear Friends in Christ.

The last month has been

teaching in the Church con tinues to go well.

Last weekend, I provided some sleeping space for those who
attended the funeral of a friend's brother. This is the third brother or half-brother of his

U.S. They leave here Septem

ber 21. The Kalbs miss their oldest son

dominated by two things; teaching Christian Education in

the short term course and

Kofi, who



17th of

working on the library. Being "up" for four hours' teaching a day in the same course was hard on me. The first Friday I came down with a migraine
headache, and the second

that has died this year-a tre

mendous financial burden for

August to start his senior year of high school in Greensburg, Pa. All reports say he is getting along fine. David is always up to his ears in projects. This
month, he has directed the
renovation of a small classroom to make a one room women's

weekend I got a chest cold and bad cough that dragged me

down for a whole week. If it was

the family. The Bright family has been greatly blessed by being able to rent a very nice four bed
room house for a reasonable

dormitory; we have one lady student for the new year. He

also built a new bathroom for

hard on me, imagine how hard

it is on the students who sit

through eight hours of lecture a day! Instead of tests, I gave them a few practical assign
ments. Since the cold forced

rent. What is also amazing is that the landlord let them pay only three months in advance. Not until early December will they have to pay the one year's
advance that is the rule of

her. At the same time, he has

been continuing work on an irrigation project for one of the villages.


me to rest more than usual, I

thumb here. They live 1 1/2 miles from the college, just four
doors from the house I lived in

haven't finished marking these

papers yet.

during my first years in Ghana. Twyla has started teaching at

Ghana International School where the four children attend.

The first week in September,

we had late entrance exams. It

Quota space and residents permit for the Brights. Travel and furlough blessings for the

was a very good turn-out. The last two days of that week, I
worked with two assistants to

rearrange the library. We have incorporated all of the newly processed books in the proper
order and, with the new room,

There is no discernible pro gress on our applications for new quota spaces, although the principal has been asked to check on it on September 26.
Jeff and Sherrie Hostetter and

Wisdom, patience and love for all faculty during the new school year. Thanksgiving for 24

we have left frequent spaces, so it will be easy to add more books without a major overhaul again. My last year's typist came back for nine days to help with the processing.

family will be taking a three month R and R furlough In the

May God bless you with spiri tual blessings as you continue to serve Him and help us to do
the same here.

Just this last Sunday, a second year returning student told us he is a trained typist. We thank the Lord. We were wondering how we could manage this

In Christ,


The Bible Survey class I am




Miss Dorothy Eunson Box 5722 Accra.N., Ghana

Vol. 6, No. 2

Mrs. Tom Barkes 662 Golf Course Drive Elizabethton, TN 37643

Mrs, Judy Tobin 2565 E. Kaley Avenue Orlando, FL 32806

October 7, 1991


Dear Friends in Christ:


We have started a new year of classes with more than 20 first year students and 35 uppercTassmen. I teach two Christian Education classes and Orientation. We are all happy to have the library Annex (one room!) It is relatively cool and airy iLn(i^gi>Les_additional study and book^space. In July we enjoyed our Silver Jubilee, 1966-1991. Jerry Gibson, founder of the college, was here and preached very inspiring sermons. Kent Taylor, who served from 1967-1976, also came and delighted us with shared memories, jokes and excell ent sermons. We also benefitted from local men who led in workshops on Muslim Evangelism and Spiritual Growth. Graduation Day was a special time. We used our own chapel with the overflow seated outside under canopies. There were ten gradu ates. The degree graduates had Academic hoods sewn as a donation to the college. The Dean put one on each man as he was given his degree. It added richness to the already colorful pageantry. Even baccalaureate graduates wear the hoods in Ghana
and Nigeria.

Ten people were given engraved NIV Study Bibles in recognition of 15 or more years of service to the college; Christian Adjei, Joseph Nsiah and I were the faculty included. The old students, over 50 of whom had taken part in the week's activi ties, presented a handsome cash gift to the college to be used as prize money in an annual preaching contest.

The short term course went very smoothly. There were about 50 students in all, divided into first and second years. I taught Christian Education during the
third and fourih weeks. Before that and afterwards, I worked alot in the library^

with a typist and two other students. We got all the new books of the last year integrated properly and spaced so that new additions canbe put in without shift ing the whole library again. There are still many in my office yet to be processed.

Although the college has been the main focus of the missionaries, we are interested in the churches. In order to avoid long term dependency, we have never put much money into them. The local leadership has done its best in evangelism, teaching, and cooperation, but it has not been easy. Most of our graduates go elsewhere because of support. However, several of the Christian churches were started by individual missionaries working with Ghanaians. The overall result has been about 30 churches independent of American support. Most of them are quite small and. not
particularly strong.

The missionary men who are here now, Jeff Hostetter and David Kalb, are committed to greater investment in the numerical and spiritual growth of the churches. They are willing to give more money, as they have it, and much time. This is a worthy intention, and at least six new congregations have been established in the past two years. At least three of those will be completely on their own by December, and the real test of their ability to stand will begin.

Many rejoice in these new churches. Unfortunately, there is also much dissatisfac tion: jealousy in churches and pastors who didn't receive financial help; feelings on the part of leaders of being bypassed in decision-making. Frankly, it is very difficult for "independent" missionaries to work humbly as a genuine team with nationals, especially when the missionaries are the ones with the resources. We
often view ourselves as the ones with the most wisdom, the most commitment, and

most ability.

It is even more difficult to give money with no strings attached.

We are brothers and sisters in Christ with Ghanaians, but we are far from perfect mutual trust. Pray for us to know how to be servants.

2 -

Just recently, a Benevolent Committee was established for the brotherhood.


Ghanaians urge us to pass on any help we have to offer through it.

The churches

are to present their needs to the committee, who will administer whatever is

there. It is their belief tJiat.this will eliminate much of the jealousy and also reduce any possibility of divisive loyalty to any particular missionary. Pray for us all, that the Lord's body will grow and bring glory to Him. My contribution will be the purchase of one or two books for every preacher in
the brotherhood annually, to be distributed at the national convention at Eastertime. If any of you can make a little extra gift to help with this, it
will be appreciated.
Abeka Christian Church-My Home Congregation

When I came back in August 1990, I was deeply hurt to find out that the Shepherd ing Plan had been allowed to die. Other changes and careless endeavors tempted me to just leave it all and just sit in the "pew". But the Lord helped me through that, and I have found many places to be of service.

The pastor who had been hired had to be let go a year ago in October. He just wanted to work on his own. Now the youth, a Caring Committee chaired by an elder, and I help with various aspects of visitation.
The church continues to give a small cash supplement to a farmer/pastor in one of the villages. By the end of 1992 they are also supposed to stand on their own. That church is growing; they have won several idol-worshippers from a
nearby village. One was a fetish priestess and she feared for her life if she converted. When she was introduced to another former priestess already in the church, she became convinced that Jesus would protect her from any retribution
from her former gods.

In May, Abeka church held two weekend open-air crusades quite near the church. We used the "Jesus" film with Twi and Ewe dubbing. It's wonderful. We gained
at least a dozen new members from them. The members themselves continue to

witness in their compounds and neighborhoods.

We have baptisms almost every week.


Jeff and Sherrie Hostetter and family are in the U.S. for four months for rest;

Barbara and David Kalb and family will go to the U.S. in late November for eight month furlough. Their son Kofi went home in August for his senior year; and, Tim
and Twyla Bright and their four children arrived here on June 26th with no advance


We had asked them to wait until we had quota space from the government.
Prayer Requests

Their latest application for an extension on their visitors' visas has been denied

(1) Thank God that the Christian Churcties' final registration with the government is complete. (2) Thank God that Togo appears to be having a peaceful change from dictatorship to democracy. (3) Pray for the churches' growth and maturity. (4) Thanks for faithful supporters in the U. S.
Sincerely y in His Service, bervici


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Vol. 6, No. 2


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Ghana Christian College

Dorothy Eunson
2 November, 1991

Dear Friends in Christ,

was to help break in a new volunteer. I was glad we had him. Besides the teacher, we helpers were three. The
children numbered 81 - all seated on

preparation for death and judgement. Their little group sen/ed us all with a

Greetings from Ghana. We have rea

ched mid-term and had appropriate exams already. The first year class seems to have settled down at 21; 11 for the degree program and 10 for the
diploma course. One is a Gambian
who was in Liberia when the civil war

local drink and pastry bits called "chips" in appreciation of our help.
The following week some members helped with the burial of a 5 year old Sunday School boy who died sud denly. A good number also visited the family to commiserate and comfort on

benches under a newly trimmed

mango tree. As the sun moved, we kept moving the benches. One little

boy got sick and threw up, so we were kept busy.

In the last months we have had a good number of new members

began there, and three are Liberlans

Sunday after service and again on

Wednesday evening during prayer
meeting time. Death and funerals are often emphasized too much here, but

who were in refugee camps here.

They still go there on weekends to do

Christian work. One of them Is in my

advisory group: he has no Idea if his
parents and brothers and sisters are

alive. We have enjoyed our second

annual Prayer Week the third week of

through personal efforts of "old" members. To add to that, this week end, we are having another outdoor crusade. Laf?t night we had seven or eight respond to the invitation. We will consider them prospects until we can
counsel and teach them some more.

it Is good to see our congregation

growing in concern.

the Bible Survey series for the church. church when one of their members Twenty four took the test, But I died. About 45 of us went to the haven't marked them yet. I gave them wake-keeping and stayed until 12:30 each an ice cream treat for good am. There was a mixup in transpor tation, so some didn't get home till 3 effort, though. a.m. On the following Sunday, the

This week I gave a test to complete Our church helped a sister baby

This letter was delayed slightly, hop ing that something more definite could be said about the Brights' situation. They are in Togo at the
moment waiting for us to receive

word on our quota application. We

were assured it was treated last

Afew of us are continuing our regular other church met with us for what is visitation of members on Saturdays. A called a Memorial Service: good gos
couple weeks ago we discovered one young man had been in the house two months suffering from Guinea
worm. It comes from water that has

Friday, but we have to wait for them to inform us by letter on the outcome. If that is approved, then we must make a separate application for the Brights to fill one of the spaces. It is

pel preaching geared toward our

difficult for the Brights to accept a situation where the college appears
to be doing nothing. This Is causing some strain among us, so please keep praying.

the larvae in it. There is no real

treatment except antibiotics to keep it

from infection, and if the head of the

Pray for Kalbs too, as they begin

furlough November 21.
In Christ,

worm shows, trying to pull it out gently a little bit each day without breaking it off. It is so painful, the sufferer can barely walk..

For three Sundays last month I ser ved as children's helper during the

morning sen/ice. The third Sunday

Ghana Christian College

Dorothy Eunson
8 December, 1991

Dear Friends in Christ,

The first term of this college year is over. After exams, we finished up with our annual Christmas party on Dec. 5. It's going to be a busy month with
the Christmas convention and much

school work to complete, but I'm looking fonA^ard to a week at the

beach with friends between Christ
mas and New Years.

finally signed the papers that grant us one more quota space. Christian and Dadzie have already started on the next step - to get approval for Brights to fill that space. How long it will take, no one knows. Please pray that God will move things along quickly. Otherwise, it will take

forth. At last report, they had four new people attending out of those
who made a commitment at the

crusade. One of their elders, who is

The Kalbs are in Youngwood, PA for an eight month furiough. David will have a heavy traveling and speaking
schedule and Barbara will have the

The local church continues to occupy much of my time. We have one or more baptisms nearly every week.
We had a Harvest on the 1st of this

also one of the college teachers, is currently teaching Abeka's Thursday night Bible study. For several years, Abeka scarcely knew of the existence of the other church, but a good relationship is now developing. One of our former couples is now regular

month and offerings totaled about

$395.00. That is 11% of our annual budget.

Thanksgiving was a Happy day. I attended the joint American worship

service at a downtown church. In the

major care of the three children. Pray

for them.

Brights are also In need of much prayer. They have been experiencing very frightening days in Togo, as the
supporters of the old President attacked the radio broadcasting com pany and the home of the new interim Prime Minister and engaged in fighting in the streets. The Prime
Minister was arrested.After talks with

In November we had two Sunday mornings given over to teaching about drug abuse - the physical and spiritual dangers. We pray that will save some of our youth.
Also in November, about 45 or 50

evening, Brian and I were both invited to my friends Anna Marie's house.
Two other Mennonlte families were also there. The roast duck was a real

people from our church went across

town to help our baby sister church,
Accra North, with a Crusade. I used

There are so many things to be thankful for, including you and your love and support.

Traveling mercies and a peaceful home for Kalbs Safety for the Bright family and quick approval for their transfer to our quota My physical strength Continued harmony in the college.

the old President he has agreed to

reconstitute his cabinet and include

my truck, and the church hired a

truck, too, to take members back and

supporters of the old President. Forty-some people died in the week of fighting. Brights are safe, but at one point ruffians stopped the car they were in, opened the doors and screamed for them to get out. They just sat quietly and prayed and even tually the men left them. Other cars were burned the same day. The Secretary of the Interior In Ghana

In Christian love,

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