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Curriculum Vitae of MD.

Contact Address
66/E,1st floor right side,Indira road,West raja bazaar,Dhaka-1215.
Conta t !o. "1#1#-5$$56%, "16#$&$#""& E-'ail( isla')obaid*l%#%+,ahoo. o' CAREER OBJECTIVE: -ain o'.eten e in the field of or.orate and resear h thro*gh enth*sias', hard /ork, ethi s, sin erit,, and brillian e. 0oreo1er, ser1e for the /elfare of the so iet,, b*siness, and the e ono', thro*gh the assigned res.onsibilit,. -i1ing ', best effort, I a' s*re to ser1e an, organization to its highest le1el of satisfa tion. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTIONS: 2ard /orker, 3olerant, 4elf onfident, 0oti1ated, dis i.lined and ada.table to other5s staff, /illing to take res.onsibilit, and ha1e that a.a it, to /ork the different sit*ations. EDUCATIONAL UALI!ICATIONS: ( ( ( 2"1" $.#" 9ni1ersit, :f De1elo.'ent 8lternati1e ;9:D8<

B. P"arm
6ear of .assing C-78 Instit*tion

6ear of .assing -ro*. -.7.8 >oard Instit*tion ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 2""= 4 ien e =.#" Dhaka 0,'ensingh Cant. 7*bli 4 hool ? College 2""2 4 ien e =.1$ Dhaka 0ohangonj 7ilot -o1t. 2igh 4 hool

6ear of .assing -ro*. -.7.8 >oard Instit*tion

INTERNS#IP: In .lant training .ro ess ha1e been o'.leted in !*1ista .har'a @td at %#%&,3ongi,-azi.*r,Dhaka,>angladesh.3his .ro ess onl, for = /eeks in 'onth is being de1elo.ed and .ersonal .erfor'an e o1er a ti1ities and .a,able as a ertifi ate fro' !*1ista .har'a @td. E$PERIENCE: 4er1ed in the 7har'a e*ti als Co'.anies as follo/s(

%Me&ical Pro&uct S'eciali(t) I* D+, '"arma - Biotec Lt&. .E/'erie*ce& i* + 0ear1

%I*(titutio* Me&ical I*formatio* Officer) I* Ser2ier Ba*3la&e(" o'eratio*(. .E/'erie*ce& i* 4 mo*t"(1
COMPUTER LITERAC0: 0i rosoft offi e .rogra's s* h as 04 Word, EA el, 8 ess, 7o/er 7oint, Co'.*ter B*nda'ental and E-'ail ? Internet et . E$TRA CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: 1. -ot j*nior 4 holarshi. in Class Bi1e ;Birst grade< ? Eight ;4e ond -rade< b, Distri t Co''issioner. 2. -ood debater in English ;Inter Carsit, r*nners *.< $. Well o''and in 3,.ing. =. Co'.etition in !ational Writing in 4 hool ? College. PERSONAL IN!ORMATION: Bather5s !a'e 0other5s !a'e 7er'anent 8ddress ( ( ( 0d. 8ziz*l Isla' Do/shon 8ra >eg*' Cill-Dhara'.asha *kil .ara ,7.:E7.4-Dhara'.asha,Dist-4*na'ganj !ationalit, Deligion 4eA Date of birth ( ( ( ( >angladeshi ;b, birth<. Isla' 0ale 2=/1"/1%&6

0arital 4tat*s


LAN5UA5E PRO!ICIENC0: >engali- 0other @ang*age English - EA ellent in oral and /ritten. INTEREST: 3ra1eling, Deading >ooks, Wat hing 3C, @istening 0*si and Co'.*ter. RE!ERENCE: Profe((or Dr. Rafi6ue C"o7&"ur8 0anaging Dire tor 0edi-te h -eneral 2os.ital ;71t.<@td. Cell( "1#11-62&#62 M&.A9&u* Noor C"o7&"ur8 0anager,Distrib*tion 4F*are 7har'a e*ti als @td. Cell("1#1$"6#$"$ DECLARATION: I do hereb, de lare and ertif, that all the abo1e infor'ation is orre t and tr*e.



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