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Ciara Smith @02622776 Final Project Photo credit: Brandon Hill

How a Fitness Trend May Chan e the !orld !e "i#e $n

By Ciara Smith %!&SH$'(T)'* +C For decades &merica,s con#ersation on -ody ima e has -een one that is lar ely in.l/enced -y the media0 The ideal ima e o. -ea/ty is 1lastered on o/r walls* .eat/red in o/r homes* and admired -y the masses0 )nce rejected .or not -ein relata-le to 2real 1eo1le*3 the idea o. 1er.ectin one,s sel. is -e innin to show its .ace a ain0 This time it isn,t to -e 1ict/re 1er.ect* it is to -e healthy0 Tho/ h more and more 1eo1le are .allin #ictim to 1oor eatin ha-its and .l/ct/atin .itness re imens* j/st as many are en a in in a trend o. their own % -ein 1hysically .it and 1ro/d o. it0 &ccordin to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey cond/cted -y the Center .or +isease Control 4C+C5* more than one6third o. ad/lts and 77 1ercent o. yo/th were o-ese in the 8nited States in 20096 20700 Since then* those rates o. increase ha#e -e /n to slow down dramatically0 :ecent st/dies show that this co/ld -e attri-/ted to the s1ar; o. <health conscio/sness,0 Based on the re1ort .rom the C+C* the 1re#alence o. o-esity was sta nant .rom 2007 to a11ro=imately 2077 amon -oth ad/lts and children0 For a co/ntry with >? million 1eo1le lac;in health ins/rance* the sta;es are hi h0 & shar1 chan e in the way citi@ens ta;e care o. themsel#es co/ld a..ect the 8nited States, healthcare* a ric/lt/ral ind/stry* o#ernment 1ro rams and 1olicies* etc0 B/t -eca/se this ascension to hi her health conscio/sness is recent* it may -e too soon to tell0 Many s1ec/late that eatin -etter and e=ercisin more are the new 2cool thin *3 es1ecially since yo/n ad/lts are e=1ected to -e less o-ese then their elders0 !hile naysayers are la-elin the recent ha11enin whate#er they see .it 4no 1/n intended5* this new 2.ad3 may come with eno/ h 1ower to 1/t well6esta-lished chain resta/rants o/t o. -/siness* i. they don,t soon j/m1 on -oard0 Han; Cardello* a/thor o. St/..ed: An Insiders Look at Whos Making America at! recently wrote in a For-es article that 2The .ast6.ood

ind/stry is en a ed in a 1rice war* -/t this time there aren,t li;ely to -e any -i winners03 &nd it co/ldn,t -e tr/er0 Beca/se* as it seems* c/stomers aren,t loo;in solely .or a A/ic; deal anymoreB they want healthier o1tions too0 The latter is certainly tr/e .or 266year6old $T Cons/ltant Cane &n* who -lames those ty1es o. .oods .or her 1re#io/sly .ailed attem1ts at .itness0 2!hen $ really decided to -/c;le down and ma;e a li.estyle chan e* $ tried to red/ce reasy .ood and car-s and incor1orate more ser#in s o. #e eta-les*3 she said0 2Be.ore $ chan ed my ha-itDsE* on my other diet 1lans* $ was a-le to lose wei ht tem1orarily -/t $ was /na-le to maintain it0 &s soon as $ sto11ed that diet method and went -ac; to my old ha-its* $ ained all the wei ht -ac; and e#en more03 & re1ort released -y the H/dson $nstit/te* a +C6-ased thin; tan; and 1/-lic 1olicy research or ani@ation* .o/nd that lower6calorie .ood ser#in s increased -y F00 million* while traditional ser#in s saw a decline o. 70G -illion .rom 2007 to 20770 The re1ort* Lo"er#$alorie oods: Its %ust &ood 'usiness* loo;ed at 27 -i names in chain resta/rants0 B/r er Hin * $H)P* Chilli,s* &11le-ee,s* and !endy,s were amon the s/-jects0 2Those who are in#estin in a healthier li.estyle sho/ld /nderstand that while 1ro1er eatin ha-its are ?0 1ercent o. the wor;* it 1ays to -e acti#e as well3* says 'ational &cademy o. S1orts Medicine6certi.ied 1ersonal trainer Brandon Hill0 2Peo1le ha#e so many -ad ha-its0 So $,d say it,s smart to start with one and ease yo/r way to the ne=t0 &.ter tac;lin eatin ha-its* yo/ de.initely sho/ld try to et in the ym at least three to .o/r times a wee;* said the 2G6year6old0 8n.ort/nately* that is not e#eryone,s reality0 &ccordin to the Seattle Times* an $ndiana1olis6 -ased com1any* Tread+es;* is e=1ectin a 2F 1ercent increase this year as lar e cor1orations see; to hel1 their em1loyees stay .it0 &n ins/rance .irm in Microso.t* Coca Cola* 8nited Healthcare and Procter I (am-le ha#e started in#estin in treadmill des;s and other mo#in wal; stations* the Times re1orted0 2$. yo/ can et a little wor;o/t in d/rin wor; and ;ee1 yo/r -lood .lowin then that,s reat* -/t yo/ sho/ld still set a decent ho/r aside to really .oc/s on what yo/,re doin 0 Jo/ need to -e a-le to .eel where

the 1ain is comin .rom and notice any m/scle im-alances yo/ ha#e*3 said Hill0 2There will -e times when yo/,ll need to -e really intense and shoc; yo/r -ody03 For some* tho/ h* time commitment may -e the -i est str/ le0

2'ow* media is i#in more attention to -ecomin healthy and the society is adj/stin tot the new li.estyle* -/t .indin the time or ma;in the time to e=ercise is still the hardest as1ect o. it .or me*3 said &n0 Her occasional wor;o/t 1artner* Karl (loc;* a rees0 2Time commitment0 Kither lea#in wor; early or ettin to wor; late* is the worst 1art o. it all*3 he said0 2B/t honestly* at this a e* $,m seein .riends ettin disa-led and dyin .rom #ario/s ca/ses so it,s worth it0 $ j/st want to stay healthy0 $ want to -e a-le to tra#el and enjoy time with my wi.e and stay ali#e*3 said the 606year6old0

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