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S.No Age Bracket %age students
1 3-5 years 6
2 6- years 33
3 1!-12 years 5"
" 13-1" years 5
#rom t$e abo%e students interest in reading can be inter&reted. Based on student's
interest( di)erent segments can be *ramed and according+y ,-,.- can be &+aced.
1. ,$e second segment is made o* students in age grou& 6- years and 3-5
2. ,$e students in age bracket 1!-12 years and students in age bracket 13-1"
years can be c+ubbed toget$er as in bot$ t$ese age brackets %age
readers$i& is more t$an 5!.
,$e abo%e segmentation is a+so re+e%ant /.r.t. +i*e cyc+e o* magazine reading. ,$e
0rst segment is stage *or acti%e &romotion and second segment is stage o* &assi%e
a&&ro%a+ a+ong-/it$ stage o* acti%e contro+.
,$e content *or 0rst segment can be as *o++o/s1
1. 2artoon/story &icture
2. 2artoon story-co+or
3. -++ustrated &icture and brie* descri&tion o* /i+d anima+s
". 2artoon( $umour
5. 3ead a+oud story /ritten in r$yming +anguage
6. -nteresting 4uestions and &rize /inning ans/ers *rom readers
,$e content *or second segment can be as *o++o/s1
1. S$ort stories
2. 5uzz+es
3. -ndian $istory
". ,-,.- 4uiz
5. 5uzz+e story
6. 6ai+y use science kno/+edge
7. S&orts
8. 9enera+ :no/+edge
. ,it bits
Besides abo%e t$e ad%ertisement &ortions can be co%ered in eac$ o* t/o segments.
,$e *o++o/ing *orms t$e basis o* abo%e mentioned segmentation1
1. ,$e contents in t/o %ariations can $a%e $ea+t$y mi; o* items to suit t$at age
grou& o* c$i+dren. ,$e c$i+dren in age grou& o* 13-1" years /$o +ooked do/n
u&on t$e magazine considering it be c$i+dis$ can be countered %ia abo%e
strategy as t$e content is set to suit t$em. A+so t$e content suits 1!-12 years
age grou& c$i+dren as is mentioned t$at t$e c$i+dren in t$is segment
genuine+y began +iking science magazines.
2. ,$e e)ect o* $ouse $o+d income is *ound to be neg+igib+e as it is obser%ed
t$at in $ouse$o+ds /it$ income greater t$at 1!!!rs/mont$ t$e readers$i& *or
,-,.- is greater t$an 5!% /$ereas t$e readers$i& *or <ng+is$ magazine is
ma;imum 2%. =ence segmentation on t$e basis o* income /i++ not ser%e t$e
&ur&ose. #urt$er on+y % o* reader *ound t$e magazine to be e;&ensi%e.
3. A+so t$e no. o* reader o* ,-,.- in age bracket o* 1!-1" years is 57% and in age
bracket o* 3- years is "3%. ,$e decision *or age bracket 3- years is taken
by &arents >$ere an assum&tion is taken t$at &arents se+ect t$e magazine on
t$e basis o* content suitab+e *or t$eir kids? /$ere as *or c$i+dren in age
bracket 1!-1" take t$eir o/n decision /.r.t magazine t$ey /ant to read. So
t$e *ocus /.r.t content *or t/o di)erent segments /i++ ser%e &ur&ose.
,$e cor&oration $as in%ested 2!! mi++ion @S6 *or researc$ acti%ities *or
de%e+o&ment o* b+ood substitutes. ,$e cor&oration current+y $as no re%enues and
$as arranged *or a +oan o* 5! mi++ion @S6.
,$e cor&oration s$ou+d +aunc$ A;yg+obin no/ because o* *o++o/ing reasons1
1. -t is 0rst to obtain a++ necessary a&&ro%a+s. ,$is /i++ $e+& cement its &osition as a
market +eader as any ot$er nearest com&etitor /ou+d re4uire minimum 5 years
to obtain necessary a&&ro%a+s.
2. ,$e c$ances o* success o* $uman b+ood substitutes are not guaranteed as
a? ,$ey $a%e s$ort $a+* +i*e
b? ,$ere is &otentia+ *or $ig$er to;icity
c? And it is yet to obtain necessary go%ernment a&&ro%a+s
,$e substitute i* de%e+o&ed c+ear o* abo%e s$ort comings /i++ be diBcu+t to
market because o* $ig$ &rice associated /it$ it and it /ou+d be diBcu+t to &ro%e
t$at t$e substitute is sa*er in com&arison to $uman b+ood.
#urt$er t$e success*u+ +aunc$ o* A;yg+obin( bio&ure can get $ands on e;&erience
o* &roduct marketing and se++ing %ia setting u& o* distribution net/orks /$ic$
s$a++ $e+& bio&ure in +onger run >i.e a*ter +aunc$ o* $uman b+ood substitutes?.
,$e di+emma o* t$e cor&oration in terms o* &ricing o* o;yg+obin and $uman
b+ood substitute seems o%errated. ,$e same can be managed i* in*ormation is
disseminated in &ro&er *as$ion i.e. di)erence in &rocedure to &roduce and t$e
$urd+es *aced to &roduce $uman b+ood substitutes.
-n case t$e cor&oration &+ans to +aunc$ o;yg+obin a*ter +aunc$ o* $uman b+ood
substitutes( t$e cor&oration stands to +ose re%enues t$at it can earn no/. #urt$er
i* $uman b+ood substitutes it de%e+o&ed *ai+ to a&&ea+ t$e market t$en it stands
to +ose on o;yg+obin as /e++ as t$e re&utation o* t$e cor&oration /i++ be a)ected
bad+y( gi%en t$e reac$ and size o* $uman b+ood substitutes. ,$e same is
a&&+icab+e *or o;yg+obin but t$e a)ect /ou+d not be as +arge as *ai+ure o* $uman
b+ood substitute /ou+d $a%e as t$e target audience *or o;yg+obin is sma++ in
com&arison to t$ose o* $uman b+ood substitutes.

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