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In Civil Case No You are being summoned to appear on To Address
in * preliminary earing!

* "ourt earing!

________________________________________ in "ase re pro ibition #or t e manager o# t e "ompany to "on"lude transa"tions on "ompany$s assets % ere your status is t ird party
&pro"edural status' ____________________________________________________________

Vilnius City Distri"t Court! ()A Lais*es a*e+! LT,-./-0 Vilnius! Lit uania! "ourt room No
It is advisable for you to provide diligently and timely in a!!ordan!e "it# t#e pro!eedings all eviden!e under your possession t#at substantiate your !laims or denial $%rt& ' ()*$+, of t#e Code of Civil -ro!edure ,& ________________________________________________

T e "ase is under trial by 1udge2 3r

4lease a*e t e %rit o# summons and your identity do"ument %it a p otograp upon addressing t e "ourt! additionally! please indi"ate t e "ase No upon addressing t e "ourt in %riting+

Se"retary o# Court 5earings

6 mar7 appropriate option

TO .I/NIUS CIT0 1nd 2ISTRICT COURT /aisves ave .ilnius /T34(541 /it#uania

R No____________ Civil Case No


&name and surname or title o# a legal person'

Copy o# t e %rit o# summons to appear in * preliminary earing! * "ourt earing! on at )2-- at Vilnius City 0nd Distri"t Court & ()A Lais*es a*e! Vilnius LT,-./-0! Lit uania! "ourt room No' 5as been re"ei*ed in person by
&name! surname and signature or title o# a legal person! name! surname! signatare o# t e manager! representati*e o# t e managing body or t e o##i"er! and seal' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5as been ser*i"ed not to t e adressee in person ! ____________________________________________________________

&name! surname and relations ip %it t e adressee or title o# t e institution and position! name! surname and signature o# t e person % o signed'

3ar7 re adressee$s re#usal to a""ept t e %rit o# summons or sign t e "erti#i"ate t ereto


T e %rit o# summons as not been ser*i"ed due to ___________________________________________________________

Ser*i"ing person __________________________________________________________________________________________________
&name! surname! position and signature' &Date o# ser*i"e'

6 mar7 appropriate option

Art+ 09: o# t e Code o# Ci*il 4ro"edure o# t e Republi" o# Lit uania & ereina#ter ; CC4'+ In "ase t e plainti##! % o as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing! #ails to appear in "ourt earing! t e "ourt s all postpone t e earing+ T e earing s all also be postponed in "ase t e plainti## is represented by a representati*e in t e "ase and t e plainti## and is representati*e #ail to appear in "ourt earing % ereas t e plainti##$s representati*e as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing+ T e earing may be postponed upon a re<uest o# a plainti## or is representati*e! pro*ided! prior to t e "ourt earing! e submits do"uments substantiating is #ailure to appear and t e "ourt a"7no%ledges t e 1usti#i"ation o# #ailure to appear to be signi#i"ant &generally #ailure to appear due to illness! *a"ation! business trip! business o# t e representati*e in ot er "ases! ot er business and t e li7e are not deemed to be signi#i"ant'+ In ot er "ases t e "ourt! upon a de#endant$s re<uest! s all adopt a de"ision by de#ault in a""ordan"e %it t e pro*isions o# t e Code+ In "ase t e de#endant does not re<uest adoption o# de"ision by de#ault! t e "ourt s all lea*e t e "laim un eard+ In "ase t e de#endant! % o as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing and % o as not appointed a representati*e! #ails to appear in "ourt earing! t e "ourt s all postpone t e earing+ T e earing s all also be postponed in "ase t e de#endant is represented by a representati*e in t e "ase and t e de#endant and is representati*e #ail to appear in "ourt earing % ereas t e de#endant$s representati*e as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing+ T e earing may be postponed upon a re<uest o# t e de#endant or is representati*e! pro*ided! prior to t e "ourt earing! e submits do"uments substantiating is #ailure to appear and t e "ourt a"7no%ledges t e 1usti#i"ation o# #ailure to appear to be signi#i"ant &generally #ailure to appear due to illness! *a"ation! business trip! business o# t e representati*e in ot er "ases! ot er business and t e li7e are not deemed to be signi#i"ant'+ In ot er "ases t e "ourt! upon a plainti##=s re<uest! s all adopt a de"ision by de#ault in a""ordan"e %it t e pro*isions o# t e Code+ In "ase t e plainti## does not re<uest adoption o# de"ision by de#ault! t e "ourt is entitled eit er to postpone t e earing or to ear t e "ase in a""ordan"e %it t e general rules+ Upon postponement o# t e earing! t e "ourt is entitled to impose a #ine up to one t ousand litas on t e party in #ailure to appear! i# legal a"ts set an obligation #or t e party to appear or t e "ourt a"7no%ledges t e party$s appearan"e to be mandatory and t ere is no possibility to adopt a de"ision by de#ault+ In "ase a representati*e o# a party to t e "ase #ails to appear in "ourt earing %it out signi#i"ant 1usti#i"ation and t e earing is postponed due to t e said #ailure! t e "ourt is entitled to impose a #ine up to one t ousand litas on t e representati*e as %ell as a manager o# a legal person! due to % ose #ault t e representati*e #ailed to appear+ 4ro*ided t ere is no in#ormation about 1usti#i"ation on #ailure to appear by bot parties and in "ase t e parties #ail to appear in "ourt earing %it out signi#i"ant 1usti#i"ation and no re<uests to ear t e "ase in absen"e o# t e parties as been re"ei*ed! t e "ourt s all lea*e t e "laim un eard+ 4arti"ipation o# a representati*e o# t e party % o #ailed to appear in "ourt earing s all be deemed to be due parti"ipation o# t e party! e>"ept #or t e "ases % en t e "ourt a"7no%ledges parti"ipation o# t e party in person to be mandatory+ In "ase t e "ourt as a"7no%ledged parti"ipation o# a party in person in "ourt earing to be mandatory and t e party #ails to appear in t e earing! t e "ourt s all adopt a de"ision by de#ault+ Art+ 09( o# t e CC4+ In "ase a t ird party %it out independent "laims! % o as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing and % o as not appointed a representati*e! #ails to appear in "ourt earing! t e "ourt s all postpone t e earing+ T e earing s all also be postponed in "ase a t ird party is represented by a representati*e in t e "ase and t e t ird party and is representati*e #ail to appear in "ourt earing % ereas t e t ird party$s representati*e as not been duly in#ormed about t e time and pla"e o# t e earing+ T e earing may be postponed upon a re<uest o# a t ird party %it out independent "laims or is representati*e! pro*ided! prior to t e "ourt earing! e submits do"uments substantiating is #ailure to appear and t e "ourt a"7no%ledges t e 1usti#i"ation o# #ailure to appear to be signi#i"ant &generally #ailure to appear due to illness! *a"ation! business trip! business o# t e representati*e in ot er "ases! ot er business and t e li7e are not deemed to be signi#i"ant'+ 4ro*ided t ere is no in#ormation about 1usti#i"ation on #ailure to appear or t e "ourt a"7no%ledges t e 1usti#i"ation to be insigni#i"ant! t e "ase may be eard in absen"e o# t e t ird party+ I# t ird parties %it out independent "laims or t eir representati*es #ail to appear in "ourt earing %it out signi#i"ant 1usti#i"ation! t e "ourt is entitled to impose a #ine up to one t ousand litas upon t em as %ell as t e manager o# a legal person! due to % ose #ault t e representati*e #ailed to appear+ Art+ 0?- o# t e CC4+ T e "ourt s all! upon a re<uest o# t e party in presen"e! in a""ordan"e %it t e pro*isions o# t e Code! adopt a de"ision by de#ault against t e party % o #ailed to appear at preliminary "ourt earing and % o as been duly in#ormed about t e earing+ In "ase bot parties! % o a*e been duly in#ormed! #ail to appear at preliminary earing %it out signi#i"ant 1usti#i"ation! t e "ourt may lea*e t e "laim un eard+ T e "ourt may de"ide t at appearan"e o# bot parties as %ell as t ird parties in person is mandatory a""ording to t e nature o# t e "ase+ Art+ 0?. o# t e CC4+ In "ase during t e preliminary earing it turns out t at no additional preliminary a"tions are ne"essary in t e "ase! t e "ourt! upon "onsent o# t e parties! is entitled to enter into *erbal earing o# t e "ase and de"ide on t e "ase rig t a#ter t e preliminary earing %it out adopting a de"ision in a""ordan"e %it Art+ 0?0 o# t e CC4+ In t e latter "ase t e earing s all "ontinue #rom t e stage o# t e "ourt earing+ Art+ .09&0'+ Re#usal o# t e addressee to a""ept t e %rit o# summons or sign t e "erti#i"ate t ereto s all "onstitute its ser*i"e+ Art+ ..(&0' o# t e CC4+ Upon "onsent o# a parti"ipant o# t e "ase! t e "ourt may issue t e pro"edural do"ument to t e said person to be ser*i"ed to t e addressee+

8 8 8 8

Art+ .0?&/'+ % person "#o #as a!!epted t#e "rit of summons in absen!e of t#e addressee s#all servi!e it to t#e addressee upon first possibility available&

3ar7 re parti"ipation in "ourt earing or in per#orman"e o# ot er a"tions _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Se"retary o# Court 5earing
AV &signature' &name and surname'

RU/6S ON S6R.IC6 OF T76 WRIT OF SUMMONS %rt& (1) of t#e Code of Civil -ro!edure of t#e Republi! of /it#uania $#ereinafter : CC-, + .+ 4ro*ided a parti"ipant o# t e "ase is a natural person! pro"edural do"uments s all be ser*i"ed in person to im! and in "ase t e person does not a*e #ull "i*il pro"edural "apa"ity ; to is representati*e by la%+ 0+ 4ro"edural do"uments addressed to legal persons s all be ser*i"ed to t e manager or o##i"er o# a legal person+ ?+ In "ase t e person ser*i"ing t e do"uments #ails to #ind t e addressee at is pla"e o# residen"e or %or7! t e do"ument s all be ser*i"ed to any #amily member o# #ull legal age residing %it t e addressee! e>"ept #or t e "ases % ere #amily members a*e opposite legal interest in t e out"ome o# t e "ase! and in "ase t ere are no su" persons as pro*ided abo*e ; to administration o# t e ouse &"ommunity'! organi@ation responsible #or e>ploitation o# t e #lats! " ie# e>e"uti*e o# t e neig bour ood or t e employer$s administration+ 9+ In "ase t e person ser*i"ing t e do"uments #ails to #ind t e addressee at is registered o##i"e or ot er lo"ation indi"ated by t e legal person! t e pro"edural do"ument s all be ser*i"ed to any employee o# t e legal person present at t e pla"e o# ser*i"e+ In "ase ser*i"e o# pro"edural do"uments at t e address o# t e legal person=s registered o##i"e as registered %it t e Register o# Legal 4ersons is impossible! t e said do"uments s all be ser*i"ed to t e manager o# t e administration o# t e legal person or members o# t e managing bodies as registered %it t e Register o# Legal 4ersons in a""ordan"e %it t e rules appli"able to t e ser*i"e o# do"uments to natural persons as %ell as t eir #amily members o# #ull legal age as pro*ided #or in 4aragrap ? o# t is Arti"le+ /+ Date o# ser*i"e o# a pro"edural do"ument s all be deemed to be t e date % en t e do"uments a*e been ser*i"ed to persons indi"ated in 4aragrap s .,9 o# t is Arti"le+ In "ase t e pro"edural do"ument is ser*i"ed not to t e addressee in person! t e person % o a""epted t e do"ument! s all ser*i"e it to t e addressee upon #irst possibility a*ailable+ :+ Only "opies o# pro"edural do"uments! e>"ept #or t e %rit o# summons and noti#i"ations o# t e "ourt! s all be ser*i"ed to parti"ipants o# a "ase+ %rt& (1* of t#e CC-& .+ T e %rit o# summons and a "opy o# a "laim &appli"ation! "omplaint! rebu## and "ounter,rebu##' s all be ser*i"ed to t e addressee upon signature+ In "ase t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim is being ser*i"ed *ia post! "ourt "ourier or baili##! t e addressee s all sign t e #ormat "erti#i"ate! appro*ed by t e minister o# 1usti"e! one part o# t e "erti#i"ate s all remain to t e addressee and t e ot er &signed and indi"ating t e date o# ser*i"e' s all be returned to t e "ourt+ In "ase t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim is being ser*i"ed not to t e addressee in person! t e person! % o a""epted it! s all indi"ate is name! surname and relations ip %it t e addressee or position in t e "erti#i"ate+ In "ase t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim is being ser*i"ed *ia tele"ommuni"ation means! t e ser*i"e s all be appro*ed in a""ordan"e %it t e rules set by la%s and ot er legal a"ts+ 0+ Re#usal to a""ept t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim or to sign t e "erti#i"ate t ereto s all "onstitute its ser*i"e! unless t e do"uments are being ser*i"ed in a""ordan"e %it t e rules o# Art+ ..(&0' o# t e CC4 &Upon "onsent o# a parti"ipant o# t e "ase! t e "ourt may issue t e pro"edural do"ument to t e said person to be ser*i"ed to t e addressee'+ T e mar7 indi"ating re#usal to a""ept t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim and t e reasons #or re#usal s all be made by t e person ser*i"ing t e do"uments+ In "ase t e %rits o# summons or "opies o# "laims are being ser*i"ed *ia tele"ommuni"ation means! t e person s all be deemed to a*e re#used to a""ept pro"edural do"uments i# e #ails! %it in t ree days as o# t e day o# ser*i"e! to sign t e #ormat "erti#i"ate %it an ele"troni" signature or ot er%ise appro*e t at t e do"uments a*e been ser*i"ed to im+ T e abo*e pro*isions s all also apply in "ases o# re#usal to a""ept t e pro"edural do"uments+ ?+ I# t e %rit o# summons or a "opy o# a "laim "an not be ser*i"ed to t e addressee in person! t e do"uments s all be ser*i"ed upon signature a""ording to t e rules set in Art+ .0?&?,9' and Art+ .0) o# t e CC4 &ser*i"e o# pro"edural do"uments to "urator'! Art+ .?- o# t e CC4 &ser*i"e o# pro"edural do"uments by means o# publi" noti#i"ation'+ 9+ Noti#i"ations and ot er pro"edural do"uments s all be ser*i"ed *ia t e means and in a""ordan"e %it t e rules set by t e CC4 %it out return "erti#i"ate on ser*i"e o# t e do"uments to t e addressee+ In "ase t e do"uments are being ser*i"ed not to t e addressee in person! post o##i"ers! baili##s and "ouriers s all register t e ser*i"e o# a noti#i"ation or ot er pro"edural do"ument in respe"ti*e registers by indi"ating t e addressee! date o# ser*i"e o# t e do"ument! a person % o a""epted t e do"ument and is relations ip %it t e addressee or position+ /+ T e pro*isions o# 4aragrap . o# t is Arti"le re t e #illing and return o# t e #ormat "erti#i"ate! as appro*ed by t e minister o# 1usti"e! s all also apply to t e ser*i"e o# do"uments by a parti"ipant o# t e "ase &Art+ ..(&0''+

Upon servi!e of do!uments a part of t#e "rit of summons s#all be torn off signed by t#e re!eiver and submitted to t#e servi!ing person immediately to be transmitted to t#e !ourt at t#e indi!ated address&

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