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118 E. Quirino Avenue Davao City

Department: ASU/CVTU Month of: Nove !er


Name De"a Cru#$ E &aria T)ere*e Do in'o Irvin' ,e- Po.ot ,u"ie Rio ("e*ta-o /en-e" 0ert 0unie" ,a.1ie Lyn Ra iro ,anna Ve) Leuterio 2ar"o An-rei Da"i*ay San-ra &ay Sa"an' &o*e* ,o)n Ta3an"an'it an %.

Position Unit &ana'er Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e Sta++ Nur*e

16 We d

1 Th!

1" #ri

1$ Sat

%& S!n

%1 Mon

%% T!e

%' We d

%( Th!

%) #ri

%6 Sat

% %" S!n Mon

%$ T!e

'& We d

A& A& A& O(( P& A& P& O(( NO C NO C

4 5 5

A& A& A& O(( P& P& NO C O(( NO C O((

6 5 5

A& NO C P& A& O(( P& NO C A& O(( O((

6 5 5

O(( NO C P& A& O(( NO C P& A& O(( A&

6 5 5

O(( O(( NO C A& P& O(( NO C P& A& A&

6 5 5

A& O(( NO C A& P& O(( NO C P& A& A&

4 5 5

A& A& O(( A& P& A& O(( NO C P& NO C

4 5 5

A& A& O(( NO C P& A& O(( O(( P& NO C

6 5 5

A& A& P& O(( NO C P& A& O(( NO C O((

6 5 5

A& NO C P& O(( NO C P& A& A& O(( O((

6 5 5

O(( O(( NO C P& A& O(( P& A&

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4 5 5

A& P& O(( P& A& O(( O(( NO C A& NO C

6 5 5

A& P& O(( P& A& A& O(( NO C A& NO C

4 5 5

O(( O(( NO C A& A& O(( P&

6 5 5

NO C NO C A& A& P&

6 5 5

Nu !er o+ NOD Per S)i+t


118 E. Quirino Avenue Davao City

ELECT*+E,M*NOR SUR-ER*ES PROCESS #LOW CH.RT E er'en.y Roo 7Tria'e Area8

ENDOSCOP/ UN*T PROCESS #LOW CH.RT E er'en.y Roo 7Tria'e Area8

&e-i.are/Cor9orate : H&O*/Ca*)ier

&e-i.are/Cor9orate : H&O*/Ca*)ier

&inor O9eratin' Roo /A !u"atory

En-o*.o9y Unit

Re.overy Roo

Re.overy Roo

&e-i.are/Cor9orate : H&O*

&e-i.are/Cor9orate : H&O*

S9e.i en to La!oratory

S9e.i en to La!oratory

Ho e/


Ho e/


E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU


118 E. Quirino Avenue Davao City

ER .DM*SS*ON PROCESS #LOW CH.RT E er'en.y Roo 7Tria'e Area8

ER OUTP.T*ENT PROCESS #LOW CH.RT E er'en.y Roo 7Tria'e Area8

Interna" &e-i.ine Unit Interna" &e-i.ine Unit Diarr)ea" Treat ent Unit Pe-iatri. Unit Trau a/Sur'ery Unit O0;<yne Unit I*o"ation Unit Re*u*.itation Unit Diarr)ea" Treat ent Unit Pe-iatri. Unit Trau a/Sur'ery Unit O0;<yne Unit/Interna" E=a ination Roo I*o"ation Unit A..ount* &ana'e ent Se.tion/Ca*)ier

I a'in' Center

I a'in' Center


ER /aitin' Area

Ho e A- i**ion

E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN an %. De"a Cru#$Te"e SN etry Unit A.ute Stro1eEUnit/Car-iova*.u"ar A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU ASU/CVTU


0RONCHOSCOP/ O!tain a *i'ne- 9atient .on*ent 9rior t)e 9ro.e-ure NPO +or > )our* 9rior t)e te*t E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient to re-u.e +ear an- an=iety A- in 9reo9erative e-i.ation* a* 9re*.ri!eRe ove 9atient?* -enture an- ot)er ora" 9ro*t)e*e* NPO 9o*t e=a ination unti" .ou') re+"e= return* On.e 9atient -e on*trate* .ou') re+"e=$ o++er i.e .)i9* an- eventua""y +"ui-* &onitor +or re*9iratory *tatu*$ o!*erve +or )y9o=ia$ )y9oten*ion$ ta.)$ -y*r)yt) ia*$ )e o9ty*i* an- -y*9nea Patient i* not -i*.)ar'e +ro t)e re.overy area unti" a-e@uate .ou') re+"e= an- re*9iratory *tatu* are 9re*ent In*tru.t 9atient an- +a i"y .are'iver* to re9ort *)ortne** o+ !reat) or !"ee-in' i e-iate"y

COMPUTED TOMO-R.PH/ 1CT2 SC.N /it) .ontra*t Liver CT *.an NPO 9o*t ; NPO +or 4 )our* ; NPO 9o*t i-ni')t /it)out .ontra*t ; no *9e.ia" 9re9aration

LoAer an- /)o"e A!-o en i-ni')t " at )our* o+ *"ee9 ea" Ca*tor oi" >B .. or 9)o*9)o*o-a 4C Li')t evenin'

S.)e-u"e CT *.an unit 9rior to *e.urin' a99rova" o+ re@ue*t

M.-NET*C RESON.NCE *M.-*N- 1MR*2 NPO > D 8 )our* 9rior t)e 9ro.e-ure Re ove a"" 3eAe"rie* an- ot)er In+or eta"* ay ta1e >B D EB in t)e 9atient an- t)e +a i"y t)at t)e *tu-y

A**e** 9atient +or ."au*tro9)o!ia$ e=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure an- t)e u*e o+ a ."o*e;+ittin' *.anner to re-u.e an=iety

E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU

Patient ay .)oo*e to u*e a )ea-*et an- "i*ten to !"in-+o"- -urin' t)e 9ro.e-ure

u*i. or to Aear a

SPUTUM STUD*ES In*tru.t t)e 9atient to ."ear t)e no*e an- t)roat an- rin*e Ait) to -e.rea*e .onta ination o+ t)e *9utu out)

A+ter ta1in' +eA -ee9 !reat)*$ t)e 9atient .ou')* u*in' t)e -ia9)ra' an- e=9e.torate into t)e *teri"e .ontainer Patient .an !e in-u.e- to .ou') -ee9"y !y !reat)in' an irritatin' aero*o" or *u9er*aturate- *a"ine 9ro9y"ene '"y.o" or *o e ot)er a'ent* -e"ivere- Ait) an autoi une ne!u"i#er S9e.i en .o""e.tion i* u*ua""y -one in t)e ear"y *e.retion* )ave a..u u"ate- overni')t ornin' a+ter

De"iver to t)e *9e.i en to t)e "a!oratory Ait)in 5 )our* a+ter .o""e.tion

UPPER -.STRO*NTEST*N.L SER*ES 1U-*S2, 0.R*UM ENEM. U<IS an- !ariu ene a .annot !e -one on t)e *a e -ay. U<IS *)ou"!e -one +ir*t U<IS PREPARATION NPO 9o*t i-ni')t i* .o 9"eteNo !rea1+a*t unti" a+ter t)e e=a Li')t evenin' NPO 9o*t ea"*

0ARIU& ENE&A PREPARATION P)o*9)o*o-a 4C .. i-ni')t C"ean*in' ene a 7+or in 9atient*8

.RTER*.L 0LOOD -.S 1.0-2 E=9"ain t)e 9ur9o*e o+ t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient an- )oA it i* 9er+or e-. In+or t)e 9atient t)at t)ey 9ro.e-ure. 2ee9 t)e 9un.ture *ite ."ean. Note +or any unu*ua"itie* on t)e *ite *u.) a* -i*.o"oration* or *evere *Ae""in'. ay e=9erien.e 9ain on t)e *ite a+ter t)e

E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU

Chest 34Ra5 C)e.1 +ir*t i+ t)e 9atient i* 9re'nant. In+or t)e 9)y*i.ian i e-iate"y i+ t)e 9atient i* 9re'nant. E=9"ain t)e 9ur9o*e o+ t)e 9ro.e-ure. Have t)e 9atient .)an'e )i* or )er ."ot)e* Ait) a )o*9ita" 'oAn an)ave t)e +e a"e re ove )er !ra. A**i*t 9atient tran*9ort to t)e ra-io"o'y -e9art ent.

Co6onos7op5 E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient. Se.ure an in+or e- .on*ent 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure. P"a.e t)e 9atient on "i@ui- -iet at noon one -ay 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure or a* t)e 9)y*i.ian or-er*. C"ean*e t)e .o"on 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure +or ea*y vi*ua"i#ation. A**i*t in 9o*itionin' t)e 9atient. T)e 9atient 9o*ition Ait) )i* "e'* -raAn u9 to )i* .)e*t. u*t !e on a *i-e"yin'

Durin' t)e 9ro.e-ure$ t)e 9atient u*t !e onitore- +or .)an'e* in o=y'en *aturation$ vita" *i'n*$ .o"or an- te 9erature o+ t)e *1in$ "eve" o+ .on*.iou*ne**$ a!-o ina" -i*tention$ va'a" re*9on*e$ an- 9ain inten*ity. A+ter t)e 9ro.e-ure$ t)e 9atient u*t !e ."o*e"y an- *y 9to * o+ !oAe" 9er+oration. onitore- +or *i'n* e-iate"y to t)e

In*tru.t 9atient an- Aat.)er to re9ort any !"ee-in' i 9)y*i.ian.

T!8er7!6in S9in Test E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient. C"ean*e t)e area o+ a- ini*tration. A**i*t t)e traine- in-ivi-ua" in t)e a- ini*tration o+ t)e tu!er."e !a.i""u* e=tra.t. In*tru.t t)e 9atient to avoi- tou.)in' or )ar in' t)e *ite o+ in3e.tion an- 1ee9 t)e area ."ean. In+or t)e 9atient t)at a rea-in' Ai"" !e -one 48 to F5 )our* a+ter it* a- ini*tration.


E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU

C)e.1 t)e -o.tor?* or-er Pre9are t)e e@ui9 ent nee-eI-enti+y t)e ri')t 9atient +or t)e 9ro.e-ure E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient in )i*/)er "eve" o+ un-er*tan-in' In*tru.t t)e 9atient to "ie +"at$ in *u9ine 9o*ition on !eProvi-e 9riva.y to t)e 9atient !y ."o*in' t)e -oor or t)e !e- .urtain* Re ove or ro"" u9 t)e ."ot)e* e=9o*in' on"y t)e area to !e u*e-. Do 9ro9er 9"' o+ e"e.tro-e* on t)e 9atient?* .)e*t. In*tru.t 9atient to re"a= an- not to ove -urin' t)e rea-in'. Do a+ter .are an- re+er t)e re*u"t to t)e 9)y*i.ian

ULTR.SOUND 1USD,UT:2 C)e.1 t)e -o.tor?* or-er I-enti+y t)e ri')t 9atient E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient a -ay !e+ore t)e 9ro.e-ure In*tru.t 9atient t)at )e/*)e i* on te 9orary NPO +or 8 D 15 )our*. In*tru.t t)e 9atient to )ave a +u"" urinary !"a--er 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure$ or not to voi- 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure En-or*e t)e 9atient to t)e ra-io"o'y -e9art ent

M.MMO-R.M C)e.1 t)e -o.tor?* or-er I-enti+y t)e ri')t 9atient E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient Se.ure an in+or e- .on*ent +ro E-u.ate t)at t)e 9atient 9ro.e-ure t)e 9atient ay +ee" +"eetin' -i*.o +ort* -urin' t)e

In*tru.t to re ove t)e !ra**iere an- 3eAe"rie* 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure

%4D*MENS*ON.L ECHOCH.RD*O-R.M 1%D4ECHO2 C)e.1 -o.tor?* or-er I-enti+y t)e ri')t 9atient E=9"ain t)e 9ro.e-ure to t)e 9atient

In*tru.t not to ta1e .ar-ia. e-i.ation* 9rior to t)e 9ro.e-ure to 9revent a"teration o+ t)e re*u"t$ 9er -o.tor?* or-er

E an %. De"a Cru#$ SN A.ute Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e etry Unit ASU/CVTU

E an E an %. %. De"a De"a Cru#$ Cru#$ SN SN A.ute A.ute Stro1e Stro1e Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Unit/Car-iova*.u"ar Te"e Te"e etry etry Unit Unit ASU/CVTU ASU/CVTU

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