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1984 EUROPEAN HISTORY SECTION I, 100 Questions, expecte ti!e" #$ !inutes %i&ections" E'c( o) t(e *uestions o& inco!p+ete st'te!ents ,e+o- is )o++o-e ,. )i/e su00este 'ns-e&s o& co!p+etions1 Se+ect t(e one t('t is ,est in e'c( c'se 'n t(en ,+'c2en t(e co&&espon in0 sp'ce on t(e 'ns-e& s(eet1 11 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 !ost 'ccu&'te+. st'tes 4'&tin 5ut(e&6s ,'sic &e+i0ious ,e+ie) 's ' +e' e& o) t(e P&otest'nt Re)o&!'tion7 8A9 4on'sticis! is t(e (i0(est c'++in01 8:9 Pe&son'+ -o&2s !'tte& !o&e t('n ,e+ie)s1 (C) Faith is the key to salvation. 8%9 C(&isti'ns '&e (ot su,;ect to secu+'& 'ut(o&it.1 8E9 C(&isti'ns s(ou+ s(o- to+e&'nce to-'& ot(e& )'it(s1 FRENCH UNITE TO PROTECT REVOLUTION SERBIA GALVANIZES SLAVS GERMAN UNIFICATION COMPLETED <1 T(e ne-sp'pe& (e' +ines ',o/e &e)+ect 'ttitu es 'ssoci'te -it( 8A9 ni(i+is! 8:9 !i+it'&is! 8C9 4'&xis! 8%9 +i,e&'+is! (E) nationalism =1 %u&in0 t(e Ren'iss'nce, (u!'nis! cont&i,ute 5EAST to -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in07 (A) Popularization of medieval legends 8:9 Rene-e inte&est in o&i0in'+ >&ee2 'n Ro!'n !'nusc&ipts 8C9 %e/e+op!ent o) !o e&n n'tion'+ +'n0u'0es 8%9 P&o!otion o) +i,e&'+ '&ts e uc'tion 8E9 Re)ine!ents in soci'+ !'nne&s 'n pe&son'+ (',its 41 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 st'te!ents ',out 4ic(e+ e 4ont'i0ne 81$==?1$9<9 is t&ue7 8A9 He -'s ' st'unc( ' /oc'te o) /io+ent &e/o+ution1 8:9 He -'s t(e 0&e'test scientist o) (is '0e1 8C9 He -'s t(e +e' in0 't(eist o) (is centu&.1 ( ) !e "as the #est kno"n skepti$ of his time. 8E9 He -'s t(e +e' in0 !i+it'&. st&'te0ist o) (is e&'1 $1 @A p&ince s(ou+ ('/e on+. one en 'n one i e' in !in , t'2e on+. one su,;ect )o& stu ., 'n it is -'&, its science 'n iscip+ineA )o& it is t(e on+. science t('t e'+s -it( t(e &u+e&6s p&o,+e!s1 1 1 1 BSuccess in -'&C not on+. !'int'ins t(ose ,o&n to p&ince o!s ,ut o)ten c'uses !en o) p&i/'te o&i0in to &ise to t('t &'n21 11 1 T(e )i&st c'use o) +osin0 po-e& is t(e ne0+ect o) t(is '&tA t(e c'use o) -innin0 po-e& +ies in its !'ste&.1D In -&itin0 t(e p'ss'0e ',o/e, 4'c(i'/e++i &e- on (is o,se&/'tions o) 8A9 )eu '+ -'&)'&e in !e ie/'+ Eu&ope (%) "arfare among the &talian $ity'states 8C9 sixteent(?centu&. &e+i0ious -'&s 8%9 -'&)'&e '!on0 t(e Eu&ope'n co+oni'+ po-e&s 8E9 -'&)'&e u&in0 t(e C&us' es

E1 A sixteent(?centu&. t&'/e+e& -ou+ ('/e ,een !ost +i2e+. to encounte& t(is o) '&c(itectu&e in -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 Eu&ope'n count&ies7 (A) (pain 8:9 F&'nce 8C9 >e&!'n. 8%9 En0+'n 8E9 S-e en #1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 &esu+te )&o! t(e En0+is( Re)o&!'tion7 8A9 I!!e i'te -(o+es'+e pe&secution o) C't(o+ics in En0+'n (%) Esta#lishment of the English monar$h as head of the Chur$h of England 8C9 T(e pope6s n'!in0 o) Hen&. GIII 's @%e)en e& o) t(e F'it(D 8%9 P'p'+ &eco0nition o) t(e En0+is( c(u&c( 's in epen ent, ,ut sti++ '))i+i'te -it( Ro!e 8E9 A &e/o+t ,. !e!,e&s o) t(e En0+is( '&istoc&'c. oppose to t(e Re)o&!'tion

81 T(e p'intin0 s(o-n ',o/e, @Hu it( 'n Ho+o)e&nesD ,. A&te!isi' >enti+esc(i, is istin0uis(e ,. its &'!'tic t&e't!ent o) t(e su,;ect, 'n o/e&siIe c'n/'s, 'n intensi)ie use o) +i0(t 'n s(' o-1 T(e '&t !o/e!ent it &ep&esents is -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in07 (A) %aro)ue 8:9 Re'+is! 8C9 I!p&essionis! 8%9 Su&&e'+is! 8E9 Neoc+'ssicis!

91 O) t(e )o++o-in0, t(e !';o& po+itic'+ opponent o) t(e Ho+. Ro!'n E!pe&o& C('&+es G -'s 8A9 Pope C+e!ent GII 8:9 Hen&. GIII o) En0+'n 8C9 >ust'/us A o+p(us o) S-e en ( ) Fran$is & of Fran$e 8E9 P(i+ip II o) Sp'in 101 T(e +e' e&s o) t(e P&otest'nt Re)o&!'tion ('/e ,een i/i e ,. so!e conte!po&'&. Re)o&!'tion (isto&i'ns into ' @&i0(t -in0D 'n ' @+e)t -in01D O) t(e )o++o-in0, -(o is t(e on+. one -(o !'. ,e s'i to ('/e ,e+on0e to t(e +e)t7 8A9 4'&tin 5ut(e& 8:9 Ho(n Jnox 8C9 P(i+ipp 4e+'nc(t(on ( ) *homas +,nzer 8E9 Ho(n C'+/in And New Philosoph !"lls "ll in do#$%& The ele'en% o( Fi)e is *#i%e p#% o#%+ The S#n is los%& "nd %h, E")%h& "nd no '"n,s wi% C"n well di)e!% hi' whe)e %o loo- (o) i%. 111 T(ese /e&ses ,. Ho(n %onne 81$#=?1E=19 &e)e& to t(e scienti)ic -o&2 o) 8A9 H'&/e. 8:9 5eeu-en(oe2 (C) Coperni$us 8%9 P'&'ce+sus 8E9 Pto+e!. 1<1 In t(e pe&io )&o! Co+u!,us6s isco/e&. o) t(e A!e&ic's to t(e A!e&ic'n Re/o+ution '++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 0oo s -e&e i!po&te )&o! t(e Ne- 3o&+ to Eu&ope in +'&0e *u'ntities EKCEPT 8A9 su0'& 8:9 0o+ (C) iron ore 8%9 )u&s 8E9 to,'cco 1=1 @A++ I c'n o is ,e0 ou& /i&tuous +' ies to &'ise t(ei& !in s so!e-('t ',o/e t(ei& ist')) 'n spin +es 'n t&. to p&o/e to t(e -o&+ t('t i) -e -e&e not !' e to co!!'n , sti++ -e s(ou+ not ,e is 'ine 's co!p'nions in o!estic 'n pu,+ic !'tte&s ,. t(ose -(o 0o/e&n 'n co!!'n o,e ience1D In t(e exce&pt ',o/e )&o! ' +ette& -&itten in 1$$$ ,. t(e F&enc( poet 5ouise 5',L, t(e 'ut(o& oes -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in07 8A9 Re;ects o!estic &o+es )o& -o!en1 (%) Champions "omen-s intelle$tual a#ilities. 8C9 Con e!ns t(e F&enc( sc(oo+ s.ste!1 8%9 Encou&'0es -o!en to see2 pu,+ic o))ice1 8E9 Asse&ts t(e soci'+ supe&io&it. o) -o!en1

Questions 14?1$ &e)e& to t(e )o++o-in0 st'te!ent" Sel(/in%e)es% d)i0es people %o "!%ion "nd %he In0isi$le H"nd o( !o'pe%i%ion "!%s "s "n "#%o'"%i! )e1#l"%o) so %h"% %he '")-e% will 1ene)"%e we"l%h (o) %he n"%ion. 141 T(e 'ut(o& o) t(is p'ss'0e -ou+ ('/e '0&ee -it( -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 st'te!ents7 8A9 >o/e&n!ent &e0u+'tion o) t(e !'&2et (e+ps to p&o!ote ' (e'+t(. econo!.1 8:9 Peop+e -i++ p&o uce 'cco& in0 to t(ei& ',i+ities 'n ,e co!pens'te 'cco& in0 to t(ei& nee s1 8C9 In i/i u'+ se+)?inte&est, (o-e/e& en+i0(tene , -i++ est&o. t(e !'&2et1 ( ) .overnment must not interfere "ith the market me$hanism if it is to perform properly. 8E9 3e'+t( -i++ ,e i/i e e*u'++. ,. t(e !'&2et !ec('nis!1 1$1 T(e i e's exp&esse in t(e p'ss'0e '&e )un '!ent'+ to t(e econo!ic t(eo&ies o) 8A9 soci'+is! (%) $apitalism 8C9 !e&c'nti+is! 8%9 co!!unis! 8E9 )'scis! 1E1 In F&enc( po+itic'+ (isto&. t(e .e'&s 1814, 18=0, 'n 1848 '&e 2no-n, &especti/e+., )o& t(e 8A9 execution o) 5ouis KGI, t(e &esto&'tion o) t(e :ou&,ons, 'n t(e est',+is(!ent o) t(e P'&is Co!!une 8:9 &esto&'tion o) t(e :ou&,ons, t(e e+ection o) 5ouis N'po+eon :on'p'&te 's p&esi ent 'n t(e est',+is(!ent o) t(e P'&is Co!!une 8C9 Hu+. Re/o+ution o) 5ouis P(i+ippe, t(e &esto&'tion o) t(e :ou&,ons, 'n t(e )oun in0 o) t(e Secon Repu,+ic ( ) restoration of the %our#ons/ the 0uly 1evolution of 2ouis Philippe/ and the founding of the (e$ond 1epu#li$ 8E9 &esto&'tion o) t(e :ou&,ons, t(e Hu+. Re/o+ution o) 5ouis P(i+ippe, 'n t(e co&on'tion o) N'po+eon I++ 's F&enc( e!pe&o& 1#1 T(e n'tion (' ,een totte&in0 on t(e /e&0e o) !i+it'&. insu&&ection since it ,ec'!e ' &epu,+ic in 19=1, ,ec'use t(e Repu,+ic'ns inc+u e not on+. !o e&'te !i +e?c+'ss +i,e&'+s ,ut ' -i e '&&'. o) ext&e!ists1 111 A &e/o+t ,. t(e '&!. +e to ci/i+ -'&, in -(ic( e'c( si e &ecei/e 'i )&o! outsi e n'tions, -(ic( se&/e to t&'ns)o&! t(e +oc'+ con)+ict into 'n inte&n'tion'+ i eo+o0ic'+ -'&1 T(e n'tion esc&i,e ',o/e -'s (A) (pain 8:9 It'+. 8C9 Po+'n 8%9 Yu0os+'/i' 8E9 A+0e&i' 181 Ei0(teent(?centu&. popu+'&iIe&s o) t(e se/enteent(?centu&. scienti)ic &e/o+ution -ou+ ('/e +i2e+. '0&ee -it( -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 st'te!ents7 8A9 >o inte&/enes 'cti/e+. in t(e uni/e&se6s ope&'tion1 8:9 Un e&st'n in0 t(e n'tu&'+ o& e& is ,e.on (u!'n co!p&e(ension1 8C9 Hu!'ns '&e i!pe&)ect 'n -ic2e ,. n'tu&e1 ( ) 3nderlying natural la"s govern so$iety. 8E9 Respect )o& t&' ition ensu&es (u!'n p&o0&ess1 191 T(e Counci+ o) T&ent 81$4$?1$E=9 -'s t(e !';o& ,o . t(&ou0( -(ic( 8A9 Sp'in st&en0t(ene its position '0'inst t(e Tu&2s 8:9 t(e (ouse o) H'ps,u&0 0'ine cont&o+ o/e& It'+. (C) the 1oman Catholi$ $hur$h reformed itself 8%9 Eu&ope'n st'tes ente&e into econo!ic coope&'tion 8E9 Pu&it'ns 'n C't(o+ics -e&e &econci+e !ost

<01 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is NOT t&ue o) t(e E ict o) N'ntes 81$9897 8A9 It -'s issue ,. Hen&. IG o) F&'nce1 8:9 It '++o-e t(e p&'ctice o) P&otest'ntis! in F&'nce1 (C) &t "as responsi#le for the (t. %artholome"-s ay massa$re. 8%9 It -'s &e/o2e ,. 5ouis KIG1 8E9 It -'s 'ccepte ,. t(e F&enc( Hu0uenots1 <11 T(e %utc( Repu,+ic &ose to p&o!inence in se/enteent(?centu&. Eu&ope ,ec'use o) -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 )'cto&s7 8A9 Its '0&icu+tu&'+ inno/'tions 8:9 Its !i+it'&. st&en0t( 8C9 Its +ite&'&. c&e'ti/it. 8%9 Its &e+i0ious unit. (E) &ts shipping and $ommer$e <<1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s !ost t.pic'+ o) p&e?in ust&i'+ Eu&ope'n /i++'0e societ.7 8A9 Sin0+e?c&op '0&icu+tu&'+ p&o uction (%) omesti$ manufa$ture of most household goods 8C9 Up-'& econo!ic !o,i+it. )&o! one 0ene&'tion to t(e next 8%9 5o- in)'nt?!o&t'+it. &'tes 8E9 5on0 +i)e expect'nc. <=1 Acco& in0 to t(e t(eo&. o) !e&c'nti+is!, co+onies s(ou+ ,e 8A9 0&'nte in epen ence 's soon 's possi,+e (%) a$)uired as markets and sour$es of ra" materials 8C9 consi e&e 'n econo!ic ,u& en )o& t(e co+oni'+ po-e& 8%9 use 's sett+e!ent '&e's )o& su&p+us popu+'tion 8E9 encou&'0e to e/e+op t(ei& o-n in ust&ies <41 T(e &e/o+t '0'inst F&'nce6s inc&e'sin0+. cent&'+iIe !on'&c(. in 1E48?1E$< is 0ene&'++. 2no-n 's 8A9 t(e 4'I'&in' e 8:9 Co+,e&tis! (C) the Fronde 8%9 t(e sei0e o) 5' Roc(e++e 8E9 t(e P'IIi Conspi&'c. <$1 Po+'n 6s ec+ine 's ' !';o& po+itic'+ entit. u&in0 t(e se/enteent( centu&. c'n ,e 'tt&i,ute +'&0e+. to 8A9 t(e )'i+u&e o) t(e p'p'c. to &eco0niIe t(e +e0iti!'c. o) t(e Po+is( 2in0s 8:9 ' popu+'tion ec+ine &esu+tin0 )&o! t(e T(i&t. Ye'&s6 3'& 8C9 t(e con*uest o) t(e 2in0 o! ,. t(e Otto!'n Tu&2s 8%9 )'i+u&e o) t(e uni/e&sities to c&e'te ' +ite&'te '&istoc&'c. (E) the a#sen$e of a po"erful $entral authority <E1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue ',out t(e &u+e&s o) ,ot( Aust&i' 'n P&ussi' u&in0 t(e 1# t( centu&.7 8A9 T(e. p'tte&ne t(ei& societ. ')te& t('t o) t(e Otto!'n E!pi&e1 8:9 T(e. succee e in '/oi in0 -'& )o& !ost o) t(e centu&.1 8C9 T(e. c&e'te cent&'+iIe , uni)ie n'tion?st'tes1 8%9 T(e. ',o+is(e se&) o!1 (E) *hey maintained permanent standing armies.

<#1 T(e concept o) t(e Eu&ope'n ,'+'nce o) po-e&, 's it e!e&0e ,. t(e en o) t(e ei0(teent( 'n t(e ,e0innin0 o) t(e nineteent( centu&ies, (' -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 's its !ost )un '!ent'+ 'i!7 8A9 T(e e+i!in'tion o) -'& 's 'n inst&u!ent o) inte&n'tion'+ &e+'tions (%) *he prevention of the preponderan$e of one po"er in Europe 8C9 An 'pp&oxi!'te ,'+'nce ,et-een t(e +'n 'n t(e se' po-e&s 8%9 Iso+'tion o) con)+ict to ce&t'in conteste +'n '&e's 8E9 T(e i/ision o) Eu&ope into t-o 0&oups o) st'tes, ,ot( 'pp&oxi!'te+. e*u'+ in potenti'+ !i+it'&. po-e& <81 Su&0eon ,'&,e&s o) t(e p&ein ust&i'+ pe&io '&e 0ene&'++. 'ssoci'te -it( -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 t&e't!ents )o& i++ness 'n ise'se7 8A9 He&,'+ !e icines 8:9 Exo&cis! 8C9 @Touc(in0D ,. t(e 2in0 8%9 Qu'&'ntine (E) %loodletting <91 O) t(e )o++o-in0, -(ic( settin0 p&o/i e un!'&&ie -o!en in p&ein ust&i'+ Eu&ope -it( t(e 0&e'test oppo&tunit. to exe&cise t(ei& +ite&'&., '&tistic, 'n ' !inist&'ti/e t'+ents7 8A9 >o/e&n!ent counci+s (%) Convents 8C9 >ui+ s 8%9 Uni/e&sities 8E9 :'n2in0 (ouses =01 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s ' pe&sistent c'use o) '0it'tion 'n p&otests ,. t(e P'&isi'n +o-e& c+'sses in t(e ei0(teent( centu&.7 8A9 E))o&ts to &ei!pose t(e 0ui+ s.ste! 8:9 :ou&0eois e!'n s )o& ' 0&e'te& /oice in 0o/e&n!ent 8C9 5'/is( isp+'.s o) -e'+t( ,. t(e c+e&0. 8%9 F&ust&'tion o) '&tis'ns6 'tte!pts to o&0'niIe into unions (E) (u#stantial in$reases in the $ost of #read =11 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 (' t(e +'&0est popu+'tion in 1#E=7 (A) Fran$e 8:9 S-e en 8C9 En0+'n 8%9 Aust&i' 8E9 Sp'in =<1 @Since&e+. in)+uence ,. t(e i e's o) t(e En+i0(ten!ent, t(is !on'&c( ',o+is(e c'pit'+ punis(!ent, est',+is(e e*u'+it. ,e)o&e t(e +'-, )&ee t(e se&)s, c&e'te ' s.ste! o) p&i!'&. e uc'tion, est',+is(e &e+i0ious to+e&'tion, 'n ti0(tene t(e cont&o+ o) t(e st'te o/e& t(e est',+is(e c(u&c(1D T(e en+i0(tene espot esc&i,e ',o/e -'s 8A9 C't(e&ine t(e >&e't o) Russi' (%) 0oseph && of Austria 8C9 4'&i' T(e&es' o) Aust&i' 8%9 F&e e&ic2 t(e >&e't o) P&ussi' 8E9 C('&+es III o) Sp'in ==1 T(e p&i!'&. 0o'+ o) F&'nce in ente&in0 t(e T(i&t. Ye'&s6 3'& -'s to 8A9 e)en C't(o+icis! '0'inst >e&!'n P&otest'nts (%) redu$e the po"er of the !aps#urgs 8C9 punis( t(e S-e is( 2in0, >ust'/us A o+p(us 8%9 con*ue& :&'n en,u&0?P&ussi' 8E9 p+'ce ' :ou&,on on t(e Sp'nis( t(&one

=41 %istu&,'nces in :e+0iu!, F&'nce, >e&!'n., 'n It'+. ,et-een 18=0 'n 18=< c'n ,est ,e exp+'ine 's !'ni)est'tions o) 8A9 &e+i0ious &e/i/'+is! in t(e )'ce o) !'te&i'+is! 'n secu+'&is! 8:9 ' co!!unist o))ensi/e '0'inst t(e c'pit'+ists 8C9 ' c&us' e ,. &o!'ntic inte++ectu'+s to o/e&t(&o- c+'ssicis! 8%9 stu ent c'!p'i0ns )o& 'ccess to (i0(e& e uc'tion 'n t(e p&o)essions (E) li#eral and nationalist dissatisfa$tion "ith the 1estoration politi$al order =$1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue o) F&e e&ic2 3i++i'! I, 2in0 o) P&ussi' )&o! 1#1=?1#407 8A9 He +i/e +'/is(+. o)) t(e t'xes t('t (is ,u&e'uc&'c. co++ecte 1 (%) !e #uilt a first'rate army and infused Prussian so$iety "ith military values. 8C9 He &e)use to e!p+o. co!!one&s in (is ,u&e'uc&'c.1 8%9 He &ec&uite t'++ so+ ie&s )&o! '++ o) Eu&ope to )i0(t in (is )&e*uent -'&s1 8E9 He encou&'0e t(e e/e+op!ent o) +oc'+ se+)?0o/e&n!ent1 =E1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue o) t(e Ro!'ntic !o/e!ent in e'&+. nineteent(?centu&. Eu&ope7 8A9 It oppose e!otion'+ exu,e&'nce 'n excess 8:9 It s(unne t(e stu . 'n -&itin0 o) (isto&. (C) &t "as/ in part/ a rea$tion to the $lassi$ism of an earlier period 8%9 A!on0 t(e '&ts, its in)+uence -'s )e+t '+!ost exc+usi/e+. in !usic 8E9 It e!p('siIe ' (e&ence to uni/e&s'++. 'ccepte st'n '& s in t(e '&ts =#1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 )'ci+it'te t(e counte&?&e/o+ution'&. t&iu!p( -it(in t(e H'ps,u&0 E!pi&e in 18497 8A9 T(e ' option o) ' ne- constitution t('t p&o/i e )o& &e0ion'+ 'utono!. 8:9 T(e +o.'+t. o) t(e S+'/s 'n t(e >e&!'ns to t(e !on'&c(. 8C9 T(e neut&'+it. o) Se&,i' 8%9 T(e !i+it'&. inte&/ention ,. t(e Otto!'n E!pi&e (E) *he la$k of $ooperation among nationalities in the !aps#urg Empire =81 @As (isto&i'ns )&o! J'&+ 4'&x t(&ou0( >eo&0es 5e)e,/&e 'n A+,e&t So,ou+ ('/e '&0ue , t(e !'in 'cco!p+is(!ent o) t(e F&enc( Re/o+ution -'s to ',o+is( )eu '+is! in F&'nce 'n to c+e'& t(e 0&oun )o& c'pit'+ist econo!ic exp'nsion 'n t(e &u+e o) t(e ,ou&0eoisie1D 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 /ie-s is consistent -it( t(e inte&p&et'tion ',o/e7 8A9 T(e Re/o+ution st&en0t(ene t(e o!in'tion o) +'n e p&op&ieto&s in F&'nce (%) *he 1evolution eliminated guilds/ seigneurial rights/ and other o#sta$les to Fren$h agri$ultural and industrial advan$e 8C9 T(e +on0?te&! t&'nsition )&o! )eu '+is! to c'pit'+is! occu&&e o/e& !'n. centu&ies, not ,et-een 1#89 'n 1#94 8%9 T(e Re/o+ution ',o+is(e p&i/'te p&ope&t. in F&'nce 'n t(us c&e'te ' !o e&n e!oc&'tic societ. 8E9 :ot( ,e)o&e 'n ')te& t(e Re/o+ution, F&'nce -'s &u+e ,. +e' e&s &'-n )&o! t(e &'n2s o) t(e no,i+it. 'n ,ou&0eoisie =91 A !';o& &e/o+ution'&. i e'+ sp&e' t(&ou0(out Eu&ope ,. t(e F&enc( '&!ies u&in0 t(e Re/o+ution'&. 'n t(e N'po+eonic pe&io s -'s t('t (A) $areers should #e open to talented individuals from all $lasses 8:9 -o&2e&s ('/e t(e &i0(t to )o&! +',o& unions 'n ,'&0'in co++ecti/e+. 8C9 e/e&. in i/i u'+ is entit+e to ' )&ee, pu,+ic e uc'tion 8%9 p&i/'te p&ope&t. s(ou+ ,e ',o+is(e 8E9 t(e '0e 'n t(e in)i&! s(ou+ ('/e t(e &i0(t to pu,+ic suppo&t

401 %u&in0 1#9=?1#94, Ro,espie&&e 'n t(e Co!!ittee o) Pu,+ic S')et. o-e !uc( o) t(ei& in)+uence to t(e suppo&t o) 8A9 C't(o+ics 'n0e&e ,. t(e Ci/i+ Constitution o) t(e C+e&0. 8:9 +i,e&'+ no,+es e'0e& to p&o!ote econo!ic p&o0&ess (C) a group of small property o"ners and "age la#orers in Paris "ho "ere $on$erned a#out high food pri$es 8%9 in ust&i'+ -o&2e&s in P'&is 'n 5.on -(o -e&e 'n0&. ',out con itions in t(e ne-+. opene cotton !i++s 8E9 p&o/inci'+ !i +e?c+'ss ,usiness!en conce&ne ',out excessi/e cent&'+iI'tion o) 0o/e&n!ent 411 T(e Pe'ce o) Ut&ec(t 81#1=?1#149 '+te&e t(e ,'+'nce o) po-e& in Eu&ope ,. (A) $he$king Fren$h e4pansion 8:9 ec&e'sin0 Aust&i'n te&&ito&i'+ (o+ in0s 8C9 ec&e'sin0 En0+'n 6s co+oni'+ e!pi&e 8%9 0&'ntin0 so/e&ei0nt. o/e& :e+0iu! to t(e Net(e&+'n s 8E9 0&'ntin0 in epen ence to Sp'in6s Ne- 3o&+ co+onies

4<1 T(e in ent'tions 't points K 'n Y on ,ot( si es o) t(e 0&'p( ',o/e '&e ,est exp+'ine 's t(e &esu+t o) t(e 8A9 &ou0(t 'n poo& c&op .ie+ s u&in0 t(e Fi&st 'n Secon 3o&+ 3'&s (%) lo" num#er of #irths during the First and (e$ond 5orld 5ars 8C9 in)+uenI' epi e!ics )o++o-in0 t(e Fi&st 'n Secon 3o&+ 3'&s 8%9 epo&t'tion o) F&enc( citiIens ,. >e&!'n. u&in0 t(e Fi&st 'n Secon 3o&+ 3'&s 8E9 !i+it'&. +osses su))e&e ,. F&'nce in t(e In oc(inese 'n A+0e&i'n -'&s 4=1 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 -e&e 'spects o) +i)e in t(e +'&0est cities o) 3este&n Eu&ope u&in0 t(e ('+) o) t(e nineteent( centu&. EKCEPT 8A9 inc&e'sin0 '/'i+',i+it. o) -('t (' ,een +uxu&. )oo stu))sMsu0'&, te', 'n !e'tMto t(e +o-e& !i +e c+'sses 8:9 sens'tion'+ist t',+oi ne-sp'pe&s co/e&in0 ,ot( n'tion'+ 'n inte&n'tion'+ ne-s 8C9 si0ni)ic'nt nu!,e&s o) -o&2e&s &esponsi/e to soci'+ist i eo+o0. ( ) de$lining standards of pu#li$ health and life e4pe$tan$y 8E9 inc&e'sin0 n'tion'+is! '!on0 t(e u&,'n popu+'tions 441 P&ince J+e!ens /on 4ette&nic( use t(e >e&!'nic Con)e e&'tion to (A) oppose li#eralism and nationalism in Central Europe 8:9 encou&'0e t(e penet&'tion o) F&'nce into t(e >e&!'n st'tes 8C9 p&e/ent :&itis( !i+it'&. o!in'tion o) t(e Eu&ope'n continent 8%9 'i t(e sp&e' o) &' ic'+is! in t(e >e&!'n st'tes 8E9 !'2e P&ussi' t(e o!in'nt po-e& '!on0 t(e >e&!'n st'tes +'tte&

4$1 E+iI',et( I o) En0+'n 'n (e& conte!po&'&., Hen&. IG o) F&'nce1 ('/e ,een c'++e ,ec'use t(e. ,e+ie/e t('t 8A9 oct&in'+ unit. -'s necess'&. to po+itic'+ unit. 8:9 &e+i0ious *uestions -e&e 's i!po&t'nt 's po+itic'+ *uestions 8C9 &e+i0ion -'s t(e !ost i!po&t'nt p'&t o) po+itics 8%9 po+itic'+ +e' e&s s(ou+ not ,e in/o+/e in &e+i0ious *uestions (E) theologi$al $ontroversy should #e su#ordinate to politi$al unity P6P32A*&67 .165*! &7 *!E 7&7E*EE7*! CE7*31Y Popu+'tion SiIe 8!i++ions9 F&'nce >&e't :&it'in 1800 <8 11 18$0 =E <1 1900 41 =# A/e&'0e >&o-t( R'tes pe& Annu! 1800?18$0 014#N 11=0N 18$0?1900 01<$N 1114N


4E1 T(e i))e&ence ,et-een F&enc( 'n :&itis( popu+'tion 0&o-t( -'s p&i!'&i+. c'use ,. t(e 8A9 e'&+ie& ' option o) ,i&t( cont&o+ in >&e't :&it'in (%) earlier adoption of #irth $ontrol in Fran$e 8C9 (i0(e& +e/e+ o) in)'nt !o&t'+it. in >&e't :&it'in 8%9 (i0(e& &ep&o uction &'te in F&'nce 8E9 0&e'te& +oss o) popu+'tion in >&e't :&it'in ue to -'&s 4#1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 ,est c('&'cte&iIes t(e soci'+ st&uctu&e o) t(e >e&!'n E!pi&e in18#17 (A) A $onservative $ompromise #et"een the old aristo$ra$y and the ne" middle $lass 8:9 T(e t&iu!p( o) t(e !i +e c+'ss 8C9 An e*uit',+e )e e&'tion o) t(e t&' ition'+ >e&!'n st'tes 8%9 An '!ic',+e co!p&o!ise ,et-een t(e !i +e c+'ss 'n t(e in ust&i'+ p&o+et'&i't 8E9 T(e t&iu!p( o) t(e in ust&i'+ e'st o/e& t(e '0&'&i'n -est 481 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 esc&i,es t(e C'&,on'&i7 8A9 4e!,e&s o) ' union o) co'+ !ine&s (%) +em#ers of a se$ret revolutionary so$iety 8C9 A 0&oup o) t'x co++ecto&s on t(e R(ine 8%9 4e!,e&s o) t(e It'+i'n Co!!unist P'&t. 8E9 A se+ecte )o&ce o) Tu&2is( c'/'+&. 491 @His ent(usi's! )o& scienti)ic !et(o , (is ,e+ie) t('t e/e&.t(in0 cou+ ,e &e uce to !'t(e!'tic'+ te&!s, 'n (is insistence on s.ste!'tic ou,t o) '++ e'&+ie& t(eo&ies +e)t ' p&o)oun !'&2 on t(e t(in2in0 o) scientists in t(e next t-o centu&ies1 T(e p'ss'0e ',o/e is ' esc&iption o) t(e -o&2 o) 8A9 F&'ncis :'con 8:9 T.c(o :&'(e 8C9 Is''c Ne-ton ( ) 1en8 es$artes 8E9 :'&uc( SpinoI' $01 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue o) C'& in'+ Ric(e+ieu 81$8$?1E4<97 8A9 He +e t(e F&enc( c(u&c( in opposition to t(e !on'&c(.1 8:9 He expe++e t(e Hu0uenots )&o! F&'nce1 (C) !e strengthened the intendant method of lo$al government. 8%9 He e))ecti/e+. ',o+is(e t(e s'+e o) o))ices 'n t'x )'&!in0 in F&'nce1 8E9 He suppo&te t(e F&enc( no,i+it. '0'inst t(e !on'&c(.1

$11 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 ,est esc&i,es t(e C(&isti'n (u!'nis! o) E&'s!us7 8A9 A co!p+ete ,&e'2 -it( Ro!'n C't(o+ic t(eo+o0. 8:9 A e)ense o) in i/i u'+ inte&p&et'tion o) t(e :i,+e (C) *he appli$ation of 1enaissan$e s$holarship to )uestions of e$$lesiasti$al 9 moral reform 8%9 A &etu&n to t(e Sc(o+'stic t(eo+o0. o) T(o!'s A*uin's 8E9 A p+e' )o& ' &etu&n to !on'sticis! 's t(e (i0(est C(&isti'n c'++in0 Questions $<?$= &e)e& to t(e )o++o-in0 ocu!ent1 T(e N'tion'+ Asse!,+., consi e&in0 t('t it ('s ,een su!!one to est',+is( t(e constitution o) t(e 2in0 o!, to e))ect t(e &e0ene&'tion o) pu,+ic o& e&, 'n to !'int'in t(e t&ue p&incip+es o) !on'&c(.A t('t not(in0 c'n p&e/ent it )&o! continuin0 its e+i,e&'tions in -('te/e& p+'ce it !'. ,e )o&ce to est',+is( itse+)A 'n , )in'++., t('t -(e&esoe/e& its !e!,e&s '&e 'sse!,+e , %he)e is t(e N'tion'+ Asse!,+.A %ec&ees t('t '++ !e!,e&s o) t(is Asse!,+. s('++ i!!e i'te+. t'2e ' so+e!n o't( not to sep'&'te, 'n to &e'sse!,+e -(e&e/e& ci&cu!st'nces &e*ui&e, unti+ t(e constitution o) t(e 2in0 o! is est',+is(e 'n conso+i 'te upon )i&! )oun 'tionsA 'n t('t, t(e s'i o't( t'2en, '++ !e!,e&s 'n e'c( one o) t(e! in i/i u'++. s('++ &'ti). t(is ste' )'st &eso+ution ,. si0n'tu&e1 $<1 T(is ocu!ent &eco& s 'n o't( o) unit. t'2en ,. !e!,e&s o) t(e 8A9 En0+is( P'&+i'!ent in t(ei& opposition to C('&+es I, t(us !'&2in0 t(e ,e0innin0 o) t(e Pu&it'n &e/o+t 8:9 En0+is( P'&+i'!ent in t(ei& opposition to H'!es II, t(us !'&2in0 t(e ,e0innin0 o) t(e >+o&ious Re/o+ution 8C9 Fi&st Continent'+ Con0&ess in t(ei& opposition to >eo&0e III, t(us !'&2in0 t(e ,e0innin0 o) t(e A!e&ic'n Re/o+ution'&. 3'& ( ) Fren$h Estates .eneral in opposition to 2ouis :;&/ thus marking the #eginning of the Fren$h 1evolution 8E9 F&enc( +e0is+'ti/e 'sse!,+. in &esponse to t(e e)e't o) N'po+eon 1, t(us !'&2in0 t(e &esto&'tion o) t(e F&enc( !on'&c(. $=1 T(is '0&ee!ent is co!!on+. 2no-n 's t(e 8A9 %ec+'&'tion o) t(e Ri0(ts o) 4'n 'n CitiIen 8:9 O't( o) Sup&e!'c. 8C9 C'&+s,' %ec&ees ( ) *ennis Court 6ath 8E9 Petition o) Ri0(t $41 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 -e&e )'cto&s in t(e sp&e' o) +ite&'c. u&in0 t(e 1$ t( 'n 1Et( centu&ies EKCEPT 8A9 t(e in/ention o) p&intin0 8:9 t(e P&otest'nt Re)o&!'tion 8C9 t(e &ise o) st'te ,u&e'uc&'cies ( ) an in$rease in $ompulsory state edu$ation 8E9 ' ec+ine in t(e use o) 5'tin $$1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s ' !';o& soci'+ e))ect o) t(e e'&+. In ust&i'+ Re/o+ution7 (A) 7e" rhythms of "ork and leisure 8:9 Inc&e'se o) t(e '/e&'0e '0e 't )i&st !'&&i'0e 8C9 R'pi i!p&o/e!ent in -o&2e&s6 -'0es 8%9 %ec+ine o) c(i+ &en6s e!p+o.!ent oppo&tunities 8E9 Extensi/e 0o/e&n!ent e))o&ts to p&o/i e pu,+ic (ousin0 $E1 Ho('nnes Jep+e& i!p&o/e on Cope&nicus6 t(eo&ies ,. 8A9 int&o ucin0 t(e concept o) (e+iocent&is! 8:9 e!onst&'tin0 t(e +'-s o) 0&'/it'tion'+ 'tt&'ction 8C9 initi'++. *uestionin0 t(e t(eo&. o) c&.st'++ine sp(e&es ( ) demonstrating that planets have ellipti$al or#its 8E9 c('&tin0 t(e epic.c+es o) t(e p+'nets

$#1 T(e c('&t ',o/e epicts t(e p&ocess o) u&,'niI'tion in 8A9 Aust&i'? Hun0'&. (%) England and 5ales 8C9 F&'nce 8%9 >e&!'n. 8E9 Sp'in 'n Po&tu0'+ $81 One po+ic. Pete& t(e >&e't use to !'2e Russi' ' 0&e't po-e& -'s to 8A9 ec&e'se t(e t'x ,u& en on (is poo&e& su,;ects (%) #uild a ne" $apital "here his no#les and mer$hants "ere o#liged to settle 8C9 ',o+is( se&) o! 8%9 encou&'0e n'tion'+ p&i e ,. u&0in0 (is su,;ects to &et'in t&' ition'+ &ess 'n custo!s 8E9 int&o uce !i+it'&. consc&iption )o& '++ ' u+t !'+es $91 T(e p&incip'+ &e'son En0+'n &e/e&te to ' !on'&c(ic'+ )o&! o) 0o/e&n!ent )o++o-in0 t(e Inte&&e0nu! o) O+i/e& C&o!-e++ +'. in C&o!-e++6s 8A9 ine))ecti/e !e&c'nti+ist po+ic. (%) ina#ility to esta#lish #road popular support for his government 8C9 in',i+it. to i!pose &e+i0ious uni)o&!it. 8%9 ine))ecti/e )o&ei0n po+ic. 8E9 in',i+it. to cont&o+ issi ents in t(e '&!. E01 One o) t(e !';o& tenets o) J'&+ 4'&x6s -o&2 -'s t('t 8A9 pe's'nts 'n '&tis'ns -ou+ co!,ine -it( )'cto&. -o&2e&s to +e' t(e )o&t(co!in0 soci'+ist &e/o+ution 8:9 ,. inc&e'sin0 soci'+ inte&'ction, c'pit'+is! i!p&o/e t(e *u'+it. o) (u!'n &e+'tions(ips 8C9 t(e In ust&i'+ Re/o+ution -'s ' soci'+ is'ste& -(ic( (' to ,e un one to &esto&e t(e (u!'ne p&ein ust&i'+ societ. ( ) history moves inevita#ly through a series of stages $ulminating in so$ialism 8E9 t(e (isto&ic'+ )unction o) 0o/e&n!ent ('s ,een to p&otect t(e -e'2 )&o! exp+oit'tion ,. t(e po-e&)u+

E11 T(e s.!,o+ ',o/e ' /oc'tes t(e union in po+itic'+ 'ction o) -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 c+'sses 0&oups in It'+i'n societ.7 8A9 Inte++ectu'+s, p&iests, 'n in ust&i'+ists (%) 5orkers/ peasants/ and intelle$tuals 8C9 Stu ents 'n ci/i+ se&/'nts 8%9 3o&2e&s 'n p&iests 8E9 In ust&i'+ists 'n inte++ectu'+s E<1 In t(e ei0(teent( centu&., '++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 -e&e si0ni)ic'nt !oti/es )o& -'&s EKCEPT 8A9 .n'stic c+'i!s 8:9 ,'+'nce o) po-e& consi e&'tions 8C9 co!!e&ci'+ &i/'+&ies ( ) religious differen$es 8E9 po+icies o) te&&ito&i'+ exp'nsion


E=1 T(e 18#0 En0+is( po+itic'+ c'&toon s(o-n ',o/e is ' co!!ent on 8A9 t(e i/ision o) It'+. into ' nu!,e& o) &e+i0ious 'n secu+'& st'tes (%) the pope-s retention of spiritual authority in spite of his loss of temporal $ontrol 8C9 t(e !i+it'&. po-e& o) t(e pope 's oppose to t('t -ie+ e ,. t(e 2in0 8%9 c(u&c( cont&o+ o) secon '&. e uc'tion 8E9 t(e e'0e&ness o) t(e pope to '++. (i!se+) -it( t(e 2in0

E41 Su&&e'+is!, 'n '&tistic 0en&e o) t(e t-entiet( centu&., ('s 's ' cent&'+ t(e!e t(e 8A9 'ccu&'te po&t&'.'+ o) ' !o!ent in ti!e (%) e4ploration of dream images and the irrational 8C9 epiction o) conte!po&'&. !'ss?p&o uce 0oo s 'n i!'0es 8%9 i e'+iI'tion o) cone, cu,e, 'n c.+in e& s('pes 8E9 po&t&'.'+ o) o& in'&. peop+e in n'tu&'+ settin0s E$1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s t(e p&i!'&. c'use o) t(e H'ps,u&0?G'+ois )eu , -(ic( o!in'te Eu&ope'n inte&n'tion'+ po+itics in t(e sixteent( centu&.7 8A9 T(e i))e&ences in t(e &e+i0ious positions t'2en ,. t(e t-o )'!i+ies u&in0 t(e P&otest'nt Re)o&!'tion 8:9 T(e &e)us'+ o) C('&+es o) H'ps,u&0 to !'&&. ' G'+ois p&incess 8C9 Co!petition )o& co+onies o/e&se's ( ) *he $onfli$ting politi$al am#itions of the t"o families 8E9 C+'s(in0 te&&ito&i'+ inte&ests in sout(e&n >e&!'n. EE1 T(e In ust&i'+ Re/o+ution -'s p'&ti'++. &esponsi,+e )o& '++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 e/e+op!ents in :&it'in EKCEPT 8A9 'n inc&e'se in t(e !o,i+it. o) t(e -o&2 )o&ce 8:9 t(e i!p&o/e!ent o) t(e t&'nspo&t'tion net-o&2 8C9 inc&e'se e!i0&'tion to t(e co+onies 8%9 ' +'&0e inc&e'se in 'nnu'+ n'tion'+ inco!e (E) an in$rease in the num#er of small lando"ners >&e't

E#1 In t(e !i ?se/enteent( centu&., t(e '&e' s(' e ,+'c2 s(o-n on t(e !'p ',o/e ,e+on0e 8A9 Russi' 8:9 Po+'n 8C9 S-e en 8%9 Aust&i' (E) %randen#urg'Prussia


E81 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 ,est exp+'ins t(e !oti/'tion o) t(e :o+s(e/i2 0o/e&n!ent in si0nin0 t(e T&e't. o) :&est?5ito/s2 -it( >e&!'n. in 4'&c( 19187 8A9 T(e :o+s(e/i2 0o/e&n!ent !' e no c+'i! to 'ut(o&it. in non?Russi'n?spe'2in0 te&&ito&ies1 8:9 5enin -'s s.!p't(etic to t(e >e&!'n c'use 'n )e+t t('t t(e t&e't. -ou+ 'i t(e >e&!'n -'& e))o&t on t(e -este&n )&ont1 8C9 5enin -'s 'tt&'cte ,. >e&!'n p&o!ises to 'i Russi'n in ust&i'+ e/e+op!ent1 ( ) 2enin "as not "illing to risk his limited po"er #ase through further struggle against a foreign enemy. 8E9 T(e :o+s(e/i2s t(ou0(t t('t t(e t&e't. cou+ ,e isc'& e soon ,ec'use t(e >e&!'ns -ou+ +ose t(e -'& in ' )e- !ont(s E91 Fo& C(in', ' !';o& conse*uence o) t(e Opiu! 3'& 818419 -'s 8A9 ' uni)ic'tion o) its te&&ito&ies 8:9 ' &'pi inc&e'se in in ust&i'+iI'tion 8C9 ' ec+ine in n'tion'+ist senti!ent 8%9 t(e 3este&niI'tion o) 0o/e&n!ent po+icies (E) an in$rease in hostility to Europeans

#01 5ouis KIG i -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 to p&o/i e ,ette& p&otection )o& (i!se+) 'n to &e uce in)+uence o) t(e P'&is !o,7 8A9 :ui+t t(e :'sti++e1 8:9 Int&o uce &e+i0ious inst&uction in t(e P'&isi'n pu,+ic sc(oo+s1 (C) +oved the government from Paris to ;ersailles. 8%9 Inc&e'se t(e nu!,e& o) so+ ie&s st'tione in P'&is1 8E9 :'nne )u&t(e& inte&n'+ !i0&'tion )&o! t(e count&.si e into P'&is1 SOURCES OF :RITISH >RAIN I4PORTS Ye'& A&e' I A&e' II 18$0 18#$ #11 A&e's I 'n 8A9 (%) 8C9 8%9 8E9 90N =EN =N $<N


II in t(e t',+e ',o/e &e)e&, &especti/e+., to No&t( A!e&ic' 'n Aust&'+i' Europe and 7orth Ameri$a F&'nce 'n P&ussi' Aust&'+i' 'n F&'nce Eu&ope 'n Asi'

#<1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s !ost c+ose+. 'ssoci'te -it( 'n'&c(is!7 8A9 T(e 'ss'ssin'tion o) A&c( u2e F&'ncis Fe& in'n 'n (is -i)e Sop(ie 8:9 T(e execution o) Ts'& Nic(o+'s 11 'n (is )'!i+. 8C9 T(e sp+it ,et-een t(e 4ens(e/i2s 'n t(e :o+s(e/i2s 8%9 T(e )o&!'tion o) t(e F',i'n Societ. (E) *he gro"th of the syndi$alist movement #=1 T(e p'intin0 ',o/e, t(e @>'&e S'int?5'I'&eD 818##9 ,. C+'u e 4onet, is 'n ex'!p+e o) -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 sc(oo+s o) p'intin07 8A9 A,st&'ct 8:9 Su&&e'+is! 8C9 Cu,ist ( ) &mpressionist 8E9 :'&o*ue #41 :. t(e 18#06s, !ost 3este&n Eu&ope'n 0o/e&n!ents (' ,e0un to p&o/i e '++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 EKCEPT 8A9 p&i!'&. sc(oo+in0 )o& c(i+ &en 8:9 s')et. inspection o) )'cto&ies 8C9 pu,+ic p'&2s, !useu!s, 'n +i,&'&ies 8%9 !unicip'+ -'te& 'n se-'0e ispos'+ in u&,'n '&e's (E) medi$al and health insuran$e #$1 A)te& t(e Secon 3o&+ 3'&, e/ents in F&'nce in ic'te t('t t(e Fou&t( Repu,+ic (' -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 in co!!on -it( t(e T(i& Repu,+ic7 8A9 5e0is+'ti/e inst',i+it. ,ec'use o) )&e*uent isso+ution o) t(e +e0is+'tu&e 8:9 5e0is+'ti/e st',i+it. ,ec'use o) t(e p&esence o) t-o st&on0 p'&ties in t(e +e0is+'tu&e 8C9 Executi/e st',i+it. ,ec'use o) ste' . suppo&t )&o! t(e +e0is+'tu&e ( ) E4e$utive insta#ility #e$ause of fre)uent $hanges of party $oalitions in the legislature 8E9 5e0is+'ti/e 'n executi/e st',i+it. ,ec'use o) st&on0 suppo&t )&o! t&' e unions 'n s!'++ ,usiness!en

@3e see !en +i/in0 -it( t(ei& s2u++s ,+o-n openA -e see so+ ie&s &un -it( t(ei& t-o )eet cut o)) 1 1 1 Sti++ t(e +itt+est piece o) con/u+se e'&t( in -(ic( -e +ie is (e+ 1 3e ('/e .ie+ e no !o&e t('n ' )e- (un &e .'& s o) it 's ' p&iIe to t(e ene!.1 :ut on e/e&. .'& t(e&e +ies ' e' !en1D #E1 T(e *uot'tion ',o/e p&esents ' !';o& t(e!e in 8A9 E!i+e Oo+'6s Ge)'in"l 8:9 A+,e&t C'!us6s The S%)"n1e) 8C9 T1S1 E+iot6s The 2"s%e L"nd 8%9 H'!es Ho.ce6s Ul sses (E) Eri$h 1emar)ue-s All Quiet on the Western Front ##1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -'s ' !';o& )'cto& &esponsi,+e )o& t(e :o+s(e/i2 /icto&. in t(e Russi'n Ci/i+ 3'& 81918?19<19 7 8A9 T(e :o+s(e/i2s cont&o++e t(e pe&ip(e&. o) t(e count&. 8:9 T(e 0o/e&n!ents o) F&'nce 'n >&e't :&it'in suppo&te t(e :o+s(e/i2 c'use -it( )oo 'n -'& supp+ies (C) *rotsky $reated a dis$iplined and effe$tive 1ed Army 8%9 T(e :o+s(e/i2s (' t(e un i/i e suppo&t o) t(e pe's'nts 8E9 T(e :o+s(e/i2s &e)use to use t(e Che-" to su, ue t(e opposition #81 Po+icies ' opte ,. t(e !';o& Eu&ope'n st'tes ,et-een 19<9 'n 19=E to e'+ -it( t(e econo!ic ep&ession inc+u e -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in07 I1 P&otecti/e t'&i))s 'n ,i+'te&'+ inte&n'tion'+ t&' e '0&ee!ents II1 %e)+'tion'&. )isc'+ 'n !onet'&. po+icies III1 Coope&'ti/e inte&n'tion'+ e))o&ts to &e e/e+op o+ in ust&ies 8A9 I on+. 8:9 III on+. (C) & and && only 8%9 II 'n III on+. 8E9 I, II, 'n III #91 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 esc&i,e 'spects o) 5enin6s Ne- Econo!ic Po+ic. 8NEP9 EKCEPT" (A) (tate o"nership of heavy industry/ #anks/ and transport ended 8:9 T(e 0&o-t( o) ' 0&oup o) p&ospe&ous, in epen ent pe's'nts -'s encou&'0e 8C9 T(e&e -'s ' t'ctic'+ &et&e't in co!!unist econo!ic p+'nnin0 8%9 In ust&ies e!p+o.in0 )e-e& t('n t-ent. -o&2e&s -e&e en'tion'+iIe 8E9 A++ '0&icu+tu&'+ &e*uisitions en e 'n -e&e &ep+'ce ,. con/ention'+ t'xes 801 O) t(e )o++o-in0, -(ic( o) 3i+son6s Fou&teen Points -'s )u++. i!p+'nte 7 8A9 @A e*u'te 0u'&'ntees 0i/en 'n t'2en t('t n'tion'+ '&!'!ents -i++ ,e &e uce to t(e +o-est point consistent -it( o!estic s')et.1D 8:9 @Open co/en'nts o) pe'ce, open+. '&&i/e 't 1 1 1 1D 8C9 @A )&ee, open?!in e , 'n ',so+ute+. i!p'&ti'+ ' ;ust!ent o) '++ co+oni'+ c+'i!s1D ( ) <All Fren$h territory should #e freed and the invaded portions restored/ and the "rong done to Fran$e #y Prussia in =>?= in the matter of Alsa$e'2orraine . . . should #e righted . . .@ 8E9 @A &e' ;ust!ent o) t(e )&ontie&s o) It'+. s(ou+ ,e e))ecte '+on0 c+e'&+. &eco0niI',+e +ines o) n'tion'+it.1D 811 T(e 5e'0ue o) N'tions i))e&e )&o! t(e Unite N'tions in t('t t(e 5e'0ue 8A9 cou+ sen t&oops to 'n. '&e' to stop ' -'& o& en)o&ce econo!ic s'nctions 8:9 -'s not conce&ne -it( t(e i!p&o/e!ent o) -o&+ (e'+t( st'n '& s (C) did not have as mem#ers several of the "orld-s most important industrialized nations 8%9 (' ' +'&0e& t&e'su&. )&o! -(ic( to !'2e 0&'nts )o& )oo 'n tec(no+o0ic'+ 'ssist'nce 8E9 (' 'ut(o&it. to en)o&ce ecisions !' e ,. t(e 3o&+ Cou&t


3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 cont&i,ute to t(e econo!ic ec+ine o) Sp'in in t(e se/enteent( centu&.7 I1 T(e o/e&exp'nsion o) Sp'nis( !'nu)'ctu&es II1 T(e +oss o) ' co+oni'+ e!pi&e III1 T(e e,'se!ent o) t(e coin'0e IG1 T(e expu+sion o) t(e 4o&iscos 8A9 I 'n II on+. 8:9 II 'n III on+. (C) &&& and &; only 8%9 I, II, 'n III on+. 8E9 I, II, III, 'n IG

8=1 Histo&ic'++., -(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 )'cto&s ('s p&o/e 5EAST necess'&. )o& !'2in0 ' success)u+ &e/o+ution7 8A9 Suppo&t o) t(e !i+it'&. )o&ces 8:9 3e++?o&0'niIe &e/o+ution'&. +e' e&s 8C9 >&ie/'nces p&o/i in0 !oti/'tion to &e/o+t ( ) A$tive parti$ipation of the maAority of $itizens 8E9 Ineptness o) t(e 0o/e&n!ent in po-e& @T(e -o&t( o) ' St'te, in t(e +on0 &un, is t(e -o&t( o) t(e in i/i u'+s co!posin0 it" 'n ' St'te -(ic( -'&)s its !en, in o& e& t('t t(e. !'. ,e !o&e oci+e inst&u!ents 111 -i++ )in t('t -it( s!'++ !en no 0&e't t(in0 c'n ,e 'cco!p+is(e 1D 841 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 -ou+ '0&ee -it( t(e st'te!ent ',o/e7 8A9 :enito 4usso+ini (%) 0ohn (tuart +ill 8C9 Otto /on :is!'&c2 8%9 5ouis KIG 8E9 Pope 5eo KI 8$1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 ,est esc&i,es ' 5e'0ue o) N'tions @!'n 'teD7 (A) A $olonial territory assigned to a mem#er nation to #e administered for the 2eague 8:9 A 5e'0ue 'ction &e*ui&in0 p'&ties in ' ispute to o,se&/e ' @coo+in0?o)) pe&io D 8C9 A c'++ on !e!,e& n'tions to t'2e 'ction '0'inst 'n '00&esso& 8%9 An 'ppoint!ent o) ' !e!,e& n'tion to t(e Counci+ o) t(e 5e'0ue o) N'tions 8E9 A &epo&t o) ' )in in0 ,. t(e 5e'0ue t('t 'n 'ct o) '00&ession ('s ,een co!!itte 8E1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 (' t(e 5EAST e))ect on Eu&ope'n t(ou0(t in t(e )i&st ('+) o) t(e t-entiet( centu&.7 8A9 T(e unce&t'in 'n co!p+ex uni/e&se o) Einstein6s 'n Heisen,e&06s p(.sics 8:9 T(e un e&!inin0 o) t(e opti!istic ,e+ie) in (u!'n &'tion'+it. ,. F&eu i'n ps.c(o+o0. (C) *he utopian literature of (ir *homas +ore and 1oger %a$on 8%9 5o0ic'+ e!pi&icis!6s +i!it'tion o) t(e scope o) p(i+osop(ic'+ in*ui&. to t(e scienti)ic'++. 'n !'t(e!'tic'++. /e&i)i',+e 8E9 T(e %'&-inist i e' o) (u!'n ,e('/io& 's ete&!ine ,. e/o+ution'&. )o&ces 8#1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 e/e+op!ents occu&&e in Eu&ope in t(e 19<06s7 (A) evastating inflation in .ermany 8:9 Hi0( p&ices p'i to )'&!e&s )o& '0&icu+tu&'+ co!!o ities 8C9 Repu i'tion o) t(e 5oc'&no t&e'ties 8%9 T(e -i esp&e' )o&!'tion o) Popu+'& F&ont 0o/e&n!ents 8E9 Ne'&+. )u++ e!p+o.!ent in >&e't :&it'in

881 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 st'te!ents &e0'& in0 c('n0es t('t occu&&e in t(e &e+i0ious +i)e o) 3este&n Eu&ope ,et-een 18#0 'n 1914 '&e t&ue EKCEPT" 8A9 4'n. P&otest'nt 0&oups ,ec'!e i/i e ,et-een )un '!ent'+ists 'n !o e&nists1 8:9 T(e Ro!'n C't(o+ic c(u&c( -'s s+o-e& to ' 'pt to cu+tu&'+ c('n0e t('n -e&e t(e P&otest'nt 0&oups1 (C) *he maAor 0e"ish $ommunities reAe$ted the $hanges #rought a#out #y ur#anization and #e$ame more orthodo4. 8%9 T(e St'tus o) &e+i0ion 0ene&'++. in 3este&n Eu&ope'n cu+tu&e -'s un e&!ine ,. 0&o-in0 !'te&i'+is!1 8E9 T(e c(u&c(es6 t&' ition'+ &o+e in e uc'tion 'n soci'+ -e+)'&e -'s ,ein0 &'pi +. t'2en o/e& ,. t(e st'te1 891 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 p&o/isions '))ectin0 >e&!'n. in t(e Ge&s'i++es T&e't. 819199 -'s 5EAST i!po&t'nt in )oste&in0 'nt'0onis!s t('t +e to t(e Secon 3o&+ 3'&7 (A) *he loss of .ermany-s Pa$ifi$ island possessions 8:9 T(e c&e'tion o) t(e Po+is( Co&&i o& 'n t(e est',+is(!ent o) %'nIi0 's ' se+)?0o/e&nin0 cit. -it(in t(e Po+is( t'&i)) '&e' 8C9 T(e p'.!ent ,. >e&!'n. o) &ep'&'tions )o& -'& '!'0es 8%9 T(e +i!it'tion o) t(e >e&!'n '&!. to 100,000 !e!,e&s 8E9 T(e 'ssi0n!ent o) so+e &esponsi,i+it. )o& p+'nnin0 'n insti0'tin0 t(e -'& to >e&!'n. 901 Jon&' A en'ue&, A+ci e %e >'spe&i, 'n Ro,e&t Sc(u!'n -e&e '+i2e in t(ei& (A) leadership of the Christian emo$rati$ parties in their respe$tive Countries after =BCD 8:9 &e)us'+ to coope&'te -it( A!e&ic'n po+icies in Eu&ope ')te& 194# 8C9 ete&!in'tion to +essen 3este&n Eu&ope'n epen ence on t(e Unite St'tes ')te& 19#0 8%9 ' /oc'c. o) tot'+it'&i'n 0o/e&n!ents )o& post-'& Eu&ope 8E9 est',+is(!ent o) soci'+ist po+itic'+ p'&ties in Eu&ope ')te& 194$ PHun0'&. PE'st >e&!'n. PPo+'n PCIec(os+o/'2i' 911 T(e n'tions +iste ',o/e -e&e in 1984 '++ 8A9 et(nic'++. S+'/ic 8:9 p&e o!in'nt+. '0&icu+tu&'+ &'t(e& t('n in ust&i'+ 8C9 !e!,e&s o) t(e Co!!on 4'&2et 8%9 p&'ctitione&s o) Je.nesi'n econo!ics (E) mem#ers of the 5arsa" Pa$t 9<1 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 -e&e )'cto&s in t(e Ho+oc'ust EKCEPT t(e 8A9 ',i+it. o) t(e N'Iis to secu&e co++',o&'to&s in occupie te&&ito&ies 8:9 +on0 t&' ition o) 'nti?Se!itis! in >e&!'n. 'n ot(e& '&e's o) Eu&ope 8C9 ',i+it. o) ' tot'+it'&i'n &e0i!e to !o+ i e's 'n supp&ess issent 8%9 /u+ne&',i+it. o) t(e >e&!'n He-s, -(o !' e up +ess t('n one pe&cent o) t(e >e&!'n popu+'tion (E) near e4$lusive fo$us of 7azi geno$idal poli$ies on 0e"s of .ermany 9=1

P Rep&ession o) in i/i u'+ +i,e&ties P Cont&o+ o) t(e !e i' P Appe'+ to n'tion'+is! P >+o&i)ic'tion o) t(e +e' e& 941T(e po+itic'+ p(i+osop(. inco&po&'tin0 t(e c('&'cte&istics ',o/e is 8A9 soci'+is! 8:9 'n'&c(is! (C) fas$ism 8%9 e!oc&'c. 8E9 4'&xi'n co!!unis! 9$1 :o&is P'ste&n'2 'n A+ex'n e& So+I(enits.n '&e ,est esc&i,e 's (A) 1ussian 7o#el Prize "inners "hose "orks are $riti$al of the (oviet system 8:9 +ite&'&. exi+es )&o! t(e So/iet Union 8C9 -&ite&s -(ose -o&2s 'nte 'te t(e :o+s(e/i2 &e0i!e 8%9 'ut(o&s -(o, un e& p&essu&e, stoppe c&iticiIin0 t(e So/iet s.ste! 8E9 +ite&'&. suppo&te&s o) t(e So/iet s.ste! 9E1 A++ o) t(e )o++o-in0 c('&'cte&iIe existenti'+is! EKCEPT 8A9 -&itin0s t('t s(o- t(e iso+'tion o) one (u!'n ,ein0 )&o! 'not(e& 8:9 inte++ectu'+ ties to t(e nineteent(?centu&. p(i+osop(e&s Jie&2e0''& 'n NietIsc(e 8C9 'ccept'nce o) t(e &esponsi,i+it. o) (u!'ns )o& t(ei& c(oices ( ) a #uoyant optimism a#out human e4isten$e and perfe$ti#ility 8E9 -&itin0s t('t &e)+ect t(e con itions o) t(e t-entiet( centu&. 9#1 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is NOT t.pic'+ o) soci'+ con itions 's t(e. ('/e e/o+/e in t-entiet( 3este&n Eu&ope7 8A9 A t&en to-'& s!'++e& )'!i+. siIe 8:9 A &ise in t(e nu!,e& o) -o!en -(o '&e e!p+o.e )u++?ti!e outsi e t(e (o!e (C) An in$reasingly rigid $lass stru$ture 8%9 T(e e!e&0ence o) ' @consu!e& societ.D 8E9 A ec+inin0 &'te o) in)'nt !o&t'+it. 981 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue o) t(e Secon G'tic'n Counci+ 819E<97 8A9 It &e'))i&!e t(e S.++',us o) E&&o&s1 (%) &t promoted the e$umeni$al movement. 8C9 It 'ut(o&iIe t(e !'&&i'0e o) p&iests1 8%9 It -'s oppose ,. Pope Ho(n KK III1 8E9 It ec&ee t('t t(e 4'ss ,e s'i in 5'tin1 991 3(ic( o) t(e Q)o++o-in0 -'s NOT 'n 'spect o) t(e post-'& econo!ic &eco/e&. in Eu&ope )&o! 194$ to 19E$7 8A9 T(e 4'&s('++ P+'n 8:9 T(e p&esence o) !'n. e uc'te 'n s2i++e -o&2e&s 8C9 A &'pi &ise in t(e st'n '& o) +i/in0 in !ost 3este&n Eu&ope'n count&ies ( ) *he de$line in the relative value of the Ameri$an dollar 8E9 T(e )o&!'tion o) t(e Eu&ope'n Co'+ 'n Stee+ Co!!unit. 3este&n centu&.

1001 3(ic( o) t(e )o++o-in0 is t&ue o) ,ot( t(e 19$E &e/o+t in Hun0'&. 'n t(e 19E8 &e/o+t in CIec(os+o/'2i'7 8A9 E'c( -'s ' popu+'& 0&'ss?&oots 'tte!pt to est',+is( 'n A!e&ic'n?st.+e e!oc&'c.1 (%) 7either re$eived assistan$e from the 3nited (tates #e$ause they "ere "ithin the (oviet sphere of influen$e. 8C9 E'c( &ecei/e t(e !i+it'&. 'n po+itic'+ suppo&t o) t(e 3'&s'- P'ct !e!,e&s1 8%9 Neit(e& (' in i0enous +e' e&s(ip t(e. -e&e +e ,. e!i0&e po+itic'+ )i0u&es1 8E9 E'c( &esu+te in 'n inc&e'se in in i/i u'+ )&ee o!1

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