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Paul N a tio n 2009 Compass Publishing AJI rights reserved. No part of this book ma be reprodu!

!ed" stored in a retrieval s stem" or transmitted in an form or b an means" ele!troni!" me!hani!al" photo!op ing" re!ording" or other#ise" #ithout prior permission in #riting from the publisher. A!$uisitions %ditor& fidel Cru' Pro(e!t Coordinator Annie Cho )esign& )esign Plus email& irtfog*!ompa#pub.tom http&++###.!ompasspub.!om I,-N& ./0010299oo034203 10 9 5 / o 2 6 7 2 1 12 tl 10 09 Photo Credits All images 8) ,huttersto!k. In!. Paul N a t i o n 9000 % sse n tia l % n g lis h : ords 1 9000 %ssential % n g lish : ords 1 Paul Nation 2009 Compass Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book ma be reprodu!ed" stored in a retrieval s stem" or transmitted in an form or b an means" ele!troni!" me!hani!al" photo!op ing" re!ording" or other#ise" #ithout prior permission in #riting from the publisher. A!$uisitions %ditor& ;idel Cru' Pro(e!t Coordinator& Annie Cho )esign& )esign Plus email& info<!ompasspub.!om http&++###.!ompasspub.!om I,-N& 9/=010299>>09020> 10 12 Photo Credits All images ,huttersto!k" In!. %nglish :ords mm ?arget :ords Page@ 1 afraid" agree" angr " arrive" atta!k" bottom" !lever" !ruel" finall " hide" hunt" lot" middle" moment" pleased" promise" repl " safe" tri!k" #ell = 2 adventure" approa!h" !arefull " !hemi!al" !reate" evil" eAperiment" kill" laborator " laugh" loud" nervous" noise" pro(e!t" s!are" se!ret" shout" smell" terrible" #orse

19 7 alien" among" !hart" !loud" !omprehend" des!ribe" ever" fail" friendl " grade" instead" librar " planet" report" several" solve" suddenl " suppose" universe" vie# 20 9 appropriate" avoid" behave" !alm" !on!ern" !ontent" eApe!t" fre$uentl " habit" instru!t" issue" none" patient" positive" punish" represent" shake" spread" stroll" village 2> 2 a#are" badl " belong" !ontinue" error" eAperien!e" field" hurt" (udgment" likel " normal" rare" relaA" re$uest" reside" result" roll" sin!e" visible" #ild 72 > advantage" !ause" !hoi!e" !ommunit " dead" distan!e" es!ape" fa!e" follo#" fright" ghost" individual" pet" rea!h" return" survive" upset" voi!e" #eather" #ise 7= / allo#" announ!e" beside" !hallenge" !laim" !ondition" !ontribute" differen!e" divide" eApert" famous" for!e" harm" la " pea!e" prin!e" prote!t" sense" sudden" therefore 99 = a!!ept" arrange" attend" balan!e" !ontrast" en!ourage" familiar" grab" hang" huge" ne!essar " pattern" propose" purpose" release" re$uire" single" su!!ess" tear" theor 20 9 against" bea!h" damage" dis!over" emotion" fiA" frank" identif " island" o!ean" perhaps" pleasant" prevent" ro!k" save" step" still" taste" thro#" #ave 2> 10 benefit" !ertain" !han!e" effe!t" essential" far" fo!us" fun!tion" grass" guard" image" immediate" primar " proud" remain" rest" separate" site" tail" trouble >2 11 an more" asleep" berr " !olle!t" !ompete" !onversation" !reature" de!ision" either" forest" ground" introdu!e" marr " prepare" sail" serious" spend" strange" truth" #ake >= 12 alone" apartment" arti!le" artist" attitude" !ompare" (udge" maga'ine" material" meal" method" neighbor" professional" profit" $ualit " shape" spa!e" stair" s mbol" thin /9 17 blood" burn" !ell" !ontain" !orre!t" !rop" demand" e$ual" feed" hole" in!rease" lord" o#e" position" raise" responsible" sight" spot" stru!ture" #hole =0 19

!oa!h" !ontrol" des!ription" dire!t" eAam" eAample" limit" lo!al" magi!al" mail" novel" outline" poet" print" s!ene" sheet" sill " store" suffer" te!hnolog => 12 a!ross" breathe" !hara!teristi!" !onsume" eA!ite" eAtreme" fear" fortunate" happen" length" mistake" observe" opportunit " pri'e" ra!e" reali'e" respond" risk" #onder" et 92 6nit ?arget :ords Page 1> a!adem " an!ient" board" !entur " !lue" !on!ert" !ount " di!tionar " eAist" flat" gentleman" hidden" ma be" offi!er" original" pound" pro!ess" publish" theater" #ealth 9= 1/ appre!iate" available" beat" bright" !elebrate" determine" disappear" else" fair" flo#" for#ard" hill" level" lone" puddle" response" season" solution" #aste" #hether 109 1= argue" !ommuni!ate" !ro#d" depend" dish" empt " eAa!t" fresh" gather" indi!ate" item" offer" pri!e" produ!t" propert " pur!hase" re!ommend" sele!t" tool" treat 110 19 alive" bone" bother" !aptain" !on!lusion" doubt" eAplore" foreign" glad" ho#ever" in(usti!e" international" la# er" mention" poli! " so!ial" spee!h" staff" to#ard" #ood 11> 20 a!hieve" advise" alread " basi!" bit" !onsider" destro " entertain" eAtra" goal" lie" meat" opinion" real" refle!t" regard" serve" vegetable" #ar" #orth 122 21 appear" base" brain" !areer" !lerk" effort" enter" eA!ellent" hero" hurr " inform" later" leave" lo!ate" nurse" operation" pain" refuse" though" various 12= 22 a!tual" ama'e" !harge" !omfort" !onta!t" !ustomer" deliver" earn" gate" in!lude" manage" m ster " o!!ur" opposite" plate" re!eive" re#ard" set" steal" thief 179 27 advan!e" athlete" average" behavior" behind" !ourse" lo#er" mat!h" member" mental" passenger" personalit " poem" pole" remove" safet " shoot" sound" s#im" #eb 190 29 blo!k" !heer" !ompleA" !riti!" event" eAer!ise" fit" friendship" guide" la!k" passage" perform" pressure" probable" publi!" strike" support" task" term" unite 19> 22 asso!iate" environment" fa!tor " feature" instan!e" involve" medi!ine" miA" organi'e"

period" populate" produ!e" range" re!ogni'e" regular" sign" tip" tradition" trash" #ide 122 2> advi!e" along" attention" attra!t" !limb" drop" final" further" impl " maintain" neither" other#ise" ph si!al" prove" rea!t" ride" situated" so!iet " standard" suggest 12= 2/ a!tuall " bite" !oast" deal" desert" earth$uake" effe!tive" eAamine" false" gift" hunger" imagine" (ourne " pu''le" $uite" rather" spe!ifi!" tour" trip" value 1>9 2= band" barel " boring" !an!el" drive#a " garbage" instrument" list" magi!" message" noti!e" o#n" predi!t" professor" rush" s!hedule" share" stage" storm" #ithin 1/0 29 advertise" assign" audien!e" breakfast" !ompetition" !ool" gain" importan!e" kno#ledge" ma(or" mean" prefer" president" progress" respe!t" ri!h" skill" someho#" strength" vote 1/> 70 above" ahead" amount" belief" !enter" !ommon" !ost" demonstrate" different" eviden!e" honest " idiom" independent" inside" master" memor " proper" s!an" se!tion" surfa!e 1=2 I;vB (About the Co!abular ?he >00 #ords in ea!h book of this series along #ith the additional target #ords presented in the appendi!es in!luded in the first three books of the series are the most useful #ords in %nglish. ?he #ere found b anal sis of a !olle!tion of %nglish !ourse books from various levels in the primar " se!ondar and tertiar s!hool s stems. ?he #ords in!luded in this series #ere !hosen be!ause the o!!urred man times in different levels of these materials. -e!ause of the #a that the #ere !hosen" these #ords have the follo#ing !hara!teristi!s& 1 ?he are useful in both spoken and #ritten %nglish. No matter #hat %nglish !ourse ou are stud ing" the #ords in these books #ill be of value to ou. 2 %a!h #ord in these books is a high0fre$uen! #ord. ?his means that the effort in learning the #ords is #ell repaid b the number of times learners have a !han!e to en!ounter or use them. 7 ?hese books as a #hole !over a large proportion of the #ords in an spoken or #ritten teAt. ?he !over at least =0D of the #ords in ne#spapers and a!ademi! teAts" and at least 90D of the #ords in novels. ?he also !over at least 90D of the #ords in !onversation. About the -ooks ?he a!tivities in these books are spe!iall designed to make use of important learning !onditions. ;irstl " the #ords are introdu!ed using senten!e definitions and an eAample senten!e. ?he a!tivities that follo# in the units en!ourage learners to re!all the meanings and forms of the #ords. ,ome a!tivities also make the

learners think about the meaning of the #ords in the !onteAt of a senten!eEa senten!e different from the senten!es that o!!urred in the introdu!tion of the #ords. Foreover" ea!h unit ends #ith a stor !ontaining the target #ords. :hile reading the stor " the learners have to re!all the meanings of the #ords and suit them to the !onteAt of the stor . ,u!h a!tivities help learners develop a better understanding of a !ommon meaning for a given #ord #hi!h fits the different uses. Illustrations for ea!h target #ord are provided to help learners visuali'e the #ord as it is being used in the eAample senten!e. ?hese #ord+image asso!iations aim to help students grasp the meaning of the #ord as #ell as re!all the #ord later. It should be noted that #ords have more than one grammati!al !ategor . Go#ever" this series fo!uses on the #ordHs most !ommon form. ?his is mentioned to remind learners that (ust be!ause a #ord is labeled and utili'ed as a noun in this series does not mean that it !an never be used in another form su!h as an ad(e!tive. ?his series has simpl fo!used on the #ord in the form that it is most likel to be eApressed. ,upporting Iearning #ith Jutside A!tivities A #ell0balan!ed language !ourse provides four ma(or opportunities for learning& learning through input" learning through output" deliberate learning" and fluen! development. ?he highl stru!tured a!tivities in these books support all four t pes of learning opportunities. In addition" learning !an further be supported through the follo#ing a!tivities& 1 Gave students !reate vo!abular !ards #ith one #ord from the unit on one side of the !ard and the translation of the #ord in the studentHs first language on the other side. ,tudents should use the !ards for stud in free moments during the da . Jver several #eeks" students #ill find that $ui!k repeated stud ing for brief periods of time is more effe!tive than stud ing for hours at one sitting. 2 Assign graded readers at studentsH appropriate levels. Keading su!h books provides both en(o ment as #ell as meaning0fo!used input #hi!h #ill help the #ords sti!k in studentsH memor . 7 Pra!ti!e reading fluen! to promote faster re!all of #ord meaning for both sight re!ognition and usage. Compass PublishingHs Keading for ,peed and ;luen! is a good resour!e for reading fluen! material. 9 In!lude listening" speaking" and #riting a!tivities in !lasses. Keinfor!ement of the high0fre$uen! vo!abular presented in this series is important a!ross all the four language skills. Author Paul Nation Paul Nation is professor of Applied Iinguisti!s in the ,!hool of Iinguisti!s and Applied Ianguage ,tudies at Ci!toria 6niversit of :ellington" Ne# Lealand. Ge has taught in Indonesia" ?hailand" the 6nited ,tates" ;inland" and Japan. Gis spe!ialist interests are language tea!hing methodolog and vo!abular learning. r afraid MafreidN ad(. :hen someone is afraid" the feel fear. 0O ?he #oman #as afraid of #hat she sa#. r agree fegn&i v.

?o agree is to sa P esQ or to think the same #a . 03 A& ?he food is ver good in that restaurant. -& I agree #ith ou. ! angr Msengro ad(. :hen someone is angr " the ma #ant to speak loudl or fight. 0R ,he didnHt do her home#ork" so her father is angr . I r arrive feraivN v. I iff mS ?o arrive is to get to or rea!h some pla!e. 0T ?he bus al#a s arrives at the !orner of m street at 9&00. I r atta!k Mat3io v. ?o atta!k is to tr to fight or to hurt. 0O ?he man #ith the s#ord atta!ked the other man first. r bottom MbatamN n. ?he bottom is the lo#est part. 0O ?he bottom of m shoe has a hole in it. r !lever MklevarN ad(. :hen someone is !lever" the !an solve a hard pu''le or problem. 03U ?he !lever bo thought of a good idea. r C r u e l Mkru&alN ad(. :hen someone is !ruel" the do bad things to hurt others. 0O ?he !ruel man elled at his sister. r finall MfainaliN adv. If something happens finall " it happens after a longtime or at the end. EU Ge finall !rossed the finish line after five hours of running. r hide MhaidN . ?o hide is to tr not to let others see ou. 0T ?he other !hildren #ill hide #hile ou !ount to 100. f 13 B * 0V0,B hunt MhAntN v. ?o hunt is to look for or sear!h for an animal to kill. 03U Iong ago" people hunted #ith bo#s and arro#s. l o t MtatN n. A lot means a large number or amount of people" animals" things" et!. 03U ?here are a lot of apples in the basket. middle MmidiN n. ?he middle of something is the !enter or half#a point. 0O ?he Canadian flag has a maple leaf in the middle of it. moment MmoumantN n. A moment is a se!ond or a ver short time. 03 I #as onl a fe# moments late for the meeting. pleased Mpli&'dN ad(.

:hen someone is pleased" the are happ . 0O,he #as pleased #ith the phone !all she re!eived. promise MprdmisN v. ?o promise is to sa ou #ill do something for sure. 0O Ge promised to return m ke b tomorro#. ! repl Mnpiao 3 ?o repl is to give an ans#er or sa ba!k to someone. ,he asked him #hat time his meeting #as. Ge replied" Pat three.Q r safe MseifN ad(. :hen a person is safe" the are not in danger. 0OPut on our seat belt in the !ar to be safe. r tri!k im n. A tri!k is something ou do to fool another person. 0R Gis !ard tri!k reall surprised us. r #ell M#elN adv. Wou use #ell to sa that something #as done in a good #a . 0X ?he !ouple !an dan!e $uite #ell. r r r r Choose the right #ord for the given definition. !. !ruel d. hunt !. finall 1. bad or hurting others a. afraid b. !lever 2. at last or at the end a. angr b. !lever 7. to tr to fight or hurt a. atta!k b. middle 9. to not let others see a. agree b. hide 2. the lo#est part a. bottom b. lot !. pleased !. safe !. moment d. repl d. tri!k d. #ell d. promise Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. angr a. happ b. lo# 2. moment a. a hole #ith #ater in it

!. at the !enter 7. promise a. to sa Pgood (obQ !. to sa Pthe endQ 9. repl a. to ans#er !. to look for in order to kill 2. safe a. fool !. not seen !. mad d. s!ared b. a short time d. at the end b. to sa P I #illQ d. to sa P ma beQ b. to get to a pla!e d. to tr to fight or hurt b. having mu!h or man d. not #orried about being hurt Che!k 8C Y the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZ a. A !lever person !an solve a pu''le easil . b. :hen a plane arrives" it leaves the ground and goes into the sk . 2. ZZZ a. At noon" the sun is near the bottom of the sk . b. If I break m brotherHs bike" he #ill be angr . 7. ZZZ a. It is eas to hide in a dark pla!e. b. Fan kinds of fish are afraid of #ater. 9. ZZZa. At night" our parents ma sa " PGide our e es and go to sleep.Q b. Geav things #ill go do#n to the bottom of the o!ean. 2. ZZZ a. It is !ruel to keep a dog in a small !age all da . b. Wour mother #ill be angr #hen ou get good grades in s!hool. >. ZZZ a. Animals !annot hunt be!ause the do not have hands. b. It is a good idea to arrive earl for !lass. /. ZZZa. People sometimes atta!k pi!tures to email messages. b. ,ome people are afraid of spiders. =. ZZZ a. A moment is like a se!ond or t#o. b. Ne# shoes are usuall not ver !omfortable or !lever. 9. ZZZ a. ,mall animals do not usuall atta!k big animals. b. ?here are t#elve moments in a ear. 10. ZZZa. A !ruel person #ill tr to help others at all times. b. Wou !an use a gun to hunt in the forest. ?he Iion and the Kabbit A !ruel lion lived in the forest. %ver da " he killed and ate a lot of animals. ?he other animals #ere afraid the lion #ould kill them all. ?he animals told the lion" P IetHs make a deal. If ou promise to eat onl one

animal ea!h da " then one of us #ill !ome to ou ever da . ?hen ou donHt have to hunt and kill us.Q ?he plan sounded #ell thought0out to the lion" so he agreed" but he also said" P If ou donHt !ome ever da " I promise to kill all of ou the neAt da [Q %a!h da after that" one animal #ent to the lion so that the lion !ould eat it. ?hen" all the other animals #ere safe. ;inall " it #as the rabbitHs turn to go to the lion. ?he rabbit #ent ver slo#l that da " so the lion #as angr #hen the rabbit finall arrived. ?he lion angril asked the rabbit" P:h are ou late.Q P I #as hiding from another lion in the forest. ?hat lion said he #as the king" so I #as afraid.Q ?he lion told the rabbit" P I am the onl king here[ ?ake me to that other lion" and I #ill kill him. ?he rabbit replied" P I #ill be happ to sho# ou #here he lives.Q ?he rabbit led the lion to an old #ell in the middle of the forest. ?he #ell #as ver deep #ith #ater at the bottom. ?he rabbit told the lion" P Iook in there. ?he lion lives at the bottom.Q :hen the lion looked in the #ell" he !ould see his o#n fa!e in0the #ater. Ge thought that #as the other lion. :ithout #aiting another moment" the lion (umped into the #ell to atta!k the other lion. Ge never !ame out. All of the other ammalBIn theiorest0#ere ver pleased #ith the rabbitHs !levpriiri!k. U :& . .Af:i 1. :hat is this stor about. a. Go# a !lever rabbit tri!ked a !ruel lion b. Go# rabbits learned to hide from lions !. Go# a rabbit pleased an angr lion d. Go# to be safe #hen ou hunt in the forest Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat did all the animals sa to the lion. a. ?he said the #anted him to be their king. b. ?he said that the rabbit #ould be there in a moment. !. ?he said that the #ould allo# him to eat one of them a da .

d. ?he said that the #ould hide at the bottom of the #ell. 7. :h did the rabbit take the lion to the #ell in the middle of the forest. a. ,o a lot of animals !ould see the rabbit #alking #ith the lion b. ,o the lion !ould atta!k the P otherQ lion !. ,o the lion !ould drink #ater d. ,o the other animals #ould be afraid of the rabbit 9. :hi!h of the follo#ing is true at the end of the stor . a. ?he lion atta!ked another lion" and the both got hurt. b. ?he lion !annot repl to the rabbit" so the rabbit #ins. !. ?he lion finall dies. d. ?he lion is pleased b the rabbitHs #ords" so it does not eat the rabbit. 2. :hat did the lion see #hen it looked in the #ell. r adventure Madvent(arN n. An adventure is a fun or eA!iting thing that ou do. E Kiding in the rough #ater #as an adventure. rapproa!h Maprout(N v. ?o approa!h something means to move !lose to it. 03 ?he bo approa!hed his s!hool. r!arefull MkearfaliN adv. Carefull means #ith great attention" espe!iall to detail or safet . 03U ?he bab !arefull !limbed do#n the stairs. r !hemi!al MkemikalN n. A !hemi!al is something that s!ientists use in !hemistr . 03 ?he s!ientist miAed the !hemi!als. r !reate Gam v. ?o !reate means to make something ne#. 0X ,he !reated an igloo from blo!ks of sno#. r evil Mi&valN ad(. %vil des!ribes something or someone bad or !ruel" not good. 0O ?he evil figure s!ared us all. r eAperiment MiksperamantN n. An eAperiment is a test that ou do to see #hat #ill happen. 0O ?he student did an eAperiment in s!ien!e !lass. r kill Mkiii v. ?o kill someone or something is to make them die. 0OI killed the fl #ith a fl s#atter. r laborator Mlsebaratd&riN n. A laborator is a room #here a s!ientist #orks. 03U F mother #orks in a laborator . r laugh MiOfl n. Iaugh is the sound made #hen someone is happ or a funn thing o!!urs 0T ?he sound of their laugh filled the room. 19 \ loud MlaudN ad(. If a sound is loud" it is strong and ver eas to hear.

0X ?he manHs voi!e #as so loud that #e all !ould hear him. !nervous MnsR&rvasN ad(. :hen a person is nervous" the think something bad #ill happen. 03 ?he bo be!ame nervous #hen he heard the ne#s. 3 v r noise m n. A noise is an unpleasant sound. 0X ?he !r ing bab made a loud noise. r pro(e!t M pred7ektN n. A pro(e!t is a t pe of #ork that ou do for s!hool ora (ob. 03 Gis afternoon #ork pro(e!t #as to paint the room green. r s!are MskeaAN v. ?o s!are someone is to make them feel afraid. 0OF un!le #as s!ared b #hat he sa# in the room. r se!ret Msi&kritN n. A se!ret is something that ou do not tell other people. 0O ?he t#o bo s #ere sharing a se!ret. rshout MJautN v. ?o shout is to sa something loudl . 0] F boss shouted at me be!ause I #as late for #ork. r smell MsmelN v. ?o smell something means to use our nose to sense it. 0R ?he t#o friends smelled the flo#er. I r terrible MterabslN ad(. If something is terrible" it is ver bad. 03 ?he #a he treated his !lassmate #as terrible. r #orse M# arsN ad(. If something is #orse" it is of poorer $ualit than another thing. 0O-usiness #as #orse this month than last month. iB ? il^ i Cir!le t#o #ords that are related in ea!h group. 1. a. laborator b. eAperiment !. shout d. smell 2. a. shout b. !arefull !. !reate d. laugh 7. a. nervous b. terrible !. approa!h d. #orse 9. a. !hemi!al b. se!ret !. loud d. noise 2. a. nervous b. adventure !. pro(e!t d. s!are iifrn i^ Y :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. :illiam #anted to make a ne# thing" ereZZZZZZ 2. IHm not having fun" so letHs go on an eA!iting trip" advenZZZZZZZZ 7. Frs. JHFalle asked me to get !lose to the desk and #rite m name" appZZZZZZZZZZ 9. )onHt #orr . I #onHt tell an one our thing that other people donHt kno#" se ZZZZZZZZ 2. I have to finish m spe!ial (ob before I !an go home.

Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. :hen the (ar hit the floor"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. it made a ver loud sound ZZZ b. it shouted on the ground 2. :hen the sun #ent do#n"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. it #as s!ared ZZZ b. the #oods looked evil 7. ?o test his idea" the s!ientistZZZZZZZZZZ . a. #ent on an adventure ZZZ b. did an eAperiment 9. Wour phone #ill not #orkZZZZZZZZZZ . a. someone kills the #indo# b. if ou donHt !arefull pa attention to our po#er suppl 2. ?he dog seemed unhapp #henZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I approa!hed it ZZZ b. it !reated me >. AleA likes his !lass be!ause he gets to ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. do fun pro(e!ts ZZZ b. be a laborator /. :hat is #rong #ith our hair.ZZZZZZZZZZ [ a. It is a !hemi!al ZZZ b. It looks terrible =. ,heHs $uite funn . :e al#a sZZZZZZZZZZ . a. laugh at her (okes ZZZ b. donHt tell me our se!ret 9. )id ou hear that.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I (ust made it #orse ZZZ b. ?here #as a noise 10. I have a ver important test tomorro#. ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I am nervous b. I #ill smell it ?he Iaborator FiaHs father had a laborator " but she had no idea #hat #as in it. Ger dad al#a s !losed and lo!ked the door #hen he #ent in. ,he kne# that he used it to do pro(e!ts for #ork. Ge never told Fia #hat these pro(e!ts #ere. Jne night" Fia approa!hed the door to the laborator . ,he stopped and thought" P I #onder #hat !ra' eAperiment he is doing no#.Q ,uddenl " she heard a loud noise. It sounded like an evil laugh. ?he noise s!ared her" so she #alked $ui!kl ba!k to her room. ?he neAt night" her friend Ii' !ame to her house. :hen Ii' arrived" Fia told her about the night before. PJh" it #as terrible"Q she said. P:h donHt #e see #hat is in there.Q Ii' asked. P It #ill be a fun adventure[Q Fia felt nervous about going into her fatherHs laborator " but she agreed. As al#a s" the door #as lo!ked. ?he #aited until FiaHs father left the laborator to eat dinner. P Ge didnHt lo!k the door[Q Ii' said. P IetHs go.Q ?he laborator #as dark. ?he girls #alked do#n the stairs !arefull . Fia smelled strange !hemi!als. :hat terrible thing #as her father !reating. ,uddenl " the heard an evil laugh. It #as even #orse than the one Fia heard the night before. :hat if a monster #as going to kill them. Fia had to do something. ,he shouted for help. FiaHs father ran into the room and turned on the lights. PJh" no"Q he said. PWou must have learned m se!ret.Q PWour monster tried to kill us"Q Fia said. P Fonster.Q he asked. PWou mean this.Q Ge had a prett doll in his hands. ?he doll laughed. ?he laugh

didnHt sound so evil an more. P I made this for our birthda . I #anted to give it to ou then" but ou it no#. I hope ou like it[Q 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A girlHs terrible eAperiment b. A se!ret that t#o girls have !. A girl #ho gets nervous about #hatHs in a laborator d. A man #ho !reates !hemi!als Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat s!ares Fia #hen she approa!hes the door. a. ?he room is ver dark. b. ,he hears a person shout. !. ,he smells fire. d. ,he hears a loud noise. 7. :hat is true of Fia in the stor . a. A monster kills her friend. b. ,he does not like adventures. !. ,he al#a s lo!ks the door of her room. d. Ger birthda has not !ome et. 9. :hat pro(e!t #as FiaHs father #orking on. a. A doll to give to Fia for her birthda b. A #a to keep the door !losed !. A !hemi!al that smells #orse than fire d. A monster that had an evil laugh 2. :hen did Fia and Ii' go into the laborator . r alien Meil(anN n. An alien is a !reature from a different #orld. 0X ?he alien !ame in pea!e. C among MamArNN prep. If ou are among !ertain things" the are all around ou. 03U ?here #as a red apple among the green ones. r !hart Mt(a 0 a N n. A !hart is a list of information. 03 :e used a !hart to see ho# #e had improved. r ClJ6d MklaudN n. A !loud is a group of #ater drops in the sk . 03U ?he sk #as filled #ith #hite !louds. r !omprehend MkamprihendN v. ?o !omprehend something is to understand it. 03U Genr !ould not !omprehend the message. r des!ribe MdiskraibN v. ?o des!ribe is to sa or #rite #hat someone or something is like. 03 ?he des!ribed their tree as !olorful #ith gold ribbon and a star. r ever MeverN adv. %ver means at an time. 03 4oing skiing last #inter #as the most fun IHve ever had.

r fail MfeiiN v. ?o fail means ou do not su!!eed in #hat ou tr to do. 0T ,in!e he failed to get the (ob" he #as sad. r friendl MfrendliN ad(. ;riendl is behaving in a pleasant" kind #a to#ard someone. 0O ?he friendl animals !ame up to the girl. r grade %greidN n. A grade is a s!ore or mark given to someoneHs #ork. 03U I managed to get good grades on m report !ard. _7Y r instead MinstedN adv. Instead means in pla!e of. 03` Ge ate the !arrot instead of the i!e !ream. r librar MlaibreriN n. A librar is a pla!e #here ou go to read books. 03` ?he librar at s!hool is full of books. rplanet MplaenatN n. A planet is a large round thing in spa!e. 0O,aturn is the planet #ith the ring around it. r report Mrip2&rtN n. A report is something students #rite for s!hool. 0R aaren had trouble #riting her report. rseveral MseveralN ad(. ,everal is more than t#o but not man . 03` Ge had to read several books for !lass. rsolve MsalvN v. ?o solve something is to find an ans#er to it. 0] All the students !ould easil solve the math problem. r suddenl MsAdnliN adv. If something happens suddenl " it happens $ui!kl and uneApe!tedl . 0OI #as suddenl surprised b the !ake m friends brought me. C,6ppJ,e Msspou'N v. ?o suppose is to guess. 03` I suppose I should go home no#. r universe 00 meversN n. ?he universe is the kno#n or supposed ob(e!ts in spa!e. 03 ?he universe is so large that it !annot be measured. r vie# Mv(6&N 3 ?o vie# is to look at something. 0R Fi!hael likes to vie# himself in the mirror. JI I Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. friendl a. spa!e b. a list of information !. a!ting or behaving ni!el d. a pi!ture

2. grade a. a s!ore or mark on someoneHs #ork !. #here ou go to read books 7.vie# a. to find an ans#er !. to guess 9. ever a. $ui!kl and uneApe!tantl !. all around ou 2. librar a. spa!e and things in spa!e !. a pla!e #here books are >. report a. man of something !. drops of #ater in the sk /. alien a. something #ritten for s!hool !. in pla!e of = . !hart a. a paper !. a group 9. among a. in the middle of something !. at an time 10. solve a. to guess !. to find an ans#er b. a small !op of something larger d. a paper #ritten for s!hool b. to not su!!eed in #hat ou tr to do d. to look at something b. at an time d. to do the first thing b. from a different #orld d. a round thing in spa!e b. a round thing d. a paper b. a !reature from a different #orld d. a small !op of something b. a !op d. a list b. a s!ore or mark d. to understand b. to look at something d. to not su!!eed in #hat ou tr to do Choose the right #ord for the given definition.

1. ever thing that eAists in spa!e a. universe b. instead !. suddenl 2. not an eAa!t amount but less than man a. ever b. among !. several 7. a !reature from a different #orld a. report 9. in pla!e of a. solve 2. to guess a. fail b. alien b. suppose b. suppose !. !hart !. fail !. vie# d. vie# d. solve d. among d. instead d. !omprehend S %Aer!ise 7 Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. ever + des!ribe :hat #ould be the most a#esome gift ouHve ZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ our home to me. re!eived. 2. alien8sY + !hart ?hisZZZZZZZZZ I sa# a movie about . tells #hat time the ?C sho#s #ill pla . ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ from another planet. 7. planet + universe I thinkthe most interesting. I #onder ho# the ZZZZZZZZ is ,aturn. began. 9. fail + solve )o ou like to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ hard math problems. If I do not kno# the ans#ers" I #illZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ the test. 2. several+vie# ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ da s ago" I lost m ba!kpa!k. ?he girls in m !lass like to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ pi!tures of pop stars. ?he Keport Iee sat among the books at the librar and thought about his group pro(e!t. ?he had to turn it in soon" but he hadnHt even started his part[ Ja!k and Claire

#ere in his group. ?he had #orked hard. ?he #ere also ver smart" and Iee didnHt #ant them to get a bad grade. Ja!k did the report. Ge #rote a lot of ver good senten!es and des!ribed things #ith great ad(e!tives. Claire dre# a ni!e map of the stars. No#" Iee needed to do his part of the pro(e!t. P:ell" I suppose I need to start m model"Q Iee thought. Faking a model of a planet #as reall hard. Iee tried to read several books" but he !ouldnHt !omprehend an of the !harts. P:eHre going to fail be!ause of me[Q Iee said. Ge put his head do#n on the table and said" P I #ish I !ould see a planet" instead of having to read about it[Q ,uddenl " there #as a bright light. Iee #as pulled from his !hair" through the roof" and right into a strange ship[ P Gello" kid"Q said an alien. P )id ou ask for help.Q Iee told the friendl alien all about his pro(e!t. ?he alien agreed to help Iee solve his problem. P ;irst" #eHll fl through spa!e to vie# the universe. ?hen" I !an help ou make a model of m planet.Q ,oon" the #ere going through the !louds. ?he passed the moon. ?hen the vie#ed Fars. Iee #as ver eA!ited. Instead of a bad grade" his group #ould have the best pro(e!t ever[ P ItHs time to go home"Q the alien finall said. Jn the #a ba!k" he helped Iee make a model of the planet Fars. ,oon" the #ere on %arth. P?hanks"Q Iee said. P F model #ill be a#esome[Q ?hen he took his model and said goodb e to his ne# friend. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. :h a smart bo fails a !lass b. A bo Hs trip into the universe !. A bo #ho #ants to #rite instead of dra# d. An alien living in a librar 2. :hat is Iee unable to !omprehend. a. Go#to make a model of a planet b. :h there are maps among the books !. :here the best pla!e is to vie# the stars d. Go#to read the information in a !hart Ans#er the $uestions. 7. :hat !an ou suppose is true of the groupHs report. a. It has three senten!es. b. It must des!ribe !louds. !. It is not due until several da s. d. It is about the stars and planets. 9. :hat did the alien #ant to do to help Iee.

a. 4et several books from the librar b. Gear the best report ever !. Fake the model of a planet d. ,olve his o#n problems 2. :hat planet did Iee see on his trip. r appropriate MaprouprieitN ad(. :hen a thing is appropriate" it is right or normal. 03 ItHs appropriate to #ear a suit #hen ou go to the offi!e. r avoid MavoidN v. ?o avoid something is to sta a#a from it. 0X Avoid the broken bottle on the floor. r behave MbiheivN v. ?o behave is to a!t in a parti!ular #a " espe!iall to be good. 03 ,he al#a s behaves #ell #hen her father is around. r !alm Mka&mN ad(. :hen someone is !alm" the do not get eA!ited or upset. 0OA ni!e #arm bath makes me feel so !alm. r !on!ern Mk s n s a m N n. Con!ern is a feeling of #orr . 0OI #as filled #ith !on!ern after reading the ne#spaper. r !ontent MkantentN ad(. ?o be !ontent is to be happ and not #ant more. 0O ?he bab looked ver !ontent sitting on the floor. r eApe!t MikspektN v. If ou eApe!t something to happen" ou believe it #ill happen. 03 I eApe!t the bus to be here ver soon. r fre$uentl Mfri&k#antliN adv. :hen something happens fre$uentl " it happens often. 03U :e meet fre$uentl " either at the beginning or ending of the #eek. r habit MhaebitN n. A habit is a thing that ou do often. 0O,moking is a bad habit that !an kill ou. r instru!t MinstrAktN v. ?o instru!t is to tea!h. 03U F tea!her instru!ts us in several sub(e!ts. r issue -fu&N n. An issue is an important topi!. 03 ?he men spoke about issues that #ere important to the people. r l l J n e MnAnN pron. None means not an of someone or something. 0X Ge spent all his mone . ?here is none left. r patient Mpei(antN ad(. If a person is patient" the donHt be!ome angr or upset easil . 0OI had to be patient and #ait until 2 oH!lo!k to leave. r positive Mpa'ativN ad(. If something is positive" it is good.

03U,he has a positive future ahead of her after finishing !ollege. r punish MpAniJN v. ?o punish means to make someone suffer for breaking the rules or la#s. 03 ?o punish me" m tea!her had me stand in the !orner. r represent Mrepri'entN v. ?o represent is to speak or a!t for a person or group. 0O F la# er #ill represent me in !ourt. r shake M(eiki v. ?o shake is to move ba!k and forth or up and do#n $ui!kl . 0X :hen people shake hands" it usuall means the agree. r spread Mspred( v. ?o spread is to move $ui!kl to more pla!es. 03 I like to spread butter on m toast. r stroll MstroulN v. ?o stroll means to #alk slo#l and !alml . 03` F dog and I strolled through the park toda . r village n. A village is a ver small to#n. 03 ?here are onl a fe# houses in m village. 2/ :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ?he stor about the poli!e dog got to man people in to#n" sprZZZZZZ 2. I #as happ to sit and listen to musi! all night" !onZZZZZZZZ 7. ?he house #ill move ba!k and forth if a strong #ind blo#s" sh ZZZZZZ 9. I #aited for the monster to !ome out of the !ave" eAZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2. I didnHt #ant to talk to m sister" so I staved a#a from her. av ZZZZZZ Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. -efore aimberl sang"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. the tea!her reminded ever one to behave b. she instru!ted the people to go to sleep 2. :hen #e heard the loud sound"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I turned around out of habit b. there #as none left 7. ?he man told us to be $uiet"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. so I de!ided to stroll through to#n b. so I kne# it #as not appropriate to talk 9. ?he asked us to #ait"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. so I felt !on!erned about them b. so I had to be patient 2. I met a ne# friend esterda " andZZZZZZZZZZ .

a. fre$uentl I #ould sit and read b. I shook his hand Che!k 8CY the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZ a. ?he girlHs positive #ords made me feel better. b. :e tookthe village out of the house. 2. ZZ a. ?he !alm girl elled a lot. b. ?he team members asked aate to represent them at the dinner. 7. ZZ a. I #as !ontent to sta at home b the #arm fire. b. F mom punished me for doing m home#ork. 9. ZZ a. ?he man eApe!ted me to sa es. b. ?he issue did not taste ver good. 2. ZZ a. I behaved #isel #hile I #as asleep. b. I avoided m friend be!ause she had laughed at me. >. ZZ a. At first I #as nervous" but then I started to feel !alm. b. ?he angr bear looked !ontent. /. ZZ a. :hen m dog died" it made me feel positive. b. ;e# people live in the village. =. ZZ a. I #anted to avoid food" so I bought a sand#i!h. b. ?he !lass needed to talk about the issue. 9. ZZZa. ?he students behaved $uite #ell for their ne# tea!her. b. ,tudents are eApe!ted to be late to !lass. 10. a. I #as punished be!ause I broke the #indo#. b. ?he man represented the a#ard to the girl. ?he )ogHs -ell JohnHs dog #as a bad dog. Ge bit people fre$uentl . John had great !on!ern about this. It #as not an appropriate #a for a dog to behave. Gis friends in the village al#a s eApe!ted the dog to bite them. ?he ne#s about JohnHs dog spread through the village. None of the people #anted to go to JohnHs house. John tried to instru!t the dog to behave" but it never #orked. Ge tried to be patient and tea!h the dog to be !alm. ?hat also didnHt #ork. John didnHt #ant to punish the dog. P Go# #ill I stop m dogHs bad habit.Q John asked himself. JohnHs friend !ame to talk to him about the issue. )uring their important meeting" his friend said" P?he people in the village asked me to represent them. :e #ant our dog to stop this habit. :h donHt ou put a bell around the dogHs ne!k. ?his #a " #e #ould hear our dog !oming do#n the street.Q John thought this #as a great idea. No#" people !ould sta a#a from the dog. It #ould not be able to bite an one an more. ?he dog liked the bell" too. People looked at him #hen the heard his bell. ?his made the dog ver !ontent. Ge liked the song the bell pla ed #hen he #alked. Jne da " JohnHs dog strolled through the village and met some other dogs. Ge eApe!ted them to #ant a bell like his. -ut the laughed at his bell. ?he said the bell made people avoid him. JohnHs dog shook his head. P No" the look at me be!ause the like the bell.Q

?he other dogs said" PWou have the #rong idea of #hat makes ou popular. Jf !ourse the like our bell. It tells them #here ou are so the !an avoid ou. Wou arenHt able to bite them an more[Q Wou see" being popular isnHt something positive #hen itHs for the #rong reason. 1. :hat is this stor mainl about. a. A dog that is fre$uentl bad b. A dogHs stroll through to#n !. A !ontent man and his dog d. A village that liked JohnHs dog Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat is true of the dog. a. Ge likes none of JohnHs friends. b. Ge shakes his head too mu!h. !. Ge bites #hen itHs not appropriate. d. Ge eApe!ts people to be !alm around him. 7. :h did the issue #ith the dog bother John. a. People didnHt think of John in a positive #a . b. People avoided going to JohnHs house. !. People didnHt #ant John to represent them. d. People didnHt like the song that John pla ed. 9. :hat did John do to stop the dogHs bad habit. a. Ge instru!ted the dog on learning tri!ks. b. Ge punished the dog for biting. !. Ge #as patient and sho#ed !on!ern. d. Ge put a bell around the dogHs ne!k. 2. :hat did the other dogs sa about the bell. :ord us3 r a#are Mavr!arN ad(. If ou are a#are of something" ou kno# about it. 0]1 #as not a#are of the ringing phone. ! badl MbaedliN adv. -adl means in a severe or harmful #a . 03 Ge hurt his arm badl pla ing #ith friends. r belong NoonN v. If something belongs to ou" ou o#n it. 0O ?he blue suit belongs to Paul. r !ontinue Mkantin(u&N C. ?o !ontinue something is to keep doing it. 03 ,he stood under her umbrella as the rain !ontinued to fall. r error lerad n. An error is something ou do #rong. 0RI made an error on m report" so m boss #as angr . r eAperien!e JkspisriansN n.

An eAperien!e is something ou have seen or done. 03 Ko!k !limbing #as a fun eAperien!e. r field m A a n. A field is a big area of land. 0O ?he field of flo#ers looked so prett . r hurt MhairtN v. ?o hurt is to do something that makes ou feel pain. 0O,he hurt her leg falling do#n the stairs. r (udgment Md 7 Ad 7 mantN n. Judgment is the abilit to form opinions or de!isions. 03 ItHs good (udgment to re! !le our aluminum !ans. ! likel MlaikliN adv. If something likel happens" it #ill probabl happen. E I #ill likel sta at home and #at!h ?C tonight. r normal MnormalN ad(. If something is normal" it is not strange nor surprising to ou. 03U It is normal for me to bathe ever night. r rare MrearN ad(. If something is rare" ou do not see it ver often. 03U It is rare for him to miss his flight. rrelaA MrilseksN v. ?o relaA is to rest. 0X ?he frog relaAed in the #arm sun. r re$uest Mrik#estN v. ?o re$uest something is to ask for it. 03U ?he little girl re$uested a spe!ial gift from ,anta Claus. r reside Mri&'aidN 3 ?o reside means to live some#here permanentl or for a long time. 03 F brother and his famil reside in a lovel house on the bea!h. r result tn'AitN n. A result is something that happens be!ause of something else. 0OAsa result of all the rain" the man had to !limb on the roof. r roll MrouiN v. ?o roll is to move b turning over and over. 03 Wou must roll the ball into the pins #hen ou bo#l. C sin!e M,insN prep. ,in!e is used to talk about a past event still happening no#. 03 ,in!e 1992" he has been driving that !ar. r visible Mvi'abslN ad(. If something is visible" it !an be seen. ?he moon and stars #ere visible in the night sk . r #ild M#aildN ad(. If something is #ild" it is found in nature. 0O Wou should be !areful around a foA" be!ause it is a #ild animal. 77 Choose the right definition for the given #ord.

1. roll a. to rest !. to gro# 2. error a. a ni!e man !. something ou do #rong 7. hurt a. to disagree !. from nature 9. reside a. to relaA !. something that !an be seen 2. relaA a. to keep going !. to rest >. !ontinue a. to be in the right pla!e !. to have /. normal a. the perfe!t amount !. not strange = . rare a. $uiet !. interesting 9. visible a. from nature !. ne# 10. field a. open land !. a thing b. a rule d. to move b turning b. ver old d. open land b. ho# mu!h something !osts d. to do something that !auses pain b. to live in a pla!e for long d. to kno# about something b. a large group of people d. to move b. to sta d. to keep doing something b. friendl d. different b. not full d. not seen often

b. eas to see d. normal b. to reside d. a tool Choose the right #ord for the given definition. !. (udgment d. badl 1. in a severe or harmful #a a. !ontinue b. #ild 2. the abilit to form opinions or de!isions a. eAperien!e b. reside !. (udgment 7. to fit or be in the right pla!e a. roll b. relaA 9. not strange or different a. normal b. visible !. !ontinue !. un!ommon 2. to do something that makes ou feel pain a. rare b. hurt !. error d. result d. belong d. a#are d. sin!e :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. F da at s!hool #as not strange" norZZZZZZ 2. ?he bird #as from nature. #iZZZ 7. ,orr I !anHt !omeb IHm feeling dis!omfort in m bod . hZZZZZZ 9. GeHs going to rest instead of going to the movie. rZZZZZZZZ 2. ?he man #alked through a large area of land" f ?he Ja!kal and the ,un Child A (a!kal is a #ild dog #ith a big bla!k ba!k. It resides in the desert. -ut ho# did the (a!kal get his bla!k ba!k. ?his #as ho# it happened. Jne da " the (a!kal sa# a girl. ,he #as sitting upon a ro!k. ,he #as not a normal !hild. ,he #as a rare and beautiful sun !hild. ,he #as bright and #arm like the sun. ?he !hild sa# the (a!kal and smiled. ,he said" PJa!kal" I have been relaAing on this ro!k for too long. I must get home soon. -ut" I am slo# and ou are fast. Wou #ill likel get me home more $ui!kl .Q ?hen she re$uested" P:ill ou !arr me home. If ou do" IHll give ou a gift. ?his ne!kla!e belongs to me" but I #ill give it to ou.Q ?he #ild (a!kal agreed. ,o the sun !hild sat on the dogHs ba!k. ?he started

to #alk. -ut soon" the (a!kal felt ill. ?he sun !hild #as ver hot on his ba!k. ?he heat #as hurting his ba!k ver badl . P I made a terrible error in (udgment.Q he thought. Ge shouldnHt have agreed to !arr her. ,o he asked her to get off. -ut she did not. ?he (a!kalHs ba!k !ontinued to get hotter and hotter. Ge had to get a#a from the sun !hild. ,o he made a plan. ;irst" he ran as fast as he !ould. Ge hoped the sun !hild #ould fall off. -ut she did not. ,o #hen the sun !hild #as looking at the sk " not a#are of the (a!kalHs neAt plan" he (umped into a field of flo#ers. As a result" the !hild rolled off his ba!k. ?he (a!kal ran a#a . -ut the sun !hild left a mark on the (a!kalHs ba!k" a visible bla!k mark. %ver sin!e his eAperien!e #ith the sun !hild" the (a!kal has had a bla!k ba!k. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. :h the sun !hild has a beautiful smile b. :h a #ild dog hurt a sun !hild !. An error that the sun !hild on!e made d. Go# the (a!kal got his visible bla!k mark Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat kind of girl #as the sun !hild. a. ,he #as rare and beautiful. b. ,he #as likel ver sh . !. ,he #as an ill !hild. d. ,he #as a normal !hild. 7. :h did the (a!kal run into the field. a. ?o !ontinue his (ourne b. It #anted a ne# pla!e to reside. !. ?o take a nap and relaA d. ?o get a#a from the sun !hild 9. :hat happened at the end of the stor . a. ?he sun !hild forgot the eAperien!e. b. ?he sun !hild be!ame a#are of the (a!kalHs bla!k ba!k. !. ?he sun !hild rolled off the (a!kalHs ba!k. d. ?he sun !hild has sta ed upon the (a!kalHs ba!k sin!e then. 2. :hat did the sun !hild re$uest. :ord Iist n. r advantage Madvaentid7N An advantage is something that helps ou. E -eing tall is an advantage to a basketball pla er. r r r r r r r r

!ause Mko&'N v. ?o !ause is to make something happen. 03U ?he !old #eather !aused her to get si!k. !hoi!e Mt(oisN n. A !hoi!e is the a!t or possibilit of pi!king something. 0O I had m !hoi!e of five doors to open. !ommunit Mkam(uinatiN n. A !ommunit is a group of people #ho live together. 0T ?he kids from m !ommunit usuall pla together. dead MdedN ad(. ?o be dead is to not be alive. 03 A dead person is usuall buried in the ground. distan!e MdistansN n. ?he distan!e bet#een t#o things is ho# far it is bet#een them. 0O ?he distan!e bet#een the %arth and the Foon is 7=9"900 kilometers. es!ape MiskeipN v. ?o es!ape is to run a#a from something bad. E ?he butterfl !ould not es!ape from the !age. fa!e tfeisN v. If ou fa!e a problem" ou deal #ith it. 03` F sister and I have to find a better #a to fa!e our differen!es. follo# MfalouN v. ?o follo# means to go behind someone and go #here the go. 0X ?he little bo follo#ed his mother home. fright MfraitN n. ;right is the feeling of being s!ared. 0O,he #as filled #ith fright. r ghost MgoustN n. A ghost is the spirit of a dead person. 03` Fan people are afraid of ghosts. r individual Mindavid7ualN n. An individual is one person. 0O Jnl one individual !ould #in the bi! !le ra!e. r pet MpetN n. A pet is an animal that lives #ith people. E Jut of all m pets" the dog is m favorite. r rea!h )tt(N v. ?o rea!h means to arrive at a pla!e. 03 I #as happ to finall rea!h m destination. r return MritsrnN v. ?o return is to go ba!k to a pla!e. 03 I #as happ to return home to m mom after s!hool. r survive MsarvaivN v. ?o survive is to sta alive. 03F dog survived her fall into the #ater. r upset MApsetN ad(.

?o be upset is to be unhapp about something. 03U ,he #as upset be!ause she broke her to . r voi!e MvoisN n. A voi!e is the sound a person makes #hen the talk or sing. 0OGe used a mi!rophone" so ever one !ould hear his voi!e. r #eather M#e,arN n. ?he #eather is the !ondition of the air& hot" rain " #ind " et!. 0] ?he #eather !an be sunn " rain " or !old. B : i s e M#ai'N ad(. ?o be #ise is to use eAperien!e and intelligen!e to make good !hoi!es. 03 Fan people believe that o#ls are ver #ise animals. 7" :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ,am #as happ to go ba!k to his house" re n 2. Ger grandfather is a smart old man" #iZZZZ 7. :illiam #anted an animal to live #ith. P ZZZZ 9. Ge studies #hat the !ondition of the air is like. #eZZZZZZZZZZ 2. I have to deal #ith m rising !redit !ard bill" f ZZZZZZ Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. fright+ghost ?heZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ lives in the old house. A s!ar pla!e might !auseZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . 2. dead + upset ?he tree fell do#n be!ause it #asZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I #as ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ #hen I got a bad grade on the test. 7. advantage + rea!hed After 10hours of driving" I finall ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ California. Ge is smart and has a8nYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in !lass. 9. es!ape + distan!e Ge #anted to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ from the room. Ge lived a longZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ from the s!hool. 2. !ommunit + individual ?he man is a ni!eZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . ?he to#n is a small Che!k 8C Y the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. It rained for t#o da s"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. and !aused the river to rise ZZ b. it #as dead 2. As I #as #alking home from s!hool toda "ZZZZZZZZZ . a. I #as a ghost b. I hardl noti!ed that a dog #as follo#ing me

7. After m va!ation"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I returned to #ork b. I #as an advantage 9. Fan people like himZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause the make him upset ZZZ b. be!ause he is a #ise man 2. ?he are afraid of the king be!auseZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. he has too mu!h po#er b. he has a $uiet voi!e >. I love m dog.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. GeHs m favorite pet b. Ge !auses fright /. I like living here be!auseZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I make man !hoi!es b. it is a ni!e !ommunit =. I #ant to live in Ga#aii be!auseZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. it has good #eather b. smoking !auses lung !an!er 9. ?he storm #as ver bad" butZZZZZZZZZZ . a. all of the people survived ZZZ b. it #ent a ver longdistan!e 10. :e !losed the door" butZZZZZZZZZZZ ` a. the dog es!aped b. it #as an individual ?he ;riendl 4host A ni!e #oman lived b a large river. ,he loved !hildren. ,he #anted to help them in an #a . ,he loved her !ommunit " and ever one in the !ommunit loved her. ,he lived a ver long time and be!ame ver #ise. :hen she died" she be!ame a ghost. ,he #as dead" but ever night she returned to her !ommunit . ,he #anted to help !hildren and not to !ause them fright. -ut she had a s!ar voi!e. Children #ere afraid of her" but the ghost #as a good one. ,he onl s!ared them to help them. Jne night" some !hildren and a dog #ere pla ing b the river. ?he #ere having fun #ith their pet. -ut the #ere far from home. ?hen the #eather be!ame bad. It rained and rained. ?he river #as rising. It #as ver dark. ?he !hildren kne# the #ere lost. ?he needed to go north" but the didnHt kno# #hi!h dire!tion it #as. :hen the moon !ame out" the sa# a ghost b the river. ?he ghost said" P4o a#a [Q ?he !hildren felt great fright. ?he kne# it #as a ghost. ?hen the ghost moved !loser. ,he elled again" P 4o a#a [Q ?he !hildren be!ame ver upset. ,ome of them began to !r . ?he !hildren kne# the had a !hoi!e& the !ould es!ape" or the !ould sta and fa!e this s!ar individual in the dark. ?he !hildren ran a long distan!e a#a . ?he ghost follo#ed them all the #a . ;inall " the !hildren rea!hed home. ?he ghost #as ver happ . ,oon the river rose higher and higher. It #as ver dangerous. ?he ghost had helped the !hildren survive[ ,he had saved them from the rising #ater. ,he also used her po#er to lead them home. ,ometimes" meeting a ghost has advantages. A ghost !an save our 1. :hat is this stor about. a. Go# a ghost returns to help her !ommunit b. Go# a #ise pet helps !hildren es!ape a ghost

!. :h an individual has a (ob in the north d. Go# some !hildren es!aped bad #eather Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat !aused fright in the !hildren. a. ?he po#er of the moon at night b. ?he bad #eather near the river !. ?he voi!e of the ghost d. ?heir dead pet 7. :hat #as true of the !hildren in the stor . a. ?heir home #as a short distan!e from the river. b. ?he had the advantage of being ghosts. !. ?he didnHt like to pla near the river. d. ?he #ere upset #hen the sa# the ghost. 9. :h did the ghost s!are the !hildren. a. ,he #anted to help them. b. ,he had no other !hoi!e. !. ,he #as afraid of their pet. d. ,he didnHt #ant them to see her. 2. :here did the #oman live. I f A)FI?Q1V a JN% d fe_ I r allo# MalauN v. ?o allo# something to happen means to let it happen. 03 Gaving a ti!ket #ill allo# ou to enter the sho#. r announ!e fenaunsN v. ?o announ!e something is to make it kno#n. 03U Ge announ!ed to ever one his ne# idea for the !ompan . r beside MbisaidN prep. :hen someone or something is beside ou" the are neAt to ou. E ?he t#o brothers stood beside ea!h other. r !hallenge Mt(!eiind7N n. A !hallenge is something diffi!ult to !omplete. 0] It #as a !hallenge to !limb to the top of the mountain. r !laim MkleimN v. ?o !laim means to sa that something is true. 0] Ge !laimed to kno# #h the !ountr Hs la#s #ere #eak. r !ondition Mkandi(anN n. ?he !ondition of someone or something is the state that the are in. 03 ?he patientHs !ondition #as ver good. r !ontribute Mkantrib(u&tN v. ?o !ontribute to something means to do something to make it su!!essfi 0O :e de!ided to !ontribute mone to the ne# hospital. r differen!e MdifsransN n. A differen!e is a #a that something is not like other things.

0R ?he biggest differen!e bet#een the birds is the !olor of their feathers. r divide MdivaidN v. ?o divide something is to make it into smaller parts. 0O :e divided the pi''a. r eApert Mekspa&rtN n. An eApert is someone #ho is ver good at doing something. 0X ?he #i'ard #as an eApert at magi!. fR famous MfeimasN ad(. If someone or something is famous" the are kno#n to man people. 0O ?he %iffel ?o#er in Paris is ver famous. r for!e Mfo&rsN n. ;or!e is a personHs strength or po#er. 0OGe used all his for!e to tr and open the door. ! harm MhacN n. Garm is hurt or problems !aused to someone or something. 0] A hot iron !an !ause great harm if ou are not !areful. r la m v. ?o la means to put or pla!e in a hori'ontal or flat position. 0X )onHt la our so!ks on the floor. r pea!e IpN n. Pea!e is a time #ithout #ar. 0OA #hite dove is a s mbol for pea!e. r prin!e MprinsN n. A prin!e is the son of a king. 0] ?he prin!e and the prin!ess #ere married. r prote!t MpratektN v. ?o prote!t someone is to stop them from getting hurt. 03 ;iremen prote!t us from fires. J sense MsensN C. ?o sense something is to kno# about it #ithout being told. 0OI !ould sense that he #as #at!hing me. r sudden MsAdnN ad(. :hen something is sudden" it happens ver $ui!kl . 0X Ge felt a sudden pain in his !hest. r therefore Md\a&rfo&rN adv. ?herefore means for this reason. 0OGe is fat. ?herefore" he #ill go on a diet. Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1. something diffi!ult that ou have to do a. !ondition b. sense !. !hallenge d. divide 2. the son of a king a. prin!e b. eApert 7. to do something to help su!!eed a. !ontribute b. sudden 9. for this reason a. allo# b. therefore

!. famous !. harm d. for!e d. pea!e !. announ!e d. beside 2. to stop someone from getting hurt a. !laim b. prote!t !. la d. differen!e :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ,arah let ?im go to the game" alioZZZZZZ 2. ?he !hild promised not to hurt our !at. h a rZ 7. ,he #as a #ell0kno#n #riter in our to#n" famZZZZZZ 9. Wou should sa itHs true that ou never lie" !l 2. ?he food #as !ut into smaller parts so #e !ould all eat. Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. It #asnHt right for the !oa!hZZZZZZZZZZ . a. to make the ra!e su!h a !hallenge ZZZ b. to allo# me to pla 2. F sister and I #ere fighting.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. :e announ!ed the #inners b. F sister !laimed she didnHt like me 7. %ver one kne# herZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause I stood beside her ZZZ b. be!ause she #as famous 9. ?he man #ould not bu the bike ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause of his differen!e b. be!ause of its bad !ondition 2. No one !ould #in against ,all ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause she #as an eApert ZZZ b. be!ause she never used for!e >. :e #ere s!ared be!ause the dogZZZZZZZZZZ . a. might harm us b. might bring us pea!e /. ?he poli!e #antedZZZZZZZZZZ . a. to prote!t us from danger b. to not make an sense =. Wou are too si!k to pla outside.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. )onHt la our feet on the table ZZZ b. ?herefore" pla inside 9. ,he #as surprised b ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. the eApe!ted amount !ontributed b the animals b. the sudden noise outside 10. Please be fairZZZZZZZZZZ . a. #hen ou meet the prin!e b. #hen ou divide the land ?he -est Prin!e aing Finos #as ver si!k. Gis !ondition #as getting #orse. Ge had three sons. Ge loved them all. Ge had to announ!e #ho #ould be!ome king. ?#o of the prin!es stood #aiting outside the kingHs room. ?heseus #as the oldest and strongest. Ge thought his father #ould make him king. Pelias" the

se!ond son" thought differentl . Ge #as an eApert #ith #eapons. Ge thought the king #ould !hoose him. P:hen IHm king"Q ?heseus told Pelias" P IHll let ou !ontribute to the defense of our !ountr . Wou !an lead the arm .Q Pelias be!ame angr . P ;ather kno#s IHm famous for m s#ord skills. GeHll make me king.Q PWou.Q ?heseus elled. P Ge #onHt !hoose ou[Q P?he kingdom is mine[Q Pelias !laimed. P ;ather #ill give it to meEor IHll use for!e to take it[Q ?heseus made a sudden move to take out his s#ord. ?hen Pelias did the same. P -eating me #ill be a !hallenge"Q ?heseus said. P ;ight me no#. ?he #inner gets the kingdom[Q Pelias agreed. aing Finos !ould hear his sons fighting. ?he oungest son" Jason" stood beside him. Ge sensed his fatherHs sadness. ?he king laid his hand flat on JasonHs arm. PWour brothers fight too mu!h"Q the king told him. P I must prote!t m kingdom from all harm. ?he Hll divide it bet#een them. ?he people #onHt kno# #hat to do. ?hereHll be #ar. I !anHt allo# either of them to be king. ?herefore" IHm making ou king. Wour kindness has al#a s made ou spe!ial. ItHs the differen!e bet#een ou and our brothers. Wou !an bring pea!e. ?he !anHt.Q ?hen the king died. ?heseus and Pelias heard that their oungest brother #as king. ?he #ere surprised. ?he reali'ed that their fighting #as #rong. It had kept them from sa ing goodb e to their father. ?he agreed to have Jason as their king. Ge #as the best !hoi!e. rp I Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A sudden fight bet#een kings b. A kind prin!e #ho got a kingdom !. An eApert sister and a famous king d. ?he !hallenge to divide the kingdom 2. :hat did the king need to prote!t the kingdom from. a. ?he fighting bet#een the t#o prin!es b. ?he harm !aused b sudden fights !. ?he differen!es bet#een the three brothers d. ?he poor !ondition of the kingHs arm 7. :hat #as probabl true of Jason in the stor . a. Ge #anted to bring pea!e to the kingdom. b. ?he !hallenge of being king #as too mu!h for him.

!. Ge #anted harm to !ome to his brothers. d. Ge hoped to divide the kingdom. 9. :hat #as the differen!e bet#een Jason and his brothers. a. Ge #as an eApert #ith #eapons. b. Ge #as older and stronger. !. Ge made more sense. d. Ge had al#a s been kind. 2. :hat did the king have to announ!e. r r r a!!ept MaekseptN v. ?o a!!ept something that is offered is to take it. 0T I a!!epted the girlHs ver ni!e gift. r arrange Mareind7N v. ?o arrange things is to put them in the right pla!e. 03` Please arrange the bo#ling pins in order so #e !an pla . r attend MstendN v. ?o attend something is to go to it. 0T F sister and I attend the same s!hool. balan!e MbselansN v. ?o balan!e something is to keep it from falling. 0] :e sa# an elephant balan!e itself on a ball. !ontrast MkantraestN n. A !ontrast is the sharp differen!e bet#een t#o things. ?he !ontrast bet#een m parents is ver noti!eable. r en!ourage Minka&rid7N v. ?o en!ourage someone is to make them #ant to do something. 03 F football !oa!h #ill en!ourage us #hen #e are losing. r familiar Mfamil(arN ad(. If someone or something is familiar to ou" ou kno# them #ell. 03 ?he t#o friends #ere ver familiar #ith ea!h other. r grab MgraebN v. ?o grab is to take a hold of someone or something suddenl . 0X + grabbed a pear from the tree. r hang thaerYN v. ?o hang something is to keep it above the ground. 0]1 dre# a pi!ture of m famil " and m mother hung it on the #all. r huge Mh(u&d7N ad(. If something is huge" it is ver big. 0T At #ork" m father drives a huge tru!k. 20 r ne!essar MnesaseriN ad(. If something is ne!essar " ou must do it. 0OIt is ne!essar to have a passport #hen ou travel to a foreign !ountr . r pattern MpaetarnN n. A pattern is a #a in #hi!h something is done or organi'ed.

0OF pattern of brushing m teeth is the same as most peopleHs. C propose Mprapou'N F. ?o propose something is to sa that it should be done. 0O,anta Claus proposed that I tr to be a good bo all ear. r purpose MparpasN n. A purpose is the reason that ou do something. 0O ?he purpose of eAer!ising is to get into shape. r release Mnii0.sN 3 ?o release something is to stop holding it. 0O,he released the bird from her hands. rre$uire Mrik#aiarN v. ?o re$uire something is to sa that it is ne!essar . 03U :e re$uire tea!hers to have a universit degree. r sin gle Msi*ngslN ad(. If something is single" then there is onl one. 03 I have a single ke in m hand. C ,6CCe,, MsaksesN n. ,u!!ess is doing something #ell that ou !hoose to do. 03 F daughter #as a big su!!ess at s!hool. r tear MtearN v. ?o tear something means to pull it apart. 0R It is eas to tear paper. r theor Mei&ariN n. A theor is an idea about ho# something #orks. 0O :e talked about %insteinHs theor of relativit in !lass. :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ,he looks like someone that I kno# #ell" famiZZZZZZZZ 2. )rinking #ater is something that she must do. ne!esZZZZZZZZ 7. Ge has an idea of ho# the ma!hine #orks" the ZZZZZZ 9. ?he reason that 1 am doing this is to help !hildren" purZZZZZZZZ 2. F tea!her #ill make me #ant to get good grades" en!ZZZZZZZZZZZZ >. I agree #ith our idea. I think it #ill #ork. a! ZZZZZZZZ /. It is diffi!ult to keep from falling #hen ou stand on one foot" baZZZZZZZZZZ = . Ger routine of eAer!ising after #ork is !ommon for man people. P a ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. ?here is a big differen!e bet#een da and night. ! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 10. ?he %arth has a solitar moon" s

4 7 7 0 Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1. used #hen something must be done a. propose b. hang !. re$uire d. tear 2. to stop something from falling do#n a. balan!e b. arrange !. attend d. release 7. a #a that something is ver different a. grab b. su!!ess !. a!!ept d. !ontrast 9. an idea about something a. theor b. familiar !. ne!essar d. en!ourage 2. the onl one a. pattern b. single !. huge d. attend - J J Che!k 8C Y the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. It started to rain"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. it hung on the #all b. so I grabbed m umbrella. 2. :hen she heard I #as leaving"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. she proposed a part b. she had huge fun 7. )onHt pull on m shirt" orZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. ou might tear it b. ou might arrange it 9. If ou tr hard"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. ou !an attend man things ZZZ b. ou #ill have su!!ess 2. :hen I !at!h fish"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I usuall release them ba!k into the #ater b. the re$uire a good dinner Go# the ,un and the Foon :ere Fade )o ou ever #onder #here the moon and the sun !ame from. ?he Inuit people of Alaska have a theor . ?he tell a stor about a beautiful girl. ,he #as ver ni!e. In !ontrast" her brother #as a mean little bo . Jne da he proposed something. P:e should go to a part "Q he said. ?he girl a!!epted. ;irst" it #as ne!essar for her to prepare. ,he arranged her hair and put on ni!e !lothes. ?his re$uired a lot of time. -ut the girl #orked hard" and soon she had su!!ess. ,he looked perfe!t. ?he attended the part together. ?he girl #as having fun. Iater" she #alked into the bathroom. ,uddenl " the lights #ere turned off[ ,omeone grabbed her hair and tore her !lothes. ,he ran out of the bathroom. ,he #anted to kno# #ho did this to her. ?hen she had an idea. ,he fiAed her hair again. ?his time it #as even more beautiful. ,he even balan!ed beautiful (e#els in it. ,he #anted to en!ourage the person to grab it again. ,he put bla!k dirt in her hair. ?he purpose of this #as to !at!h the person. ,he #ent to the bathroom again" and it #as the same pattern. ?he lights #ent off" and someone grabbed her hair. :hen he released it" his hand #as bla!k. ?he girl returned to the part . ,he kne# there #as onl a

single person #ith a bla!k hand. :hen she sa# that person" he #as ver familiar. It #as her brother[ Ge ran into the #oods. ?he girl ran after him. ?he both !arried fire so the !ould see in the dark. ?he smoke #ent into the air. As the ran" the gre#. ?he be!ame huge. ?hen the #ent into spa!e. :hen the girlHs fire #ent out" she hung in the sk . ,he be!ame the moon" and her brother be!ame the sun. ?he !hase ea!h other forever. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. ?he !ontrast bet#een the sun and the moon b. A theor of ho# the moon and the sun #ere made !. ?he purpose of the sun and the moon d. :h it is ne!essar for the moon to balan!e in the sk 2. :h does the girl en!ourage someone to grab her hair. a. ,he doesnHt #ant him to tear her dress. b. ,he #ants to be!ome huge and hang in the sk . !. ,he #ants to kno# #ho grabbed her hair. d. ,he #ants the part to be a su!!ess. 7. :hat #as true of the bo in the stor . a. Ge a!!epted the invitation #hen his sister proposed a part . b. Ge didnHt #ant to attend the part . !. Ge #as the onl person #ith a bla!k hand. d. Ge #ore a shirt #ith a beautiful pattern. 9. :h does the girl be!ome angr . a. ?he bo doesnHt release her hair. b. ,he is re$uired to arrange her hair. !. ?he smoke from her fire #ent into the air. d. ,he sees someone familiar #ith a bla!k hand. Ans#er the $uestions. 2. Go# does the girl get read for the part . :ord list r again st MagenstN prep. ?o be against something is to be tou!hing it or opposed to it. 03U ?he both leaned against the #all. r0 bea!h n. ?he bea!h is a sand or ro!k pla!e b the o!ean. 03 ?he little girl built a sand!astle on the bea!h. r dam age Mdsemid7l v. ?o damage something is to break it.

03 ?he !ar #as damaged in the a!!ident. r dis!over MdiskAva+0N v. ?o dis!over something is to find it for the first time. 03U I dis!overed some ne# information in this book[ r emotion Mimou(anN n. An emotion is ho# ou feel. 03U Anger is a !ommon emotion that #e all feel. rfiA MfiksN v. ?o fiA something is to make it #ork. 0OF dad has man tools to help him fiA broken things. r frank MfraenkN ad(. If ou are frank" ou are being ver honest. 0O ?he tea!her had a frank dis!ussion #ith her students. r identif laidentafaiN v. ?o identif something is to be able to name it. 0T I used the file to identif his name. r island MailandN n. An island is land in the middle of #ater. 0T (apan is a group of islands. B o!ean Mou(anN n. ?he o!ean is all of the salt #ater that surrounds land. 0OU ?he o!ean !an make po#erful #aves. r perhaps MparhaepsN adv. Perhaps is used #hen ou sa that something !ould happen. 0R Perhaps I #ill eat an apple for lun!h. rpleasant Mple'ntN ad(. If something is pleasant" ou en(o it. 0T ?he !hara!ter had a pleasant look on its fa!e. rprevent MpriventN v. ?o prevent something is to stop it from happening. 0T ?he hand!uffs prevented me from moving m hands. rro!k MrakN n. A ro!k is a hard thing in the dirt. 0R I sta!ked ro!ks on top of one another. rsave MseivN v. ?o save something is to keep it from being hurt. 0OI #ant to help save the #orld. r ,tep MstepN v. ?o step is to #alk. 0T -e !areful #here ou step. r still MstiiN adv. ,till is used #hen ou sa that a situation keeps going on. 0R ?he are still #aiting in line to get ti!kets. J t a , t e MteistN n. A taste is the flavor something makes in our mouth. 03 ?he taste of the fruit #as s#eet.

r thro# MerouN v. ?o thro# something is to use our hand to make it go through the air. 03U ?he pit!her !an thro# the baseball ver fast. r#ave M#eivN n. A #ave is a line of #ater that moves higher than the rest of the #ater. 0X ?he #ater #as filled #ith large blue #aves. 2/ Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1 . #ave a. to pass from ph si!al life !. a raised line of #ater 2 . taste a. to hurt b. to find 7. against a. to be tou!hing something !. ma be 9. ro!k a. feelings !. honest 2. thro# a. to name something !. to make something #ork > . island a. land b. salt#ater / . dis!over a. to be ni!e !. to stop = . step a. to keep from harm !. to #alk 9. bea!h a. #ater that !omes on land !. the flavor of something 10. fiA a. to make something #ork !. to be honest b. salt #ater that surrounds land d. land in the middle of #ater !. flavor d. to #alk b. to stop from happening d. en(o able b. a pla!e b the o!ean d. a hard thing in the ground b. to put something into the air d. to stop something from being hurt !. feelings d. hard thing

b. to find something d. to name b. to be neAt to d. to hurt b. a sand or ro!k pla!e b the o!ean d. something !ould happen b. to pass from ph si!al life d. to make something move in the air Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1. to be tou!hing something a. bea!h b. against 2 . to break something a. identif b. ma be 7. a #a that ou feel a. prevent b. emotion 9. ver honest a. still b. step 2. land in the middle of #ater a. save b. taste !. dis!over !. damage !. ro!k !. thro# !. island d. #ave d. o!ean d. pleasant d. frank d. fiA a Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. #ave + bea!h I like to pla on the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . ?he bigZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ pushed the s#immer ba!k. 2 . o!ean + island ?he #alked a!ross the to find food. I am s!ared of some animals that live in the 7. fiA + damage F dad kno#s ho# to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !ars. If ouZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ the light" #e #onHt be able to see at night. 9. still + ro!k :e have to go around that largeZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . :e areZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ planning to go to ;lorida this #inter. 2. step + thro# )o ou kno# ho# to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ a football. PleaseZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ into the house.

?he ,tarfish Iast summer I took a trip to an island. I had a lot of fun. I sat and #at!hed the #aves and listened to the o!ean. I learned to identif birds. I dis!overed prett things and en(o ed the taste of ne# foods. It #as a ver ni!e time. Jne evening I took a pleasant #alk b the o!ean. :hen the #aves !ame in" man starfish3 fell on the bea!h. ,ome starfish #ent ba!k into the #ater" and the #ere safe. -ut other starfish #ere still on the sand. ?he #ould die if the did not get into the #ater. ?here #ere man starfish on the bea!h that night. It made me sad" but I kne# I !ould not fiA the problem. I stepped ver !arefull so I did not damage them. ?hen I sa# a little girl. ,he #as also sad about the starfish. ,he #anted to prevent all of them from d ing. ,he asked me if I !ould perhaps help her. P?o be frank" I donHt think #e !an do an thing"Q I said. ?he little girl started to !r . ,he sat ba!k against a ro!k and thought for a #hile. ;inall " the emotion #as gone. ,he stopped !r ing and stood up. ?hen she pi!ked up a starfish and thre# it into the #ater. P:hat are ou doing.Q I asked her. -ut she did not ans#er me. ,he (ust thre# as man starfish as she !ould. PWou !annot save all of them[Q I said. ,he stopped to look at me. P No" I !annot save them all"Q she replied. ?hen she pi!ked up a ver big starfish and said" P -ut I !an save this one.Q And then she smiled and thre# the starfish as far as she !ould into the o!ean. 3starfish 0 an animal shaped like a star that lives in the #ater 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A girl #ho #ants to save starfish b. Go# to thro# starfish !. A girl #ho is too frank d. -irds and animals at the o!ean Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat !auses the little girlHs emotion. a. ,he !annot fiA the damage she finds to homes. b. ,he !annot prevent starfish from d ing in the sand. !. ,he dis!overs starfish in the #ater. d. ,he steps on a ro!k and hurts her foot. 7. :hat does the man think is NJ? good about the island. a. :at!hing the #aves b. Identif ing birds !. ?he starfish d ing on the sand d. ?asting ne# food 9. :hat does the girl think the man !an perhaps do. a. Identif birds b. ?ake a #alk on the bea!h !. )is!over something prett d. Gelp her save starfish 2. :hi!h starfish #ere safe on the bea!h. b e n e f i t MbenefitN n.

A benefit is a good thing. E -eing able to fl is a good benefit to birds. !ertain Mss&rtanN ad(. If ou are !ertain about something" ou kno# it is true. 03I am !ertain that 'ebras have stripes. !han!e Mt(sensN n. A !han!e is an opportunit to do something. 0T I had a !han!e to see the Koman Coliseum last summer. effe!t MifektN n. An effe!t is a !hange made b something else. 0] ?he medi!ine had a good effe!t on the bo . essential Misen(alN ad(. If something is essential" it is ver important and ne!essar . 03 It is essential to have oA gen #hen ou s!uba dive. far Mfa&+0N ad(. If something is far" it is not !lose. 0X ItHs far going from the east !oast to the #est !oast of Ameri!a. fo!us MfoukasN v. ?o fo!us on something is to think about it and pa attention to it. 0X F mom al#a s helps me to fo!us on m s!hool #ork. fun!tion MfA$A0(anN n. ?he fun!tion of something is #hat it does. 0O ?he fun!tion of a flashlight is to help ou see in the dark. grass MgraesN n. 4rass is the green leaves that !over the ground. 0T ?he grass looked so soft and green. g u a r d MgardN v. ?o guard something is to take !are of it. 03 ?he poli!e offi!er #ill guard us from an harm. ! image %fmid7N n. ?he image of something is a pi!ture of it. 03` ?he image of her e e #as ver !lear. r immediate MimkdiatN ad(. If something is immediate" it happens $ui!kl . 0] An immediate response !ame from the pi''a pla!e. r primar MpraimeriN ad(. If something is primar " it is the most important thing. 03 Gis primar thoughts are about mone . r proud MpraudN ad(. If someone feels proud" the are happ about #hat the have done. 0O,he is proud of the pi!ture she dre# of her house. r remain MnmeinN v. ?o remain some#here is to sta there. 0O F sister had to remain home sin!e she #as si!k. r rest MrestN +. ?o rest is to stop being a!tive #hile the bod gets ba!k its strength.

03U I rested on the !ou!h after #ork. r separate MsepareitN ad(. If t#o things are separate" the are not together. 0ONe# Work and Ios Angeles are in t#o separate parts of Ameri!a. r ,ite MsaitN n. A site is a pla!e. 0O :e found the perfe!t site for our pi!ni!. r tail MteiiN n. A tail is a part of an animalHs bod " sti!king out from its rear or ba!k. Jur dog #ags its tail #hen itHs happ . r trouble MtrAbsJ n. ?rouble is a problem ora diffi!ult . 0X I have trouble #orking #ith m boss. :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. It is ver important that ou !all our mother soon" essenZZZZZZZZ 2 . ?he good thing about being old is that ou kno# man things" beneZZZZZZ 7. I have problems #ith m s!ien!e home#ork" troZZZZZZZZ 9. I am sure that she #ill !ome to his part " !erZZZZZZZZ 2. ?he (ob of the stove is to !ook" funZZZZZZZZZZ > . ?hat is the pla!e #here the met" siZZZZ /. I sa# his pi!ture on ?C. i ZZZZZZZZ = . ?he t#ins donHt like to be apart. s ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9 . I like to sta at home on the #eekends" r ZZZZZZZZZZ 10. Gis part that !omes out of his rear #as shaking be!ause he #as happ " t C \27<Y Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. effe!t + benefit ?he ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of the rain #as slipper roads. ?he ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of #aking up earl is being at #ork on time. 2 . primar + immediate ,he had to make a8anYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ phone !all. ?he ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !ause of m problems is la'iness. 7. rested + proud Ge #asZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ #hen he got the best s!ore. :eZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZunder the shade of a tree. 9. far + separate

Ger ne# s!hool is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ from here. ,he and her best friend hate to be in ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !lassrooms. 2. guard + remain I have to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ m mone from m little brother. I have to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in s!hool for four more ears. 4 , , % Y Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. %ver ear for m birthda "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I return to the site of m birth ZZZb. m !at has a short tail 2 . I believe herZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. a. be!ause she has a !han!e to lie ZZZ b. be!ause sheHs !ertain of the fa!ts 7. F ne# #at!h is great.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. It has man fun!tions b. It !auses me trouble 9. I #as afraidZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause I thought of a s!ar image of a snake b. be!ause I didnHt fo!us on m #ork 2. I eat man fruitsZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause the are essential for good health b. be!ause the taste like grass ?he ;irst Pea!o!k Argos lived in An!ient 4ree!e. Ge #as a husband and a proud father. Ge #orked hard and did #ell at his (ob. -ut one thing about him #asnHt normal. Ge #as born #ith 100 e es. Gaving man e es #as usuall a benefit to him. Ge had a !han!e to see man things. Also" sin!e he had so man e es" he #as ver good at guarding things. :hile sleeping" he onl rested a fe# e es at a time. ?he others sta ed a#ake. Ge #orked for Gera" a great goddess. Gis primar fun!tion #as to guard a spe!ial !o#. ?he !o# #as ver important to Gera. It #as her favorite pet. ?he most essential part of his (ob #as to keep the !o# alone. It had to be kept separate from all the other !o#s and far a#a from people. ?his #as an eas (ob for Argos. ?he !o# (ust ate grass all da . -ut the god Leus #anted the !o#. Ge #anted to take it a#a from Gera. Ge had a plan. Ge found a great musi! pla er. Ge asked the man to pla a beautiful song for Argos. Leus #as !ertain Argos #ould go to sleep. ?he song had an immediate effe!t. Argos !ouldnHt fo!us on his (ob. Ge fell asleep. Leus sa# this" and he took the !o#. Gera #as ver angr #ith Argos. ,he turned him into a pea!o!k. ,he put his man e es on his tail. Argos #as ver sad. Leus sa# ho# mu!h trouble he had !aused Argos. Ge made another plan. Ge turned Argos into a group of stars. Ge #anted Argos to remain in the sk forever. %ven toda " ArgosH image remains there" above the site #here all his

problems began. :e !an still see him in the night sk . 1. :hat is this stor about. a. :h it is essential to guard !o#s b. Go# to pla beautiful musi! !. Go# the image of a pea!o!k in the sk !ame about d. Go# being born #ith 100e es benefited a man 2. :h #as guarding GeraHs !o# eas for Argos. a. All it did #as eat grass all da . b. It #as kept separate from all the other !o#s. !. Ge had a !han!e to listen to musi!. d. Ge #as able to sleep instead of fo!using on it. 7. :h did Leus turn Argos into a group of stars. a. Ge #anted Argos to see the site of his trouble. b. Ge #as !ertain that Argos #ould fall asleep. !. Ge #anted to make Argos remain in the sk forever. d. Ge #anted to !ause Argos immediate trouble. Ans#er the $uestions. 9. :hat #as the primar fun!tion of ArgosH (ob. a. ?o make sure the !o# #as never sad b. ?o keep the !o# far a#a from people !. ?o see the effe!ts of musi! on the !o# d. :ork for a proud goddess named Gera 2. Go# did Argos sleep. r r r r ! an more MenimoAN adv. An more means an longer. 03U Ger old pants donHt fit her an more. asleep %esit&pN ad(. :hen a person is asleep" the are not a#ake. 03 ?he bab has been asleep for hours. berr MbenN n. A berr is a small round fruit that gro#s on !ertain plants and trees. 03 ?he berr looked deli!ious. CJlleCt MkalektN v. ?o !olle!t things is to group them together all in one pla!e. 03U I !olle!ted shells #hen I #as ounger. !ompete MksmprtN v. ?o !ompete is to tr to be better than someone. 0X Ge #ill !ompete #ith ver good athletes.

!onversation tkanve+sei(anN n. A !onversation is a talk bet#een people. 0T ?here #ere t#o !onversations going on at on!e. !reature Mkri&t(arN n. A !reature is an living thing. 03 ?he !reature #e sa# toda #as either a dolphin or a porpoise. de!ision Mdisi7snN n. A de!ision is a !hoi!e. 0O Ge made the #rong de!ision. either Mi&flarN !on(. %ither is used #ith PorQ to sa there are t#o or more possibilities. 03 Wou !an !hoose to be either #hite or bla!k #hen ou pla !hess. f o r e s t Mfo8&YristN n. A forest is a pla!e #ith lots of trees and animals. EU I love to go #alking in the forest. r ground MgraundN n. ?he ground is the top part of the %arth that #e #alk on. 0T ?he ground under our feet #as dr and bro#n. r introdu!e Mintrad(uisN v. ?o introdu!e someone or something is to sa #ho the are. 03U I introdu!ed m self to our ne#est !o0#orker toda . r marr MmeeriN v. ?o marr is to legall be!ome husband and #ife. 0OKose and Genr #ere married" and the lived happil . r prepare Mprip!arN v. ?o prepare is to get read for something. 0T I prepared m spee!h to the !lass. rsail iseiiN ?o sail is to move a boat on the #ater. 03 I love to sail m boat on the lake. rserious MsiariesN ad(. :hen something is serious" it is bad or unsafe. 03U ?he a!!ident #as ver serious. r spend MspendN v. ?o spend is to use time doing something or being some#here. 03U I like to spend m free time fishing. r strange Mstreind(N ad(. :hen something is strange" it is not normal. 03 Joe had a strange look on his fa!e after he sa# #hat happened. r t r u t h Mtru&eN n. ?he truth is a fa!t or something that is right. 0OGe #as telling the truth about seeing a large green snake. r #ake M#eikN v. ?o #ake is to not be sleeping an more. 03 Ge is al#a s full of energ #hen he #akes in the morning. Choose the right #ord for the given definition.

1 . to marr :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ?he doll broke #hen it fell onto the floor. grZZZZZZZZ 2 . I like to use m time taking long #alks in the forest. 7. Ge loved to travel in his boat to man islands" sa ZZZZ 9. I stop sleeping #hen the dog barks. # ZZZZZZ 2. ?he area #as full of trees and plants" f a. !olle!t b. #ed !. prepare d. introdu!e 2 . a living thing a. !onversation b. truth !. !reature d. de!ision 7. to move a boat a!ross the #ater a. spend b. berr !. forest !. forest d. sail 9. one thing orthe other a. asleep b. !ompete !. either d. serious 2. an longer a. ground b. strange !. #ake d. an more sp time ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. !ompete prepare introdu!e :JK) -ANa de!ision !olle!t serious truth !onversation strange asleep 1. ?o . for the test" I had to stud a long time. 2. Pla ing #ith a knife !an lead to in(ur . 7. ItHs. forherto be meanb usuall she is ver kind. 9. Fi!haelHs parents and tea!her had a about his grades. books" and no# I have over 200 of them. > . ,he did not kno# m name" so I had to m self. /. I had to make a about #hi!h book I #anted to bu . = . Ge lies a lot" but I hope he is telling the 9. Fan !ountries. in the Jl mpi!s ever four ears. 10. Ge #as so tired that he fell. right a#a . /1 Prin!ess Kose and the Creature ?here #as on!e a beautiful prin!ess named Kose. Ger mother" the $ueen" ho#ever" #as not as beautiful as the prin!ess. ?he $ueen felt bad that she #as not

the most beautiful #oman in the kingdom an more. ,he #as tired of !ompeting #ith her daughter. ,he made a de!ision. ,he prepared a drink for the prin!ess. After the prin!ess drank it" she fell asleep. ?hen the $ueen took the prin!ess to the forest. ,he left the prin!ess there. It #as a ver serious thing to do. P %ither she #ill be killed b animals or she #ill get lost in the forest"Q the $ueen thought. ?he prin!ess had a dream. ,he dreamed about a man #ith bro#n hair and bro#n e es. It #as the man she #ould #ed. ?he prin!ess #oke up. ,he sa# a strange !reature on the ground. It looked like a man" but he #as hair and green. Ge had horns on his head and a pigHs nose. ?he !reature said" P )id I s!are ou. I hope not. Iet me introdu!e m self. I am Genr .Q P I am not s!ared. ?o tell ou the truth" I think ou are !ute"Q said Kose. Kose and Genr spent the da together. ?he !olle!ted berries" !aught fish" and had lun!h. ?he had a ver good da filled #ith ni!e !onversations. P Kose" I have to go home"Q said Genr . P F ship #ill sail home soon. I !anHt leave ou here in the forest alone. :ill ou !ome #ith me.Q Kose #as ver happ . ,he gave Genr a kiss right on his pig nose. As soon as she kissed Genr " he began to !hange. Gis pig nose turned into a manHs nose. Gis horns and green hair #ent a#a . ,tanding in front of her #as the man Kose had dreamt about. Kose and Genr #ere married" and the lived happil . 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A strange !reature that !ompetes #ith a prin!ess b. :h a $ueen had a !onversation #ith a prin!ess !. Go# a prin!ess met a !reature in a forest d. A serious de!ision made b a prin!ess 2. :hi!h of the follo#ing is NJ? true in the stor . a. ?he $ueen fell asleep in the forest. b. ?he prin!ess had a dream. !. ?he !reature #asnHt mean or s!ar . d. Genr said he #as going to sail a#a on a ship. 7. :hat did the $ueen #ant to happen to the prin!ess. a. A !reature #ould #ake the prin!ess. b. A !reature #ould prepare a drink for the prin!ess. !. An animal #ould kill the prin!ess if she #as left on the ground. d. Kose and a !reature #ould !olle!t either berries or fruits. Ans#er the $uestions. 9. :hi!h of the follo#ing is true at the end of the stor . a. Kose introdu!es Genr to the $ueen. b. Kose and Genr #ed. !. ?he $ueen learns the truth about Kose.

d. ?he $ueen sails a#a on a ship. 2. :hat did the prin!ess dream in the forest. :ord Iist a alone MalounN ad(. If someone is alone" the are not #ith another person. 03 ?he bo #anted to be alone to think. r apartment MapaAtmantN n. An apartment is a set of rooms in a building #here people live. E ,he has a ni!e apartment in the !it . r arti!le Ma0.m n. An arti!le is a stor in a ne#spaper or maga'ine. 03 )id ou read the arti!le in the ne#spaper about the so!!er game. r artist MartistN n. An artist is a person #ho paints" dra#s" or makes s!ulptures. 03U Ge #ent to Paris to be!ome an artist. r attitude Msetit+*u &dN n. ,omeoneHs attitude is the #a the feel and think. 03U John has a bad attitude. GeHs al#a s angr . r!ompare MkampearN v. ?o !ompare means to sa ho# t#o things are the same and different. 0T If ou !ompare !ats and dogs" ouHll see that the Hre both good pets" ! (udge Md 7Ad7N ?o (udge something is to sa if it is good or bad. 03U ?he bo #as going to (udge ho# his motherHs turke tasted. r maga'ine Mmaega'i&nN n. A maga'ine is a regular publi!ation #ith ne#s" stories" and arti!les. 0X ,he likes to read fashion maga'ines. r material MmatiarialN n. A material is #hat is used to make something. 0O -ri!k is a good material for building houses. r meal Mmi&iN n. A meal is a time #hen food is eaten like breakfast" lun!h" or dinner. -reakfast is m favorite meal be!ause I en(o breakfast foods. r method MmeeadN n. A method is the #a to do something. 03 Jne method to remember things is to tie a string around our finger. r neighbor MneibarN n. A neighbor is a person #ho lives near ou. 03U I like m neighbor be!ause heHs ver friendl . rprofessional Mprefe(enalN ad(. If something is professional" it deals #ith #ork that uses spe!ial skills. 03UIf ou #ant to be a pilot" ou must have professional training. C profit MprofitN n. A profit is the eAtra mone ou make #hen ou sell something. 0X I made a small profit from selling m old !lothes. r $ualit Mk#alatiN n .

?he $ualit of something is ho# good it is. 03 ?he $ualit of his !ar is ver good. r shape t(eipN d" A shape is a simple form like a s$uare or !ir!le. 0X ?he triangle is m favorite shape. r spa!e MspeisN n. A spa!e is an empt area. 03 I donHt have mu!h spa!e for things in m small house. r stair Mst!aAN n. ,tairs are the things that are used to go up in a building. 0O Wou !an take the stairs to the se!ond floor. rs mbol MsimbalN n. A s mbol is a thing that stands for something else. E ?his s mbol tells us that #e !annot smoke in this area. rthin MeinN ad(. If someone or something is thin" the are not fat. 0X ?he man #as thin be!ause he didnHt eat mu!h. Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1 . a person #ho paints" dra#s" or s!ulpts a. maga'ine b. arti!le !. artist d. alone 2 . to de!ide that something is good or bad a. neighbor b. (udge !. meal d. !ompare 7 . a #a of doing something a. method b. profit !. professional d. attitude 9 . ho# good something is a. apartment b. thin !. $ualit 2 . something used to make other things a. shape b. s mbol !. material d. stairs d. spa!e :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1 . I donHt like the person #ho lives near me. neighZZZZZZ 2 . I read a regular publi!ation about sports" magaZZZZZZZZ 7. ?he do!tor gave his eApert and $ualified advi!e" profeZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. Ge looked at the differen!es bet#een t#o books" ! o ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2. ,he has a good #av of thinking about things. a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Che!k 8CY the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZ a. :hen ou are alone" ou are #ith another person. b. Wou !an read arti!les in a ne#spaper.

2 . ZZZ a. If ou make a profit" ou have more mone than ou did before. b. If ou have professional training" ou !anHt do a diffi!ult (ob. 7. ZZZ a. ?he %arth is a ver thin planet. b. If something is a s mbol" it stands for something else. 9. ZZZ a. Wou !an use stairs to go up inside a building. b. ,in!e she is a la# er" people !all m #ife an artist. 2. ZZZ a. ?here are man apartments in one building. b. Wour attitude is the #a ou look. > . ZZZ a. Wou !annot get information from a maga'ine. b. If ou !ompare t#o things" ou sa ho# the are different. /. ZZZ a. If ou (udge something" ou kno# if it is good or bad. b. Neighbors are people #ho live far from ou. = . ZZZ a. A meal has food and a drink. b. A shape is something ou !annot see. 9. ZZZ a. A s mbol is a pi!ture of t#o different things. b. Wou must have spa!e to add more things to a room. 10 . ZZZ a. If something has lo# $ualit " it is ver good. b. A material is used to make something else. ?he Cra' Artist ;renhofer#as the best artist in the #orld. %ver one loved him. ?he $ualit of his paintings #as ver high. Ge al#a s used the best materials. Ge made a big profit from his paintings. Ge had deli!ious meals #ith his ri!h neighbors. Ge taught art !lasses. Iife #as good. ?hen his attitude !hanged. Ge stopped selling paintings and tea!hing. Ge tried a ne# method of painting. Ge sta ed alone in his apartment all da . Ge #orked all da and all night" rarel eating. ,oon ;renhofer be!ame ver thin. -ut he kept #orking on the same painting for man ears. Ge #orked as hard as he !ould. ;inall " he finished the painting. Ge #as ver happ and invited other artists to see it. P I #ant our professional opinion"Q he said. Ge #anted them to (udge it and !ompare it to other paintings. %ver one #as ver eA!ited as the #ent up the stairs to his apartment. ;renhofer #as eA!ited to sho# his painting" and the artists #ere eA!ited to see it. P?he Hll love it"Q he thought. -ut the did not. ?he #ere surprised b his painting. ?here #as no #hite an #here. ;renhofer filled the #hole painting #ith lines and !olors. ?here #as no spa!e for a normal pi!ture. It #as full of strange shapes. It looked bad to the other artists. Ge used s mbols" and the didnHt understand them. ?he thought it #as terrible. P:h did ou paint this strange pi!ture.Q someone asked. ?he didnHt understand its beaut . -ut after some time" man people began to like his painting. People #rote arti!les about it in maga'ines. ?he said it #as his best #ork. ?he loved his strange s mbols. ?he loved his strange !olors. ;renhoferHs painting reminded ever one that (ust be!ause something

#as ne# didnHt mean that it #as bad. Ge also helped them to reali'e that sometimes it takes people a little time to understand great things. Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A painter #hose neighbors (udge his art as poor $ualit b. An artist #ho tea!hes art !lasses in his apartment !. A man #ho #rites arti!les for a maga'ine d. A thin man #ho eats meals #ith friends 2. :h does ;renhofer #ant the artists to see his painting. a. Ge #ants to sell it to them for a profit. b. Ge #ants them to (udge his materials. !. Ge #ants them to give their professional opinion. d. Ge #ants to !ompare his ne# method to theirs. 7. :hat is true of ;renhoferHs painting. a. It is made #ith lo#0$ualit materials. b. It is full of strange !olors and shapes. !. It does not have an s mbols in it. d. It is a pi!ture of other artists. 9. :here do the other artists see his painting. a. It is alone in the spa!e used for art !lasses. b. ?he go to ;renhoferHs apartment. !. ;renhofer takes it to their apartment. d. It is on sale at a famous store. 2. Go# do the artists feel as the go up the stairs. :ord Iist p r blood MblAdN n. -lood is the red li$uid in our bod . 0X I !ut m finger and got blood on m shirt. rbum Mba&rnN v. ?o burn something is to set it on fire. 03U I burned some #ood in the !amp fire. r Cell IselN +.. A !ell is a small room #here a person is lo!ked in. 0] ?he (ail !ell #as ver small. r!ontain MkanteinN v. ?o !ontain something is to have it inside. 0R ?he mailboA !ontained a letter. r !orre!t MkarektN ad(. ?o be !orre!t is to be right. 0R All of m ans#ers on the test #ere !orre!t.

r!rop MkrapN n. A !rop is food that a farmer gro#s. 03 :heat is a !rop that is made into bread. r demand MdimaendN v. ?o demand something is to sa strongl that ou #ant it. 0O ?he #orkers demanded to be paid more mone . re$ual Mi&k#alN ad(. ?o be e$ual is to be the same. 03 -oth students are e$ual in age. rfeed im v. ?o feed is to give food. 03 Fother feeds m bab brother ever da . r hole thoulN n. A hole is an opening in something. 03 ?he man #as going to (ump into the hole in the i!e. e17Y r in!rease )nkn&sN v. ?o in!rease something is to make it larger or more. 0O ?he Hve in!reased the pri!e of gas b 12 !ents[ r lord Mlo &rdN n. Iong ago" a lord #as a man in !harge of a to#n. 03 ?he lord of the to#n #as not kind. r o#e MouN ?o o#e is to have to pa or give ba!k something re!eived from another. 03 I o#ed him t#ent dollars" so I paid him ba!k. r0 position Mpa'i(anN n. A position is the #a something is pla!ed. 0R Go# !an ou sit in that position. rraise irei'( 3 ?o raise something is to lift it up. 03` :e had to #ork together to raise the last pie!e. rresponsible MrispansebalN ad(. If a person is responsible" the do the right things. 03U I tr to be responsible and save mone . r sight Msaitl n. A sight is something interesting to see. 0T I sa# the p ramids of %g pt. :hat a sight[ rspot MspatN n. A spot is a pla!e #here something happens. 03 ?he kit!hen is a good spot to eat meals. rstru!ture MstrAktF n. A stru!ture is a building. 0R ?he (ust built a beautiful ne# stru!ture do#nto#n. r #hole MhoulN ad(. :hole means all of something. 0X I ate the #hole pie. :e donHt have an more.

=1 Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1 . the li$uid in our bod a. spot b. blood !. !ell d. o#e 2 . to set on fire a. burn b. in!rease !. feed d. !ontain 7. doing #hat ou should do a. demand b. raise !. position d. responsible 9. the same as something else a. hole b. stru!ture !. lord d. e$ual 2. something interesting to see a. sight b. !orre!t !. #hole d. !rop ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa feed #hole !ell spot !orre!t 1 . I left m !oat in the ZZZZZZZZZZZ b the #indo#. 2 . ?he poor man had no mone to ZZZZZZZZZZZ his famil . 7. ?he robber #as lo!ked in a ZZZZZZZZZZZfor a ear. 9. )id ou read theZZZZZZZZZZZ book or (ust part of it. 2. If I get the ans#ersZZZZZZZZZZ " I #ill pass the test. %Aer!ise 7 Che!k 8CY the better response to ea!h $uestion. 1. :hat did our father demand. a. Ge is not ni!e. 2. :ill ou help me raise this. a. Wes. Go# high. 7. :hat position #ere these in. a. ?he #ere neAt to ea!h other. 9. )oes that bottle !ontain #ater. a. Wes. :hat is inside it. 2. )id ou hear that JimHs house burned do#n. a. ?hat is terrible[ ZZ b. ?hat I !lean m room" b. Wes" it goes lo#er" b. ?he !ame from the store" b. No" it has milk in it. b. Is it bigger no#. Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. stru!ture + !ell ?he bad gu sat on the floor of hisZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . )ad sa s the oldZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ is not safe. 2 . lord + o#e ?heZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ruled over 100people in the to#n. I still ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ the bank mone for m universit loan. 7. spot + position :onHt our legs hurt if ou sta in thatZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ for long.

?his is our favorite pi!ni!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . 9. #hole + hole ?he ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !lass #as eA!ited. I dug a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to put a tree in. 2. !rop + feed )o notZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ an of the animals at the 'oo. ?he farmer gre# a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of potatoes. ?he ;armer and the Cats Arthur #as a responsible farmer" and Faria #as a ni!e lad . -ut the #ere poor. ?he o#ed the to#n lord mone for their land. Jne summer" their farm burned. Jne stru!ture !aught fire" and most of the animals ran a#a . Jnl the !ats sta ed. ,o Arthur and Faria had to bring in their !rops #ithout an animalHs help. Jn a fall da " the lord demanded his mone . Arthur asked if the lord !ould #ait until he brought in his !rops. ?he lord #as angr . Ge raised his hands high and elled" P Pa me b the end of the #eek. If ou donHt" I #ill in!rease the mone ou have to pa . I might put ou in a (ail !ell.Q ,o Arthur and Faria #orked until there #as blood on their hands. ?he finished four lines of !orn and #ent to bed. -ut the neAt morning" eight lines #ere finished[ P Faria" didnHt #e stop in this spot here.Q Arthur asked. PWes" that is !orre!t. And the tools #ere in a different position" too"Q Faria said. ?he #ere surprised and happ . ?hat da " the #orked hard and finished five lines. -ut in the morning" ten lines #ere done[ %a!h da the did a lot of #ork. %a!h night" someone else did an e$ual amount of #ork. In a #eek" the #hole field #as finished. P?omorro# I #ill sell the !rops and pa the lord"Q Arthur said. -ut that morning" the !rops #ere gone. A bag #as in the middle of the field. It !ontained mone . P Faria" letHs see #ho has helped us #ork.Q ?hrough a hole in the #all" the sa# a funn sight. ?he !ats #ere dan!ing in the field and eating !orn[ No# Arthur kne# #hat had happened. ?he !ats had #orked at night[ After that" Arthur #as ver ni!e to his !ats and fed them lots of !orn. r00 1 . :hat does Arthur do in the stor . a. Put the lad in a (ail !ell b. Kaise his hands high !. )emand mone from people d. :ork until there is blood on his hands Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat is true of the !ats in the stor . a. ?he burn the farm and s!are the animals. b. ?he do #ork e$ual to ArthurHs #ork. !. ?he think Arthur is ver responsible. d. ?he put all the tools in one spot.

7. :hat does the bag !ontain. a. A gift for the lad b. Corn to feed the animals !. Fone for the lord d. A ne# kind of !rop 9. :hat sight did Faria and Arthur see in the morning. a. A hole in the #all of their house b. A #hole ne# stru!ture on the farm !. ?he lord #orking in their fields d. ?he !ats dan!ing on the farm 2. :hen #ill the lord in!rease the mone that Arthur has to pa . :ord Iist C !oa!h Mkout(N n. A !oa!h is a person #ho tea!hes sports. 03 F !oa!h gets ver eA!ited during games. r !ontrol fkantroulN v. ?o !ontrol something is to make it do #hat ou #ant. 03U ?o !ontrol the ?C" (ust push the buttons. r des!ription Mdiskrtp(anN n. A des!ription of someone or something sa s #hat the are like. 0OI gave a des!ription of the man #ith the gun and hat to the poli!e. r dire!t MdirektN ad(. If something is dire!t" it goes straight bet#een t#o pla!es. 0X ?he green path is a dire!t route to m house. r eAam Mig'3mN n. An eAam is a test. 03 I did some pra!ti!e $uestions for the math eAam on the board. r eAample Mig'aempslN n. An eAample of something is a thing that is t pi!al of it. 03 Cola is an eAample of a soft drink. r limit MlimitN n. A limit is the largest or smallest amount of something that ou allo#. 03 F mother put a limit on ho# mu!h I !ould use the phone. r lo!al MloukalN ad(. If something is lo!al" it is nearb . 0X ?he lo!al market in m neighborhood sells all the food #e need. r magi!al Mmaed 7ikalN ad(. Fagi!al des!ribes a $ualit that makes someone or something spe!ial. 03 ?he fire#orks made the night sk look so magi!al. r mail MmeilN n. Fail is letters and other things sent to people. 03U I get a lot of mail be!ause I have friends all over the #orld. => i i 8

r novel MnavalN n. A novel is a book that tells a stor . 0O Ge #rote a great novel about an!ient China. r outline MautlainN n. An outline is the plan for a stor or essa . 0R -efore I #rote m essa " I made an outline. r poet MpouitN n. A poet is a person #ho #rites poems. 0O :illiam ,hakespeare #as one of the greatest poets. r print MprintN v. ?o print something is to put it onto paper. 0OFake sure that ou print our name !learl . r s!ene isi0.nN n. A s!ene is one part of a book or movie. 0OA movie is made up of man short pie!es or s!enes. r sheet %(i&tN n. A sheet is a thin flat pie!e of paper. 03 I onl needed a single sheet of paper to do m home#ork. r sill Msi*liN ad(. If someone or something is sill " the sho# a la!k of thought. E + made a sill mistake of dropping momHs vase. r store fetorN n. A store is a pla!e #here ou !an bu things. 03U I pi!ked up a fe# things at the gro!er store. r suffer MsAferN v. ?o suffer is to feel pain. 03 Ger heada!he made her suffer all da . r te!hnolog Mtekndlsd(iN n. ?e!hnolog is ne# things made b using s!ien!e. 03` Ge loves te!hnolog su!h as laptop !omputers. :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Ge got a lo# s!ore on the s!ien!e test" eAZZZZ 2. ?he evening #as filled #ith spe!ial things that made it different" maZZZZZZZZZZ 7. Ge loves to have the best things that are ne# to the #orld" te!hZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. I onl read the plan for the stor " ouZZZZZZZZZZ 2. ?he #riter is good at making senten!es about #hat someone looks like" de Z C m V Che!k 8CY the better response to ea!h $uestion. 1. Gave ou been to the lo!al !inema. a. Wes" I #ent there esterda . b. No" it is in the other !it . 2. :ill ou go to the store.

a. No" I sa# it esterda . b. Wes" I need a ne# hat. 7. )o ou like the ne# !oa!h. a. Wes" heHs ver ni!e. b. No" it is too eApensive. 9. :hat #as our favorite s!ene. a. I didnHt like an of them. b. I bought it last #eek. 2. )id ou bu the novel. a. Wes" he #as ver ni!e. b. No" someone gave it to me. Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. I like to read"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. so I bu man novels ZZZ b. so I am a poet 2. Ge doesnHt al#a s use the best (udgment"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. she suffers a lot b. so he makes some sill mistakes 7. Ge has man !omputers.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. ?he are on sheets b. Ge loves te!hnolog 9. I donHt pla on the so!!er teamZZZZZZZZZZ . a. be!ause I donHt like the !oa!h b. be!ause the outline is too long 2. ,he likes her tea!her.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. Ge uses helpful eAamples b. Ge #rites a lot of mail in !lass > . ?he movie #as too boring.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. ?he shouldnHt have printed it b. It needed more eA!iting s!enes /. F dog #onHt bite ou.ZZZZZZZZZ . a. I !an !ontrol it ZZZ b. Ge is doing an eAam = . I need to bu some food" so ZZZZZZZZZ . a. IHm going to the store ZZZ b. I am over the limit 9. ,he doesnHt like that book be!auseZZZZZZZZZ . a. she has a lo!al book ZZZ b. the eAamples are not !lear enough 10. :hen he travels"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. he al#a s takes a dire!t flight b. he gives a des!ription of airplanes A Fagi!al -ook ,arah loved to read. ,he read novels and poems. ,he loved the beautiful des!riptions and phrases. ,he loved reading #ork from poets and novelists. ,he didnHt like video games or te!hnolog . ,he #as on the basketball team" but she didnHt like sports. Ger parents made her pla basketball. In fa!t" ,arahHs parents made her do man things. -ut she didnHt #ant to do those things. ,he (ust #anted to sit and read all da . Jne da " a small book !ame in the mail. It #as for ,arah. ?he book looked ver spe!ial. It #as printed on sheets of gold. ,arah began to read. ?he outline of the stor #as simple. It #as about a magi!al pla!e. ,trange things happened there. Jne eAample from the book #as about a bo #ho !ould !ontrol people. In one s!ene" he made his friends tell funn (okes. ,arah loved the book. ,he read it all the time. ?hen something strange happened. ?he book gave ,arah a spe!ial po#er. ,he !ould !ontrol other people.

,he #as like the bo in the book. )uring one eAam" she made her friend tell sill (okes. Ger friend got in trouble. After s!hool" ,arah did not make a dire!t trip home. Jn the #a " she #ent to the lo!al store. ,he #anted to pla more tri!ks on people. ,he !aused problems. ,he made people fall do#n. ,he laughed and had fun. ;inall she left and started to #alk home. ?hen she sa# something. Ger basketball !oa!h #as about to #alk in front of a bus. Ge #as looking the other #a . ,he had to stop him[ ,he used her po#er. ,he !ontrolled him. ,he made him stop #alking. ,arah learned something that da . It #as better to help people than make them suffer. ,o" she put a limit on ho# she used her po#er. ,he did not #ant to do bad things #ith it an more. ,he onl #anted to do good. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A girl #ho gets a novel about te!hnolog in the mail b. A basketball !oa!h #ho tells (okes to people !. A man #ho takes a dire!t trip to the lo!al store d. A girl #ho !an !ontrol other people 2. :h does ,arah love to read. a. It gives her !ontrol over other people. b. ,he likes the phrases and des!riptions in books. !. ,he likes to tell (okes to her tea!hers. d. ,he #ants to be a poet. Ans#er the $uestions. 7. :hat does ,arah learn in the end. a. ,he should make other people suffer. b. ,imple stories are the best. !. ,he must limit her po#er. d. ,he should not read during an eAam. 9. :hat is true about the magi!al book. a. It is printed on sheets of gold. b. Its outline is hard to understand. !. It gives eAamples of good (okes. d. ,arah doesnHt #ant to #rite in it. 2. :h is ,arah on the basketball team. _ r a C r J , , Makr>&sN prep. ?o go a!ross something is to go to the other side of it. 0T Ge #alked a!ross the board to the other side. r breathe tbri aN 3 ?o breathe means to let air go in and out of our bod . 0T :e need strong health lungs to help us breathe #ell. r !hara!teristi! MkaeriktaristikN n.

A !hara!teristi! is something that sho#s #hat a person or a thing is likeN 03 Jne !hara!teristi! of tigers is their bla!k stripes. r !onsume Mkansu&mN v. ?o !onsume something means to eat or drink it. 03U Ja!k !onsumed a #hole plate of spaghetti. r eA!ite MiksaitN v. ?o eA!ite someone means to make them happ and interested. 0]1 heard about the s!hool dan!e on ;rida . ?his eA!ited me. reAtreme Mikstri&mN ad(. If something is eAtreme" it is in a large amount or degree. 0OGis #orkout #as so eAtreme that he #as s#eating heavil . r fear MtierN n. ;ear is the feeling of being afraid. 0]1 have a great fear of skateboarding. r fortunate MfoAtfsnitN ad(. If ou are fortunate" ou are lu!k . 03 I #as fortunate to get a seat. r happen MhaepenN v. If someone happens to do something" the do it b !han!e. 0OI happened to meet some ne# friends at s!hool toda . rlength Mter(ABN n. ?he length of something is ho# long it is from one end to the other. 03 ?he length of the floor is three meters. 92 r mistake MmisteikN n. A mistake is something ou do #rong. 0] F boss al#a s ells at me #hen I make a mistake. r observe feb'ervN 3 ?o observe something is to #at!h it. 0] -rian observed the sun rising over the mountains. r opportunit M!ipert+uinatiN n. An opportunit is a !han!e to do something. 0OI had an opportunit to take pi!tures in the (ungle. r pri'e Mprai'N n. A pri'e is something of value that is given to the #inner. 03 I #on a pri'e for getting the best grade on m s!ien!e test. r ra!e m n. A ra!e is a !ontest to see #ho is the fastest. 0O Paul is a fast runner" so he easil #on the ra!e. r reali'e Mri&alai'N v. ?o reali'e is to suddenl understand. 0T After I left m house" I reali'ed that I left the light on. r respond MrispandN v. ?o respond is to give an ans#er to #hat someone else said. 0T :hen the tea!her asked the $uestion" #e all responded. rrisk MriskN n.

A risk is a !han!e of something bad happening. 03 I took a risk and !limbed the sno# mountain. ! #onder M#And=&rN v. ?o #onder is to ask ourself $uestions or have a need to kno#. 03U ?he oung mother #ondered if sheHd have a bo or a girl. r et M(etN adv. Wet is used to sa something has not happened up to no#. :e !anHt go out etb #eHre still eating. Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1 . something of value that is given to the #inner a. opportunit !. risk 2 . lu!k a. eAtreme !. fortunate 7. to eat a. !onsume !. reali'e 9. the feeling of being afraid a. length !. happen 2. to do b !han!e a. respond !. eA!ite > . ho# long something is a. length !. #onder /. to let air in and out of our bod a. observe !. !onsume = . something ou did #rong a. happen !. mistake 9. up to this point a. eAtreme !. a!ross 10. to understand a. reali'e !. respond b. pri'e d. happen b. a!ross d. et b. breathe d. observe b. fear

d. !hara!teristi! b. reali'e d. happen b. !hara!teristi! d. mistake b. breathe d. eA!ite b. fear d. risk b. length d. et b. breathe d. observe :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1 . I had to #alk to the other side of the s!hool to get to m neAt !lass. @a!rZZZZZ 2. -rad !hose not to give an ans#er #hen I asked about his #eekend. re s p Z Z Z Z Z 7. ,arah ran around the park to get read for the !ontest #here people run against ea!h other. ra ZZZ 9. Fi!hael sa# the a!!ident that o!!urred toda . obsZZZZZZZZZ 2. Kenee kne# there #as a !han!e of something bad happening #hen she #ent s#imming in the o!ean. rZZZZZ Che!k 8CY the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1 . ZZ a. -eing tall is a !hara!teristi! of man trees. b. I #as fortunate be!ause I re!eived some useless gifts. 2 . ZZ a. -e!ause he left #ork earl " Carl had an opportunit to go to the !on!ert. b. I !ould feel the length of the air outside. 7 . ZZ a. Angela felt fear #hen she got a good grade on her test. b. Jur team #on. :e #ere fortunate. 9 . ZZ a. Jerem thought his hair #as (ust the right length. b. Fi!helle left her !hara!teristi! at m house. 2 . ZZ a. ?heresa found an opportunit on the ground outside. b. -ill feels fear #hen he has to talk in front of people. ?he -ig Ka!e A dog sa# a group of animals a!ross the road. Ge #alked over to meet them. P:hat are ou doing.Q he asked them. P I (ust sold them ti!kets to a ra!e bet#een the rabbit and the turtle"Q the du!k responded. ?his ne#s eA!ited the dog. Ge felt fortunate that he happened to be there. P I donHt have an thing to do toda "Q the dog said. P I #ant to bu a ti!ket" too.Q

?he dog sat do#n to observe the ra!e. ?he ra!e #ould be eAtreme. It #ould be man kilometers in length. ?he rabbit and the turtle stood neAt to ea!h other. ?he #aited for the ra!e to start. ?he dog #ondered #h the turtle agreed to run against the rabbit. -eing fast #as not a !hara!teristi! of turtles. ?he rabbit #as going to #in easil . ,uddenl " the ra!e began. ?he rabbit ran eAtremel $ui!kl . ?he turtle #alked slo#l . After a minute" the rabbit looked ba!k. Ge sa# that the turtle #as far behind him and #as breathing $ui!kl be!ause he #as so tired. ?he rabbit smiled and slo#ed to a #alk. A minute later" the rabbit said" P IHm #inning" so IHll take a rest.Q Ge sat and began to !onsume some grass. ?hen" he let his e es !lose. Ge #asnHt the #inner et. -ut there #as no risk of him losing the ra!e. Ge #ent to sleep. Gours later" a loud sound #oke him. All of the animals #ere elling and looking at the field. Ge felt fear for the first time. ?he turtle #as almost at the finish line. No#" the rabbit reali'ed his mistake. -ut the ra!e #as over. Ge gave the turtle an opportunit to #in" and the turtle took it. ?he du!k handed the turtle his pri'e. It #as the happiest da of the turtleHs life. ?he dog #as happ for the turtle. P Ge isnHt fast"Q the dog thought. P -ut he tried his best and did something great.Q ; IN I, G 9> 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A ra!e bet#een a rabbit and a turtle b. ?he risk of running in a ra!e !. ?he eAtreme speed of rabbits d. Go# to observe a turtle Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat did the du!k do for the other animals. a. Ge told them the ne#s. b. Ge gave them a pri'e. !. Ge responded to their $uestions. d. Ge sold ti!kets to them. 7. :h did the dog think the turtle had no opportunit to #in the ra!e. a. ?he turtle hadnHt #on a ra!e et. b. ?he turtle !ouldnHt #alk a!ross su!h a length. !. -eing fast #as not a !hara!teristi! of turtles. d. ?he turtle #as not fortunate. 9. :hat did the rabbit do after he #oke up. a. Ge !onsumed some grass. b. Ge reali'ed his mistake. !. Ge breathed $ui!kl . d. Ge eA!ited the animals. 2. :hat did the rabbit see to make him feel fear. :ord Iist r a!adem MakaedamiN n. An a!adem is a spe!ial t pe of s!hool.

03U ?here are man !ourses taught at the a!adem that I go to. r an!ient lein+antN ad(. If something is an!ient" it is ver old. 0OI #ant to see the an!ient buildings in Kome. r board iboA!a n. A board is a flat pie!e of #ood. 03 ?he sign #as made of a fe# #ooden boards. r !entur Msent(uriN n. A !entur is one hundred ears. 0O Jur !ompan is !elebrating a !entur of business in Iondon. r !lue %klu&N n. A !lue is a fa!t or ob(e!t that helps solve a m ster or !rime. 03 ?he dete!tive found some !lues on the side#alk. J CJnCert Mkdnss8&YrtN n. A !on!ert is an event #here ou listen to people pla musi!. E* I en(o ed the !on!ert last night. ?he band #as ver good. r !ount MkauntiN n. A !ount is the largest politi!al division of a state in the 6,. 0O Ge #anted to represent the !iti'ens of his !ount . r di!tionar Mdik+sneriN n. A di!tionar is a book that tells ou #hat #ords mean. 0OI use the di!tionar to learn ne# #ords. r eAist -g'istN v. ?o eAist is to be real. 0] )o ou reall think that uni!orns ever eAisted. r flat MflaetN ad(. ;lat des!ribes something that is level and smooth #ith no !urved parts 03 F parents bought a ne# flat s!reen ?C over the #eekend. r gentleman M!f(entlmanN n. A gentleman is a ni!e man. 0T F grandfather is a kind and helpful gentleman. r hidden MhidnN ad(. Gidden means to be not easil noti!ed or too hard to find. 0O ?he hidden !amera re!orded ever thing in the parking lot. r ma be %meibiN adv. Fa be is used to sho# that something is possible or ma be true. 03U If I fo!us hard enough" ma be I !an !ome up #ith the right ans#er. r offi!er loofisad n. An offi!er is a leader in the arm . 0X ?he soldiers follo#ed the orders of the offi!er. r original Marid(analN ad(. If something is original" it is the first one of that thing. 03 ?his is the original painting of the Fona Iisa. r pound MpaundN v. ?o pound something is to hit it man times #ith a lot of for!e. 0X Ge pounded the nail #ith the hammer.

r pro!ess MprasesN n. A pro!ess is the steps to take to do something. 03 Faking a !ake is a long pro!ess. r p u b l i s h MpAbli(l v. ?o publish a book is to get it printed and read to sell. 03U ?hat !ompan publishes dail ne#spapers. r theater Mei8&Yeta.rN n. A theater is a building #here ou #at!h pla s" sho#s" and movies. 03 :e #ent to the theater to see a pla . r#ealth M#eleN n. :ealth is a large amount of mone . 03 Jne of the most important things to some people is #ealth. 0 Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1 . eAist a. the first one b. !. to be real d. 2 . !lue a. hint b. steps !. 7. ma be a. #here ou see sho#s b. !. #here !lasses are held d. 9. hidden a. one hundred ears b. !. a ni!e man d. 2. #ealth a. old b. leader !. > . pound a. to hit hard man times b. !. metal used in mone d. /. !entur a. first b. hundred !. = . offi!er a. a leader in the arm b. !. a sports group d. 9 . theater a. #here ou see a movie b. !. a hint about something d. 10. an!ient a. to be real b. !. ver old d. to print a book something to help ou heav d. #ood possible or likel to be true #here ou hear musi!

level #ith no !urves not able to be seen mone d. season the steps ou take the largest politi!al division of a state s!hool d. man #here ou listen to musi! something ou use to help get a (ob done a lot of mone a pie!e of #ood possible or likel to be true to get a book read to sell Cir!le t#o #ords that are related in ea!h group. 1. a. pro!ess b. ma be !. flat d. publish 2 . a. board b. !entur !. pound d. an!ient 7. a. !ount b. !on!ert !. theater d. !lue 9. a. gentleman b. offi!er !. eAist d. !on!ert 2. a. an!ient b. original !. pro!ess d. di!tionar S %Aer!ise 7 ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa flat a!adem theater pro!ess ma be ?his morning" I #alked do#n the hall to the field. It #as time to get read for the big so!!er game[ F s!hool #as pla ing against a private 1ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ F team had #on ever game this ear. In the 2 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of #inning games" #e had #orked hard and had fun. If #e #on toda " our !oa!h said that 7 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ he #ould take us all to the 9ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to see a ne# movie on their latest 2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ s!reen. Adams Count Hs 4old Adams A!adem #as a good s!hool. -o s lived there and took !lasses. ?om #orked hard all #eek. Jn a spring ,aturda " he #anted to do something fun[ Ge asked his friend Jeff to go to the movie theater. P,orr "Q Jeff ans#ered. P IHm going to a !on!ert.Q ,o ?om asked Joe to go to the movies. -ut JoeHs so!!er team had a game. NeAt" ?om #ent do#n the hall to -radHs room. -rad #as reading a ver large old book. P Gi" -rad"Q ?om said. PAre ou reading a di!tionar . It looks an!ient.Q P No. ?his is !alled ?he :ealth of Adams Count . ItHs about hidden gold in Adams Count . ItHs more than a !entur old. It #as published in 1=/0 [ Iook" it even has the original !over on it.Q ?om asked" P:here did ou get it.Q P ItHs from m dadHs friend. Ge is a ni!e gentleman" an offi!er in the arm "Q ans#ered -rad. P?he gold doesnHt reall eAist" does it.Q ?om asked. P I donHt kno#" but ma be[ ?here are !lues to it in this book. IetHs find it[Q Iooking for gold sounded like fun. ?he first !lue #as to find a flat tree underground. P It must be in the forest"Q

?om said. -rad said" P?he flat tree !ould be a board under the dirt. It !ould !over the gold.Q ?om and -rad dug in the dirt all morning. ?he pro!ess of looking for gold made them hungr . ?he #ere read to stop for lun!h. -ut then -rad hit something hard. It #as a board[ -rad pounded on the board until it broke. ?here #as a small hole under it. P Iook[Q Ge held up a gold !oin. ?om sa# a pie!e of paper in the hole. P -rad" thereHs more. ItHs a map to the rest of the gold[Q -rad smiled. P IetHs go[Q And the hurried to find the #ealth of Adams Count . Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :here do the bo s look for the gold. a. At Adams A!adem b. At the movie theater !. In the forest d. In a !on!ert hall :hat is NJ? true of ?he :ealth of Adams Count . a. It #as published more than a !entur ago. b. It #as #ritten b an arm offi!er. !. It still has its original !over. d. It tells about a board in the forest floor. 7. :h does -rad think the gold reall eAists. a. -e!ause there are !lues to it in a book b. -e!ause a gentleman told him it did !. -e!ause he #as given an an!ient di!tionar d. -e!ause it #as hidden in the spring 9. :here #ill the bo s probabl go at the end of the stor . a. ?o get tools to !arr the gold b. ?o !ontinue the pro!ess of finding gold !. ?o #at!h JoeHs so!!er team d. ?o pound on more boards 2. :h !anHt Jeff go to the movie theater. :ord Iist r appre!iate Maprt &J1eitN v. ?o appre!iate something is to understand its good $ualities. 0X I !an appre!iate the lovel s!ener . r available MaveilabalN ad(. If something is available" it means ou !an get it. 0O ?here #ere man seats available in the room.

r beat ibktN 3 ?o beat someone means to do better than the do. 0OI managed to beat ever one in the ra!e. r bright MbraitN ad(. If something is bright" it sho#s a lot of light. 0O ?he bright light from the eAplosion hurt m e es. r !elebrate MselabreitN v. ?o !elebrate is to do something to sho# that an event is spe!ial. 0T :e all !elebrated #hen #e heard the great ne#s. r determine Mdita&rminN v. ?o determine means to !hoose or make a de!ision. 0O Ge tried to determine #hi!h one to eat first. ! disappear MdisapfarN v. ?o disappear means to go a#a or not be seen. 03 ?he top of the building is disappearing in the !louds. r else MelsN ad(. If ou talk about something else" ou talk about something different. 0R + #anted a bike for m birthda " but I got something else. r fair MfearN ad(. ;air des!ribes treating someone in a #a that is reasonable or right. 0OU Ge sold me his !ar for a fair pri!e. r flo# Mfioui v. ?o flo# is to move easil and !ontinuousl in one dire!tion. 03U ?he #ater flo#ed over the ro!ks and into the lake. o for#ard Mf2&r#a&rdN adv. If ou move for#ard" ou move in the dire!tion in front of ou. 0O :hen he sa# his mother" the bab !ra#led for#ard to her. r hill MhiiN n. A hill is a round area of land. It is higher than the land around it. 03 ?he sun #as rising above the green hills. r level MlevslN n. A level is a point on a s!ale that measures something. 0X Please !he!k the level of the temperature. r lone MlounN ad(. If someone or something is lone" the are the onl one of that kind. 0] A lone man #alked along the street. r p u d d l e %pAdIN n. A puddle is a pool of li$uid on the ground. 0O :hen the i!e melted" it formed a puddle. r response MrispdnsN n. A response is the ans#er to a $uestion. E Ge asked if I #as sad. F response #as PNo. Q r season Msi&'snN n. A season is a time of the ear& spring" summer" fall or #inter. 0O ;all is a #arm season" #hile #inter is ver !old. r solution Msalu&JsnN n.

A solution is a #a to solve a problem. 0X ?here are man problems. :e need solutions[ r #aste M#eistN v. ?o #aste means to !arelessl use something all up. 0O ?urn off the #ater so ou donHt #aste it. r #hether M+.#efl9&rN !on(. Wou use #hether #hen ou must !hoose bet#een t#o things. 0X I !ould not de!ide #hether to go left or right. - fffll^ Choose the right definition for the given #ord. available a. to ans#er b. to #in !. to de!ide d. able to get level a. a point on a s!ale b. #ith mu!h light !. different d. alone appre!iate a. to go a#a b. to have fun to sho# something is spe!ial !. to use little of d. to kno# #h something is important season a. a pool of li$uid b. a part of the ear !. a high area of land d. to move easil and !ontinuousl solution a. straightahead b. to sho# !hoi!e bet#een t#o things !. reasonable or in a right #a d. a #a to solve a problem flB riiffi #rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Gis final offer #as ver reasonable" f ZZZZZZ 2. )onHt thro# it in the trash #ithout using all of it. #aZZZZZZ 7. ?he rabbit #ill go a#a if ou get too !lose" disZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. Ge asked if I liked ne# movies or old movies" #hZZZZZZZZZZ 2. Wou must de!ide #hat to do neAt" dZ ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa I hill appre!iate puddles response solution 1 . ?hat ZZZZZZZZZZZ is too high to !limb. 2. :e must find a ZZZZZZZZZZZto the diffi!ult problem. 7. I asked ou a $uestion. :hat is ourZZZZZZZZZZ . 9. ?he rain formedZZZZZZZZZZZon the road. 2. )o ouZZZZZZZZZZ the thought that #ent into the gifts ou got.

Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. %ver Ne# WearHs %ve" #e ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. a. !elebrate #ith friends ZZZ b. !he!k the level of the da 2. I put on m sunglasses be!auseZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. a. the sun #as so bright ZZZ b. a lone man stood on the road 7. )o ou #ant !hi!ken"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. #hether it happens or not ZZZ b. or do ou #ant something else 9. If #e tr hard" #e !anZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. beat the other team ZZZ b. #aste our time 2. IetHs turn around and go ba!k"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. a. not for#ard b. to the last season ?he Ka!e for :ater ?here #as a to#n neAt to a river. ?he people there had a lot of #ater. -ut the #asted it. ?hat made the ,k angr . It said" P If ou #aste #ater" I #ill take it a#a from ou.Q -ut the people didnHt listen. :hen the season !hanged from spring to summer" the !louds disappeared. ?he bright sun #as hot and made the river dr . ?here #as no #ater available. People asked" P:hen #ill the rain fall.Q ?he ,k Hs response #as" PWou donHt appre!iate #ater. Wou #aste it" and no# I #ill never make rain again.Q A bo determined that this #asnHt fair. Ge thought of a solution. Ge asked the ,k to ra!e him. Ge said" P If I get to the top of that hill before our rain !an form puddles" ou must fill our river.Q ?he ,k laughed. P Iittle bo " I am the ,k . I am above ever thing else. Wou !annot beat me.Q -ut the bo kne# he #ould #in. :hen the ra!e began" the bo ran for#ard. ?he ,k started raining on the hill. -ut puddles did not form there. :hen it rained on the hill" the #ater #ent do#n. ?he ,k kept raining. ?he #ater flo#ed do#n into the river. :hen the bo rea!hed the top of the hill" the river #as full. ?he people began to !elebrate. It #as the highest level the river had ever been at before. ?he ,k #as angr . PA bo !anHt beat me[ I #onHt fill our river"Q it said. No# the bo laughed. P It doesnHt matter #hether ou #ant to fill it or not"Q he said. PWou alread did.Q ?he ,k looked at the full river. PWou tri!ked me"Q it said. It asked the people" P )o ou appre!iate #ater no#.Q PWes"Q the said. P:e #onHt #aste it.Q ?hat is ho# a lone bo saved his to#n and #on the ra!e for #ater. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A bo #ho s#ims in a river b. People #ho !elebrate at a part !. A bo #ith the solution to a problem d. People #ho learn to appre!iate a hill 2. ?he river be!ame dr #henZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. the #ater #ent some#here else b. the bright sun be!ame ver hot

!. the people found available #ater nearb d. the season !hanged from summer to spring 7. Go# did the bo save the to#n. a. Ge made the !louds disappear. b. Ge beat the rain to the top of the hill. !. Ge moved for#ard faster than the sun. d. Ge promised not to #aste an more #ater. 9. :hat #as the last thing the ,k did in the stor . a. It ra!ed a lone bo to the top of the hill. b. It sa# the river at its highest level. !. It asked the people for a response about #ater. d. It determined the people #asted too mu!h #ater. Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat did the bo sa #hen he rea!hed the top of the hill. :ord Iist r argue Mdrg(u&N C. ?o argue is to angril speak to someone be!ause ou do not agree. 03U l+ l + e argued about #here to go for dinner. r !ommuni!ate Mkam(u&nakeitN v. ?o !ommuni!ate is to give information b talking" #riting" et!. 0OI !ommuni!ated #ith Paul about his ne# ideas. r !ro#d MkraudN n. A !ro#d is a large group of people. 0OA large !ro#d had gathered on the street to see the a!!ident. r depend IdipendN v. ?o depend on someone or something is to need them. 03` Children depend on their parents for man things. r dish Mdi(N n. A dish is a plate. 03 ,he put a !lean #hite dish on the table. r empt MemptiN ad(. If something is empt " it does not have an thing in it. 0OF gas tank #as almost empt " so I !ouldnHt drive m !ar ver long. r e A a ! t Mig'aektN ad(. If something is eAa!t" it is (ust the right amount. 0OPlease use the eAa!t amount of sugar for the !ake. r fresh m ad(. If something is fresh" it is ne#. 03 I (ust bought these oranges. ?he are ver fresh. r gather Mg3>arN v. ?o gather is to !olle!t several things usuall from different pla!es. 0O,am gathered some flo#ers for his mother. r indi!ate MindikeitN v. ?o indi!ate means to sho#" point or make something !lear. 03 Ge pointed to his e es to indi!ate #here he had hurt himself. item MaitamN n.

An item is a thing that ou bu or sell. 0]1 have man items for s!hool in m bag. r offer loaferN 3 ?o offer is to present someone #ith something. 03 Ge offered me the ke s to his !ar. r pri!e MpraisN n. ?he pri!e of something is ho# mu!h it !osts. 0R :hat is the pri!e of this item. r produ!t MpradaktN n. A produ!t is something that is made. 03 F sister has man beaut produ!ts in her room. r propert Mprapa+1iN n. Propert is something that someone o#ns. 0T ?he house is no# m propert . r pur!hase MpabrtfasN v. ?o pur!hase something is to bu it. 0T I re!entl pur!hased a ne# !ar. rre!ommend MrekamendN v. ?o re!ommend something is to sa that someone should do it. 03` F do!tor re!ommended that I get some eAer!ise. J sele!t MsilektN C. ?o sele!t something is to !hoose it. 0OI hope that I sele!ted the right ans#ers on the test. r tool Mtu&lN n. A tool is something that helps ou do a task. E :e used a tool to fiA the #indo#. r treat itittN 3 ?o treat is to a!t in a !ertain #a to#ard someone. 0O ?he !ats treated the mouse ver ni!el . ill Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1 . empt a. in our mind !. eas to see 2 . depend a. to move for#ard !. to need someone or something 7. pri!e a. a s#eet !and !. a musi! sho# 9. sele!t a. to !hange !. to !hoose 2. item a. a path !. a thing

> . tool a. something ou stud !. a loud noise /. !ro#d a. a group of people !. 100 ears =. dish a. something no one kno#s !. a gro#n person 9 . !ommuni!ate a. to shut !. to talk 10. eAa!t a. not on the top !. from a pla!e nearb b. not !ontaining an thing d. si!k b. to (ump d. to look at something b. ho# mu!h something !osts d. a s!hool b. to keep doing something d. to fight b. someone #ho keeps the la# d. a pla!e to #at!h a sho# b. a group of pla ers d. something that helps ou do a task b. a flat pie!e of #ood d. a sign b. an ans#er d. a plate b. to go to #here ou !anHt be seen d. to leave b. not light d. the perfe!t amount :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. I suggest the oranges. ?he are deli!ious[ re!o ZZZZZZZZZZ 2. )o not disagree #ith our sister. arZZZZZZ 7. ?he !ompan Hs things that it makes are ver useful in the kit!hen. PrZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. :e !an talk b phone" !om ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2. :h donHt ou present her a fair pri!e for her house.

of ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. ?oda " m friend iZ beautiful 2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ me so ni!el . ;irst" he gave me some flo#ers. NeAt" he asked me to 7 Z an C) from the store" and he bought it for me[ Iater #hen #e got home" he made me !lose m e es. :hen I opened them" I sa# a great meal on a prett 9 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . ?here #as even a vase full of flo#ers that he had 2 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ from earlier that da . I #ill never forget this #onderful da . `` ?he Iittle Ked Chi!ken A little red !hi!ken had a store in a small to#n. ,he sold man different items to people in the to#n. ?he people loved her produ!ts. Jne da " a !at !ame to her propert . Ge sa# the sign that indi!ated #here the !hi!kenHs store #as lo!ated. Ge #anted to pur!hase bread" but the !hi!kenHs store #as almost empt . ,he had onl a bag of #heat.3 PWou !an use the #heat to make bread"Q the !hi!ken said. P No" I donHt #ant to #ork"Q the !at said. P I (ust #ant to bu bread.Q ?he !at be!ame angr and left the store. Iater" the little red !hi!ken sa# the !at in a !ro#d. P I #ill help ou make the bread"Q she said. -ut the !at treated her badl . Ge did not even !ommuni!ate #ith her. Ge did not #ant to do an #ork. ,o the !hi!ken de!ided to make the bread. ,he sele!ted the eAa!t amount of #heat to make fresh bread. ,he used a stone to pound the #heat to get it read . ,oon" her bread #as read . ?he !at !ame and sa# the bread on a dish. P 4ive me some of our bread"Q he said. P No"Q said the little red !hi!ken. PWou did not help me make the bread. ,o ou shall not have an to eat.Q ?he !at argued #ith the !hi!ken. Ge tried to offer a pri!e for it. -ut the little red !hi!ken did not #ant to 33 sell her bread. P )onHt depend on others to do #ork for ou"Q said the little red !hi!ken. P?hen ho# #ill I get bread.Q the !at asked. P I re!ommend doing some #ork"Q said the little red !hi!ken. P 6se a tool to plant our o#n #heat. :hen it gro#s big" ou !an gather it and make our o#n bread. Wou need to learn to do #ork for #hat ou #ant.Q 3#heat 0 a t pe of plant used to make bread Ans#er the $uestions.

1. :hat is the stor about. a. A !hi!ken finding a friend to depend on b. A !hi!ken making bread out of #heat !. :h a !atHs store did not have an items d. ?he eAa!t amount of #heat needed to make bread 2. :hat did the !at do #hen the !hi!ken asked him to help make the bread. a. Ge did not !ommuni!ate #ith her. b. Ge argued #ith the little red !hi!ken. !. Ge said that he #ould gather all the things needed to make the bread. d. Ge treated her ver ni!el . 7. Go# did the !at find the !hi!kenHs store. a. Ge sa# tools being sold outside of the store. b. Ge sa# a stone #ith the storeHs name. !. Gis friend told him to pur!hase bread there. d. Ge sa# a sign that indi!ated her propert . 9. :hat did the !at do #hen he sa# the fresh bread. a. Ge sele!ted the produ!t for himself. b. Ge tried to bu some of it for a pri!e. !. Ge brought a !ro#d of friends #ith him to eat. d. Ge asked #h her store #as empt . 2. :hat did the little red !hi!ken re!ommend the !at to do to have some bread. r alive MalaivN ad(. If someone or something is alive" the are not dead. 03U F grandparents are still alive even though the are over 90. r bone MbounN n. A bone is a hard part of the bod . 0RI brought home a ni!e bone for m dog. r bother MbddaAN v. ?o bother is to make the effort to do something. 03 No one bothered to #ash the dishes toda . r !aptain MkseptinN n. A !aptain is the person #ho leads a ship or airplane. 0O ?he !aptain sailed his ship to Australia. r !on!lusion Mkanklu&7artN n. ?he !on!lusion of something is the final part of it. 03` At the !on!lusion of the ra!e" the spe!tators !heered for the #inner. r doubt MdautN n. )oubt is a feeling of not being sure. 0X I have doubt that the stor is true. reAplore Mikspl2&rl v. ?o eAplore is to look for ne# pla!es. 03 Ge #ants to eAplore the #orld and see ne# things. r foreign Mfo8&YrinN ad(. If something is foreign" it is from a different !ountr . E FeAi!an food is a popular foreign food. r glad MglsedN ad(.

If ou are glad" ou are happ . 03 I am glad ou !ame to m part . r ho#ever MhauevarN adv. Go#ever means despite or not being influen!ed b something. 03U ,he is a great !ook. Go#ever" she never had professional lessons. 11> r in (u s ti! e Mind7AstisN n. In(usti!e is a la!k of fairness or (usti!e. 0] Putting an inno!ent person in (ail is an a!t of in(usti!e. r in tern atio n al Mmtarnae(analN ad(. If something is international" it involves more than one !ountr . 03U ?he 6nited Nations is a po#erful international organi'ation. r la# er Jo0.(aAN n. A la# er #orks #ith the la# and represents people in !ourt. 0R ?he la# er left the !ourthouse after the (udge made her de!ision. r m ention Mmen(anN C. ?o mention something is to talk about it. 03U ?he do!tors mentioned the problems that the patient #as having. r p o li! MpalesiN n. A poli! is a rule. 03U Ge told us that his poli! #as to put !ustomers first. r s o ! ia l Msou(slN ad(. If something is so!ial" it is about man people in a !ommunit . 03U People should !ome together and fiA the #orldHs so!ial problems. rsp ee !h Mspi&t(N n. A spee!h is something said to a group of people. 03 ,he gave a spee!h to the !lass. r ,taff MstasfN n. A staff is a group of people #orking together in a !ompan . 0O F dad has a staff of four people to help him at the offi!e. rto#ard Mta#o&rdN prep. If ou go to#ard something" ou go !loser to it. 03 ,anta #alked to#ard m house #ith a spe!ial tree. r#ood M#udN n. :ood is the thing that trees are made of. 0OI put the pie!es of #ood in a pile. 1. mention a. to sa Choose the right definition for the given #ord. b. to look at !. to not believe d. to be happ 2. so!ial a. about man !ountries !. about man people 7. la# er a. to be treated unfairl !. leader

9. ho#ever a. the last part !. a rule 2. bother a. to look for ne# pla!es !. to talk about something b. not dead d. about a different !ountr b. a person #ho #orks #ith the la# d. a part of the bod b. part of a tree d. despite something b. to make the effort to do something[ d. to not believe ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. #ood to#ard :JK) -ANa poli! spee!h staff 1. F ne# desk is made of. 2. ,tudents must start !lass at 9&00 ea!h morning. ?his is the s!hoolHs. 7. ?here are over 200 people on the hospitalHs ZZZZZZZZZZ . 9. 4oZZZZZZZZZZ the river" but stop before ou get in the #ater[ 2. ?he president gave a ZZZZZZZZZZ last night. :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Ge gave a talk to a group of people at the meeting" speZZZZZZ 2. )id an one make the effort to do their home#ork. boZZZZZZZZ 7. ?he !hair is made of the material trees are made of. # o ZZZZ 9. ?he group of #orkers helped him #ith his #ork" s ZZZZZZZZ 2. Ge is not deadb I sa# him esterda . a ZZZZZZZZ ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa mentioned ho#ever poli! staff spee!h bothered !on!lusion in(usti!e bones doubt F tea!herHs name is Frs. ,mith. Westerda " she gave a i ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to our !lass. ,he said there #as a ne# 2 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ about the s!hool diet. No one is allo#ed to eat !ookies an more[ ?he s!hoolHs 7ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ de!ided that their students didnHt eat healthil . ?he #anted students to improve their eating habits. %ver one #ill have to drink a !up of milk at lun!h. ,he said milk gives our

bodies stronger 9 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . ,he also 2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that sugar is bad for us. ,he said she had no > ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that #e #ould all feel better. :e all thought that it #as an /ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . -ut at the =ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of !lass" she told us one more thing" P It #as a (oke[Q 9 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ " no one thought that it #as ver funn . And no students 10ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to laugh. ,hip#re!ked .,imon Wates #as a la# er. Ge helped man people. Go#ever" he #as not a ni!e man. Gis poli! #as to help onl ri!h people. Ge didnHt bother about so!ial in(usti!e. Ge made a lot of mone " but man people didnHt like him. %ven people on his staff didnHt like him. ?he #anted bad things to happen to him. In fa!t" the #ere glad #hen he got into trouble. ,imon had a ver bad da . Ge did man things #rong and lost his (ob. ,oon" he didnHt have an mone . Gis #ife" Frs. Wates" began to have doubts about him. ,imon #anted to start a ne# life. Ge planned to leave the !ountr . Ge mentioned his plan to the !aptain of a ship. ?he !aptain #as eAploring the #orld. ?he !aptain felt bad for ,imon and said" P I #ill take ou to foreign !ountries.Q ?he left the neAt da . Near the !on!lusion of their international trip" the #eather turned bad. A #ave pushed ,imon off the boat. -ut he #as alive. Ge s#am to#ard an island. After a longtime he got there. At first he #as upset. Ge #as lost and alone. P IHll never go home again"Q he thought. Ge had a lot of problems" but he survived. Ge built a house in a tree. Ge lived on a diet offish. Ge made tools from #ood and bones. Ge made a !up to drink rain#ater. ,lo#l he learned to be happ on the island. Ge s#am ever da . Ge had trouble sometimes" but he al#a s found a #a to fiA the problem. Iife #as simple. Ge liked it. ;inall " people on a ship sa# ,imon on the island. ?he #anted to take him home. -ut ,imon #as happ . Ge gave them a long spee!h about life. Ge said he #anted to sta . Ge liked his ne#" simple life more than his old life. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. Go# the !aptain of a ship eAplored foreign pla!es b. Go# a la# er sta ed alive alone on an island !. :h a man and a #oman #ent on an international trip d. :h it is a good poli! to #orr about so!ial problems 2. :h does ,imon not sta on the boat. a. ?he staff do not like him. b. Ge #ants to s#im to#ard an island. !. A #ave pushes him off the ship. d. Ge does not like the diet of onl fish. Ans#er the $uestions. 7. Go# does ,imon sta alive on the island. a. Ge makes tools from bones and #ood. b. Ge makes !lothes from a tree. !. Ge eats food from the trees. d. Ge uses a !up to drink sea#ater.

9. :hat did ,imon mention in his spee!h. a. Ge #anted to see Frs. Wates. b. Ge #as unhapp to be alone. !. Ge #as glad to be on the island. d. Ge had doubts about sta ing on the island. 2. :hat happens nearthe !on!lusion of ,imonHs trip. r a!hieve MatF v. ?o a!hieve something is to su!!essfull do it after tr ing hard. 0OI #as happ that I !ould a!hieve m goal. radvise Medvai'N v. ?o advise someone is to tell them #hat to do. 03 F mother often advises people about their mone . ! alread MoilrediN adv. If something happens alread " it happens before a !ertain time. E It is alread time for the movie to start. IetHs go in. r basi! MbeisikN ad(. If something is basi!" it is ver simple or eas . 03 I learned some basi! %nglish skills in s!hool toda . J* bit MbitN n. A bit is a small amount of something. 0R I ate a bit of !ho!olate before I #ent to bed. r !onsider MkansidsrN v. ?o !onsider something means to think about it. 03 Pete didnHt like his (ob. Ge !onsidered getting a ne# one. ! destro Mdistr2iN v. ?o destro means to damage something so badl that it !annot be used. 0O ?he glass #as destro ed. r entertain Menta+leinN v. ?o entertain someone is to do something that the en(o . 0O ?he !lo#n entertained the kids at the part . r eAtra MekstraN ad(. If something is eAtra" it is more than #hat is needed. 0O ?he s$uirrel had eAtra nuts for the #inter. r goal MgoulN n. A goal is something ou #ork to#ard. 03U Ger goal #as to be!ome a do!tor. +_nfk M20J r lie MiaiN v. ?o lie is to sa or #rite something untrue to de!eive someone. 03 :henever Pino!!hio lied to his father" his nose gre#. r meat Mmkti n. Feat is food made of animals. 03U ?his pie!e of meat IHm eating tastes ver good. r opinion Mapin(anN n. An opinion is a thought about a person or a thing.

03 Feg told me her opinion of m stor . ,he said it #as not funn . r real irfOn ad(. If something is real" it a!tuall eAists. 03` ?he handbag has a stamp on it" so itHs real. r refle!t brnm v. ?o refle!t is #hen a surfa!e sends ba!k light" heat" sound or an image. 0O Ger fa!e #as refle!ted on the smooth glass. r regard MrigardN v. ?o regard someone or something is to think of them in a !ertain #a . 0] ?he bo regarded the girl as a good friend. r serve isarvi v. ?o serve someone is to give them food or drinks. 0OGe served us our drinks $ui!kl . r vegetable Mved 7 ,tabalN n. A vegetable is a plant used as food. 0O Carrots are m favorite vegetable. r #ar t#o.rN n. A #ar is a big fight bet#een t#o groups of people. 03 Fan oung men died in the #ar. r #orth M#a&reN ad(. If something is #orth an amount of mone " it !osts that amount. 03 Jur house is #orth a lot of mone . 12 7 Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. a!hieve a. to think about something b. to get something !. to tell someone #hat to do d. to break into pie!es 2. refle!t a. to tell someone #hat to do b. to think about something !. to damage something ver badl d. to send ba!k an image 7. opinion a. a thought b. a plant !. an animal d. a fight 9. alread a. not made up b. before a !ertain time !. more than is needed d. ver simple 2. goal a. a thought about someone or something b. a fight bet#een groups of people !. something ou #ork to#ard d. a small amount of something ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa meat #ar serve regard destro 1. Chi!ken" pork" and beef are all kinds ofZZZZZZZZZZ . 2. )onHt drop the glass bo#l. Wou #illZZZZZZZZZZZ it. 7. Kestaurants oftenZZZZZZZZZZZtea and !offee #ith breakfast. 9. Fan tea!hersZZZZZZZZZZZtheir students as smart kids.

2. It is sad #hen t#o !ountries start a ZZZZZZZZZZZ#ith ea!h other. Che!k 8CY the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZ a. A basi! tool has man parts. b. If a to is #orth 51" it !osts 51. 2. ZZZ a. An one !an pet a real dog. b. If a man has eAtra so!ks" he does not have enough. 7. ZZZ a. It is not smart to lie to our parents. b. If a #oman !onsiders leaving" she doesnHt #ant to go. 9. ZZZ a. If a bike is #orth 520" it !osts mu!h less. b. :hen ou eat vegetables" ou are eating plants. 2. ZZZ a. :hen a tea!her advises her students" she asks them #hat the #ant to do. b. ,ome people entertain others b telling funn stories. >. ZZZ a. If a bo !onsiders stud ing" he is thinking about doing it. b. Fan people like making ne# t pes of vegetables. /. ZZZ a. A basi! ans#er is a simple one. b. A bit of food is a lot of it. =. ZZZ a. If a girl brings eAtra paper" she has more than she needs. b. People entertain others to make them sad. 9. ZZZ a. People believe others #ho lie often. b. :hen ou advise our friend" ou tell him #hat to do. 10. ZZZ a. A real stor never happened. b. A bit of paper is a small pie!e. ?he ,even Cities of 4old Fan ears ago" a ,panish offi!er named Coronado heard the stor of seven great !ities. P?he #alls of these !ities are made of gold"Q his friends told him. P?he people eat meat from golden plates and dress in ni!e !lothes"Q the said. ?he !alled these !ities the ,even Cities of 4old. :ere the !ities real. Coronado never !onsidered asking his friends. Coronado thought to himself" P?he things in these !ities must be #orth a lot of mone .Q ,o he #ent to find the ,even Cities of 4old. Ge took along three hundred men" man horses" and eAtra food. ?he headed #est. Coronado #anted to a!hieve his goal ver badl . Coronado and his men rode for man da s. ?hen the sa# some !ities. P:e found the ,even Cities of 4old[Q his men elled" but Coronado #asnHt happ . Ge had a different opinion. P?hese !anHt be the ,even Cities of 4old"Q he said. P Iook" the Hre made of dirt[Q Coronado #as right. ?he !ities #erenHt bright and golden. ?he #ere dirt and bro#n. ?he people didnHt eat meat from golden plates. ?he ate vegetables from regular bo#ls. ?he #ore the most basi! !lothes. Coronado regarded the !ities as ugl pla!es. P:hat happened to the !ities of gold.Q he thought. P )id someone destro them. :as there a #ar. )id someone alread !ome and take the gold.Q ?hat night" the people of the !ities entertained

Coronado and his men and served them food. ?he advised Coronado to go home. P?here is no gold here"Q the told him. Coronado #as id his friends lie to him. ft the neAt morning. Ge looked ba!k at s one more time. ?he sun refle!ted light dirt houses. Coronado thought he sa# a of gold. :ere his friends right after all. P No"Q he told himself. P ItHs (ust the sun.Q ?hen he turned a#a and #ent home. Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A man #ho a!hieves his goal b. An offi!er #ho looks for !ities of gold !. Fen #ho destro !ities d. People #ho entertain and serve 2. :hat did Coronado NJ? !onsider asking his friends. a. Go# mu!h mone the !ities #ere #orth b. If the people of the !ities ate meat !. If the ,even Cities of 4old #ere real d. Go# mu!h eAtra food to take #est 7. :h #as Coronado unhapp #hen he sa# the !ities. a. ?he #ere not made of gold. b. ?he #ere at #ar #ith ea!h other. !. ,omeone destro ed them. d. Ge had alread been to the !ities. 9. :hat did the people of the !ities advise Coronado to do. a. %at basi! vegetables b. 4o home !. Kegard the !ities as dirt pla!es d. ?alk about his opinion of the !ities 2. :hat did Coronodo do #hen he thought he sa# a bit of gold on the houses. r r r r r r r appear MapiarN v. ?o appear is to seem. 0O,he appeared to be sad. ,he #as !r ing. base MbeisN n. ?he base is the bottom of something. 0] ?he base of the table has three legs.

brain MbreinN n. ?he brain is the organ in our head that lets ou think. 0O Wou must use our brain to solve the problem. !areer MkanarN n. A !areer is a (ob that ou do for a large part of our life. E Ge #as in the hospitalit business for most of his !areer. C le r k MklarkN n. A !lerk is a t pe of #orker. Clerks in a store help !ustomers. 0X ?he !lerk added up her bill for the gro!eries. e f f o r t M,tartN n. %ffort is hard #ork or an attempt to do something. 03U Ge al#a s puts a lot of effort into his studies. enter MenterN v. ?o enter a pla!e is to go into it. 03` ?#o guards greeted me as I entered the front door. eA!ellent MeksalantN ad(. :hen something is eA!ellent" it is ver good. 03 I got an eA!ellent s!ore on m s!hool test. hero Mhi&rouN n. A hero is a brave person #ho does things to help others. 03 ?o !hildren" the man in the blue and red !ostume #as a real hero. hurr Mha riN ?o hurr is to do something $ui!kl . 0X I hurried home on m bike. rinform MinformN v. ?o inform someone is to tell them about something. 0X I !alled and informed her about m idea. r later Mleita&rN adv. Iater means after the present" eApe!ted" or usual time. 0O,he missed the train" so sheHll arrive a little later than eApe!ted. rleave dm v. ?o leave means to go a#a from someone or something. 03U Ge pa!ked his bag and #as read to leave for home. r lo!ate MloukeitN v. ?o lo!ate something is to find it. 0]1 !ould not lo!ate m ke s in the house. rnurse MnersN n. A nurse is a person #ho helps si!k people in the hospital. 0T A nurse helped me get better. r operation Maperei(anN n. An operation is #hen a do!tor repla!es or removes something in the bod . 03 ?he operation on m arm #as a su!!ess. rpain tpeinN n. Pain is the feeling that ou have #hen ou are hurt. 0OGis head #as full of pain. rrefuse Mrif(u&'N v.

?o refuse something is to sa P noQ to it. 0O ?he dog refused to pla #ith the !at. r though M>ouN !onY. ?hough is used #hen the se!ond idea makes the first seem surprising. 0R ?hough he #as over#eight" he liked to be a!tive. r various MvesriasN ad(. If something is various" there are man t pes of it. 0O,he o#ned shoes of various st les. 129 ;ill in the blanks #ith the right #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa lo!ate hero pain hurried !lerk I #ent to the video store last night. I #anted to 1ZZZZZZZZZZZa )C). I didnHt kno# the name of the movie" so I told the 2ZZZZZZZZZZZ#hat it #as about. I told her there #as a 7 ZZZZZZZZZZ #ho !ould fl and nothing !aused him 9 ZZZZZZZZZZ. ,he #ent to the shelf and brought it to me. ?hen 1 2 ZZZZZZZZZZZ home to #at!h it. Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. :hen I #ent to the hospital"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. the nurse gave me medi!ine b. all the do!tors and nurses #ill leave 2. Ge arrived on time" but ,arah #onHt be hereZZZZZZZZZZZ a. until mu!h later b. leaves in the morning 7. I reall like that #riter. Ge #rote an ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. effort of a stor b. eA!ellent book 9. After I dropped the book on m foot"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I #as in pain b. I hurried home 2. Ge did not #ant to go to the part . Ge a. appeared read to go b. refused to get into the !ar Che!k 8CY the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZa. -e!ause the base of the lamp #as broken" it !ould not stand up. b. I de!ided to leave earl so that I !ould be late. D 2. ZZZa. ?he roof #as at the base of the house. b. I had an operation to fiA m broken nose. 7. ZZZ a. ?he various movies #ere all the same. b. I like dogs" though I donHt like most animals. 9. ZZZa. I #ill leave earl in the morning to !at!h m plane. b. F friends and I de!ided to thro# an operation for m sister. 2. ZZZa. ?hough I #as ri!h" I bought a lot of !ars. b. I made an effort to get the (ob done.

>. ZZZa. Ge never used his brain #hen he fa!ed problems[ b. ?he (ob appeared ver $ui!kl . /. ZZZ a. I entered the house through the door. b. I thre# the effort #ith all m might. =. ZZZa. ,he appeared ver happ on her birthda . b. People use their brains to eAer!ise. 9. ZZZa. I informed him of the ne# rules. b. I entered out of the room. 10. a. ?he ro!k informed me that I #as too heav . b. ?here #ere various things to do at the event. S I first met =0 ear0old aat on a rain afternoon. I #as a nurse at a hospital. ?he !lerk at the desk told me about aat . ,he #as there be!ause she felt a lot of pain. ?he do!tors lo!ated a problem at the base of her brain. I kne# she #as spe!ial" even before she got better. IHll al#a s remember aat as a hero. :hen I entered aat Hs room" she #as not in her bed. ,he #as in a !hair neAt to ?omm " a little bo . ?hough aat did not feel #ell" she #as pla ing #ith ?omm and his to s. It took a lot of effort for her (ust to sit in the !hair. -ut she pla ed #ith ?omm be!ause it made him happ . aat #as al#a s smiling and never appeared to be in pain. ,he refused to (ust lie in bed. Jne da I found her painting a pi!ture. Iater" she gave it to one of the older patients. Another da she #ent outside to get flo#ers for another si!k little girl. aat made ever one smile. ?he do!tors hurried to fiA the problem in aat Hs brain. ?he operation #as su!!essful[ ?he do!tors informed the hospital staff of the good ne#s. aat #as fine. ,he soon felt eA!ellent. ,he got better and #as able to leave the hospital a month later. I have had a long !areer as a nurse. I have met man patients. Go#ever" I have never met another girl like aat . %ven after she got #ell" she still !ame to the hospital. ,he pla ed various games #ith the oung patients. ,he read man books to the older patients. aat Hs kind heart helped her get better so $ui!kl . ,he is a hero to me and ever one else at the hospital. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A !lerk #ith a brain problem b. A little girl #ho is a hero

!. A little girl #ho #ants a !areer as a nurse d. ?omm and his various to s 2. :h does ever one like aat . a. ,he does good things" even though she is in pain. b. ,he enters the hospital and saves a patientHs life. !. ,he has a problem at the base of her brain. d. ,he hurries to help the !lerk at his desk. 7. :hi!h of the follo#ing is true at the end of the stor . a. aat refuses to go ba!k to the hospital. b. aat makes an effort to be!ome a nurse. !. aat feels eA!ellent but goes ba!k to the hospital to see other patients. d. aat informs other patients of ho# to get better. Ans#er the $uestions. 9. Go# did the nurse kno# aat did not feel #ell. a. aat appeared to be sad. b. aat had to make an effort (ust to sit in a !hair. !. ?he nurse lo!ated a problem in aat Hs brain. d. ?he nurse asked aat ho# she felt. 2. :hat does aat do to help people. \2. r a!tual Maekt(ualN ad(. A!tual means that something is real or true. 0] ?his is the a!tual s#ord that the aing o#ned" not a fake one. r ama'e femei'N 3 ?o ama'e someone is to surprise them ver mu!h. 03U ?he ne#s in the paper ama'ed Ja!k. r !harge Mt(a&+0d7N n. A !harge is the pri!e to pa for something. 0] ?he !harge for the shirts #as 512.00. r !omfort MkAmfartN v. ?o !omfort someone means to make them feel better. 03 I #anted to !omfort m friend after I heard the bad ne#s. r !onta!t MkantaektN v. ?o !onta!t someone is to speak or #rite to them. 0OU I !onta!ted ,ue about m part . r !ustomer MkAstamarN n. A !ustomer is a person #ho bu s something at a store. 0O ?he !ustomer put a fe# items in a bag. r deliver Mdili*varN v. ?o deliver something is to take it from one pla!e to another. 0OU ?he man delivered Chinese food to m house. r earn Ma&mN 3 ?o earn means to get mone for the #ork ou do. 03U Ge earns his living as a !hef in a great restaurant. r gate MgeitN n. A gate is a t pe of door. 4ates are usuall made of metal or #ood.

0OU :e #ant to put up a #ooden gate around our house. r in!lude Minklu&dN v. ?o in!lude something means to have it as part of a group. 03U )oes this meal in!lude a soft drink. 179 r manage Mmaenid7( 3 ?o manage something means to !ontrol or be in !harge of it. 0OU I had to manage the meeting m self. r m ster MmisteriN n. A m ster is something that is diffi!ult to understand or eAplain. 03 ?he path on the map #as a !omplete m ster to me. 1 r o!!ur t e r i v. ?o o!!ur means to happen. 03 :hen did the thunderstorm o!!ur. r opposite Mdpa'itN n. If A is the opposite of -" A is !ompletel different from -. 0] ?he opposite of bla!k is #hite. r plate MpieitN n. A plate is a flat round thing that ou put food on. 03 I put m plate do#n so I !ould put some food on it. r re!eive MrisdvN 3 ?o re!eive something is to get it. E I re!eived a present on m birthda . r re#ard Mri#oirdN n. A re#ard is something given in eA!hange for good behavior or #ork. 03 Ge #as given a re#ard for his eA!ellent performan!e. r set MsetN 3 ?o set something is to put it some#here. 0T Please set the di!e do#n on the table. r steal istuN 3 ?o steal is to take something that is not ours. 03 ?he men tried to steal mone from the bank. r thief Mei&fN n. A thief is someone #ho $uietl takes things that do not belong to them. 0R A thief broke into our home and took m mother*s (e#elr . Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1. to take something that does not belong to ou a. steal b. in!lude !. ama'e 2. to happen a. manage b. set !. deliver d. plate d. o!!ur 7. to make someone feel better a. re#ard b. earn !. !omfort d. !onta!t 9. to get

a. re!eive b. gate !. !harge d. a!tual 2. a person #ho bu s something a. opposite b. m ster !. !ustomer d. thief J Che!k 8C Y the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. a. If I re!eive a present" I give someone something. b. If ou steal mone " ou !an get in trouble. 2. ZZZ a. A man #ho is alone !an !onta!t man people. b. If a #oman is sad" someone should !omfort her. 7. ZZZ a. Ge #as given a re#ard for his poor #ork performan!e. b. Wou eat dinner off a plate. 9. ZZZ a. %ver thing that is for sale has a !harge. b. A !ustomer sells things to people. 2. a. If ou earn something" ou give it to someone. b. Postmen deliver mail from one house to another. Che!k 8C Y the better response to ea!h $uestion. 1. :ho should manage the !lassroom. a. ?he tea!her should be in !harge. b. ?he students should go to the !lassroom. 2. :hen did the theft o!!ur. a. It happened this afternoon. b. It stopped earl . 7. :hat is the a!tual number of people there. a. ?here are 71"=/2 people there. b. ?here are a lot of people there. 9. )id that movie ama'e ou. a. Wes" I had seen it man times before. b. Wes" the ending surprised me ver mu!h. 2. :here should I set this book. a. Put it on the bookshelf. ZZZZ b. It !ame from the librar . >. )oes the #all have a gate. a. Wes" and it is often lo!ked. ZZZZ b. Wes" the #all is ver high. /. )oes the book in!lude a C). a. No" it is inside the book. b. No" #e must bu the eAtra C). =. Gas he re!eived m present. a. Ge got it esterda . b. Ge sent it to ou esterda . 9. :hat happened to the plate. a. It broke #hen I dropped it. ZZZZ b. It helped me #ith m home#ork. 10. )id ou hearthe ne#s about the thief. a. Ge stole some eApensive diamonds from the (e#elr store. b. ?here #as a person bu ing something. A -etter Ke#ard Jenn delivered food for a restaurant. ,he read the ne#spaper and said" P 6h oh.Q ?here #as a stor about a thief. Ge stole food" and no one had seen him. %ven the poli!e !ouldnHt !at!h him. Jenn #as a little s!ared. ,he #orked !lose to that area.

?he ne#spaper in!luded a message from the poli!e& P If an thing strange o!!urs" !all us. If ou help us !at!h the thief" ouHll earn a re#ard.Q Jenn talked to Jim. Ge managed the restaurant. P )o ou kno# about the thief.Q PWes"Q he said. P -ut he steals more than one person !an eat. And #h havenHt the poli!e stopped him et. ItHs a m ster . If ou see him" !onta!t the poli!e. )onHt run after him.Q Jenn drove to a !ustomerHs house. ,he left her !ar and opened the gate to the house. -ut then she heard a noise b her !ar. ,he elled" P?hief[Q ,he #asnHt s!ared. ,he #anted the re#ard[ ,he did the opposite of #hat Jim told herto do. P Ge "Q she elled. P 4et ba!k here[Q ,he set the food on the ground and ran to her !ar. -ut the thief had alread left #ith the food. Jenn follo#ed a noise around the !orner. ,he #as ama'ed. ,he sa# a dog and some puppies. ?he #ere eating her food[ ?he looked thin and s!ared. P?he a!tual thief is (ust a dog. ,heHs feeding her puppies"Q she said. P?hatHs #h she steals so mu!h food.Q Jenn felt bad. ,he tried to !omfort the dogs #ith another plate of food. ?hen she took them ba!k to the store. %ver one there took a pupp home. Jenn !alled the poli!e. ,he told them there #as no real thief. Jenn didnHt do it to re!eive the re#ard an more. ,he said" P It #as (ust a dog. -ut thereHs no !harge for !at!hing this gthief"HQ she said. P F ne# dog is a better re#ard.Q 1. :hat is this stor about. a. A dog that steals a plate b. A man #ho tells a m ster !. A man #ho #rites for a ne#spaper d. A girl #ho delivers food 2. :h did Jenn de!ide to run after the thief. a. ,he #anted to earn the re#ard. b. ,he kne# that there #as no a!tual thief. !. ,he al#a s did the opposite of #hat Jim said. d. ,he #anted to !harge a !ustomer for that food. 7. :hat #as true of Jim. a. Ge tried to !omfort Jenn #ith food. b. Ge told Jenn that she should !onta!t the poli!e. !. Ge #rote a stor that in!luded a message from the poli!e. d. Ge re!eived a re#ard be!ause he managed the store. 9. Go# did Jenn a!t #hen she heard the noise. a. ,he #as ama'ed b the noise.

b. ,he follo#ed it around the !orner. !. ,he ran through the gate to get a#a from it. d. ,he set the food on a table and ran to her !ar. Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat did the poli!e sa to do if something strange o!!ured. r r r advan!e MadvaensN +" ?o advan!e is to go for#ard. 0O Ge advan!ed up the ladder slo#l . rathlete MaeelirtN n. An athlete is a person #ho pla s sports. 03U ,ome athletes !an pla man sports ver #ell. average Maevarid(N ad(. If something is average" it is at a normal level. 0T IHm not ri!h or poorb IHm average. behavior Mbiheiv(arN n. Wour behavior is the #a ou a!t. 0O ?heir behavior #as good this semester. ?he didnHt !ause trouble. r behind MbihaindN prep. -ehind means to be at the ba!k of something. 03 ?he little girl #as hiding behind a tree. r !ourse MkoAsN n. A !ourse is a !lass in s!hool. 0OI took a P.%. !ourse in s!hool this ear. r lo#er MlouarN v. ?o lo#er something is to make it go do#n. 03 ?he !hart sho#s ho# his produ!tion has lo#ered over the ear. R r mat!h Mmaetll v. ?o mat!h is to be the same or similar. 03U ?he t#o shoes mat!hed. ?he looked the same. r member MmemberN n. A member is a person #ho is part of a group. 03 Julie is the ne#est member of our team. r mental MmentlN ad(. If something is mental" it has to do #ith our mind. 03` I made a mental pi!ture of the room. r passenger Mpaesand7ad n. A passenger is a person #ho rides in a !ar" train" or airplane. 03 Jne passenger #as standing in the sub#a train. r personalit MpairsanaelatiN n. Wour personalit is #hat ou are like and ho# ou behave. 0X John has a bad personalit . C poem MpouimN n. A poem is a short kind of #riting.

03U :illiam ,hakespeare #rote man poems. r pole MpoulN n. A pole is a long thin sti!k made of #ood or metal that supports things. EU ?he flag #as hanging from the flag pole. r remove Mrimu&vN 3 ?o remove something is to take it a#a . 03` I removed the nail from the board. r safet is m n. ,afet means to be the !ondition of being safe and free from danger. 0T ;or his o#n safet " he #as pla!ed in a !ar seat. r ,hoot MJu tN v. ?o shoot is to fire something like a bullet at someone or something. 03 ?he hunter raised his gun to shoot at the target. rsound MsaundN . ?o sound means to make a noise. 0O ?he alarm !lo!k sounded and #oke us all up. r s#im Ms#imN v. ?o s#im is to move through #ater. 0R I love to s#im in the o!ean. r#eb M#ebN n. A #eb is a home made b a spider. 0T Fom !leaned the spider#ebs out of the garage. :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. I need to find the other so!k that is the same as this one. maZZZZZZZZZZ 2. Please take a#a our feet from the table" remZZZZZZ 7. ?his is a8anY ver normal morning. Nothing bad has happened" aveZZZZZZZZ 9. ?he bell rattled" so #e !hanged !lasses" so ZZZZZZZZZZ 2. :illiam #anted to go for#ard" but a #all stopped him. advZZZZZZZZ >. Clara is a person in a group of the running !lub" meZZZZZZZZ /. (esse is a ver good sports pla er" atZZZZZZZZZZ =. :hat is our favorite !lass. ! ZZZZZZZZZZ 9. Ge #as a person taking a ride on the ship" p a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 10. :hat kind of !hara!ter does ?ed have. P ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Che!k 8C Y the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZ a. I #as behind the #inner" so I #on the ra!e[

b. :ebs are made b spiders. 2. ZZZ a. Keading in!reases our mental a!tivit . b. :e removed the !it last #eek. 7. ZZZ a. F shoes #ere behind the !ou!h. b. ?his mental eAer!ise makes m arms tired. 9. ZZZ a. Gave ou ever found a birdHs #eb. b. I lo#ered the boA onto the ground. 2. ZZZa. Could ou help me lo#er m seat please. b. -e sure to remove the trash from the house. a %Aer!ise 7 Choose the right #ord for the given definition. !. advan!e 1. to move through #ater a. lo#er b. average 2. something ni!e to read a. poem b. #eb !. member 7. the !ondition free from an danger a. shoot b. safet !. athlete 9. a metal or #ooden sti!k used to support things a. pole b. remove !. passenger 2. the #a ou a!t a. mental b. mat!h !. !ourse d. s#im d. behind d. personalit d. sound d. behavior ?he Camp ,ta!ie #anted to sta at a ni!e hotel for va!ation. -ut her parents sent her to a terrible !amp instead. ;or breakfast" ,ta!ie liked fresh (ui!e and !ho!olate milk" but she got #ater at the !amp. In the afternoon she #anted to #rite poems" but she had to s#im. ?he !amp #as near an airport #ith loud planes. ,pider#ebs hung over her bed. ?o her" the kidsH average behavior #as ver bad. No girl mat!hed her personalit . ,he hated it. Jne da " the had a !lass. Fental eAer!ise sounded good to ,ta!ie. -ut it #as a !ourse on #ater safet . ?he learned ho# to be safe passengers on a boat. ,ta!ie didnHt ever plan to go on a boat. ?he neAt da " the pla ed a game. ?here #ere a red team and a blue team. ,ta!ie #as on the blue team. %a!h team had to tr to remove the other teamHs flag from a pole. ?he also had to use #ater guns. P IHm not mu!h of an athlete"Q she said. -ut she still had to pla . ,ta!ie took a #ater gun and looked for some#here to hide. A bo said" P ,ta!ie" ou advan!e to the middle. I #ill go right. ?hose t#o #ill go left.Q ,ta!ie still didnHt #ant to pla . ,he #alked into the forest and sa# a red team pla er !oming. ,ta!ie hid behind a tree and then (umped out and shot the other pla er. P?his is fun[Q ,ta!ie thought.

,everal minutes after advan!ing further" ,ta!ie sa# the red flag. A red team member #as #at!hing over it. ,he shot him #ith her #ater gun. ?hen she lo#ered the flag and ran ba!k to her team. P I got it[Q she elled. ?he blue team #on[ ,ta!ie #as the hero. ;or the rest of the #eek" ,ta!ie had fun. ,he even Ans#er the $uestions. 1. Go# did ,ta!ie #in the game. a. ,he advan!ed to the right. b. ,he lo#ered the red teamHs flag. !. ,he hit the red team #ith her #ater gun. d. ,he s#am all afternoon. 2. -e!ause of her personalit " #hat #ould ,ta!ie likel NJ? #ant to do. a. Kead a poem b. Pla a mental game !. -e!ome an athlete d. ,ta at a ni!e hotel 7. Instead of !amp" #here did ,ta!ie #ant to be. a. At a fan! hotel b. At the airport !. Jn a boat as a passenger d. :ith an average student 9. :hat did ,ta!ie start to like about the !amp. a. ?he other kidsH behavior b. Gaving !ho!olate milk !. ,pider #ebs over her bed d. -eating the red team 2. :hat #as ,ta!ieHs !ourse about. r blo!k tblakN n. A blo!k is a solid pie!e of #ood" stone or i!e. 0OI sa# a blo!k of i!e on the floor. ! !heer itnerN 3 ?o !heer is to give a loud shout of approval or en!ouragement. 03 ?he !ro#d all !heered #hen the home team #on. o !ompleA MkampleksN ad(. If something is !ompleA" it has man small parts. It is hard to understan A (ig0sa# pu''le !an be !ompleA be!ause it has so man pie!es. r !riti! f!rfti# n. A !riti! is someone #ho give their opinions about movies" books" pla s 0O ?he #ine !riti! tasted the #ine so he !ould give his opinion. r event MiventN n. An event is something that happens" espe!iall something important. 03 ;inishing high s!hool #as a ma(or event in his life. r e A e r ! i s e Meksarsai'N v. ?o eAer!ise is to run or pla sports so that ou !an be health . 0R Wou should eAer!ise ever da .

r fit MfitN v. If something fits" it is small enough orthe right si'e to go there. 0R ?he !olorful eggs fit into the boA. r friendship Mfrend(ipN n. ;riendship is the relationship bet#een people #ho are friends. 0X Fi!hael and Iisa have a ver strong friendship #ith ea!h other. r guide MgaidN n. A guide is someone #ho sho#s ou #here to go. 03 :e follo#ed a guide at the park. r la!k MlaekN n. If there is a la!k of something" there is not enough of it. 0T Gis onl problem is a la!k of mone . _SY C passage Mpaesid7l n. A passage is a long area #ith #alls that goes from one pla!e 0O ?he long passage led us to the other side of the field. r perform MperformN v. ?o perform is to do something in front of people #ho #at!h. 0T Ge #ill perform a song for the !lass. r pressure MpreferN n. Pressure is #hat ou appl to make someone do something. 0X ?he put pressure on him to !hange his mind. r probable MprabebalN ad(. If something is probable" it is likel to happen. 03 It is probable that ou #ill get a good grade if ou stud for the test. r publi! MpAblikN ad(. If something is publi!" it is meant for ever one to use. 0OI #ent to the publi! park to pla #ith m friends. r strike MstraikN v. ?o strike someone or something is to hit them. 03U ,he stru!k the other girl in the fa!e. rsupport MsepoirtN v. ?o support something is to like it and help it be su!!essful. 0O%ver one at #ork supports the ne# plan. r task MtaeskN n. A task is #ork that someone has to do. 03 :ho has the task of building the bri!k #all. r term Mta&+mN n. A term is a #ord for something. 0O+ often use the term PoopsQ #hen I make a mistake. r unite M(umaitN v. ?o unite is to get together to do something. 03 If #e unite" #e !an finish our pro(e!t faster. 19 / Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. probable

a. a #ord for something b. to hit !. a leader d. likel 2. la!k a. to not have enough b. to tr to make people a!t !. to have man parts d. to do a!tivities to be health 7. term a. available for ever one b. to help something #ork !. a thing that happens d. a #ord for something 9. unite a. a person #ho dislikes b. relationship bet#een people #ho are friends !. to #ork together d. to do something to entertain 2. fit a. a large pie!e b. !onne!tion bet#een pla!es !. to be the right si'e d. a loud shout of en!ouragement ( ( r i l ^ i #rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. ?he !ar #ill hNt the #all if the donHt slo# do#n" stZZZZZZZZ 2. ?he athletes run to sta health ever morning" eAZZZZZZZZZZZZ 7. I hope the #ill do in publi! a funn pla " p e ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9. Is there a #av to get from one pla!e to another in the !it . P ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2. Ger effort to make someone do something made -rad !hange his mind. P ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. ?he Hve kno#n ea!h other for earsZZZZZZZZZZ . a. and have a good friendship ZZZ b. go to a passage 2. I donHt kno# #here #e are.ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. :e need a guide b. IetHs perform right no# 7. ?he !on!ert tonightZZZZZZZZZZ . a. #ill strike the #all b. #ill be a fun event 9. I gave him mone be!auseZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I support his !ompan b. Ge didnHt do an #ork 2. At the end of her spee!h"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. donHt forget to !heer loudl b. fit into our !lothes >. Wou donHt have to pa to get in #henZZZZZZZZZZ . a. an a!!ident is probable b. ou go to a publi! park /. Wou must think hard be!auseZZZZZZZZZZ . a. I am under pressure b. the problem is !ompleA =. 4lad is ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. another term for happ b. the #a people unite 9. ?he artist made his artZZZZZZZZZZ . a. from a blo!k of #ood b. the people !heered for vi!tor 10. Ge thought the book #as boring.ZZZZZZZZZZ .

a. Ge #as a !riti! of it b. Ge reall en(o ed it A ,trong ;riendship ?im #as the strongest man in the to#n. :hen he pla ed sports" he al#a s #on. Ge performed and eAer!ised in the publi! park. Ge did this to sho# ever one ho# strong he #as. Fost people liked him" but one man didnHt. Gis name #as Ja!k. Ja!k hated ?im. Ja!k #as a movie !riti! and the smartest man in to#n. Ge !ould solve !ompleA math problems. -ut no one !ared. Ja!k #anted to be famous like ?im. Jne da " there #as an unusual event. A big storm !ame suddenl . ,no# !overed the to#n. No one !ould get out. ?he needed food. ?he people said" P?his is a task for a strong man.Q ?im #as under pressure to save them. -ut Ja!k #anted to be the hero" so the both #ent. ?im said" PWou !anHt help be!ause of our la!k of strength.Q -ut Ja!k found some small passages under the sno#. Jne of them led to#ard another to#n. ?hat to#n had food. -e!ause ?im #as so big and strong" he almost !ouldnHt fit inside. ?he #alked until there #as a blo!k of i!e in their #a . Ja!k said" P:e !anHt get past it. -ut if ou strike it" it might break.Q ?im kne# that #as probable. Ge broke it. :hen there #ere more i!e blo!ks" ?im broke them. ?hat made him tired. Ge !ouldnHt #alk an more. Ja!k said" P IetHs unite and support ea!h other. IHll get the food alone. Wou rest here.Q Ja!k !ame ba!k #ith food. ?im !ouldnHt remember #hi!h passage led home. Ge needed Ja!k to be his guide. ?he men be!ame friends b #orking together. In to#n" people sa# Ja!k #ith the food and !heered. ?he !alled Ja!k a hero. -ut Ja!k didnHt !are. Ge #as thinking of something else. Ge said to ?im" P I thought I #as smart" but I learned a ne# term toda & friendship.Q 1. :hat is the main idea of this stor . a. ?he best #a to strike blo!ks b. Go# a strong man learned a ne# term !. Go# t#o men unite and support ea!h other d. Go#to solve !ompleA problems 2. Go# did ?im sho# people he #as strong.

a. Ge stru!k the !riti! in front of them. b. Ge performed and eAer!ised in publi! pla!es. !. Ge found a passage in the sno#. d. Ge lifted a blo!k of i!e for them. Ans#er the $uestions. 7. :h did Ja!k be!ome a hero. a. Ge fit inside the passage. b. Ge brought food to the to#n. !. Ge put pressure on ?im to save the to#n. d. Ge #on ever sport he pla ed. 9. :hat did ?im think#hile in the passage. a. Ge thought breaking the i!e #as probable. b. Ge thought the storm #as an unusual event. !. Ge thought he #as a good guide for Ja!k. d. Ge thought it #as a ver diffi!ult task. 2. :hat happened #hen Ja!k #as !alled a hero. asso!iate Masou(ieitN +. ?o asso!iate means to !onne!t something #ith a person or thing. EU Fost people asso!iate birthda parties #ith having fun. environment MinvaiaranmantN n. ?he environment is the pla!e #here people #ork or live. 0O aeeping our environment !lean is important to our health. fa!tor MfaektariN n. A fa!tor is a building #here things are made or put together. 0O :e have onl one fa!tor in our to#n. feature marN n. A feature is an important part of something. 0O ?he !ell phone has man features. instan!e MinstansN n. An instan!e is an eAample of something. 0X I have never eAperien!ed an instan!e of hate. Gave ou. involve MinvalvN v. ?o involve means to be a!tivel taking part in something. 0X ?he #hole famil #as involved in pla ing the game. medi!ine MmedasanN n. Fedi!ine is something ou take to feel better or treat an illness. 03 ?he do!tor gave me medi!ine for m !old. miA ImiksN n. A miA is different things put together. 03` ?he green miA #e made in s!ien!e !lass spilled onto the table. organi'e M>&rganai'N v. ?o organi'e is to plan or get read for an event. 0OFake a list to help ou organi'e the things ou need. period MpiariadN n. A period is an amount of time #hen something happens. 03U In one period in %urope" there #ere man knights.

+_nf@ r populate Mpap(eleitN v. If people populate an area" the live there. 0O -illions of people populate the %arth. r produ!e Mprad+u&sN v. ?o produ!e something is to make or gro# it. 0T ?his tree produ!es apples ever ear. r range freind7N n. A range is a number or a set of similar things. 0OI sa# a range of !ars to !hoose from. C re!ogni'e Mrekagnai'N v. ?o re!ogni'e something is to kno# it be!ause ou have seen it before. 03U I re!ogni'ed an old friend from man ears ago. r regular treg(ala&rN ad(. If something is regular" it happens often and in e$ual amounts of time. 0O Jur regular lun!h time is around noon. r sign MsainN n. A sign is a noti!e giving information" dire!tions" a #arning" et!. 0O ?he sign indi!ated that toda #ould be a bad da . rtip MtipN n. A tip is a pointed end of something. 03 ?he tip of his pen #as ver sharp. r tradition MtredifsnN n. A tradition is something people have been doing for a long time. 03U Farriage is a tradition all over the #orld. r trash Mtrae(N n. ?rash is #aste material or un#anted or #orthless things. 03` Please take out the trashb it smells bad. r #ide M#aidN ad(. If something is #ide" it is large from side to side. 03 ?he door #as as #ide as m arms. 127 F % % J a ^ Choose the right #ord for the given definition. 1. to remember someone or something a. miA b. range !. populate d. re!ogni'e 2. the sharp end of a sti!k a. instan!e b. regular !. tip d. environment 7. large from side to side a. #ide b. period !. produ!e d. fa!tor 9. to be an important part of a. sign b. medi!ine !. involve d. organi'e 2. to make or !reate a. feature b. produ!e !. asso!iate d. tradition ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. produ!e sign

m m m #m m m I :JK) -ANa populate period range 1. Iarge !ompanies !an man produ!ts. 2. I offered her a of !hoi!es from one to ten. 7. Go# man people. this area. 9. 4ive me a if ou need help. 2. ?his. #ill last for one hour. 129 Che!k 8C Y the senten!e #ith the bolded #ord that makes better sense. 1. ZZZ a. :hen ou miA things" ou take them some#here. b. ?he make to s in a to fa!tor . 2. ZZZ a. A feature of this !omputer is its small si'e. b. :e populate over the o!ean. 7. ZZZa. :e put the trash outside so it !ould be taken a#a . b. :e ate !hi!ken on!e" so no# it is a tradition. 9. ZZZ a. Ge #ent to the tip of the s!hool. b. )oing a book report involves reading. 2. ZZZ a. ?he garbage tru!k !ame and produ!ed some sunshine. b. I asso!iate dogs #ith good pets. >. ZZZ a. Wou re!ogni'e someone #hom ou have alread met. b. -lue is a range of !olor. /. ZZZa. ?he sign #as open all evening. b. I have a regular s!hedule. It doesnHt !hange. =. ZZZ a. ?he tree is ver #ide be!ause it is small. b. )onHt forget to organi'e a meeting for neAt #eek. 9. ZZZ a. ?he !lothing store had a sale on medi!ine. b. Jur environment has man plants and animals. 10. a. An instan!e of kindness is sharing food. b. Ge had no period to #ork. JoeHs Pond Joe made the #orld a better pla!e. Ge got the idea to do that at s!hool. Ge #at!hed a video there. It #as about a fa!tor . ?his fa!tor produ!ed a lot of trash and put it in a river. ?he trash and #ater #ere a bad miA. People populated the area b the river and drank its #ater. ?his made them si!k. Fan of them needed medi!ine and made regular visits to do!tors. -ut the video #asnHt all bad ne#s. It sho#ed #a s to pi!k up trash and #h itHs important to do this. It said people !an make a differen!e to their environment. ?he videoHs important features made Joe asso!iate trash #ith hurting people. Jne da Joe #alked through a park. Ge re!ogni'ed some of the problems from the video. Jne instan!e of these problems #as the trash in the pond. It #as full of plasti! !ups. ?here #as too mu!h trash. Joe didnHt #ant it to hurt an one. Ge told his grandfather about the park. Gis grandfather said" PWou kno#" itHs a tradition in our famil to help people. ?hatHs #h #e give food to poor people.

Fa be ou !an help people b !leaning the park.Q Cleaning the park #ould involve hard #ork. Joe de!ided to organi'e a group to help him. Ge !hose a #ide area of the park. It had the most trash. Ge asked his famil and friends to !ome. Jn ,aturda " he gave ever one a sharp sti!k. ?he #ondered #h . Ge said" PWou use the sti!kHs tip to pi!k up trash. ?his makes it easier.Q ?he #orked for siA #eeks. )ifferent people helped ea!h time" but Joe #as al#a s there. In that period of time" Joe sa# a range of results. ?here #as no trash in the #ater. People !ould s#im in it. Joe kne# that #as a good sign. Ge #as happ be!ause he helped his environment. 1. :hat is the main idea of this stor . a. A grandfather tea!hing traditions b. Go#to re!ogni'e signs of si!kness !. An instan!e of videos helping students stud d. A bo helping the environment Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hen did the bo de!ide to !lean the park. a. After he sa# a video about a fa!tor harming a river #ith its trash b. After he #ent there on regular visits !. After he sa# a range of people !leaning it d. After he asso!iated trash #ith harming people 7. :h did the people in the video get si!k. a. A fa!tor put trash in a river. b. ?he produ!ed too mu!h trash. !. ?he populated too man parks. d. ?he had no medi!ine for a long period. 9. :h #as it eas to pi!k up the trash. a. It did not involve hard #ork. b. Joe did not organi'e the group. !. ?he used the tips of sharp sti!ks. d. ?he people had a good miA of tools to use. 2. :hat did the features of the video make Joe do. ! advi!e MedvaisN n. Advi!e is an opinion about #hat to do. 03 I donHt kno# ho# to stud for m eAams. Can ou give me some advi!el r along Malo&rNN prep. Along means to move from one part of a road" river" et!. to another. 03 :alk along this tunnel for ten minutes" and ouHll see a door on the left. C attention MatenfanN n.

Attention is the noti!e" thought" or !onsideration of someone. 03 Gis #ork got the attention of t#o of his !o0#orkers. r attra!t fetraektN v. ?o attra!t means to make a person or thing !ome !loser or be intereste 0O ?he magnet attra!ted the metal. r !limb MklaimN v. ?o !limb means to use our hands and feet to go up on something. 03U ?he girls !limbed to the top of the mountain. r drop MdropN v. ?o drop is to fall or allo# something to fall. 03 A small amount of #ater dropped from the bottle. r final Mfams IN ad(. If something is final" it is the last part. 03 In the final part of the film" the man and the #oman got married. ! further Mfa&r2e&rN ad(. ;urther is used to sa something is from a distan!e or time. 0X ?he es!alator is further along than I thought. r impl MimplaiN v. ?o impl something is to suggest it #ithout sa ing it. 0OU ?he man implied that he #anted the (ob" but he didnHt sa so. r maintain MmeinteinN v. ?o maintain means to make something sta the same. ?he balls maintain !onstant movement. ! neither MnhdarN adv. Wou use neither to !onne!t t#o negative statements. 0R Neither the pass on the left nor the pass on the right #ill lead us home. rother#ise MAdar#ai'N adv. Jther#ise means different or in another #a . 03ItHs good to sta a!tiveb other#ise" ouHll gain #eight. r ph si!al Mfi'ikalN ad(. If something is ph si!al" it is related to our bod and not our mind. 0] -iking is good for our ph si!al health. r prove ipm&vN v. ?o prove something is to sho# that it is true. 0R F tea!her proved the ans#er on the board. r rea!t MrtaektN C. ?o rea!t is to a!t in a !ertain #a be!ause of something that happened. 03` James rea!ted badl to the ne#s. r ride MraidN v. ?o ride something is to travel on it. Wou !an ride an animal" a bike" et!. 0OI #ill ride a roller0!oaster for the first time toda . r situated Msi*t(ueitidN ad(. If something is situated some#here" it is in that pla!e. 0R ?he #hite board is situated bet#een the t#o men. ! so!iet MsasaiatiN n. ,o!iet is people and the #a that the live.

0X ,o!iet eApe!ts people to be good and honest. r standard Mstaenda&rdN n. A standard is #hat people !onsider normal or good. 03 ?his older model ?C is belo# our storeHs standards. r suggest MsafestN v. ?o suggest something means to give an idea or plan about it. 0T Ge suggested that #e go to see his boss. 129 Choose the right #ord for the given definition. d. prove 1. to keep something going a. maintain b. rea!t 2. not this one or that one a. neither b. further 7. people and ho# the a!t a. other#ise b. so!iet 9. des!ribing the bod a. final b. drop 2. to make someone interested a. impl b. suggest !. standard !. along !. advi!e !. ph si!al !. attra!t d. situated d. !limb d. attention d. ride :rite a #ord that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Go# did Clare a!t #hen ou told her about the part . reZZZZZZ 2. In this group of people" #earing hats is !ommon" so!ZZZZZZZZ 7. I invited Jane and Iisa to m house" but not Jane or Iisa !ould !ome" neiZZZZZZZZ 9. IHve nearl finished the book. IHm on the last page" f ZZZZZZZZ 2. I !an (ump higher than ou. :at!h me" and I #ill sho# ou that I !an do it. iJ: lf f i Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. 1. suggest + advi!e Can I give ou someZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . I ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that ou do our home#ork before ou go out. 2. situated + attention I got ever oneHs ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ #ith m ne# dress.

:here is our offi!eZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in the building. 7. dropped + standard ?heZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of his #ork is ver high. I a!!identall ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ m phone in the sno#. 9. attra!ted + rea!ted GeZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ m attention b #aving to me. ,heZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ badl to the ne#s. 2. further + along Go# mu!hZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ is the bea!h. IHm tired[ :e #alkedZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ the path for t#o hours. Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. ,he #as angr #henZZZZZZZZZZ . a. he implied that she #as not smart b. he proved that she #as right 2. If ou #ant to #in the ra!e" ou need to a. be in good ph si!al !ondition b. drop off all of our eAtra #ork 7. Ge said that I should pla sports" so I Z a. suggested pla ing football 9. ?he sound of the !arHs hornZZZZZZZZZZ a. got ever oneHs attention b. is situated neAt to the bus stop 2. :e are nearl at Ja!kHs house.ZZZZZZZZ a. ItHs mu!h further do#n the road b. gave him m advi!e b. Ge lives along this road Ar!hie and Gis )onke Jld Ar!hie needed some mone . Ge de!ided to sell his donke . ,o he and his son ?om #ent to to#n. It #as situated man miles a#a . ,oon" the met a #oman. P:here are ou going.Q she asked. P?o to#n"Q said Ar!hie. PAn smart person #ould ride the donke "Q she said. P:hat are ou impl ing.Q Ar!hie asked. P IHm ver smart[Q Ar!hie #anted to look smart. ,o he !limbed onto the donke . ?hen the !ontinued in the dire!tion of the to#n. ;urther along the road" the met a farmer. P Gello"Q said Ar!hie. P:e #ant to sell this donke . )o ou #ant to bu it.Q P I donHt need a donke "Q said the farmer. P -ut if ou #ant m advi!e" donHt ride it. ?he donke needs to be in good ph si!al !ondition.Q P4ood idea"Q said Ar!hie. P?om" I #ant ou to ride it. WouHre lighter.Q PNeither ou nor our son should ride it. It looks ver tired. Wou should !arr the donke .Q suggested the farmer. PWouHre right"Q said Ar!hie. PCome on" ?om[ :eHll !arr it for the final fe# miles[Q ?he donke #as ver heav " and the !ouldnHt maintain a good speed. ?he didnHt arrive until late in the evening. At last" the #alked into the to#n. -ut there the attra!ted the attention of some teenage bo s. ?he laughed at ?om and

Ar!hie. ?he started to thro# stones at them. ?he donke rea!ted b ki!king. ?om and Ar!hie dropped the donke . It fell on the ground and then ran a#a . Ar!hie lost his donke . Ge #ent home #ith no mone . :hat does this stor tea!h us. :e !annot please ever one in our so!iet . )onHt take ever oneHs advi!e" but set our o#n standards. Prove to ever one !an make de!isions b ou ma at all. Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :hat is the main idea of this stor . a. Wou should al#a s take the advi!e of older people. b. ?eenage bo s are the ni!est people in so!iet . !. Wou should set our o#n standards. d. Wou should neither ride nor !arr a donke . 2. :h did Ar!hie get on the donke . a. ?he #oman implied that he #asnHt smart. b. ?he to#n #as situated further a#a than he had thought. !. Ge did not #ant to !limb the final hill. d. Gis #alking speed #as too slo#. 7. :h did the farmer suggest !arr ing the donke . a. ?o attra!t peopleHs attention b. ?o keep the donke in good ph si!al !ondition !. ?o maintain their speed d. ?o prove that Ar!hie #as strong 9. :h did the donke start ki!king. a. It didnHt #ant to be !arried along the road. b. It didnHt #ant to go in the dire!tion of the river. !. It rea!ted badl to a group of teenage bo sH teasing. d. It be!ame ver angr at Ar!hie and ?om. 2. :hat did the teenage bo s do #hen the sa# Ar!hie" ?om" and the donke . r a!tuall MaektfualiN adv. A!tuall means in fa!t or reall . 03U F dad looks a little mean" but a!tuall heHs ver kind. r bite MbaitN n. -ite is the a!t of using our teeth to !ut and tear into something. 03 ?he bo took a big bite out of his hamburger. C C J a , t MkoustN n. ?he !oast is the land b an o!ean. 03U I sta ed on the southern !oast of Australia. r deal MdhiN n. A deal is an agreement that ou have #ith another person. 03 I made a deal #ith the other !ompan to give us some mone . r desert Mde'artN n. ?he desert is an area of land #ithout man plants or #ater.

03 Not man plants gro# in the desert. r earth$uake Marek#eikN n. An earth$uake is a shaking movement of the ground. 03 ?he building shook during the earth$uake. r effe!tive MifektivN ad(. If something is effe!tive" it #orks #ell. 0O,#imming is an effe!tive #a to sta health . r eAam ine Mig'aeminN C. ?o eAamine something is to look at it !arefull . 03 ?he do!tor eAamined m e es toda . r false -b&lsN ad(. If something is false" it is not !orre!t. 0OIf ou think the ans#er is false" press the red button. r gift MgiftN n. A gift is something ou give someone. 03U )ave re!eived man gifts for Christmas. 1>9 ! hunger MhAngarN n. Gunger is the feeling that ou get #hen ou need to eat. 03` After pla ing all da long" he #as filled #ith hunger. r im agine Mimaed 7inN v. ?o imagine something is to think of it in our mind. 03 ,all imagined herself #inning lots of mone . ! (ourne n. A (ourne is a long trip. 03 I #ent on a (ourne a!ross the !ountr #ith m parents. r pu''le MpA'iN n. A pu''le is something that is hard to understand. 0] ?he $uestion #as a pu''le to him. r $uite Mk#aitN adv. ^uite is used to sa that something is !omplete or ver mu!h. 03U I think t ping on a ke board is $uite eas . r rather Mrse2a&rN adv. Kather is used #hen ou #ant to do one thing but not the other. 03 I #ould rather have the red one than the blue one. r spe!ifi! Mspisi*fikN ad(. If something is spe!ifi!" it is pre!ise or eAa!t. 03U Please !hoose a spe!ifi! pla!e on the map. r tour Mtua&rN n. A tour is a short trip in #hi!h ou see man sights. 03 I took a tour of Asia and %urope. r trip MtripN n. A trip is a (ourne to a !ertain pla!e. E` aen took a trip to the !it esterda . r value Mvsel(u&N n. If something has value" it is #orth a lot of mone .

Fatthe# found a treasure of ver high value. Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. gift a. some#here ou go b. !. someone at a do!tor d. 2. value a. #orth b. !. information d. 7. earth$uake a. to see man things b. !. a need to eat d. 9. $uite a. to feel a#ake b. !. to look at d. 2. pu''le a. sand b. !. in fa!t d. >. deal a. a lot of information b. !. a game d. /. hunger a. a strong need for food b. !. #hen ou feel a#ake d. =. desert a. a pla!e #ithout #ater b. !. in fa!t d. 9. effe!tive a. to think in our head b. !. to !hoose something d. 10. !oast a. to look at something b. !. the ground moving d. something ou give something ou thinkabout the o!ean not true movement of the ground to #ork #ell instead ver mu!h to be gone a longtime a diffi!ult $uestion an agreement #ith another person to #ant to do one thing but not another a long trip to a pla!e something #orth a lot of mone

something ou give someone something that is not !orre!t to go some#here #orking ver #ell to see man things the edge of the o!ean Che!k 8C Y the better response to ea!h $uestion. 1. :hi!h #ould ou have" (ui!e or #ater. a. I #ould like #ater" please. b. Wes" thank ou" 2. :here did ou go on our trip. a. :e #ent to Kome. ZZZ b. :e like to sta home. 7. )o ou en(o solving pu''les. a. ?he donHt taste ver good. b. Wes" I think the are fun. 9. ?r to imagine #hat our future husband or #ife #ill look like. a. ?hatHs $uite diffi!ult. ZZZ b. Ja" I #ill go there tomorro#. 2. Gave ou studied ,panish. IHm a little #orried about taking the !lass. a. A!tuall itHs not as hard as ou think. b. A!tuall I #ould rather sleep no#. S %Aer!ise 7 Choose the #ord that is a better fit for ea!h senten!e. for ou. )o ou thinkthat m !ar has mu!h ZZZZZZZZZ. It is hot in the ZZZZZ 1. value + gift I have a ZZZZZZZZ 2. !oast + desert I like to #at!h the o!ean at the 7. bite + hunger Gaving dinner #ill make m ZZZZZZZZZZZZ go a#a . -e !areful around those dogsb the mightZZZZZZZZZZZZ ou. 9. tour+(ourne I #ould like to take a . I #ent on a ZZZZZZZZ of the !apital !it sometime. 2. eAamine + $uite I thinkthis dress is around the #orld last ear. prett . . our paper to !he!k for mistakes. ?he ,pider and the -ird ?here #as on!e a ver big spider. If a bug got into his #eb" he #ould eAamine it. Go#ever" he didnHt eat the bug right a#a . Ge asked the bug a $uestion first. It #as al#a s $uite a diffi!ult pu''le. If the bugHs ans#er #as !orre!t" he let it go. If not" he ate it. Jne da " a small bird on a (ourne fle# into the spiderHs #eb. ?he spider !ouldnHt imagine eating a bird. It #as so big[ -ut his hunger #as too great. Ge

said to the bird" P If ou !annot give me a spe!ifi! ans#er" I #ill eat ou.Q ?he bird laughed. P I !ould eat ou[Q -ut the bird #as a!tuall s!ared. ,he had used all her energ tr ing to get out of the #eb. And a spiderHs bite !an be ver effe!tive in killing animals. P Please donHt eat me"Q the bird said. P I #ould rather make a deal #ith ou.Q PJa"Q the spider said. P If our ans#er is right" I #ill let ou go. If not" ou must give me a gift. It must be something of great value.Q ?he bird said" PWou !an pi!k an thing ou #ant to eat. I #ill find it for ou.Q ?he spider agreed. P:here !an ou take a trip to the !oast" the desert" and the mountains at the same time.Q the spider asked. ?he bird asked" P )oes this pla!e have earth$uakes.Q -ut the spider did not sa an thing. P I !an see those pla!es #hen I fl . Is the gsk H the right ans#er.Q P;alse[Q said the spider. P?he ans#er is Ga#aii[ No# ou must find some bugs for me.Q ?he spider !limbed on the birdHs ba!k. ?he fle# and ate bugs together. ?he took a tour of the forest. the bird took the spider home. ;rom that da on" the #ere friends. And the never tried to eat ea!h other again. 19= Ans#er the $uestions. 1. :hi!h is NJ? part of the spiderHs pu''le. a. ?he !oast b. An earth$uake !. A mountain d. ?he desert 2. :h does the bird make a deal instead of fl ing a#a . a. Ger #ings are $uite effe!tive in the #eb. b. ,he is too tired from tr ing to get out of the #eb. !. ,he !annot fl be!ause of her hunger. d. ,he #ould rather take the spider on a trip. 7. :hat #ill be the birdHs gift to the spider. a. A tour of the !oast b. A spe!ifi! kind of #eb !. An thing the spider #ants to eat d. Atrip to an #here 9. :hat is the spiderHs response to the birdHs ans#er. a. Wour ans#er is false[

b. Can ou imagine[ !. No deal[ d. ?hat has no value[ 2. :hat is the first thing the spider does #hen a bug gets into his #eb. :ord Iist r band MbasndN n. A band is a group of people #ho pla musi!. 0] F brother is in a ro!k band. rbarel MbearliN adv. -arel means b the smallest amount" almost not. 0T I barel had enough mone to pa for m bus ti!ket. ! boring Mbo&rirNN ad(. If something is boring" it is not fun. 0OI think the Internet is boring. C ! a n ! e l MkaensalN v. ?o !an!el means to de!ide that an event or a re$uest #ill not happen. 0X ,he !an!elled the rest of her plans be!ause of the rain. r drive#a Mdraiv#eiN n. A drive#a is a short private road that leads to a personHs home. E ?he long drive#a led us to their ne# house. r garbage Mga&rbid7N n. 4arbage is #aste material like un#anted or spoiled food" bottles" paper" et!. 0O ?he bo !leaned up the garbage around his house. r instrument MinstramantN n. An instrument is something designed to do a !ertain task like musi!. 03U F favorite musi!al instrument is the piano. r l i s t MlistN n. A list is a re!ord of information printed #ith an item on ea!h line. 03 F mom makes a list of gro!eries to bu . r magi! Mmeed7ikN n. Fagi! is the po#er to do impossible things. 03` ?he magi!ian used magi! to pull a rabbit out of his hat. r message Mmesid7N n. A message is a set of #ords that ou send to someone. 0R I left a message for ou in the envelope. r noti!e MnoutisN v. ?o noti!e something is to see it for the first time. 03U )id ou noti!e the vie#. r o#n MounN v. ?o o#n something means to have it. ?hat thing belongs to ou. 0X F grandfather o#ns that house. r predi!t _pF#a v. ?o predi!t something is to sa that it #ill happen. 0O,he predi!ted that I #ould get married neAt ear. r professor MprafesarN n. A professor is a person #ho tea!hes in !ollege.

0OFikeHs s!ien!e professor kno#s a lot about ph si!s. r rush mi v. ?o rush is to go some#here or do something ver $ui!kl . 03U Nan! rushed to finish her home#ork. r s!hedule Msked7u8&YlN n. A s!hedule is a plan that tells ou #hen to do things. 0O :hat is our !lass s!hedule for toda . r share t(earN v. ?o share something is to give some of it to another person. 03U Jimm shared his apple #ith me. rstage Msteid7N n. A stage is a pla!e #here a!tors or musi!ians a!t or sing. 0OA large s!reen #as on the stage. r storm MstormN n. A storm is ver bad #eather. ?here is a lot of rain or sno#. 0R )id that storm #ake ou up last night. r #ithin M#idinN prep. Wou use #ithin to sa that something is inside another thing. E :ithin the boA" there #as a pi''a. ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa l list professor band barel s!hedule predi!t message boring rush garbage 1. If ou donHt understand the !lass" ou should ask ourZZZ for help. 2. I !ouldZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ hear his spee!h be!ause of all the noise. 7. I ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that tomorro# #ill be a good da . 9. ?here #as a lot ofZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in his !loset. 2. I made a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ of things I #ant for m birthda . >. I think that this ?C sho# is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . IetHs #at!h something else. /. Gave ou ever heard thisZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . I reall like its musi!. =. )o ou have time in ourZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to !ome over this #eek. 9. If I am not home #hen ou !all" (ust leave a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . 10. If ou #ake up earl " ou donHt need to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to get to s!hool. Cir!le t#o #ords that are related in ea!h group. 1. a. !an!el b. see !. noti!e d. o#n 2. a. band b. boring !. instrument d. predi!t 7. a. magi! b. rush !. tour d. trip 9. a. bite b. #ithin !. hunger d. share 2. a. s!hedule b. message !. stage d. list + %Aer!ise 7 Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. I donHt like this sho#. Z a. It is ver boring

b. It is a long list 2. A treasure appeared in the middle of the room. a. It o#ned us b. It #as magi! 7. ?he man read the #eather report. a. Ge rushed through the building b. Ge predi!ted rain 9. I have man things to do toda . a. F s!hedule is full b. I !an share #ith ou 2. :hen the pla started"ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. the a!tors #alked onto the stage b. there #ere no people #ithin the room ?he Part Cod Hs famil moved to a ne# house. Gis dad got a ne# (ob as a professor. Cod liked his ne# to#n" but he missed his grandparents. ;or his birthda " Cod #anted to have a part . Gis dad said" PWes" #e !ould even have a band pla [Q Jn the da of the part " Cod #oke up and rushed to get read . Ge started to !he!k his list of things to do. Ge #as so eA!ited[ -ut then he noti!ed something terrible. ?here #as sno# on the ground and lots of it[ P )ad[Q he elled. P Go# !an the band pla their instruments outside.Q )ad said" P:eHll move the stage inside.Q It barel fit #ithin the garage be!ause there #ere some boAes and garbage there. -ut #hen the finished" the got a !all from the band. ?he did not #ant to !ome in the sno# storm. )ad said" P IetHs get someone to perform magi!.Q -ut no one #ould !ome be!ause of the sno#. ;inall " )ad said" P Cod " thereHs too mu!h sno#. :e need to !an!el the part .Q PWes" sir"Q Cod said sadl . P ItHs going to be a boring birthda "Q he predi!ted. Cod #anted to share his birthda #ith someone. Ge #anted to be at his old home. Ge #anted to see his grandparents. -ut then something got his attention. Ge noti!ed a !ar in the drive#a . Gis grandparents o#ned a !ar like that[ Cod #as right. Gis grandparents !ame for his birthda [ P Gapp birthda " Cod [ :eHre sorr #e are late. -ut there #as so mu!h sno#. It made us go off s!hedule. :e tried to leave a message to tell ou.Q Cod told them #hat happened. P IHm sorr "Q said 4randpa. P I #as sad"Q Cod said. P -ut IHm not an more. IHm so happ to see ou.Q )ad brought out Cod Hs birthda treat. It #as his favorite

t pe" a sundae #ith #hipped !ream on top. ?hen Cod told his grandparents about the ne# to#n. It #as his best birthda ever. I 5 i 1/9 1. :hat does Cod Hs dad do as a (ob. a. Gis dad is a professor. b. Gis dad is in a band. !. Gis dad o#ns a restaurant. d. Gis dad does magi! sho#s. Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat does Cod #ant for his birthda . a. A musi!al instrument b. A stage to pla musi! on !. ,omeone to share it #ith d. %ver thing on his list 7. :hat does Cod predi!t #ill happen. a. Ge #ill have a boring birthda . b. Ge #ill eat i!e !ream. !. No one #ill noti!e the sno# storm. d. Ge #ill have to rush to get read for the part . 9. :hat gets Cod Hs attention. a. Gis dad !alling him P sirQ b. ?he !ar his grandparents o#n !. ?he stage #ithin the garage d. ?hat nothing is happening on s!hedule 2. :h did his grandparents tr to leave a message. r advertise Msedvartai'N v. ?o advertise is to tell people about something on ?C" radio" et!. 0O ?he used a rabbit to help them advertise their produ!t. r assign MasainN v. ?o assign something to someone is to tell them to do it. 0T I assigned the #orker an important task. raudien!e M2&diansN n. An audien!e is a group of people #ho #at!h something together. 0O ?here #as a large audien!e at the game. rbreakfast MbrekfastN n. -reakfast is the first meal of the da . 0]1 eat breakfast at =&00 ever morning. r!ompetition Mkdmpati(anN n. A !ompetition is a !ontest to see #ho is the best at something. 03 Ge #on the running !ompetition over the #eekend.

r C J J l Mku&lN ad(. If the #eather is !ool" it is a little bit !old. 0O ?he #eather is !ool in the fall. ! gain MgeinN v. If ou gain something" ou get more of it. 0X I gained some #eight over the summer. r importan!e Mimp2&+t 9 nsN n. Importan!e means the $ualit or !ondition of being needed or valued. CIPs are people of great importan!e. r r kno#ledge Mnalid7N n. ano#ledge is information that ou have about something. 03A musi! tea!her should have good kno#ledge of musi!. ma(or Mmeid7a&+0N ad(. If something is ma(or" it is big or important. 0R I have a ma(or problem. F boss #ants me to redo m pro(e!t[ 1/> r mean imi&nN ad(. Fean des!ribes someone #ho is unkind or !ruel. 03` F !o0#orker is a ver mean person. Ge gets angr ver $ui!kl . r prefer MprifarN v. If ou prefer something" ou #ant it more than something else. 0OI prefer to take the path that #ill lead me to a bright future. r president Mpre'idantN n. A president is the leader of a !ountr . 0T ?he president of our !ountr made an important announ!ement. r progress MpragrasN n. Progress is the a!t of getting !loser to doing or finishing something. 03 Jur !ompan made finan!ial progress this ear. r respe!t Mrispekt( n. Kespe!t is a good opinion of someone be!ause the are good. 0X I have great respe!t for firemen. r r i ! h Mrit(N ad(. If ou are ri!h" ou have a lot of mone . 0OGeHs ri!h. Ge !an bu an thing he #ants. ! s k ill tskiiN n. A skill is the kno#ledge and abilit that allo#s ou to do something #ell. 0X A sno#boarder must have the right skills to do #ell. r someho# MsAmhauN adv. ,omeho# means in a #a or b some means #hi!h is not kno#n. 03 Ge someho# had to find a #a to rea!h the life preserver. r strength Mstrer(+!eN n. ,trength is the ph si!al po#er that ou have. 0T %Aer!ising #ill in!rease our strength and give ou more po#er. r vote MvoutN C.

?o vote is to offi!iall !hoose bet#een t#o or more things. 03 I voted for -ill to be our !lass president. 1/ / Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. breakfast a. po#er !. having a lot of mone 2. kno#ledge a. something that ou !an do !. to be!ome better 7. president a. the leader of a !ountr !. to !hange other things 9. gain a. to get more !. important 2. audien!e a. not hard !. having a lot of mone >. someho# a. unkind or unpleasant !. in a #a not kno#n /. !ompetition a. a leader !. a reason for something =. skill a. #hat ou kno# !. the abilit to do something #ell 9. mean a. not short !. big or important 10. assign a. to #ant more b. the first meal of the da d. the reason for something b. a good feeling about someone d. #hat a person kno#s b. a little bit !old d. to tell people #hat to do b. to tell about d. to #ant more than something else b. the first meal of the da d. a group of people #at!hing something b. slightl !old d. to !hange something b. a game to find the best

d. something ou !an do b. po#er d. to think someone is good b. to get more d. not kind b. give !. to tell someone to do something d. having a lot of mone ;ill in the blanks #ith the !orre!t #ords from the #ord bank. :JK) -ANa ma(or advertise vote !ompetition skills 1. If ouZZZZZZZZZZZ something #idel " ever one #ill kno# about it. 2. If ou have a ZZZZZZZZZZZ problem" ou might need more help. 7. I #ant to be in theZZZZZZZZZZZto sho# that I am the best. 9. Gis skiingZZZZZZZZZZZ are great[ Ge !an be a professional. 2. NeAt month" our !ountr #illZZZZZZZZZZZfor a ne# president. Che!k 8CY the one that suits the blank naturall . 1. IHm hungr be!ause. a. I didnHt eat breakfast b. I donHt have mu!h kno#ledge 2. IHm reading a s!ien!e book. a. I #ant to be in the audien!e b. I #ant to gain some ne# information 7. ,he al#a s does the right thing. a. ?his makes her ri!h b. I have a lot of respe!t for her 9. I have milk and #ater. a. :hi!h one do ou prefer b. )o ou #ant a president 2. Ge #orks on his pro(e!t ever da .ZZZZZZZZZZ . a. Ge assigned it to me b. GeHs making a lot of progress Go# the :orld 4ot Iight ?he president of )arkland #as a pigEa ver bad pig. Ge #as a pig of ma(or importan!e. Ge #as ri!h" and he had a lot of strength. -ut he #as mean to all the animals in )arkland. Ge kept all of the #orldHs light in a bag. Ge preferred to keep the #orld !ool and dark. Ge #anted to stop the progress of the !it . ?he animals !ouldnHt #ork in the dark. Ge didnHt have an respe!t for them. P Iight is too good for them"Q he said. P Jnl I should have light.Q -ut the animals needed light. ,o the de!ided to hold a !ompetition. ?he #anted to find the smartest animal in )arkland. ?hat animal had to steal light from the president. ?he advertised the !ompetition ever #here. All the animals !ame. ?he animals all sho#ed off their skills. ?he audien!e #at!hed and then voted for the animal #ith the most kno#ledge. ?he #inner #as a tall bird named Kaven. ?he assigned him the (ob of getting light. ?he neAt morning" Kaven ate breakfast and then left his home. P Go# #ill I gain light from the president.Q thought Kaven. Ge needed to tri!k the president someho#. ?hen" Kaven had an idea. Kaven !ould make his voi!e sound like an thing[

Kaven #alked up to the presidentHs door. Ge made the sound of a !r ing bab . Ge !ried ver loudl . ,oon" the president opened the door. P -e $uiet[Q the president elled. Kight then" Kaven $ui!kl made his move. Ge fle# b the pig and found the soft bag. Ge took it outside. ?he sun #as inside the fle# high and put the sun in the sk . ?he president #as ver mad. Kaven animals #ere ver happ . At last" the had lightEall thinking. 1. :hat is this stor about. a. Go# a big" tall bird gave light to the #orld b. A ri!h president #ho helped the #orld sta !ool !. Go# a !ompetition helped animals gain skills d. ?he importan!e of gaining the presidentHs respe!t 2. :h did the pig hide the sun. a. ?o let the people assign a (ob to Kaven b. ?o bring an audien!e to see his big house !. ?o prevent the animals from voting d. ?o stop progress 7. :hat is NJ? true of the president. a. Ge kept the sun in a soft bag. b. Ge did not like the animals of )arkland. !. Ge found a bab outside his house. d. Ge be!ame ver angr at Kaven. 9. Go# did Kaven steal the sun. a. Ge used his strength to fight the president for it. b. Ge used his kno#ledge of the area to find it. !. Ge made a sound like a bab to make the pig open the door. d. Ge advertised a ma(or !ompetition and #on it. Ans#er the $uestions. 2. :hat #as inside the soft bag. r above MabAvN prep. If something is above" it is at a higher level than something else. 0O Ge straightened the sign that #as above the !ro#d. r ahead MahedN adv. If something is ahead of something else" it is in front of it. 03 ?he blue !ar drove on ahead of us. ramount MamauntN n. An amount is ho# mu!h there is of something. 0X Can I use m !ard to pa for the entire amount. r belief m0.n n. A belief is a strong feeling that something is !orre!t or true. 03 A prea!her or priest should have a strong belief in 4od. r !enter MsentarN n. ?he !enter of something is the middle of it. 03 ?he !enter of a dart board is the most important spot. r!ommon Mkdmen( ad(. If something is !ommon" it happens often or there is mu!h of it.

03 It is !ommon for sno# to fall in the #inter. rCJ,t Mko&stN v. ?o !ost is to re$uire eApenditure or pa ment. 03` ?hese designer shoes !ost more than the regular ones. rdemonstrate MdemanstreitN v. ?o demonstrate something is to sho# ho# it is done. 0T ,he demonstrated her plan to her !o0#orkers. r different MdifarantN ad(. )ifferent des!ribes someone or something that is not the same as others. 0O %a!h of m sisters has a different hair st le from one another. reviden!e MevidansN n. %viden!e is a fa!t or thing that ou use to prove something. 0X Ge used the pi!tures as eviden!e that 6;Js are real. r honest fanfeta n. Gonest means the $ualit of being truthful or honest. 0] A !ourtroom should be a pla!e of honest . r idiom MidiamN n. An idiom is a phrase #ith a meaning different from its #ords. 03` ?he idiom P#hen pigs fl Q means that something #ill never happen. r independent imdipendantN ad(. If something is independent" it is not !ontrolled b something else. 0O,he !hose to live an independent life in the !ountr . r inside MmsaidN n. Inside means the inner part" spa!e or side of something. 0O ?he inside of the boA #as empt . r master Mmaesta&+0N n. A master is a person #ho is ver good at something. 03 F brother is a master of taek#ondo. r memor MmemariN n. A memor is something ou remember. 0O ?he memor of m first time in the !it #ill al#a s be the best. r proper MprdparN ad(. If something is proper" it is right. 03 It is not proper to thro# our garbage on the road. C s!an MskaenN v. ?o s!an something is to look at it ver !arefull . 03 Wou must s!an ea!h person !losel . J se!tion Msek(anN n. A se!tion is a part of something larger. 03 ?he green se!tion of the graph is the most important part. r surfa!e Msa&+1isN n. ?he surfa!e of something is the top part or outside of it. 0X ?he surfa!e of the moon is ver rough. Choose the right definition for the given #ord. 1. se!tion a. higher

!. a part 2. inside a. in front !. proof 7. proper a. a strong feeling !. !orre!t 9. different a. not influen!ed !. to sho# ho#to do 2. memor a. a bag in !lothes !. ho# mu!h mone >. idiom a. higher !. fa!ts that prove something /. amount a. ho# mu!h there is !. to treat the same =. honest a. the top of something !. in front of something 9. master a. a #a of a!ting !. to sho# ho# to do something 10 . s!an a. to give something to someone !. something that happens a lot b. the top la er d. to look at b. the inner part d. someone ver good at something b. to treat the same d. in the middle b. not the same d. a phrase #ith a different meaning b. a normal thing d. something ou remember b. a meaning different from its #ords d. to look !arefull b. a part of something larger d. the right thing to do b. to learn about something d. the $ualit of being truthful b. someone #ho is ver good at something d. a feeling that something is !orre!t or true

b. to look !arefull at something d. something ou remember Che!k 8CY the better response to ea!h $uestion. 1. Is his pi!ture above mine. a. Wes" it is mu!h lo#er than ours. b. Wes" it is mu!h higher than ours. 2. ,hould #e go straight ahead to get to our house. a. No" #e must turn left. b. No" it is in front of us. 7. Is this the !orre!t amount. a. No" ou must pa more mone . b. No" that is the #rong ans#er. 9. :hat is our belief about ghosts. a. I think the are real. b. ?here are man movies about ghosts. 2. )id he put the table in the !enter of the room. a. Wes" it is against the #all. b. Wes" it is right in the middle. >. Is lightning !ommon here. a. No" it happens all the time. b. No" it never happens here. /. Can ou demonstrate ho# to solve the problem. a. Wes" I !an sho# ou. b. No" I kno# ho# to do it. =. )o ou have eviden!e to prove it. a. Wes" I have a ne#s arti!le. b. Wes" I thinkthat IHm a ni!e person. 9. Go# mu!h did our shirt !ost. a. It #as on sale for 512. b. I bought it at the mall last #eek. 10. :ill he be an independent leader. a. Wes" he al#a s does #hat other people do. b. Wes" he makes his o#n de!isions. i Cats and ,e!rets In %nglish" there is a !ommon idiom P let the !at out of the bag.Q It means to tell a se!ret. -ut #here did this idiom start. It !ame from a se!tion of %ngland. Iong ago" people there #ent from to#n to to#n to sell things like vegetables" !lothes" and pigs. ?he had strong beliefs about honest . ?he didnHt like l ing. Jne da " a man #ent to the se!tionHs !enter to sell things. P I have a bab pig for sale[ It #onHt !ost mu!h"Q he said. Ge held the animal above his head. Gis st le #as different from honest peopleHs st le. Ge #as a master of tri!king people and l ing. A #oman named -eth s!anned his pig. Ge offered her the pig for one gold !oin. ?hat #as a ver small amount. -eth gave him the !oin. Ge put it in his po!ket. Ge #alked ahead of -eth to get the pig.

Ge gave her a !losed bag and said" P GereHs our pig.Q Ge then left ver $ui!kl . -eth looked at the bagHs surfa!e. It #as moving. ,he opened it to let the pig out. A !at #as inside[ P Ge tri!ked me[ ?hat isnHt proper"Q she said. Iater" the man returned to tri!k more people. -eth sa# him and the memor of the !at !ame ba!k. ,he told her friends. ?he stopped him. -ut no one kne# #hat to do neAt. ,omeone said" P:e need an independent and fair person to de!ide that.Q ?he #ent to the (udge. -eth told him about the !at in the bag. ?he (udge asked" P Is there eviden!e. Can ou demonstrate ho# he did it.Q P Iook in his bag"Q said -eth. ,he opened it and let a !at out of the bag. ?he learned the manHs se!ret" and he #ent to (ail. ?hatHs ho# the idiom P let the !at out of the bagQ !ame to mean to tell a se!ret. 1. :hat is the main idea of this stor . a. It is about a !ommon belief about !ats. b. People should s!an eviden!e !arefull . !. Fasters of l ing #ill go to (ail. d. It is about the origin of an idiom. 2. :hat did -eth sa after she #as tri!ked. a. ?hatHs not proper. b. ?hatHs a ver small amount. !. Can ou demonstrate ho# he did it. d. :e need an independent and fair person to help. Ans#er the $uestions. 7. :here did the man hold the pig. a. In a po!ket b. Jn the surfa!e of the bag !. Above his head d. In the se!tionHs !enter 9. :h did -eth look at the bag. a. ?he surfa!e #as moving. b. ?he man had a different st le. !. ?he man #as ahead of her. d. Ge offered the pig for so little mone . 2. :hen did the memor of the !at !ome ba!k to -eth. AppendiA JJ N6F-%K, ?IF% S )A?% Number Jrdinal )a s of the #eek

0 'ero Fonda 1 one first M1stN ?uesda 2 t#o se!ond M2ndN :ednesda 7 three third M7rdN ?hursda 9 four fourth M9thN ;rida 2 five fifth M2thN ,aturda > siA siAth M>thN ,unda / seven seventh M/thN @ Fonths of the ear 1 = eight eight M=thN Januar 9 nine ninth M9thN ;ebruar 10 ten tenth M10thN Far!h 11 eleven eleventh April 12 t#elve t#elfth Fa 17 thirteen thirteenth June 19 fourteen fourteenth Jul 12 fifteen fifteenth August 1> siAteen siAteenth ,eptember i1 1/ seventeen seventeenth J!tober November )e!ember 1= eighteen eighteenth 19 nineteen nineteenth 20 t#ent t#entieth ,easons 70 thirt thirtieth ,pring ,ummer 90 fort fortieth 20 fift fiftieth Autumn >0 siAt siAtieth :inter /0 sevent seventieth

=0 eight eightieth ?ime 90 ninet ninetieth >0 se!onds h 1 minute 100 one hundred one hundredth >0 minutes h 1 hour 1"000 one thousand one thousandth 29 hours h 1 da 1"000"000 one million one millionth / da s h 1 #eek 1"000"000"000 one billion one billionth 9 #eeks h 1 month 12 months h 1 ear ?G% ;AFIIW grandfather 8grandpaY grandmother 8grandmaY m motherHs J husband J U father 8dadY mother 8momY J un!le aunt CJIJK, red PIN a 4K%%N I IF % 4 K % % N - I6 % N ACW W %IIJ : -%I4% ? T I m pink green lime green teal blue nav ello# purple bro#n beige orange

#hite bla!k gra I IndeA o above................ 1=2 a!adem 9= a!!ept............... so a!h ieve ..... 122 a!ross.............. 92 a!tual ..........179 a!tuall 3`3U 1> 9 ad van!e 190 advantage ......... 7= adventure........ 19 advertise............ 1/> ad vi!e ............ ````` 12= ad vise .................122 afraid = against............... 3 2> a g re e = ahead ..... 3 ........ 01=2 a lie n ..................20 alive .................... 11> allo# ................. 33 99 a lo n e ............. / 9 a lo n g ................ . 1 2= alread ............... 122 am a'e ....... 179 among............. 20 am ount 1=2 an!ient.............. 9= angr 3 = announ!e 99 an more >= apartm ent......... 0 /9 a p p e ar ............. 312= appre!iate 109 approa!h 19 appropriate00303`33 2> a rg u e .................. 110 arrange 3 3 20 a rrive .......... ``````` = a rti! le ............... /9 artist.............. 3 3 /9 asleep............... >=

assign ............... . 1/> asso!iate............ 122 192 ath le te ................190 atta!k................. = attend ............... 20 attention ............ 1 2 = attitude............. /9 attra!t................. 12 = audien!e .............1/> a vailab le 109 average.............. 190 avoid.................. 2> a# are ................. 72 o badl 72 b alan!e ............. 20 b a n d ............... 1/0 barel .................. 1/0 base ................... 12= basi!................... 122 bea!h 2> b e a t........... 109 behave.............. 2> behavior.... 3 ........190 behind ....... 190 b e lie f 1=2 belong 0030033 .......72 benefit...... ....... >2 berr ................. >= beside............. 99 b it............. 333333122 b ite 3 ......... 1>9 blo!k 1 9 > blood .. so board 9= b o n e ............... 11> boring 1/0 bother....... 11> bottom ...... = brain ............... . 12= breakfast.............1/> breathe ............. 92 bright 109 burn.............. =0 e

!alm ............. .2> ! a n !el...........````` 1/0 !aptain ................ 11> !areer........... ...... 12= !arefull ........19 !au se ..... 7= !elebrate ..... 109 !ell0..0... ... . .. ... so !enter..................1=2 !entur ........ 9= !ertain ........ 33` >2 !hallenge0```3 .... 99 !h an !e .............. >2 !hara!teristi!.... 92 !harge................. 17 9 !h art 20 !heer 19> !hemi!al `````` 19 !h oi!e 7= !laim ........... 3 ..... 99 !lerk.................... 12= !lever 3 .... = !limb................... 12 = !loud.................. 20 ! lu e 9= !oa!h => CJa,t............ 1> 9 !olle!t............... >= !om fort 179 !ommon ............ 1=2 !ommuni!ate 110 !ommunit 7= !ompare............ /9 !om pete............ >= !ompetition 1/> !om pleA 333333 1 9 > !omprehend 20 !on!ern ............. 2> !on!ert ......... 9= !on!lusion 0 ......... 11> !ondition ...... 99 !onsider 122 !onsum e 92 !onta!t ``3 ..... 3`3`` 17 9 !ontain.............. so !ontent.............. 2>

!ontinue............ 72 !ontrast............. 20 !ontribute 99 !ontrol => !onversation `````3 >= ! o o l .................... 1/> !orre!t............ 3 =0 !ost................... 1=2 !ount .............. 9= !ourse 190 !reate................. 19 !reature.......... 3 >= !riti!.................... 1 9 > !rop .................. so !ro#d 110 !ruel ..... = !ustomer 179 dam age 3 2 > d e a d ............. 7= d e a l 3 .... 3 1 > 9 de!ision ............ >= deliver ....... 179 demand3............ =0 demonstrate 33.3 31=2 depend................ 110 des!ribe........ 333` 20 des!ription => d esert 3 ......1 > 9 destro 333122 determine 109 di!tionar .......... 9= differen!e 99 different 1=2 d ire!t................ => disappear 109 dis!over ............ 2> d is h 110 distan!e........ 3 7= divide ........ 99 doubt .............. 11> drive#a 1/0 drop.............. ... 12= 4 ea rn .................... 1 7 9 earth$uake........ 1> 9

effe!t >2 effe!tive 3 ......1 > 9 effort .....12= either................ >= else 109 emotion ........... 3 2> em p t ................. 110 en!ourage ......... 20 enter................. 12= entertain ........... 122 environment 3 122 e$ual ................ =0 error 0 ................. 72 es!ape .......... 7= essential 33 ..... >2 event............... ``` 1 9 > e v e r .................. 3 20 eviden!e............. 1=2 evil ....... 19 eAa!t................. 110 eAam............. => eAam ine 1 > 9 eAample ............ => eA!ellent 12= eA!ite 92 eAer!ise 19> eAist................... 9= eApe!t 2> eAperien!e 72 eAperiment........ 19 eApert................ 99 eAplore0............... 11> eAtra `````` 12 2 eAtreme 92 ^ fa!e .................... 7= fa!tor ................. 122 fa il ...................... 20 fair ...................... 109 false .................... 1 > 9 fam iliar ............. 20 famous ................ 92 far ...................... >2 fear ..................... 92 feature ................ 122 fe e d .................... =0

fie ld .................... 72 fin a l .................... 12 = finall ................... = fit ........................ 19 > fiA ....................... 2> fla t ...................... 9= flo# .................... 1 0 9 fo!us ................... >2 follo# .................. 7= fo r! e ................... 92 foreign ................ 11> forest .................. >= fortunate ............ 92 for#ard................ 102 frank .................. 2> fre$uentl .......... 2> fre sh ................... 110 friendl .............. 20 friendship ........... 19> fright................. 7= fun!tion ............. >2 further................. 1 2 = gain ...... 1/> garbage............. 1/0 gate ..... 179 gather................. 110 gentleman ......... 99 ghost ................ 79 gift...................... 1 > 9 g la d ................ 11> goal ...... 122 grab .................. 20 grade ..... 20 grass >2 ground .............. >9 guard ........... .... >2 g u id e .............. 1 9 > o habit .......EE 2> hang .......... ...... 20 happen 92 harm ................. 9 2 hero.................. 12= hid d en 99 hide ............... .. =

h ill.................... 102 hole `` ........ so honest ............. 1 = 7 ho# ever 11> huge ............ . .. 20 hunger 1>2 hunt.................. 9 hurr ................. 12= hurt 72 o identif .............. 2 > id io m 1 = 7 image >7 imagine ........ 1>2 immediate......... >7 impl 3 ......... 1 2 = importan!e ........ 1/> in!lude ....... 1 7 9 in!rease =1 independent `````` 1=7 indi!ate............. 110 individual 79 inform .............. 3129 in(usti!e ....... 11/ inside ..................1 = 7 instan!e ...... 122 instead .......20 instru!t 2> instrument3330 1/0 international 11/ introdu!e >9 involve ................ 122 island ............... `` 2> issue ................... 2/ item 111 o (ourne ............. 1>2 (udge ............ ... /9 (udgment0 72 ^ k ill ...................... 19 kno#ledge 1/> o laborator 19 la!k ..................... 19> later .................... 129

la u g h .................. 19 la# er ................. 11/ la ...................... 92 leave ................... 129 length................ 92 level .................... 102 librar ............... 21 lie ....................... 127 likel ..................72 lim it ................... => lis t ...................... 1/0 lo!al................... => lo!ate ..................129 Z Ii3I3 lo n e .................... 102 lord .................... =1 lot ...................... 9 lo u d ................... 12 lo#er................... 190 82 Y maga'ine........... / 9 m agi!.............. 3 1/0 magi!al ............. => m a il => maintain 0```` 12 = m a(or................ 1/> m anage............. 172 marr ................ >9 master 1=7 mat!h 190 material d```3 /9 m a be................ 99 meal ................. /9 mean3 1// m eat................. 127 medi!ine ........... 122 m em ber 3 190 memor .............. 1 = 7 mental...........` ``` 190 mention .............. 11/ message ............ 1/0 method ............. /2 middle .............. 9 m istake............. 97 miA ...... 122

moment ............ 9 m ster 172 o ne!essar 21 neighbor .... /2 neither................ 129 nervous 33 ..... ` ```` 12 noise ............ 0``` 12 none `3 ...........2/ norm al ..... 7 7 noti!e............... 33 1/1 novel =/ n u rse 129 observe............. 97 o!!ur.............. 030` 172 o!ean 2> offer.................. 111 offi!er 99 operation 3 129 opinion 0```3 ......` ` 127 opportunit 3 97 opposite 0````d` 172 organi'e ............ 122 original ....... 99 other#ise 3333 129 outline .............. =/ o# e ................. =1 o#n................. 00` 1/1 ^ p a in 129 passage ............ 19/ passenger ......... 191 patient 3 ...... 2 / pattern .............. 21 pea!e 92 perform ............. 19/ perhaps00030030E00 2/ period 122 personalit ........ 191 p et ................79 ph si!al0000000000000129 planet ``````` ...... 21 plate ................. 172 pleasant 2/ pleased ............. 9

poem ................ 191 poet =/ pole .................. 191 poli! 11/ populate ........ .. 127 position =1 positive... ......... 2/ pound ...... 99 predi!t ........ 1/1 prefer......... 3 ........1// prepare ............. >9 president ...... ```` 1// pressure .....19/ prevent ```` 2/ p ri!e 3 ........... 111 primar ............. >7 prin!e ............ 92 print =/ pri'e ................. 97 probable ........... 19/ pro!ess `````` 99 produ!e .... 333 333 127 produ!t 3 ...... `````` 111 professional3333333 /2 professor 1/1 profit............ `````` /2 progress ```` 1 11 pro(e!t000000000000000 12 promise............. 9 proper.................1 = 7 propert ............ 111 propose ........ ... 21 prote!t ```` 92 proud ................ >7 prove ................ 129 p u b li! 19/ publish33333 99 puddle .... . .... .. 102 punish033............ 2/ pur!hase ........... 111 purpose ............ 21 pu''le............```` 1>2 $ u a lit .............. /2 $u ite ................... 1>2 o

ra ! e ................... 97 ra is e ..................=1 ran g e .................. 127 rare .................... 7 7 rather.................. 1>2 rea!h.................. 79 re a !t ................... 129 re a l ..................... 127 reali'e ............... 97 re!eive ................172 re!ogni'e ........... 127 re!ommend 111 refle!t ................. 127 refu se .................129 regard .................127 regular................ 127 relaA................... 77 release .............. 21 remain .............. >7 remove................ 191 re p l ..................9 report.................21 represent........... 2/ re$uest.............. 7 7 re$uire .............. 21 reside ............... 7 7 respe!t................ 1// respond............. 97 response ............ 102 responsible =1 rest .................... >7 result ................. 77 return.................79 re#ard................. 172 ri! h ..................... 1// rid e ..................... 129 ris k .................... 97 ro !k ................... 2/ roll..................... 77 rush .....................1/1 199 4 s a fe ................... 9 safet .................. 191 s a il .................... >9 sa ve ................... 2/

s!an .................... 1= 7 s!are .................. 12 s!en e ................ =/ s!hedule 1/1 season ................ 102 se!ret................. 12 se!tion ............... 1 =7 sele!t................ m sen se ................ 92 separate............ >7 serious.............. >9 serve ................... 127 s e t ...................... 172 several.............. 21 shake .................2/ shape................./2 s h a re .................. 1/1 s h e e t ................ =/ sh o o t .................. 191 sho ut................. 12 sig h t .................. =1 sign .................... 127 sill .................... =/ sin!e .................. 77 single................ 21 s ite .................... >7 situated...............129 skill..................... 1// sm ell..................12 so!ial.................. 11/ so!iet ................ 129 solution............... 102 solve ..................21 someho#.............1// sound.................. 191 sp a!e ................. /2 spe!ifi!................ 1>2 spee!h ................ 11/ spend................. >9 s p o t ................... =1 spread................2/ staff.....................11/ stage ................... 1/1 sta ir ................... /2 standard 129 steal.................... 172

s te p ................... 2/ s till .................... 2/ sto re .................. =/ storm .................. 1/1 strange.............. >9 strength ..............1// s trik e .................. 19/ stroll..................2/ stru!ture =1 su!!ess ............. 21 sudden.............. 9 2 suddenl 21 suffer............... =/ suggest...............129 support...............19/ suppose 21 surfa!e................1= 7 survive .............. 79 s# im ................... 191 s m bol.............. /2 o ta il ..................... >7 ta s k .................... 19/ ta s te .................. 2/ te a r .................... 21 te!hnolog =/ term .................... 19/ terrible .............. 12 theater .............. 99 th eor ............... 21 therefore ........... 92 thief .................... 172 th in .................... /2 though ................129 th ro # .................2/ t i p .............................. 127 t o o l ......................... 111 tJ6r ........................ 1>2 to # a rd ...................... 11/ t r a d it io n ................. 127 t r a s h ........................ 127 t r e a t ........................ 111 t r i ! k ........................ 9 t r ip ............................ 1>2 t r o u b le .................... >7 t r u t h ........................ >9

u n i t e ........................ 19/ u n iv e r s e ............... 22 u p s e t ..................... 79 4 valu e 3 .````` 1>2 various......... 129 vegetable ....... 127 v ie # ................... 21 village ............... 2/ visible ............... 77 vo i!e.............. .. 79 vote .................. 1// 82 Y # a k e >9 #ar ...... 127 # a ste 102 #ave ................. 2/ # ealth............... 99 #eather............ 79 # eb ` ............191 # e ll 9 #hether...........102 # hole........... .... =1 #ide33330..... 127 # ild................ E 3 77 # is e .................. 79 #ithin............. .. 1/1 #onder0............ 97 #ood.............. 3``X 11/ # orse. .. ........... 12 # orth 27 o e t ..................... 97

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