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A Break With Charity Novel Unit by Ann Rinaldi

A Break with Charity Vocabulary

1. concocting (9) o devi!e" u!in# !kill and intelli#ence$ contrive
%. countenance (9) the &ace
'. brigantine (9) a two()a!ted !ailin# ve!!el" !*uare(ri##ed on the
&ore)a!t and havin# a &ore(and(a&t )ain!ail with !*uare u++er !ail!.
,. plagued (1-) to annoy" bother" or +e!ter
.. benign (1') !howin# or e/+re!!ive o& #entlene!! or kindne!!
0. transpire (11) to occur$ ha++en$ take +lace
1. frippery (%-) &inery in dre!!" e!+. when !howy" #audy
2. plundered (%1) o !ei3e wron#&ully or by &orce
9. boisterous (%') rou#h and noi!y$ noi!ily 4olly or rowdy$ cla)orou!$
1-. maimed (%2) o di!able or di!&i#ure" u!ually by de+rivin# o& the u!e
o& a li)b or other +art o& the body
11. conjure ('-) to call u+on or co))and a devil or !+irit by invocation or
1%. rummage ('0) to !earch thorou#hly or actively throu#h (a +lace"
rece+tacle" etc.)" e!+. by )ovin# around" turnin# over" or lookin#
throu#h content!.
1'. dowry (,1) the )oney" #ood!" or e!tate that a wi&e brin#! to her
hu!band at )arria#e.
1,. slanderous (,9) a )aliciou!" &al!e" and de&a)atory !tate)ent or
1.. blasphemy (,9) an act o& cur!in# or revilin# 5od
10. uncharitable (.,) de&icient in charity$ unkind$ har!h$ un&or#ivin#$
cen!oriou!$ )ercile!!
11. depravity (..) 6oral corru+tion or de#radation
12. apparition (.0) a !u+ernatural a++earance o& a +er!on or thin#" e!+. a
#ho!t$ a !+ecter or +hanto)$ wraith
19. tamper (.1) to en#a#e !ecretly or i)+ro+erly in !o)ethin#
%-. papist (.1) a Ro)an Catholic
%1. righteousness (.9) the *uality or !tate o& bein# 4u!t or ri#ht&ul
%%. parchment (0') the !kin o& !hee+" #oat!" etc." +re+ared &or u!e a! a
)aterial on which to write
%'. scourge (0.) a +er!on or thin# that a++lie! or ad)ini!ter!
+uni!h)ent or !evere critici!)
%,. covenant (00) a !ole)n a#ree)ent between the )e)ber! o& a church
to act to#ether in har)ony with the +rece+t! o& the #o!+el
%.. hypocrites (01) a +er!on who +retend! to have virtue!" )oral or
reli#iou! belie&!" +rinci+le!" etc." that he or !he doe! not actually
+o!!e!!" e!+. a +er!on who!e action! belie !tated belie&!.
%0. magistrates (02) a civil o&&icer char#ed with the ad)ini!tration o&
the law
%1. disharmony (1-) lack o& har)ony$ di!cord
%2. demeanor (11) conduct$ behavior$ de+ort)ent
%9. melancholy (1,) a #loo)y !tate o& )ind" e!+. when habitual or
+rolon#ed$ de+re!!ion
'-. demoniac (10) +o!!e!!ed by or a! by an evil !+irit$ ra#in#$ &rantic
'1. afflictions (12) A condition o& +ain" !u&&erin#" or di!tre!!
'%. fidelity (21) !trict ob!ervance o& +ro)i!e!
''. ransacking (1-') o !earch or e/a)ine thorou#hly
',. unrepentant (1-1) 7avin# or e/hibitin# no re)or!e
'.. refuge (1-2) a +lace o& !helter" +rotection" or !a&ety
'0. reeled (111) o &eel di33y
'1. rift (1%2) !e+aration or e!tran#e)ent
'2. tormentor (110) 8ne that tor)ent! or one that a&&lict! with #reat
bodily or )ental !u&&erin#
'9. testimony (119) A declaration by a witne!! under oath" a! that #iven
be&ore a court or deliberative body.
,-. skeptical (1%') )arked by or #iven to doubt
Choose 20 words that you do not know and write each one in an ori#inal
!entence. 9ou !hould write !everal each day a! you are readin# the novel.
You may also opt to choose your own 20 words from the novel and/or
use some of the words from this list and add some of your own. You
do not have to use the vocabulary words listed above.
You will need to write 20 sentences using your twenty words. Please
underline the vocabulary words in each sentence.
!"# "# $%& '( $)Y *++
Paragraph ,riting
-egin with a topic sentence that establishes what your topic is
about. his is the main idea of the paragraph.
U!in# the internet can be educational" enli#htenin# and
!o)eti)e! dan#erou!.
)dd ./0 supporting sentences. hese are details given to
support or e1plain your topic more in depth.
9ou virtually have the world at your &in#erti+! when you #o onto
the worldwide web. Any to+ic can be !earched" e/+lored and
re!earched throu#h thi! a)a3in# tool. 9ou can learn about rai!in#
ve#etable! to buildin# an air+lane< Caution )u!t al!o be
e/erci!ed" e!+ecially when !harin# any +er!onal in&or)ation
becau!e everyone i! vulnerable to bein# victi)i3ed on the
Conclude with a closing sentence that sums up what you have
been discussing. his conclusion sentence can restate the
topic in a different way and/or include a personal observation
about the topic including your feelings about it.
:ven thou#h the internet i! a wonder&ul tool &or enhanced
learnin# and o++ortunity" everyone !hould be very )ind&ul and
care&ul about +ubli!hin# +er!onal in&or)ation that can be u!ed to
!teal your identity or da)a#e your re+utation.
$)Y 5 6ead chapters 5/2
A&ter readin# the back#round article" write a paragraph de!cribin# your
i)+re!!ion! and under!tandin# about the =ale) Witch rial! a! you would
inter+ret the). 7ow do you think thi! hi!torical ti)e +eriod created an
environ)ent where thi! could ha++en>
$ay 2 6ead chapters ./7
,rite 2 paragraphs about mood. 6ood i! the &eelin# created in the reader
by a literary work or +a!!a#e. =o)eti)e! a book )ake! )e &eel a certain
way. ?n the first paragraph write about how thi! book )ake! you &eel and
why. 5ive !+eci&ic e/a)+le! &ro) the te/t to !u++ort why you &eel that way.
?n the second paragraph" write about how you think the character! &eel in
the book and tell why.
$ay . 6ead chapters 8/9
$raw a picture o& !o)e place/setting in the novel that you are +icturin# in
your )ind. hen write a paragraph de!cribin# the +lace in detail and why
you cho!e that +lace to de!cribe. @ay attention to your word choice and u!e
intere!tin# word! and +hra!e! (like similes) to de!cribe the +lace.
$ay 0 6ead chapters */55
Write about a connection you have )ade while readin# thi! novel. Write a
paragraph about ' connection! includin# te1t/to/te1t: te1t/to/world or
te1t/to/self. =ite !+eci&ic e/a)+le! &ro) the book and how that re)inded
you o& a book you have read" an event in the world" or !o)ethin# that ha!
occurred in your own li&e.
$ay 7 6ead chapters 52/50
?n your notebook" write five ;uestions that you have had while readin# thi!
novel. Ai!cu!! your *ue!tion! with a +artner to deter)ine i& you can co)e u+
with rea!onable an!wer!. Record any di!coverie! you )ake and an!wer! to
the *ue!tion! a&ter talkin# with your +artner. Al!o" write a prediction about
what you think )i#ht ha++en in the novel.
$ay 8 6ead chapters 57/5<
here are !everal di&&erent ty+e! o& conflicts !uch a!;
character vs. character: character vs. self: character vs. society:
character vs. nature: or character vs. fate.
6ake a , colu)n chart with the headin#!;
Character: Conflict/Problem: ype of Conflict: #teps aken to $eal with
the Problem. hen &ill it out with . e/a)+le! &ro) the book.
$ay < 6ead chapters 59/5*
Choo!e one or )ore character! &ro) the novel to de!cribe. 6ake a ' colu)n
chart with 7 !+eci&ic e/a)+le! includin# the characterB! na)e" an ad4ective
to de!cribe the character" and a *uote with the +a#e nu)ber &ro) the te/t
to !u++ort the characteristic.
$ay 9 6ead chapters 20/25
ake on the +er!ona o& =u!anna :n#li!h and write a letter to her cou!in in
another town de!cribin# in detail what i! ha++enin# in =ale). U!e correct
letter format and write at lea!t one &ull +a#e.
$ay * 6ead chapters 22/2.
?denti&y a theme +re!ented in thi! novel !uch a! &riend!hi+" loyalty" coura#e
and &ear" or !o)ethin# el!e you identi&y. Write a +ara#ra+h de!cribin# how
thi! the)e i! +ortrayed in the novel includin# e/a)+le! &ro) the te/t.
)lso: turn in your 20 original sentences using vocabulary words.
$ay 50 6ead &pilogue and )uthor=s (ote
A dynamic character i! a character that under#oe! a chan#e in action! or
belie&! durin# the cour!e o& a !tory. A static character i! a character that
doe! not #row or chan#e throu#hout the !tory$ he or !he re)ain! the !a)e
&ro) the be#innin# to the end o& the !tory.
?denti&y and write about a dyna)ic character and #ive at lea!t % e/a)+le!
that de)on!trate how heC!he chan#ed. ?denti&y and write about a !tatic
character and #ive at lea!t % e/a)+le! that de)on!trate how heC!he did not
Read the &ollowin# article" and review the #lo!!ary o& ter)! +rior to readin#
A Break
With Charity. An!wer the =tudy 5uide Due!tion! a! you read the book.
he #alem ,itch rials
By Beth ?rwin Fane
he @uritan &ounder! o& =ale)" 6a!!achu!ett! were a !evere +eo+le who
&ir)ly believed that =atanB! ai) wa! to de!troy 5odB! kin#do) by te)+tin#
+eo+le to !in. By !in they )eant carin# )ore about the)!elve! and their
+rivate +lea!ure and +ro&it than about other +eo+le.
A! =ale) +ro!+ered" )any o& her town!+eo+le be#an to a++reciate the &iner
thin#! in li&e. 6erchant! had )ade =ale) a !ucce!!&ul !ea+ort" and the )ore
they !aw o& the out!ide world" the )ore they liked it. Gi&e wa! not !o ea!y"
however" &or the &ar)er! who lived beyond the town in a +lace called =ale)
Villa#e. heir land wa! rocky and hilly" and unlike the town!+eo+le" the
villa#e! had no ti)e or )oney &or lu/urie!. ?n &act" they !till believed that
!uch thin#! were evil and be#an to !u!+ect the town!+eo+le o&
abandonin# their @uritan ideal!.
he town!+eo+le )ade the rule! &or both co))unitie!" and be&ore lon# the
&ar)er! an#rily noted that the law! invariably &avored the town. hey were
ordered to hel+ #uard =ale) &ro) ?ndian attack even thou#h the villa#e wa!
&ar )ore likely to be attacked than the town. When the &ar)er! a!ked i&
they )i#ht build a church clo!er to ho)e" +er)i!!ion wa! denied. hey be#an
to &eel re!ent&ul and &ru!trated. ?t !ee)ed that they had all the obli#ation!
o& the citi3en! o& =ale) but &ew o& the bene&it!. heir re!ent)ent built u+
over the year! until =ale) wa! ri+e &or the kind o& di!a!ter that be&ell
her. Not !ur+ri!in#ly" when the witch trial! be#an" )o!t o& the accu!er!
were villa#er!" and )any o& the accu!ed were town!&olk.
he real trouble !tarted in 109%" when !o)e o& the youn#er #irl! in =ale)
Villa#e be#an to e/+eri)ent !ecretly with )a#ic. he )ini!terB! dau#hter" hi!
niece" and hi! !ervant tried to tell each otherB! &ortune. ?n ti)e" )ore villa#e
#irl! 4oined the). 8ne )ade a !ort o& cry!tal ball &ro) an e## white
!u!+ended in a #la!!. =he !aid that !he ho+ed to !ee her &uture hu!band.
?n!tead" !he !aw" or thou#ht !he !aw" a co&&in. =he and
her &riend! were terri&ied. hey i)a#ined that they !aw all kind! o& horrible
thin#! in the #la!!. =o)e o& the) develo+ed a )ental illne!! called hy!teria
and be#an to !u&&er convul!ive &it!. he doctor" alon# with the other
villa#er!" believed that the #irl!B +layin# with )a#ic had !u))oned =atan and
hi! witche! into their )id!t. Hri#htened adult! called the #irl! the Ia&&licted
childrenJ and ur#ed the) to di!clo!e who had cau!ed their
!u&&erin#. At la!t" they ad)itted they were bein# tortured by witche!.
@erha+! !o)e o& the #irl! were a&raid o& bein# +uni!hed" !o they #ave the
na)e! o& nei#hbor! with who) their &a)ilie! had had cro!! word! in the
=till" the *ue!tion o& how to reco#ni3e a witch re)ained. he water te!t
o&ten u!ed in :uro+ean witch hunt! wa! &rowned u+on in New :n#land. hi!
te!t re*uired that the accu!ed be tied u+ and thrown into dee+ water.
Arownin# +roved her innocence. 8bviou!ly" thi! wa! a no win !ituation &or the
accu!ed. ?n!tead" =ale) 4ud#e! relied on the touch te!t and on !+ectral
evidence. When a #irl be#an to have a &it" the 4ud#e )ade
the accu!ed witch touch her. ?& the #irl recovered" the witch )i#ht be
#uilty. he #irl! u!ually )ana#ed to recover when touched by one o& the
accu!ed. =+ectral evidence wa! even )ore de&initive. ?& !o)eone !aw a
hu)an !ha+e (or !+ecter) that re!e)bled an accu!ed witch" it wa! acce+ted
a! evidence K even i& the actual accu!ed +er!on wa!
!ecurely locked in +ri!on. 8&ten the!e !+ecter! actually a!!aulted the #irl!
who clai)ed to !ee the). =o)eti)e! the!e a!!ault! took +lace in the
Ba!ically" the trial! ca)e down to whether the 4ury believed the word o& the
accu!ed or that o& the #rou+ o& accu!er!. =o)e o& the #irl! )ay have &aked
&it! and carried +in! to +rick the)!elve!. hey bit and +inched the)!elve!
when no one wa! watchin# and then bla)ed the accu!ed. ?& one #irl lied" the
other! backed her u+. When +eo+le *ue!tioned their truth&ulne!!" they
the)!elve! were accu!ed. he #irl! accu!ed &a)ou! +eo+le who) they had
never even )et" includin# the #overnorB! wi&e. ?n all" nineteen +eo+le and two
do#! were e/ecuted" about one hundred &i&ty +eo+le were
i)+ri!oned" and )any )ore were &orced to &lee &ro) their ho)e!. When
!o)e o& the #irl! were taken to the nei#hborin# town o& Andover to look &or
witche!" they wound u+ accu!in# )any o& the +eo+le in the town. he
outra#ed citi3en! o& Andover called an i))ediate halt to the witch hunt. =o
did )any inhabitant! o& =ale).
What ha++ened in =ale) in 109% i! one o& the )ore !ha)e&ul incident! in
A)erican hi!tory. While the accu!ed did have )any coura#eou! +eo+le !+eak
out in their de&en!e" an entire town allowed it!el& to be !we+t away by
)alice" !u!+icion" or &ear. Althou#h )any +!ychiatri!t! today )i#ht dia#no!e
=ale)B! trouble a! a ca!e o& )a!! hy!teria" it i! i)+ortant to look at the
whole +icture. he co))unity had been divided &or
)any year! by #eo#ra+hy" wealth" reli#ion" and !tyle o& li&e" and wa!
controlled by a !tron# and un&or#ivin# reli#ion that wa! on the ver#e o&
decline. 6any o& the accu!er! were +eo+le who were lo!in# out" and )any o&
tho!e they accu!ed were winnin#. Ulti)ately" thi! +roved to be a &atal
co)bination. ?n 190%" &or a &ew dread&ul )onth!" the table! were turned.
#alem ,itch !ysteria4 2lossary of erms
A nu)ber o& ter)! )i#ht be un&a)iliar to you or are u!ed in a +articular
re#ardin# the witchcra&t trial!. hi! #lo!!ary e/+lain! !o)e o& tho!e ter)!.
)fflicted o be di!tre!!ed or tor)ented. ?t re&er! to tho!e who a++eared
to be tor)ented
by witchcra&t.
Congregation he )e)ber! o& a +articular church.
$evil=s -ook A book in which the devil wa! re+orted to kee+ a record o& the
!oul! he
owned. A +er!on who !i#ned hi! or her na)e in thi! book indicated that he or
wa! now a witch.
$evil=s 3ark A )ark on a witchB! body where the devil or &a)iliar !ucked
the blood o&
the witch" thereby &eedin# on her !oul.
&1amination A +retrial hearin# to deter)ine i& there i! enou#h evidence to
try the
accu!ed in court. =i)ilar to an indict)ent or 5rand Lury hearin# today.
?amiliar A !)all ani)al" !uch a! a cat or do#" that !erved a! a )e!!en#er
between the
devil and the witch.
2oodwife @2oodyA A title o& addre!! &or )arried wo)en$ e*uivalent o& 6r!.
!ysteria @hy!ical ail)ent!" !uch a! +ain" itchin#" or convul!ion!" cau!ed by a
!tate. A co))on u!e o& the ter) i! to de!cribe a +er!on who" due to !o)e
u+!ettin# e/+erience" !crea)! or yell! uncontrollably. he ter) i! al!o u!ed
de!cribe a ti)e o& &ear and irrationality a)on# a lar#e #rou+ o& +eo+le
(I)a!! hy!teriaJ).
3eeting !ouse A +lace the town #athered &or reli#iou! !ervice!" a! well a!
+olitical )atter!. U!ually the lar#e!t buildin# in a town.
3inister he reli#iou! leader (al!o called reverend" +a!tor" or cler#y)an) o&
the @uritan Church in a town or villa#e.
#pectral &vidence e!ti)ony that an accu!ed witchB! !+irit or #ho!t
a++eared to the accu!er" !o)eti)e! tor)entin# the accu!er.
heocracy 5overn)ent ruled andCor controlled by a reli#ion. ?ran i! a
)odern(day e/a)+le.
,itch A! u!ed in @uritan New :n#land" a wo)an who had !old her !oul to the
devil" thereby beco)in# an ene)y o& the Chri!tian church. A )ore #eneral
de&inition i! !o)eone who u!e! )a#ic.
,iBard A )ale witch.
#tudy 2uide Cuestions4 ) -reak ,ith Charity
Character "dentification
3ake a character chart in your notebook. A! you )eet each character
and learn )ore about the)" &ill in any i)+ortant in&or)ation.
Character $escription D "mportant "nformation
=u!anna :n#li!h
Ann @utna)
Reverend @arri!
Lohn ?ndian
Betty @arri!
Abi#ail Willia)!
Lohnathan 7athorne
6ary Warren
Lo!e+h @utna)
6ary Bradbury
=a) :ndicott
Comprehension $iscussion Cuestions
1. When and where do the event! o& thi! novel take +lace>
%. Who wa! the &ather o& =u!anna :n#li!h>
'. Why did the circle o& #irl! who vi!ited ituba di!like =u!anna>
,. When Ar. 5ri##! e/a)ined Betty @arri! and Abi#ail Willia)!" what did he
!ay their !tran#e &it! were cau!ed by>
.. When the )ini!ter! +rayed over the a&&licted #irl!" what did they order
the) to do>
0. Why were =arah 5ood and =arah 8!bourne accu!ed o& witchcra&t>
1. When and why did =u!annaB! &riend Lohnathan 7athorne be#in to doubt
the truth o& the witchcra&t accu!ation!>
2. Accordin# to ituba" when would =u!annaB! brother return &ro) the !ea>
9. 7ow did the evenin# celebration o& 6ary :n#li!hB! en#a#e)ent to ho)a!
7itchbourne end>
1-. What did =u!annaB! brother Willia) in&or) hi! &a)ily o& in a letter>
11. Who wa! the &ir!t witch han#ed on 5allow! 7ill>
1%. What wa! the real rea!on =u!anna !tayed in =ale) when her !i!ter
)oved to Bo!ton>
1'. o who) did =u!anna tell that the a&&licted #irl! were +retendin# their
!y)+to)! and accu!in# innocent +eo+le>
1,. Why did =u!anna )i!! the chance to vi!it with her +arent! at Lohn
AldenB! hou!e in Bo!ton>
1.. Who did =u!anna have a late ni#ht conver!ation with on 5allow! 7ill which
convinced her that there were no witche!>
10. 7ow wa! 5ile! Cory e/ecuted &or witchcra&t>
11. 7ow did =u!anna kee+ her +ro)i!e to 6ary Bradbury>
12. ?n the +rolo#ue and e+ilo#ue o& the novel" why i! =u!anna in church 1,
year! a&ter the witch hy!teria>
19. Aid =u!anna :n#li!h con!ult ituba to learn the identity o& her &uture
%-. Were nineteen innocent +eo+le han#ed and one +re!!ed to death durin#
the =ale) witchcra&t hy!teria>
%1. Aid ituba tell =u!anna that her brother would die at !ea>
%%. Aid =ale) town o&&icial! and )ini!ter! encoura#e #irl! to learn to read
and write>
%'. Aid youn# Ann @utna) threaten to accu!e =u!annaB! +arent! o&
witchcra&t i& =u!anna told +eo+le that the circle o& a&&licted #irl! wa!
+retendin# to be bewitched>
%,. Wa! ituba the &ir!t =ale) re!ident accu!ed o& witchcra&t>
%.. Aid Abi#ail 7obb! con&e!! to bein# a witch and then accu!e her own
+arent! o& witchcra&t>
%0. Aid =u!anna :n#li!h live with Reverend @arri! while her +arent! were in
%1. Aid Ann @utna) kee+ her +ro)i!e by not accu!in# =u!annaB! +arent! o&
%2. Were +ri!oner! or their &a)ilie! re*uired to +ay their board while they
were in 4ail>
%9. Aid the 5overnor o& 6a!!achu!ett! !et u+ a !+ecial court" called the
Court o& 8yer and er)iner" to try the accu!ed witche!>
'-. What doe! !+ectral evidence )ean>
'1. Were accu!ed witche! who re&u!ed to con&e!! han#ed> What ha++ened
to tho!e who did con&e!!>
'%. Were @hilli+ :n#li!hB! ho)e and belon#in#! con&i!cated by the !heri&&
a&ter hi! arre!t>
''. Were =u!annaB! +arent! tried and convicted o& witchcra&t in =ale)>
',. Aid =u!anna believe that 6ary Bradbury wa! a witch who intended to
har) her brother a&ter her )eetin# with Ca+tain =a) :ndicott>
'.. Aid 5ile! Cory +rotect hi! &a)ilyB! ri#ht to inherit hi! +ro+erty by
re&u!in# to te!ti&y in court and avoidin# a #uilty verdict>
'0. Were the +arent! o& =u!anna :n#li!h two o& the nineteen +eo+le han#ed
in =ale) durin# the witchcra&t hy!teria>
'1. Aid =u!anna ever &or#ive Ann @utna) &or her role in the witch hy!teria>
'2. Aoe! =u!anna know how =a) :ndicott knew that Willia) would return to
=ale) on a !hi+ na)ed the A)iable i#er>

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