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As we approach the end of 2013 it is a time to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and look forward to a New Year and the accomplishments to come. 2013 saw a lot happening in Kanata North. The biggest event was the opening of the ichcraft ecreation !omple" Kanata on #ec. $ th. %&ve been involved with this pro'ect since 200() in planning) f*ndraising and s*pporting its constr*ction) so opening day was a great one and the facility is a wonderf*l addition to o*r area. %t&s already b*sy) altho*gh programming won&t be *nderway *ntil +an*ary. 2013 also saw the start of constr*ction on the ,*tlet -all) anno*ncement of a .A// 0ro shops) constr*ction and the first homeowners in Arcadia and ichardson idge) as well as contin*ing constr*ction in the .ro*ghton lands) .rookside) Klondike !rossing and the 1epine apartments. New resta*rants were added in !entr*m) and a -c#onald&s approved for -arch oad. .eaverbrook was s*ccessf*l in having the apartment at 2 The 0arkway red*ced from an 123storey b*ilding to 43storeys and stood o*t against a 1$3storey application on Teron oad. A comm*nity garden was undertaken for Mor an!s "rant# and the pu$lic school $oard had three school pro%ects appro&ed for 'anata North. A traffic stud( on speedin on 'nudson commenced# and )ouncil appro&ed a herita e stud( process for *ea&er$rook. +n the new Official Plan appro&ed $( the )it(# + was a$le to e,empt the $usiness park from hei ht limitations and to ad%ust the Transitwa( plans to include li ht rail to *a(shore and $us transitwa(s alon March Road# and from March Road to Terr( -o,. Man( en%o(ed m( +nternational .omen!s /a( *reakfast# 0ul( picnic and E,po 112# as well as a new e&ent honourin communit( &olunteers. The 'anata North *+A hired an E,ecuti&e /irector and completed their first (ear of operations. There were nine Town Halls and man( more meetin s with communit( mem$ers and )it( staff to deal with the man( issues that arri&e e&er( da( 3 a &er( $us( $ut satisf(in (ear.

.HAT /OES 4567 HO8/

Ne"t year will see the opening of the stores and ho*sing areas *nderway in 2013. A f*ll design plan for the new comm*nity to be b*ilt north along -arch oad will be completed9 our new 8i$rar( will $e opened9 )isco will mo&e forward on their e,pansion9 and# work will proceed on ettin the Nortel )ampus read( for National /efence Emplo(ees in 4561. As well# the E:uestrian Park e,pansion will mo&e forward# the turf field will open at the RR)' and new parks will $e de&eloped in the new communities. School construction will $e underwa( alon with the ;rd 8epine apartment $uildin . A final plan will $e appro&ed for the )it(< owned Town )entre lands# an underpass constructed under Terr( -o,# a new Park and Ride constructed at Terr( -o, and +nno&ation# and new announcements# not (et contemplated# will come forward. + anticipate another stellar (ear in 'anata North.


,n +an*ary 6>th at ?pm at the RR)'# 7656 +nno&ation /ri&e# +!ll $e holdin a pu$lic consultation on parkin issues on A(ton 8ane. A *(law representati&e will $e present to answer :uestions on parkin e,tensions on front lawns and the difficult( in ha&in emer enc( &ehicles and snow e:uipment passin throu h the area. The meetin is open to others in the communit( with similar concerns.


,n T*esday) +an*ary 21st) at 4 pm come to the !K) 5101 %nnovation #rive) for the first Town 6all -eeting on 2015. Topics incl*de Klondike oad constr*ction) plans for a new p*blic school) seasonal iss*es and more. !ontact me to add yo*r iss*es and check my website near the date for a f*ll agenda.



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