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Aim: Students will identify Mi, Sol, & La on the staff by reading notation.

Materials: On write the words honk, honk, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle, crash, beep, beep Also write the words on big cards for students to hold. Song- Bounce High, Bounce Low with the first two measures notated on poster board using cut out balls and copies of the song for the students Song- Donkey with the first two measures notated Ball Pitched Instruments Lesson Development: 1. Using the words on the board, ask the students to read these words with me 2. Decide whether to say each word high or low and then say them again. 3. Recognize that they decided the pitch of the words. 4. Using the cards have volunteers come up and hold a card. Practice saying the words using the assigned pitches. Mix it up. 5. Tell students, Today you will find three pitches on the staff. You will even sing them and read them! 6. Review the staff. 7. Show higher and lower on the staff. Tell students that note heads show how high or low pitches are. They can be written around lines or in spaces. On the board show students examples of each. 8. Using an example written on the board, ask students, Which notes are in through the line, and which notes are in the space? How can you tell which is highest and lowest? 9. Explain to the students that Mi and So are pitch names. Mi is always lower then So. Tell students that the first 2 measures of Donkey, Donkey uses Mi and So. Ask students to look at Mi and So. Ask them if Mi and So are around lines or in spaces. Tell them that we can use what we know to read music. 10. Read the pitches in Donkey, Donkey by singing Mi and So. Then sing the song with the words. 11. Using cut out balls, notate the pitches to Bounce High, Bounce Low. Tell students that the balls show the first lines of Bounce High, Bounce Low. Have students find Mi and So. Have them find the pitch they dont know. 12. Tell students the new pitch is La. Ask if it is higher or lower then So. Explain La. 13. Pass out copies of Bounce High, Bounce Low Ask students to read the pitches in the song. Have them find Mi, So, and La. 14. Sing the song using solfege. Then with the words. 15. Add accompaniment to the song to reinforce beat, rhythm, and pitch. Play Do and Mi together on the steady beat on a bass xylophone. On a glockenspiel or other high pitched instrument, play high Do on the word high, low Do on the word low and both at the time twice on the word Shiloh. Play game: Have children form two facing lines of partners. Bounce a ball back an forth between two partners on Bounce high, Bounce Low. Pass it to the next pair on Shiloh.

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