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Questionnaire on the use of authentic listening materials (radio programs). 1.

-Rank the four skills from 1 to 4 according to their degree of importance in your English class: (1= most important) _______ riting _______listening _______speaking _______reading

!.-"o you think the course#ook pro$ides enough practice in listening comprehension% &es______ no_______ 'hy% ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (.-)o much time of your class do you spend teaching listening on a$erage% _______*-1*min _______1*-!+min _______!+-+*min _______more than +*min 4.-'hich of the follo ing acti$ities do you use most in the classroom% ,hoose the top (. _______-istening to songs. riting the ords and singing. _______/aking dictation from teacher. _______/aking notes hile listening to a tape containing different materials from the radio. _______-istening to a radio program in order to ans er a list of 0uestions. _______-istening to a con$ersation from the course#ook to learn the appropriate intonationpronunciation as ell as taking notes. _______-istening to isolated ords and repeating them to practice pronunciation. _______-istening to a radio program and discussing hat it as a#out. _______other:_________________________________________________________. +.-"o you think that using original radio #roadcast in class or at home can #e good for your students% _______yes _______no E1plain #riefly:___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 2.-'hat ad$antages and disad$antages do you see in using radio listening material in class% ,hoose the top ( in each column: 3d$antages: "isad$antages: ______ear training ______speed at hich people speak. ______intensi$e listening practice ______poor radio reception ______nati$e speaker model ______/ime consuming ______radio is accessi#le here /4 is not ______-ack of $ariety of programs

______graded programs allo success ______-isteners limited $oca#ulary 5.-)o often do you use materials from radio in your class% ______ne$er ______rarely ______sometimes ______usually ______al ays

6.-/ick the column that #est summari7es your reaction to each statement: strongly agree not disagree strongly agree sure disagree -8ood pronunciation is important hen teaching listening -/he use of authentic materials should #e limited to ad$anced students only -9aterial from radio should #e modified according to students: le$el -3uthentic materials from radio are #etter than didactic ones.

Thanks for your time!

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Radio sur$ey for students 1.-)o much time do you listen to the radio each day% _______less than an hour _______1 to ! hours _______more than ! hours !.-'hat kind of programs do you listen to on the radio (in ;panish)%

(.-"o you listen to radio stations in English% ______yes ______no 'hy% ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4.-'hat kind of programs do you listen to (in English)

+.-'hat type of listening materials do you like #est% ______ne s ______commercials ______talks ______pronunciation<stress ______con$ersations songs______

2.-"o you think it ould #e a good idea to get those and other materials from the radio% ______yes ______no 'hy% ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5.-"o you think you ha$e enough listening practice in your class% &es______ no_______ Thank you!

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=eed#ack 0uestionnaire for students 1.-'hat:s your opinion of the acti$ity you ha$e >ust done%

!.-"id you find anything difficult% (/ick your ans er) ______$oca#ulary ______3ccent ______structures ______speed



(.-"o you think you ere prepared for listening to original radio #roadcast% ______yes ______no

'hy% ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.

3ppendi1 4

,lass o#ser$ation checklist ?um#er of students________ -e$el____________________ "ate________________

"oes the teacher e1plain to the students hat they are going to do% no_________


"oes the teacher kno ho to operate the cassette recorder% no_________


"oes the teacher encourage the students to cooperate ith one another% (e.g. sol$e the tasks together. compare ans ers. etc.)



@re-listening acti$ities:__________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ 'hile-listening acti$ities:________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ @ost-listening acti$ities:_________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ /ime spent on listening:_______________

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Task 1 1 /he follo ing radio ne s #rief has t o stories. 'hat are they a#out% 'here did they happen% 'hen% -isten and fill in the chart.(3dapted from /omalin: 1A62:A!) ?e s /itle ;tory 1 @lace 'hen% )o % Bther%

;tory !

Pair work E1change your notes and ans er any 0uestions your partner may ha$e.

3 roup work 'hat are the ne s e$ents that ha$e occurred recently% /alk a#out them ith your classmates. Tape Transcript for !adio "ews #riefs $tory 1:
Cutler. Dndiana.- 3 freight train cre mem#er as killed yesterday in a collision ith a ,onrail train. /he Engine of /he ?orfolk ;outhern train en route from "etroit to Eansas ,ity struck the fifth car of the other train. ,onrail spokesman Rudy )us#and said. ?o ha7ardous su#stances ere among the cargo. #ut a#out +.*** gallons of diesel fuel spilled. prompting the closure of a four-mile stretch of high ay in northeast Dndiana.

$tory 2:
/he fossil of a #a#y dinosaur has come to light in hich details of soft anatomy ne$er seen #efore in any dinosaur remains are preser$ed. ;cientists e1pect the fossil. hich as found in Dtaly. to yield important information a#out the anatomy of dinosaurs in general. /he find is reported in today:s issue of the >ournal Nature. hich de$oted its co$er to a color photograph of the fossil.

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Task 2 1 -isten to a commercial from the radio and take notes. /hen share your information ith another person. 'hat is #eing ad$ertised% ,an you recogni7e the #rands of the products% 2 Pair work 'ith your partner a commercial to #e read to your classmates. &ou can talk a#out any product that you ish.

Transcript for !adio %ommercial

;hoe #lo outF /his eekend at G,al ;toresH at 4*(* ;ports 3rena Coule$ard and 15! El ,amino Real. )uge sa$ings on athletic and outdoor shoes. #oots. sandals. and moreF Riddell. Etonic. -.3. 8ear. Crooks. 3didas. ?ike. Ree#ok. all on saleF 'e guarantee to #eat any competitor:s currently ad$ertised price or e:ll gi$e you the item freeF /hree days only. t o locations. =riday !5. ;aturday !6. and ;unday !A. G,al ;toresH 8et it from the localsF

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Task 3 1 -isten to a commercial. &ou don:t ha$e to take notes. 'hat is it a#out% 2 Pair work ?o listen again ith your partner and ans er the follo ing 0uestions: a.-'hat are some features of the hotel% #.-'hat is the name of the hotel% c.-"id you get any other piece of information% 3 roup work 'ith your teammates rite a commercial descri#ing another place or product.

/hen read it aloud to the class. 'ho has the #est commercial%

Tape transcript for a !adio %ommercial

Dn =rance. the a$erage orker gets fi$e eeks of paid $acations a year. 9any 3ustralians get t o full months. 'hile in 3merica you:re lucky if you get t o eeks. 'hy aste e$en a minute of it looking for a place to stay% G,ourtyardH #y 9arriott has o$er three hundred locations here you:ll al ays get the most for your hard earned money. 'ith spacious rooms to a hirlpool. mini gym. and a hearty #reakfast #uffet. ,all your tra$el agent or 6**-(!1- !!11. G,ourtyardH. /he hotel designed #y #usiness tra$elers.

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Task & (3ll the students ha$e #een gi$en slips of paper ith a line of the song) 1 -isten to the song carefully. 'hen you hear your line go to #lack#oard and put it on it. 2 roup work ;ing the songF Transcript for a $ong GE#ony and D$oryH
(Cy @aul 9c,artney)

E#ony and i$ory li$e together in perfect harmony ;ide #y side on my piano key#oard Bh. -ord. 'hy don:t e%

'e all kno that people are the same here$er you go /here is good and #ad in e$eryone 'e learn to li$e hen e learn to gi$e each other 'hat e need to sur$i$e together ali$e

E#ony and i$ory li$e together in perfect harmony ;ide #y side on my piano key#oard Bh. -ord. 'hy don:t e%

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