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Sample Gourmet Bakery Business Plan

I. Executive Summary a. Company Mission Statement b. Management Strategies c. Funding Resources II. Product Development a. Products and Services b. Uni ue Met!odologies and Ingredients c. "!at Ma#es Us Di$$erent III. Mar#et %nalysis a. Mar#etplace &rends and Environment b. Mar#et 'pportunities( %bility to penetrate existing mar#et s!are c. )eograp!ic %nalysis I*. &arget Mar#et a. +usiness ,ocation b. Mar#et Description c. )ro-t! 'pportunities *. &!e Competition a. "!o &!ey %re b. Mar#et S!are Distribution c. Product Matc!ups *I. Mar#eting Plan a. Meeting Customer .eeds b. /uality vs. /uantity c. 0o- "e "ill Sell d. %bility to Penetrate Mar#et *II. Management Development

a. Pivotal Employees b. Consultants1 %dvisors and Contractors c. Internal Management Structure *III. +usiness Development a. ,ong2&erm )oals1 S!ort2&erm )oals b. 'b3ectives $or %c!ieving )oals

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery I. Executive Summary 'ur commitment to excellence in t!e cra$t and artistry o$ ba#ing enables us to deliver !ig! uality products t!at loo# superb1 delig!t t!e customer and ma#e celebrations a moment to c!eris!. "e also !ave committed ourselves to tantali4ing t!e pallet o$ co$$ee connoisseurs. 'ur products -ill exceed local stores and $ranc!ise competitors. 'ur product -ills posses t!at certain somet!ing t!at ot!ers do not !ave. Company Mission Statement Revive and Preserve t!e elegance and sensation o$ age old ba#ing1 co$$ee ma#ing and ca#e decorating -it! culinary tec!ni ues to ac!ieve t!e !eig!t o$ uality and excellence in t!e ca#e co$$ee and pastry industry. 'ur products range $rom !ig! end artistry to modern and local customs. I$ you dare to dream -e -ill create it. Management Strategies Maintain a $ocus on /uality product -it! bottom2line gro-t! t!roug! cost reduction and optimal per$ormance. "e also $ocus on tec!nology and innovation to ma#e sure employees !ave extensive training to per$orm proper tec!ni ue and e uipment operation. Maintain 5662percent !onesty bet-een employees1 customer and management. %s a team input -ill be collected analy4ed and put into practice. &eam meetings -ee#ly -ill motivate and $orecast gro-t! and anni!ilate potential di$$iculties.

Funding Resources )overnment grants $or small business. Minority organi4ation grants. 'pen t!e $loor to remote investment partners.

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

II. Product Development Products and Services +a#ery1 S!o-case and Ca$7. S!o-case o$ elegantly decorated special occasion t!emed ca#es priced $rom 89: 2 8;66. "ireless Ca$7 -!ere customers -iilll !ave ability to connect via t!e Internet -!ile en3oying leisure or meeting and greeting business associates in an upscale co$$ee s!op<ba#ery environment.

+a#ed goods include( +ro-nies +ro-nies -it! .uts Coo#ies 'atmeal1 Peanut +utter1 Sugar1 C!oc C!ip1 C!oc C!un#1 'at Meal Raisin1 Macadamia .ut

Mu$$ins Reduced Fat Mu$$in1 +lue +erry1 +anana1 %pple and +anana .ut

Co$$ees %nd +everages Smoot!ies S!ort and long +lac# standard espresso1 ,atte 2 espresso Ristretto 2 very s!ort s!ot concentrated version o$ espresso. Doppio 2 also #no-n as double espresso. Cappuccino 2 a s!ot o$ espresso -it! densely $rot!ed mil# poured into it and dusted -it! c!ocolate po-der. Macc!iato 2 espresso -it! a das! o$ mil# added. Flat -!ite 2 3ust a no2nonsense mil#y co$$ee 2 espresso -it! !ot mil# Moc!a 2 espresso1 !ot c!ocolate and steamed mil# served in a glass.

+reads +ran +read Enric!ed 0ome Style "!ite +read Enric!ed C!ale +read Frenc! +read Italian +read Enric!ed Egg +read Seedless Rye Pumpernic#el +read Raisin +read "!eat +read Donuts


Dinner Rolls Enric!ed So$t Dinner Rolls Mini =aiser =aiser "!eat =aiser Sand-ic! Rolls 'nion Rolls =notted Rolls 'nion Rolls =notted Egg Rolls Cinnamon Rolls Danis! Rolls Egg Rolls Cinnamon +uns Peti2Fors )ourmet Pastries Danis! &-ist Pin-!eel +o- &ie C!eese Danis! Miniature Danis! Danis! Co$$ee Ring ,attice Danis!

Ca#es "edding Ca#es1 %nniversary Ca#es1 )raduation Ca#es1 Sculptured Ca#es1 ,emon1 Carrot1 Stra-berry S!ort Ca#e1 Pineapple. Uni ue Met!odologies and Ingredients %s $ormer apprentice and current teac!er o$ t!e "ilton Met!od o$ Ca#e Decorating Delut!e !as mastered t!e per$ection o$ execution $rom t!e smoot!est $rostings1 t!e most delicate and moist ca#es to t!e sculpting t!e most beauti$ul decorations in t!e -orld. %pplying alternative Englis! and %ustralian met!ods and pulled sugar and gum paste tec!ni ues t!at delig!t t!e eyes and taste buds.

"!at Ma#es Us Di$$erent

> Combining t!e !ig! demand $or $ast uality co$$ee and pastry on2t!e2go -it! delivery service $or t!ose -it! no time to -ait in line. > %ge2old met!ods o$ ca#e1 pastry and candy ma#ing s!o-cased in sensational $as!ion in our upscale ba#ery and co$$ee s!op. > /uic# order turn2around ca#e delivery services -it!in t!e ten bloc# business district radius. > Community donations > Ca#e ba#ing classes -it! business establis!ment assistance

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

III. Mar#et %nalysis Mar#etplace &rends and Environment

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

Catering to Culture
For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

Ca$es ? % Rising &rend

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

Co$$ee Cra4e )ains Momentum

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

a. Mar#et 'pportunities
For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

b. )eograp!ic %nalysis
For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

0ouse!old )ro-t!
For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

I*. &arget Mar#et

a. +usiness ,ocation

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

b. Mar#et Description

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

c. )ro-t! 'pportunities

For details in t!is subcategory see t!e +usiness Plan "riting %nd Startup &ool =it

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

*. &!e Competition

Increased pro$itability in t!e industry suggests t!at people are becoming more dependent on $ast $ood and specialty restaurants t!an t!ey !ave ever been.

a. "!o &!ey %re

Dun#in Donut ? Despite t!e success o$ Dun#in@ Donuts Coolata@s explosion on t!e mar#et Dun#in Donuts parent company is see#ing to sell t!e c!ain.

=rispy =reme 2 =rispy =reme !as vertically integrated doug!nut and co$$ee production t!roug! 3oint ventures and ac uisitions in an attempt to control t!e !ig! degree o$ supplier bargaining po-er -it!in t!e industry1 -!ile maintaining a reno-ned level o$ uality.

Super$res! )rocery Store ba#ery

)iant Foods Store ba#ery

Star+uc#s Co$$ee 2 t!e Frappuccino cra4e is alive and -ell. "!ile =rispy =reme !as s!o-n a steady decline $rom 5.:A in B66B to 5.65 in B66A1 Starbuc#s remained steady. Starbuc#s Co$$ee1 =rispy =reme@s leading competitor1 !as been experiencing astonis!ing sales t!at surpass even =rispy =reme@s admirable numbers.

b. Mar#et S!are Distribution

5CD o$ consumer@s annual expenditures goes to $ood consumption. &!at@s t!e largest expenditure belo- !ousing costs. E6D o$ adults in t!e US drin# co$$ee. &!at@s E out o$ 56. "e -ill access t!ese co$$ee drin#ers and ba#ed goods consumers using precision placed store$ronts1 menu !andouts and coupons by mail to all businesses in area.

Consumer Expenditures

Distribution of total annual expenditures by major cate ory

!ssess ro"th potential Demand $or co$$ee is steadily rising at a rate o$ 5.: percent per year. "it! E6D o$ %mericans being co$$ee drin#ers and consumers eating 5:D percent more processed and $ast $ood compared to B6 years ago gro-t! in t!e co$$ee and bac#ed goods to go industry is steady. Food eaten a-ay $rom !ome is steady at :.AD compared to $ood eaten at !ome1 9.9D. +usiness $acilities are gro-ing in t!e +altimore metropolitan area -it! building o$ commercial buildings1 !ospitals and additional par#ing $acilities increasing. &!is increased tra$$ic -ill $acilitate t!e need $or more co$$ee !ouses and ba#ery s!ops t!at speciali4e in on2t!e2go $oods and $ast service. 'ur ability to pass do-n ac uired competencies to succeeding co!orts by training ca#e ba#ers<decorators1 team managers and ot!er ba#ery sta$$ -ill enable strong business outgro-t! -it! t!e vie- o$ opening ba#ery s!ops t!roug!out Maryland.

c. Product Matc!ups

Delut!es Co$$ee Starbuc#s Co$$ee Delut!es Ca#es ? )iants and Super$res! Ca#es Delut!es Candies ? *irtually .o Existing Mar#et In %rea Delut!es Patries ? Penera +read Pastries

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

*I. Mar#eting Plan

a. Meeting Customer .eeds 'ur customers re uire $res! uality co$$ee and pasty on t!e go. 'ur system $or establis!ing customer needs is based on t!e product o$$ering o$ our competitors. "e -ill maintain !onesty and re uest input. "e -ill allo- customers to ta#e mont!ly surveys in exc!ange $or discounts on doug!nuts and pastries. &!is -ill give insig!ts into -!at customers desire and create customer loyalty

b. /uality vs. /uantity %mericans on t!e go tend to compromise -it! respect to uality unless it !as to do -it! t!eir Starbuc#s co$$ee1 gourmet bagel or pastry. 0ot and $res! sells. &!ere$ore uality is everyt!ing. +a#ing sta$$ are trained regarding uality preparation1 $ood service1 storage and !olding e uipment -it! a vie- o$ producing a superiorly prepared $res! product consumers -ill come bac# $or time and again.

c. 0o- "e "ill Sell "ord o$ mout! advertising via uality output !as proved our strongest selling point. %dvertising in local papers and glossy local maga4ines. 'ccasional community donations and product gi$ts to active community $igures. "e -ill ta#e t!e product to t!e consumers and let t!em sample t!e product to !elp create brand a-areness. "e -ill establis! !ig! visibility by means o$ location along -it! dra-ing local public support via samples1 mailed coupons and menu distribution.

d. %bility to Penetrate Mar#et 'ur B6 years experience in ba#ed goods preparation and uic# delivery along -it! a $ine reputation $or !ig! uality products -ill ans-er t!e demand $or a $ast1 $res!1 tasty menu o$ uality co$$ee and pastry products. 'ur ability to deliver solutions to meet special and uni ue ca#e design re uests enables us to penetrate ne- mar#et segments -!ile !olding nic!e positions.

&!e Ca$e Delut!e F )ourmet +a#ery -ill ta#e t!e ba#ery ca$e to t!e customerG +y using t!e community support program &DP is instituting1 arrangements -ill be made to visit a !ig! sc!ool1 college campus1 or a corporate campus once or t-ice a mont! HEven visit t!ese $acilities $or special games1 tournaments1 recruiting events1 or corporate open !ousesI. %nd1 $or every cup or ba#ed good sold1 a portion is returned to t!e !ig! sc!ool or college. It becomes a tremendous1 painless -ay $or t!e institution to gain a $inancial re-ard -!ile providing a pleasant and $ul$illing bene$it to t!eir students or employees.

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

*II. Management Development

a. Pivotal Employees %c uiring competent productive and $or-ard loo#ing employees is essential to customer satis$action and t!e gro-t! and expansion o$ t!e company. &o t!at end -e provide extensive training as -ell as gro-t! incentives -it! a vie- to grooming eac! employee to discover and reac! !is or !er true potential.

b. Consultants1 %dvisors and Contractors Consultants Financial Mar#eting .et-or#1 Inc.

%dvisors "ilton Met!od o$ Ca#e Decorating Ric!Js 2Culinary and +a#ery &raining Programs

Contractors ,ogan Contractors ,,C Ko!nsons "all Units &!e Constable Finis!ing Co. 'lsen Decor

c. Internal Management Structure

President2 D. ,oyde )ibbs Sales and Mar#eting Manager 2 M. %s#e%ssistant 2 +. Kames %dministrator 2 ,inda Matt!ias

%ssistant %dministrator 2 Mary 0olly '$$ice Manager 2 ,eda 0ollings %ssistant 2 Kules 0ermin

The Cafe Deluthe & Gourmet Bakery

*III. +usiness Development

a. ,ong2&erm )oals1 S!ort2&erm )oals 'ur long term goal is to open $ranc!ising to t!e general public particularly experienced ba#ers -!o !ave ta#en our ca#e ba#ing classes and business o$ ba#ing courses -it! a

vie- to expanding our product1 employment ac uisition and small business development services across t!e east coast. In t!e s!ort term -e -ill expand or client base in t!e +altimore metropolitan area.

b. 'b3ectives $or %c!ieving )oals

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