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Nous allons faire un piquenique

J a ck y e t J e a n-Lou A ide z-N ous !

Ma rti n e : Ma d el e in e : !a c"# e t !e a n -$o u :

Oh , re ga rd e z. C e ' st fo rmi d ab l e ! On va p iq u e -ni q u e r i ci Ou i , d ' a cco rd .

Ma rti n e : !a c"#: !e a n -$o u :

%u p ren d s le sa c, !e a n -$o u &tte n ti on ! 'u t! $' e a u min ( ra le .

Ma rti n e : Ma d el e in e :

Mo i , ) e va i s p r( p a re r le s sa n d *i ch s. +t mo i , )e va i s p r(p a re r l e ca f( .

Ma d el e in e : Ma rti n e :

Ma i s.... re g a rd e , Ma rtin e ! &h , o ui . , a al o rs!


The student knocks on the door. It is opened by the father.

1. The student says hello and introduces hi self!herself as the friend of their son Jean"rancois.

#. The father $reets hi

!her% in&ites hi

!her inside

and introduces his 'ife and his dau$hter (lisabeth.

). The student says s!he is deli$hted to

eet the

*.The hi

other in&ites the student to sit do'n and offers

!her a drink.

+. ,!he thanks and accepts.

-on ) ou r Mad a me - -o n )o u r Mon si eu r +n ch a n t( d e co nn a .tre -i e n ven u e ! Co mme n t /a va - -i e n , me rci e t to i 0o * a re #o u -1i n e th a n "s a nd #ou 2a s tro p mal ! - 3 o t too ba d On fa i t al le r - 4e tti n g b # !e vie n s - 5' m co min g +n tre z! - Co me i n &p r( s toi ! - &fte r #o u &sse #e z-vo u s d on c! - 6 o si t do * n Me rci be a u co u p p ou r ta b oi re Ou i , b ie n s7 r - 8e s o f co u rse !e pe u 9 vo u s o ffri r : bo i re ;ou s ave z so i f &ve c pl a i si r <an t= ! - C h ee rs! &mu se -to i b i en ! - 0 a ve fu n !

65&$O4>+ ?


5ascale 6 a youn$ student7 and the baker8s 'ife 6about +9 years old7 kno' each other quire 'ell.

1. 5ascale $reets the baker8s 'ife.

#. The baker8s 'ife $reets 5ascale and asks her 'hat she 'ants.

). 5ascale says that she 'ants t'o 'ell-baked ba$uettes and four s friends 'ho are co all fruit tarts. ,he has three in$ to dinner.

-o n) o u r Ma d a me - -on ) o u r Mo n si e u r -i en ve n ue ! C o mme n t /a va - -i en , me rci e t to i 2a s tro p ma l ! - 3o t to o b ad Ou i , bi e n s7 r - 8e s o f cou rse !e p e u 9 vou s o ffri r : ta rte s au 9 p o mme s@ab ri co ts +l le s so n t d( l i ci e u se s &ve c p l ai si r Mo i , ) e p r( fe r= le s ta rte s a u 9 .... &l o rs, d o nn e z-mo i de u 9 ta rte s a u 9 a b ri co ts e t .. +t a ve c /a C e se ra to u t 6 on n e l e b on ) ou r de ma pa rt A ta m= re . 6 ' a cco rd

*.The baker8s 'ife $i&es her the t'o ba$uettes and asks her 'hat sort of tart she 'ants.

+. 5ascale asks her for her ad&ice.

:. The baker8s 'ife reco They are delicious.

ends the apple tarts.

;. 5ascale says that she prefers apricot tarts and asks for t'o apple tarts and t'o apricot tarts.

<. The baker8s 'ife $i&es her the four tarts and asks her if there is anythin$ else she 'ants.

=. 5ascale says that8s all and asks ho' o'es.

uch she

19. The baker8s 'ife says : (uros% thanks her and asks her to $i&e her $reetin$ to her other.

11. 5ascale says she 'ill and says $oodbye.

-./A 0 1 LA2 34

T'o youn$ 'o en! en 6one Australian and one "rench7 are sittin$

ne>t to each other in an aeroplane.

1. The "rench person attracts the attention of the Australian and asks if she speaks "rench.

#. The Australian replies that he!she speaks a little.

).The "rench person asks if she kno's 'hat ti ?elbourne.

e the plane arri&es at

*. The Australian says that he!she is not &ery sure but thinks that they8ll arri&e at about +.)9 p .

+. The Australian is asked if he!she li&es in ?elbourne.

:. The Australian says that he!she li&es in 0allarat and introduces hi !herself.

-on ) ou r Mad a me -on ) ou r Mon si eu r +n ch a n t( - 2 l ea se d to me e t #o u 2a rl e z-vou s fra n ca i s 2a s be a u cou p Bmal h eu re u se me n tC +st-ce q ue vou s sa ve z A qu e ll e he u re l 'a vi o n a rri ve ;ou s D te s tr= s ge n ti ll e !e ne su i s p a tr= s s7 re Mai s )e cro i s q u' o n a rri ve +st-ce q ue vou s ha b i te z A Mel b ou rn e 3o n , )' h ab i te A !e me p r( se n te , +n ch a n t( Be C !e m' ap p el l e

;. The "rench person says that he!she8s pleased to introduces hi !herself.

eet her and


A student% /atherine% has seen an ad&ertise ent for a

&llo! !e suis (tudiante (trang=re !'ai vu l'annonce pour la chambre A louer +st-ce que la chambre est tou)ours libre mais quelqu'un vient la voir +st-ce qu'il # a d'autres (tudiants qui habitent !e loue deu9 chambres !e n'ai pas d'enfants


to let and phones the o'ner. ?ada

e @iraud.

A mon neveu qui fait des (tudes dans une (cole de


e @iraud ans'ers the phone.


#. /atherine $reets ?ada the roo

e @iraud% says that she8s a ent for is still a&ailable.

>ne bureau ou une table une petit bureau et une chaise +st-ce que )e peu9 pr(parer mes repas dans la cuisine

forei$n student and that she8s seen the ad&ertise to let. ,he asks if the roo

). ?ada a. .

e @iraud says yes but so

eone is co

in$ at 19

utiliser la cuisine seulement pour faire du caf( ou du th( regarder la t(l(vision

*./atherine asks if there are other students that li&e in the apart ent.

!e ne permets pas de t(l(viseur A cause du bruit.

+. ?ada

e @iraud says that she lets t'o roo

s. ,he to her

doesn8t ha&e any children and she lets a roo nephe' 'ho is studyin$ at business school.

:. /atherine asks if there is a desk or a table in the roo

;. ?ada chair.

e @iraud says that there is a s

all desk and a

<. /atherine asks if she can cook her kitchen.

eals in the

=.?ada to

e @iraud says that she can only use the kitchen

ake tea or coffee.

19. /atherine asks if she can 'atch tele&ision.

11. ?ada

e @iraud says she doesn8t allo' a tele&ision in because of the noise but she can 'atch .

/atherine8s roo

T- in the sittin$ roo

dans un train

Meeting in a train Sophie et Claudia sont dans le TGV de Sophie and Bretagne Paris. Une jeune fille blonde Claudia are in entre dans le compartiment. the TGV (high speed train! from Brittan" to Paris. # "oung blonde girl enters the compartment .


Excusez-moi. Est-ce que ce train va Paris ?

Excuse me. Does this

train go to Paris? Sophie $ar" Oui. C'est le TG !"#. $es. %t's TG &!"#. Than2 3ou ver3 much. %'m English an0 % 0on't s)ea2 4rench ver3 5ell/ % 0on't 5ant to ta2e the 5rong train1 O- course8 % un0erstan0... :hat's 3our name? '3 name is 'ar3. ;n0 3ou? %'m <o)hie. ;n0 this is m3 -rien0 Clau0ia/ she's %talian. >ice to meet 3ou1 <ame here1 Do 3ou o-ten come to 4rance? >o8 not ver3 o-ten. ;n0 3ou? Do 3ou o-ten go to 4rance? Oh8 )lease1 $ou can use @tu@ 5ith me8 an0 5ith <o)hie too1 $es8 in -act8 % live 5ith <o)hie in Paris. :here 0o 3ou live?

'erci (eaucou). *e suis anglaise et +e ne )arle )as tr,s (ien -ran.ais / +e ne veux )as )ren0re le mauvais train 1


6ien s7r8 +e com)ren0s9 Comment t'a))elles-tu ?


*e m'a))elle 'ar3. Et vous ?


'oi8 c'est <o)hie. Et voici mon amie Clau0ia / elle est italienne.

$ar" Claudia

Enchant=e 1 'oi aussi 1 Est-ce que tu viens souvent en 4rance ?


>on8 )as tr,s souvent. Et vous ? Est-ce que vous allez souvent en 4rance ?


;h 1 <'il te )la?t 1 Tu )eux me tuto3er8 et <o)hie aussi 1 Oui8 en -ait8 +'ha(ite avec <o)hie Paris.


OA est-ce que vous ha(itez ?


>ous ha(itons rue 0u (ois 0e 6oulogne8 cBt= 0e l'Cniversit=.

:e live on rue 0u (ois 0e 6oulogne8 next to the universit3. Oh8 great1 'e too8 %'m going to stu03 in Paris. %t's a s)ecial )rogramD %'ll s)en0 six months in 4rance8 an0 six months in Englan0. ;n0 5hat are 3ou stu03ing? %'m learning 4rench1 % 5ant to (e a teacher. ;n0 5here are 3ou going to stu03? ;t Dau)hine Cniversit3.


;h8 -ormi0a(le 1 'oi aussi +e vais =tu0ier Paris. C'est un )rogramme s)=cial D +e )asse six mois en 4rance8 et six mois en ;ngleterre9

Claudia $ar"

Et qu'est-ce que tu =tu0ies ? *'a))ren0s le -ran.ais 1 *e veux Etre )ro-esseur.


Et oA est-ce que tu vas =tu0ier ?

$ar" Sophie

; l'Cniversit= Dau)hine.

C'est incro3a(le 1 >ous aussi 1 Tu es en That's )remi,re ann=e ? incre0i(le1 Cs too1 $ou're a -irst 3ear stu0ent? Oui8 vous aussi ? Oui 1 >ous allons Etre 0ans la mEme Cniversit= 1 Fuelle coGnci0ence 1 $es8 3ou too? $es1 :e're going to (e at the same universit31 :hat a coinci0ence1

$ar" Sophie

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