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Using GP Macros to Import Data

October 24th, 2008 | Author: Mike Feori

1. Determine what information is needed to complete the record in Great Plains. Create an Excel spreadsheet of that information. i.e. Vendors that you want to inactivate. Your spreadsheet would be vendors #s that you want to inactivate. 2. Open the window in Great Plains you want to update. (Vendor Maintenance) 3. You need to record the macro you want to run. Tools->Macro -> Record. It will prompt you to name/save the macro (vendor.mac) Proceed with entering a samples transaction (Put in the vendor #, inactivate the vendor and save) Go to Tools->Macro->Stop 4. Open your macro file using Microsoft Word. It will open the document and look similar to the attached file named bom.mac. 5. Select Tools -> MailMerge function within Word and follow the wizard. a. .Main Document select Create ->Form Letters -> Active Window b. Get Data Go Open Data and select your file you created in step 1. remember that it is an Excel file. You will get a message that no fields match Select Edit Main Document c. Your original .mac file will be highlighted in red. Select the fields within the single quotes i.e. Vendor and choose the field you want to populate the data with under Insert Merge Field button. d. After all the fields are populated Select Merge e. Merge to new document and select enter f. Save your file as .txt and name it filename.mac (it needs to have the .mac extension) see example attached. 6. Open up window in Great Plains you want to update (vendor Maintenance) Put the cursor on the field that you started recording your macro on and Select Tools->Macro->Run Select the file you created in step 5f and go. 7. The macro will run automatically until finished. You cant use the computer until it finishes or it will error out. If the macro errors out it will stop on the record you will need to delete the rows prior to the error in order to continue.

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Tags: Excel, Import, Macro

5 Responses to Using GP Macros to Import Data

Bob Callanan: October 29, 2009 at 7:46 am

I've used this many times when Integration Manager wasn't available or wasn't an option. Too bad there no "echo off" ability to speed up the process

Tweets that mention Using GP Macros to Import Data -- February 4, 2011 at 2:02 pm

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by RoseBusinessSolution, JR. JR said: RT @RoseBusinessSol: Using GP Macros to Import Data: [...]

Dynamics GP Import with Macros: December 28, 2011 at 3:29 pm

[...] Mike wrote this great blog article awhile ago: [...]

Dynamics GP Import with Macros - Rose Business Solutions Dynamics GP - GP Technical Blogs - Microsoft Dynamics Community: December 28, 2011 at 3:46 pm

[...] Comments 0 Mike wrote this great blog article awhile ago: [...]

Rommy: July 3, 2012 at 10:01 am

Assembly Entries with Macros I have to use the assembly window in order to registir some items in inventory module, and I want to use a macro to do this task in an automatic way, the problem is that according with the operation of my company sometimes there is not enough raw material quantities in stock to do it, in that case we omit the inventory shortage, but we cannot identify when the window with the alert about the message of shortage will be open o not, there is any way to program this event and the way the macro should process this event to continue charging the information? Thank you by your response

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