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CIR wont pass- Rubio doesnt trust Obama. Multiple warrants.

Elliot 1/29
!P lac" of tr#st in !$ama dooms o%erha#l, &#$io sa's.( San Jose Mercury News. http:))***.merc#r'ne*,01-.0/)immigration0reform0gop0lac"0tr#st0o$ama0dooms0o%erha#l.1 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Marco Rubio a ma!or pla"er on immi#ration polic" said $ednesda" t%at

[Philip Elliott, Associated Press. 29 Jan 2014. Immigration reform:

t%ere was no c%ance now o& passin# a broad o'er%aul because Republicans %a'e lost trust in (resident )arac* Obama. +%e &irst-term ,lorida lawma*er a potential $%ite -ouse contender in 2.1/ cited 0O( concerns about w%et%er t%e president could be trusted to en&orce tou#% securit" re1uirements in t%e Senate2s bipartisan immi#ration bill t%at Rubio %elped write. 3 Rubio said t%e Obama administration %as lost credibilit" as a result o& %ow it %andled t%e 2.12 attac* a#ainst a 4.S. outpost in 5ib"a and accusations t%at t%e Internal Re'enue Ser'ice tar#eted conser'ati'e #roups. 3 Rubio said doubts about Obama and %is team colored %is con'ersations wit% lawma*ers %e %ad %oped to persuade to bac* t%e immi#ration o'er%aul now stalled in t%e -ouse. "The central impediment to makin pro re!! on thi! i!!"e #a! people #o"ld !a$ to me% &We
"nder!tand that $o" p"t all thi! !ec"rit$ !t"'' in the (ill% ("t #e don&t think it matter! and #e )"!t don&t think o*ernment #ill en'orce the la# an$#a$%&" +"(io told reporter! at a (reak'a!t or ani,ed ($ The Wall Street -o"rnal. "&/o" can #rite #hate*er $o" #ant in that (ill. 0"t the 'ederal o*ernment #ill not en'orce the la#.& A! a re!"lt% the$ #ill )"!t do the le ali,ation part ("t the$ #on&t do the en'orcement part."

Rubio said Republicans told %im t%e" &eared a repeat o& (resident Ronald Rea#an2s immi#ration o'er%aul t%at #a'e about 6 million immi#rants le#al immi#ration status wit%out &ollowin# t%rou#% wit% correspondin# securit" impro'ements. +"(io !aid other la#maker! (ro" ht "p
contro*er!ie! that ha*e do ed the admini!tration and (een 'a*orite line! o' critici!m amon con!er*ati*e!. The$ incl"de! the rock$ rollo"t o' the ne# health la# and the di!clo!"re! a(o"t !"r*eillance pro ram! cond"cted ($ the National Sec"rit$ A enc$. "The$ pointed to the I+S !candal and the 0en ha,i !t"'' and then the NSA re*elation! and then the &O(amacare& deci!ion! ($ thi! admini!tration a! e*idence o' ho# the o*ernment and thi! admini!tration "nilaterall$ decide! #hich portion! o' the la# to en'orce and #hich one! not to en'orce. And that '"rther "ndermine!%" +"(io !aid. 1on!er*ati*e! ha*e !aid O(ama "!ed the I+S to o a'ter political enemie!& ta2-e2empt !tat"!e!. I+S #orker! in a 1incinnati o''ice !in led o"t con!er*ati*e political ro"p!% !"ch a! tea part$ a''iliate!% in the !prin o' 3454 and contin"ed to do !o "ntil 3453. I+S !"per*i!or! in Wa!hin ton o*er!a# the tar etin ("t there ha! (een no e*idence relea!ed !o 'ar that an$one o"t!ide the I+S kne# a(o"t the tar etin or directed it. 7s &or )en#%a8i &our 7mericans includin# 4.S. 7mbassador

C%ris Ste'ens were *illed durin# t%e attac* on t%e 4.S. diplomatic mission on Sept. 11 2.12.
The circ"m!tance! o' the attack and the admini!tration&! re!pon!e remain a politicall$ char ed !"()ect ahead o' the 3456 election!% a! #ell a! the 3457 pre!idential election. Hillar$ +odham 1linton% #ho #a! !ecretar$ o' !tate at the time o' the attack% i! a po!!i(le 8emocratic pre!idential contender in 3457. +%e administration also %as &aced scrutin" &rom members o& bot%

parties o'er 9S7 sp" pro#rams disclosed w%en &ormer a#enc" contractor Edward Snowden lea*ed a tro'e o& documents in :une. 3 ,inall" t%e administration %as #i'en reprie'es to parts o& %is national %ealt% care law w%ic% is sometimes called ;Obamacare.; That ha! led to acc"!ation! the admini!tration i! #illin to i nore the la# to c"rr$ 'a*or #ith allie!. +a*en to#et%er t%ese issues %a'e sown doubt amon# lawma*ers t%at Obama could be trusted to en&orce strict immi#ration pro'isions in t%e Senate-passed le#islation Rubio said. Ho"!e +ep"(lican! are meetin thi! #eek to con!ider their ne2t !tep! on
immi ration. 9an$ are p"!hin a piecemeal approach% #ith !trict !ec"rit$ pro*i!ion! 'ir!t and a potential path to le al !tandin to 'ollo# later 'or tho!e immi rant! in the co"ntr$ ille all$. "The oal no# i! to reach a re!"lt%" +"(io !aid. "And reachin a re!"lt re:"ire! "! to (e reali!tic."

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