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Nea October 24, 2011 Leave a Comment

I. Choose the correct verb in each of the following sentences below. 1. Each of us (needs, need) more application and concentration. 2. Everyone of them (is, are) to blame for the accident. 3. The audience in todays conference (is, are) big. 4. Here (comes, come) some tardy students. 5. A big number of books (does, do) not always make a library. 6. Not one of their friends (has, have) come to their rescue. 7. My scissors (is, are) not sharp. 8. Her mother, together with her two brothers, (is, are) arriving today from Davao. 9. Rice and fish (constitute, constitutes) a typical Filipino farmer meal. 10. Sixteen and a half feet (makes, make) a red. 11. Three feet (is, are) equal to one yard. 12. Here and there a man like the astronauts and the scientists (dares, dare) to venture to the unknown. 13. Occasionally a group of children and teenagers, (disturbs, disturb) our fiesta. 14. The class decided to see how one of these present-day cars (is, are) assembled. 15. Memory of summer escapades and summer friends soon (fades, fade) in the first exciting days of college freshman year. 16. A series of project (was, were) planned by the students. 17. Mother is one of those women who (doesnt, dont) support Womens Library. 18. He who (perseveres, persevere) will succeed. 19. To these four questions (was, were) added a fifth. 20. Majority of the people (is, are) happy about the situation. 21. A series of experiments (was, were) conducted. 22. Ten pounds of flour (is, are) sufficient. 23. Ten bags of flour (is, are) in the garage.

24. Five percent of the proceeds (was, were) forfeited. 25. Fifteen (is, are) one-fifth of seventy-five. 26. Brains, not brawn, (counts, count) more. 27. Not brawn, but brains, (counts, count) more. 28. The wear and tear of life (was, were) too much for her. 29. There (was, were) a man, a woman, and a child in the room waiting to be served. 30. Neither of the boys (was, were) responsible for what happened. 31. One of the prisoners who (is, are) required needs to be scrutinized. 32. The ethics of dining (is, are) a neglected art. 33. What (is, are) the vital statistics of each candidate. 34. Aunt Nena (look, looks) at these old photographs. 35. I (remembers, remember) that visit now! 36. Lily (puts, put) her hand in the bee hive. 37. You (cut, cuts) your foot on a piece of broken glass. 38. Ben (falls, fell) from the mango tree yesterday. 39. Uncle Martin (took, takes) your pictures last summer. 40. Delia and I (are, were) absent from the meeting yesterday. 41. Some of the votes (seem, seems) to have been miscounted. 42. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring (is, are) more than just a nuisance. 43. There (have, has) to be some people left in that town after yesterdays flood. 44. A high percentage of the population (is, are) voting for the new school. 45. Some of the grain (appears, appear) to be contaminated. 46. A high percentage of the people (was, were) voting for the new school. 47. He seems to forget that there (is, are) things to be done before he can graduate. 48. Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator (is, are) going to have to make a decision. 49. (Is, Are) my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance? 50. Kobe Bryant, together with his teammates, (presents, present) a formidable opponent on the basketball court.

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