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SULIT 2 4541/1



1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.

2. Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet.
Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan.

4. Blacken only one space for each question.

Hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap soalan.

5. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made.
Then blacken the space for the new answer.
Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

7. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 3 4541/1

1 Which of the following substances exists as atoms?

Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah wujud sebagai atom?

A Carbon
B Oxygen
C Water
D Chlorine

2 Which of the following acids is a weak acid?

Antara asid berikut, yang manakah merupakan asid lemah?

A Hydrochloric acid
B Ethanoic acid
C Sulphuric acid
D Nitric acid

3 Which of the following represents the electron arrangement of a noble gas?

Antara berikut, yang manakah mewakili susunan elektron gas adi?

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4 4541/1

4 Which of the following is a property of iodine?

Antara berikut, yang manakah sifat iodin?

A Becomes purple gas when heated

Menjadi gas ungu apabila dipanaskan
B More electronegative than bromine
Lebih elektronegatif daripada bromin
C Exists as yellow liquid at room conditions
Wujud sebagai cecair kuning pada keadaan bilik
D Dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution
Larut dalam air membentuk larutan beralkali

5 Which of the following is a property of covalent compound?

Antara berikut, yang manakah sifat sebatian kovalen?

A Conducts electricity in liquid state

Mengkonduksi elektrik dalam keadaan cecair
B Dissolves in organic solvents
Larut dalam pelarut organik
C Requires a great amount of heat to break the attractive forces between
Memerlukan haba yang banyak untuk memutuskan daya tarikan antara
D Solid covalent compounds consist of particles which are scattered randomly
Sebatian kovalen pepejal mengandungi zarah-zarah yang bertabur secara

6 What happens to a chlorine atom when sodium combines with chlorine?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada atom klorin apabila natrium berpadu dengan klorin?

A Accepts an electron
Menerima satu elektron
B Releases an electron
Membebas satu elektron
C Accepts two electrons
Menerima dua elektron
D Shares a pair of electrons
Berkongsi sepasang elektron

7 Which of the folllowing is an electrolyte?

Antara berikut, yang manakah elektrolit?

A Glucose
B Copper
C Naphthalene
D Sodium chloride

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 5 4541/1

8 Diagram 1 shows the set-up of apparatus of a chemical cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi sel kimia.

Diagram 1
Which of the following substances is most likely to be Y?
Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah mungkin Y?

A Iron
B Magnesium
C Silver
D Copper

9 Diagram 2 shows the set-up of apparatus used to investigate diffusion in a solid.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menyiasat resapan dalam pepejal.

Diagram 2

After a few days, the colourless solid gel turned blue.

What can we deduce from the above investigation?
Selepas beberapa hari, pepejal gel tanpa warna bertukar ke biru.
Apakah yang dapat disimpulkan daripada penyiasatan di atas?

A Copper(II) sulphate dissolves in the gel

Kuprum(II) sulfat larut dalam gel
B Copper(II) sulphate is less dense than the gel
Kuprum(II) sulfat kurang tumpat daripada gel
C Copper(II) sulphate reacts with the gel to produce blue colour
Kuprum(II) sulfat bertindak balas dengan gel menghasilkan warna biru
D Copper(II) sulphate particles diffuse through spaces between the gel
Zarah-zarah kuprum(II) sulfat meresap melalui ruang di antara zarah-
zarah gel

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 6 4541/1

10 Which of the following statements is true about an acid?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang asid?

A Turns red litmus blue

B Has a pH of more than 7
C Reacts with metal oxide to produce salt and water
D 1 mole of acid produces 1 mole of hydrogen ions when dissolves in water

11 The following equation shows a reaction to produce hydrogen gas.

Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen.

2HCl + Mg → MgCl2 + H2

Which of the following statements will increase the rate of production of hydrogen
gas ?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah akan meningkatkan kadar penghasilan
gas hidrogen?

A Increase the time of reaction

Memanjangkan masa tindak balas
B Increase the volume of acid
Menambahkan isipadu asid
C Increase the size of granulated magnesium
Menambahkan saiz butir magnesium
D Increase the temperature of the mixture
Meningkatkan suhu campuran

12 What is the function of vanadium(V) oxide in the manufacturing of sulphuric acid?

Apakah fungsi vanadium(V) oksida dalam pembuatan asid sulfurik?

A To speed up the formation of oleum

Mempercepatkan penghasilan oleum
B To increase the yield of sulphur trioxide
Menambahkan hasil sulfur trioksida
C To increase the rate of production of sulphur trioxide
Meningkatkan kadar penghasilan sulfur trioksida
D To increase the rate of burning of sulphur in air
Meningkatkan kadar pembakaran sulfur dalam udara

13 Which of the following is a synthetic polymer ?

Antara berikut, yang manakah polimer sintetik?

A Polypropene
B Polysaccharide
C Polyisoprene
D Silk

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 7 4541/1

14 Which of the following salt can be prepared by double decomposition reaction?

Antara garam berikut, yang manakah boleh disediakan melalui tindak balas
penguraian ganda dua?

A Sodium nitrate
B Potassium carbonate
C Calcium sulphate
D Magnesium chloride

15 Figure 3 shows the structural formula of a carbon compound.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan formula struktur satu sebatian karbon.

| | || | Figure 3
H − C − C − C − O −C − H
| | |

Based on the figure above, what is the general formula of the compound?
Berdasarkan rajah di atas, apakah formula am bagi sebatian tersebut?

C CH2n+1 COO CmH2m+1
D CnH2n+1COO CmH2m+1

16 Which of the following pairs of compounds are in the same homologous series?
Manakah antara pasangan sebatian berikut berada dalam siri homolog yang

Compound 1 Compound 2
A C2H4 C3H6
B C2H6 C3H6

17 Which of the following medicines is used to cure illnesses caused by bacteria ?

Antara ubat berikut, yang manakah digunakan untuk menyembuh penyakit
disebabkan bakteria?

A Paracetamol
B Streptomycin
C Antiseptic
D Aspirin

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 8 4541/1

18 The heat of neutralisation between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide is

higher than the heat of neutralisation between ethanoic acid and potassium
hydroxide because
Haba peneutralan antara asid hidroklorik dan kalium hidroksida adalah lebih
tinggi daripada haba peneutralan antara asid etanoik dan kalium hidroksida

A hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid whereas ethanoic acid is an organic acid

asid hidroklorik adalah asid mineral sementara asid etanoik adalah asid
B the reaction between ethanoic acid and potassium hydroxide is incomplete
tindak balas antara asid etanoik dan kalium hidroksida adalah tidak
C hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid have different pH values
asid hidroklorik dan asid etanoik mempunyai nilai pH yang berlainan
D energy is needed to ionise the ethanoic acid
tenaga diperlukan untuk mengion asid etanoik

19 Soap cannot function properly as cleansing agent in water that contains

Sabun tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik sebagai agen pencuci dalam air yang

I potassium ion, K+
II magnesium ion, Mg2+
III calcium ion, Ca2+
IV hydroxide ion, OH –

A I and II only
B II and III only
C I and III only
D III and IV only

20. Aspirin is a medicine for headache, but it can also cause stomachache. Why?
Aspirin ialah ubat untuk sakit kepala, tetapi ia juga boleh mengakibatkan sakit
perut. Mengapa?

A Aspirin contains acid

Aspirin mengandungi acid
B Aspirin contains poisonous substances
Aspirin mengandungi bahan beracun
C Aspirin can react with gastric juice to produce acid
Aspirin akan bertindak balas dengan jus gastrik menghasilkan asid)
D Aspirin can react with food to produce poisonous products
Aspirin akan bertindak balas dengan makanan menghasilkan bahan

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 9 4541/1

21 Diagram 4 shows the heating curve of solid naphthalene.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan kelok pemanasan pepejal naftalena.

Diagram 4

Which of the following statements is true about the particles of naphthalene at

T oC?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai zarah-zarah naftalena
pada T oC?

I The particles can only vibrate and rotate at fixed positions at t1

Zarah-zarah hanya bergetar dan berputar di kedudukan yang tetap pada t1
II Both solid and liquid are present between t1 and t2
Kedua-dua pepejal dan cecair wujud antara t1 dan t2
III The forces of attraction between particles are overcome
Daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah diatasi
IV The particles absorb heat energy
Zarah-zarah menyerap tenaga haba

A I and III only

B II and IV only
C I, II and III only
D I, II, III and IV

22 The symbol of sodium atom is 11 Na
The nucleus of this atom contains
Simbol atom natrium adalah 11 Na
Nukleus atom ini mengandungi

A 11 protons and 12 neutrons

B 11 neutrons and 12 protons
C 11 protons and 12 electrons
D 12 neutrons and 11 electrons

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 10 4541/1

23 Diagram 5 shows an apparatus set-up for a chemical cell prepared by a student.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi sel kimia yang disediakan oleh
seorang pelajar.

Diagram 5
The student wants to modify the chemical cell so that it produces a higher
voltage. What modification should the student make?
Pelajar tersebut ingin mengubahsuai sel kimia itu supaya voltan yang dihasilkan
adalah lebih tinggi. Apakah pengubahsuaian yang perlu dilakukan oleh pelajar

A Use a wider metal plates

Gunakan kepingan logam yang lebih lebar
B Substitute zinc with magnesium
Gantikan zink dengan magnesium
C Reduce the distance between the two metal plates
Kurangkan jarak antara dua kepingan logam
D Use magnesium sulphate solution as the electrolyte
Gunakan larutan magnesium sulfat sebagai elektrolit

24 Figure 6 shows four elements in the Periodic Table of Elements.

Which of the element can form coloured compound?
Rajah 6 menunjukkan empat unsur dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur.
Unsur yang manakah boleh membentuk sebatian berwarna?

Figure 6

25 Which of the following substances is used as catalyst in Haber Process ?

Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah digunakan sebagai mangkin dalam Proses

A Iron
B Nickel
C Platinum
D Vanadium(V) oxide

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 11 4541/1

26 The information below shows three characteristics of a compound P.

Maklumat berikut mununjukkan tiga ciri bagi sebatian P.

• Soluble in water
• High melting and boiling points
• Does not conduct electricity in the solid state

What is P?

A Zinc
B Sulphur
C Silver chloride
D Sodium nitrate

27 Diagram 7 shows the set-up of the apparatus of an electrolytic cell.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu sel elektrolisis.

Diagram 7

Which of the following half-equations represents the reaction that occurred at

electrode P?
Antara persamaan setengah berikut, yang manakah mewakili tindak balas yang
berlaku di elektrod P?

A Na+ + e Na
B 2H+ + 2e H2
C 2Cl Cl2 + 2e
D 4OH- O2 + 2H2O + 4e

28 What is the oxidation number of sulphur in K2S2O 8?

Apakah nombor pengoksidaan sulfur dalam K2S2O 8?

A -2
B 0
C +7
D +8

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 12 4541/1

29 A precipitate is formed when hydrochloric acid is added to solution X. Which of

the following solutions is most probably solution X?
Mendakan terbentuk apabila asid hidroklorik ditambah kepada larutan X.
Antara larutan berikut, yang manakah mungkin larutan X?

A Zinc nitrate
B Silver nitrate
C Calcium nitrate
D Magnesium nitrate

30 Figure 8 shows the electron arrangement of an atom of element X

Gambarajah 8 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom unsur X.

Figure 8

The atom of element X can form a covalent bond with another atom through
Atom unsur X membentuk ikatan kovalen dengan atom lain melalui

A acceptance of two electrons

penerimaan dua elektron
B donation of two electrons
menderma dua elektron
C sharing of two pairs of electrons
perkongsian dua pasang elektron
D elimination of three pairs of electrons
penyingkiran tiga pasang elektron

31 Potassium and sodium are in the same group in the Periodic Table. Which of the
following statements is true about potassium?
Kalium dan natrium adalah dalam kumpulan yang sama dalam Jadual Berkala.
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai kalium?

A Potassium reacts more vigorously with water compared to sodium

Kalium bertindak balas lebih cergas dengan air berbanding natrium
B Potassium has a higher density compared to sodium
Kalium mempunyai ketumpatan yang lebih tinggi berbanding natrium
C The melting point of potassium is higher than that of sodium
Takat lebur kalium lebih tinggi daripada natrium
D Potassium is less electropositive than sodium
Kalium kurang elektropositif berbanding natrium

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 13 4541/1

32 Figure 9 shows an ester produced when an alcohol reacts with a carboxylic acid.
Gambarajah 9 menunjukkan sejenis ester yang terhasil apabila sejenis alkohol
bertindak balas dengan sejenis asid karboksilik.

CH3 − CH2 − C − O − CH2 − CH2 − CH3

Figure 9

Which of the substances are used in the reaction?

Manakah antara sebatian berikut digunakan dalam tindak balas tersebut?

Carboxylic acid Alcohol





33 Iron(III) ion, Fe3+ in solution can be converted into iron(II) ion, Fe2+ by adding
zinc powder.
Which of the following can replace zinc powder in the reaction?
Larutan yang mengandungi ion ferum(III), Fe3+ boleh ditukarkan ke ion
ferum(II), Fe2+ dengan menambahkan serbuk zink.
Antara berikut yang manakah boleh menggantikan serbuk zink di dalam tindak
balas ini?

A Bromine water
B Potassium iodide solution
C Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution
D Acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 14 4541/1
34 Figure 10 shows the graph of total volume of carbon dioxide against time for
the reaction of a metal carbonate with dilute acid for experiment P and experiment
Rajah 10 menunjukkan graf bagi jumlah isipadu karbon dioksida melawan masa
bagi tindak balas karbonat logam dengan asid cair bagi eksperimen P dan
eksperimen Q.

Figure 10

Which of the following explains the differences between both curves from the
Antara berikut, yang manakah menerangkan perbezaan antara dua lengkuk bagi
eksperimen tersebut?

I Temperature of acid in experiment P is higher than in experiment Q

Suhu asid dalam eksperimen P lebih tinggi daripada dalam eksperimen Q
II Catalyst is used in experiment P but not in experiment Q
Mangkin digunakan dalam eksperimen P tetapi tidak dalam eksperimen Q
III Quantities of metal carbonate and acid used in experiment P are more than
that in experiment Q
Kuantiti karbonat logam dan asid dalam eksperimen P melebihi dalam
eksperimen Q
IV Small particle size of metal carbonate is used in experiment P and big
particle size of metal carbonate is used in experiment Q
Saiz zarah karbonat logam yang kecil digunakan dalam eksperimen P dan
saiz zarah karbonat logam yang besar digunakan dalam eksperimen Q

A III and IV only

B I , II and III only
C I, II and IV only
D I, II , III and IV

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 15 4541/1

35 Figure 11 shows the energy level diagram that represents the reaction between A
and B.
Rajah 11 menunjukkan gambar rajah aras tenaga mewakili tindak balas antara A
dan B.

Figure 11

What is the heat of the reaction between A and B?

Apakah haba tindak balas antara A dan B?

A T2
B T2 – T1
C T3 - T1
D T3 – T2

36 Element J and element Q have proton numbers of 11 and 8 respectively. What is

the relative molecular mass of compound formed between J and Q?
Unsur J dan unsur Q masing-masing mempunyai nombor proton 11 dan 8.
Berapakah jisim molekul relatif sebatian yang terbentuk antara J dan Q?
[Relative atomic mass : J = 23 ; Q = 16]

A 39
B 55
C 62
D 78

37 1.72 g of an oxide of metal X contains 0.8 g oxygen. What is the empirical

formula of the oxide?
1.72 g oksida logam X mengandungi 0.8 g oksigen. Apakah formula empirik
bagi oksida itu?
[Relative atomic mass : X = 46 ; O = 16]

C X2O3
D X2O5

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 16 4541/1

38 2.10 g of element Q combined with 0.80 g of element R to produce a compound

with formula Q3R4. What is the relative atomic mass of element Q?
2.10 g unsur Q berpadu dengan 0.80 g unsur R untuk menghasilkan sebatian
dengan formula Q3R4. Berapakah jisim atom relatif unsur Q?
[Relative atomic mass : R = 16]

A 14
B 42
C 56
D 58

39 What is the relative molecular mass of ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4?

Apakah jisim molekul relatif bagi ammonium sulfat, (NH4)2SO4?
[Relative atomic mass: H = 1, N = 14, O = 16, S = 32]

A 114
B 116
C 118
D 132

40 A beaker contains 100 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution.
Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in the beaker.
Sebuah bikar mengandungi 100 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 0.5 mol dm-3.
Hitung bilangan mol bagi natrium hidroksida dalam bikar.

A 0.05
B 0.50
C 5.00
D 50.0

41 The following equation represents the reaction between hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide.
Berikut ialah persamaan yang mewakili tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dan
natrium hidroksida.
NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
What is the mass of sodium chloride formed when 100 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3
hydrochloric acid reacts with excess sodium hydroxide solution?
Apakah jisim natrium klorida yang terbentuk apabila 100 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.5
mol dm-3 bertindak balas dengan larutan natrium hidroksida berlebihan?
[Relative atomic mass: Na = 23, Cl = 35.5]

A 50.0 g
B 5.85 g
C 2.93 g
D 3.55 g

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 17 4541/1

42 Which of the following shows the wrong combination of properties for alloy and
its pure metal?
Antara berikut manakah menunjukkan padanan tentang sifat aloi dan logam
tulennya yang salah?

Alloy Pure metal

A hard harder
B stronger strong
C ductile less ductile
D resistance to corrosion less resistance to corrosion

43 Figure 12 shows the graph of total volume of oxygen gas released against time for
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan graf bagi jumlah isipadu gas oksigen yang terbebas
melawan masa untuk penguraian hidrogen peroksida.

Figure 12

Which of the following is the inference from the graph?

Manakah yang berikut adalah inferens daripada graf ?

I Rate of gas released at t2 is zero

Kadar pembebasan gas pada t2 adalah sifar
II The average rate of gas released in duration t1 is V/t1 cm3 min-1
Purata kadar pembebasan gas dalam tempoh t1 ialah V/t1 cm3 min-1
III Rate of gas released at the initial reaction is highest
Kadar pembebasan gas pada permulaan tindak balas adalah paling tinggi
IV Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide decreases with time
Penguraian hidrogen peroksida berkurangan dengan masa.

A I , II and III only

B I, III and IV only
C II, III and IV only
D I,II ,III and IV

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 18 4541/1

44 Graph 1 in Figure 13 is obtained from the reaction between 5 g of large marble

chips and 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid.
Graf I dalam Rajah 13 dihasilkan daripada tindak balas antara 5 g ketulan
marmar dan 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik.

Figure 13

Which of the following reaction will produce graph 2?

Manakah antara tindak balas berikut akan menghasilkan graf 2?

A 5 g large marble chips added to 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
5 g ketulan marmar ditambah kepada 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik
B 5 g crushed marble chips added to 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
5 g serbuk marmar ditambah kepada 100 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik
C 5 g large marble chips added to 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
5 g ketulan marmar ditambah kepada 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik
D 5 g crushed marble chips added to 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
5 g serbuk marmar ditambah kepada 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik

45 Compound P undergoes combustion in excess of oxygen to produce carbon

dioxide and water. The equation for the reaction is as follows:
Sebatian P mengalami pembakaran dalam oksigen berlebihan untuk
menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan air. Persamaan tindakbalas adalah seperti

P + 3O2 2CO2 + 3H2O

What is compound P?
Apakah sebatian P?

A C2H4
B C2H6

4541/1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 19 4541/1

46 W is located between magnesium and iron in the reactivity series of metals.

Which oxide cannot be reduced by W?
W terletak di antara magnesium dan besi dalam siri kereaktifan logam.
Oksida manakah tidak boleh diturunkan oleh W ?

A Calcium oxide
B Silver oxide
C Tin(II) oxide
D Copper(II) oxide

47 Which of the following modern medicines is correctly matched?

Antara ubat moden berikut, yang mana satu dipadankan dengan betul?

Type of modern medicine Example

I. Hormone insulin
II. Antibiotic paracetamol
III. Analgesic codeine
IV Psychoterapeutic medicine streptomycin

A I and III only

B III and IV only
C I, II and III only
D IV only

48 Figure 14 shows the energy level diagram for a reaction between zinc and
copper(II) sulphate solution.
Rajah 14 menunjukkan gambar rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas antara zink
dan larutan kuprum(II) sulfat.

Figure 14

Calculate the temperature change when excess zinc is added to 100 cm3 of
0.1 mol dm–3 copper(II) sulphate solution .
Kira perubahan suhu apabila zink berlebihan ditambah kepada 100 cm3 larutan
kuprum(II) sulfat 0.1mol dm –3.
[Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 oC-1]

A 2oC
B 4oC
C 6oC
D 8oC

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SULIT 20 4541/1
49 The following is a thermochemical equation.
Berikut ialah suatu persamaan termokimia.
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O ∆H = -57 kJ/mol
Calculate the quantity of heat energy released when 200 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3
hydrochloric acid is added to 300 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution.
Hitung kuantiti haba yang dibebaskan apabila 200 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 asid
hidroklorik ditambah kepada 300 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 larutan natrium hidroksida.

A 5.70 kJ
B 11.4 kJ
C 17.1 kJ
D 22.8 kJ

50 Figure 15 shows the results of an experiment to investigate the effect of other

metals on the rusting of iron.
Gambarajah 15 menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan
logam lain ke atas pengaratan besi.

Test tube Procedure Result after 3 days

Iron nail did not rust

P Iron nail in
contact with coil
of metal X

Q Iron nail rusted

Iron nail in
contact with coil
of metal Y

Figure 15

Based on the above result, arrange iron, X and Y in order of increasing

Berdasarkan keputusan di atas, susun besi, X dan Y mengikut turutan menaik

A X, iron, Y
B Y, iron, X
C Iron, X, Y
D Iron, Y, X


4541/1 [Lihat sebelah


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