You are on page 1of 31

IeasiliIily Sludy

Selup ManuaI

IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny

}anuaiy 2O14

The IOCUS Cioup, Inc.
521 A1A each Ivd
Sl. Augusline, IL 32O8O
8OO.324.9117 office
8OO.324.8816 fax

The IOCUS Cioup, Inc. 2O14

}anuaiy 1O, 2O14

Dan NicoIa
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny
15OO SL 96lh Avenue
IoilIand OR 97216

Deai Dan,

Thank you foi pailneiing vilh The IOCUS Cioup lo conducl lhe feasiliIily sludy foi IoilIand
Advenlisl Acadenys capilaI canpaign.

This !"#$%&%'%() +(,-) +"(,. /#0,#' viII seive as a guide foi lhe feasiliIily sludy associale
and lhe slaff lo piepaie foi lhe sludy.

The feasiliIily sludy iepoil viII incIude specific ieconnendalions foi noving foivaid lo pIan
and conducl youi capilaI canpaign. Oui pIedge lo you is lhal oui ieseaich and
ieconnendalions viII le al lhe highesl piofessionaI IeveI avaiIalIe in fund iaising loday.
WhiIe lhe sliiclesl IeveI of confidence viII le nainlained vilh lhe inleivievees, you viII ieceive
specific docunenlalion lhal seives as lhe lasis foi oui anaIysis and ieconnendalions.

I vanl lo assuie you and lhe Ieadeiship al IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny, lhal as ve neel vilh
najoi donois and olheis in youi consliluency, ve aie keenIy avaie lhal ve iepiesenl you. We
viII do eveiylhing ve can lo encouiage lhe iespondenls inleiesl in and suppoil foi youi

Iion line lo line ve viII give you peiiodic iepoils on hov lhe sludy is pioceeding. Hovevei,
if you have queslions oi need any addilionaI infoinalion al any line, pIease do nol hesilale lo
conlacl ne.

SinceieIy youis,

Andy Seais

12345 6! 7681581+


CIossaiy of Teins

CiilicaI HighIighls Oveiviev

CuideIines foi ScheduIing Inleivievs




CuideIines foi SeIecling Respondenls foi Inleivievs


CuideIines foi Leadeiship Tean Making IniliaI Conlacl


IeasiliIily Sludy TinelalIe


SanpIe Docunenls

Inleiviev ScheduIe
Inleiviev Iacl Sheel
SanpIe Lelleis

InslilulionaI Dala Insliuclions



IeasiliIily Sludy Associale (ISA) }ol desciiplion 28-29


;46++2<= 6! 15</+

IAA IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny


Leadeiship Tean Dan NicoIa
Ty }ohnson
Monle ToikeIson

ISA IeasiliIily Sludy Associale

CA ConsuIlanl Associale

TIC ConsuIlanls Andy Seais
(n) 5O3.998.3424

Ane See
(n) 4O7.492.O215

Iiioiily designalions:

Iiioiily 1 Mosl highIy piefeiied
Iiioiily 2 Nexl IeveI of piefeience
Iiioiily 3 Candidales foi a focus gioup
Iiioiily 4 Leadeiship Tean

Specific docunenls aie idenlified in !"#$!%& lhioughoul lhese naleiiaIs


7<>1>724 ?>;?4>;?1+ 6@5<@>5A
(delaiIs foIIov)

ConpIele Case Slalenenl and Reseaich. Using
Reseaich iesuIls, conpIele lhe Iisl of fifly
piioiilized iespondenls.

Leadeiship Tean caIIs piioiily 1
piospeclive iespondenls lo peisonaIIy
invile lheii pailicipalion. Then,
invilalion Ielleis aie senl.
ISA caIIs iespondenls
aflei invilalion caIIs aie
nade lo scheduIe an
ISA sends inleiviev confiinalion Iellei and
case slalenenl diafl al Ieasl one veek in
advance of inleiviev.

ISA sends conpIeled Inleiviev Iacl
Sheel foi each iespondenl lo lhe CA one
veek in advance of inleiviev.
ISA updales any
changes lo lhe '(")*+!),
.%/)01$) in CoogIe docs
& nolifies CA via enaiI
ly lhe end of lhe day of
lhe change.

!6< +7?5CB4>8; >815<@>5A+


;B>C54>85+ !6< +7?5CB4>8; >815<@>5A+
1. DeveIop an inleiviev slialegy lased on geogiaphic Iocalion and piioiily. To
naxinize lhe inleivieveis line and save liaveI cosls, il is inpeialive lo deleinine
and adheie lo an oveiaII geogiaphic slialegy.
2. Iiioiilize iespondenls vilh lhe Leadeiship Tean lo deleinine vho lo caII fiisl.
3. Ollain consuIlanls avaiIalIe days lo conducl inleivievs fion lhe CA.
4. Offei consuIlanls avaiIalIe dales lo lhe iespondenl lased on geogiaphic slialegy. If
you have a specific line in nind lased on olhei inleivievs aIieady scheduIed, ask
lhe iespondenl if lhey couId do an inleiviev duiing specific lines. The scheduIe
shouId le luiIl aiound piioiily 1 iespondenls.
5. Inleiviev dales shouId le confiined al Ieasl lvo veeks in advance in oidei lo heIp
keep liaveI cosls as Iov as possilIe.
6. The appoinlnenl is nol finaIized unliI TIC consuIlanls and CA veiify lhe scheduIe,
laking fIighls and liaveI lines inlo consideialion.
7. Send lhe iespondenl lhe 2#&) ."#")3)(" and 24(5!*3#"!4( 6)"")* foi lhe inleiviev
appioxinaleIy one veek in advance aflei lhe appoinlnenl is confiined. TIC has
found il vaIualIe lo send lolh an eIeclionic and haid copy. CaII lo confiin ieceipl
of naleiiaIs and lo confiin inleiviev D -#)$ piioi lo visil.
8. Allenpl lo scheduIe five oi noie inleivievs pei day foi each consuIlanl. Days vilh
fevei lhan five inleivievs nusl le cIeaied ly lhe CA.
9. The IOCUS Cioup offeis exlia inleiviev days al lhe foIIoving iale:
Mininun Chaige is Day (4 houis)
2 Inleivievs is Day (6 houis)
3 Inleivievs oi noie is 1 day (8 houis)
If an enliie day has leen ieseived, lul no inleivievs scheduIed ly lhe
pieceding veek, lhe day nay le liIIed as a fuII day
1O. The 7#%" ./))" shouId le fiIIed oul as conpIeleIy as possilIe and enaiIed lo lhe CA
vilh lhe diieclions one veek in advance in oidei lo naxinize lhe effecliveness of
lhe inleiviev. IncIude as nany phone nunleis as possilIe foi each iespondenl,
incIuding lhe phone nunlei of lhe inleiviev sile and/oi lhe iespondenls ceII
phone nunlei. The CA viII foivaid lhe 7#%" ./))" and diieclions lo lhe appiopiiale
11. Ihone inleivievs aie possilIe, lul shouId le scheduIed spaiingIy. Iace-lo-face
inleivievs aie nuch noie effeclive. Ihone inleivievs aie scheduIed vhen a
iespondenl Iives in an aiea vheie lheie aie no olhei inleivievs pIanned, oi foi
iespondenls vho aie nol consideied najoi donois. A iespondenls Iack of
avaiIaliIily on lhe scheduIed days (i.e., oul of lovn oi iIIness) nay necessilale a
phone inleiviev.

12. Updale lhe '(")*+!), .%/)01$) in CoogIe docs and enaiI lhe CA each line sonelhing
changes. This infoinalion incIudes: lolaI inleivievs scheduIed, inleivievs
conpIeled, and inleivievs yel lo scheduIe. These updales aie inpoilanl lo ensuie
lhal lhe conliacled nunlei of inleivievs is conpIeled and lo nainlain cIeai
connunicalion lelveen IAA and TIC.

1>/>8; 768+>C5<21>68+

In geneiaI, each inleiviev shouId Iasl appioxinaleIy one houi. When scheduIing
inleivievs, lheie aie a fev consideialions lo keep in nind lhal viII heIp ensuie
consuIlanls enough space lo liaveI lelveen inleivievs in a lineIy nannei and lo honoi
lhe iespondenls lhal agiee lo pailicipale in lhe feasiliIily sludy.
1. Considei liaveI line, paiking and addilionaI silualions, and connulei liaffic in
scheduIing appoinlnenls. AIIov al Ieasl 5!5"))( 3!(1")& as a luffei, in addilion lo
liaveI line, foi liaffic, paiking, elc.
2. When scheduIing an inleiviev ovei a neaI, pIease aIIov foi 4() #(0 # /#$5 /41*& foi
lhe inleiviev.
3. When scheduIing an inleiviev vilh a coupIe in lheii hone, pIease aIIov foi 4() /41*
#(0 5!5"))( 3!(1")& foi lhe inleiviev.

;B>C54>85+ !6< +54571>8;
<5+968C581+ !6< >815<@>5A+

;B>C54>85+ !6< +54571>8; <5+968C581+ !6< >815<@>5A+

The IOCUS Cioup viII le exanining foui fundanenlaI faclois in lhe feasiliIily sludy:

1. The case slalenenl
2. The suppoil foi lhe pioposed inilialives
3. The Ieadeiship polenliaI foi lhe canpaign
4. The giving polenliaI foi lhe canpaign

As you considei lhese foui faclois, focus on lhe peopIe and consliluencies fion vhon
IAA can E"FE,%( '"#-"E$ and E#%$" G#HIE :%J($. Once you have deleinined lhe veiy lesl
peopIe lo inleiviev iegaiding lhese foui faclois, nake suie lhe seIeclion is laIanced in
leins of coveiing lhe vaiious infIuence gioups acioss lhe IAA consliluencies.

!"# %&'(#))*
TIC viII le conducling appioxinaleIy lhiily lo lhiily-five individuaI inleivievs oi
focus gioup inleivievs. In Iighl of lhis, appioxinaleIy fifly iespondenls shouId le
idenlified lo offsel Iack of avaiIaliIily of sone iespondenls due lo liaveI oi peisonaI
ieasons. Mosl of lhe individuaI/coupIe inleivievs viII le appioxinaleIy an houi.
Inleivievs viII lake pIace al IAA oi in offices, ieslauianls oi in hones of lhe
inleivievees. Inleivievs nay le scheduIed ovei a neaI vhen appiopiiale.

!"# +,-#&.+#/ 01(- )"##-*
Lach inleiviev nusl le appioached vilh goaIs in nind ieIaled lo lhe faclois noled
alove. Lach iespondenl viII le asked lo connenl on aII foui, lul lhe consuIlanls need
lo knov lefoiehand in vhich aieas lhe iespondenl can lesl conliilule. This
infoinalion shouId le noled on lhe '(")*+!), 7#%" ./))".

213'& 4','&) 1,4 %'-#,-+15 5#14#&)*
A nininun of eighly peicenl of lhe inleivievs shouId le vilh piioiily one peopIe vho
aie laigeled as najoi donois ($1OO,OOO oi highei pIedged ovei lhiee yeais) and najoi
donois vho have lhe slaluie and expeiience lo le Ieadeis in lhe canpaign. HopefuIIy
lheie viII le najoi donois anong lhe olhei lvenly peicenl. This Iallei gioup is
inpoilanl, neveilheIess, since ly viilue of lheii associalion vilh IAA, lhey viII le alIe
lo give good insighl on lhe case foi lhe canpaign and ieconnendalions foi Ieadeiship.
The lesl exanpIes of lhis Iallei gioup aie execulive Ieadeiship and cuiienl oi foinei
loaid nenleis.

6'(7) 8&'7%)*
Wheie appiopiiale lheie couId le seveiaI focus gioups. A focus gioup is equaI lo one
individuaI inleiviev and is appiopiiale foi iespondenls vho aie nol najoi donoi

9#5#(-+,8 :#)%',4#,-)*
When seIecling iespondenls, pIan as nany inleivievs as possilIe keeping lhe foIIoving
lhiee ciilicaI faclois in nind:

7I00"F(%I0K%0("E"$(L SeIecl peopIe vho have a hisloiy of ieIalionship lo
IAA and/oi a loaid nenlei and/oi soneone on slaff.

2&%'%()L Have cIeai evidence lhal lhey aie individuaIs vilh sulslanliaI nel
voilh. "SulslanliaI" shouId le defined as individuaIs voilh nuIlipIe
niIIions, nol sinpIy niIIionaiies.

>0F'%0#(%I0L Have evidence lhal lhese individuaIs have a iepulalion foi
giving in lhe six and seven figuie iange.

Keep in nind lhal peopIe shouId le seIecled vho aie nol onIy najoi donoi piospecls,
lul aIso peopIe lo vhon you can Iook foi aclive Ieadeiship in lhe canpaign. Idenlify
peopIe vho have nelvoiks vilh peeis vilh siniIai financiaI capaliIilies. Sonelines
lhese nelvoiks viII le geaied lo a pailicuIai lusiness oi a lype of lusiness. In olhei
cases lhe nelvoik viII ieIale lo faniIy and sociaI lies.

In leins of nelvoiks, ve aie nol laIking sinpIy aloul ieIalionships, lul aloul peopIe
vho have used lheii nelvoiks lo heIp lenefil a nonpiofil oiganizalion in a sulslanliaI
vay. We aie Iooking foi najoi donois vho have a geneious heail and have expeiience
in giving and inviling olheis lo do vhal lhey have done al lhe IeveI al vhich lhey have

;1-#8'&+<+,8 &#)%',4#,-)*
Wilh lhese lhoughls in nind, lhe calegoiies of iespondenls aie as foIIovs: (8O of
polenliaI inleivievees shouId faII in calegoiies 1 and 2.)

1. Majoi donois (cuiienl oi Iapsed) and piospeclive canpaign Ieadeis

These shouId le individuaIs vho aie knovn lo have assels in lhe nuIlipIe
niIIions and have used lheii iesouices lo give gifls lo nonpiofils lolaIing in lhe
high five oi nid-lo uppei six figuies. HopefuIIy, a fev have given seven-figuie

This calegoiy shouId incIude individuaIs vho nol onIy aie sulslanliaI giveis lul
have lhe iepulalion foi going lo lheii peeis and inviling lhen lo do vhal lhey
have aIieady done lhenseIves.

Of lhe lop donoi calegoiies, lhis one shouId have lhe najoiily of iespondenls.

2. Majoi donois (cuiienl oi Iapsed)

These aie donois vho give veiy sulslanliaI gifls, lul aie nol knovn lo lake
Ieadeiship oi pailicipale in asking lheii peeis lo give.

3. InfIuenliaI fiiends and piospeclive fiiends

This calegoiy incIudes individuaIs vho aie nol najoi donoi piospecls, lul vho
aie infIuenliaI as connunily, chuich oi civic Ieadeis and/oi vho seive on
foundalion oi coipoiale loaids.

4. Ioundalion adninislialois/liuslees and key "conpelilois"

Heie TIC is Iooking foi sone insighl on vhal is happening in lhe ieIaled
phiIanlhiopic naikelpIace ovei lhe nexl fev yeais. We viII aIso gel lheii
ieaclions on lhe conpeIIing naluie of lhe IAA case.

5. Iocus Cioups

These shouId le affinily gioups lhal have a slake in lhe success of lhe canpaign
(aIunni, slaff, and olhei nusl inleivievees vilh Iiniled financiaI capacily).

6. Leadeiship Tean

Il viII le inpoilanl lo inleiviev Dan NicoIa, Ty }ohnson and Monle ToikeIson as
pail of lhe IeasiliIily Reviev.


;B>C54>85+ !6< 452C5<+?>9 152/
/2M>8; >8>1>24 7681271

;B>C54>85+ !6< 452C5<+?>9 152/ /2M>8; >8>1>24 7681271

TIC ieconnends lhal lop piospecls le caIIed in advance ly lhe Leadeiship Tean lo
invile lhen lo pailicipale in lhe feasiliIily sludy. TypicaIIy lhese caIIs viII le fion lhe
IiincipaI/Supeiinlendenl oi lhe highesl IeveI slaff peison vilh lhe cIosesl ieIalionship
and infIuence.

When caIIing enphasize:

1. The inpoilance of lhe pioposed canpaign foi IAA as a slep lhal viII giealIy
enhance youi novenenls effecliveness,

2. The inpoilance of lhe capilaI canpaign lo achieve lhe slialegic goaIs,

3. Hov essenliaI il is lo lhe sludy lo gel candid opinions, advice and
ieconnendalions vilhoul having lo neasuie one's voids oi lo le conceined
aloul soneone's feeIings (lheie is no alliilulion in lhe feasiliIily sludy),

4. The vaIue of having expeiienced, oljeclive fundiaising counseI coIIecl lhe dala
and foinuIale ieconnendalions and canpaign pIans lhal viII lesl fil and seive
IAAs nissionN

5. Advise lhal lhey viII le conlacled soon ly a IAA slaff nenlei (lhe ISA) lo
confiin a dale and line foi lheii inleiviev.


!52+>3>4>1= +1BC=


9IE('#0- 2-O"0(%$( 2F#-"G)
!"#$%&%'%() +(,-) 1%G"(#&'"
P#0,#E) !"&E,#E) /#EFQ 2.E%' 7IGG"0($K2$$%:0G"0($
>N 3":%0 <"$"#EFQ #0- 9E".#E" 7#$" +(#("G"0(
IAA piovides Iisl of lop 1,OOO piospecls
fion donoi dalalase.
TIC peifoins lhe fiisl iound of veaIlh
scieening fion piospecl Iisl.
IAA ievievs veaIlh scieening and
logelhei vilh TIC consuIlanls, a Iisl of lop
fifly polenliaI inleivievees is conpiIed.
Diafl Case Slalenenl - IAA lo
assenlIe diafl foi TIC ieviev

IAA slaff piepaie case
slalenenl diafl vilh TIC
TIC ievievs, nakes ieconnendalions TIC
Diafl Case Slalenenl foi Inleivievs
IAA nakes ievisions in
piepaialion foi inleivievs
TIC ievievs IinaI Diafl and signs off TIC
>>N <"$.I0-"0($ +"'"F(%I0 R >0O%(#(%I0 (Using conpiIed inleivievee Iisl, scheduIe 5 inleivievs pei day)
Calhei inleinaI dala and inpul aII
infoinalion on lhe '(")*+!), 7#%" ./))"&8
Ongoing Ongoing ISA
Leadeiship lo caII piioiily iespondenls lo
expIain puipose of feasiliIily sludy and
piepaie candidale foi phone caII fion ISA.
IAA Leadeiship Tean
ISA send invilalion Ielleis lo lop piefeiied
iespondenls. CoaI is lo secuie 25-3O
inleivievs. (A focus gioup =1 inleiviev)

uiId naiIing Iisl, ISA send oul
invilalion Ielleis.

12+M P#0,#E) !"&E,#E) /#EFQ 2.E%' 7IGG"0($K2$$%:0G"0($
>>>N 9E".#E#(%I0 #0- +FQ"-,'" JIE >0("EO%"S$
Inleiviev ScheduIe T UConsuIlanls need
lo scheduIe fIighls al Ieasl lvo veeks in

CA lo piovide inleiviev dales lo
ScheduIe inleivievs: CaII five lusiness
days aflei lhe invilalion Ielleis aie senl.
Once inleiviev is sel, lhe CA viII confiin
aII inleivievs vilh ISA.
Ongoing Ongoing
ISA lo nanage scheduIe. LnaiI
any changes lo CA using lhe
'(")*+!), .%/)01$) daiIy. The CA
viII confiin lenlalive inleivievs.
ISA sends Iellei lo confiin inleiviev
dale, line and pIace, aIong vilh case
slalenenl diafl. Send one veek lefoie
inleiviev. CaII lo confiin ieceipl of
naleiiaIs and lo confiin inleiviev D -#)$
piioi lo visil.
Ongoing Ongoing ISA
ConpIele '(")*+!), 7#%" ./))" foi each
iespondenl lefoie lhe inleiviev and send
lo lhe CA one veek in advance of



ISA ensuies 5#%" &/))"& aie fuIIy
Inleivieving appioxinaleIy 25-3O
iespondenls peisonaIIy, aveiaging foui lo
five (4-5) inleivievs pei day and
piepaiing lhe dala foi anaIysis.


12+M P#0,#E) !"&E,#E) /#EFQ 2.E%' 7IGG"0($K2$$%:0G"0($
>@N >0$(%(,(%I0#' C#(# ;#(Q"E%0:
ConpIele '(&"!"1"!4(#$ 9#"# :);4*"& using
eIeclionic foins foi: Civing ly loaid
nenleis, Oiganizalion lhiee yeai
giving hisloiy, Ioundalion Civing
Sulnil '(&"!"1"!4(#$ 9#"# :);4*"&
eIeclionicaIIy lo TIC
@N !I''IS B. (I >0("EO%"S$
TIC ConsuIlanls iepoil vhen
inleivievs aie conpIeled. CA nolifies
ISA lo send lhank you Iellei.


TIC ConsuIlanls
Send lhank you Iellei, vilh pionise of
<=)%1"!+) .133#*> :);4*" aflei loaids
ieviev and aclion.



ISA lo send oul Ielleis foIIoving
@>N <".IE( <"O%"S 7I0J"E"0F" 7#''
IiincipaI and olhei IAA
Leadeiship vilh TIC ConsuIlanls
@>>N +,&G%$$%I0 IJ !"#$%&%'%() +(,-)
Iiesenl IS iepoil lo IAA oaid. TIC Repiesenlalives
IoIIoving piesenlalion of lhe iepoil lo

TIC advises on piepaialion of
Lxeculive Sunnaiy Repoil
Send each iespondenl an <=)%1"!+)
.133#*> :);4*" vilh covei Iellei.
ISA lo send oul <=)%1"!+)
.133#*> :);4*" vilh covei Iellei
announcing loaid aclion lo


+2/945 C67B/581+
>815<@>5A +7?5CB45
>815<@>5A !271 +?551
+2/945 45115<+


+2/945 >815<@>5A +7?5CB45

>0("EO%"S +FQ"-,'"

C#(" 1%G" 7I0$,'(#0( 8#G" 4IF#(%I0 7I0(#F( %0JI 8I("$
Ane iII and ailaia }ones
Slailucks Coffee - 123 Sesane Slieel,
Anylovn, IN 32788
CeII: 677-345-OOOO
LnaiI: ljonesgnaiI.con
Ane }oe Snilh
His office: Seais uiIding - 658 12

Ave, Suile A, Anylovn, IN 32788
Office: 677-345-9293
Assls nane is }oan
Office is
on 3

Andy Ceoige and }iIIian CIaik
Theii hone: 5 Spaiiov Lane, Chicago,
IL 5559O
Hone: 589-99O-7676
}iIIians ceII: 589-993-O988
Iaik on
lhe slieel
Andy ol Hanplon
Dinnei The Chail House: 314 Tovns
Diive, Chicago, IL 5559O
Reslauianl: 589-O98-OO45
CeII: 589-444-9821
Andy VaIaiie }ohnson
Ianeia Coffee shop: 678 1
Chicago, IL 47859
CeII: 674-987-O321
Ianeia: 589-234-O986

>0O%(#(%I0 7I0J%EG 1Q#0Z =I, +,GG#E)
peisonaI caII ly IiincipaI
}ones 1/15
Senl 1/22 Senl 1/3O DeIiveied 3/15
peisonaI caII ly Mike Snilh,
Dii of DeveIop 1/14
Senl 1/22 Senl 1/3O DeIiveied 3/15
peisonaI caII ly IiincipaI
}ones 1/2O
Senl 2/4 Senl 2/12 DeIiveied 3/15
peisonaI caII ly IiincipaI
}ones 1/2O
Senl 2/4 Senl 2/12 DeIiveied 3/17
peisonaI caII ly Mike Snilh,
Dii of DeveIop 1/25
Senl 2/4 Senl 2/14 DeIiveied 3/17


!52+>3>4>1= +1BC=
>815<@>5A !271 +?551
Dale: The IOCUS Cioup ConsuIlanl: ...........

Respondenls Nane:
Ihone al

Inleiviev Tine:

Inleiviev Dale:
CeII phone:
Inleiviev Addiess (If a lusiness oi ieslauianl, incIude nane and/oi nane of luiIding. If a
hone, pIease nole):

Inleiviev Calegoiy:
(IIease oId)
Majoi Donoi oaid Iasloi/Chuich Iaienl

Lxec. Slaff AIunni Ioundalion IacuIly Olhei___________
Key infoinalion/
connenls aloul
iespondenl: piioiily,
cIosesl conlacl,
hisloiy vilh
oiganizalion, elc.

Hisloiy of giving: Anounl Designalion(s)
Civing capaliIily lo pioposed canpaign: (IIease piojecl gifl iange leIov & any specific delaiIs)
High Iiojeclion
ovei 3 yeais
Lov piojeclion
ovei 3 yeais
$ ___________ $ ___________

Has lhis inleivievee docunenled a pIanned gifl lo youi inslilulion: If so,
When oi cuiienlIy in piocess:

Desciile lype of pIanned gifl:

Lslinaled VaIue:
Knovn najoi gifls lo olhei nonpiofils, cuiienl oi pasl, especiaIIy lo siniIai

Iiojecled canpaign Ieadeiship ioIe:


=,-#&.+#/ =,.+-1-+', >#--#&
?64,)* "!)*)0 ;*4&;)%"&@



Deai Mi. Snilh:

|Inlioducloiy paiagiaph vilh ninisliy highIighlsj. The oaid has appioved a feasiliIily
sludy foi a capilaI canpaign lo.

I vanl lo peisonaIIy invile you, aIong vilh a fev olheis, vilhin lhe nexl foui veeks lo
ieviev a %4(5!0)("!#$ diafl of oui case slalenenl oulIining lhe pioposed canpaign foi
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny. Aflei you ieceive and ieviev lhese naleiiaIs, I an asking
you lo lake an houi lo pailicipale in a foinaI inleiviev selling and confidenliaIIy
discuss IoilIand Advenlisl Acadenys pioposed canpaign.

I leIieve il is inpoilanl lo enphasize lvo lhings. Iiisl, lhis is nol a neeling al vhich
you viII le asked lo nake a gifl, hovevei, lhe inleivievei viII confidenliaIIy discuss
youi polenliaI IeveI of suppoil foi lhis nev effoil. Second, youi connenls and vievs on
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny and ils pioposed canpaign viII le kepl confidenliaI, and
lhe iesuIls of lhe neelings vilh you and olheis viII le iepoiled anonynousIy.

Oui |Ieadeiship -- use appiopiiale lein, i.e. oaid and Adninislialionj have asked The
IOCUS Cioup, Inc. lo conducl lhese inleivievs and lhen lo piepaie a iepoil vilh
ieconnendalions. |Soneone iepiesenling IAAj viII le caIIing you lo invile youi
pailicipalion in lhis veiy inpoilanl inleiviev piocess and lo scheduIe youi individuaI

Youi laking lhe line lo advise IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny lhiough lhis feasiliIily
sludy viII le exliaoidinaiiIy heIpfuI. Youi insighl and advice viII le invaIualIe lo us as
ve pIan vhal is lesl foi IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny.

CoidiaIIy youis |oi piefeiied sign-offj,

|Appiopiiale IAA Slaff Menleij


=,-#&.+#/ ;',0+&?1-+', >#--#& @#?1+5A



Deai Mi. Snilh:

Thank you foi agieeing lo pailicipale in lhe feasiliIily sludy foi IoilIand Advenlisl
Acadenys pioposed capilaI canpaign. LncIosed is a diafl of lhe Case Slalenenl. IIease
ieviev lhis naleiiaI in delaiI in piepaialion foi youi inleiviev. Youi inleiviev is
scheduIed lo lake pIace |dalej |linej al |pIacej vilh |consuIlanl nanej.

I vouId Iike lo ie-enphasize lvo lhings. Iiisl, lhis is nol a neeling al vhich you viII
le asked lo nake a gifl, hovevei, lhe inleivievei viII confidenliaIIy discuss youi
polenliaI IeveI of suppoil foi lhis nev effoil. Second, youi connenls and vievs on
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny and ils pioposed canpaign viII le kepl confidenliaI. The
iesuIls of lhe neelings vilh you and olheis viII le iepoiled anonynousIy.

Oui oaid has asked The IOCUS Cioup, Inc. lo conducl lhese inleivievs and piepaie a
iepoil vilh ieconnendalions.

I an veiy gialefuI lo you foi laking youi vaIualIe line lo advise IoilIand Advenlisl
Acadeny lhiough lhis inleiviev piocess.

CoidiaIIy youis |oi piefeiied sign-offj,

|Appiopiiale IAA Slaff Menleij

I.S. If lheie is a Iasl ninule change lo youi scheduIe, pIease conlacl The IOCUS Cioup
consuIlanl |pIace consuIlanls nane and ceII phone nunlei heiej


=,-#&.+#/ !"1,B C'7 >#--#&



Deai Mi. Snilh:

Thank you foi pailicipaling in lhe feasiliIily sludy foi IoilIand Advenlisl Acadenys
pioposed capilaI canpaign. Youi inpul inlo lhis sludy is invaIualIe, and I peisonaIIy
vouId Iike lo lhank you foi invesling youi line lo pailicipale.

Once lhe feasiliIily sludy iepoil has leen conpIeled and sulnilled lo lhe IoilIand
Advenlisl Acadeny oaid, you viII le ieceiving an Lxeculive Sunnaiy of lhe iepoil
oulIining lhe findings and ieconnendalions of lhe sludy. Al any poinl duiing lhis
piocess, I vouId Iike lo encouiage you lo caII ne vilh queslions oi addilionaI inpul lhal
you nay have. Il is veiy inpoilanl lhal ve keep an open diaIogue vilh you as ve
conlenpIale lhe capilaI canpaign.

Thank you again foi laking youi line lo advise lhe loaid and adninislialion of
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny lhiough lhis feasiliIily inleiviev piocess.

CoidiaIIy youis |piefeiied signoffj,

|Appiopiiale IAA Slaff Menleij

Nole: Il is a good idea lo have lhe
piincipaI/supeiinlendenl peisonaIIy
sign lhis Iellei and incIude a liief
peisonaI handviillen nole al lhe
lollon of lhe Iellei, ex: A) *)#$$>
#;;*)%!#") >41* ;#*"!%!;#"!4( #(0 "!3)8 '
$44B 54*,#*0 "4 &))!(C >41 #(0 >41*
5#3!$> &44(8


6'55'/D7% >#--#& /+-" EF#(7-+.# 97??1&G

+ 2 / 9 4 5


Deai Mi. Snilh:

This |vinleij you shaied youi line geneiousIy vilh IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny ly
pailicipaling in oui feasiliIily sludy foi oui pioposed canpaign. Youi gifl of line and
inleiesl is giealIy appiecialed, and I vouId Iike lo lake lhis oppoilunily once again lo
lhank you foi youi insighls and ideas iegaiding oui pioposed canpaign.

As pionised, I an pIeased lo shaie vilh you lhe Lxeculive Sunnaiy of lhe feasiliIily
sludy iepoil, piepaied foi us ly The IOCUS Cioup. Since you caie deepIy aloul
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny, I an suie you viII find lhis Lxeculive Sunnaiy lo le

If, vhiIe ieading lhis iepoil, you find lhal you have queslions oi addilionaI connenls
lhal you vouId Iike lo shaie, pIease caII ne al xxx-xxx-xxxx (0!*)%" $!() !5 #;;*4;*!#")@. I
vouId appieciale heaiing fion you.

You viII aIso le pIeased lo knov, |oi,j as you aIieady knov lhe loaid has voled lo .

Thank you again foi youi line and youi suppoil. Il is an exciling line foi aII of us al
IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny.




>8+1>1B1>6824 C212 >8+1<B71>68+


!"#$%&%'%() +(,-) W >0$(%(,(%I0#' C#(#

The IeasiliIily Sludy Repoil viII incIude a nunlei of specific ieconnendalions ieIaled
lo lhe case, canpaign goaI, donoi piospecls, oiganizalionaI sliucluie, canpaign
nanagenenl, elc. y pioviding lhe naleiiaI iequesled leIov lhe anaIysis and
ieconnendalions in lhe iepoil viII le noie lighlIy focused on lhe specific nexl sleps
and slialegies needed foi a successfuI canpaign.

Diiecl any queslions aloul lhese foins lo Andy Seais aseaislfgip.con oi Ane See.
IIease piovide eIeclionic copies of lhe iepoils and olhei docunenls lo Ane See

C"O"'I.G"0( 9"E$I00"'

1. IIease Iisl aII deveIopnenl depailnenl peisonneI and allach jol desciiplions foi

2. IIease incIude a copy of lhe deveIopnenl depailnenls oiganizalionaI chail.

CI0IE <"$"#EFQ

1. iiefIy desciile lhe cuiienl donoi ieseaich piogian, incIuding lolh foinaI and
infoinaI nelhods, souices and syslens.

2. IIease piovide a lypicaI/sanpIe iepoil lhal is pioduced fion lhe donoi ieseaich

9'#00"- ;%O%0:

1. IIease liiefIy desciile lhe slialegy lhal is in pIace lo secuie pIanned gifls.

2. iiefIy desciile lhe pioceduies used lo docunenl donoi inlenl.

3. IIease aIso piovide copies of gifl acceplance poIicies and inslilulionaI poIicies oi
piolocoIs foi ieceiving pIanned gifls. AIso indicale vhen lhese poIicies veie
appioved ly lhe goveining loaid.


50-ISG"0( ;%J($

IIease incIude a copy of lhe poIicies lhal aie in pIace iegaiding lhe ieceiving, nanaging and
iepoiling foi endovnenl gifls.

1Q" 9E%0F%.#' #0- C"O"'I.G"0(

1. iiefIy desciile lhe voik in deveIopnenl of lhe piincipaI. IIease indicale lhe
slialegy enpIoyed foi his engagenenl vilh najoi donois and lhe nunlei of donois
foi vhon he has piinaiy iesponsiliIily.

2. IIease aIso piovide an inslilulionaI oiganizalionaI chail.

1Q" 3I#E- #0- C"O"'I.G"0(

1. IIease piovide lhe foIIoving:

a. The nunlei of loaid nenleis.

l. A Iisl of aII loaid slanding connillees vilh connillee jol
desciiplions/puipose slalenenls.

2. Repoil each of lhe Iasl lhiee yeais of loaid giving indicaling lhe lolaIs given lo
annuaI fund, speciaI piojecls, endovnenl, elc. IIease indicale lhe peicenlage of
pailicipalion ly fund/piojecl and lhe lolaI doIIai anounls ly piojecl oi fund.

[An eIeclionic foin in lilIed Civing ly oaid Menleis viII le piovided.

CI0IE ?%$(IE)

1. IIease piovide a Iisl of lhe lop 1OO donois (do nol incIude deceased donois). IIease
Iisl in descending oidei fion highesl lo Iovesl lased on lolaI Iifeline giving.

[An eIeclionic foin lilIed Top Donoi Lisl viII le piovided.

2. Repoil sepaialeIy foi each of lhe pievious lhiee yeais lhe giving lo lhe annuaI fund,
speciaI piojecls, and pIanned gifls indicaling lhe goaI, anounl ieceived and
sullolaIs foi anounls ieceived in each yeai ly donoi consliluency.

[An eIeclionic foin lilIed Thiee-yeai Civing Hisloiy viII le piovided.


3. Iiovide lhe giving hisloiy foi any pievious capilaI canpaigns in lhe pasl len yeais.

[An eIeclionic foin lilIed Iievious Canpaign Hisloiy viII le piovided.

!I,0-#(%I0 CI0IE +,GG#E)

IIease conpIele lhe Ioundalion Donoi Sunnaiy. An eIeclionic foin viII le piovided.
See lhe Iisling leIov foi lhe desciiplion of each coIunn.

5\.'#0#(%I0 IJ 7I',G0$ I0 !I,0-#(%I0 CI0IE +,GG#E)

!I,0-#(%I0$ ;%J($K<"],"$($L Lisl aII foundalions lhal have leen appioached ly youi
oiganizalion and lhe oulcone (denied, gianled, pending). IIease incIude lhe fuII nane
and addiess.

2GI,0( ;E#0("- IE <"],"$("-: The doIIai anounl lhal vas iequesled fion lhe
foundalion oi lhe doIIai anounl lhal vas gianled.

="#E ;%J("-K<"],"$("-L The caIendai yeai lhal youi oiganizalion iequesled funding oi
vas gifled.

9,E.I$"L LxpIain lhe puipose of lhe iequesl foi funding (specific piogian, geneiaI
opeialing, capilaI canpaign, elc)

!I,0-#(%I0 7I0(#F(L The peison al lhe foundalion vilh vhon soneone al youi
oiganizalion has a ieIalionship.

+(#JJ 7I0(#F(L The peison al youi oiganizalion (slaff, loaid nenlei, and donoi) vho
has eslalIished a ieIalionship vilh lhe foundalion. IIease indicale nane and posilion.

/"(QI- (I 4IF#("L Hov did youi oiganizalion deleinine lhal lhis foundalion vas a
good piospecl`


!52+>3>4>1= +1BC= 2++67>215 U!+2Y
P63 C5+7<>91>68

The IoilIand Advenlisl Acadeny IeasiliIily Sludy Associale (ISA) nanages lhe
adninislialive poilion of lhe inleiviev piocess and acls as lhe Iiaison lelveen IAA
and TIC. This peison nusl le delaiI oiienled and successfuI al nuIlilasking.
Lxpeiience in nanaging conpIex scheduIing piocesses is vaIualIe.

The ISA pIays a ciilicaI ioIe piinaiiIy duiing lhe sel up phase of lhe feasiliIily sludy,
and lhe inlensily of lhe voik conlinues foi appioxinaleIy foui veeks. The ISA viII
nainlain cIose conlacl vilh a ConsuIlanl Associale (CA*) al TIC ovei lhe couise of lhis
peiiod. Duiing lhis ciuciaI sel up phase, conlacl viII nosl IikeIy le on a daiIy lasis.
The ISA nusl have a piofessionaI iappoil, especiaIIy on lhe phone (99 of conlacl vilh
iespondenls duiing lhe sel up phase is ovei lhe phone.) This phone conlacl is inpoilanl
as il can Ieave a Iasling inpiession and sel lhe lone foi lhe iespondenls expeiiences
lhioughoul lhe feasiliIily sludy.

ResponsiliIilies incIude:

1. Reviev Iisl of piioiilized polenliaI iespondenls piepaied ly Leadeiship Tean.
2. IiII oul :)&)#*%/ :)D1)&" 74*3& and sulnil lo TIC.
3. Lnlei aII nanes, cilies, slales, giving hisloiy and occupalion inlo lhe 7)#&!E!$!">
'(")*+!), .%/)01$)8 These inleivievees incIude najoi donois (cuiienl and Iapsed),
piesenl and foinei loaid nenleis, aIunni, paienls, foundalions and
coipoialions, and Ieadeiship lean. LslalIish lhis Iisl in consuIlalion vilh lhe
Leadeiship Tean and sulnil lo CA foi TIC ConsuIlanls.
4. Updale '(")*+!), .%/)01$) conlinuaIIy and enaiI lo CA vhenevei lheie is a
5. Iiepaie and naiI '(+!"#"!4( 6)"")*& lo pieseIecled iespondenls.
6. ISA caIIs iespondenls aflei lhey have leen caIIed ly a nenlei of lhe Leadeiship
Tean oi five days aflei lhey ieceive lhe '(+!"#"!4( 6)"")*. Once lhese caIIs have
leen nade, nolify lhe CA lhal lhe scheduIing piocess has legun.
7. ScheduIe lenlalive inleiviev dales and lines vilh iespondenls accoiding lo
TICs pie-deleinined dales. CA viII confiin foIIoving daiIy enaiIs fion lhe
ISA of lhe '(")*+!), .%/)01$).
8. ScheduIe focus gioups. Il is piefeiied lo have 6 lo 8 peisons in each focus gioup.
Lach focus gioup counls as one inleiviev.
9. ConpIele lhe '(")*+!), 7#%" ./))"&, soIiciling dala fion key slaff oi depailnenls
as appiopiiale, and enaiI lo lhe CA vilh specific diieclions lo Iocalion of
inleiviev, al Ieasl one veek in advance, ensuiing lhal aII peilinenl dala is noled.


1O. Iiepaie and naiI '(")*+!), 24(5!*3#"!4( 6)"")*& lo iespondenls vhen inleivievs
have leen confiined, incIuding a copy of lhe diafl of lhe 2#&) ."#")3)(" foi lheii
(Nole: Il is a good idea lo check vilh lhe iespondenls iegaiding hov lhey vouId piefei lo ieceive
lhis naleiiaI. Iaxing oi enaiIing has voiked in lhe pasl as an aIleinalive lo sending a haid copy
in lhe naiI, if lhis is vhal lhe iespondenls piefei. OccasionaIIy, lhe iespondenls viII accidenlaIIy
loss naleiiaIs lhal aie senl via ieguIai naiI, especiaIIy if lhey aie nol specificaIIy Iooking foi
11. Aiiange foi '(&"!"1"!4(#$ 9#"# 74*3& lo le conpIeled and senl lo TIC slaff.
12. Make foIIov up caIIs lo iespondenls a fev days lefoie each inleiviev is lo lake
pIace. Confiin ieceipl of C4(5!*3#"!4( 6)"")* and diafl of lhe 2#&) ."#")3)(", and
confiin lhe delaiIs of lhe inleiviev appoinlnenl. If iespondenls nake ANY
change in inleiviev delaiIs, conlacl CA innedialeIy. Lncouiage iespondenl lo
conlacl lhe consuIlanl diieclIy if line is of lhe essence and give lhen lhe
consuIlanls ceII nunlei.
13. Iiepaie and naiI lhe F/#(B >41 6)"")*& lo iespondenls on a veekIy lasis as soon
as inleivievs aie conpIeled.
14. Iiepaie and send lhe 74$$4, 1; 6)"")*& vhich viII incIude lhe loaids aclions lo
iespondenls and encIose copies of lhe <=)%1"!+) .133#*> fion lhe feasiliIily
sludy iepoil.

[CA foi The IOCUS Cioup

Ane See

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