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CEA Home Calendar Intro to REVIT Unit 1: Overview of CEA Unit 2: Residential Design Unit 3: Commer ial A!!

li ations Ha"en#$illiams C%arts #Ar %ite t&ral 't(les )lossar( of Terms Usef&l *in+s TED Tal+s

,r- .a(er/s $e0site 1 ,r- .a(er/s Classes 1 )lossar( of Terms $ednesda(2 ,ar % 23t%2 2415
Glossary :
2D: A gra!%i re!resentation t%at s%ows onl( two of an o06e t/s dimensions at one time2 s& % as %eig%t and widt%2 or widt% and de!t%2 or %eig%t and de!t%-

3D: A gra!%i re!resentation t%at s%ows all t%ree dimensions of an o06e t at one time: %eig%t2 widt%2 and de!t%-

3D modeling 7 om!&ter8: A om!&ter#0ased modeling s(stem t%at allows t%e designer to reate model geometr( on an 9#2 (#2 and "#a9is s(stem-

A#frame: A str& t&re2 s& % as a %o&se2 wit% stee!l( angled sides t%at meet at t%e to! in t%e s%a!e of t%e letter A-

A0ove gro&nd: Term a!!lied to an( &tilit( t%at is 0ro&g%t into a !ro!ert( sit&ated or ta+ing !la e on or a0ove t%e s&rfa e of t%e gro&nd-

A0sor!tion: T%e !ro ess w%ere0( one s&0stan e is !%(si all( ta+en into and in l&ded wit%in anot%er s&0stan e2 as t%e a0sor!tion of water 0( soil-

Ad6a en ( matri9: A matri9 &sed to larif( t%e design !arameters for t%e lient 0( rating om!onents of a !ro6e t 0ased on most desira0le feat&res and !la ement-

Aest%eti s: Of or on erning %ow !leasing somet%ing is to t%e senses-

All&vi&m: Cla(2 silt2 gravel2 or similar material de!osited 0( r&nning water-

Am!ere: A meas&re of ele tri al &rrent flow-

Anaero0i : )rowing in t%e a0sen e of o9(gen2 as in anaero0i 0a teria in a se!ti tan+-

Anal("ed: E9amined aref&ll( and met%odi all(: 0ro+en down for onsideration of onstit&ent !arts-

Angle of Re!ose: T%e angle2 meas&red from t%e %ori"ontal2 t%at gran&lar material is sta0le w%ile &ns&!!orted-

Ar %ite t: A !erson w%o designs and s&!ervises t%e onstr& tion of 0&ildings or ot%er large str& t&res-

Ar %ite t&re: T%e !rofession of designing 0&ildings and environments wit% onsideration for t%eir aest%eti effe t-

Ar %ite t&ral st(les: T%e design element of a str& t&re t%at is identified 0( t%e disting&is%ing %ara teristi s of t%e e9terior-

Arterial: Roads t%at arr( 0etween 544 to ;44 ars !er lane !er %o&r de!ending on 0&sinesses2 !ar+ing2 signs2 and ontrol signals-

A<&ifer: An &ndergro&nd geologi al formation or gro&! of formations ontaining &sa0le amo&nts of gro&ndwater t%at an s&!!l( wells and s!rings-

Artifa t: An o06e t !rod& ed or s%a!ed 0( %&man raft2 es!e iall( a tool2 wea!on2 or ornament of ar %eologi al or %istori al interest-

As(mmetr(: *a + of 0alan e or s(mmetr(-

Attorne(: A !erson legall( a!!ointed 0( anot%er to a t as %is or %er agent in t%e transa tion of 0&siness2 s!e ifi all( one <&alified and li ensed to a t for !laintiffs and defendants in legal !ro eedings-

A"im&t%: T%e %ori"ontal angle re +oned lo +wise from t%e nort% or so&t% meridian-

.a + to To!

.a +sig%t 7.'8: T%e referen e !oint from w%i % %ori"ontal angles2 verti al and %ori"ontal differen es are meas&red-

.affle: A s%ield &s&all( made of s ra! material to +ee! ins&lation from !l&gging eave vents: also &sed to des ri0e wind# or so&nd#deadening devi es-

.alan e: A !rin i!le of design dealing wit% t%e relations%i! 0etween t%e vario&s areas of a str& t&re as t%e( relate to an imaginar( enterline: sometimes referred to as s(mmetri al or e<&all( !ro!ortioned-

.arrier: 'oil or vegetation 0lo +ing so&nd or sig%t lines-

.eam: A %ori"ontal str& t&ral mem0er t%at is &sed to s&!!ort roofs or wall loads2 s& % as a %eader-

.earing !oints: A !ro!ert( 0o&ndar( lo ation identified 0( t%e distan e from a fi9ed !oint and at an angle and dire tion relative to t%at !oint-

.earings: wo&ld indi ate a dire tion t%at is =3#degrees2 5=#min&tes from t%e so&t% to t%e west- Dire tions wit% referen e to one <&adrant of a om!ass &sed to identif( !ro!ert( 0o&ndaries in t%e metes and 0o&nds s(stem- E9am!le: 7' =3> 5=/ $8

.egin Verti al C&rve 7.VC8: On an engineering drawing2 t%e !oint at w%i % t%e road transitions from an even slo!e to a verti al &rve-

.en %mar+: A +nown referen e !oint or lo ation of +nown or ass&med elevation and?or %ori"ontal oordinates-

.ending: One of t%ree ma6or for es a ting on a 0eam- It is t%e tenden ( of a 0eam to 0end or sag 0etween its s&!!orts-

.ending moment: A meas&re of t%e for es t%at a&se a 0eam to 0rea+ 0( 0ending- Re!resented 0( 7,8-

.entonite: 1- A ver( fine grained la( formed from de a(ed glass !arti les in vol ani ro + w%i % forms a watertig%t 0ond w%en om!a ted- One form of it2 'odi&m .entonite2 a0sor0s water and swells to a0o&t 24 times its original si"e- T%e ot%er2 Cal i&m .entonite2 does not %ange si"e- .entonites are generall( &sed to seal d&m! sites2 !ond 0ottoms and ot%er areas &sed to ontain water or %emi als- 2- An a0sor0ent al&min&m sili ate la( formed from vol ani as% and &sed in vario&s ad%esives2 ements2 and erami fillers-

.erm: ,o&nd of eart% &sed as a 0arrier-

.ird/s mo&t%: A not % &t into a rafter to !rovide a 0earing s&rfa e w%ere t%e rafter interse ts t%e to! !late-

.lo +ing: @raming mem0ers2 t(!i all( wood2 !la ed 0etween 6oist2 rafters2 or st&ds to !rovide rigidit( 7also alled 0ridging8-

.l&e!rints: A generall( a e!ted term for a set of !rinted drawings reated 0( t%e Dia"o re!rod& tion !ro ess- Original 0l&e!rints were reated 0( a wet %emi al !ro ess t%at a&sed t%e 0a +gro&nd to 0e 0l&e and an( lines or !rinting to 0e w%ite-

.od( *ang&age: T%e gest&res2 !ost&res2 and fa ial e9!ressions 0( w%i % a !erson manifests vario&s !%(si al2 mental2 or emotional states and omm&ni ates nonver0all( wit% ot%ers-

.ottom !late: T%e lowest %ori"ontal framing mem0er &sed in residential wall onstr& tion-

.o9es: A metal or !lasti

ontainer e<&i!!ed wit% lam!s2 &sed to terminate a ond&it- Also +nown as an

o&tlet 0o9-

.ra ing '(stem: A met%od of reinfor ing a str& t&re to resist lateral loads-

.ran %: A !i!e or ond&it t%at s!lits from a main to arr( a &tilit( to a gro&! of str& t&res-

.roadleaf: Alants %aving relativel( 0road rat%er t%an needle#li+e or s ar#li+e leaves-

.o&nds: A limit2 B0o&ndar(B as &sed in t%e ,etes and .o&nds s(stem for t%e legal des ri!tion of !ro!ert(-

.&00le diagrams: @ree%and s+et %es &sed to determine room lo ations2 flow of traffi 2 and s!atial relations%i!s- T%e( are t%e first ste! in t%e design !ro ess &sed to re!resent s!atial relations%i!s and !la ement of ir &lation flow-

.&ilding Codes: *egal re<&irements designed to !rote t t%e !&0li 0( !roviding g&idelines for str& t&ral2 ele tri al2 !l&m0ing2 and me %ani al areas of a str& t&re-

.&ilding Ins!e tors: Individ&als w%o ins!e t new onstr& tion to ma+e s&re t%at t%e met%ods and materials meet lo al and national ode re<&irements-

.&ilding se tion: A t(!e of drawing s%owing an o06e t as if it %ad 0een &t t%ro&g% from t%e !ea+ of t%e roof to t%e 0ase of t%e fo&ndation in order to s%ow interior onstr& tion-

.&ilding 'tr& t&re: T%e arrangement of !arts to form a w%ole- A 0&ilding str& t&re/s !rimar( f&n tion is to s&!!ort and redire t loads and for es safel( to t%e gro&nd- It onstantl( wit%stands for es of wind2 effe ts of gravit(2 vi0rations2 and sometimes eart%<&a+es-

.a + to To!

Caisson: A watertig%t str& t&re wit%in w%i % onstr& tion wor+ is arried on &nder water-

Cantilever: Aro6e ted onstr& tion t%at is fastened at onl( one end-

Cantilever 0eam: A long !ie e of wood or metal &sed to s&!!ort a str& t&re: a %ori"ontal 0eam t%at is fastened onl( at one end and e9tends 0e(ond a s&!!orting s&rfa e-

Cartogra!%(: T%e st&d( of ma! ma+ing-

Cartogra!%i s&rve(ing: Alotting t%e !oints ne essar( to ma+e a ma!-

Cast iron: A %eav( metal !i!e t(!i all( &sed to onve( !ota0le water s&!!lies-

Cat %0asin: A devi e &sed to a!t&re sediment2 n&trients2 metals2 and %(dro ar0ons s&s!ended in r&noff from im!ervio&s s&rfa es 0efore 0eing onve(ed to a storm sewer networ+ or to anot%er water#<&alit( treatment s(stem-

Ceiling: T%e &!!er interior s&rfa e of a room-

Ceiling 6oist: T%e %ori"ontal mem0er of t%e roof w%i % is &sed to resist t%e o&tward s!read of t%e raters and to !rovide a s&rfa e on w%i % to mo&nt t%e finis%ed eiling-

C%i!0oard: A flat onstr& tion material2 made 0( &sing flat %i!s of wood 0onded wit% formalde%(de gl&e: sometimes referred to as wafer 0oard: term &sed in t%e onstr& tion ind&str( for Oriented 'trand .oard 7O'.8- O'. was develo!ed as an ine9!ensive re!la ement for !l(wood- It omes in several t%i +nesses onl( some of w%i % are rated for s%eat%ing or de +s-

C%ord: T%e &!!er and lower mem0ers of a tr&ss w%i % are s&!!orted 0( t%e we0-

Cir &it: T%e vario&s ond& tors2 onne tions2 and devi es fo&nd in t%e !at% of ele tri al flow from t%e so&r e t%ro&g% t%e om!onents and 0a + to t%e so&r e-

Cir &it .rea+er: An ele tri al safet( swit % t%at a&tomati all( o!ens a ir &it w%en e9 essive am!erage o &rs-

Cir &lation: Overall flow of !eo!le and goods on a site-

Civil engineer: A !erson trained in t%e design and onstr& tion of !&0li wor+s !ro6e ts2 s& % as %ig%wa(s2 0ridges2 sanitation fa ilities2 and water treatment !lants-

Clam! s rew: A me %anism t%at lo +s a s&rve(ing instr&ment in a %ori"ontal or verti al !osition-

Clean#o&t: A s!e ial fitting t%at allows a ess to drainage lines for removing o0str& tions t%at develo!s in t%ose lines-

Client: A !erson w%o em!lo(s anot%er !rofessionall(: a &stomer-

Closed Traverse: A olle tion of Traverse lines t%at ret&rn to t%e AO. 7Aoint of .eginning8 or ot%er Control Aoint: t%e 0o&ndaries of a !ro!ert(-

Codes: A 0od( of laws reg&lating land &se2 develo!ment2 and onstr& tion-

Collar: Hori"ontal ties 0etween rafters near t%e ridge to %el! resist t%e tenden ( of t%e rafters to se!arate-

Colle tors: *o al roads t%at an generall( arr( 144#2=4 ars !er lane !er %o&r-

Colloidal: ,ade &! of ver( small !arti les2 w%i % remain s&s!ended in water- A t(!i al e9am!le is la(s-

Color: An integral !art of design and de orating w%i % %el!s disting&is% e9terior materials and a ents s%a!es-

Col&mns: Verti al2 0eam mem0ers w%i % are res!onsi0le for s&!!orting om!ressive loads and transferring t%ose loads to t%e fo&ndation of a str& t&re-

Commer ial 'tr& t&re: An( 0&ilding intended for arr(ing o&t a 0&siness or servi e-

Common !ra ti es: Aro ed&res t%at are widel( a e!ted 0( a gro&! of !eo!le as t%e !referred wa( to a om!lis% ertain tas+s-

Comm&nit(: Organi"ed !oliti al or so ial 0od(: a 0od( of !eo!le in t%e same lo alit(-

Com!etitions: Contests &sed to s%ow or e9!ose wor+ to different forms of eval&ation and om!arisons to alternate sol&tions-

Com!le9 0eam: .eam wit% a non#&niform load at an( !oint on it2 %aving s&!!orts t%at are not lo ated at its end-

Com!onent: A !art of a me %ani al or ele tri al om!le9-

Com!ression: A for e t%at r&s%es or om!a ts-

Con l&sion: T%e lose or last !art: t%e end or finis%-

Cond& tor: An( material t%at !ermits t%e flow of ele tri it(-

Constr& tion ,anagement Engineering: A !rofession t%at is res!onsi0le for managing and !roviding <&alit( ontrol2 reviewing ontra ts2 ordering materials2 and %iring and s %ed&ling s&0# ontra tors for a str& t&ral engineering 6o0-

Constr& tive riti ism: Comments serving to im!rove or advan e: !roviding a %el!f&l riti al 6&dgment e9!ressed wit% +nowledge-

Cons&m!tion#.ased ,et%odolog(: One of two s&ggested s(stems t%at an 0e &sed to esta0lis% &tilit( allowan es- 7'ee also engineering#0ased met%odolog(-8 T%is met%od is 0ased on a t&al ons&m!tion data from &tilit( 0ills or %e +ed meter readings- Data is &sed to estimate t%e amo&nt of energ( or water a %o&se%old s%o&ld reasona0l( re<&ire-

Contin&o&s 0eam: A 0eam %aving t%ree or more s&!!orts-

Contin&o&s fo&ndation: A 0ase on w%i % somet%ing rests: !o&red or fa0ri ated in one om!lete form2 s& % as a on rete fo&ndation-

Conto&r: *ines on a ma! s%owing t%e to!ogra!%i al o&tlines of t%e !%(si al %ara teristi s of t%e land or a line t%at 6oins !oints of similar elevation-

Conto&r Interval: T%e elevation %ange 0etween ad6a ent onto&rs-

Contra tor: A !erson res!onsi0le for dire ting a !ro6e t or a !ortion of t%e wor+ on a !ro6e t as in t%e ase of a s&0 ontra tor: &s&all( a legall( 0inding agreement is signed and a 0ond !osted to ens&re om!letion-

Control: An( station for w%i % !osition oordinates and?or elevation is alread( +nown2 and from w%i % t%e !ositions or elevations of &n+nown stations are determined-

Cooling Degree Da(s: A meas&re of t%e severit( of t%e s&mmer in a given lo alit(: t%e more ooling degree da(s2 t%e %otter t%e s&mmers- Cooling degree da(s 7CDD8 are t%e differen e 0etween 3= degrees @ and t%e dail( mean 7average8 tem!erat&re w%en t%e latter is more t%an 3= degrees @-

Coordinate geometr(: A mat%emati al s(stem t%at lo ates !oints &sing 9# and (#val&es and angles-

Corner !ost: T%e 0&ilt &! verti al se tion of wall framing &sed to !rovide sta0ilit( and nailing s&rfa e at t%e interse tion of wall se tions-

Corni e: T%e !art of t%e roof t%at e9tends o&t from t%e wall: sometimes referred to as t%e eave-

Covenants: .inding agreements t%at list restri tions for t%e &se of !ro!ert( 0( its owners-

Cri!!le st&d: An &!rig%t !ie e of wood t%at is &t at less t%an f&ll lengt% &sed in wall onstr& tion

Criti al 0& +ling load: *arge om!ression load t%at a&ses a ol&mn to 0e ome &nsta0le2 res&lting in a s&dden lateral defle tion of t%e ol&mn-

Criti<&e: A riti al review or ommentar(-

Cross 0ra ing: .oards fastened diagonall( 0etween str& t&ral mem0ers2 s& % as floor 6oists2 to !rovide rigidit(-

C&lt&re: Range of &stoms2 0eliefs2 so ial forms2 and material traits of a religio&s2 so ial2 or ra ial gro&!-

C&lvert: A transverse drain &sed to ond& t water &nder roadwa(s-

C&r0 C&t: A 0rea+ or o!ening onto a road from !rivate !ro!ert(-

C&rve lengt% 7*8: T%e lengt% of a &rve on a road 0etween t%e Aoint of C&rve and Aoint of Tangen (-

C&t and @ill: A !lan to remove 7 &t8 e9 ess soil or add 7fill8 soil to low s!ots-

.a + to To! D

Data Colle tor: A !orta0le om!&ter &s&all( si"ed to %old in one %and t%at a&tomati all( re ords o0servations made wit% a total station-

Dat&m: A referen e !oint for starting a s&rve(-

De id&o&s: A t(!e of tree2 s%r&02 or vine t%at dro!s all of its leaves in winter-

Dead load: Un %anging or dead weig%ts a str& t&re m&st s&!!ort 7i-e-2 roof2 0eams2 flooring8-

Defle tion: Des ri!tion of t%e stiffness of a 0eam 0( its tenden ( to 0end &nder a load-

Deformation: C%ange of s%a!e as a res&lt of for es 0eing a!!lied to an o06e t-

Deed restri tions: *imitations !la ed on t%e owner of !ro!ert( for its &sage-

Degree of &rve 7D8: T%e angle wit%in t%e Delta angle of a &rve t%at %as a %ord of 144 feet along t%e &rve- Arovides information on %ow tig%t t%e &rve will 0e-

Delta Angle 7C8: T%e in l&sive angle of a &rve ,eas&red from AC to AT-

Design: To !lan2 reate2 or devise: ma( refer to t%e res&lts of t%e !lanning2 reating2 and devising-

Design 0rief: '&mmar( of a design !ro6e t t%at in l&des 0rief des ri!tions of t%e following: initial !ro0lem2 identifi ation of needs to solve t%e !ro0lem2 fa tors? onstraints to 0e onsidered-

Design elements: Aarts t%at ma+e &! an end#!rod& t t%at satisfies a set riteria or onstraints-

Design Tem!erat&re Differential: T%e differen e 0etween t%e indoor tem!erat&re in winter and t%e

o&tdoor design tem!erat&re in winter- T%e design tem!erat&re differential or design range is &sed in al &lating t%e s!a e %eating re<&irements of a dwelling &nit &nder t%e engineering#0ased met%odolog(-

Detail drawing: Enlargements of s!e ifi areas of a str& t&re t%at are t(!i all( drawn w%ere several om!onents interse t or w%ere small mem0ers are re<&ired-

Determinant 0eam: A 0eam wit% t%ree s&!!ort rea tion for es t%at an 0e determined 0( a!!l(ing t%e t%ree e<&ili0ri&m e<&ations- If a 0eam %as more t%an t%ree s&!!ort rea tions2 it is said to 0e indeterminate-

Develo!er: An( !ro!ert( owner2 or an( !erson or gro&! wit% written a&t%ori"ation from t%e !ro!ert( owner2 w%o intends to im!rove or to onstr& t im!rovements &!on a given !ro!ert(-

Develo!ment: A !ie e of !ro!ert( of land t%at %as 0een %anged 0( t%e addition of im!rovements-

Dia"o re!rod& tion: Dia"o !rints2 also +nown as 0l&e#line !rints2 are made 0( !assing an &ltraviolet lig%t t%ro&g% a transl& ent original drawing to e9!ose a %emi all( oated !a!er or !rint material &nderneat%-

Dimensions: Distan es 0etween !oints t%at delineate relations%i!s 0etween design elements-

Diatoma eo&s eart%: 'oft eart% formed from t%e s%ells of diatoms-

Dis!ersement: 'e!aration of a <&antit(-

Dis!la(s of $or+: A&0li e9%i0its of wor+ to allow ot%ers to learn a0o&t a !ro6e t and to re eive !eer eval&ation-

Distri0&tion main: T%e !rimar( tr&n+ line &sed for distri0&ting water2 gas2 or ele tri it( wit%in a s!e ifi area or region-

Distri0&tion !anel: A se tion or division of a wall w%ere t%e ond& tor from t%e meter 0ase is onne ted to individ&al ir &it 0rea+ers2 w%i % are onne ted to se!arate ir &its for distri0&tion to vario&s lo ations t%ro&g%o&t t%e str& t&re-

Drain: A !i!e or %annel 0( w%i % li<&id is drawn off-

Drainage: A s(stem or !lan to remove water from a site-

Dri! edge: ,olding at t%e edge of a roof designed for effe tive water s%edding and for dire ting water awa( from t%e e9terior fa ing material-

Drivewa(: A !rivate road !roviding a ess from a !&0li wa( to a 0&ilding-

D& tile iron: A %eav( metal !i!e t(!i all( &sed to onve( !ota0le water s&!!lies-

D& twor+ a!a it(: T%e &0i feet !er min&te of airflow 7a00reviated C@,8 t%e d& twor+ is a!a0le of %andling-

D&t % %i!: A t(!e of roof s%a!e t%at om0ines feat&res of a ga0le and a %i! roof-

.a + to To!

Easement: Rig%t of wa( a ross someone/s land: t(!i all( &tilit( lines are !la ed in easements-

Eave: T%e lower !art of t%e roof t%at !ro6e ts from t%e wall 7also see orni e8-

E olog(: 't&d( of t%e relations%i!s 0etween living organisms and t%eir s&rro&ndings-

E onomi s: T%e !rod& tion2 ons&m!tion2 and distri0&tion of goods and servi es-

Ele troni Distan e ,eas&ring 7ED,8: A means or met%od of meas&rement t%at &ses ele troni s at a distan e-

Effl&ent: T%e dis %arge of water or wastewater from a treatment !ro ess or !ro esses-

Egress: E9its or a wa( o&t of-

Ele tri ,eter: A Dilowatt %o&r meas&ring devi e !rovided 0( t%e !ower om!an( &sed for 0illing !&r!oses-

Ele tri al !lan: T%e dis!la( of all of t%e ir &its and s(stems to 0e &sed 0( t%e ele tri al ontra tor d&ring installation-

Ele tri al s(stems: T%e means of s&!!l(2 transmission2 and distri0&tion of !ower to a site-

Elements of art: T%e 0asi !rin i!les of art2 s& % as design2 olor2 s(mmetr(2 or !ro!ortion-

Elevation: A !oint/s %eig%t a0ove an ado!ted dat&m2 s& % as mean sea level 7,'*8-

Elevations: Ort%ogra!%i drawings t%at s%ow one side of a 0&ilding/s interior or e9terior-

End Verti al C&rve 7EVC8: Aoint w%ere t%e verti al &rve ends and t%e road %as an even slo!e again-

Energ(: T%e a0ilit( to do wor+: t(!es in l&de %eat2 lig%t2 so&nd2 %emi al2 n& lear2 me %ani al2 ele tri al-

Energ( Codes: A set of r&les t%at are intended to reg&late t%e design and onstr& tion of an energ( s(stem-

Energ( reso&r es: T%e s&!!l( t%at !rovides energ( t%at is onverted into &sa0le !ower: so&r e t(!es in l&de solar2 wind2 n& lear2 geot%ermal2 fossil f&els2 and %(droele tri -

Energ( '(stems: A means of delivering a str& t&re/s !ower ena0ling it to do wor+: it an 0e 0( onsite ond& tion2 onve tion2 radiation2 or offsite me %ani al means-

Engineered 0eam: A long2 t%i + !ie e of wood reated from smaller wood !ie es im!roving &!on t%e normal a!a0ilities of onstr& tion l&m0er- T%ese !rod& ts are om!osed of wood !arti les 7veneer2 wood %i!s2 oriented strands2 wafers2 laminated dimensional l&m0er2 and om0inations t%ereof8 0onded 0( long#lasting ad%esives to ens&re t%e str& t&ral integrit(-

Engineering#.ased ,et%odolog(: One of two s&ggested s(stems t%at an 0e &sed to esta0lis% &tilit( allowan es- 7'ee also ons&m!tion#0ased met%odolog(-8 T%is met%od is 0ased on engineering al &lations and ot%er te %ni al information t%at is &sed to estimate t%e amo&nt of energ( or water a %o&se%old s%o&ld reasona0l( re<&ire-

Engineering s&rve(ing: A meas&rement to s%ow si"e2 0o&ndaries2 &tilities2 and to!ogra!%( of a site-

Environment: E9ternal s&rro&ndings-

Environmental Engineer: A s&0#dis i!line of ivil engineering t%at deals wit% t%e treatment of %emi al2 0iologi al2 and?or t%ermal waste2 t%e !&rifi ation of water and air2 and t%e remediation of ontaminated sites2 d&e to !rior waste dis!osal or a idental ontamination- Environmental engineers are also involved in !oll&tion red& tion2 green engineering2 and ind&strial e olog(- Environmental engineering is t%e modern term for 'anitar( engineering- 'ome ot%er terms in &se are !&0li %ealt% engineering and environmental %ealt% engineering-

Environmentall( @riendl(: Designing and onstr& ting 0&ildings from renewa0le materials s& % as wood from managed forests2 eart%en materials2 and re ( led !rod& ts-

Et%i al: .eing in a ordan e wit% t%e a e!ted !rin i!les of rig%t and wrong t%at govern t%e ond& t of a !rofession-

E<&ili0ri&m: 'tate of 0alan e a %ieved w%en t%e for es a ting on a str& t&ral mem0er are e<&al to "ero-

Evergreen: Alants %aving foliage t%at remains green all (ear-

E9terior: O&tside t%e 0o&ndaries of t%e floor !lan-

E(e# onta t: Dire t vis&al onta t wit% anot%er/s e(es-

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@a ilities: A str& t&re2 e<&i!ment2 or servi e t%at is designed to meet a need: i-e- restroom-

@as ia: A %ori"ontal 0oard nailed to t%e end of rafters or tr&sses to on eal t%eir ends-

@eeder: *o al streets2 C&l#de#sa s2 or loo!s t%at servi e neig%0or%oods-

@i0er 0ending stress: T%e meas&rement of str& t&ral mem0ers &sed to determine t%eir stiffnessRe!resented 0( 7@08-

@ine ad6&sting s rew: A me %anism t%at w%en tig%tened or loosened ma+es fine ad6&stments of s&rve(ing e<&i!ment in t%e verti al or %ori"ontal !lane-

@inis% floor: A floor t%at %as 0een !re!ared wit% a smoot% finis% s&ita0le for &se t%at ma( or ma( not %ave a sealant a!!lied-

@inis%es: @inal treatments t%at are a!!lied to a design or onstr& tion element-

@ittings: A general term t%at &s&all( refers to vario&s !i!ing !arts s& % as tees2 valves2 fi9t&res2 or el0ows-

@i9ed 0eam: A 0eam wit% 0ot% s&!!orts fi9ed2 allowing no rotation at t%e restrained ends-

@i9ed s&!!ort: A s&!!ort t%at totall( restrains t%e 0eam2 sometimes alled a fi9ed end-

@i9t&res: Al&m0ing2 ele tri al2 or ot%er trade areas for !ersonal finis% devi es t%at are fastened to t%e str& t&re and 0e ome !art of t%e !ro!ert(2 s& % as2 toilets2 %andeliers2 water fa& ets2 door0ells-

@loating fo&ndation: A s(stem and sla0 formed in one fa0ri ation-

@loor: T%e inside 0ottom s&rfa e of a room: sometimes refers to a stor( in a 0&ilding-

@loor 6oist: A %ori"ontal str& t&ral mem0er &sed in re!etitive !atterns to s&!!ort floor loads-

@loor Alan: A se tional drawing to s%ow a floor from a !oint fo&r feet a0ove t%e finis%ed floor level-

@loor !lan s(m0ols: Re!resentations &sed in floor !lans to des ri0e items t%at are asso iated wit% living in t%e %ome2 s& % as doors2 windows2 a0inets and !l&m0ing fi9t&res-

@low Rate: T%e rate at w%i % water or wastewater moves t%ro&g% a treatment s(stem or !i!e networ+-

@oam ore 0oard: ,odel 0&ilding material: a t%in !ie e of foam sandwi %ed 0etween two !ie es of !oster0oard-

@oliage: Alant leaves2 es!e iall( tree leaves2 onsidered as a gro&!-

@ootings: *owest mem0er of a fo&ndation s(stem &sed to s!read t%e loads of a str& t&re a ross s&!!orting soil-

@or e: A !&s% or a !&ll on an o06e t-

@orm: A !rin i!le of design t%at is des ri0ed 0( lines and geometri s%a!es- @or 0est res&lts2 t%e form of a str& t&re s%o&ld 0e di tated 0( its f&n tion-

@oresig%t 7@'8: T%e station or lo ation to w%i % a %ori"ontal angle 7relative to t%e 0a +sig%t82 verti al differen e2 and %ori"ontal distan e are meas&red-

@o&ndation: '(stem t%at s&!!orts and transfers to t%e gro&nd a 0&ilding/s loads: ma( in l&de footings2 !iers2 !ilings2 fo&ndation walls2 and sla0s-

@reewa(: A road wit% limited a ess t%at generall( %andles 0etween 12444#12344 ars !er %o&r !er lane-

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)a0le: A t(!e of roof wit% two slo!ing s&rfa es t%at interse t at t%e ridge of t%e str& t&re-

)allons !er da(: A flowrate &nit 7g!d82 w%i % is t(!i all(2 &sed for water distri0&tion and wastewater management s(stems-

)allons !er min&te: A flowrate &nit 7g!m82 w%i % is t(!i all(2 &sed for water distri0&tion and wastewater management s(stems-

)am0rel: A t(!e of roof formed wit% two !lanes on ea % side of t%e ridge- T%e lower !it % is stee!er t%an t%e &!!er !ortion of t%e roof-

)eodeti s&rve(ing: ,at%emati al determination of e9a t lo ations of geogra!%i al !oints2 s%a!es2 and si"es-

)eote %ni al Engineering: A !rofession t%at anal("es s&0terranean ro + and soil in order to determine load 0earing a!a0ilities essential for a safe and se &re str& t&re-

)irder: A %ori"ontal s&!!ort mem0er at t%e fo&ndation level-

)lo0al Aositioning '(stem 7)A'8: A s&rve(ing te %nolog( &sing s!e iali"ed radio re eivers t&ned to signals from militar( navigation satellites to !osition s&rve( stations-

)rade 0eam: T%e designation of t%e <&alit( of a man&fa t&red !ie e of wood-

)rading: A t of %anging a !ro!ert(/s to!ogra!%( for a !&r!ose-

)reen s!a e: *and t%at onsists !redominantl( of &nsealed2 !ermea0le2 /soft/ s&rfa es2 s& % as soil2 grass2 s%r&0s2 and trees-

)ro&nd: An ele tri al onne tion to t%e eart% 0( means of a rod-

)ro&!ings: A n&m0er of !lants !la ed in an arrangement wit%in a lands a!e for ma9im&m im!a t and a!!eal-

)&ssett: A metal or wood !late &sed to strengt%en t%e interse tion of str& t&ral mem0ers-

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Hard water: Drin+ing water2 &s&all( from a gro&ndwater so&r e2 t%at is %ig% in dissolved minerals2 most ommonl( al i&m2 magnesi&m2 and iron-

Head loss: Energ( loss in %(dra&li s(stems-

Header: T%e &!!er !ortion of a door or window frame-

Heat *oss: T%e rate of %eat transfer in .ritis% T%ermal Units 7.TU8 !er %o&r from o &!ied s!a e to t%e o&tdoors- *osses o &r t%ro&g% walls2 eilings2 and floors of a str& t&re2 and t%ro&g% ra +s aro&nd windows and doors- T%e %eat loss de!ends on t%e str& t&re si"e2 onstr& tion2 design2 !%(si al ondition2 amo&nt of ins&lation in t%e walls and eilings2 t%e ass&med indoor tem!erat&re2 and vario&s ot%er fa tors-

Heating Degree Da(s: A meas&re of t%e severit( of t%e winter in a given lo alit(: t%e more %eating degree da(s2 t%e older t%e winters- Heating degree da(s 7HDD8 are t%e differen e 0etween 3= degrees @ and t%e

dail( mean 7average8 tem!erat&re w%en t%e latter is less t%an 3= degrees @-

He +ling: To tr( to em0arrass and anno( 7someone s!ea+ing or !erforming in !&0li 8 0( <&estions2 gi0es2 or o06e tions: 0adger-

Heig%t of Instr&ment 7HI8: T%e verti al distan e from t%e station mar+ to t%e enter of t%e tr&nnion a9is of t%e total station or level-

Hi!: T%e e9terior edge formed 0( two slo!ing roof s&rfa es-

Holding Aond: A fa0ri ated ontainment area for %olding storm r&n#off-

Hori"ontal Alignment: Tangen ( esta0lis%ed 0etween straig%t#a#wa(s and &rves on roads-

Hori"ontal orientation: A view of an o06e t t%at s%ows its widt%-

Hori"ontal s%ear: One of t%ree ma6or for es a ting on a 0eam: it is t%e tenden ( of t%e fi0ers of a 0eam to slide !ast ea % ot%er in a %ori"ontal dire tion- Re!resented 0( 7@v8-

H(dra&li detention time: T%e average amo&nt of time a !arti le of water sta(s wit%in a treatment vesselT%e %(dra&li detention time an 0e al &lated 0( dividing t%e vessel vol&me 0( t%e flowrate-

H(drogeologist: ' ientists w%o st&d( gro&ndwater o &rren e and movement-

H(drogra!%i : Relating to feat&res of a 0od( of water or t%e st&d( of t%e flow of water-

H(drolog(: T%e st&d( of t%e !ro!erties and %ara teristi s of eart%/s water.a + to To!

Im!a t loads: D(nami for es a!!lied 0( live loads: 0e a&se t%e( are onsidered related to live loads2 t%e( are generall( ta+en as a fra tion of t%e live loads a&sing t%em-

Indeterminant 0eam: A 0eam wit% more t%an t%ree s&!!ort rea tion for es- T%e t%ree e<&ili0ri&m e<&ations are not s&ffi ient to solve for all of t%e rea tions- If a 0eam %as t%ree s&!!ort rea tions2 it is said to 0e determinate-

Indigeno&s: Originating and growing or living in an area or environment-

Infl&ent: $ater or wastewater2 !artiall( or om!letel( treated2 or in its nat&ral state t%at flows into a reservoir2 tan+2 treatment om!onent or dis!osal om!onent-

Infrastr& t&re: .asi installations2 s& % as roads2 railwa(s2 or fa tories t%at determine t%e e onomi !ower of a o&ntr(2 it(2 or town-

Ingress: Entran es or a means to enter-

Inlet: A narrow !assage for water to enter a s(stem-

Interior: $it%in t%e 0o&ndaries of t%e floor !lan-

Interviews: A ver0al !ro ess to inform and !rovide s&ggestions for im!rovement-

Introd& tion: 'omet%ing s!o+en2 written2 or ot%erwise !resented at t%e 0eginning of a !resentation or written !ie e: &sed in !resenting a !erson-

Irrigation: A !ro ess to s&!!l( somet%ing2 s& % as dr( land wit% water 0( means of dit %es2 !i!es2 or streams: to water artifi iall(-

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Ea + st&d: A wall mem0er t%at is &t s%orter t%an ot%er st&ds to allow for an o!ening2 s& % as a window 7also alled a ri!!le st&d8-

Eam0: T%e verti al mem0er of a door or window frame-

Eo&rnal: Dail( re ord or olle tion of writings2 s+et %es2 and resear % t%at e9!ress t%e design !ro ess-

E&n tion 0o9: A metal or !lasti a r&n-

ontainer t%at !rote ts ele tri al wiring s!li es in ond& tors or 6oints in

E&ried !resentation: A s%owing or viewing of somet%ing t%at %as 0een assessed 0( a gro&! of 6&dges or eval&ators-

E&r(: A !anel of individ&als t%at assess a design !ro6e t wit% a formal !resentation-

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Daolin: A fine2 w%ite la( &sed in erami s and refe tories and as a filler or oating for !a!er and te9tilesT%is la( is formed 0( t%e weat%ering of !egmatities or mi a s %ists from t%e a ids in gro&nd water-

Ding st&d: A f&ll#lengt% !ie e of wood !la ed at t%e end of a %eader-

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*and: A solid !art of t%e eart%/s s&rfa e2 gro&nd2 or soil-

*and s&rve(ing: T%e !ro ess of meas&ring and lo ating !%(si al entities on a !lot of land to o0tain a legal des ri!tion-

*ands a!e design: T%e aest%eti im!rovement of land wit% t%e &se of e9isting reso&r es and t%e addition of !lant material as needed-

*ands a!e %orti &lt&rist: A !erson w%ose !rofession is t%e &ltivation of fr&its2 vegeta0les2 flowers2 or ornamental !lants for de orative and f&n tional alteration and !lanting of gro&nds-

*ands a!ing: T%e im!rovement of a !lot wit% t%e res!onsi0le &se of e9isting and new !lant material-

*ateral: Of2 relating to2 or sit&ated at or on t%e side-

*ateral loads: 'idewa(s dire ted loads s&stained 0( a str& t&re t%at ma( 0e a&sed 0( winds or seismi a tivit(-

*a(o&t: Arrangement of design om!onents to satisf( t%e design re<&irements-

*east s<&ares: A met%od of determining t%e &rve t%at 0est des ri0es t%e relations%i! 0etween e9!e ted and o0served sets of data 0( minimi"ing t%e s&ms of t%e s<&ares of deviation 0etween o0served and e9!e ted val&es- It is a !ro ess &sed to determine t%e 0est fit of a line or &rve 7de!ending on w%et%er a !erson is &sing linear2 non linear2 dam!ed2 et -8 to a matri9 of data !oints &sed in !redi tion-

*egal des ri!tion: A written !assage or statement t%at des ri0es !ro!ert(: ma( 0e one of t%ree t(!es: metes and 0o&nds2 re tang&lar s&rve( s(stem2 and lot and 0lo +-

*ending instit&tion: Organi"ation t%at is in t%e 0&siness of !roviding monetar( f&nds for individ&als or om!anies needing f&nds-

*eveling 0ase: A fo&ndation or area designed to level s&rve(ing instr&ments !rior to &se: fo&r leveling s rews are &sed-

*eveling Rod or Target rod: A devi e wit% a grad&ated s ale in 1?14t%s or 1?144t%s of feet t%at is fo &sed on t%ro&g% t%e teles o!e-

*i<&id *imit: ,inim&m moist&re ontent at w%i % t%e soil will flow &!on a!!li ation of a s%eering for e-

*ine: A sense of dire tion or movement in t%e design of a str& t&re w%i % %el!s to relate it to t%e site and t%e nat&ral s&rro&ndings-

*ine#of#sig%t: An imaginar( line from t%e e(e to a !er eived o06e t-

*ive load: C%anging 7live8 weig%ts on a str& t&re in need of s&!!ort2 s& % as !eo!le2 f&rnit&re2 rain2 or snow-

*oad: $eig%t a str& t&re m&st s&!!ort-

*oad !at%s: T%e dire tion a for e will follow along str& t&ral mem0ers to rea % its fo&ndation and &ltimatel( t%e gro&nd s&!!orting t%e fo&ndation-

*ong s!an: A one#stor( str& t&re wit% a s!an greater t%an 12 to 1= m and large free s!a es 0etween ol&mns-

*ot si"e: T%e n&m0er of s<&are footage in a !lot of land t%at is &nder onsideration for develo!ment-

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,ain: T%e !&0li !i!e or wire t%at onve(s a &tilit( from one !oint to anot%er-

,aintenan e: T%e wor+ of +ee!ing somet%ing in !ro!er ondition: &!+ee!-

,anagement: Aeo!le in %arge of arr(ing o&t t%e administration of 0&siness-

,an%ole: An entr( t%ro&g% w%i % a !erson ma( gain a ess to an &ndergro&nd or en losed str& t&re-

,ansard: A fo&r#sided2 stee!#slo!ed roof-

,aterials: T%e !rod& ts t%at are &sed to !rote t t%e e9terior of t%e 0&ilding from weat%er2 s& % as roofing2 wall overings2 doors2 and windows-

,at 7Raft8 fo&ndations: A fo&ndation &sed w%en soil 0earing is relativel( low or w%ere loads are %eav( in relation to soil#0earing a!a ities- T%is fo&ndation t(!e is essentiall( one large footing &nder an entire 0&ilding2 w%i % distri0&tes t%e load over t%e entire mat- A mat is alled a raft fo&ndation w%en it is !la ed dee! eno&g% in t%e soil t%at t%e soil removed d&ring e9 avation e<&als most or all of t%e 0&ilding/s weig%t-

,eridians: *ines of longit&de &sed in legal !ro!ert( des ri!tions-

,eter: An instr&ment &sed to meas&re ele tri al <&antities-

,etes: ,eas&rements &sed to identif( t%e 0o&ndaries of a !ro!ert(-

,i a eo&s: A mineral t%at r(stalli"es in t%in2 fle9i0le la(ers resistant to %eat-

,in&te: A meas&rement of 1?34t% of a degree2 w%ere 334 degrees e<&als a ir le-

,odels: A model2 or mo +#&!2 is a t%ree#dimensional re!resentation of an ar %ite t&ral design sol&tion t%at is &sed to %el! omm&ni ate design on e!ts- T%e model an eit%er 0e a !%(si al model or a om!&ter#generated model of t%e design-

,od&l&s of elasti it(: T%e degree of stiffness of a 0eam- Re!resented 0( 7e8-

,oment: Tenden ( to rotate a0o&t a !oint determined 0( t%e !rod& t of a for e m&lti!lied 0( t%e distan e from t%is for e to t%is !oint-

,on&ment: A +nown referen e !oint on an immova0le o06e t &sed to referen e to!ogra!%i al data &s&all( identified 0( a 0rass ir le wit% data ins ri0ed on it-

,&lti#@amil(: Distin tion given in 0&ilding odes to a str& t&re w%ere more t%an one famil( &nit wo&ld reside-

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FAD 2G: T%e Fort% Ameri an Dat&m of 1H2G is a %ori"ontal referen e dat&m-

FAD ;3: T%e Fort% Ameri an Dat&m of 1H;3 is a %ori"ontal referen e dat&m2 w%i % s&!erseded FAD 2G-

Fational )eodeti '&rve( 7F)'8: A federal government a tivit( t%at is res!onsi0le for national !rograms

in geodes( and geodeti s&rve(ing- F)' is a division &nder t%e Fational O ean 'ervi e of t%e Fational O eani and Atmos!%eri Administration 7FOAA8 wit%in t%e De!artment of Commer e-

Fative !lants: Alants2 w%i % are indigeno&s to a !arti &lar area-

FAVD ;;: T%e Fort% Ameri an Verti al Dat&m of 1H;; is a verti al referen e dat&m2 w%i % s&!erseded F)VD 1H2H-

F)VD 2H: T%e Fational )eodeti Verti al Dat&m of 1H2H is a verti al referen e dat&m-

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O&tlet: An ele tri al re e!ta le w%i % allows &rrent to 0e drawn from a s(stem-

Over%ang: T%e %ori"ontal meas&rement of t%e distan e t%e roof !ro6e ts from a wall-

Over%ang 0eam: A 0eam s&!!orted wit% two s&!!orts2 one or 0ot% s&!!orts are not lo ated at t%e end of t%e 0eam-

Overview: A 0road2 om!re%ensive view: a s&mmar( or review-

Owners%i!: Having legal a&t%orit( over somet%ing: i-e- land or 0&ildings-

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A I J .oard: *o al !lanning and "oning ommittee t%at is om!rised of omm&nit( individ&als w%o ma+e de isions governing t%e develo!ment of !ro!ert( wit%in t%e omm&nit(-

Aanel 0o9: T%e ele tri al en los&re w%ere t%e servi e is onne ted to t%e individ&al ir &its in t%e str& t&re-

Aarallels: *ines of latit&de &sed as a referen e !oint in legal des ri!tions of !ro!ert(-

Aarti le 0oard: A formed !anel onsisting of !arti les of wood fla+es2 %i!s2 and s%avings and 0onded toget%er wit% s(nt%eti resin gl&e- Used for o&nterto! or veneer !anel &nderla(ment-

Aeer eval&ation: Aro ess of %e +ing anot%er/s wor+ against t%e re<&irements t%at %ave 0een given and

giving onstr& tive feed0a +-

Aeer Review: A met%od t%at ena0les refle tion and revision of wor+ om!leted-

Aers!e tive Drawings: A t(!e of !i torial drawing t%at !rovides t%e ill&sion of de!t% 0( onverging all %ori"ontal lines w%i % re!resent t%e o06e t/s de!t% to a single vanis%ing !oint on t%e %ori"on 7for one# !oint !ers!e tives8 or to two vanis%ing !oints on t%e %ori"on 7for a two#!oint !ers!e tive8- Additional Information: In ar %ite t&ral drawing2 one#!oint !ers!e tives are most ommonl( &sed for drawing room interiors: two#!oint !ers!e tives are &sed most often to ill&strate t%e e9terior of a str& t&re: and t%ree# !oint !ers!e tives are &sed for e9terior ill&strations t%at also re<&ire t%e ill&sion of %eig%t2 s& % as in a tall 0&ilding-

!H: ,eas&re of a idit(-

A%otogrammetr(: T%e s ien e of o0taining relia0le information a0o&t !%(si al o06e ts t%ro&g% t%e &se of re ording2 meas&ring2 and inter!reting !%otogra!%i images-

Aier: An( of vario&s verti al s&!!orting str& t&res2 s& % as a !illar2 s&!!orting an ar % or roof or 0&ttress-

Aile fo&ndations: Dee! fo&ndations a ting li+e large nails t%at are %ammered into t%e soil wit?:% !ile drivers to deliver t%e str& t&re load into a greater mass of soil2 or to deliver t%e loads to a stiffer soil or 0edro + strat&m-

Aile: A %eav( 0eam of tim0er2 on rete2 or steel2 driven into t%e eart% as a fo&ndation or s&!!ort for a str& t&re-

Ailing: A str& t&re om!osed of !iles-

Ain s&!!ort: T(!e of str& t&ral mem0er onne tion &s&all( metal-

Ait %: 'lo!e 7 om!arison of rise over r&n8 of a roof-

Alagiari"e: A t of &sing anot%er a&t%or/s wor+ wit%o&t giving !ro!er redit: literar( t%eft-

Alan: To! view in an engineering drawing-

Alasti *imit: T%e lowest moist&re ontent at w%i % a soil an 0e rolled into a t%read 1?; in % in diameter- 'ands are non !lasti and annot 0e rolled-

Alat: A ma! of !art of a it( or towns%i! s%owing some s!e ifi area2 s& % as a s&0division made &! of several individ&al lots-

Alat(: A flat !arti le %aving one dimension relativel( small in relation to t%e ot%er two-

Alot: A small !ie e of gro&nd: a meas&red area of land: a lot-

Alot Alan: *a(o&t of a !ar el of land-

Aoint of .eginning 7AO.8: T%e first !oint in an engineering !ro6e t referen ed to a 0en % mar+2 s& % as 4K44-

Aoint of C&rve 7A-C-8: T%e 'tation Aoint w%ere a &rve 0egins-

Aoint of Interse tion 7A-I-8: T%e 'tation Aoint w%ere two road grades or transit lines interse t-

Aoint of Referen e 7AOR8: A lo ation of +nown or ass&med elevation and?or %ori"ontal oordinates-

Aoint of Reverse C&rve 7ARC8: T%e 'tation Aoint w%ere two &rves meet and %ange dire tion-

Aoint of Tangen ( 7AT8: T%e 'tation Aoint w%ere a &rve ends and a 'traig%t#a#wa( 0egins-

Aol(vin(l C%loride 7AVC8 Ai!e: Ai!e t%at is onstr& ted wit% a !ol(mer formed 0( !ol(meri"ation of vin(l %loride monomer2 sometimes alled vin(l- T%e w%ite AVC !i!e is often fo&nd in str& t&res and &sed for gravit( !i!e s(stems s& % as wastewater drains- )reen AVC !i!e is &sed for gravit( sanitar( sewers-

Aoorl( )raded: 'oil lassifi ation w%ere t%ere is onl( one si"e2 &niforml( graded2 or a soil t%at ontains onl( a few differentl( si"ed !arti les2 ga! graded-

Aortfolio: A written re ord of t%e develo!ment of a !ro6e t from in e!tion to om!letion- T%e t%ree t(!es of !ortfolios are formative2 s&mmative2 and mar+eting-

Aosition: T%e oordinates2 in a %ori"ontal referen e s(stem2 w%i % identif( a station mar+ or feat&re*atit&de and longit&de2 and Fort%ing and Easting are e9am!les of !osition oordinates in s(stems &sed in s&rve(ing-

Aota0le water: Raw or treated water t%at is onsidered safe to drin+-

Ao&nds !er '<&are In % 7A'I8: A &nit of !ress&re meas&rement-

Are ast Con rete: Con rete 0&ilding om!onents w%i % are formed and &red at a fa tor( and t%en trans!orted to a wor+ site for ere tion-

Aress&ri"ed: Res&lt of !ress&re 0eing e9erted &!on somet%ing-

Arevailing winds: Dire tion from w%i % t%e wind most fre<&entl( 0lows in a given area of t%e o&ntr(-

Arin i!les of design: T%e 0asi r&les or standards t%at determine a good design2 s& % as form2 f&n tion2 and aest%eti s-

Arism: Refle ting devi e &sed wit% a total station or ot%er ele troni distan e meas&ring instr&ments-

Arivate: 'tr& t&re or !ro!ert( develo!ment t%at %as restri ted or limited a ess for ertain gro&!s of !eo!le-

Arivate @or e ,ain: A !rivatel( owned &tilit( !i!e2 ond&it2 or line t%at is &nder !ress&re-

Arivate &tilities: An( gravit( sewer2 for e main2 sewage treatment !lant or water or ele tri al s&!!l( s(stem t%at serves residential s&0divisions or ot%er gro&!s of &ses or str& t&res and t%at is not owned and maintained 0( t%e !&0li &tilities-

Arofile: T%e elevation 7or front view8 of !ro!ert( s%owing t%e verti al information reated if a verti al sli e is ta+en t%ro&g% t%e !ro!ert(-

Aro6e t: An &nderta+ing t%at is &s&all( large and en om!asses !lanning2 e9e &tion2 and !resentation to var(ing degrees as addressed in t%e s o!e-

Aro6e t note0oo+s: Fote0oo+s do &menting an &nderta+ing t%at is eviden e of design !ro ess2 resear %2 and final im!lementation of t%e design sol&tion-

Aro!ert( Owners: *egal !ossessors of land-

Aro!!ed 0eam: A 0eam wit% two s&!!orts and one end is fi9ed-

Aro!ortion: A !rin i!le of design t%at deals wit% t%e si"e and s%a!e of areas and t%eir relations%i! to one anot%er-

Arotra tor: A meas&rement devi e t%at is grad&ated in degrees and min&tes and t%at is &sed for meas&ring %ori"ontal angles-

A&0li : 'tr& t&re or !ro!ert( develo!ment t%at is intended for t%e &se of all !eo!le-

A&0li l( Owned Treatment $or+s 7AOT$8: ,&ni i!al owned water treatment or wastewater treatment fa ilit(-

A&0li 'anitar( 'ewer '(stem: Comm&nit( owned wastewater s(stem-

A&0li $ater '(stem: Comm&nit( owned !ota0le water distri0&tion s(stem-

A&m! stations: A&m!s2 t(!i all( %o&sed in 0&ildings2 w%i % add energ( to water distri0&tion and sanitar( sewer s(stems-

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Radi&s 7R8: T%e !er!endi &lar distan e 0etween t%e Transit line and t%e enter of t%e &rve2 meas&red from t%e Aoint of C&rve-

Rafter: T%e in lined str& t&ral mem0er of a roof s(stem designed to s&!!ort roof loads-

Realtor: A !erson w%ose 0&siness is selling and leasing !ro!ert(: an estate agent-

Reg&lators: Aersons in a !osition to ontrol t%e flow or distri0&tion of entities-

Reg&lations: R&les or ordinan es t%at m&st 0e followed in t%e design of a str& t&re or !ro!ert( develo!ment-

Reinfor ement 0ars 7re0ar8: Rods t%at are &sed for om!ressive strengt%: t%at is2 t%e 0ar a0sor0s t%e !&s% for e-

Reinfor ing rods: Rods t%at are &sed for tensile strengt%: t%at is2 t%e rod a0sor0s t%e !&ll for e-

Relief: T%e elevations or ine<&alities of a land s&rfa e giving it t%ree dimensional <&alities-

Renderings: Ai torial drawings t%at ill&strate a design/s details-

Residential 'tr& t&re: An( str& t&re &sed for living !&r!oses-

Reso&r es: T%ings needed to get a 6o0 done- T%e 0asi te %nologi al reso&r es are tools and ma %ines2 materials2 information2 energ(2 a!ital2 time2 and !eo!le-

Restri tions: Constraints t%at limit w%at an 0e done-

R%(t%m: A !rin i!le of design t%at des ri0es t%e ill&sion of flow or movement reated 0( %aving a reg&larl( re!eated !attern of lines2 !lanes2 or s&rfa e treatments-

Ridge: T%e &!!ermost area of two interse ting roof !lanes-

Ridge 0oard: A %ori"ontal mem0er t%at rafters are aligned against to resist t%eir downward for e-

Rig%t#of#$a( 7RO$8: T%e stri! or area of land aro&nd a state %ig%wa( granted easement or fee !aid to a lo al2 state2 or federal government agen (-

Rise: T%e amo&nt of verti al distan e 0etween one tread and anot%er-

Riser: A water s&!!l( !i!e t%at e9tends verti all( one stor( or more to arr( water to fi9t&res-

Roller s&!!ort: Eoint onne tion t%at allows for movement of a str& t&ral mem0er-

Roof s(stem: Arimar( s(stem lo ated on t%e to! of a str& t&re t%at !rote ts its interior from t%e nat&ral elements-

Ro&g% O!ening: T%e &nfinis%ed o!ening 0etween framing mem0ers allowed for doors2 windows2 or ot%er assem0lies-

R&n: T%e %ori"ontal distan e of a set of ste!s or t%e meas&rement des ri0ing t%e de!t% of one ste!-

R#val&e: ,eas&rement of t%ermal resistan e &sed to indi ate t%e effe tiveness of ins&lation-

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' ale: 1- A meas&ring devi e &sed to draw a !ro!ortionatel( red& ed re!resentation of a design- 2- A mineral de!osit left 0( %ard water-

' %ed&le De(: 'ets of letters and n&m0ers en losed in geometri s%a!es t%at are &sed to ross referen e a feat&re on a drawing to its orres!onding !art on a s %ed&le2 often referred to as a tag-

' %ed&les: $ritten lists of similar om!onents and t%eir s!e ifi ations2 s& % as windows and doors-

' issor tr&ss: A roof tr&ss design %ara teri"ed 0( two rossing diagonal 0ottom %ords t%at are fre<&entl( &sed w%en a va&lted eiling is desired-

'easonal wind !attern: A design of nat&ral origin of %ow t%e wind flows d&ring different seasons of t%e (ear-

'e tion Detail: A verti al &t t%ro&g% t%e road to s%ow onstr& tion details-

'e tion ,od&l&s: T%e moment of inertia divided 0( t%e distan e from t%e ne&tral a9is to t%e e9treme fi0er of t%e ross se tion- If a mem0er is re tang&lar t%en ' L 0dM ? 3 7in38 is &sed in 0ending al &lations2 w%ere 0L widt% and dL de!t%- Does not wor+ for I# s%a!e-

'e tions: Views t%at are formed 0( sli ing a str& t&re or !art of a str& t&re along a &tting !lane line to s%ow interior details-

'eismi load: Eart%<&a+e related for es t%at m&st 0e a o&nted for in t%e str& t&ral design: s!e ified in t%e 0&ilding odes-

'elf#assessment: An assessment te %ni<&e &sed to en%an e learning and &nderstanding t%ro&g% self# eval&ation-

'e!tage: T%e 0iodegrada0le waste from se!ti tan+s and similar treatment s(stems- 'e!tage in l&des t%e sediments2 water2 grease2 and s &m !&m!ed from a se!ti tan+-

'e!ti : An anaero0i

ondition of water and wastewater-

'e!ti '(stem: A met%od to %andle raw sewage on site: onsists of !i!ing from t%e str& t&re to t%e tan+2 a tan+ to %old sewage w%ere 0a teria 0rea+s it down2 and a drain field w%ere li<&id is dis!ersed-

'ervi e: A fa ilit( !roviding t%e !&0li wit% t%e &se of somet%ing2 s& % as water or trans!ortation-

'ervi e entran e: An entr( to a str& t&re or !ro!ert( t%at is &sed for deliver( of goods and removal of ref&se: &s&all( lo ated at t%e rear-

'ervi e line: A !i!e or ond&it onve(ing a &tilit( from a distri0&tion main to t%e meter or entr( !oint of an( individ&al !ro!ert(-

'et0a +: T%e minim&m legal distan e from a !ro!ert( line or street w%ere im!rovements to a site an 0e 0&ilt or t%e minim&m distan e from t%e !ro!ert( lines to t%e front2 rear2 and sides of a str& t&re-

'ettling: To a&se to sin+2 0e ome om!a t2 or ome to rest: to a&se 7a li<&id8 to 0e ome lear 0( forming a sediment: to sta0ili"e-

'%ear: 'tress t%at o &rs w%en two for es from o!!osite dire tions are a ting on t%e same mem0er: tends to &t a mem0er 6&st as s issors &t !a!er-

'%eat%ing: A overing material !la ed over walls2 floors2 and roofs t%at serves as a 0a +ing for finis%ing materials-

'%ed: A small str& t&re2 eit%er freestanding or atta %ed to a large str& t&re &sed for storage or s%elter-

'%o + waves: Com!ressed waves t%at travel from an eart%<&a+e/s %(!o enter at different velo ities

im!a ting str& t&res on t%e eart%/s s&rfa e: intensit( varies a ording to t%e t(!e of soil t%e wave is traveling t%ro&g%-

'ig%t Distan e: T%e fart%est !oint a driver an see aro&nd o0sta les-

'ill: A %ori"ontal wood mem0er !la ed at t%e 0ottom of walls and o!ening in walls-

'ilt: 'edimentar( material less t%an -4=mm in si"e-

'im!le 0eam: A 0eam wit% a &niform load evenl( distri0&ted over its entire lengt% and s&!!orted at ea % end-

'ingle @amil(: Distin tion given in 0&ilding odes to a stand alone str& t&re w%ere onl( one famil( &nit wo&ld reside-

'ingle#!%ase: Arod& ing2 arr(ing2 or !owered 0( a single alternating voltage-

'ite: An area of land generall( one !lot or onstr& tion lot in si"e- T%e term site is s(non(mo&s wit% !lot and lot-

'ite *o ation: A%(si al !la ement of a !ro!ert( and its s&rro&nding vi init(-

'ite Orientation: T%e !la ement of a str& t&re on a !ro!ert( wit% ertain environmental and !%(si al fa tors ta+en into onsideration-

'ite !lan: A ma! of a !ie e of land t%at ma( 0e &sed for an( n&m0er of !&r!oses- It s%ows t%e relations%i! 0etween a str& t&re and its !%(si al s&rro&ndings- Also +nown as a !lot or lot !lan-

'i"ing: Aro ess of %oosing t%e orre t str& t&ral mem0er ne essar( to arr( s!e ifi loads in a design-

'%r&0s: $ood( !lant smaller t%an a tree wit% several stems rising from t%e same root-

'lo!e: T%e relations%i! of t%e rise to t%e r&n e9!ressed as a !ro!ortion or a !er ent2 for e9am!le 1?14 or 14N-

'+et %es: A olle tion of free%and drawings t%at omm&ni ate an idea: t%ree t(!es: !rogram2 design2 and t%&m0nail-

'+et %ing: An effe tive means of omm&ni ation t%at &tili"es free%and drawing-

'offit: A lowered eiling2 t(!i all( fo&nd in +it %ens2 %alls2 and 0at%rooms to allow for re essed lig%ting or HVAC d& ts-

'oil Aer Test: A met%od to determine t%e !ermea0ilit( of t%e soil-

'oil !H: T%e meas&re of a idit( of t%e soil-

'oil sta +: An( verti al !i!e in a waste water s(stem-

'olar Orientation: A wa( of indi ating t%e e9!os&re to t%e s&n- 'olar orientation !rovides for e9 ellent e9!os&re to t%e s&n- 'olar a ess refers to t%e availa0ilit( of dire t s&nlig%t to a str& t&re or onstr& tion site-

'o&nd Orientation: A wa( of indi ating t%e e9!os&re to so&nd- 'o&nd orientation in l&des determining t%e so&nds t%at t%e lient will ontend wit% and w%at ot%er design om!onents ma( 0e &sed to soften t%e so&nd im!a t2 s& % as droning road noise-

'!a e allo ation: T%e allo ation of s<&are footage 0ased on t%e f&n tional needs wit%in an area-

'!a e !lanning: T%e !ro ess of listing f&n tions to 0e !erformed wit%in a design and develo!ing relations%i!s as to t%eir !la ement ta+ing into onsideration t%e design riteria-

'!an: Hori"ontal distan e 0etween two s&!!orting mem0ers-

'!atial relations%i!: T%e !ro!ortion of s!a e and o06e ts and %ow t%e( relate to one anot%er-

'!e ifi ation ,an&als: Referen e materials s!e ifi in nat&re w%i % !rovide additional information t%at is not given in t%e wor+ing drawings-

'!read fo&ndation: @o&ndation w%ere t%e str& t&ral load is s!read o&t over a 0road area &nder a 0&ilding &tili"ing %ori"ontal re0ar mats to an %or t%e 0&ilding as a w%ole or to an %or individ&al ol&mns or se tions se!aratel(- '!read fo&ndation is sometimes alled Bfooting fo&ndationsB or Bs!read footingB and is a fre<&ent t(!e of fo&ndation &tili"ed in low rise 0&ildings-

'ta0le: T%e ondition of a str& t&ral mem0er t%at %as 0een designed to %andle t%e loads it will arr( to !revent fail&re-

'tati Head Aress&re: T%e water !ress&re wit%in a !i!e w%en t%e water is not moving-

'tati s: .ran % of me %ani s dealing wit% t%e for es t%at !rod& e a state of e<&ili0ri&m-

'tation: A lo ation sometimes alled a 'tation Aoint2 at t%e interse tion of two Traverse lines- 'tations are &s&all( se tioned into 144 foot intervals wit% t%e %&ndreds se!arated from t%e tens and ones 0( a K signE-g- 3K2G wo&ld 0e 32G feet from t%e Aoint of .eginning-

'torm Drain: A drain designed to olle t s&rfa e water r&noff-

'tormwater Retention Areas: ,anmade areas for t%e olle tion of storm water-

'train: To alter t%e relations 0etween t%e !arts of a str& t&re or s%a!e 0( a!!l(ing an e9ternal for e: deform-

'tress: *ive or dead load a ting on a str& t&ral mem0er t%at res&lts as t%e material resists t%e e9ternal for e: internal for e !er &nit area of t%e mem0er/s ross se tion-

'tr& t&ral Engineer: A !rofession t%at st&dies and &nderstands t%e 0asi !rin i!les t%at define and %ara teri"e t%e 0e%avior of !%(si al o06e ts s&06e ted to for es and t%e designs of s& % t%ings as 0ridges2 0&ildings2 dams2 and stadi&ms-

'tr& t&re: 'omet%ing made &! of interde!endent !arts in a definite !attern of organi"ation: an interrelation of !arts as determined 0( t%e general %ara ter of t%e w%ole-

'&0floor: T%e flooring s&rfa e t%at is laid on t%e floor 6oint and t%at serves as a 0ase la(er for t%e finis%ed floor-

'&0s&rfa e: 'oil onditions 0elow gro&nd-

'&mmar(: A statement or !resentation of t%e main !oints in a ondensed form: on ise-

'&!!l(: In!&t line into an area of a str& t&re-

'wale: A man made de!ression or low l(ing land feat&re &sed for drainage 7i-e-2 a dit %8-

'(mmetr(: 718 E9a t orres!onden e of form and onstit&ent onfig&ration on o!!osite sides of a dividing line or !lane or a0o&t a enter or an a9is- 728 .ea&t( as a res&lt of 0alan e or %armonio&s arrangement-

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Tangent *ine: A single onta t !oint or along a line: to& %ing 0&t not interse ting-

Teles o!e: An instr&ment t%at ontains t%e lens fo &sing ad6&stment and ross %airs for sig%ting-

Teles o!e level: A s!irit 7air 0&00le in fl&id en ased in a glass (linder8 level &sed for leveling t%e instr&ment-

Tension: @or es t%at a&se a material to stret % or !&ll a!art-

Terrain: T%e %ara teristi of land on w%i % t%e !ro!osed str& t&re will 0e !la ed-

Test 0oring: T%e !ro ess of removing a small diameter ore of soil and eart% to determine t%e s&0terranean feat&res and om!osition-

Te9t&re: A !rin i!le of design w%i % refers to t%e ro&g%ness or smoot%ness2 in l&ding refle tive !ro!erties2 of a material or o06e t and its related !%(si al and vis&al effe ts-

T%ree !%ase: Ele tri al s&!!l( &tili"ing 5 wires wit% t%ree lines2 ea % 124> o&t of !%ase wit% t%e ot%ersUsed for ommer ial or ind&strial &tilit(: well s&ited to r&n %eav( motors-

Timeline: 'e<&ential listing of information a ording to t%e dates it too+ !la e or s%o&ld ta+e !la e-

To! !late: T%e &!!er %ori"ontal framing mem0er &sed in residential wall onstr& tion2 fre<&entl( 0eing do&0led to !rovide for stiffness and for s&!!ort of 6oists or tr&sses a0ove-

To!ogra!%(: T%e onfig&ration of a s&rfa e in l&ding its relief and t%e !osition of its nat&ral and &lt&ral feat&res-

Total d(nami %ead 7TDH8: T%e !ress&re wit%in a !i!e s(stem wit% t%e water in motion- TDH L 'tati %ead min&s %ead loss-

Total 'tation: An ele troni s&rve(ing instr&ment t%at om0ines angles and distan e#meas&ring a!a0ilities in a single &nit-

Traffi flow: T%e ro&te t%at !eo!le follow as t%e( move from one area to anot%er-

Transit *ine: T%e !at% or enter line of a road-

Transmission ,ain: T%e main tr&n+ of a &tilit( s(stem-

Trans!ortation Engineering: A !rofession t%at designs and anal("es trans!ortation s(stems2 s& % as %ig%wa( onstr& tion2 railwa(s2 air!orts2 &r0an and s&0&r0an road networ+s2 !ar+ing areas2 and traffi ontrol s(stems-

Tra!: A devi e for sealing a !assage against t%e es a!e of gases2 es!e iall( a U#s%a!ed or '#s%a!ed 0end in a drain!i!e t%at !revents t%e ret&rn flow of sewer gas 0( means of a water 0arrier-

Traverse: A series of lines of +nown lengt% onne ted 0( +nown angles-

Tree ano!(: T%e o&ter limits of a tree/s foliage s%own from dire tl( over%ead-

Tri0&tar( widt%: T%e a &m&lation of loads t%at are dire ted to a str& t&ral mem0er: alwa(s %alf t%e distan e 0etween t%e 0eam to 0e designed and t%e ne9t 0earing !oint-

Trimmer: Eoists or rafters t%at are &sed to frame an o!ening in a floor2 eiling2 or roof-

Tri!od: A t%ree#legged stand t%at !rovides a sta0le mo&nting 0ase for a s&rve(ing instr&ment-

Tr&ss: A rigid framewor+2 to s&!!ort a roof or 0ridge: made from s%orter om!onents onne ted in triangles wit% !in onne tions-

T&rning Aoints: T%e stations &sed w%en s&rve(ing- Also alled Traverse 'tations or 'tation Aoints-

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Ultraviolet Disinfe tion: A final treatment met%od in w%i % !artiall( treated effl&ent is e9!osed to &ltraviolet lig%t to +ill !at%ogens and mi roorganisms-

Undergro&nd: An( &tilit( lo ated 0elow t%e gro&nd level-

Unit(: A !rin i!le of design related to t%e ommonalit( of t%e design or de orating !attern t%at ties a str& t&re toget%er-

Universal a essi0ilit(: A design to !rovide a ess wit% t%e mo0ilit( limited !erson in mind: Ameri ans wit% Disa0ilities A t 7ADA8 1HHG and t%e International Code Co&n il %ave s!e ified g&idelines t%at are to 0e followed-

U'C': Unified 'oil Classifi ation '(stem-

U'DA %ardiness ma!: A ma! of t%e United 'tates t%at s%ows t%e range of tem!erat&res in "ones for vegetation growt%: &sed w%en identif(ing !lant material to 0e &sed in lands a!ing-

Utilities: An( servi e !rovided 0( an offsite s&!!lier-

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Valle(: T%e internal orner formed 0etween two interse ting roof str& t&res-

Vell&m 7tra ing !a!er8: Drafting !a!er t%at is s!e iall( designed to a e!t !en il or in+-

Vent sta +: An( verti al !i!e in a waste water s(stem w%ose !&r!ose is to !rovide a !at%wa( for 0&ilt &! gasses-

Verti al alignment: Tangen ( 0etween a verti al &rve and a road wit% an even slo!e-

Verti al C&rve 7VC8: T%e transition reated w%en a road travels over a %illto! or down a valle( and &! again-

Verti al orientation: A view of an o06e t t%at s%ows its %eig%t-

Verti al s%ear: A stress a ting on a 0eam2 t%at a&ses a 0eam to dro! 0etween its s&!!orts-

Via0le: Ca!a0le of s& ess or ontin&ing effe tiveness: !ra ti a0le-

Via0ilit( anal(sis: Eval&ation !ro ess t%at ta+es into a o&nt t%e fa tors t%at will infl&en e and determine t%e s& essf&l im!lementation of a !ro!osed !ro6e t-

Vi0rations: O&i + forward and 0a +ward motions-

View Orientation: A vis&ali"ation of mo&ntains2 it( lig%ts2 water2 or even a develo!ed site2 s& % as a golf o&rse: is o!timi"ed in t%e site orientation-

Volt: T%e &nit &sed in meas&ring ele tri al !ress&re-

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$all 'e tion: A !artial se tion t%at s%ows onl( t(!i al roof2 wall2 floor and fo&ndation information for one t(!i al wall rat%er t%an t%e f&ll str& t&re-

$aste Treatment Engineering: T%e !rofession t%at is res!onsi0le for designing and anal("ing waste water treatment fa ilities2 s& % as sanitar( waste2 dis!osa0le waste2 and water treatment fa ilities-

$astewater: T%e s!ent or &sed water from an individ&al %o&se%old2 a omm&nit(2 or ommer ial esta0lis%ment2 w%i % ontains dissolved and s&s!ended matter t%at is %armf&l to %&man %ealt% and t%e environment- $astewater re<&ires treatment to remove 0a teria and !at%ogens2 eit%er t%ro&g% an onsite de entrali"ed wastewater treatment s(stem or a entrali"ed m&ni i!al sewage s(stem2 0efore it an safel( 0e released into t%e environment- Ho&se%old wastewater in l&des li<&id#solid mi9t&res from toilets2

sin+s2 s%owers2 0at%t&0s2 was%ing ma %ines2 dis%was%ers2 and ot%er drains-

$ater ,anagement Engineering: A !rofession t%at st&dies t%e &se of %(dra&li and %(drologi !rin i!les to design drainage s(stems2 detention and retention !onds2 navigational waterwa(s2 dams2 and la+es-

$att: A &nit of ele tri al !ower2 w%i % is om!osed of 0ot% voltage and am!erage-

$eat%er%ead: '!e ial fitting &sed to atta % an ele tri al servi e line to a 0&ilding or str& t&re-

$e0s: Interior mem0ers of t%e tr&ss t%at s!an 0etween t%e to! and 0ottom %ord-

$ell#)raded: 'oil lassifi ation w%ere t%ere are a variet( of !arti le si"es !resent-

$etlands: Environmentall( sensitive lands t%at %ave a large on entration of water on it t%at filters s&rfa e water 0a + into t%e a<&ifer: &s&all( %ave develo!mental restri tions !la ed &!on t%eir &sage-

$ind 0rea+: A %edge2 fen e2 or row of trees serving to lessen or 0rea+ t%e for e of t%e wind-

$ind load: A wind load is d(nami in nat&re 0e a&se wind !ress&re2 dire tion2 and d&ration of wind are onstantl( %anging- To a ommodate t%is wit% wind load2 a standard is &sed- $ind loads are treated as lateral loading on walls and in a downward !ress&re or &!lift for es on roof !lanes-

$ind Orientation: Involves determining !revailing winds2 w%i % s%o&ld 0e ta+en into a o&nt in t%e !la ement of a %ome or 0&siness-

$or+ing drawings: T%e set of !lans from w%i % a str& t&re will 0e 0&ilt- $or+ing drawings are t%e ve%i le 0( w%i % t%e designer gra!%i all( onve(s t%e final design sol&tion- T%eir si"e is de!endent &!on t%e s o!e and nat&re of t%e !ro6e t-

.a + to To! J

Jenit% Angle: T%e angle2 meas&red in t%e verti al !lane2 0etween straig%t &! 7"ero8 and t%e target of o0servation- T%e %ori"ontal2 t%erefore2 is H4 degrees-

Joning: Clarifi ations for !ro!ert( develo!ment t%at govern t%e design and &se of 0&ildings2 str& t&res2 and &tilities wit%in a m&ni i!alit(-

.a + to To!

P 2414 # 2415 ,r- .a(er/s $e0site 1 Civil Engineering and Ar %ite t&re- All Rig%ts Reserved-

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