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1 Leonard Y. Andaya, The Kingdom Of Johor: 1641-1728 , Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur,1975. !

n t"e total frame#or$ of t"e $in%dom, it #as t"e sym&oli' position of t"e ruler #"i'" assured its survival, and not t"e stren%t"s or #ea$nesses of t"e parti'ular individual 'lot"ed #it" t"e di%nity of t"at offi'e. pp(1 )espite t"e independen'e and aut"ority exer'ised &y some of t"e '"ief ministers in t"is period, t"e rivalry &et#een t"e *enda"ara and t"e La$samana families vividly illustrated t"e fa't t"at t"eir position and po#er depended ultimately not on t"eir o#n innate s"re#dness and a&ility, nor on t"eir #ealt", &ut on t"e san'tion of t"e ruler. pp(+ ,"e spe'ial -uality of $in%s"ip asso'iated #it" an an'ient and presti%ious line. ,"is tradition en"an'es t"e po#er of a .ultan/0a1a. ,"e elements of t"is po#er daulatder"a$a 'on'ept, et'. t"e po#er stru'ture 0uler 2"ief 3inisters Oran% Kaya Oran% Laut 3any of t"e 3oors sailed s"ips under t"e &anner of t"e .ultan A&dul 4alil or any of t"e Oran% Kaya. pp75 ,"e t"ird important 'omponent in t"e po#er stru'ture of t"e Kin%dom of 4o"or. ,"e 2"ief 3inister in t"eory 'onsulted t"e 2oun'il of Oran% Kaya #"en a'tin% on t"e #is"es of t"e ruler or in attendin% on t"e matter of %overnment. ,"ese prin'ipal Oran% Kaya formed individual 'entres of po#er #it"in t"e $in%dom. ,"rou%" trade t"ey o&tained t"e revenues ne''essary to a''-uire slaves and follo#ers #"o o#ed alle%ian'e to t"em and fou%"t under t"e 'ommand of Oran% Kaya in t"e &attles. 5"en t"ey #ere i%nored or a&used, t"ey lent t"eir assistan'e to a rival 'ontender in order to improve t"eir situation or position in t"e Kin%dom. *ut #"en t"ey #ere 'ourted, t"ey responded favoura&ly and 'ontri&uted to#ards t"e su''essful #or$in% relations"ip amon% t"e ruler, '"ief minister and t"e Oran% Kaya. pp(6 t"e Portu%eses laun'"ed invasions a%ainst t"is $in%dom in 1517 +8 +6 +9 65 69 77 and A'"enese atta'$s in 159(, 1578, 157+, 1916, 1917 and 19+6 pp +6 and 4am&i in 1976. ,"e fre-u#n'y of t"ese invasions attests to 4o"or:s a&ility to re'onstitute itself #it"in a relatively s"ort period of time and on'e a%ain &e'ome a mena'e to &ot" t"e Portu%ese and t"e A'"inese. A 'loser loo$ at t"e details of t"e aftermat" of some of t"ese invasions reveals an unexpe'ted pi'ture of a $in%dom 'ontinuin% to exer'ise its soverein%ty, #"ile ad1ustin% fre-uent dislo'ations 'aused &y t"e atta'$s. pp+6 4o"or found its allian'e #it" t"e ;O2 to "ave &een a valua&le aspe't of its trade poli'y...4o"or #ould not "ave re'overed its e'onomi' e-uili&rium so rapidly after 19(1, in t"e international trade. pp77. La$samana ,un A&dul 4amil, t"e Oran% Kaya and t"e Oran% Laut #ere assem&led &y t"e La$samana #it"in a s"ort time after t"e defeat of 4o"or in 1976. All that was necessary to build a capital (kingdom) and to re-establish the centre of the kingdom was the ruler. pp103 Pa%ar 0uyun%, 3inan%$a&au pp189 111, 159 para + line &a#a", pp+58 +51, +5+ +98., +91 +97 <inal '"apter as a #"ole. 0affles. !mportan'e of su&1e'ts to a 0uler/2"ief pp1+7 para 1. pp 168 para + line 9. La$samana:s 'ontri&ution in restorin% t"e pride of 3ela$a 4o"or Kin%dom a%ain after t"e defeat of 4am&i in 1976 ...Laksamana had ursurped the kingship in e erything but name! a''ordin% to )ut'". ,"e ruler #as untou'"ed in "is position as t"e rei%nin% monar'" #"o dele%ated po#ers to and le%itimi=ed t"e a'tions of "is '"ief offi'ials t"e true %overners and administrators of t"e $in%dom. As #it" "is prede''essors of 3ela$a, "e 'ould #ell say t"at "e #as not 'on'erned #it" t"e diffi'ulties of t"e administrators &ut only too$ a''ount of t"e %ood results t"ey a'"ieved. <or t"e La$samana:s %ood results "e #as a#arded t"e title of Padu$a 0a1a. pp161. ,"e a&ility of Padu$a 0a1a in preservin% t"e po#er and presti%e of t"e 4o"or $in%dom. pp 16+. pp. 179 $onsep tentan% $edaulatan den%an adat t"e ri%"t of disposition of t"e $in%dom, i.e. soverei%nty, #as t"e pre'ious preserve of t"e ruler a''ordin% to t"e adat of t"e 3alays. All de'isions are tentative until t"e ruler "imself made t"e de'isions. All a'tion #it"in t"e $in%dom a'-uired meanin% and purpose only #"en a ruler #as present to san'tion and 1ustify su'" a'tion to provide "is stamp of le%itima'y and appro&ation on all previous a'tivity. !t #as daulat >soverei%nty? #"i'" #as &rou%"t over from Palem&an% and transmitted to t"e su''eedin% %enerations of rulers in 3ela$a and 4o"or@ it #as daulat #"i'" assured t"e preservation of ne%eri t"rou%"out t"e 19 17 'entury, it #as t"e daulat #"i'" prevented t"e '"ief ministers of 4o"or &o#in% do#n to )ut'" pressure and #"i'" "elped maintained an important sense of di%inity and respe't #it"in t"e Kin%dom of 4o"or. Andaya - power is in the concept of daulat

+ Keit" 5inds'"uttle! The Killing Of "istor#: "ow a $iscipline %s &eing 'urdered &# (iterar# )ritics and *ocial Theorists! 3a'leay Press, .ydney, 199(. Aistory is an intelle'tual dis'ipline t"at is more t"an +(88 yeras old and it ran$s #it" p"ilosop"y and mat"emati'ss amon% t"e most profound and endurin% 'ontri&utions t"at an'ient Bree'e madC, not only to Curopean 'ivili=ation, &ut to "uman spe'ies as a #"ole. !nstead of t"e myt"i'al #"i'" all "uman 'ultures "ad used to affirm t"eir sense of self #ort" and t"eir pla'e in t"e 'osmos, t"e Bree$ "istorians de'ided to try to re'ord t"e trut" a&out t"e past.

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