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Residence Hall


I s s u e 4 0 2 / 0 2 / 2 0 0 9
Special points
of interest:
Kicking Off the Semester!
• Executive Winter Ball
is Feb. 21st, ticket Steve Hanna—RHA Events Coordinator
sales end February

This semester we started things off right at the Beat BSU Pool Party where
• Room renewal starts
February 3rd
people were jumping, splashing, diving, volleyballing, and basketballing the
semester off to a great start! Over 60 people from over 14 halls showed up
• RA informational fair to make the event a massive success and lots of fun! At teh pool party, we
for prospective RAs is
hosted the 2009 Water Olympics and contests included the dog-paddle race,
February 18th
4x4 100 relay, freestyle races, and the coveted dive and splash contest. RHA
• NRHH Social is Feb- Vandal Olympians took to the diving board and performed their best jumps,
ruary 17th dives, and splashes, which included a good number of bellyflops and
flails. Henry Guzman was double-nominated as a finalist in both the dive and
• Movie Voting is
splash contests, and took home the gold in the dive. Adam from French won
the gold in the splash category. French also won out in the dog-paddle race,
Inside and teamed with Syringa and Global Village to win the 4x4 100 relay. Other
winners included McCoy (freestyle), Scholars (freestyle second heat).
this issue:
I Bring Back 2
Friendliness Important info about the 2009 annual RHA Executive Winter Ball Ticket sales
continue this week for the RHA Executive Winter Ball. All UI students are in-
IBC: 2
vited! Get your tickets for only $40/couple and $25/single. Tickets are not
Too Much
available at the door and sales close on February 16. Ticket price includes a
Work? Or Just
What We catered candlelight dinner for two, social hour, desert, rose bouquet raffle
Need? tickets, and an evening of dancing under the stars of a thousand
lights. Formal attire is required. This will be the biggest event of the year,
It’s A Vandal’s 3
and we are spending over $6,000 to make it a world-class event. The ball will
be held off-campus at the University Inn Best Western Empire Ballroom and
Calendar of 4 seasoned professional Redgy Erb of the DJ Company will DJ the dance. The
Upcoming music selection will draw on a large variety of top 40, well-known radio hits,
Events country swing, waltz, hip-hop, and rock. You will not want to miss this
event! Limited tickets are available. Tickets are available from your hall presi-
dent, an RHA Executive Board Member, or at the RHA office. We will also be
selling tickets outside of Bob's on February 4 & 5 and February 11 and 12
from 5-7 PM.
Page 2

I Bring Back Friendliness

Josh Peters—Graham Hall

I’ll be the first to admit try to be a good person and being seen as aggressive?
that I come off a little to let the small stuff slide Or smile at each other
strong. Ha that’s an under- too. without it being seen as a
statement, but anyways. I sign of wanting? When I
Of late though, people
go out of my way to be do my laundry late at night
have brought to my atten-
friendly. I open doors for and see people I don’t
tion that this sort of behav-
strangers, say hello to peo- know, why should it seem
ior is apparently “weird.”
ple, make jokes as much as creepy if I introduce my-
Why I ask is it weird to be
possible to break the ice. I self and try to get to know
a Good Samaritan? Why is
smile at others, usually; I someone else? I think peo-
it strange to smile at a
say hey how’s it going? I ple should be more like me
stranger and say hey? Why
and bring back friendli-
wish everyone went out of can’t people make eye
their way to make the contact when they walk
world a little friendlier. I past each other without it

IBC: Too Much Work? Or Just What We Need?

Colin Livingston—Graham Hall RA
What is IBC? Do you ever wonder If you want a unique challenge
what it’s like to be in our university’s Inte- here at the UofI, you should consider ma-
grated Business Curriculum? Many of my joring in business. The IBC will teach you
friends and I dreaded entering IBC be- how to work with other people, and how
cause of how difficult we’d heard the year to succeed in a team atmosphere. If you
long program is. Some people I know even can master these skills before entering the
decided not to be business majors because workforce, your chances of succeeding
of this program. However, as an IBC stu- improve significantly.
dent I can assure you that IBC is a pro-
Students hard at work in IBC gram that will challenge you in ways that
Program you’ve never been challenged before. It
will give you more opportunities to grow
as a student and person than you’ll get in Two Haikus for Winter
any other program.
Austin Warren-NRHH President
In IBC, students form teams of 5
to 6 members and are given projects to Clear the sky above
work on together. Teams are encouraged Today a spring in winter
to compete with one another, challenging Such is Moscow life
students to learn and perform to their high-
est potential. While working in teams can Frozen fog abound
be frustrating at times, it is very rewarding This cold will not show mercy
to see the process that teams go through to Such is Moscow life
attain their goals.
Issue 4 Page 3

It’s A Vandal’s Life

Cory Griffard—Scholars Hall

To my fellow Vandals, and whatnot. As a resident of the Scholars

LLC, I feel obligated to encourage you to study
your butts off, but just not to the point of where
Hello and welcome back! I would like to discuss you’re not having any fun. That’s another thing
looking back at last semester and looking ahead. you can look back on—if you were taking any
In my opinion, we look back to think about all of classes pertaining to your major, did you enjoy
the good times and bad times (hopefully not too them? The way I see it you should be passion-
much of the latter) to analyze our college careers ate about you major and enjoy what you’re
and think of how to make the best of them. studying, otherwise what’s the point? Remem-
That’s kind of the neat thing about the spring se- ber it’s not too late to change your major if
mester—if you find you weren’t too happy in the you’re not happy about it. Now I know some of
fall, or didn’t feel like you made the most of your you are taking 18 to 20 credits and only have
college experience, then you’ve got a chance to time for studying. To you people I would like
make things better this semester. If you have to say………well, perhaps you should talk to
been perfectly fine this whole time, then keep your advisors. Now you may ask “Why bother?
doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Some What makes campus life so important?” Well,
people may find themselves wondering how to believe it or not these are perhaps the most im-
make their college lives more fun, while others portant, most fun years of your life. I know, I
may have been too busy with studying and work know, that’s what they said about high school.
and stuff. Well, here are a few hints that may But I seriously doubt high school even com-
help. I feel that a fun college experience, at least pares to college. And keep in mind (this espe-
if you’re living in the dorms, includes talking to cially goes to you freshman out there) college
and hanging out with people from your hall, do- goes by way faster than high school. I don’t
ing fun events with them, participating in an ex- care if you’re here eight years, they will go by
tracurricular activity or two, seeing friends in the faster than those four of high school. The first
area you’ve known since kindergarten, going to a month or two may have been a bit slow because
Vandal sporting event (if not for the team, then at you’re settling in and just getting to know eve-
least for the cheerleaders!), chasing after that cute rything, but once you get moving along, time
girl/guy you’ve liked for weeks if not months, goes by faster than a cheetah on crack. So with
doing an intramural sport, or if you’re me, bring- that in mind, do what you can to make the most
ing a keg of root beer into the top of the Theophi- of your life here on campus, because it’ll be
lus Tower, thus having the first legal kegger in over before you know it. Have as much fun as
the tower. Now please don’t take this the wrong you can (while still attempting good grades)
way and think you still shouldn’t do homework and enjoy your short time as being a Vandal!

Want to inspire others, serve your community, and

make the residence halls an even better place to live?
Join the top 1% of residence hall students on campus,
who are doing just that!

Join NRHH!

To learn more, email

F e b ru a ry 2 0 0 9
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*Room renewal:
Same Room
3rd –9th

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
*Room renewal:
Same hall, differ-
ent room

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
*Room Renewal: ***RA informa- RHA Executive
Any hall, any tion fair for pro- Winter Ball
room spective RAs
(required for all
**NRHH Social
(open to all)

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
**Applications for ***RA applica-
NRHH member- tions due for 2009
ship due -2010

* Renew rooms for 2009-2010 on

Vandal Web
** NRHH Social is open to any- Write It! Edit It! Submit It!
one and is at 7:30 PM in the LLC
classrooms. Also, on the 24th the
Graffiti staff accepts all Less words means more Submit your stuff to
applications are due at 7:30 in the kinds of articles, pictures, content, so we have a 150 if you
LLC classrooms. and cartoons! Our next word limit. This allows are sending photos,
*** And questions you have about
issue will be about Hal- more articles in a issue. please don’t embed them
RA information contact loween so send some Make sure to spell your into Word. Send them as
Steven Wong at stuff in about whatever name correctly. a separate attachment.
( your doing.

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