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Grade 11


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronoun ed di!!erentl" !ro# that o! the others$ 1$ A. needed B. arrived C. visited D. wanted %$ A. stopped B. jumped C. robbed D. stepped &$ A. lives B. spaces C. surfaces D. distances '$ A. mature B. treasure C. structure D. venture Choose the orre t answer to ea h senten e$ ($ Lets have a drink, _________ A. dont we B. do we C. shall we D. will !ou )$ "e never drinks wine, _________ A. doesnt he B. does he C. hasnt he D. wont he *$ Armstron# was the first person to set ________on the moon. A. foot B. feet C. le# D. le#s +$ $a#arin was the first person to eat and drink in %ero #ravit!. A. con&uest B. wei#htlessness C. spacemen D. orbit ,$ Cats _________see in the dark. A. can B. could C. were able to D. were unable to 10$ 't _________Lan who alwa!s helps him in his trouble. A. was B. has been C. will be D. is 11$ 't was the red car _________crashed into mine !esterda!. A. who B. what C. that D. which 1%$ (ou can make a balanced a&uarium b! #rowin# plants in the _________tank. A. bird B. pet C. fish D. insect 1&$ )he &uiet countr! roads are ideal for c!clin#. A. drivin# a car B. ridin# a bic!cle C. kickin# a ball D. pla!in# football 1'$ _________from several countries competed in man! Asian $ames. A. Athletes B. Audience C. *pectators D. +iewers 1($ )he rin# _________is made of #old and diamond. A. she is wearin# it B. he #ave it to her C. she is wearin# D. Linda likes it 1)$ "e is interested in _________sports such as swimmin# and surfin#. A. waterin# B. team C. a&uatic D. competin# 1*$ Dinosaurs became _________millions of !ears a#o. A. disappear B. e,tinct C. lost D. endan#ered 1+$ -ater power #ives ener#! without_________. A. poison B. nuclear C. petrol D. pollution 1,$ ' like the villa#e _________ ' used to live. A. in that B. where C. in which D. B.C %0$ /ost houses that are situated in the suburbs have #ardens. A. situatin# B. situated C. were situated D. to situate %1$ )he woman _________ne,t door is a famous sin#er. A. lives B. livin# C. who live D. that livin# %%$ -h! don t we _________in peace. A. e,istence B. co0e,ist C. survival D. survive %&$ -hat is the difference between human _________and animals A. is B. are C. bein#s D. be %'$ 1ur well0trained staff are alwa!s courteous to customers. A. patient B. crude C. polite D. honest %($ Customers can choose to send their letters b! air or _________mail. A. land B. surface C. sea D. water %)$ )he _________service will help to send a document with its ori#inal shape.

Grade 11


A. e,press B. transfer C. facsimile D. deliver! %*$ Are !ou _________the phone A. to B. with C. for D. on /denti!" the error in ea h senten e$ %+$ An!bod! is fond of beaut!, isnt he A B C D %,$ 't is him who ' met !esterda!. A B C D &0$ )he man who names "un# #ave !ou this letter. A B C D Cir le the ite# a#on. A0 10 C or D that 2est answers the 3uestion a2out the passa.e$ )he )aj /ahal is considered one of the wonders of the world. 't was built b! the fifth /u#hal 2mperor of 'ndia as a memorial to his beloved wife, /umta% /ahal, who died when she was #ivin# birth to their 34th child in 3563. "e be#an to build a monument in the same !ear and mourned her for ten !ears. )he )aj /ahal was completed 77 !ears later at the cost of 67 million rupees. )went! thousand people worked on it. )he )aj /ahal, meanin# 8Crown of the 9alace:, stands on the bank of the (amuna ;iver in A#ra. Built of white marble, its beaut! is beyond description, particularl! at dawn and sunset. 't was said that the <in# spent the last da!s of his life in prison starin# into a small piece of #lass at the reflection of )he )aj /ahal, and he died with a mirror in his hand. "e was buried in )he )aj /ahal with the wife he never for#ot. &1$ )he )aj /ahal was built in _______and completed in______. A. 3563=35>6 B. 3?63=3?43 C. 3>?7=357@ D. 357@=354> &%$ "ow much did )he )aj /ahal cost A. twent! two million rupees B. thirt! two million rupees C. twent! thousand rupees D. thirt! two thousand rupees &&$ )he <in# had )he )aj /ahal built to____________. A. commemorate his wifes death B. pa! homa#e to his beloved wife C. immortalise their love D. mourn his wife wifes death &'$ -hich of the followin# is A1) true about the <in# A. "e had a lot of children B. "e loved his wife so much C. "e spent his whole life in the palace D. "e was buried at the same place as his wife had been &($ )he phrase is 2e"ond des ription in the passa#e means_________. A. is too #reat to e,press in words B. cant be described C. is too far to be seen from the back D. 's impossible to describe Do as dire ted$ &)$ )he *econd -orld -ar ended on B /a! 3?4> in 2urope. Cusin# Cleft sentenceD _____________________________________________________________________________ &*$ -e planted some !oun# trees in the #arden. Cusin# Cleft sentenceD _____________________________________________________________________________ &+$ Aams father #ot an#r! with him. Cusin# Cleft sentenceD _____________________________________________________________________________ &,$ )om bou#ht a bar of chocolate. 't looked ver! delicious. Cusin# a relative pronounD _____________________________________________________________________________ '0$ )he man is sellin# lotter! tickets. "e used to be ver! rich. Cusin# a relative pronounD _____________________________________________________________________________

------THE END------

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