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8th Grade Those who are listed as eighth graders will be learning about stars. On Kahn Academy they will watch a video on the Birth of Stars. Then, using the iPod, the students will draw a diagram of what they just learned using Educreations. Present to the class. Story option. 9th Grade Those who are listed as ninth graders will be learning about photosynthesis. On Khan Academy they will watch a video on Photosynthesis done by Crash Course: Biology. Then with notes app, they will create a story on photosynthesis. Then they will present to the class. 10th Grade Those who are listed as tenth graders will be learning about radioactive decay. On Kahn Academy they will watch a video on Half-life. Then with the notes app, they will create a story on Half-life with physical representation. They will present to the class. 11th Grade Those who are listed as eleventh graders will be learning about work and energy. On Kahn Academy they will watch a video on the Introduction to work and energy. Use the iPad drawing app or notes app to create a diagram or story. Present to the class. 12th Grade Those who are listed as twelfth graders will be learning about alcohol nomenclature and properties. On Kahn Academy they will watch a video on Alcohols. Use the drawing app to create a diagram or notes app to create a story based on what you watched. Present to the class.

9th Grade Backups Those who are listed as ninth graders will be learning about photosynthesis. On Kahn Academy they will watch a video on Photosynthesis. Then using the notes app, they will create a story on photosynthesis, with acting. Then they will present to the class. Once the videos have been watched 8th, 11th, 12th They will have two options 1. They can draw a diagram using Educreations (iPads). The diagram must be of what they just watched. It must be labeled. They should all be able to explain the diagram. Then they will present it to the class. 2. They can create a story, that is to be acted out, representing what they had just watched. Then they will present to the class. 9th, 10th Only one option 1. They will create a story, that is to be acted out, representing what they had just watched. Then they will present it to the class. After presentations Students will be able to ask questions on the information they were presented. Each person who asks questions will receive a gold star. After questions We will conclude the school day by the students asking me questions about my project. Once we are all done it will be snack time!

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