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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Light Works: How Light Shifts

Students will be able to analyze and interpret data from observations to compare how light behaves
when it shines on different materials.

Students will be able to conduct structured investigations to answer questions about how shadows
change when the position of the light source changes.

State Standards:

Standard 1.P.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties of light and how
shadows are formed.

Context: I am teaching this lesson to continue the students’ knowledge on light and how it
behaves when shining on different material, as well as how shadows are formed and
changed with different light source positioning. I will then teach them different light
behaviors and give visual examples. Before this lesson, they learned the concept of light and
how it is made up of the rainbow. The previous knowledge that students will be bringing to
this lesson is what light and shadows are and the different things that create light and
shadows. After this lesson comes hands on experience in how light shifts.
Data: Students will be grouped for this lesson according to different stations around the
room. I will base the hands-on work from class today from how well the last stations went
and how the exit slips were filled out.
Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,
diagrams, textbooks, etc.)
Part of Lesson Materials Needed

Introduction  Science notebook and pencil

 Video introducing light and shadows
Teacher Directed  Worksheet, pencil, and notebook
Collaboration Stations  Ipads and will go to
 Mirror
 Mini action figure
 Flashlight
 Prism
Independent Work  Bring out Ipads
Closure 

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes): Students will put away their notebook from the previous lesson
and will get out their science notebook. I will play music for five minutes and pass out the Light
and Shadow worksheet while everyone is getting prepared. I will allow them to talk but not
louder than the music. Once everyone is situated, I will play the video on the introduction to
Light and Shadow and I have pulled up the PowerPoint lesson on the smartboard I will then turn
off the music and the science portion of class will begin.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): Students will open listen closely as I am giving the lesson
on how to compare light when hit on different structures and how light affects different shadow
placing. Students will use the worksheet to take guided notes. I will then give time for students to
ask plenty of questions regarding definitions and examples and I will walk them through each
station that will be completed during collaborative time.

Collaborative (15 minutes): For collaborative stations, I will divide the class into five
different groups based on the exit slips and I will have them each complete three different
stations. The first station will be teacher led, I will shine a flashlight onto a mirror reflecting it
onto a piece of paper and I will have the students write down their observations in Nearpod.
Lesson number two will have a prism and the students will shine a flashlight through it reflecting
a rainbow on the wall. For third station, students will shine a flashlight around the action figure
creating different shadows with different angles. They will then record all observations on
Nearpod as well as draw a sketch of each station to share with the class.
Independent Digital (15 minutes): For independent work students will return to their
desk, grab their headphones and on their Ipad go to the edmagication website where they will
play interactive games that reiterate the lesson on light and shadows. They can also use this time
to ask me any questions regarding the lesson or collaborative time.

Closure (10 minutes): For closure, students will help clean up stations and pack up
everything except for there iPads. On their iPad they will login to the Google Classroom and
complete the exit slip posted based on what they had learned. It will be five questions and there
should be no talking or answers given as this data will be collected and used for the next lesson.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
(Nearpod): The Nearpod website is very popular and widespread app. This app
allows teachers to go in and create a template for their students for the students to
then go in and fill it out with ideas, observations, drawing, quizzing ect. This app is
a great way for the students to write down all their sketches and observations and
then share them with the class through Nearpod. This app is created for all ages and
is great for all learners. It shows step by step instructions on how to navigate the
app as well as provides very good imagery and engaging lessons, making for a fun
internet workspace.

(Google Classroom): Google Classroom is the app that you can find every single link
and announcement that is made to class. Here I can create quizzes, exit slips, post
links, and answer any questions that someone may post to the discussion forum.
There is also a tab posted that lists all the assignments and when they are do,
making it very easy to access anything needed.

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