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Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Adapter by eLab

Power over Ethernet or PoE, is the technology used for power transmission in network equipment, via network UTP cable, together with data. PoE is useful in situations when we want to connect network devices that are far away from a power source. n this situation we take advantage of the Ethernet cable, because there are ! pairs of wires, but for the ma"ority of networks, only # pairs are used for data transmission. PoE uses # unused twisted pairs, for electrical transmission needed to power the device. There are several architectures of PoE and many of them e$isted before the technology being standardi%ed, due this fact not all types of PoE are compatible. PoE devices receive power directly from the network cable, but should be noted that according the manufacturers, specs like nominal values of voltage and current, and even pairs used to transport electrical energy may be different. &ource here.

Step 1: Description

'pplying a voltage across terminals not dimensioned for that, may damage the network device. To avoid this, the best way is to make a PoE adapter, separating the two input signals, via two simple circuits, an in"ector and a splitter. The in"ector will feed the network cable with power and this circuit is placed near the origin of the installation, where we have a modem or a switch, and of course a power plug. Then we have as outputs of the Ethernet cable, data and power that will connect to the device. (ow we connect the splitter circuit, which receives data and power. )rom this circuit leaves an Ethernet cable and a *+ plug avoiding

applying unknown voltages to the devices. 's e$ample consider the eLab case, which have a switch on the back of the room and we want to feed a ,#- wireless router which is at the opposite end of the room, to obtain greater coverage by departmental area, in a place near a windows without power sources nearby. The network diagram is the one above.

Step 2: Material

. # /0!1 )emale connectors . # Plastic bo$es . # Ethernet cables 2or UTP cable 3 ! /0!1 crimping connectors4 . , *+ male connector . , *+ female connector . Perfboard or P+5 n this pro"ect we used only recycled components, from old devices, so we had a total cost of 6 7.

Step 3: Connectors

n our case, we used old phone connector bo$es as shown in the following image. 8e replaced the /0,, connectors by /0!1. &tarting from two plastic bo$es, it is necessary to open a hole to fit the /0!1 connectors and secure them with hot glue. n one of the bo$es it9s also necessary to make an opening to *+ female connector, for power input, this bo$ will be the in"ector.

Step 4: Ethernet data

(ow to understand the connection, we must understand how data flows through an Ethernet cable. )or ,7 and ,77:bps network we have the previous table of the configuration in the twisted pairs. 's seen in the table, pins !, 1, ; and < are not used, so let9s use them as positive and negative terminals for power. 8e use pins ! and 1 2blue and blue=white4 as positive and pins ; and < 2brown=white and brown4 as negative. /egarding the standard of colors, it doesn9t matter what standard is used, however all pro"ect should be done with the same standard. n our case we used the standard 1><5.

Step 5: Schematic

8e cut the Ethernet cable to obtain two ends with ,1 cm long. This also can be made with UTP cable crimping the /0!1 connectors. ?ne of the tips will be the in"ector connection to the &witch and the other will connect the splitter circuit to the 8ireless /outer. n these two tips, pairs blue and blue=white and brown and brown=white are cut and left open. n no situation they should be connected *+ power at the risk of damaging the &witch or 8ireless /outer, so make sure they are left opened@ The connection should be made according with the schematic. The # remaining pairs are normally plugged to the female /0!1 connector in the correct pins. The power supply comes from the female *+ plug and will connect in the place of the pairs that were left opened. The positive will connect in pins ! and 1, and the negative in the pins ; and < of the female /0!1 connector. n the splitter circuit, the same will happen, being the male *+ plug the only difference.

Step 6: How it looks

n the first image you can see the tip of the cable that will come from the switch and the *+ input connecting to the /0!1 plug. f you look closely you can notice that the /0!1 connector is a little melted, this is because

the material is reused from old electronic devices, the same goes for the perfurated P+5. There are however connectors with mechanical contacts that don9t require any soldering. n the second image you can see the /0!1 connector that will receive the PoE signal, where then the data will be separated from the power supply. The data will be sent through that tip of Ethernet cable, which will connect to the 8ireless /outer. The power supply is sent through another cable and will connect the *+ plug to power the /outer, however it9s not visible in this image for it is behind the Ethernet cable. 5efore trying it, we tested the conductivity of each pin, for that we connected the in"ector and the splitter with an Ethernet cable and then checked if pins ,, #, A and > had continuity, from the in"ector to the splitter, and the same with the *+ connectors. 8e also tested if pins !, 1, ; and < didn9t have continuity, once they are cut in the adapters and left opened in each side. )inally we also tested ad"acent pins to make sure there were no short circuits anywhere.

Step 7: es!lts

The in"ector on the right and the splitter on the left, as you can confirm by the *+ output. )or well e$ecuted adapters, there is no influence of the power supply on the data cables, there is no interference in the transmission of data packets or in the speed itself.

n the following images you can see the adapters in the place where they were destined to be installed. The eLab network has been working well and there hasn9t been any kind of problem.

Step ": #$ser%ations

?nce again we remind that in the in"ector and splitter, the tips of the twisted pairs !, 1, ; and < 2blue, blue=white, brown=white and brown4 must be cut and left in open circuit. f this is not done or if there is any kind of anomaly that imposes voltage in these pins, the network devices might be damaged. t9s necessary to guarantee that these pins are left opened, preferably even isolated. 's mentioned before, the PoE technology uses the # twisted pairs that are not used on the ethernet cable, however, this is only true for ,7 and ,77:bps networks. ,Bbps networks already use all the twisted pairs for

data transmission, so the PoE technology is applied differently, through a technique called Phantom Power, therefore this adapter is not suited for those networks. To avoid the risk of damaging network devices, it is never advised to in"ect the PoE signal directly anywhere but the splitter, unless you are absolutely sure about the device9s characteristics and about what you are doing. The in"ector and splitter should be always used together. 'ccording with the application, voltage drops should be considered. )or most uses, specially for low wattages, voltage drops in a PoE cable are ignored, however, for longer distances they start having considerable values which can change the performance of the network devices. f the voltage drop is relevant, then you should consider increasing the voltage supply in order to compensate the drops through the cable and have the device9s nominal voltage in its terminals. n our case, the router is less than 1 meters way from the switch, so the voltage drop is irrelevant. )or longer distances they should be calculated and considered. :a$imum voltage used in PoE systems is 1;-*+. f you are not sure about the network, about the devices, about how they work or about what you are doing, then it9s advised not to do any changes, under the risk of damaging the network devices, and we are not responsible for any kind of damage. 8hatever you do, do it at your own risk.


AndyGadget saysC'pr #,, #7,A. ,CA1 ':/eply (ice writeDup with plenty of information and the appropriate warnings. Ell be using something similar to run a remote P webcam. 5e aware that in some countries 1><' is the norm so check the connections carefully. 2 love standards D ThereEs always so many to choose from FGH4

adillbeck saysC'pr #1, #7,A. IC7I ':/eply +urious, does the standard you choose really matterJ &o long as you use the same pin out on both adapters it seems like the wire in the middle wouldnEt matter all that much. took a short Leviton certification course ,# years ago, and if remember correctly when making your cables you can choose either ' or 5, so long as you use the same one on both ends of the cable. 2if you donEt, you end up with a cross cable4 f this is incorrect then let me know, as Ed love to try this to free up an e$tension cord. C4


eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C!> P:/eply

's long as you use the same norm in both adapters, itEs all fine G4


AndyGadget saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ICA> ':/eply KouEre absolutely right D 's long as youEre connecting the same both ends the standard wonEt matter. :y comment was more of a Eheads upE in case anyone was using a mi$ of offDtheDshelf components which could be marked differently. 2 f you use anything other than one of the recognised standards, ensure the signal pairs are consistent otherwise the transmission characteristics would be affected.4

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #,, #7,A. >C7# ':/eply Thank you@ 8e wanted to keep it simple but with all the necessary info.

Gelfling6 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,#C,! P:/eply ' few years back, there was a pair of dongles, ?ne, a U&5D' :ale on one end, an /0D!1 on the other, and the other, a U&5D' )emale on one end, and a /0D!1 on the other.. The device was using a length of +'TD1E up to #17Dfeet, to transmit U&5D,., from one end to the other, ncluding power, but it, too, had a limit on how far it would reach.. 'lso BigaDbit standards use different wires other than the standard ethernet wires, despite using the same or +atD> cabling. &till a good idea, to save on cable for power..

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C!1 P:/eply Kes, U&5 usually cannot reach very large distances, there are even some U&5 e$tensions for sale that sometimes are a ripoff because the data will be lost in the middle.. KouEre right, this adapter is only for ,7 and ,77 :bps networks because they only use ! wires, it will not work in ,Bbps networks as they require all < of them.

99gu puppet saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ;C#1 ':/eply This scheme can also be used to ship data or audio on the unused pairs. K::>

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C!, P:/eply &ure G4

whitewolf!99 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,,C7A ':/eply Bood 'fternoon )rom UL, Linda. have a query, although am no technical wi%ard, but is there no danger of this device generating /adio frequency interference, given that the cables over which the power travels may act as an antenna. This has happened many times here in UL, Europe and (orth and &outh 'merica. am not saying this 8 LL happen, only quoting the e$perience of what is called Power Line Transmission devices, which uses power cables to pass data between distant points in the same building. Kou are to be praised for your efforts posting, and this is a genuine concerned enquiry. Thanks for youre time, 5est /egards, Bary

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,CAI P:/eply

Thank you@ 8ell, that is a common concern about PoE adapters but Ethernet communication is Mkind of immuneM to this type of electromagnetic radiation, besides the power lines being used in these cases are very low power. Therefore using some wires for power and some wires for data in the same cable, should not affect the transmission of data packets or the speed itself.

"#$%% saysC'pr #1, #7,A. IC,; ':/eply -ery nice writeDup@ ' few things to noteC ,4 This should only be used over semiDshort distances 2maybe A7D!7 feet4. PoE uses !<v *+ for power transmission so it can be tolerant of the natural voltage drop over long distances. )or ,#v *+=177ma at 17ft of #!'8B +at1e, the voltage on the other end would be ,7.<v, which is very close to the cutDoff point of the -oltage /egulators in most home routers. )or ,#v *+=177ma at 17ft of #>'8B +at1e the voltage would be ,7.,v. 't 1v the cable length should be restricted to ,7D,1 ft. K::#4 Ethernet is, by design, noiseDtolerant. Like you said, data packets and speed should be unchanged. A4 To avoid soldering, you could use offDtheDshelf Leystone "acks and simply punchDdown the correct power wires in the right spot.

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,CA, P:/eply Thank you@ Kes, those are some notes to keep in mind.

pachai saysC'pr #1, #7,A. <C!> ':/eply This is a good instructible. had seen a similar thing once, and found another trick. f you take an /0!1 coupler, many of them are made in # pieces that can be snapped apart and back together. snapped open the /0!1 coupler, cut a notch on either side for the wires to come out, and reached into the tight bundle, snipped the ! wires, soldered on the leads, taped it and closed it back up. :y hope is that the +at1 rating is least affected by this approach.

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C#! P:/eply Thanks@

&ragon'ired saysC'pr #1, #7,A. <C7! ':/eply Thanks for the instructable. was planning on building one of these myself, the only thing would change is to use # female /0!1 "acks, to eliminate repairs when the pigtail breaks. Thanks for taking the time to document and post the relevant information.

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C#A P:/eply Thank you@

99gu puppet saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ;C## ':/eply &ome types of ethernet use all < wires and will not work with this scheme. Bigabit ethernet uses all < wires and is not compatible with this scheme. There are ways to build a * K P?E adapter for gigabit ehternet.... but they are more comple$.

eLab 2author4 saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,C#A P:/eply KouEre right, this adapter is only for ,7 and ,77 :bps networks.

A()an field saysC'pr #1, #7,A. ,#C!A P:/eply /eminds me of /)+ A#1,, Electricity over P.

Gab e saysC'pr #,, #7,A. IC!# P:/eply can i plug also the arduino with ethernet shield and PoE module to this adapterJ

*racknel saysC'pr ##, #7,A. ,,CAA ':/eply ?f course C4

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